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Previous Thread >>2706834

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So how bout that pone
Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 4.5 05/04/12
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>Some autist keeps deleting threads at the same time every day for some reason
What's the fucking reason?
Derpy and Screw Ball are the cutest fucking retards since ever
nice try, faggot
Kill yourself
inb4 Leth deletes the thread
always was
always will be
He's mad about something, anon.
Oh Leth~
I never knew you felt like this before
>>2711049 (Dead)
>He's an autistic, why do you want his shit?
I don't, did you ever read my post? II asked for all the drawings of plane ponies from Jessy since she never posted plane ponies anywhere on her tumblr

reading is hard.

>BCS Twispiek flash finally done
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>tfw it was Leth THE WHOLE TIME
Leth, I...
That's why we prefer tripfag threads over anon threads, however shitty said tripfag may be.
The other thread wasn't linked in the old thread, I didn't think to look for it elsewhere.
What the fuck am I supposed to do in this game, anyways? They make out and I can't seem to do anything.
Holy shit you fuckers are seething with rage.
It's adorable.

Just in case you missed it
Since a while after /co/ we've been more lenient about anon threads since there was no one seeking to steal the marker anymore. I haven't lost faith in anon threads yet
List on top left
Pony should make cute sounds more often, everyone likes pony making cute sounds.

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What the fuck is wrong with this retard. Make him go back to steam.

All of the plane ponies Jessy did, plus a few others made and posted.
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>trying to understand why autistics act autistic

dont even try
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>This is what you actually believe
Keep deleting those threads, I'm sure it'll make us mad some day.
In the distant future.
After the show is cancelled.
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Please, I'm chillin' over here
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/mlp/ pics are on the front page sometimes. That means the horrible porn and other shit is sometimes posts on the front page for all to see.
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I tried tell you morons.
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Was this ever finished?
I blame the guy bitching about sentenal.
He did it a few days ago and keeps posting a screenshot of sentenal "claiming" to hat MLPG or whatever.

And now the faggot is in the anon thread continuing to bitch about how sentenal deleted the thread.

Frankly, it's getting a little old.
>Horrible job at editing the trip
No i'm not the one deleting the threads.
No one visit the front page.
He's more autistic the Sent
Well in /co/ it was to spite pones, so I guess here it's just to spite MLPG
Enough already.
I do sometimes.
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Is there some sort of new extended MLPG in-joke going on? Why the fuck you people won't shut up about sentenal?
that is an awful editing job.
And if you're going to impersonate sentenal, you have to actually try.
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So why aren't YOU playing TF2 right now?

So, this flash suppose to cost 10 dollars?
What a shitstain
That unnerves me too.
I mean,
At least porn threads on /vp/ spoiler there images. Here everyones like LOL PONY PORN SO CLOPPY. SPOILER IMAGES? LOL LOVE AND TOLERATE XD
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>You people
It's one asshurt anon.
Stealing the marker doesn't do a lot of good here.
T-thanks doc.
I want to but I would suck balls
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Well that's familiar.

Anyway, reposting my little beacon just in case. If you're around and take notice, let me know.
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Because I like my freedom like I like my operating system
Because Dota 2 is better
>implying shit is better than vomit
Sorry, I haven't been on tumblr to post it all yet. That and they're mostly messy doodles.

He's a /b/tard who wont fucking leave us alone.
Because I'm going to go get my ass handed to me on counterstrike
We had a pretty fun thread about what we would wear if we were in Equestria earlier today.

We tried to tell everyone creating /mlp/ was a bad idea

sometimes I think MLPG is th e only ones to bother spoiling the porn out of /co/mmon /co/rtesy
Now shut up and enjoy the planes.
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>no way to turn off the awful sound

this is much worse than i ever expected, i feel sorry for BCS
I just have zero interest.
Your little beacon?
All those who die will always be remembered...
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Gee thanks for the repost Sentenal. Im starting to agree with it.
I'm playing Lollipop Chainsaw
Well that's underwhelming.
Eh, I'll probably fap to it once.

Those pictures are old and disproven.
Yeah it's pretty bad.
I suck at it and I'm downloading the Witcher.

Ponies on back legs is creepy. I would like to play a pony shooter where they're on four legs.
inb4 fuck off sentenal

Huh, you think you're so smart sentenal
Don't worry about it. Just looking for someone.
I still think he's an idiot, but the guy constantly reposting this shit and bitching about him needs to seriously shut the fuck up. Goddamn.
messy AWESOME doodles

i feel kinda bad for him
Cause I'm too busy playing a good game.
Leaugue of Le- PFTTTTT can't even say that with a straight face
I like when Rarity squeaks.

eat a dick sentenal
Wow really? I feel bad she work so hard.

It'd be pretty awesome if it was free

But fuck BCS for trying to charge 10 dollars for that
Yeah. I don't really like sentenal, but that guy is so much worse.
Say that in my lane you fucker and see what happens.

Sentenal detected
Because I am playing Saga 2.

>tfw you name your character on the 6manes

Why do I keep doing this?
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this thread sucks
whats a good thing to watch movie tv show whatever
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mobas are shit


Plan 9 From Outer Space
Two or three of you are so fucking mad.
Holy shit.
I've never seen this much mad.
Continue being furious for my enjoyment.

Turn your volume down.
"It was merely an act"

A friend just sent me the link for this....this THING. So I'm going to share the horror with all of you.
That episode
yesterday it seemed like sentinal and winston were in a competition to see who could be the worst shitposting mlpg tripfag of all time.
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>mfw moot makes this the background music permanently
>Jessy just found out about dunkey

I'd pay to watch you two play and make funny voices at each other
We should lane some time Jessica
And the winner was Anonymous.


But the other guy is not so mad anymore
Just found out? I've been subscribed to him for months.
Holy shit haha I don't even know what your talking about.
You raging autist and your conspiracy theories.
Quit being mad at nothing.

Klondike just because you're bad doesn't mean the game is bad
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Well excuuuuuuse me, princess bitch.
It'd still be cool.
In the recruiting, recording and production no one stepped back and thought "this is kind of a bad idea"
If someone would post some good pictures of marker pony, I would appreciate it.

I laugh so fucking much on this video every time.
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>These threads
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Would you Twilight Sparkle in her pretty purple pony pussy?
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Have 12 pictures so far.

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Take this one.
What realm are you on nigger?
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Sounds good to me.
So I was just browsing MLPG as my main Evelynn when out of fucking nowhere, Lee Sin kicks me in the back and kills me.


I'd rather Rarity or AJ or Fluttershy
I suppose.
>the attentions all on guys

Yes, in a completely platonic and non-romantic way.
I am solely dedicated to one horse
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Neat, which video was that from again?

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i would like to make love to our beautiful ageless god-queen
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Not all boards get pics featured on the main page. It actually shows a bias towards slower boards that rarely get porn. /n/ for instance. I don't know why /mlp/ was added to the list of boards to get featured, since a lot of what's posted is porn.
Oh my god I'm dying

how did I not know about Dunkey before
Did you ever record yourself saying LoL quotes?
Also, I heard MF is your favourite.
Draw her as a pony.
I don't even play LoL anymore and I love him.
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spaghetti and meatbaaaaaaalss

I fully accept that I am not worthy enough for full coitus with Celestia, so I'm fine with rimming her for hours and maybe even huffing her cosmic tail so I can get high and walk on the sun.
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>the only thing in life i am currently looking forward to is the bronycon livestreams

shit, i need to work on getting some new hobbies instead of just making fun of bronies
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Take up a job/drawing/writing/vidya.
I can't even get mad at this shit anymore.
I just can't.
I just feel deep regret.
visit /tg/ and lose all of your money?
Yeah that's pretty sad.
I'm going to the carnival today
it'll be fun
Eventually you stop caring.
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Shit like this hurts.

Eventually you just sit there with a thousand-yard stare
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I'm a little rusty on the voices.
so anyone have any in-show reference images of Nightmare Moon? I'd just look at the episode but this computer is shit and my hdd is on the other side of the country
What´s that thing on her head¡
>That feel when you will never post your voice because it will get stolen
pls do Gangplank
Amumu was great, and Annie was decent, but you're no Lilypichu...
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one of the many many things i find incredibly arousing about celestia is her size

she's much larger than normal ponies and i like to imagine she's big, but not as big as a real mare

just hefty enough that her size and weight are imposing and that you can actually mount and ride her (in more ways than one)

i could thrust urgently into her large vagina while stretching out my body over her muscular yet soft ass and back as she stretches her long neck back to give me sweet sloppy kisses
Ahri or Teemo?
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MLP Wikia has whole gallaries. Look up the first two episodes.
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>tfw sound like 40 at 18
>often mistaken for a black guy
>having a voice
It's like you're trying to piss me off
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>that head gear
I second this.
>playing League
>when you have dota
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I have 15 more. Want all of them, or do: >>2711558

I want her to lower her big mare vagina over my nose and mouth so all I can taste and smell is her big mare vagina
These will do nicely, thanks.
>not wanting to ride her around her chambers until her ancestral horse memories cause her to become subservient to you
I bet you only pretend to like Celestia.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to leave a comment on that brony video on how bad it is.
Jessy did you finish cute Air liner

Bitch please

You'd probably ride her with a saddle
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Dude, where the love and tolerance at?
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What do feathers taste like?
does pony dance down at the copacabana?

Nothing in particular
Bags of sand
>without a beak
dumbass pls go

>tfw when you use to own a feather pillow and a you bite into it in your sleep.
i'd like to ride her naked, luxuriating in the smooth feel of her perfectly groomed coat against my skin, kissing her neck, becoming aroused and when she can sense my hard cock against her, she gently lowers herself to the ground, raises her ass, and moves her tail to the side so i can see how wet she is for me

she winks her big perfect pussy and i hungrily dive my face in, motorboating her labia and delighting in her juices coating my entire face
>pillow biter
Oh my~
Not this faggot again.
We killed it.
When it was young we found it in a forest and hunted it. It was surprisingly evasive, always hiding before we could strike the killing blow. But recently our hunting ground was limited to one board, and its hiding places easily rooted out. I have to admit I enjoyed watching the light fade from its eyes. And you'll be happy to hear we didn't waste a bit of it.

I bet you're wondering what the carpet is made of now, aren't you?
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God, my eyes are being strained trying to see what is what.
are plane pones still a thing?
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>doesn't like preening
>Moot in charge of anything
>teeth are the same as beaks

see: >>2711625
what up my ponosexuals
I don't appreciate anything you do
MLPG, you have ten days to smoke an entire carton of cigarettes. Upon completion, you will be transported to Equestria where you will happily live out the remainder of your days.

However, there is a 1 in ten chance you develop lung cancer and die by age 50.

Can you complete the challenge, and better yet, is it worth the risk?
I don't smoke.
Nor will I waste my money on such methods when I'm already stockpiled on bleach.
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Any coloring requests?
>smoking cigarettes
i don't see the downside
one carton? and then straight to equestria?

hahahaha oh wow where is that carton?
Dota is the better game. For sure.

LOL is more >Fun

Well I would at first. After some sort of party or formal affair that she had to wear a fancy saddle to I'd offhandedly mention what saddles are used for back on earth. She'd be amused and agree to let me ride her when we got back to her chambers. We'd both have great fun and agree to do this again tomorrow night. Before long it will end up like >>2711630. After that it's only a matter of time before I do the same with her sister.
1 in 10 I like those odds

Huh. It's an educational app apparently.

Klondike what champions do you play
You know who had fun too?


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working on it.
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>nobody will ever color this because MLPG is a faggot
That's the only one he can.
1-5 horse
6-0 league
dubz kill self
So what kind of planes are they?

nobody will ever color it because it's shit
You know they can cure cancer, right? I accept.
A-10 and 707
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Do you think we'll ever get back to /co/, /co/?
hey no it's not
some semifamous drawfag did that
Red is an A-10
and Blue is a 707
>cute Blitz

this is even better! thank you jessy. these plane pones are great
Only when this board is purge like /fur/ or the lack of interested.
Was the dress ever in the show? I keep thinking it was.
you can always start a pony thread there and see what happens
Thanks Jessy
No. /mlp/ will never be destroyed. This would piss off the rest of the site and drive them to paranoia. They're not going to make an exception for us just because we're from /co/ and because /co/ really didn't have much of a problem with us.
I don't think we can go back. Not now. And when the show ends...
>tfw you reject my gift of a Dota invite to play with babby


Jesus christ, did he pick the worst AD fighter he could?

Hes pretty damn talented
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Twilight design dress by Rarity in Sweet and Elite.

He's not bad, but literally every other AD melee is better
Play DOTA with meeee
>giving a shit about internet celebrities
because a semifamous drawfag drew it doesn't mean it can't be shit?

We can't go back. Not before we destroy this fandom.
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it hurts my heart thinking about how beautiful and kind and perfect she is and how she will never be real and how i will never run my fingers through her ethereal mane or kiss her passionately while i thrust into her sloppy hot pussy or be embraced in her mighty wings or fist her juicy cunt while tickling her big asshole with my tongue
I want to play LoL with MLPG but Im scared to play normals.
Olaf, Lee and Darius master race.
Are we still talking about planes?
>>> DSM4 i am, but this is quite hilarious to me i have seen to many rape scenarios to care..... is he going to kill her then???? at least give it a cupcakes reference for all of us please??? :scootangel: is the rest of the mane six involved at all????

We can always go against bots if you are EUNE
>playing League
I am losing faith in MLPG's tastes

Pantheon true master race here
What about crawling up her memory foam butthole?
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>my negative comment on that shit brony version of Aria got deleted

How banally butthurt
1/10, first part was beliveable, but celestiafags aren't that bent on sexing
We've been playing it for a time.
Well some of us.
And we're not saying that it's a good game, but it's >fun
I tried Dota 2 but im too casual and didnt want to shit up other peoples games.

Dota 2 just has too much shit going on
Come play DOTA with meeee
I play ______lux
Am I a bad person?
Only if you don't spam shift+4
i just want to tongue tickle it and maybe fist it and cum inside it and watch as it oozes back out and she has cute little farts from all my thrusting in and out of her asshole

Not if you're good with her

I play Lux in the rare occasion that nobody picks an AP ranged
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>Celestia will never be benevolent totalitarian dictator of Earth
I had a Lux player get buttmad and AFK the whole game because I told him killstealing doesnt exist in the game.

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How do you even masturbate to this?
>Dota 2 just has too much shit going on
I was actually implying all aRTS suck, not just League but come on, you're being retarded. You need to practise stuff
I play Ahri, Karthus and Morgana
I'm the worst you can imagine.
>being good, kind and caring
>20- >ever
There are people that fap to those things. That is tamed by /d/ standard.
what did you say?
>not letting your carry take the kills
But my "practice" was making the game worse for others.

I cant be like that bro.

Because it does
1-3, watch Paprika
4-6, play Reciever
7-9, MLPG
0 or dubs, bleach
Humanity created civilization, not because of a willingness, but because of a need to be assimilated into higher orders of structure and meaning.
But it doesn't.
How boring.
thats still not killstealing. most of the time in that situation its an accident.
You know, you can just make a random number generator in excel.
>caring about KS

it's a team game bro
and you're trying to kill the other team as fast as you can
most of the time your AD/AP people will get the kills anyway
>that feel man
ill stick to games i know how to play so i dont make time shit for other people.

Lux, as a carry, needs to be fed to be effective.

If you take her kills, you are stealing her goddamn kills.
Humanity created civilization because if it didn't, we wouldn't be able to contemplate that fact.
>moophins will never finish the dash x spitfire pic
I don't mind people taking my kills with when i'm lux, if I don't get my early rabadons i switch to ranged stun support lux.
People sure get mad when you take kills with the lazor though
>using Microsoft office
>implying I ever said I cared about Killstealing
>implying I said killstealing exists
Nope, just gave a basic tactic and you completely missed the point
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Something doesn't seem quite right...

Nothing special, just called them out on their constant unwarranted self-praise and how the fandom is more built around itself rather than the show.
You're matched with people of your MMR and hours spent in Dota

They all suck just as bad
what can i say, i'm a pretty plain vanilla guy

i just like to look at girls' buttholes and maybe lick them and play with them and cum inside them

i'm not into scat or farts or anything like that
What if you do that, then crawl inside after you finish?
One word
Come play with me anon, I'll teach you and stuff

It'll be fun!
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>That goal
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>Still getting exp
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S-shut up
This is really annoying.

My head is full of ideas for things to draw, but I can't seem to get them right on a canvas properly. And bashing my head against the tablet only makes blood come out, instead of art.
But then you'd get covered in cum. The best thing to do is fuck one hole, then crawl up the other.
Dash is a ghost and we could see the bush behind her?
Because of METAGAEM if you take that Luxs kill it was either

A. an accident


B. it was kill them or they might get away

Keep in mind most of the bitchers dont even PLAY by the metagame. So they are bitching about KS because they arent doing iron man numbers
add giant boobs bouncing and bronies will love it no matter what
What the fuck. Renchan is baller

fuck yo[u
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There's that word again

I don't think it means what you think it means
>Not playing Olaf
I seriously
Maybe that's what I want...
>playing pay to win video games
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mmmm back.
Oh god all I've eaten in 30 hours is a bag of saltines
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my butt is full of bleh what should I do
i want /v/ to go
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>Mfw Ahri's q takes me down to 1/3 health
uh huh.



Live fast and die young, eh?
Ask Ross for help? Okay.
>not as flat as a ten year old boy
Nigga plz.
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>play 100+ games
>to unlock a single champion
Riot are literally the biggest fucking jews ever
Fine but at least add some blush.
Anyone want to color this?
Well actually now that I think about it. I play Ren like a support and almost a tank. Diving in attacking, diving out, stunning to help a teammate escape, that kind of thing. K/D/A ratio is always pretty abnormal for an AD.
>Game I just played, 3/1/9
>Game before that. 3/5/23
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Please eat.

When? I wasn't gone that long
welcome aboard again appesarcum

where is mrs Big Mac

do it
>Exp boosts
>Pay to win
jessy, please finish that celestia you promised

apple draw lyrabon
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background ponies are so cute

how do you think they'd react if i went around hugging them

with an erection
shits disgusting, yo
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>Rabadon-E-Q-W-You ded
krek pls go

According to this, every free to play game is pay to win. Why make a graph when you can just say that?
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>you will never cloud a pony's mind with earscratches and make them eat stuff out of your hand


I thought he died

Background ponies look copy paste because they have the same movements.
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>Eating more than what my body needs to replace decrepit cells and tissue
>Taking in more energy than what is required to maintain maximum metabolism efficiency

I bet you don't even lift
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hey Apple, you once said to remind you about the request regarding sexy Chrysalis, so... here i am.

please? ;3
>level up faster
>more mastery points as a result
>completely ignoring the other half of the diagram
Rose, arr you here?

Call me when there's a pill for that. Too much fucking effort otherwise.
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he died of lesbian horse overdose
Background ponies are rubbish. They need some sort of crappy fanon involving some sort of fetish to be good.
>ross keeps claiming to be an animation expert
>no one has ever seen anything finished from him

when are you guys going to stop taking anything ross says seriously?
>Dota 2
>pay to win
I wasn't even referring to LoL.
It's just fucking wrong to say that exp boosts are pay to win.

could you do Changeling theatre


Hearts and hooves day carboard cutout tier theatre with budget changelings
>just living off pills
You want to fuck up your digestive organs?
Isn't Dota 2 just skins?

New skins boosts morale. High player morale is OP.
Pay to win.

>implying they're not going to be selling heroes for cash after release
But that's not true at all. There are exp boosts in GW2. Imagine if they were in tribes?
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Why not just play a tank?

Tanks get kills AND assists.
get dunked faggot
Are you implying GW2 is pay to win?
Not quite. Each hero has about 8 different item slots, like in TF2. You can find different cosmetic items for each slot

So yeah, cosmetic skins, but with a fuckton of variety
Its "pay for it to not suck"
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Hard way to overdose.
> There are exp boosts in GW2
But anon, those things are fucking useless and you could literally get a whole bunch of them ingame.
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O-o-only furniture and firewood.

I'm sorry.

No, I want a pill that perfectly nourishes and takes care of my whole body so I can focus on something other than eating. I hate eating.
>all heroes are free on release
>they promised this would always be the case
>it is the case right now
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>This is what you actually believe
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i might try LoL again since diablo3 is pretty much dead now. in LoL i remember only dominion being fun because in summonerrift being stuck with a retard on your team for 40min was painful
Exp boosts will make it pay to win, yes.
Depends how you define winning

Diablo 3 is a perfect example of a P2W game
But Panka you love video games
Well then say good by to eating a good steak or what not. Your body would not be able to handle them if you just eat pills.
>since diablo3 is pretty much dead now

It was dead before it even hit retail
> a retard on your team for 40min was painful
>only "a retard"
Try 5

Ever since they removed the option to surrender, it's been absolutely retarded.

Exp boosts give you no advantage in PvP at all, and most of the exp is gained by events and quests, which are not affected by boosts.
tl;dr get dunked

What in the FUCK are you talking about?

That's what I'm saying, I don't give a fuck. I don't eat steaks, I don't like eating, I just eat something fast and good enough to get down my throat, meaning I don't eat healthy.
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i'm masturbating right now and getting close

give me a pony-related picture or thought to cum to
i made $400 in the rmah in diablo. now i can afford tablet and mare vag fleshlight.
>absolutely ignoring the part about how it depends on what you define as winning
>saying get dunked like "Fuck off"

in that time spent playing diablows you could have gotten a real job and earned twice as much
brr huehue
cause I suck with all tanks besides Volibear
/v/ pls go
Well, that will come back to haunt you. Mark my words.

Hahaha, 10/10 on everything.
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Fucking Ronaldo
Rarity's mouth open and waiting to receive.

Have you tried Malphite?
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Goddamnit tess, you card!
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She wants you anon
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What happened to Krek is like that one Recess episode where the swinger kid disappears for the day. He swung over the bar.

In this case the bar is a metaphor for lesbian horses.
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You should read this
Yes. Hes pretty awesome.
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>real job

ya i'll get right on that
>Klondike will never play Dota with you
>no genitalia

that's a no go

How do you build him?
speaking of which. I need to try animating again.
If I can just find a nice .gif maker where I can actually do framerates. I don't have flash but I know how to do it ghetto with SAI. and just have an arrangment of numbered .png's
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>tfw Portugal eliminates Spains and beats Germany at the final
There is no way someone could make such a retard choice in life.
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Get Flash!
dis is da year
oh wow, i think this is the first sleepyhead picture i will not save. i even saved the awful porn that one guy drew.
I have one thing to say, just one thing.

Ronaldo is good at football.
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Where did you even get that?
I've actually saw that with my own eyes but I'm not autistic enough to notice if it was sentenal's actual trips.
>not saving it for the dreamworks face alone
I remember this post, actually
Some random thread on Fimchan from when 4chan was down yesterday.
Isn't that flyingsaucer's shitty OC?
Were you autistic enough to believe it was sentenal?
Not as good as >Messi
NA but I just made an EUW account
I plan on switching
Dude, it's sentenals actual fucking trip.
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This is the trip the guy posted with in that thread.
Oh so even worse. The picture is terrible all OCs aside anyway. Why is his OC 5x bigger than Sleepyhead?
Hay applebutt, are you gonna draw some more porn in the future?
That's good because I play on EUNE
We'll never play together ;_;
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>living in mainland europe
hahahahaha faggot
Shut the fuck up sentenal, use words.

its shit, kill yourself
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I was this close to not having enough undos to return it to normal. That'll teach me to mess around without being sure if I can fix it.
Flash is actually really easy to get your hands on.
I mean, I managed to get it.
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Donno. Thats just how RO drew it.
I dub thee autismanon
Mai waifu can fly over the mountain.
why must plane pones be bald
Planes don't have hair, faglord
Planes dont have hair, Anon
Why is she flying over a mountain?

Because shes in love
if they did they'd be sexier
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Use your imagination fuckwit.

Just imagine slowly taking off her robe and gently rubbing her sensitive tummy, arousing her and making her ponypussy wet with tasty sweet fluids
Ponykart is vaporware.

I'm at a loss for words.
maybe but that would just be silly, anon
Probably. But it's more material than Pony Crossing.
boner killed, almost as bad as sissy talk

As someone who is not that anon but is also masturbating, I would appreciate if you'd post more Fluttershy
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that's ok, as long as fighting is magic will be out
oh dear

Not sure... People were complaining about him long before that, and there are other devoted shitsposters following MLPG.

Only thing for sure is that I am not autistic enough to give a second fuck.
ponegina? mare vagina?
I've got bad news for you, anon...
>fighting is magic
>coming out
nasse you why you stop drawing pone? you were getting so much better...
how about just vagina or pussy you faggot
Pony penis plopper!
Pony shlooper dooper!
Pony gallagoopa floop!
I was just gonna draw since I was bored.
That´s just stupid.
I love it
Air Liner and Blitz with glasses pls




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>filly filler
There doesn't need to be "mare" in front of everything.
vaporware of ant kind makes me sad...
This is the worst possible thing.
There is nothing new under the sun, nothing to do.

I think I'll finally get around to drinking that bleach today.
winking mare vagina
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>John as sentenals name
>not Robert
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You don't fill vaginas with vaginas.
You silly.

Well keep it coming

Nasse, stop beating it to ponies.
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It is John, he posted a screencap of his documents some time ago
But "filly filler" is a real one that real "clop" writers use.
>John confirmed to be first name
>John Gibson

thanks, now I have something to search for
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>implying she doesn't want you to tenderly pleasure her

Her pussy is wet and tight too.
Autism in action - we can do more!
But she looks so sad
post again plox

Seriously? Do they even know fillies are young female horses? Makes them sound like paedophiles.
Shut up John
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>molest pony

yes captcha
when are we going to play mafia horse again
it's because she'd bald
>you are now hearing her gentle whimpers and gasps
It's a wig, anon. She's self-conscious about her baldness.

Just came back.

Is that the first jet you posted today or do I have to lurk the archives for more?
I would play
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>Bob cut
I'm always up for it, but I don't think anyone who plays is out right now
That wasn't me
But no
Which pony likes stallions dicks the most

Which pony likes dragon dicks the most

Which pony likes human dicks the most
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Hair are anti-aerodynamic you gaylord!

Do you even go fast?
I didn't save it, it was long time ago
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Rarity. All three.


It's Mito, he's trying to "troll" people again
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derpy is a very untippable waitress

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Waifu. Slut. Not.
>the yellow letters
fuck my eyes
Shut up you spic.

Makes sense. Dooks would know. Mexicans are a crafty people -- they can spot subterfuge.



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You can use your tongue first if you want. It tickles a lot and makes her giggle in between bouts of orgasmic moans
Also Rarity for Gryphons dongs
that's not even a bright yellow
stop being a baby
Derpy is the tippablest waitress of them all

This is the picture that turned me into a Flutterfag
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omg check your privileges u racist shit
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Guys. Plz stop talking shit about mai waifu.

She is a classy lady. She's experienced, but she's hardly a slut.
>She's experienced
But they are virgins.

It's okay anon, everybody knows our waifu is not a slut. They're just messing with us, it's all in good fun, haha.
The lighter yellow against the bright blue and white is terrible
Maybe oral?
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Did you check yours against roosters/bulls/pit bulls or whatever animal you brownies put to fight to the death?
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Rarity for all of them
That's why Rarity likes anal so much.
Rarity is a classy lady with manners, sophistication, and grade.
but a freak in the sheets
Please. Even Twilight and Fluttershy get more than you ever will.
Are those little windshield wipers?
Don't make me get on that table, anon.
oh god
more pls
Yo Malphites pretty rad
Thats adorable

In the last MLPG managerial meeting we decided to get rid of all tables.
I love these plane ponies so fucking much.

i brought my own table.
thats fucking adorable
The MLPG meetup will have NO tables
>Implying we're a hivemind

I'm against rooster fights, or bull "corridas", it's just dumb and unnecesary cruelty.

Also the bulls fight is originally from Spain.

Then I'm afraid I'll have no choice but have security walk you out, with your table.
Check your table at the Marker, anon.
>implying mexicans AREN'T a hivemind

god dommot, I'll just go play video games.
What's your opinion on tamales, Dooks?
Because I think they're pretty cool
How long before some weird pony-sex (or at last sexual cuddles) between Blitz and Plane Pony?

Fun thing is that I don't want to see it from anyone else but jessy, because her poneis are adorable. Jr most likely will do it, but it will be dull as fuck, no thanks
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It's up to jessy.
Chicken tamales with salsa are god-tier
we both know she will never do it

We got a regular Sherlock Holmes in here tonight.
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Man, my grandma always wanted to teach me how to make them, but I kept avoiding it until she died. Turned out my mother never learned how either and she never kept her recipes written down ;_;
Jessy I'm sorry but your pony has a nice butt.
My roommate's mother makes tamales whenever she comes over. I like her very much.
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I like Lyra. I like her a lot.
Aww, thanks sentinel!
Ya blew it!
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I-I'm not even sentinal.
and that's not Jessy
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You HAVE to admit she has a nice ass.
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I like her more
I would Palette.
I would Palette so hard.
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anun stup
we dun need to creep her out again

then we got no more plane ponies
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w-well she was only trying to teach me to insult me. Tamale-making is traditionally done by women and my grandmother always said that I didn't do enough guy-things.
This isn't mlpg
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>Jessy drawing plane ponies again

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>Not cleaning your pone
Do you even lift Jessy?

Wow. What a dick. What are tamales anyway?
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Tell you the truth I never liked shameless self-insert.

Sleepy pone was cool though.
anons stop being so creepy
we had a nice plane day yesterday and now you are ruining it :(
You should have told your grandmother to check her privilege.
Escierto muchacho los hombres no hacemos tamales ni tortillas.
pony is bleeding she needs to go to hopital
You... lurk amongst us?
Food, that is tasty as fuck
Thats adorable not Rose.
That's fucking great, man!
>What are tamales anyway?
( ゚ Д゚)
Mashed up corn
Nice one.

>What are tamales anyway?
Corn Husk

I live in the frozen north. All I've eaten are tacos and tortillas which are probably pale copies of the original dishes.
You have to live the dream and be the little girl. Do it for granny!
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>don't be creepy
>in MLPG

where do you think we are

The traditional corn ones are god-tier.

They can be sweet or spicy.
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But Butts!
Nice butts!
You have no idea
I am so sorry
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That's freaking adorable, thank you!
There are people are using "check your privilege" in a non-facetious and unironic way?

Now draw a sleepy plane pony.
Sorry if we creep you out

Yes. Transsexuals.
They're some spiced meat (usually pork) rolled in massa (corn meal, basically) and packed into a corn husk, then cooked.

They are delicious. Here in Texas you can usually find peeps selling them on the road or out of shacks or whatever. Wonderful street food.

Many more varieties are in Mexico, I'm told.
People don't realize things are jokes
>shitty phone shovelware dev
Not here but yes
Can we please stop using other people being shitheads as excuses to be creepy assholes?
It's very fourth grade.
>all these mexican foods

Man, I am thirsty for some horchata right now.....
fuck you, cis scum
have a bit of respect
>I'm told.
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I think he is likely referring to


Unless pegasi have such a gland, they would be caring for their feathers in a way that did not include chewing on them. And if they did have such a gland, the teeth seem like a rather counter productive way to do it

Sounds pretty damn tasty. I love our version of tortillas already, I can only imagine how good they must be where people actually know how to make them.
Most of the people in here at this point are probably in high school, what's the difference?
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when is hoppip making another puppet
>that feel when peeling the skin off your sunburn and eating it

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>he doesn't check his privilege
I'm better at feminism than all of yall sorry mofos.
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>That feel when /mu/ is worse than /v/
When the fuck did that happen?
That looks painful..
No, we don't do this
I live practically on the mexican border, but I'd die if I ate mexican food as much as I wanted ;_;
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Both music and games are dead.
What are you gay?
I do that too.
and I eat my semen
its delicious
>Eating your semen
My nigga.

No, but I can appreciate a healthy male body.
Have you tried it after eating fresh fruit?
God how I hated Diamond Tiara before PVC.
No homo.
>Get ready to cum
>Think about eating your semen
>Cum everywhere, gets on your face and chest
>Don't really want to eat the semen anymore
>Go take shower
Of course, it's fucking delicious.
Tessssssssssssssssssssssss do you have a thing I can follow ALL of your drawings on?
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It's weird that there are people who expect others to eat their cum but would never eat their own.
or their "feathers" are just convergent and not homologous to bird feathers and have swet-glands like most mammals
Hypocrisy. That's what it is.

Hahaha, I used to do that a couple of times as a teen, same result. There was just no way for me to overcome the repulsion.
>it's weird that there are people that would kill others but not kill themselves
>Dash walks in on you masturbating.jpg

Wait, revulsion. I think. What's the word I'm looking for?
What kind of dumb comparison is that?
>not hording all of your cum for yourself
>not gleefully slurping up your master's cum, too
I shit post there a lot though, but I'm trying to tone it down.
Not updated nearly as often nor with as much stuff, but no shitposts.
That's not really a good parallel. Presumably you at least like the person giving you head?
Whoever suggested Malphite earlier, fucking thank you. I am getting way more kills then I ever had before!

I'm also getting way more deaths but..that's besides the point.
I don't view eating my semen sexually.

It's just less messy and more practical than tissues.
sorry it's choppy. haven't done this in forever
just a quickie
I eat it because of that and because it's delicious
I use a rag when I want to avoid a mess.
It's cute
Hot damn that's great lookin already.
Very cute, but, yeah, very choppy on the last two frames
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159 KB
Oh sure a thread that was.

It looks great. Keep it up.
>Apples can also animated

You make me so jealous
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Seems a good a time as any to drop another flare. If you're around, let me know.
Malph is easy mode, but sounds wierd to me that you take many kills unless your team really sucks at DPSing.
so ded
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>>2 4 me
>2 minute gap within posts
RIP MLPG it was fun while it lasted.
I'm hungry.
I want a tamale.
But the mexican food place is all the way down the road.
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People still think I'm japanese
You know, I just went with it for shits and giggles at first but there's a reason I like applejack
Lone star state nugga
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>fellow texasfag who isn't that bitch Winston
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78 KB
Best pone.
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Thread is dead
Thread is dead
Thread is dead
Thread is dead
Apples you will forever be Japanese.
In my heart. it helps me sleep at night to say that his drawings are that much better then mine because hes japanese. Just let me hold on to that dammit.
that means you're half mexican then?
Fucking 'murricans not knowing about great yurop
>that feel when I was the first post

good feel
Better to die than to be killed.
I have no ideas and I don't want to take requests because I never deliver
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353 KB
>Now I'm thinking about eating semen again

the doctors said I should take up a hobby to get my mind off of it
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95 KB

Klondork pls draw
>dat Twilight's mom reaction
Do some studies.
Go to /ic/ for some inspiration!
>spoke to doctors about a desire to eat semen

There's gotta be a great story here. Seriously, wut?
Because you're terrible. I mean, god, you could at least try man.
Every texas friend who isn't winston makes me happy


Post your state
post ur dick
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174 KB
I'll do you one better. North Glendale/La Crescenta, CA.
>implying 'murrica
Enjoy getting mugged
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Fuck off Circlejerker
Was MLPG highschool group photo in Justice League pose ever delivered?
Seriously, why do you continue this pretense that you're some sort of drawfag when you never draw?

All I ever see you do is complain.
Klondike draw poni.
Daily "What are you listening to, mlpg?" post.
who is most tsundere pone?
Draw what.
>average household income: $82,693
>whites: 66%
>latinos: 20%
>asians: 20%
>college degree:41%
yeah, no.
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You're a horrible person.
Nasse, keep drawing and don't listen to Ross.
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>That feel when it all feels so empty

the death cries of a chimera
Ricky Gervais Show.
Is it me or does the theme sound like the Dragon Quest Theme?
Draw Pinkie in a thone of chocolate.
New horse soon?
First day of Pinkie working for the cakes
Half of your percentage is black but you have 66 percent White?

I think you should redo that math anon
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982 KB
its quiet.

Its the calm before the storm because soon,

Draw Rainbow Dash wearing boyshorts
The Fratellis


Cargo shorts and sandals erryday
We've got like a hundred images left man
/co/ pls go
A Silver Mt. Zion.

I'd feel worse for listening to pretentious shit if it wasn't so pretty.
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Ok guys. Brave or Prometheus? Which one should I waste my money on?
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Fucking love this song.
Prometheus was shit
god dam these things always stick to me
>what is percents

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They've got a point, I won't be coming back until I've drawn something.
Well, see ya'll tomorrow.
Finite state automation
ooh, me like

now they need a couple of awesome names
New characters!
Super cool
Eeeee more plane ponies!
fucking unf
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135 KB
my white fleshlight came in the mail today. i was planning to jack it to rarity first but accidentally blew my load to dj butt club

my review is, it does not feel exactly like real life like they say but it is good enough that i wont be using hand or peels anymore

my little pony general
I know im just jokeng
>everyone who doesn't love Nasse is Ross

No, shut up.

Whatever respect I had for Nasse has long since evaporated. Fine, people who are new to art aren't going to be great and that'll make them feel sad.

But Nasse doesn't do anything but hang around and try to make people feel sad for him. And when he does draw? And in that celestial alignment when people actually give him feedback? It still doesn't go anywhere.

He's nothing more than a self-sustaining pity machine.
Is there a way to get this sound thing to work in opera?
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>paying $120 for a sketch
Good choice of spank material, anon. Glad you're happy with your purchase.
>not going with Rarity

I call Rarity a slut, but the fact that you went with DJ butt club sickens me to no end. Rarity deserves far better.

Working on it atm
Mayday and...Runway?
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Listen to it you faggots
since when is this a thing?
go away nanakianon
Technically today, actually, but that's nitpicking
who is meesh. i want to see what $120 worth of art looks like
69 love songs
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1.59 MB
That was pretty cool. Thanks for sharing!
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143 KB
klonderp, who are you going to main for the Persona 4 fighting vidya?
Patrician choice there.
he doesn't come around often anymore though, gladly.
Deep Purple - Child in Time
>Technically today
Not really, do you even america?
that works
He works for ClubStripes.
>living in murrka
Hey I just turned that on
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68 KB
>mfw last night
I think he's realized he's used up his allotment of sympathy.
Slowpokin' here, they're making a fighting game out of that?
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a decent gay furry porn artist who can draw a nice horsecock but he puts his fursona in all pictures
Blur - Modern life is rubbish
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69 KB
>psescape replied to your photoset:
>Rainbow Dash in a siscon context and not a tsundere…
>tfw why
I could lie here in bed and listen to it all day..
Sounds like 0r0
Itt's more because A) the show is on hiatus and B) I don't draw
>Rainbow Dash in a siscon context and not a tsundere
what's a siscon?

sho nuff
Well a triple album is definitely a good choice for that
i like ponies

sssssssooooooooo much
0r0's much more of a pompous ass
I downloaded the entire Mountain Goats discography and like 20 live shows from >demonoid and I worked my way through it in a day.

Dude released a lot of stuff. Good marathon listening stuff though.
What a fag.
If someone had told me that a triple CD concept album about love songs could be a transcendent experience I'd tell them to fuck off.

But now I've listened to 69 love songs.
Thanks Tess, I'll reblog this now

Aw, i felt like we were close to a breakthrough
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3 MB
Well, consider me excited.
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2.55 MB

Looks like I'm not the only one who enjoys YM2612. Take this: [1]
Dang. i was hoping you'd show F22 and F35 as the plane pone version of the CMC
>2. Siscon
>A person with an unusually strong and probably sexual attachment to their sister. One of the numerous Japanese "complex" portmanteaus that indicate real-life creeps and fictional doujinshi protagonists.
Also my excuse to continue being stupid.
So long as I have Pinkie Pie, nothing can go wrong with my life
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Pone Liker, is that you?
watching that meesh stream.

>Your bigger, stronger boyfriend will never lower you on to his cock in a sitting position
end me now.
It mostly seems to be him poking his head into the thread, then leaving when it's clear there aren't going to be enough people to mindlessly coddle him.
That one was fun.
Mite be late but Brotag all the way

But can you guess who I REALLY am?
>being in that thread
I don't remember that many tripfags on /v/
'breakthrough'? 404? What?
Why does Rainbow look so dumb on that gif?
Where is my pony klondike?
Dumb in what way?
Lazerface posting today?
and people complain about OUR tripfags
Some shitty pony thread on /v/. Suprisingly low on autism, just one spess muhreen and few tripfags being tripfags.
The show 404'd. it's over Anon
>tfw want to be the little sub
>tfw 6'1" and 325 lbs
kill me now :(
deafy pls go
Almost everything looks right, but her face...
It's just not right.
It's like a rubber ball with some facial features plastered on it.
It doesn't look natural or head-like.
Oh noooooo
i wish i could have gotten that guy to go on about why he diddnt like the show. He seemed willing to actually discuss it.
>tfw 5'7"
no one will ever respect me ;_;
>tfw 5'7" and 120 lbs
somehow I don't feel like a winner
They're eating her!

And then they're going to eat me!
Go get some cardio. Work out until you have a slender figure and a nice butt.
Then go to gay clubs and look for the bigger guys.
She's not holding a graduate school diploma, that's pretty dumb
>be 5'6"
>even a little pony wouldnt want to hug a loser shorty like me
I wonder what Blitz and Air Liner looked like as foals?
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Spoiler Image, 45 KB
You sound like you're well on your way, anon.
What an odd coincidence, I was just watching that clip a little while ago
Society (even amurrican society) looks down on fat people a lot more than short skinny people. At least if you're not 5th percentile height or something.
Its right there. Are you blind? Stop shouting!
Let's be short together, anons
Maybe one day we won't have tailors giggle when getting a new suit fitted ;_;
>pile of un-welded metal sheets and engine guts
>foal Blitz when she was teething

I bet nobody came out of that looking pretty
Hey I don't...
I never thought about it that way.
It's usually because the alternatives are usually fart fetishes and hating on someone.
Oh god have I gone blind?

I dont see any of the ponies! Where are they!
I know that feel, anon.
I'd love to be able to trap it up occasionally, but God made me a big, hairy dude. Shit sucks.
>tfw 5'6'' 180 lbs
>tfw i dont really know why im responding
Oh god, this whole topic of discussion is like one gigantic bodyswap fetish.

would you? Who?
but in a cute way
What are you supposed to do if you're just ugly?
>tfw 6'0" 165

why not
plastic surgery? different hair?
You will once you're in panties and have a cock up your ass.
>tfw can't into shit systems the americans use, and only understand sensible measurements like meters
>N: hey everyone, it's me!
>A: draw something
>N: no I suck
>A: okay yes you do
>A2: how dare you say that!
>N2: I'll go play games instead

It's really tedious in it's inevitability.
I would bodyswap with either Tiarawhy for that chin, or Fassbender for that fucking hair
god damn
god damn
I dunno what to do then.
It looks alright to me.
Maybe a blinking animation would help?
"I won't need that second language class. Why should I study for that final exam?" she said.
yeah, and "stone."
>tfw 1.8288 meters and 11.786 stone
>tfw 1.90 m, 70 kg and still a lonely loser
The problem is more with the shape of the head in my opinion.
Maybe it just looks awkward to me, but it's just not right for my eyes.
6'1" 325 lbs is:

0.00921717172 furlongs
3.61111111 firkins
On a scale of sandpaper cacti to warm living pillow, how soft is Pinkie's little tummy?
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I think suicide is far more realistic, reasonable, feasible, and affordable
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We need an Oreo pony.
warm living pillow.

Have you ever rubbed a small dog's tummy? It's kinda like that but pinker.
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>this picture cost $135
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>this idea
Epic Mafia anyone?
Fill up a pool ring with cornstarch and water.
That is brilliant
I have to pay that much for you to take it away? What a rip!
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>Paying money for art

I could say I'll draw something and then just disappear too.
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Do you think Pinkie likes a gentle belly rub?

Or rough, heavy patting?
fucking nanaki
i-it's not like I have a tribal fetish or anything
>not supporting your favorite artists financially
>paying money for anything
>You know, I can respect your interests and all in clopping even though I dont actually clop myself. Love and tolerate. And I suppose I should respect that you have a weird obsession for incest pedophilia once again love and tolerate no matter how hard it is. But please keep it on the website that r34 is specifically dedicated to. One because then noncloppers dont have to deal with it and two posting it here gives haters a reason to insult us. I'm sure that r34 sites allow video posts. right?
Und somit, Twilight geschlagen war, und die umarmung wieder doppelte. Und dann, siehe da. Rainbow Dash durch die Tür kam und erklärte, "Sie ist hart genug! Kommen Sie von ihm weg!" Pinkie Pie plötzlich erscheinen aus dem Waschbecken, sagte: "Oh nein hat sie nicht!" Dieser folgte ihr befreien sich selbst aus den Rohren. Es gibt Code Limit fand sich selbst, umgeben von wütenden ponys, seinem Swingenden kostenlos und dick. Applejack betrat den Raum und sagte, "Was ist das?" "Das,", hat Rarity gesagt, (denn sie hatte sich versteckt in den dachsparren) "Ist das, was gemeinhin bekannt als "trouser snake". Ich verstehe weil alles was mit Kleidung zu tun haben, sie verstehen." Aber dann ist es im Zimmer brannte, weil Fluttershy manipuliert hatte es auch Schlag, denn niemand hatte Lust auf einladen. Fluttershy zunichte machen und sie nicht sexuell. War nur ein Scherz, das war Witz. Lachen klang. Fluttershy scheinen zufällig, hing auf Code Limit bein suchen nach sehnsüchtig. Quer durch den Raum Gekickt worden,Fluttershy kopf bricht auf der Mauer. Sehr angenehm, und Code. "Du bist ein Ungeheuer!!" Rief die ponys.
Sorry, I can't help you then. It looks alright on my end.
Actually yes, I see what you mean. Though for me it's not the shape, it's more how little the face movies.
Maybe if I animated the face some?
>those fucking comments
>using "money"
>her voice
yes I would. I would. I WOULD.
You wouldn't download a car!
Count me in whenever you're ready.
Last night was fun
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>reading through the longest comic ever created on EQD
>pretty decent other than the fact twilight and shining armor keep calling each other "twily" and "shiny"
I would if I had the right DRIVERS!
I'd be down for mafia horse

We need 8 minimum
Well, you could post your attempt and get feedback on how to fix it, then use this to slowly improve yourself as an artist.

Or you can just give up and hide like you usually do, and wonder why you seem to be getting a colder reception each and every time you appear.
You could try that, yes, and some blinks every now and then couldn't hurt either.
Maybe it's just unusual for me.
I'd like to see if those small head movements could make it more life-like.
Also, draw more hobopone, I love her to no end and you barely update ;_;
hey everyone, it's me!

my body wasn't ready
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118 KB
sup fag
Prove it.

>It will still give haters an actual reason to hate us. I personally don't have an issue with this stuff, but I don't want to be labeled with these kind of videos.

>You're the one that likes a video about Twilight's big brother having sex with her while she was a filly, and I'M the one messed up in the head? Or is it that I saw some clop and decided I didn't like it? Or was it my daring accusation of you trying to make videos like this more acceptable to all bronies, regardless of whether they clop or not? And, yes, I do realize that this video was posted with the intent of explicit humor, not because RatCh is into incest pedophilia...
You could always just use http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=XylBot

It has no minimum. You can start a 3-man game if that's what floats your boat.

Kinda complex set of commands, though.
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"Her name is Nympha, Princess of the Changelings, and not QUITE an OC, since if you follow the headcanon I'm proposing here, the Cadance Twilight rescued and Shining Armor married was Nympha all along.

It always puzzled the heck out of me that the changeling queen, a creature that lives exclusively through deception, would so blatantly announce her goals as soon as her ruse has been called, and that's not even touching on how Twilight was even starting to believe she was wrong about Chrysalis until she trapped her with Cadance.

So what if the trapped Cadance was also a changeling? Sure, she knew the Nursery rhyme that Cadance taught Twilight, but the first thing Twilight did in front of Chrysalis was that entire nursery rhyme, with full dance routine attached. How hard would it have been to pass that along to Nympha once Chrysalis decided her cover had been blown and that a fallback plan was needed?

Now the obvious question left over is how Nympha managed to do the whole love recharge thing for Shining Armor, in order to blow away the other changelings, if she wasn't the real Cadance? Well, I have a whole multichapter epic still spinning in my head to address that issue, but the short answer is; she may not be the real Cadance, but she really DID fall in love with Shining Armor.

Of course this still leaves the obvious question of "where the fuck is Cadance then!?" It also has an obvious answer when you consider that Changelings feed on love, and Cadance's talent is specifically creating love. I think she might wind up getting her name changed to Cornucopia."
>mobile devices

I wish I was dead
i'd play
just start a game and let's see how it goes
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605 KB

Im down, this thread is slow
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11 KB
i cant wait for the future when you can download anything. even legal child porn sex bots.
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82 KB
>all these plane pones

This is the best thing ever.
And I got my MiG.
draw something
What kind of reaction is that?
Count me in
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8 KB
Can we hit the showers Sweetie?
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157 KB
Thank you, glad you enjoy 'em.
We got us a war horse gentlemen
Is 4chanX auto updater busted for anyone else?
no I suck

Working fine for me.
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>not quite an OC if you follow my headcanon
The tail is too long but I like it.
Everything seems to be in order
>helicopter ponies
That's just silly.

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101 KB
>helicopter pony
> furry debates in the comments


Ah, nostalgia.
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775 KB
Do the mane 6 wear their vaginas proudly?
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461 KB
I just based it off this.
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879 KB
not all of them
Was i the only one who thought that pony had an afro?
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2.84 MB
>i clicked it
>it brought me to this thread
>it's easier for Nasse and his fans to assume there are a bunch of dedicated trolls out to get him, than it is to accept that maybe people are just getting tired of his shit
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71 KB
so we like jessy and hate nasse now? sorry i cant keep up with current mlpg tripfag drama.

also it looks like we are ok with sentinal.
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Alright. I'll keep playing around with the head and face some and see what I come up with.
Jessy pls make your text boxes go left to right/up and down depending on which box should be read first.
gotta be logged in on the site already to just clikc it
>tail is too long
You shitting me? That makes it look even cuter.
Maybe Jessy could draw another variant, like the plane pones?
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466 KB

Twilight wishes she had a penis. For science.
thats what happens when you think we are a hivemind
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Jessy, if you draw a helicopter pone based on this model I'm going to love you forever and build a shrine for you and tell my children in the future to praise you as a God
Are you stupid anon?
I figured as much.
>also it looks like we are ok with sentinal
I don't think anyone really gives a shit, they're just sick of the few autistic faggots that constantly bitch and whine about him.
So what is this mafia bullshit?
Love the art, not the artist
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198 KB
>implying you'll have children

I did so and it booted me back to the lobby
The greatest game you will ever play

you dress up as a horse and shoot at people. and lie
I just got here for the first time today and I don't hate any of those people. I only hate intentional trolls like Ross.
Fight the problem, not the person.
Copy and paste directly into address bar

Where new mafia
Drawfags are fine so long as they entertain us instead of trying to make themselves center stage.


Jessy - drawing stuff MLPG wants, i.e people like her
Nasse - whining and never drawing anything, i.e. people don't like him
>implying everyone will stay in their mother's basement all their life like you
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100 KB
I posted this earlier, but I figured I'd post it again.

>MiG's response to anon saying he thinks Blitz is cuter
But I could just play Space Station 13 instead and drop napalm in the bar area, then call the security officers fascists when they arrest me.
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34 KB
>people are worried that official MLP games will ruin fanfics and fanon

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67 KB
Would you a Nanaki?
Be honest.
it's current;ly going
I just beat that game last night. I'm no gamer, by any means, but it was pretty fucking fun and had some great music and funny characters.
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190 KB
>not favoring artists
why not just add the original post to the picture instead of explaining it every time
Pony or furry?
the answer is neither
She is cuter.
I just realized, I think my heart would die if someone drew a Kaylee pone.

>everything's shiny, cap'n
>Security trying to arrest a traitor
>Push him over and steal his baton, handcuff him, then drag the traitor off while calling the sec officer shit at his job
>No fucks given

Also, I don't play sec anymore because of people like me. Too stressful.
>then call the security officers fascists when they arrest me
I laughed my ass off.
She isn't MiG, she is Skybreaker.
And I like how Blitz is all shy because of a faster plane
This looks like Jessy's
Are you trying to emulate?
Pick one or you're going to the butt club.
Why bother? This is only the second time I've done it and I don't plan on doing it again.
You know.. every character tara strong plays is just going to be Twilight from now on..aren't they?
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It's because I know what the feedback would be
"It needs to be more interesting"
or "the pose needs to be more dynamic"
And I'm not saying they're wrong, but if I could make it better with just that advice, I wouldn't need to fix it, would I?
check em
nice try klondike but we will never forget about your past. you are a gay furry for life.
What if I want to go to the butt club? What then?!
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>not releasing N20 in front of sickbay
>not building five security bipeds and then setting everyone to arrest
>not building an army of emagged beepskys

get on my level
>not even close

It is Jessy's.
No, I'm the one trying to emulate Jessy.

I just like rounded snouts is all. But it seems to remind everyone of Jessy, so
>Huey Pone
shut the fuck up sentinal
Pretty much.
I for one, like that picture.
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Why would you WANT to go to the butt club as opposed to turning Nanaki into a chick and fucking her tits?
You wouldn't go for that? You'd rather climb inside that musky toxic asshole?
I know, I was referring to her model.
>>2714251 here
I want a Kaylee pone :(

She's my original waifu. first non-porn person I fapped to.
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Always go out of your way to fuck security up. Misdirect them. Fuck them up when they try to arrest someone. If they're carrying an energy gun, steal it and shoot them with it. Then steal their ID and raid the office for gear.

If you get caught at any point call the security team worthless at their jobs and that they should be going after real criminals instead.
I'll try, my power might go out but I'll try to finish it before that.
but that picture is good, i especially like that it has a background
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do not draw it

I will love you forever and more.
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She's so gorram cute.
I would rather climb inside that musky toxic asshole than do a lot of things. What wonders lie within are the stuff of legend, and no one leaves exactly the same as when they entered.
"Du hast sie getötet!" rief Rarity, "Du bist ein Mörder, "rief Twilight, die bis dato nur fortführung ihrer umarmung auf dem Code Limit, ihr reichlich rump ausgesetzt über seinen swinging. Sie fiel, drehte sich um, und wirtschaftmagazinen erzielte Code Limit genau in den Schritt. Code Limit fielen zu Boden, Gesicht im Schmerz schmerzen. Fiel von den dachsparren, Rarity fiel mit der ganzen Kraft ihres Körpers auf hufe auf Code Limit bersten die Penis, das Fleisch und das Senden überall Blut. "Warum hast du Fluttershy verletzt?!" fragte Applejack. "Ich dachte, sie sei eine wütende beaver ..... versuchen zu essen mein Bein," keuchte Code Limit.
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>first, plane ponies
>then, helicopter ponies
>next, train ponies?
But what are you expecting? Someone to suddenly come along and reply to one of your pictures, detailing the simple 3 steps to fixing everything and becoming a great artist?

It doesn't work like that.

You're currently shit. Accept it and move on, instead of dwelling on it, jeez. If you don't want to be shit, work on fixing it, if you don't care, give up.
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Oh god the smile.
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I'm not exactly a master comic artist, but pls.
pls that just looks wrong
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no i am not sentenal
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Trains are not cute.

Look at those hideous things.
Nasse, I guess it is useless now request more adorable Celestia from you? Especially something with background
Fuck you, Percy's adorable.
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IANA, but >>2714276 doesn't look like shit to me. It's not amazing, and a bit flat, and a bit off-model in a way that doesn't look intentional, but it's definitely better than something like pic related.

My "praise" should no be construed as a verification that you're "good enough" and shouldn't listen to criticism, by the way. Just saying your art is good enough to be enjoyable in a non-ironic sense.
IANAA* (I am not an artist), but you know what I mean.
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Deal with it nerds.
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Peter Sam is quite cute.
Why can't I have butt club and all variations of Nanaki, male, female, and in between?
That show went to shit when ringo left.
As ever, shit is a relative term.

While I don't want to come off us sounding like Ross, the simple replication of a simple flash cartoon isn't art. Anyone could easily recreate something similar in vectors.

If you're drawing something, it needs a certain amount of... life in it. Something to make it more than a simple collection of lines.
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Never post that picture again.
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So who else got their free mouse pads?
My camera isn't doing this one justice but it looks awesome.
Percy and Edward were best trains. The filthy boxcars always used to make me laugh. Cheeky buggers.
"Mein penis ... mein penis ... " Und dann Code Limit starb an blutverlust.


"Code Limit ERGEBEN SICH AUS SCHLAFEN!!" Code Limit erwachte in einem schreck, Pinkie Pie ständigen über seinen schlafenden Körper...

- - -
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>post the rest of the set
if you say so!
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>in between
power levels
RnT chapter 2 when?
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Is this guy just spamming us for some reason?

I live by myself, I can keep it intact.
>free mousepads
They're doing that again? Want.
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I would. Top or bottom, his choice.
Why are we so slow?
I noticed there was a lot of talk about animation studios around this thread.
Was there some kind of news that I missed?
It's some weird shit about someone killing Fluttershy and then getting his penis exploded by Rarity. I think. It's a little difficult to understand.
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The trucks had the best faces, if not the creepiest.

Bullshit. The highest point was when George Carlin was narrating.
Hopefully tomorrow. I've been splitting my time writing it and drawing butts all day. I think I've made some headway. Er, buttway
Stop saying that stuff isn't "art". Everything is art. Even silence is a kind of music. You can judge the quality of something as much as you want, but you sound as pretentious and full of yourself as a triple Ross when you deny that a piece even qualifies as art.
Post butts.
is it wrong to want the magical ability to switch between physical sexes at will?
some times I get really depressed that I'm not a woman, while other times I'm glad I have my dick. Why can't real life work like CoC and I can just go buy some potions or something.
where is free mousepads? they they allow mlp child horseporn?
kill yourself
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>i have fapped to this picture
>i hate myself

why am i even alive?
From what I understand, shemale!Nanaki is a bottom.
>Watching Thomas & Friends.
Are you people autistic, or just English?
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>George Carlin
>kill yourself
>mfw they didn't even call him "The Fat Controller" in the US dub
artscow.com, but I forget the code.
And probably, yes. Since it ships out of Hong Kong you can probably get whatever you want.
An excellent question.
Looks like it in that pic.

And I'd be fine with that, even though I'm primarily a sub
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will i ever pinkie
Did you forget your face?
And I don't know what you're talking about anyway, a train could beat up a pony any day.
the code is GIVEITEMS
>George Carlin
>not just EDGYYYYY
Nope, I will.
I'm sorry. You can have Scootaloo.
Aww, herms topping males is my favorite thing ;_;
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this has been my fantasy for a long time
They call him Sir Topham Hatt, which is at least accurate to the original books. Though they did manage to sneak "The Fat Controller" into some of the songs ("Thomas's Anthem", "Really Useful Engine").
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when you're least expecting it
Like I said, I only like the Ringo years.
The pony just have to get off the tracks, retard
Maybe if you learn to lucid dream. I hear you can sex in those.
/v/ has reported successfully ordering furry porn mousepads.
Guys, GIVEITEMS doesn't work any more.

And it's not really free, they charge like 5 dollars an item for "Processing and Handling."

Just fair warning.
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at first i hated this dolphin pinkie but now i cant stop watching it
i don't want to sex

i just want to pinkie
If I woke up and saw this looking down at me in the dark, I probably wouldn't even be scared. I would hug.
Sex you say? But Ijust to holdthemclosely!
he ranma thought more with his libido than with perceived gender roles, he would realize how good he has it.
Maybe you can ask him or...her nicely.
Yes as I'm gonna go to bed as soon as Witcher is done downloading.
>1 hour 40 mins
Okay but don't hold your breath.
have you lost your hug virginity

family members don't count
you want pinkie to absorb you into her body in order for her to teach you how to pinkie properly?
Yeah, that level of pretentiousness is what I wanted to avoid.

It's more a matter of moving beyond duplication into something creative. Anyone can trace a screencap. Anyone can studiously reference a screencap until it may-as-well-have been traced. Anyone can extract individual elements - head, body, legs, and rearrange them so that it looks like something new.

But its that step beyond - constructing something that couldn't equally be achieved with the copy+paste tools in flash.

Anyway I'm rambling and Nasse probably isn't even here anymore.
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who comes up with this shit
You are a good man.
Well I guess you can do that too? I've never lucid dreamt.
The animation quality on that image makes it look like its a Heroes of Might and Magic 3 adventure map-sprite.
>not doming her from the bottom
>pulling the choke chain forcing him ever deeper
These butts will look better with colour I think. I drew a lot of them. Pages of butts.
Anyone else find how solar slash does pony eyes a little...I dunno. Odd? Unsettling? They never look quite there.
I lucid dreamed and fucked Trixie, but I didn't realize I'd been lucid dreaming until I woke up. I would have picked Pinkie.
As it stands, I was watching some gay magician dude. I thought "Oh, no. Switch him out." He left, and human Trixie came out. We had sex. I don't even like Trixie that much, I wasted a lucid dream.
ranma is a fucking moron

can't he see how hot it would be to have lesbian sex with all his fiancees

he doesn't even have to worry about having periods and shit, just turn back into a guy
Would you strike the main six?
This is the closest you will ever be to knocking up a pony
People knowing bronies will buy alot of these to bring to their meetups.
what the shit

The horse of war churns onward
How long until we get autistic brony juggling videos with these?
teach me how to pinkie
teach me teach me how to pinkie
>You ill never give Pinkie your hugvirginity
I lost my hug, kiss and cuddle virginity and then they made me sleep on the floor.
I don't want any of those things anymore.
>I have the sold-out software re-release disc in my CD drive 5ever
Mah nigga
i bet you all of those shits are hollow and made in china and no fun to play with at all
Sorry that happened to you Zecora.
>they blow over in a breeze
I've played with that kind of utterly unfulfilling pin before.

Goddamn it.
Tess, you still here?

Fuck off. This is spam.
>you're tugging s!Nanaki's leash, forcing that cock deep inside your ass until she cums, her tits pressing into your back, her warm musk all around you
>you crave, you need that shemale cock
>yeah, you're totally still in control
Are we doing this again?
Of course, I've hugged plenty of women. I'm not a total ogre.
Well, you seem like you aren't a dick. Really, it's just semantics and my own little tics. It just bothers me when someone says anything isn't "art".
I agree with what you are saying.
no... i must draw... things...

We just need one more.
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why do her eyes look slightly fucked

dem german comics vectors
>they have a bad molding seam on the bottom which means literally the slightest breeze blows them over
me too.
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It's that time again! Roll to win your story, 7PM EST

Doubles and reply to this post gets it, you can do it!
I was going for actual domming from the bottom, but mindbreak switch is fine too.

The one problem is supposedly hermnaki is a sub, so...
>Tryign to erp around nanaki's oc

you are possibly one of the saddest, strangest people on MLPG, right now

thats not a good acheivement
Applejack ass worship
Applejack Ass Worship
Hermnanaka getting dommed by twilight.
Gilda pegging
nanaki gets fucked in the ass by braeburn
rumblescoot/pipsqueak/sweetiebell double date
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Real pony epic mafia
Cute pones doing cute things

Pegasus pones

Gillou x Braeburn
More gilda femdom
Fluttershy getting stalked by a Zebra and then being chased down an alley and getting forced to partake in a rap battle against him.
Fluttershy being aggressive towards Dash
Anon fucking and impregnating Fluttershy and he is dom.
You're winner
we have a winner
dis nigga
Well fuck me sideways.
Aaw shit
That sounds like it could end up as one of the most disastrous things ever.
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dammit.. I was 2 fast
>>2714895 here
never mind.

trips should also get story tho
Were you here when mane was being even maner than usual?
Someone actually went and told nanananan and he posted on his tumblr about it, then offered to write mane a story. Funniest shit I'd seen in a while.

77 already won.
Unless you make her into a dom.
It would probably take a bit of training, but you two gradually switch roles. You become the housewife bitch, she wrecks your worthless faggot cunt and mouth every day and night, taunting you over what a whore you are. And you never fail to get just a bit horny when she points out how much bigger of a cock she has than you.
no, amount of repeating digits should not take precedent over being first

Cmon faggots we only need 1 more
But no one wants an epic mafia story
can you restart your stream, please? It is stuck in infinite loop and beingdetected by the monitor as active. Just start ait again and shutdown properly.
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Oooh baby
aw pinka has such a pretty face

i want to kiss is

>implying anyone wants a story about two worst ponies
>Real Pony Epic Mafia
>Its Metals

But he didn't even mention Rarity
Patrick Bateman would seduce your waifu without even trying and brutally murder her.
Deal with it.
>getting horny
I doubt Mistress likes that. He'd probably give your balls a good squeeze for getting it up without her say-so
>Getting recognition for mentioning HoMM3 in MLPG
I like you, anon.
winston pls go
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>"You wanna kiss? Oh boy, I LOVE kissing! I kiss my friends all the time, but they just act weird and try to leave... Well, come on!"
still borked for me
Is it just me or is Epicmafia hanging on "Game starts in 0 seconds..."
what if bateman and john preston met
Veggieburger time.
>Game borks me out

I'm gonna write a story called 502 gateway error goddammit
Epic mafia server busted?
She eventually puts you in a chastity belt. But it leaves your ass completely exposed. She can fuck you and cum inside you as much as she damn well pleases, but you're only allowed to cum if she takes the belt off.
And you have to be a very, very good girl to get permission to fap.
what if bateman met tom preston
After having loved 2 & 3 and being disappointed by 4 being rushed and imbalanced (still was decent, if different; a damn sight better of a follow-up than MOO3, at least), do you know if V and VI are worth it?
Does epic mafia have a how to pleigh guide or some shit?
I'm new round there parts but it looks fun and I wanna participate in online fun because I have no friends ;_;
>237 pics
>new horse

its working agains
you can read what your role does, probably best to just jump in and kind of work it out

Once you know your role you can go to the wiki and read about playing as it
>implying you get to fap
No, if you've been a very good girl, maybe she'll take if off when she reams you. Cumming from anal stimulation only is something only sissy fags like you do.

sorry if me and this other anon's sissy/chastity fetish is annoying other people, but I just want a cock in my ass so bad.

Well whatever, the new horse is here.


When you finish up, get in.
1) Ignore whatever your role is. It is unneccessary.
2) Claim that you are a cop on the first day.
3) Say that whichever pony you like least is mafia. Demand she be lynched.
4) Make sure you demand a gun.
These faggots fantasizing about Wolf Nanaki are easily the worst thing that I have ever seen in all my time on MLPG, including brony pizza hunt and anything else you can think of.
I haven't played anything past the 4th one since it was such a let down.
There were some less than great things said about the 5th but I never got to try it and the 6th has just sailed past me completely. But again, good reviews from friends and stuff.
I just finished a round of good old number 3 today though and I will probably keep doing so for a while.
It's not fantasizing about nanaki specifically, for me. I just want to be the sissy. Any dick will do. Or even strapon.
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Sorry about this one, not too proud of it.
>game borked again
Jessy can you into Epic Mafia?

Then fucking go to furaffinity and RP there.
I love it.
Jesus, I love it.
You have my eternal thanks.
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>In '87, Huey released this, Fore!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. [rapidly, as if agitated] But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.
Well, that's your opinion. I'm not really turned on by furries, and I'm not gay, and I'm just as annoyed by Nanaki as anyone, but I'd ERP as his OC every night for a month before I'd go and sing songs at Pizza Hut with a brony crew.
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Nothing to worry about, sissy slut. You know your place. Now go find your Mistress and get on your knees for her.
Did I get it?
>Epic mafia is broken

mane just get out.

It's worse because they're doing it in here unlike brony pizza hunt which i can ignore.
I read that as, "You have my external links".
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I tried to art with a mouse.
Give it to me MLPG.
Will I ever get good if my first attempt looks like this?
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>"You...really think I'm pretty?"
sikorsky > huey

That's... honestly pretty cute.
I'd cuddle it.
I'll stop now, Master
your first attempts aren't supposed to be good
so yes, you'll get better
Man, that movie is so fucking funny.
"Yes... As a friend."
Y-you too
entirely possible, but draw on paper until you have enough skill to merit buying a tablet.

Mouse art is 4 nerds
That is one big rotor.
>thinking your first attempt will be good
>assuming your first attempt at anything is an indicator as to how your art will progress through the years
I'm sorry to say this, but that thinking is completely retarded.
Looks great for a first with a mouse anyway.
>4chanx ate my reply
>Cuddling chopper pony
>wake up in the middle of the night in fright with her blades whirring through the bed
>"Sorry. I had a nightmare...."
I'd tossed around the idea with my friends to do our own Brony Pizza Hut

in which we all go to pizza hut in normal everyday attire and mention pone-related things zero times
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Are you willing to art forever?
Are you willing to develop and learn from life and other artists and perspectives?
Then yes, you will someday become good.
But never as good as you want to be.
Well, yeah, Twilight. Pretty much all of you guys are pretty. But you're really nothing special, by pony standards. Can I please just check out these books?
Let's try this shit ONE MORE TIME



I never said that
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Never mind, it just errored again

shit is borked
Servers down for maintenance.
Can't you guys take it to steam chat?
Like everyone that likes to play just go join the steam group and sit in chat.

Wouldn't that be easier and better for everyone?
which pony is the most borked?
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2.01 MB
>tfw no more warhorse
I'm hammering f5 but the server isn't coming back from maintenance any faster
>System is down

Yep, That's epicmafia for you
That would actually be hilarious to me

>System down for maintenance

Kill me
>Twilight Sparkle is found dead in a bathtub full of what appears to be an attempt at a love potion
that sounds fucking ADORABLE
I don't want to go to steam chat.
Wouldn't it be easier if you just ignored those posts? Shit, you could just filter "epicmafia" if it bothered you _that_ bad.
>my little epicmafia
Can we go back to fetish shit?

I don't go to steam chat and I like to play epicmafia when it's up. Just filter /epicmafia/i if you don't like it.
No, we're busy being tremendous fags.

Lets us have fun.
>Twilight couldnt make a potion three D average fillies could
Haha stupid horse.
>Implying she'd fail the love potion.
>Implying she wouldn't mindbreak anon into being her eternal love slave.
>Implying she wouldn't punish him for being rude to her.

It's back up!
Why does Daytime MLPG suck so hard compared to Nighttime MLPG?
Would you let your waifu use a love potion on the two of you?

Even if the two of you were acting weird?
she made it too strong
she fell in love with the potion
Eh, this thread isn't so bad. At least everyone's not mad, which is how I have always judged thread quality.
That thing this morning where everyone picked their outfit for Rarity to make was fucking glorious
"Stop liking what I don't like" bullshit.
>the nanana stuff
>now this
I need to go find some good D/s furry porn.
would you deepthroat a potion

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Don't think I've ever done the mafia thing.
You're very welcome.
But your fun is encroaching on my fun.
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Why would she need a potion when she has the want it need it spell?
Absolutely. We already love each other. I love her, and if she wants to try this potion, then that means she loves me too. Our love would be stronger than anything and we'd be happy forever.
I would suckle at the glorious shaft of the potion bottle as its precious liquid slipped down my throat, forever changing me for the better.
But everyone in this thread IS mad and hating on things they don't like.

The dress up thing was Nighttime MLPG. Daytime MLPG just woke up to it.
epicmafia server seems to be unborked
Night Time MLPG is starting to go downhill too
because all the curious angry /v/ bronies got curious and started seeping in.
Well den make an account and join us it's dangerous amounts of fun
You know nothing about Twilight's sexuality. It's all open to conjecture.
You should play with us some time. It's really fun.
There hasn't been any confirmation that it works on living targets, though. It might only work on inanimate objects. You wouldn't want something silly to happen like falling in love with her saddle, would you?
I'm not mad, nor am I hating on things I don't like. As it stands, things could be much worse. And I'm the one who asked what outfit you'd have Rarity make in the first place!
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Yep. Shit camera, too.
I am forcing my laptop onto my lap to conceal my boner from my family right now. This is why you should never browse MLPG outside of a well-protected room late at night.
You'd like it Jessy, it's pretty >fun
>night time MLPG is good
>tell people how its good
>people start coming
>it gets worse
>fall in love with saddle
>Twilight wears the saddle all the time, so she can pretend like you're hugging her
Does she know the reverse spell, or did Celestia only have to do it because Twilight was crazy at the time?
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No, it's canon that Twilight Sparkle is in a steady relationship with Rainbow Dash!
I think the real issue is that school is out now, so all the kiddies are free to stay up to 5AM.
What is this and where do I go to get it?
I'm not saying you are. But other anons are. It makes me sad. Bedazzled Space Marine here
It was better when you weren't here
You should try it with us Jessy!
It's pretty fun and pretty easy to pick up!
Need an account though.
Shut up TAW
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Such is life

Shut the fuck up about it.
It always kills me hearing about that. Still hope that guy burns some day.
>Implying Flutterdash is not canon.
>Daring do and the cake
Boring as fuck.
The new night time MLPG is Watching episodes with a few beers

It's the most show related content I've seen in 2 months.

Need 1 more
but i've always been here

Necessesitan uno mas por favor

I hope you aren't implying this is night time. But yes, it's the summer and many people are going to bed later so you're bound to get more faggots.

And then, like that, the game goes down.
>conjecturing that Twilight would do any of that
though I think the coupon doesn't work anymore:
if you want to try it, it's still $5 for shipping.
What? What are you talking about.
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this is going to be the best lighter ever
Just keep a positive attitude. That's what makes a thread good.
Then again, I'm the hippie, and you're the space marine.
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This nigga knows what's up.
seems to be working for me
>The good people move to morning instead
>shitposters have to stay up late while good contributors can get up around lunchtime or whenever
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>$29.99 for yuropoors

I'll never have my teatpad ;_;
I'd seriously paypal whoever does this and posts pictures of it lighting a cigarette 50 cents or something.
I can't argue with that.
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Does Artscow make body pillowcases?
Why are they cats?
Why are their eyes soulless pits that know no depths?
If you are who I think you are, you've brought up the situation with that guy before.
I'm not who you think I am.
Alright then, my apologies. Still sucks.

Also we dead as fuck, where's the new horse?
Someone make a new horse i'm scared
>all this talk of free mousepads
>haven't seen a Marker or Gaben yet
ONLY 29.99!!
new horse where?
Last time on Everything Is Terrible Forever Quest

>had a strange fantasy where you were forced to beat up Twilight
>Snapped out of it, only to have the others get weirder out by you
>Decided to all make like a tree and get the heck out of there and back to Canterlot
>Twilight used intense magic to give Pinkie and Applejack wings to help carry everyone out
>But when you got back to the flooded area, the way out was still being flooded!
>Tried going back again only to have Twilight slip and fall
>On the wet slick stone, she slid a long down slope fast
>Applejack tried to grab her, but one slip later she fell two, having her magic wings torn apart
>Everyone, including you sliding along, went after them
>Applejack tried to help by doing some rope work, only to end up losing the rope

You are Rusty Shackleford, a human who has been lost in Equestria with no memory of himself or his past.

Currently, you are holding onto Rarity as the two of you slide down a rock tunnel deep underground on flood water. Near by, Pinkie, Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy are also sliding along in a big jumbled pony pile. You all only seem to be picking up speed.

What do you do?
Everyone links arms and hooves.
Try to link up with their pile. We can't lose each other.
Whatever happens, you need to stick together.

You grab hold of Rarity and unceremoniously toss her over the sizable ridge the worm creature dug up that divides your two groups. She lands into the others with a light "OOOF!" from her. Pinkies watches all of this from above, her still intact wings buzzing liking humming bird wings.

With all the ponies together, you attempt to steady yourself on your legs while slipping and sliding around. Your knees arent exactly happy from the sensation, but you keep your balance long enough for you to hope over and cannon ball into the ponies, trying you best not to crush any of them.

"Is everyone all right?" You say, trying to orient in the high speed pile, ponies climbing on top and around you.

"Get off my hair!"

"Who's horn is that?!"

"Pinkie get off you're not helping!"

"Hey wait a sec, is this leveling off?"

You all stop shoving each other long enough to realize the sloped tunnel has not only become level, but has opened up into an expansive cavern.

And you are all rocketing straight towards a large metal wall directly ahead.
Brace for impact!
Someone slow us down!
(You can't try to slow down and brace for impact at the same time! You must decide what to do and how to do it NOW!)
Dig out feet into the ground and tell the ponies to dig their hooves into the ground.
Slow down to brace for the Impact.
(oh you guys are butts)

"Quick, everyone dig in!"

You try to grind your shoe bottoms into the slick wet ground as best you can. All the ponies slams their hooves in as well. But the ground is too slippery! None of you gain any traction and whatever speed you loose is negligible.

You and the ponies all slam into the grey metal wall hard! You feel the impact shake your bones and the others around you, followed by all squishing together forward in a dead stop. Someone lets out a high pitched cry of pain. Hurt and dazed, the pile slowly unravels as you all pick each other of one another.

"Oh my gosh!" Pinkie yells, whizzing over on her wings. She zips back and forth to each of you. "That was a biggest crash ever! It was all SPOOGGRRRRSSH! Is everyone ok?!"

"Agh!" Twilight lets out a little shriek of pain. Looking over, you see her favoring one of her front hooves.
Check up on Twilight.
Mentally check our body for damages, then try to help Twilight.
Check on Twilight and tell Pinkie to check on the others.
You quickly give yourself a once over. You're plenty sore and the knees of the last of your great outfit is torn up, but you're more or less unhurt. Twilight, however, is not.

"Agh, don't touch it!" The purple pony whines as Fluttershy tries to help, only to have her draw back from the pegasus.

"Oh no, Twilight! How bad is it?" Fluttershy says, still trying to get close.

"I'm ok, I'm ok! Please, I should jus-AHH!" Twilight tries to put her weight on the injured limp, only to collapse on the wet floor.
We can carry her.
Tell her that we will carry her if she can't walk.
"Easy, easy, just stay still" You coo to Twilight sprawled on the ground. Gingerly, you pick her up, doing your best not to touch her injured leg. Luckily, like the other ponies you have carried, she doesnt weigh too much for you. "Is everyone else ok?"

"Yeah, I think we're all good," Applejack says, adjusting her hat. She looks all around the cavern and the giant metal wall before your little group. "Where the heck are we?"

"Hey look!" Pinkie shouts, pointing down a ways. Set flush into the wall is some kind of blinking light, highly noticeable in the dark cave.
Walk towards it and ask if this is the light that Twilight noticed earlier.
This: >>2719833
"Is that the light you say earlier through the rock with magic, Twilight?" You ask as the intrepid group splashes to the light.

"No no," Twilight says, sucking in breath through her teeth. Her horn glows lightly as she preforms some kind of magic again briefly. "It's deeper. Past all this metal."

It doesn't take you long to reach the ominous flickering light: set into the side of the metal wall is some kind of electronic screen. It's flickering sporadically. Below the screen in a little panel with lettered and numbered buttons. There's clear evidence of damage; there's a little ragged hole in the side of the keyboard with charred carbon burn marks. A few little sparks intermittently flick out noisily.

The screen, when it's clear, says in big bold green text:

Ask Twilight if she can probe this thing with her magic.

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