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<In which ponies and dogs meet other ponies and dogs.

To catch up, the threads are archived here:
1 - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/General%20Archive/Boat%20Quest/Log%201.7z
2 - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/General%20Archive/Boat%20Quest/Log%202.7z
3 - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/General%20Archive/Boat%20Quest/Log%203.7z
4 - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/General%20Archive/Boat%20Quest/Log%204.7z
5 - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/General%20Archive/Boat%20Quest/Log%205.7z

It is highly recommended that you have the script that allows you to play audio files embedded in the images. If there is audio with an image, it will be tagged like [this].
The script can be found here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/133802
Make sure you refresh the thread after installing!>
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You pass the note to Chronicle.

"Hmm. Cog. Eight spokes. I'm... seeing that number a lot, around here. I'm afraid I don't know what these dots and rods are though. None of the symbols there match the one on this wall."

You sigh, hoping to have found insight to anything here in this temple.
I literally just got caught up on this and I was rushing it so I'll leave it to someone else to start us off.

Nice quest so far, LK.
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In case anyone needs a recap, we are currently in this room, after having been chased there by Chance. Just out side of this room is the door with the skull.
Peek out the door to make sure the coast is clear.
Are we sure that Chance is gone?
See if it's safe.
Also is there anything to that circle on the floor?
Have we added this room to our map? We should update it if not.
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You quickly sketch out the room on to your map.
Check out the middle of the floor in the room

Examine the circle in the floor.
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After a quick glance, you can determine that chance is no longer in the room.
Let's examine the wall of the large room opposite the door.
hey LK, are you (or somone else) going to make a pastebin?

I always get script error when opening raw html docs.

more or less my own problem
I can do it real quick.
Anyone mind tossing the maps into on image really fast?
that be amazing
Is this to your liking?


And can you open the images from the download?
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The circle on the floor is the same as the one you've seen before. It looks to be a circular stone set into the floor, flush, almost perfect.
Is there any design on the ceiling?
Does it turn?
no wait do the opposite of that, it might kill you.
Take the time to examine ceiling and the walls for anything of interest.
its fine man, this is enough

ill just imagine the images
>circular stone set into the floor, flush, almost perfect.


Check the ceiling, and have we already seen that design on the wall?
Don't step on it... stay away from it, for all we know a spike will come out of nowhere and you will end up like the wingless Pegasus we met before.
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It looks like there is another circle on the ceiling, and it is lined up with the one on the floor. You approach it cautiously, but decide against trying to turn it. It doesn't look like it would turn, anyways, like it's in the floor too tightly.
Nah he was thrown to the spike, but yeah maybe its a trap, we cant g back to the skull door anyway so lets go for it.
hey where the fuck is Rusty's quest
we can go back, we just can't look at the door
>ceiling circle and floor circle perfectly line up

Take note of that symbol on the wall if you haven't already and then go back out to the diamond dog door room. BUT DON'T LOOK AT THE DOOR.
Examine the circular stone with our magic. Is there anything odd about it?
Myabe something sets into them, like a big pillar or something. Or its some kindof crushing death trap

tomorrow.Now shush, LK is questing
forgive me, but why aren't we looking at the skull door? I'm new.
Yeah but back to where, theres a chance chance (see what i did there?) is still roaming.
Because brain trauma.
Well, for starters... its bad
Also chance may of gone through it
And he is double bad...
we can hear him because of the (bone?) necklace he's wearing, so we have a little warning
Only way out of here is down. We should carefully check to see if anything happened to Gusty Gale's body. Make sure to avoid looking at the door.
So we suddenly are playing Amnesia?

Its fine i guess.
There are a number of similarities...
<I haven't played it yet, so I apologize if things seem similar.>
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The three of you walk out of the room. Your head starts to pound again, right between your eyes. You close them, and let Saffron guide you past the door.
Let's go down a level.
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You find yourself back in the room just outside of Gaston's chamber and the first room of the temple.
agreed, we should avoid that door until we are forced to confront it.
...damn i have no sense of direction, so its up to you guys to decide where to go.
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also, here is this again
i think this is what happened
Chance had some fun throwing Gaston around the room before dragging him to the next one
No one Bleeds like Gaston
I wonder if chance is gather the bodies... Wasn't the griffins corpse missing?
Maybe we should see if that pegasus is still impaled on the spike.
can we get a map check again? I'm kind of lost myself.
Oh yeah we should check the spike room for clues!
Like i said before it would be helpful if we could get all the maps on one image.
Look through the door with the torches next to it.
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To the north is the chamber where you found Gaston. To the east is the first room of the temple. To the north of the first room is Gusty's room, and the south is the entrance to the temple.
I say we check on the spire room
Have we been down those stairs? We should investigate!
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maybe we should label them...

We have been down them but not further down than that I don't think.

We need to explore further. Go down twice from Gaston's room.
Anon, see in the General my post:

This good?
>Posting the links in the General to make other people see you do something.

Fuck off.
At least he's useful.
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You travel to the next room, but before you can make it any further, Chronicle halts dead in his tracks.


Very faintly in the next room, you can hear what sounds like the scraping of claws, and the faint clicking of Chance's necklace.
Back up and try the other room.


Hightail it out of there, down to the floor below the one where you found Chronicle.
I can just imagine a Death Claw popping out.

Back out slowly.
get to corner, kill the lights
Cant we lay a trap or something?
If we get rid of him we will be able to roam freely.

Maybe dont step on the stone circle
turn around 360 degrees and moonwalk out
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You opt for turning 180 degrees and trying to make as little noise as possible as you sneak out of the room.
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And avoid the center of the next room.
Look up.
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Chronicle stops at the top of the stairwell, again.

"Allow me a moment, I have not been this far down, yet."

He closes his eyes and tilts his head.

"I saw the light of a torch. There is no sound. Chance is... in that room. I think we may be safe for the moment."
>the little expressions and poses


yeah do that
but Gaston is already in the other room
and Chance is doing something with him i guess
headless and impaled action figures
So it's safe to go down?
maybe Chronicle knows something about that gem you picked up in this room
pffft, that's adorable

Also what's that big octagon shape on the wall? I can't remember. If it seems safe go down
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Does he have a far vision spell of some sort? Do we know the significance of his cutie mark yet?


I agree,show it to him.

Also here's some uncolored fan art because cervines are fucking rad.
let's ask to look at his ass
We should sing the first thing that pops into our heads, this is getting far to logical.

Sing this to make everyone feel better:
Not a speck of light is showing
So the danger must be growing
By the fyres of Hell a'glowing
Is the grizzly reaper mowing

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Zalgo pls go
wait a second

Wasnt that the weird tunnel scene in willy wonka?

Chance seems to be wandering around maybe he is looking for something...
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You slowly walk down the stairs. Before you make it out of the doorway, you can hear Chronicle muttering to himself, eyes closed. You get a glimpse across the room.

"Perhaps I... spoke too soon."
Ask him who the bodies were.
<Thank you! She's adorable. Poor thing.>
Oh wait. That's only one body.

Those circles look like they're designed for Diamond Dog claws to fit into.
Looks like it's time to split
Thank you
inspect room and add to your map
oh shit you might be right

This really is turning out to be like a Zelda temple
Someone needs to assemble the map like one
Check bodies for loot. Have Chronicle and Saffron check out those markings on the wall.
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You came in from a stairwell on the west side of the room. In the center of the floor, there is another stairwell leading down and to the east. To the east side of the room, there is another doorway, and you can't see any light coming from it. To the north of the room, there are some strange markings on the wall.
<Getting food, may be a moment. Sorry.>
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Here's the map so far. Arranged from top floor to bottom floor with arrows showing stairwells.

Also notice how the circles in the rooms line up on each floor. In the room to our right there will be another circle on the floor and ceiling, lining up with the rest.
Identify the bodies, then head east. Might as well do this floor by floor.


Let's split up!

We'll go down, Saffron can go South, and Chronicle can look east.

Ask them to just have a quick look and then pop back in to regroup

We need to move faster
I think this is a bad idea
>split up

No, he's right. Chance will be done doing... Whatever it is he's doing soon, and we need to advance our exploration exponentially.

Besides, what could go wrong?

Oh come on, stop being wusses

I only suggested that everyone investigate the next rooms before reporting back. We cant keep dilly dallying. We need to know where the fuck we're going

Gee it sure is quiet in here
>we split up
>Saffron ends up getting killed most brutally
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You walk over to the... half of a body as Saffron and Chronicle look at the wall.

There are no belongings on or near either half of the body, but you can see that the cutie mark is of a constellation set atop the night sky. The skull of the mare has four deep claw marks on it, and it looks as if she were... ripped in half, and throw to either side of the room.

>implying LK would kill off Saffron

And Chronicle is probably gonna be expendable. You just watch. Soon he'll produce a family photo and start rambling on about being a week away from retirement
poke it and ask if shes okay
Go see if they've foudn anything.
I lol'd
Welp that would be Star. See what Saffron and Chronicle have found. Have Saffron try those markings out.
there's Shimmering Star

>four of body,
>four of soul

that's 4 corpses in the temple already
Look away before you seriously lose your lunch.
Report what you've found and find out what they've found.

>that's 4 corpses in the temple already

oh fuuck.

What if the stone ball we have is "one of stone?" and it goes into one of the holes in the wall of the room we're in? There are eight holes. Four of metal, Four of stone.

I'm just letting my imagination run wild here.
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You are more than happy to join them in inspecting the wall. Your head starts to fog up, probably from the smell.

"It's solid, burnished bronze. Almost the same color as the stone here. And these, they are discs."

"Like the ones outside the temple? Do they rotate, too?"

"I have no doubt. My manipulation magic is weak, however, I doubt I could turn them.

They'll fit Saffron's claws like a glove. Have her turn them.
Lets explore a bit more. If this makes enough noise to call Chance we want to know the layout of the area.

Good idea, actually. Belay the turning for now. Head east.
Have her turn her left hand counter clockwise and her right hand clockwise

See the upper right half
Fuck that's ingenious
Remember that when we come back.
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The room is rather small, and has many markings on the wall. The only doorways are to the west, where you came from, and to the east. The doorway to the east has a soft redish-orange glow coming from it.

Same markings from Gusty's paper.
Look through the doorway.
East doorway is 2spooky.

Investigate the gear
Yo those markings are the same ones from that dead guy. That implies he got this far right? Keep pushing forward but be cautious of your surroundings.
also look at the wall, there is stuff there that Gusty didn't have on his paper
Examine eastern doorway
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Unless those random texture lines mean anything I don't think there's anything he missed. Who knows though..

Actually don't save that, I fucked up. Just realized that whole wall was probably visible. One sec.
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Okay here, with map documenting where the marks appear.
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You poke your head into the room. You feel a blast of heat hit your face. The room is aglow.

From what you can tell, this looks to be carved right out of the stone itself, much less polished than any of the other rooms in the temple. The room is circular, the floor a ring with a hole in the center. Through the hole there is a rock spire, and attached to the spire are several chains which are also attached to the walls. The source of light is coming from the hole in the floor.
I assume you've already made a mental note of that one door that was hot to the touch had the same vertical line and horizontal cross lines going down it like in the bottom right image? I'm only asking because I want to make sure we're all on the same playing field.
Look down the hole. Ask Saffron to hold us so we don't fall.
Someone run this through an audiograph.
very very carefully look down
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I was focusing on the script mainly, but yes I can make a note of that.

Excuse my poor handwriting.
Take a deep, brave breath and venture forward carefully. Take a peek down that hole, hopefully you won't go blind or be driven insane by what's down there.
how do I do that? Someone used Audacity last time right?
No idea.
I'll see what I can do
I don't think there's anything in there this time though.
The first bit sounded suspicious.
Yeah nothing in here guys
You sure?
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Mapanon here, bringing your zelda maps to life.
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Yeah, I was the one who first found the QR the first time. Nothing's in this one.
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You ask Saffron to hold onto you tightly as you peer over the edge. The heat is much more intense, now. You can see that the spire extends down three more levels, and is surrounded by lava at the base. Each level has a set of chains attached to the spire, and one of those metal bands that goes around the spire.

If Chance ever chases us we should lure him in here and push him in
Wipe our brow and back up, casually adjusting the scarf we still don't have.

"Lava. Why is it always lava?"

Ok go back and let's check out another room

Hopefully chase hasn't caught up to us yet
Brace for impact...
Let's check that staircase out.
Incoming boss?
<Please halt posting until the quints post is past. I don't want to risk any stupidity.>
Lava monster.
<Aaaand on with the show.>
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Lava monster summoning spell was off by one.
Go back to the staircase.
we still need to check out the markings on the wall in the middle room
there was other stuff besides what gusty wrote down
Lets continue heading down and explore the rest of the floors for clues!
add the lava room to your map

Just a few lines, didn't look like anything impor-

>looks like the spire in this room but with an arrow pointing to it

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Actually it looks like something suspended above the room we're in. Like a huge bowl on a chain. And there's something spherical barely illuminated at the top of this room.

Regardless, I don't think we could reach it, so I say back to that staircase and downwards.
It looks to me like one of the spires that impaled the cruise ship
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You walk back into the previous room and let out a sigh, happy to be out of the heat. You tell Saffron and Chronicle that you'd like to have a closer look at the wall and compare it to Gusty's notes.
That's quitter talk! We'll just pull out our trusty scarf-whip and climb up the- oh.

Alright then, we should plunge into the unknown down those stairs!
Look st the wall
Look at it closer then you have ever wall looked before.
In before 6000 x 6000 photo
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You look closely, and... you see some form of writing. Also, to the left there seems to be the spire from the other room, and to the right the spire with a chain descending from the ceiling.
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better write it down
and you fuckers wanted to overlook this

Take. note. of. ERRYTHING. Put that pencil and paper to work, girl.
And then our pencil breaks and the paper catches on fire simultaneously
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You feverishly copy every little bit of information on the wall into your notes, and head into the main room. The air is growing cooler as you walk out, but your head is starting to hurt.
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You don't give LK enough credit.
As the symbol burns its way into the deepest recesses of our brain, we're stricken blind
That torch is out. Light it with the other one?
Relight that torch.
>your head is starting to hurt
Also, do we want to have Saffron attempt that potential door?
...Umm, is it safe to assume this thread will survive till 10-12?
<It should. Even if it doesn't, it's archived and you should be able to nab it from there.>
>have Saffron attempt that potential door

Maybe we should try it with Renne from a safe distance first, shit could be trapped.
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You walk towards the door to relight the torch. Your head is becoming foggier the closer you walk towards the door. As soon as you light the torch, your right eye begins to hurt. So much so that you have to squeeze it shut in the hopes of making it go away.

"Renne? Are you okay?"

Saffron is right behind you, and you can hear the worry in her voice.

"You're looking... that way again. Stay with me, Renne. Whatever it is, don't let it overwhelm you like it did Chance."
Painful Doors: The quest
Get away from it!
Let's head down the staircase.
Also apply pressure to the eye.
That usually helps pain.
Go down the stairs and advance the plot.
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Also might be another one of those files.
It is. Someone run it.
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As you travel down, the headache dissapates. You find yourselves in a square room with 4 entrances. To the north is a framed doorway, to the east is a doorway with a yellowish glow coming from it. To the southwest, there is what looks to be a hallway, and the northwest is the stairwell that you came from.
Map and examine that door.

There's a symbol. It appears on the tumblr image and the image of the door we copied down.

It's the first time we've seen one of the symbols that appears on the door image anywhere else.
Inspect the door! Also map. Then check out the room to the east, see if there is anything not seen from the upper floor.
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Okay I have Audacity. How do I expose whatever freaky shit LK hid in it?
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The door leads to another room, much darker than the one you're in. On the floor, you can see a giant 8-toothed gear. It seems to be set under the floor of the room. There are other gears connected to it, but the center is the only one exposed.
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Look for Track Pop-Down Menu.
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Nevermind I found out how to do it
Jesus christ how horrifying..
Someone fix this up or something
symbol right there on the entrance frame. take note of it.
Shine your light into the room as well.
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>using Audacity
This. Float your torch into the room. If clear head on in and check it out.
whoa shit man, is that scannable?
No. I cannot into image editing, only sound. Do you have to change the brightness or something?
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You note down the symbol at the top of the doorframe. You float a torch into the room slowly, expecting the worst. There are no corpses on spikes, no screams of frightened unicorns. Only silence.
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>Error 404
>Only silence.
Thats even worse, like if the horrible thing waiting in the room hasnt happened yet!
Enter cautiously.
Get a closer look at the gear.
8 x's
8 symbols
you bastard, gonna make us work for this
Head on in. Lets take a good look at this room. Probably important.
LK is an evil mastermind
Well, that probably means we will die a peaceful death instead of a gruesome one.
How delightful.
Oh he's past evil. He's downright diabolical.

Venture forth cautiously as always
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Entering slowly and cautiously, and being careful not to step on the gear, you stand at the edge of the room. It looks as if the gear has two handles protruding from it, facing towards the center.
Examine the design on the wall.
Two of you get on those handles and spin that shit!
Seriously whats with that temple, weird crap everywhere.
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It's the usual octagon, but if there was any writing on it at one point, it has since been ground off for the most part. What remains in the center is another set of symbols, alternating on the left and right sides of a center line.
Examine everything before doing something probably stupid or suicidal.
Inspect those handles.
Examine the gear.
We are so gonna die...
Hug your companions. There is a pretty huge chance one of them or all of them will die soon, get one last group hug in before you get torn in half by the Hulk.
That's a good idea actually.

Nudge the central gear and see what happens
Looking at this again:


Do you think that this might be some kind of "before and after" illustration? Is the gear a mechanism for lowering whatever is on the chain into the spire room? Is the script "instructions" of some sort or is it a description of the mechanism?

Still puzzling over the markings on either side of a vertical line we keep coming across.
Better idea, lets hug the giant gear!
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am i being helpful?
Fuck it, let's o through the map and hug everything.
Hug Chance too?
I see where your reasoning began but I'm still confused.

was meant to quote

Maybe all he needs is a hug to restore his sanity.
Maybe we catch him on a good mood and he gives us a fast, painless death for hugging him.

Who knows.
things to the left of the line are turned counter clockwise, and right of the line clockwise
i think that the dashes mean "1"
and in the big string of them it's 2 left, 1 right, 1 left, 4 right
i think he might be telling us how to read this stuff

Oh, I see. That makes sense.

So, do you think the symbols are numerals then?
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Saffron seems to be enjoying this quite a lot huh?
haha Chronicle.
turn the center gear twice counter clockwise
once clockwise
once counter clockwise
four clockwise
And Chronicle seems aroused.
Maybe if we get out of here alive, we can...~

But back to business.
Let's inspect that gear.
I fucking love you so much when you art like this, LK.

What a lucky guy.

Anyway, that gear turning theory seems to be the strongest we have so far, but we have no idea what will happen even if we make it work.

Is it worth it?
You mean notches? Turn it that many notches?
Aaaah, I'm starting to get it.
That might work.
We are so dead anyway so at least it's worth a try.
Excellent. Now let's do that thing with the gear where we don't hug it.
8 tooth gear
8 dashes
8 turns
8 heart-attacks while i wait to see if its right

I say we go for it.

Also, that equals 8 again. God dammit.

If the marks are numerals, I'm trying to figure out how the rest would look. If we decipher it we may be able to access that image but unfortunately I'm stupid and can't into patterns.
Damn... im falling alsped, guess ill miss today's ending, gladly its all archieved.

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The three of you stand on the center platform, Saffron on one handle, you and Chronicle on the other. You begin to push the handles to turn the gear counter clockwise, and there is a loud, slow creak. With much effort the gear begins to move. You keep pushing, and the gear shifts with a bit more ease before it turns one full notch.


You keep pushing, and there is another clunk. You shift positions and start to push the gear clockwise. You continue the series of turns, each accompanied by a loud metal clunk, and now the sound of rattling chains off in the distance.
SHOW TIME BABY! What's gonna happen?
Okay, now we can start to crap our pants in fear.
We should check the chamber where that chained spike was.
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Guys. I got it.

The diamond dogs used a base 8 number system.

I'll have their numbers written out in a second but here's the locked image.

Let's get out of here.
What the fuck is that?
What the fuck?
Are you LK's alter ego giving us hints?
jesus christ
looks like a headless griffon. Those 4 dots could be the stones, which we have one of.
I'm telling you, there must be a way to decipher that writing, and the writing that's on the background of the tumblr too.
To me it looks like it's just bowing its head.
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And here's the diamond dog numerals.


I looked at the numerals for 1 through 4, deduced that it was logical that diamond dogs used base 8 considering the recurring theme, and the fact that the numeral for "8" is unlike the others and looks like a "1" with a dot, like our "10"

Then I pieced it together like how Roman Numerals work, but in base 8. "3" is 2 with a 1 next to it, for example.
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After completing the 8 turns, the gear in the center of the floor starts to spin on its own with a loud, grinding sound. You can hear chains being pulled and jingling over your head, and also from the doorway.
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Oops, I missed a line.
Can the unicorn cast his shroud spell while we move? Let's get out of here.
High tail out of there, fast.
We don't want to get caught by chains to pull us apart or anything like that, now do we?
You magnificent bastard!
You are the hero this quest deserves.
Good job.
And, for anyone who's confused, the image I posted is from this url, which was encrypted in a QR code inside an sound file inside an image file:


With the X's replaced by the numbers from this image:


Try it for yourself to see.
Umm we might want to wait until the gear stops spinning. so we dont get ripped apart in it trying to get out of the room.
When we get a chance lets ask Saffron and Chronicle about that base 8 thing and diamond dog history. Might be something else we can use about that.
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Through Plot Advancing Magic, you all step out of the spinning gear before it gets too fast and take off for the upper room.
Go go, but be cautious, all this ruckus maybe alerted Chance.
Aw I wanted to see what was down that hallway LK. Oh well, lets see what that spike is doing.
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While running up the stairs, amidst the near deafening sound of screeching metal, you hear a loud roar echo from the stairwell leading to the upper room. Chronicle is frantically yelling to you from the middle room.

"In! IN! NOW!"
Follow chronicle.
Oh fuck

Oh shit oh shit.
Prepare to defend yourselves. Ready pointy objects, torches, and magic!
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Saffron nearly knocks you over as she stumbles into the corner of the room, Chronicle standing in front of you both. He concentrates, and you can tell he's struggling. The light of the room remains, and then, in a wink, it is gone.
Get that doggie biscuit ready.
Why is he standing there!
Get here in our safety corner right now!
Oh I hope we finally see Chance!
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Chronicle stands still, but is visibly trembling under the strain of his spell. Outside, you can hear heavier footsteps now, and the clicking of Chance's necklace as he lurks around. With what you can only assume is frustration, he lets out a roar once more.
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<Also, I had to. This was the captcha, no joke. Charming.>
Try not to wet ourselves and remain cowering and shivering in our corner.
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After a bit more huffing and puffing outside of the room, from Chance, you can hear him make his way down the stairs. As soon as he is out of earshot, Chronicle collapses with a heavy thud.
Quietly check on Chronicle.
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Sorry to interrupt the action, this is heart-pounding.

Here are my notes on the script so far. I'm probably way off but maybe this will help get someone on the right track.
Rush to him and see if he's all right.
Check whether we manged to wet ourselves or not.
Huh, how was that riddle?
Four of metal, Four of Stone
Four of body, Four of Soul

Poor guy, he must be absolutely destroyed.

Luckily we won't have to drag him far, the spire room should have changed and if we're lucky, it'll allow us another route away from Chance.

Have Saffron tend to him while we look into the spire room.
from the tumblr
reja er gsuzh, reja er wuefs;
reja er yetn, reja er wejh

four of metal, four of stone
for of body, four of soul

Actually, looking at it, that could match up perfectly with the theory on the left.

Let me write some more things down.
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You crawl over to check on Chronicle. He's still breathing, and he's still conscious, but he looks like he can barely move.

"I.... I... I can't keep doing that..."

You managed to remain composed. Saffron, however, is another story.
You might want to check the archive. I'm not sure if that is the exact order of the riddle.
Shit, people, get it together!
We finally advanced!
We aren't just running around aimlessly!
We are going to get out of here!
But we need both of you!
You can keep doing this!
All of us can!
He's gonna be fine. Now cautiously check out the room with the spire.
Hug Saffron.
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You cautiously walk over to Saffron, who is still cowering in the corner.

"You... you didn't see him, did you?"

You shake your head, telling her your eyes were closed.

"What the fuck is this place anyways? A crazy-making machine? Do you think I'll... I'll turn into what he is? How long until that happens?!"
Of course she won't turn into him.

Are we wrapping up soon?
<Yes. Sorry for the length on this one.>
No, Saffron, you are perfectly fine.
You are a good friend.
You did nothing but good to us.
If we have to fear any of us, that's not you at all...
And not even Chronicle...
Don't worry. You are going to be fine. You will never become a monster, I can promise you that.
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Guys. Holy shit. It fits. The red image is a rosetta stone.

I'm going to translate the stone carvings now but I think you should be able to do it partially with the alphabet I've provided.

If I'm right.
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You hug your friend and reassure her that nothing will happen to her. She won't change into a monster. She hasn't had headaches and heard voices like Chance had.

"Thank you..."

You squeeze her tightly one more time, and suggest that all of you find out just what that gear did.
soup you are just as insane as LK is
holy shit
Oooh boy.
I never noticed the size difference between Renne and Saffron. Um how big is Chance?
Now we are all fine, let's go.
<I'll finally do a cast picture after I finish up.>
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Okay here is what I got out of the carvings without figuring out what the remaining consonants are. The final vowel, i, has been added.

A few of the blank letter spaces may or may not be needed based on what the consonants turn out to be.
"open the path to the" something or other on the right side, at least

Yeah, you're right, that one letter is a "th" sound for sure.
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You peer into the room with Saffron. Like the images on the wall depicted, a chain has descended from the ceiling.
up the rabbit hole?
Saffron is the only one with arms to climb
damn ancient racist diamond dogs
So what now?
This. Get to climbing, Saffron. We've got shit to do, puzzles to solve, hair to pull out in fear and frustration.
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my current guess is
left side: to the _est a___ _a__ again
right side: open the path to the devils _a_

I'm not so sure if the last letter on the right side is actually an m, due to the extra stroke at the bottom... I could be wrong, though.
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Consonants added. Having trouble with the last few. Written in blue are my guesses, though having a whole letter for "nd" seems odd.
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Shit Saffron, be safe!
Don't you die on us!
>open the path to the devil's hand
Oh shit niggers what did we do again!
"to the west and back again" on the left, perhaps?
Also, that 'to the west and ??? again' must be a direction.
It could help us find something useful perhaps.
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Never mind, got it. Alphabet complete.

LK you clever bastard.
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Be careful!
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<end cutscene>
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See you guys next week.
Aww yeah a badass artefact.
Thanks man, that was a blast as always.
Thanks for the quest, you glorious bastard!

Thanks so much LK. This was amazing. Can't wait for next week.
"to the west and back again?"
west could be like counter clockwise, right?
maybe that was instructions on spinning the gear, and Gusty already had it in his notes
Also, the tumblr just updated an hour ago.


password: tnxa
>1 hour ago
>Posted 1 minute ago
Well shit
Time to release an ancient and unspeakable evil!

...and apparently also exactly as i posted the link. Huh.
but that's only one hand
there are two there
and wings
Gusty and Gaston were missing theirs, weren't they?
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But a FOOLISH pone warrior wielding a magic horn stepped forth to oppose me.
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And here's that cast pic I said I would do.

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