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prior thread: >>2592157

current thread: time warp

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Time to Derpy sexually.
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>Doug "I MARRIED IT SO YOU DONT HAVE TO" Walker reviewing 1st gen ponies

Well that was awkward
them memories
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It's just a jump to the left.
Is that Air Mail?
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Wings, with the feather, rough at the tip
Her step, lively, with a tendency to skip
A happiness you’d have to try hard to shake
Her thoughts aren’t the smartest and too often slip
and she’s
Across the world, with her bag full of post
And she has much brighter eyes than most

Under blue skies, alone with her mail duty
With wind under wing, spring’s air smells so fruity
And when they feel pity, a pity for her
she feels pity, that they can’t see such natural beauty
and she’s
Lucky to be there, glad to be lost
And she has much brighter eyes than most

She’s resting on clouds, watching the world
With her wings to her sides, and her body curled
Regretting she can’t stay there forever
on her cloud, high above, as it’s blown and swirled
and she’s
Come and gone, too much like a ghost
And she has much brighter eyes than most

When she comes home, to her daughter to hold
To cherish and love and protect from the cold
She thinks about all in her life she has seen
with her bright eyes of black and of gold
And she’s
Still there holding her little girl close
And she, like her mother, has eyes brighter than most
I am the greatest!
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for the emparah
Talk about slow
When will you learn?
You're killing me, Anon.
>missed world building discussion


You think the show might decide to take the worldbuilding more seriously from now onwards?

Why would they do that?
I don't think so
Oh shit Im sorry
I don't know.
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Lets make this a question. How would the episode occur if one of the CMC was "grown" up by magic and and she spend the day as an adult?
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>That feel when fed Warwick with blue and red buff
>Level 13
>Everyone else is 5-7, still laning phase

I am become death, the destroyer of worlds
Oh god my boner.
How does that even happen
Sorry for what?
My daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks.
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and then a step to the right
We ded?
>be Taric
>cruisin around being outrageous, and by that I mean hangin around in lane with the carry
>I stun someone and do a shitload of damage
>with carry damaging, hes almost dead
>carry stops attacking
>he was trying to give me the kill
>I was already moving away

>Snowballing: The game
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Put your hands on your hips!
>>he was trying to give me the kill
the episodes great gag would be her still not having her cutie mark. i don't have any idea where they'd take the rest of the episode. she'd get to do, uh, grown up stuff? like, what's a single thing any of the mane cast do that she can't? oh fuck, i've got it. applejack gets to take the day off. applebloom is turned into an adult, and the episode is about her working on the farm, and how much that sucks. the episode would end on the terrifying inevitability that she'll be stuck at that farm forever. maybe she becomes an alcoholic
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Would you comfort drunk adult Applebloom, MLPG?
is a very
My waifu.
>comforting anyone
>Giving Taric a kill
Bitch that man has +50 armor at level 9. You're carry was as dumb as hell.
beautiful pony

>Carry giving tank the kill


Also Taric is gay. Why would you play a legitimately homosexual champion?
I dont even know.

I think the idea of "killstealing" is spreading in LoL far too much.

I even had some faget say sorry because he got the kill after I walked away.

Do I have the wrong idea about support or some shit?
D-derpy, why are you look at me like that?
___ pony
>implying Taric isn't fucking fabulous
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You dont know SHIT about being outrageous.
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She wants you inside her.
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Could you image the stallions wooing her and an adult CMC being oblivious as to what is going on?

But she work in the farm a bunch of times.
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>Playing Warwick
>Yi solo top
>Hop in there, get a kill and an assist
>He rages at me for KSing and tells me to get back in my lane
>My face when
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Because badly drawn gems.
I would with my dick
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>you will never wander around Equestria, seeing the magical sights of such a world world for yourself
>with pone waifu by your side
>while http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoBsonCslJ4 plays
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you bring your knees in tight
>Jungling ww
>Yi solotop
I want to play LoL with MLPG but this scares me.
>see yi player
>legitimately disappointed when they dont play Dunkmaster

Its like they dont want to have fun.
Are you implying WW isn't a great jungler?
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Welp, I actually got a >feel
I need pictures of Pregnant ponies to appease my drunk sanguinius overlord.
Help me MLPG
But aren't you married mare? You have a child for god's sake.

But Warwick is like, the most easy and recognized jungler in the game

Are you fo real
I don't even have a waifu and I just >felt
>LoL bullshit
>we /v/ now
I'm sure glad we chased off GG, this is so much better than monster girls.

This only works with Fluttershy.

Thanks. I sat back and imagined it, and it was beautiful.
>chased off GG

Yeah nah, you're a cunt
ww literally cannot be killed in top, and isnt as good a ganker as other junglers, now. Jungling isnt about farming the jungle, its ALLabout ganking.
I'm implying that ww is way better solotop, and any competent jungler will wreck his shit.
I'm sorry anon these things happen.
I don't play shazbot, so this is nice sometimes.
>not wanting both at the same time
>while talking about ponies

Naw, just you, faggot.
>Rarity whining every 5 seconds
>Implying we dont talk about vidya a lot
>Implying we chased him off, rather than him getting bored with ponies and moving on to the next thing
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They've gone downhill since he left, you're not missing anything.


Never go full retard
I'm sure we've been over this a hundred times but GG leaving was a good thing because he was pretty much a genuine shitposter for weeks and everyone knew it, including G.
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We should get a DayZ server where we replace all the zombies with fat bronies trying to put their cheetoes covered hands on us.
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He said "as good"

theres a difference.
I hate LoL more than anyone else in this thread but I know better not to whine about it.

Besides it's 5 am, let the casuals have their fun.
It's not like anyone has the energy to pony on.
yesterday we were /g/! mlpg has many forms
I missed /g/?
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>The last good Disney film was released 13 years, 362 days ago
He has an ability that he can use at level 6 as a 2 second stun every 60 seconds at level 6.
He's a really good ganker at 6, but, take Alistar as an example, its insanely hard to get away from his CC
where is this stuff getting posted?
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Then perhaps eventually you'll find a mare to love, when the reasons for stopping by one town every time you can start to become clearer and clearer to you.

And when you're done with wandering and just want to live in a place you can call home, you'll find her waiting with one just for the two of you.
I hate you for givin me these >feels
Does Pixar count as Disney?
We could always purge these heretics, Battle Brother.
In my mind, no.

Oh fuck my feels
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How did you decent into madness feel MLPG?

Did it feel gooood?
But I don't want to stop wandering
But The Princess and The Frog was good
We become /g/ several times a day. Your favourite browser and operating system are shit and respect neither your freedom nor your privacy, also your underage pony waifu is a slut.

It was so slow and gradual that I didn't notice the decent.

But you'd better believe it feels good now.
it was actually way worse than that. people were debating over whether the PC would be phased out by tablet computers and it got really heated
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Personally, I'd love discovering everything I can about the world with Twilight by my side. That was what I imagined when I wrote it, anyway.

Carrying around a bag full of books, learning to apply the stuff we learn in our guidebooks, finding rare ones in towns off the beaten path... That might be wonderful.
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If you're so eager to explore equestria why dont you just fucking explore OUR world?
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the next good disney movie is coming out this november!
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>you will never visit Rarity while she's taking care of Sweetie
>Rarity will never tell Sweetie to stay downstairs and watch a movie while she and you go upstairs to play a grown-up game
>Sweetie will never ignore Rarity and cause Rarity to nearly have a heart attack
Oh right, I was there.
That guy was pretty retarded.
I'm poor.
Because that would require going outside.

Because there's nothing to find that I would be surprised by.

Earth is not a mystical land full of wondrous creatures, anon.
Happened pretty damn quick. One day I was raging at some badly edited picture with a pony in it, next day I had watched 5 hours of the show.
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A slow descent in madness can only be good.
pixar isn't disney I know they own pixar, but still
But there's pretty much nothing left to explore
I blame the public transport system.
>where is this stuff getting posted?
Check his tumblr.
>implying I wouldn't spend my life wandering Earth if I had money

I'm limited to walking around my island, but I find nice sights every now and then.
Tangled isn't from Pixar
>You will never make popcorn and join sweetie belle
>She will never be sprawled out on your lap, trying her hardest to levitate some popcorn to her
>You will never throw some into her mouth

>Rarity will never join you, happy she found someone that likes her sister so much
You have an island? Bitchin.

Go to Australia, and discover the wondrous new species of spiders, scorpions, jellyfish, and insect that want to kill you.
>That feel when you wake up and your arm is completely numb
>Can't even move it under your own strength, you've got to move it with your other arm
Welp, guess I was wrong then, my mistake.
>That feel when you can feel it again
man, every day i see more and more people who say they hate bronies without knowing anything about the show or fandom. what the fuck is going on out there.
I'd rather protect the Holy Terra on other worlds than explore it.
>new PAYDAY map in the L4D hospital


>That feel when it happens about once a week to you when you get a migraine
Maybe in the old age but everything now is border this and border that. Also, shit loads of mbos, druglords, and gangster all over the place.
Tangled is a Disney movie. Wreck it Ralph is a Disney movie. Disney Animation (they made Princess and the Frog and will be releasing Frozen in 2013) is a different department than the Disney CG Animation department which is different than the Pixar department (which is still in Emeryville)

Lasseter is in charge of Disney Animation (every fucking department), so, technically, Pixar owns Disney.

I'm terrified of insects, the internet and readily available information has killed my sense of wonder about earth, and also there's no magic here.
because your nerves were momentarily deprived of oxygen, they go into panic mode, making you numb
and when they get their precious oxygen back they party

That shit was terrifying when it happened to me.

The feeling coming back felt so awful too.
>that feel when your muscles are atrophying from disuse
>that feel when you wake up and simply by moving your leg your calves go into spasms and it hurts like hell
Is that Khezu?
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>see pony reaction images
>hey this stuff looks pretty cute
>discover bronies
>discover bad crossovers
>oh god no fuck fuck fuck

>eventually get curious enough from all /v/ rage
>MLPG gives me episode links
>hey this is pretty cute
>especially that pink one

>start to gravitate more and more towards Twilight
>ahaha oh man that purple pony sure reminds me of myself
>accidentally stumble into a picture of her in a swimsuit
>oh god no I'm not a zoophile am I oh please no
>didn't need physical attraction to fall, once episode 15 was done came the dream that broke me
>accept horsefuckery and pone waifu
>be urged to write out pone waifu dream out by MLPG
>do it

And that was the start of darkness
I think I've fapped to ponies more than anything else within these 9 months
Just do some pushups or something
Island country, I mean. Tiny as shit and pretty much nothing but tall buildings for the most part, but even in a polished city you'll find interesting sights.
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I recommend trying this out
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want pizza?
>You will never spoon Twilight while she spoons a twilight plushie
How does that even work?
Do you literally only sit at your PC 24/7?

>Hoxton's get-cash quotes are all "DOSH" and "LODSAMONE"
>not watermelon and fried chicken
Don't you?
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Schedule of winners.
fuck the haters. magneto's brown twilight is pretty cute.

i really like how well the purple goes with the brown
There...there are no wrights on the bar.
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goddamn dolphin

does anyone know how to fix this?
me too she's fucking adorable
That would be great.

Fucking love PAYDAY. I spend half a game pressing the action button while looking at Hox

As Wolf


Yeah I really like it.
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Not even an Edgeworth.

moot is so casual.
That shit's like 40 lbs on its own. I doubt his little legs can support much more than that.
the bar's pretty heavy i think
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Does anyone else find their waifu fantasies are more vivid when they're in another bed?

I just got back from a hotel and god damn I had some nice waifuing in my head on the beds
And when I was staying over at a relative's house some time ago too

Yeah moot is doing LMAONOPLAET!1! but damnit he's trying.

Actually I think he reported in the last progress thread that he moved up to 25 on either side.
Have you ever try lifting a bar?

45 lbs, so yeah.
e-even I can squat 100...
Reu finish that celestia you were working on
So, apparently a schoolmate of my little sister's can make pretty good pone plushies. Should I go through her to commission one?

Also, if any of you have ponyfag siblings, just how rife are their schools with it?
Guys I'm bored and I'm to lazy to make an idealize version of my self in Sims 3 and live a happy life with my waifu.

What ROM?


What do the mlpg shazbots think of the accelerate weapon variants?
I still dont get the spanish version he calls out.

like El Huoxo or something like that

But its my favorite

you should punish them with sword and flame.
how many beds do you think we own, anon
I'm tempted to get a copy of Oregon Trail 2 and do a run through with ponies. Is this a good idea?
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Oh you

Only if you stream it
Yeah problem is that I need to leave soon. But if you guys don't mind the images of them burning stopping without reason I'll do it
I'd have to figure out to set up a stream but that can be arranged.
>that feel when you pony so hard you forget to feed yourself

How long until you get a copy and are willing to stream it?

I am now looking forward to this.
>tfw you rely on pony to take your mind off hunger when you're cutting
pls respond
>dueling spin is good, higher impulse same self damage
>inf weps are upgrades to base
>SEN blaster is better, clays are sidegrades
>All the soldier weps are upgrades, especially the nades
>LOL 120 DAMAGE SMG, THEY'RE TOTES NERFED GUYS and giving the TCNG a shorter fuse, the nade with the shortest fuse a shorter one
>new mortar is nice, but a bit of a sidegrade. New fusor is a tiny bit better nades are useless compared to ghetto discs
>chain is better, titan is a bit silly and nades are useless compared to mines
>The devastator is crazy powerful, EXTENDED FRACTAL not like they were long enough they should have been purple

Everything not mentioned is shit

Oh god I know that feel
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Gast AR and the new Thumper DX is a direct upgrade for the Soldier class.

DMB got a nice toy called the Titan Launcher and go damn its a fun weapon.

>DMB nades useless
>never seen a partybringer

Granted you're not being useful but it's still pretty damn fun.

which one?
>Order has been placed.
>Will get it on Monday

Unfortunately I won't get a chance to play until Tuesday or Wednesday.

What defecit are you running and what BF % are you aiming for by the end of summer?
>tfw NO SHIPPING on weekends

god its torture
Sweetie would be happy.
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>Wanting to ship on weekends
>Fluttershy will never be self conscious about 2.3 sanics
>You will never give her a set of PTH armour and go steal Rainbow Dash's flag as a prank
I know. It really does suck. First run through will be the Main 6 of course. I wonder who will die of Dysentery first.
What are you playing?
>tfw you get a pimple on your scrotum and you know it's not an STD but it makes you super paranoid
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>having sex

>Getting pimples

Pff, enjoy your shitty genetics.
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>Pimple on your scrotum
buy a gamecube
better than in your ear.
starfox adventures
Oh fuck, don't you HATE it when you get one right in the middle of your ear lobe? Like you can feel the little knot inside it, it's red, and painful as hell, but you can't do shit to get it out?
I've got a fuck ton of those.
>no shipping on weekends
I'm pretty glad I only get pimples on my face.
It's worse when it's in the folds of your outer ear.
you're all smalltime

inner nose.

>not getting butt pimples

I get only a few on my face, but get them on my butt and occasionally one or two on my inner thighs.
Everyone in this motherfucking thread needs to Have a nice day
But it's nighttime, anon.

all answers there
Thank you, I will buy Lollipop Chainsaw later and have fun with it
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You made me go and listen to the entire Morrowind soundtrack.

Thanks, anon.
What's the best theme for Ubuntu?
The flappy bit of cartilege that you call your ear or outer ear is actually called your pinna

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>all these pimple talk

You know, do you guys think these pastel ponies get these pimples as well?

Could you imagine your favorite pony getting pimples? How would they react and what would they do?
Debian Squeeze
No anon that is not a theme.
Protip: Close your eyes while the intro runs. If it doesn't make you a twifag you're beyond saving.
tell me what it's like when you finish it

She's only whining for human dick
I will.
Rarity says she's getting a pimple in Green isn't your colour

do you even lift the show

not sure how Dash would react, she'd probably think it made her look less cool or something I don't even know
The answer is always Elegant Brit.
I don't think she would mind.
That one nerdpone in PYHD seemed to be having a bad outbreak that day.
The answer is installing a good distro
>just downloaded every Harvest Moon game for the DS

I didnt wanna sleep anyway...
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So yeah moved the fuckers to a small house so I can actually built walls and make a murder box
Install Ganoo+Archlunix
>Downloading all of Ren and Stimpy
>68% done
>Not one file is completed
Non sequential downloads is pain
oh hey alter-meta. man, it's been years, and years since i last read that. it's reminders the whole way down
I have work in 7 hours
1-4 Sleep
5-8 Pone
9-0 Masturbate
build a pool, I want to see that Pinkie wearing a bikini
Hmm. I just realized something.
and now im upset.

I really liked the last thread too...
goddomot ross get out already
they wouldn't be visible because fur

advantage furfags
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So after making a new wall and buying a few end tables Fluttershy made the fire

Bets on who dies first?

If she survives sure.
To late to do anything now.
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Oh God. I just realized that next year when I get SimCity 2013 I'm going to have to name my first city Ponyville
>My Little Pony: Panka Pah's Party

oh shit

Should I?

it's been done
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Eh not really
It's Rarity
So what's a good website to stream on?


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aaaagh goddamn I was gonna say Rarity, knew I should've stuck with it
I am betting Fluttershy dies after Rarity though
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They need to burn for one in game hour for them to die.
Or three hours if they have the daredevil trait

But this is all your fault General.
Their blood is on your hands
how come sims never get cancer?
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This is the equivalent of a brony fluffy pony comic

Just saiyan
hey, AJ and Twilight went out?
Does Rarity give a fuck?
What are you on?
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Twilight died first and AJ was the second one.

Apparently she does
Mime confirmed for casual scum
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Hey not everyone can be as cool as THE DASH
Don't you mean, hot?
i hate everything about what is happening right now
yeah this really has nothing to do with my little pony

this is just ross whoring his OCs
>dat narrow kitchen
>put on table forward cooking stove

fuck, out of problem
You're right.
Let's get back to discussing LoL and pimples!
Fucking retard.
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189 KB

>draw us more monster girls!
>draw us more sexy fat monster porn
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2.03 MB


I didn't have anything to do with those discussions. I sat quietly and waited for them to end. But this is just fucking stupid.
with a hoof she's lacking the precision to point at it
And you're not waiting for this to end exactly why?
I'll stop then

>implying I have ever said either of those things
Yeah. We should totally purge the Xeno-Loving Heretic Scum!

I should really get sims 3

the original sims is really showing it's age
Which pony most enjoys watching her friends take the dick?
Descartes Pone
>implying it wasn't already old as shit by 1996
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250 KB
nothing is fun
None. Pastel Ponies don't' have genitalia.

B-but I loved that game

I bought all of the fucking expansion packs
EA bought reviews using the money you gave them.
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1.41 MB
Off the table anon.
Any way do you guys think that Rarity drinks while Sweetie is over at her place? Or does she wait till she leaves?
Pure alcohol

Maybe yours don't, but mine do
MLPG, how come archer is so funny?
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17 KB
>Rarity drinks while Sweetie is over at her place?

Mineral Water.
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1.33 MB
Help me decorate MLPG, am I missing something?
Smile's Boss pls go
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890 KB
Missing hats.
There's no good bondage pictures of ponies
prove me wrong
rarity takes a lot of vicodin because she is addicted to them.
also she is drinking everclear
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Dragon Dildos
Oh man.

There are so many things wrong with that picture I don't even know where to start.

At least they remembered the wings and cutie marks
In before someone posts a lmr pitcure
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1.35 MB
But that picture gets me hard like literally nothing else
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229 KB
>Rarity drinking mineral water...
I'm sorry for getting mad over the sims pictures

that was petty of me and i shouldn't have done it.

I'm glad people are posting ponies though.
is that the best you've got?
That's pretty good
Because it's brilliant, anon.
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103 KB

>Darling, keep squirming, it's so cute
>Oh my, he's balls deep in you now
>mmm that juddering, I bet he's filling you up right? Feeling nice and warm and full down there?
>There's no need to moan so coarsely my dear, it is most unbecoming. Why don't you kiss me instead?
>oh my listen to that slapping, he's really getting a good rhythm going
>oh how awful! All that runoff just sinking into the mattress and getting wasted... never fear, I shall fetch you a cup
But that picture gets me hard like literally nothing else
I like it
Wait, why did you copy my post?
u wot m8
I thought that too
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48 KB

Not the only one who thinks so
Sorry, that's all I've got...

Oh my god this is brilliant.
Well then I guess you'll just have to start drawing.
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not even a wiggle
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Would you a pone on a bun?
Nah, I would a pone's buns though.
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How about saddle and collars?
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156 KB

Pony wears the saddle!
But this is literally the only way Rarity can drink mineral water suggestively.
i second this

>never fear, I shall fetch you a cup

>those broken legs

Whys that pone so tall and skinny?
Well then I guess you'll have to draw Rarity doing other things.
Interesting concept, got any more?
when is the new episode of korra over?

I want toss to stram
She need to eat more... hay, or something.
I'd rather draw something cute though
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524 KB
>Not liking rap
what are you, a pleb?
But I do like rap, Anon
Yeah, guess I am.
I like rap and hip hop that doesnt take itself seriously.
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252 KB
>mfw I stopped liking rap 10 years ago
In fact, rap is my favorite genre right now.
>not liking nas

you are not mah nigga
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358 KB
Would you eat a Flutter-burger?
I only like when a certain white girl raps. It's ear-splinteringly adorable.
This as well. There's too few of those though
Theres a chance I might like it if the lyrics arent a mix of the rapper making himself seem like a badass, talking about slappin bitches (even if they deserve it), or drinkin juice.
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2.79 MB
>she only has 11 stimmens!
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So you wanted saddle?

Come to think of it, there isn't that many ponies that wear saddles in the show, is there?

I like rap when it was for the soul in the early 90 /late 80. Now its just bullshit.

What about Ludacris? Like, everything he does is tongue in cheek
>not stimmen
do you even german
Yeah hes fuckin great.

Busta Rhymes too.

DMX as well, though they might actually be serious. I cant take them serious though.
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81 KB
I would eat a Scootaloo.
not the guy you're responding to, but there's only 1 ludacris song that i can stand and that's a collaboration with sum 51

it takes sum 51 to make ludacris not suck
I fucking love Chamillionaire, especially http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saemBRFp7_4
so funnay guys xDDddDd
>It's a chicken burger
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2.99 MB
>Now it's just bullshit.
>Now it's just bullshit.

Good morning guys.
So, what did I miss in few past threads?
>Not listening to Busdriver
My nigga why you still awake?
It's only 1pm
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It's 4am here.

Imaginary places is good and all but pretty much anything from roadkillovercoat blows it out of the water
File deleted.
Because you like kinky stuff.
I really like almost everything by him, but Imaginary Places is still my favorite.
worldbuilding of what?
Cute Rarity is always welcomed
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you opinion stinks

just kidding

pro click right here
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why would i want to eat a burger filled with hair and semen?
I want to go to sleep

Why can't I go to sleep?
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>asking that question
we ded
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172 KB
I would prefer to fuck her rather than eat her.
because pone
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Would you still love your waifu if she was an old mare?
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Nobody draws this pony

>Sweetie Belle's cutie mark

it's a pipe?
a pot?
a hammer?
a golf club?
a rock and a stick and a pink thing

Why would Rarity be that old if Sweetie belle is so young? They're sisters dammit.

Also what the hell is that cutie mark?
You don't deserve a waifu

Why don't you suggest her to an artist then?

I would do it if I weren't drawing gilda right now.

Request her more often!
Why do you think no one draws her?
Dude most artist age up Spike so they can ship him with Rarity.
But they forget to age up Rarity.
So you see normal Rarity with Teenage Spike or adult Spike even tough he will reach that age when most of them are ded
Yeah, draw more Gilda! Gilda is hot!
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1.9 MB
>Drawing Gilda
Why are you stopping!?
>Still shipping Spike with Rarity
>in 2012
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2.77 MB
I love her if the scenario is when she grown old and all those time you spent time with her from her young years to her olden age.
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How disgraceful. Platform shows are more efficient for doing this.
Neither are human dicks.

Doesn't stop Sweetie from slamming on them, either.
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please respond
thats adorable mt
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71 KB
Hey MT
Thanks for drawing Twilight and Rarity for me
pony world
draw adorable Celestia
See, I know that that's the emotion I'm SUPPOSED to feel at that pic, but it's done so boringly that I can't help but feel indifference
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MT, pls draw Pinkie sitting on a couch with a bowl of popcorn in her lap. Patting the spot next to her and looking at the viewer

"Come on! Sit next to me! It's about to start!"
It also doesn't affect me at all.
And I'm a sucker for >feels.
>That comic

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Draw Dash with a black eye
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>that feel when you want to be bisexual
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You're all so selfish, asking MT to draw EVERYTHING.

She must be tired.
I want to be bisexual too, vaginas don't even get me hard, anymore
No he's right.
Don't you know that she's a strong independent woman, who needs no man?

And the guilt trip begins.
but i want to be lesbian
>Tfw you don't find guys attractive but you want to suck so much dick
pls respond

fuck this kid

sixteen years old and he's one of the best mlp artists in the game. and he can draw humans!

bah i say!

bah bah bah
Dammit Satan stop being me.
you are quite retarded person aren't you
the problem is nothing does
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You poor thing.
Don't worry you can take your name off when you don't feel like drawing so people don't bother you.
He has his fucking name on.

When he has that on, you lose all right to say "ABLO BALOO STOP BOTHERING HIM"
someone already drew that
Working on cute celestia....then I'll do dash with black eye.

Then post it you bastard.
I had the same problem in my late teens, many do - Don't lose hope. Try to find alternative ways to enjoy yourself, and one day you might wake up finding yourself attracted to... something.
You don't have to do everything...
quick someone post pony with sultry look i need rafrances
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it's like if i said it sucks that i just got stabbed, and you ran in here and said, pain doesn't matter.

sometimes it just sucks to be stabbed, man
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Would you lick Celestia's horn, MLPG?
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>that feel when the only guys you are attracted to are close friends on the internet, however it's mainly their personality you're attracted to
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You're the best, MT.
>fall asleep during Rarity Quest
>reading what I missed
>minimal spaget
aw yiss

I'd rather her hooves

But either or
i'm at work. i don't have anything on hand. the guy who drew it is a brand new artfag. i can't remember his handle. he threw it up on his tumblr, but, uh, i don't have that either.

it was posted in last night's night thread if you want to thumb through the archive for it.
Man read the ending
That fucking >feel at the end. Just glorious.
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why the hell do we even have contributors...?
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1.4 MB
Mew drew something similar...you don't mean him do you?
It was him.

Because we've got that abusive personality that is very addicting
Do Mr. and Mrs. Cake have fanon first names?
because drawing is fun

Because it's fun to have fun.

Unfortunately people feel the need to harass them.
We'll make up for it tenfold in the dinner with Celestia
Fucking dice gods man, they give us one gift only to take away a hundred
>brand new drawfag
Carrot and Cup, respectively
Man you know it was worth it.
That fucking show. And we almost skipped it.
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its becoming a habit for me
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cool, got it
He just recently started coming to the MLPG because he was banned and theres a long story im not gonna bore you with

Maybe you're just lonely?
I know right, I was reading through all the replies and was like, holy shit if they skipped this show I might have to forsake all of my fellow Questanons
to nights maybe? i've never seen the guy before
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587 KB

the bowl would fall down
Aren't those the names of their kids?
m-maybe I could be your friend-crush...
I remember Mew back from like, 2011. He has been banned that long?

Pinkie doesn't look that into it
Dude you should rewatch the episodes.
Nope, those are Pound and Pumpkin
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257 KB
Who's bright idea was it to use google docs for a link collection?
Kids name are Pound and Pumpkin.
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Pound and Pumpkin
>rewatch one of the worst episodes from S2

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46 KB
>blocking out tabs
Ultimate casual
banned from where? where's the guy from?

he's not bad
Wow, I'm retarded. Thanks for the help.
>Dark Souls

>Ross trying to share his views with MLPG
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96 KB

buuuuut it's still a pretty complicated situation
let's just say he's here sort of and can do requests
but he's asleep now
Are you serious?
I was sure we'll end up skipping it because I though we were in the minority.I mean seriously a romantic show about a seamstress in the fucking private booth?
Golden opportunity.
thank man!
>not rewatching all the episodes in order whenever you have some free time.
Nigga get on my level.
>Having free time
I would lick everything she asked me to
Okay you have a point.
But this is why I only sleep 5-6 hours.
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Guys quick who am I and what is my name.
If this was a day thread it would be a thread entirely about laughing at you.
I don't see what's wrong with Skype.
Forth best pony
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17 KB
Requesting pics of Tabasco pone
Just go to yay and get the episodes there.

Best quality anyway.
it's shit

get a teamspeak sever, poorfag
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85 KB
Uh, plenty of people use Skype.
Oh I know that, but I'm not aware of the complicated situation.
Could you fill me in?
worst pone
Jacqueline Apple
>implying teamspeak servers cost money
Hahahaha oh god you're funny. Anyways most of my friends use Skype so I'm pretty much forced to use it.

>Bar: MLPG
>Man: Ross
>Bottom of rack: Glitter Glue
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79 KB
>having AJ at 4th

my african american
She used to be last
But the points she got at the begging of the season and all the points FS and RD lost just made her climb a lot.
>implying a decent one doesn't
That CELT mono quality man, it's like my friends are living in my headphones
He's still banned, he went on vacation and could draw for us, now he's back and still banned so he uses someone else to post as him.
maybe it isn't as complicated as i thought
ask them why they like to eat shit
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90 KB
She is most beautiful pone
>Not being GMT+1 master race
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This and this image.
Oh right, well that's not so bad. Tiarawhy does the same when he's banned

What the hell did he do to get banned for so long?

Oh man, those sparkles.
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11 KB
Are you blind?
Ha I love that Rarity
I had her at 6th to start S2 also.
But then AJ was awesome and TS went full boring retard teleport-spam, so they'd switched spots by the time S2 ended.

You have Twilight in your top 3 and therefore are no longer my african american
MT pls draw stapler pone

but there's only one sparkle

Oh shit im sorry
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40 KB
Think of your favorite three ponies.
They now have their own show about adventures across the Equestria.
Who are they and how is it?
I can count at least 3 anti-virus/spyware software there

Are you that reckless?
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350 KB

Bravo! Love that Rarity.
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152 KB
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He's underaged.
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39 KB
goddamnit 4chan I'm not flooding
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321 KB
>who are they

>how is it
only one sparkle in that picture
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128 KB
fuck flood detection in the ear. if it has ears.
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27 KB
and that's all I've got
that's cute, thanks MT!
But so are many of our contributors
Shit, there's even an anon here who is 15

Why did Mew have to get banned ;_;
>Shit, there's even an anon here who is 15
Someone draw Srirachapone, Cholulapone, Franksredhotpone, Tapatiopone, and Valentinapone laughing at Tabascopone for being casual entry-level shit.
>Rarity Twilight and Sweetie
Man all that >feels potential between Rarity and Sweetie.
All the shenanigans including Twilight trying to teach Sweetie magic.
Also duet between Sweetie and Rarity.

Yeah, we were having a long chat with him about two weeks ago

As young as he is, he seemed so similar to a regular anon that I had my doubts until he sent me a picture over Steam
I dont get it
Cant you just change your ip and continue posting?
>3 unicorns
are you racist or something
Because bad timing and shit I guess.
Also I don't know why he just cant get a new i.p

>thinking any of those sauces are above casual entry-level
Yeah but Tabasco is the casualest shit in the world, just face it.
>Hating on Sriracha
I will find you and then I WILL fuck you.
>Favorite ponies are only unicorns
Well fuck
Even the mane cast ranking is Unicorns>Earth Ponies>Pegasuses
Shit it evens applies to background and one shot characters.
i would watch this show
wait, let's say you're 15 and get banned

do they ban you for 3 years?
No Worcestershirepone
Worcestershire sauce is a kind of sauce, not a brand.
They ban you for about 5 minutes or as long as it takes your router to restart
Elsewise they'll just ip range ban you for three years most likely
>Cant you just change your ip and continue posting?

uh, not if you're fifteen and living with your parents who probably don't want you fucking with their internet
with a sriracha bottle, I would hope.
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68 KB
Practice Practice~
One day I'll be able to do quality commissions if I practice~
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1010 KB
>Fluttershy, AJ, and Rarity

Well, I know for sure there going to be some conflict with AJ and Rarity and Fluttershy would end up in the middle. Otherwise, this might be an interesting journey for them.
Kinda, but there's the orignal brand that's made it since like whenever...

Just because it's delicious doesn't make it not casual tier
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You gotta do more than just cute ponies for practice, MT!

you don't want to end up like THIS GUY, DO YOUUUUU?
Practice makes perfect. Just keep it up and raise that spirit of yours!
>not having one of each in your top three
>not having one of each in your bottom three

You are Hitlersatan.

Not everyone has a dynamic IP
Pfft, my parents gave me free control over the internet at that age because they knew I knew far more about it than them

It was a nice agreement
do post please it, AB
>Pinkie, Rarity, Dash are my favorites
99% of people do, though.

Because nearly all providers use them
that's a lot of sweat
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61 KB
It would be glorious.
I DRAW LOTS OF OTHER STUFF! I draw people and scenery and animals. I do it all.
>Pinkie, Rarity and Dash are my favourites
How uncanny
At 15 I knew much more about internet and computers in general than my parents and they knew that.
Oh, can I see them?

>Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and AJ are my favorites

Well I'll be damned
But I'm not A-

Oh anon, you card
Oh boy, >>2599924 here.

You are a gentleman with stellar taste in pone
I'm in charge of our home network since age 14
Oh awesome.
The Twifags are still asleep, let us make fun of their shit taste in unicorns.
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365 KB
>and then she just spammed teleport again!
Yeah they are on my other tumblr. Cakesharks I have to post the stuff I've done lately though....
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Twilight's okay, but she's no Rarity.
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13 KB
>liking Rainbow Dyke
I really liked Twilight in S1, she just dropped in S2
still, I'd love to see it
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53 KB
>last panel
Needs more eyebrows
Truth be told, she's tied for third with Epplyjeck

Fucking Twifags
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87 KB
>you in your fursuit
M-my waifu

what are y-you doing here, baka!
who is that
It's not a fursuit...they are corgi kigurumi....not that it matters...believe what you want.
How anyone likes Twilight more than Rarity is utterly mystifying to me.
I completely understand why someone would or wouldn't like various other horses, but... HOW does ANYONE rank TS over Rarity. HOW. Rarity's not even my favorite, either.
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>not worst pone
pick one
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Maybe they think all that reading makes her more inventive in bed or something.
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u wot m8
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Evangelyne from Wakfu

You should watch it
It was a joke, you're cute
Rarity is a whore, Twilight is my pure waifu
>GG leaving was a good thing because he was pretty much a genuine shitposter
You're right, we're so much better off now. Look how good this thread is.
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>worst pone
>not Fluttershy, marginally beneath Twilight
you guys are a bit younger than me, (a lot younger if you're not twenty yet), so, i wonder, what the fuck are parents doing still being computer illiterate
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>worst pone

Oh u.
Hahaha what the fuck
they call me to come and fix their shit
>that feel when pegasi are my favorite race despite Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy being my least favorite characters
My mother is actually pretty computer literate
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Still denying the fact? I suppose it would be kind of hard for you to accept the opposite of something you've championed for so long! Denial is all you have left anon.

Think of how much happier you could be if you'd just open your eyes to the truth, instead of fiercely refusing to accept it.
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Well...I'm bored...time for creative autism.

>greygoat: Hey, did you hear? Kids prefer season 2 for being obnoxious as hell.
>whitegoat: You mean that a show for children is attracting kids?
>greygoat: Yeah, can you believe it? Also wanna hear who directed the second season?
>whitegoat: Who?
>greygoat: It was directed by some amateur that only worked on Pucca.
>whitegoat: You mean that shitty Flash cartoon with that asian girl in red that chases a ninja, with all those sexual tones in it?
>greygoat: Yeah.
>whitegoat: Whoah, and he directed a show for little girls?! I thought that Pucca thing was loli fetish to catch pedos.
>greygoat: He's also the one that thought it was a good idea to give Derpy her googly eyes in Feeling Pinkie Keen and beyond.
>whitegoat: Well...that about explains it.
>greygoat: Yep...say wanna eat Pinkie's cotton candy hair?
>whitegoat: Sure, I was getting tired of munching on your tie, anyway.

Welp, I'm convinced
Hey MT, you don't seriously like Preston, do you?
Is that a Caravan Palace song? It sounds so familiar
this reeks of pasta
everyone knows that Dash is the worst pony
>I dunno why I can never take good pictures of myself….sigh…..

watch this:

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they come
Indeed, my faggotry has spawned more than one pasta, but I just spewed out that mess, as truthful as it is, just now

Except for Fluttershy

If we're counting background ponies
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whoa that site still exists?

impressive quints
Okay here's that explained: Preston is the equivalent of a really stupid puppy for me. It's adorable what terrible things he comes up with. And you want to kind of hope that one day he won't lick up his barf so you keep watching. This is what I think of Preston.
Hahaha oh god I love you
>How to smile properly
>Not Pinkie
0/10 not even upset
That's a good explanation
Do you have a link to those "learning to draw" comics he did
its hilarious how he threw all he learned away
i got a bunch of zeroes. now everyone has to watch that.

hey, seriously, if you know how to smile, then you can be the fattest saddest sack of shit in the world and the only, only thing people will say about your pictures are "you have a beautiful smile." it's the weirdest fucking thing in the world.

but not all that surprising that a lack of confidence can manifest in a photo.
who is Preston
>that feel when you have perfected the smirk
>everyone always asks how I smile like that and try to copy it
Shit is hilarious yo
Thanks. But what I had in mind was something closer to domestic abuse.
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My retarded Waifu. He doesn't even know that I draw him super uguu~
Would you give Preston a go? Sexually I mean
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I'm new to humans. I pretty much know what I need to work on but it'd be nice to get some feedback on this.

Also I need to stop getting distracted when I draw.
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>That fucking form

Fuuuuuuck no.
You know Ross? Think him but all over the internet.

Also, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT4h86Ns1Cs

Face is what you need to work on. I don't know if the arm is a bit small for such a body build like that.

Yeah I took a cock up my nose on the facial construction and I realized that way late. Thanks.
The nose seems wrong.
are there any pictures of that shark girl drawn with huge boobs? i am too busy to look through the whole tumblr and giant sharkboobs are kinda my fetish,

How in the world he didn't get a free ticket to snap city is beyond me

Jesus christ
sorry, but looks like a ross drawing
pls respond i need to laugh at him
>Cock up my nose
dear jimmies
I dont even lift and that looks painful
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>MT takes cock up her nose
I wish someone capped it
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>those pushups at 1:49
>those fucking pull-ups

What did she even mean to say? I've actually forgotten
I meant coke. I almost had coke up my nose.
so what's so special about him

in few words

Cool I probably won't even have to get kicked out of art college before I can draw good
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What are these people doing? Where are the people working at these gyms? Why aren't these idiots getting kicked out or at least given proper instructions?

Here's the thread if anyone wants to cap it
see >>2600010
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free money from idiots

they cant sue either

>Eyebrows slowly levitating away

I just now realized this and I've seen this like 10 times already.

My sides.
You Americans never cease to amaze me
>Those pullups
Are they not doing it properly or something?
I'm murkin and the concept of paying money for a gym membership baffles me.



Broken collarbone with pull-ups: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=iXFgUAvzUaM#t=128s

Full retard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNCxPvJf-VY

Fuck these people
The fact that you even have to ask that question makes me doubt your sanity
>owning bikes

While it does help you burn, you will not get a /fit/ body from just going for a bike ride. Cores are mandatory.

>Implying running or biking is lifting weights

Nigger do you know how hard it is to find a place that will let you do oly lifts and drop the weights? It's well worth a membership if you can find one.
Fuck you. I own a bike and I ride that thing 20 miles a day.

>kipping pull ups

why the fuck do people STILL do this


Unfamiliar with that term, but I assume you mean the full body momentum thing that should NOT happen in a pullup?
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>that everything

jesus christ i'm dying
Meh, I just want to be at a good weight. I don't give a shit about skwatz n otez.
How do people take this shit seriously?
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i dont know what kip is but i have this gif

You're one of those "Oh, I don't want to look THAT big..." guys, aren't you?
Not him but I'm a lazy fucker, what can I do to get /fit/?
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Read the sticky on /fit/

Don't do crossfit
No, that ain't me. Weightlifting genuinely doesn't appeal to me and paying for a gym membership appeals even less.

I got my bike and that's good enough.
It's vain and silly to train just because you want to look hardcore. If you want chicks, just work harder at earning money, if you want to fight well, then the gym is a very inefficient way of becoming a good fighter.


fuck you i was drinking water
I cycle and swim a fuckton

Forever ottermode. Go lifting
but crossfit looks >fun
post the one where the dude is doing a wheelie on his motorcycle

Fair enough


Do you really think the only reason people lift is for chicks and for fighting?


See I had the same problem...with cock the other day
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We /fit/ now?
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MT you've never had cock in your life. Don't front.
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I love how you can take a joke
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you were drinking cock?
While we're /fit/, is there a proper way to train at home?
I'm 2poor for a gym membership
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>re-read what i wrote...

I just need a Coke button so I stop typing cock.

Don't have it, anon. Sorry.
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There's a Fallout Equestria joke to be made here, but I'm not in the mood to come up with it right now.
So here's a cap.
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it's just something that's always on your mind so you just happen to type it out when you least expensive it
Dis nigga
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This is okay, but you should really invest in a gym membership.
what is crossfit and why it is so bad
Hella pushups
Hella situps
Hella running

Ta-da, you're in good shape.
Yeah, I will start going to the gym when I stop being poor
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Aaaand convict conditioning
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>all this /fit/
Who is the most aesthetic pone, /co/?
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>TFW I read the whole thing a year ago.

Long story short, that guy went to some planet with a bunch of other guys becasue it have gasoline, shit happens there where everyone dies because that planet is haunted. He live, and he moan about this to a hooker.
are you even in this thread?

Apple pone
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What if they replace Applejack with Applebloom?

Does Dash even lift?

Dash wouldn't be fit, maybe just thin.

I imagine flying doesn't provide the MUSCLES that fucking EXTREME APPLE FARMING would.

Dash beat AJ in an arm wrestle

Dash tore apart AJ's barn for her

I think Dash is stronger
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poor aj ;_;
yes, but no one actually explained the downside, all the replies is like:

"omg lol crosslifting autism XDXDXD"
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>/fit/ pones
I haven't been in MLP General in quite a while, is the average speed always 5posts per minute?
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All AJ does is buck apples

You remember all the training that went into flying in Hurricane Fluttershy? It's crazy as shit.


Oly lifting + high reps + bad form = snap city
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For a small coin these excellent tools can help you build up your strength.
Well duh, with that momentum Dash is a fucking monster

as for raw strength, AJ should in theory be far stronger, Dash does too much cardio. cuts all day erry day
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Guys I just realized that I'll never be with my waifu or find someone who's like my waifu...again.
Can you post some Rarity to make me feel better please?
It's Saturday morning during the hiatus, nigga. 2slow5u
I never got how to use those grip things
Go nuts

Even if you don't have the proper bar, you can still do lifts with the actual plates if you want to do stuff that way.

A barbell with weights will be twice as useful as a set of dumbbells

from what I gather it's essentially to fitness what Homeopathy is to medicine, with the side effect of potentially being dangerous and destructive to the body.
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Sure, happy pones!
what homeopathy
I married a girl who reminds me a lot of my favorite pone.
There is yet hope for you, anon.
Squeeze them together slowly, both hands at the same time, let them revert slowly. Rinse and repeat until you get tired. Say 20 squeezes. Repeat the shift 3 times.

In a year, your hands will be made of iron.
oh really
which pone would that be

I dated a girl that was just like Pinkie once. She was loud, fun, had pink hair, and was very slightly chubby. She was a blast in bed and hanging out together was always great.

At least for two weeks. Every once in a while you want to just lay down and cuddle, right? Fuck no, not with Pinkie. She wants to be up doing something that requires effort all day.

And now Pinkie is least favorite pone
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sounds good, is this shit expensive?
Also I've heard horrible things about leg weights

>those cleans

Someone help those dumb girls before they fuck themselves up.

Please stop, my sides are dying.
10 out of fucking 10
It's great. She's the most laid-back chick ever.
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Well then gotta get fit if I ever want to impress someone like her.
And oh goody we're being /fit/ right now
I love you MLPG
Can't stop..


That's not even bad.

Did you see >>2600053?
but she's worst pone
I doubt it, my latest pair cost me 100 SEK, that's like 14 dollars.

I use leg-weights sometimes when I'm walking. I've never heard that it can be a problem if you use them in moderation.
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Why do you like background princess so much?

Yeah, I saw. Good lord, that fucking everything. Even in high school, no, middle school P.E. the instructor would get on your ass if you tried to do push ups/pull ups that way. I seriously hope these people aren't paying for an instructor, because they aren't learning shit.
Good weight for dumbbells?
And I'd rather not waste my time with leg weights
Goodnight sweet prince <3
Fuck off faggot.
We love you too anon.
>those pushups
I'm in the process of making a gif

Don't get dumbbells, get a barbell.
Hey, since we /fit/ now: Leg lifts. Good idea for someone who has shit for a metaphorical CON score?
She is loudest backgrounder

Opposed to Yellowquiet

Any cheap barbells?
Depends on how much you want to spend really

Make sure you get one with a set of different plates that actually lets you increase or decrease weight. I went to a bros and he had a barbell with a fixed weight, I was fucking horrified
Here's what you do when you want to determine what weight and difficulty you need.

Find the heaviest thing you can lift and take something 40-60% easier. Repeating a lighter weight many times is much better than doing a heavier lift few times. Also, take it slowly and easy when lifting.
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>lifting at home

Nah man, you gotta get yourself one of those shake weights.
>the South Park shake-weight episode
Oh man
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We need more cute ponies...all this talk of Fitness makes me feel fat.
I got a full set at walmart, not great, only 100lbs but came with a bar, bench including leg extensions and shit. I think it was 70 bucks.

Dawww, and their eyes sure are sparkly.
Ok, thanks
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>mfw I just googled that and found out it was real
I thought Matt and Trey just made that up. Damn it America.
Draw Rarity trying to make Twilight think she's beautiful.

An olympic bar is pretty useless without a bench or a rack, so get something like http://www.walmart.com/ip/Gold-s-Gym-110-lb.-Olympic-Weight-Set-with-Bar/14894528

You shouldn't need more weight any time soon, but keep saving up for a gym membership for when you do.
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Y'know MT, it'd be awesome to see you happy with yourself, a little bit of lifting and a small diet can go a long way.

And by bench or a rack I mean an actual olympic rack, not the one that comes with things like that.

I wouldn't trust any bench you can get from walmart with more than 150 pounds.
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So, how can we make Rarity cute if that is the synopsis of her new episode?
who edited teats out? ;_;

Like watching a train wreck.
I am happy with myself....
I have an old set of dumbbells (one handle and 4x2kg plates) that an old flat mate left behind. But I have no idea what to do with them.
>this guy
What the fuck does he think he's doing?
So guys since we're being /fit/ can I ask you a question
Used to be fat as fuck, obese even but lost most of the weight.
Still have some fat left and extra skin.

Anyway I want to lose the remaining fat and get some muscles. Not /fit/, just enough to become more presentable.
Can't go at a gym so is doing most of the exercise here enough?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnnOWfj2TW4&t=2m15s Woops, I meant this.
Have you ever drawn tsundere NMM?
have you tried picking them up?

like, with your hands?
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thats good
sorry for assuming

It's enough, but make sure you make a routine. Don't go retarded and try to do each of them on the same day.
Woah, slow down there. Could you try to be less technical?
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>That feel when my quest to make MLPG /fit/ is working
Also for some cardio training running is enough right?
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>implying the majority of us don't lurk /fit/ anyway
I'd like to see an updated pic of tiara tbh, he mentioned he was spring bulking way back on /co/
MLPG is already /fit/

at least in comparison to the rest of this disgusting fandom

with the notable exception of ross who i imagine is some disgusting blob much like that one huge dude from blade one who had to watch all the security monitors
runnan, bikean, swimman
it's all good
Ross showed us what he looks like, he's not too bad actually
>why aren't you drawing
>why aren't you exercising

Why can't you just let me watch ponies until I grow fat and chubby?
my headcanon cannot be shaken.
>that anon who mentioned Mumford and Sons the other day
Thank you based anon, redownloading their album again
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We love you, that's why.

Running is perfectly fine for that. For lifting though just target specific areas on different days. Also, work on those pyramids.
You can work out and pone at the same time.
Unless you're a casual autist heteronormative faggot.

Running is shit tier cardio that will destroy your knees given enough years, so alternate swimming and running every week.

Also cardio on off days. Try to make a schedule like AxBxCxx or ABxABxx.

And one last question
I have an old small set of dumbbells that I received a few years ago.
Nothing to fancy
Two 1.5 kg dumbbells, two 3 kg dumbbells and two 5 kg ones.
Can't modify their weight but I can still do something with them right?
I can't draw and exercise at the same time though.

Just as I was starting to feel happy about my drawing again, now all I can think of is how flabby and unhealthy I am.
x = off day?

isn't that what steroids are for?

>That feel when listening to every song from the show on shuffle while benching

I'll tell you, it really helps.
Yes, but they're heavy.
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That sounds perfectly fine to me anon. What's the problem again?

my sides
my fucking sides have gone into hyperdrive
So one set of exercises one day, cadio the next one, another set of exercises the following one and so on right?
that feel when TAW does not visit MLPG anymore


>dropping the hammer on the tire

my sides no longer exist on this plane of reality
OK queermo, here's the deal.
Decide what you want to do with your life. Decide what you want to have accomplished every day before you fall asleep.
Do you actually WANT to spend lots of time on the internet and in front of your TV? No? Then stop that shit and replace it with working out, drawing, whatever.
Go slow at first. Don't remove all the bad stuff at once or you'll get burned out. Just watch 30 minutes less TV or 30 minutes less fucking around in MLPG per day.
I'll procrastinate later. Right now I have to art.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. You can do things that aren't core lifts during your offtime though if you want to get in a little extra. Maybe work specifically on abs or something.
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>mfw someone in MLPG is indoctrinating others to become plebs
Download some Leonard Cohen, Bert Jansch, Caroliner, Catherine Ribeiro, Fairport Convention, Phil Ochs, Jackson Browne, John Prine, Joni Mitchell, Pentangle, and Tim Buckley and never look back

Can't really think of anything that would be good with that low of weight.




Always wondered why you need to make this kind of schedule
What exactly is the downside of doing all the things on that list in one day?
>steals polandball joke
>top rated comments
>colours on polish flag are wrong, you nerd

Muscles need time to recover to get stronger.
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>welcome to mlpg
>where everyone is your mutual friend and wants you to succeed in life
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These are fun.
Nightmare Moon? I haven't thought to draw her...at all
Oh well I guess they'll have to continue gathering dust.
Thanks a lot you guys.

Maybe sell them?
those eyes are creepin me out man
Have a look around youtube.


In general, don't do it to fast and keep your arms and body steady. Wave it around like a flag and you will hurt yourself.
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hey, madmax is alive again

>gathering dust

Sell them online and use the money for larger weights? Granted, you'll probably have fewer if you do this, but atleast they'll actually be beneficial.
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Right? This is weird.
Suddenly the hiatus is all about self-improvement and group accountability.
It's pretty great!
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Don't care
Why are rarity's hats so huge?

This is what MLPG was always like on /co/.

Well, mostly for drawing, but still.

Too bad the day threads are so weird now.
>wants you to succeed in life
Bitch please
I just want you faggots to be a challenge when we'll fight for our waifus.

Also the taste of victory will be so much sweeter because I'll see you failing even after training so much.

I swear to god you faggots are great.
She's related to Gaben
>Day is already here

Well this thread was nice

>That feel when a small, tight group of elite ponyfuckers quickly dispatch the bronies

And then we get down to the real action
Try lifting them. If it's heavy, it's useful.
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That makes sense.
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>so huge

Let's not go flying off the handle like that, she has perfectly normal sized hats.

>quickly dispatch the bronies

Hey now, even our most average regular here could probably take down a few bronies.
>Nightmare Moon? I haven't thought to draw her...at all
then do so please :3
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we're all pretty much confirmed gun owners anyways
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Is that you, "draw firearm, distinguish target(s), acquire sight picture, and shoot three people in six seconds"anon?
Man, the first few bits of How To Beta Your Dragon were so solid.
Then the rest of the episode happened.
They aren't that heavy for me.
I mean I may have been a fat fuck but I got some strength. Especially when it comes to lifting have stuff.

Heh probably the most useful thing I'll ever do in y life is be a mule and just carry stuff around for other people.

The joke about the dragon that looks just like their shitty costume is one of the best jokes in the whole series.
not me

when i kill another human being i want to do it with my hands

i am not a pussy, you see
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Calling questers to DM's End Times quest.
Assemble in submarine
but what if

Are new players welcome?

i don't even know how to respond to that
I think that episode was needed to get spike a pet. He's now got a friend for life. Since ponies won't out live a dragon ever.
But we did get Craggle....Crackle...grabble....that cute gem dragon.
"Rarity catch me" gets me every time.
Take those 5kg weights. Lift them 60 times divided into 3 shifts with 5 minute break between.

If you feel anything in your arms afterwards, then they are useful.
Bitch please I'm almost happy most of the time.
No matter what I'll find a good thing in everything.
Very few things make me go full sad and even then they don't last more than one hour.
>so egggyyyy post
We've got an established party already and this is the finale, but you could go ask.

>so eggy

Egg whites are good fur bulking up.
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Sup bitches

Any news this week?
Oh man explain this to me...I like table top text based games.

Good for warming up
not a god fetish
I'll see what happens.
Starting tomorrow I'll start exercising.

Thanks you guys. You're the best.
Your art style infuriates me MT.

I don't mean that in a bad way. It's so simple, confident and cute, and I can't seem to do anything like that. It just looks... natural, to my weak attempts to duplicate one thing or another.
>the joke is celestia likes sex
just trying to point out the combination of cowardice and insanity present in all gun owners

you want to defend yourself you buy a taser, you want to murder another human you buy a gun
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you buy a gun with the intention of never having to fire it, but it's there if you need to

>need to

and you'll never need to

if you never want to fire your gun, you don't buy bullets for it

you also don't go to shooting ranges and shoot them repeatedly

anyway, let's move onto a happier subject; israel

I bought 3 pistols and an AR to shoot paper and metal targets, and a shotgun to shoot clays and hunt turkeys and wild hogs.

I've got dogs for home defense.
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>coked up johnny breaks into you house with a knife
>taser does nothing
>this is you
Sorry Satan but it's kinda late here.
And I really can't do it now for other reasons.
Don't worry tough. I'll do it. i have ways to motivate myself even if I don't want to do things.
And suddenly, /k/ has come to town.
>taser does nothing
Even someone filled with PCP will faint if you give them a good tase,

This is the reason I still browse MLPG during hiatus.

We do other boards better than they can hope for.
well obviously not a melee taser, what's the point of those?
Go check /q/ in the submarine.

>not rigging your house with tripwires before you go to bed every night
>coked up johnny

I fucking knew it.

I fucking knew "whelp as soon as I mention that all you need is a tazer, I'm sure someone will mention 'lol drugs make you immune to tazer'"

and that's not true
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Everyone knows the board devoted to something is the worst place to discuss it.
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but they do
and they wont stop
The secret is how you feel. If you are super chill then your art is gonna reflect your calm demeanor. I follow 3 big rules.
1. Draw because it's fun
2. Draw what ya want to draw
3. Even if it's crappy post anyways.
The first two are what help me get the feel that you see in my pictures. And not to blow my own horn...I'm a fucking adorable person. Like a roll cake.
I don't like killing. Nothing against guns or how people use them.
Killing or not killing their choice.
I want to avoid this kind of things.
Yeah I'll defend my self if needed but even then I'll try to be nonlethal.
>taser does nothing

Fine. You get close to a home intruder and see what happens.

>Tazer pistol

Then what?
Huns are 4gaylords.
I'd rather mongols.
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murder is an entirely obsolete concept

that's why you don't miss.

Welp, in that case I'll just whip out my actual tazer and zap him when he gets close.

really the tazer pistol was just a novelty thing
Huns it is

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>that's why you don't miss.

Why not just pick up a beanbag gun if you don't want lethality? Not so sure about druggies, but it should fuck up a regular home invader a good amount if you're afraid of killing someone.
in any case, anyone who is so weak that they can't wrestle a knife out of the malnourished hands of 'coked up johnny' deserves all the paper-cuts he gives them
hey guys
can someone post that image with afro-american nigga and caption "you are trying to create image 413Gb large" or something

This, god.

You don't have to get close, and you don't have to worry about missing. Best of all, real shotguns have beanbag and other LTL loads.

>Not knowing who Ainsley is

I want you to die
The percentage chance that a person is going to break into your home on enough drugs that a tazer will not affect them (this won't happen by the way) with the sole intention of murdering you for absolutely no reason is so slim that you are more likely to be struck by lightning twice in your life.

My point is that this is a fantasy that people make up when they want to imagine how badass it would be to kill someone with a gun.

It's also cute that Johnny "has a knife" so that no argument about criminal gun control can come into play and the gun owner's power fantasy becomes stronger.
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use a gun on him then

seriously though, new subject
>murder is an entirely obsolete concept
I'm not saying that.
Hell may times it can be necessary.
But even then I'll just try to incapacitate the attacker and not kill him.
But I'm just a humongous faggot.
thanks man

Honestly, I don't really hear of gun owners wanting to kill people. Most of the retards with bloodlust try to enlist if they want to shoot a gun.

see >>2600675

I just want to talk about guns without retards claiming hurrdurr compensating and even more retarded people claiming you need a gun for home defense.
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>Need haircut
>All barbers are run by pakis that barely speak English and don't give you what you ask for
>Forced to go to a fucking hairdressers to get what I want
I'm surprised the korrafags aren't here today.

Come on guys, let's be pone.
they have their own board

page 0, 1 and 15 of /co/

>That feel when fucking a hairdresser

That's fine, I'm just saying the home defense fantasy is fucking weird and unrealistic.

I personally think guns are aiight and a pretty cool invention and I respect people that like them.
>Honestly, I don't really hear of gun owners wanting to kill people.

...that's because gun owners DON'T say that. They don't go around going. "Oh man it's so bad ass I have a gun cause now I can easily end someone's life." They go "it's for my own protection." while THINKING "man this gun makes me so badass
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This guy knows what he's talking about.

Besides, talk about "he's on drugs and invincible" is complete and utter bullshit. Inane soccermom legends mixed up with over publicized odd-and-extreme cases.

It is totally weird. I'd actually call a home defense fantasy autistic.

And I own 6 guns.
Why not combine them
So guys what kind of music would your favorite pony would listen while trying to become fit at the same time as going to target practice with their favorite gun?
fair enough

i wonder how many home invasions are resolved with shots to the hand or leg as opposed to those that are resolved with lethal shots to the head or vital organs

entirely too many, definitely
Linkin Park
Hey MT taking a request?

Drowning Pool

Goddamn it alpha protocol.
What ya need before I take a nap?

ha ha

ha ha

ha haaa haa ha ha

on repeat

oh boy I sure am glad glitter glue isn't here

look at all this conversation we're having on ponies without him

> he didn't hear about zombie invasion

Actually I'm feeling less self-loathing than I usually do.

It's more that I can recognize something in how you draw which I know I'm lacking.
I can tell that in 10 yrs, you'll be a homeless 40 yr old virgin reliving the "good old days" where you had a bunch of nuthugging virgins on 4chan.
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>Yfw laning against Darius
It's a Heck of a game.
i'm only 21.
I feel the same way.

except unsarcastically and about TAW
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>mfw I don't play LoL anymore

that game sucks on ice
who the fuck is he
Well it's a bit complicated so I won't mid if you don't take it or do it tomorrow or whenever.
But could you draw Rarity sitting on a couch having tea while reading something and with magic firing a gun and lifting weights?
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So guys, thought 2 seasons, how many time did you switch your favorite ponies?
Twilight to Applejack during the first hiatus

Then back to Twilight 'round the middle of season two.
Not once since S1 E1
Awww self-loathing isn't good for you. You should have a day where you appreciate yourself. It will make you feel so nice...hold on
How do I even read that last part... "With magic firing gun and lifting weights?" Why would she do that while drinking tea?
Twilight and Rarity remained in the top two since episode 2.
Rarity was first and Twilight second since episode 3. And that never changed
The others always change.
Except for FS. She's always fifth or sixth best pony.
Always been Rarity since halfway through season 1. Applejack got promoted to number 3 in season 2 though.
fluttershy, then pinkie, then rarity, now i don't have a favourite

only pone i don't like is twist

she fucking sucks!
Fluttershy, Pinkie, Twilight then Rarity.
Though I've liked Celestia over any of them since the end of S1.
I meant firing the gun and lifting weights with her magic.
Also because Unicorns are cheap fucks with that telekinesis stuff.
They don't even need to look while handwriting with it.
... Explain.
Don't talk shit about my waifu

...why don't I have any sad Twist pictures?

Anyway, fuck you. Twist is a rad pony.
First season I liked rainbow dash
Second I grew onto Pinkie
but i love all of them
Pinkie Pie remained tops...but Rarity moved up in the ranks to 2nd, bumping Applejack to 3rd

AJ, Rarity, and Dash were all contending for top spot, then just AJ and Rarity from Sweet and Elite on, and finally just settled on Rarity.

Hurricane Fluttershy rolled around and suddenly I had a waifu.

I'm gonna watch Sweet and Elite right now, definitely my favorite episode of S2.
I think I might've switched from Dash to Rarity after season 2 but I don't want to admit it because I don't want to disappoint Loudanon
I always liked Twist.
Really the only character that I really hate is Gilda.
I even like Snips and Snails.
we're talking about ponies, not hippo-griffs

gilda is fat
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What's wrong with Gilda?
Went in with fluttershy as favourite, was replaced by twilight and since the hiatus it's fluttershy with Rarity in a very close second
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Have this one.

Fluttershy remains my favorite throughout the whole 2 seasons.
I've got the most dangerous weapon in the world: A Marine and his rifle.
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Does your favourite pony know what a pen is?


I wanna go to penisland
Not everyone lives in 'murrica where they just throw guns at you for free.
of course

twilight knows all about writing implements

they're what make books
Knew someone like her in real life.
Hated his guts.
And never really liked people like her.
but they use quills in the show
>implying he didn't talk about ponies all the time
About fucking them, admittedly, but even that's better than nothing.
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Woops, missed a joke I suppose.

Go ahead and claim your entitlement.
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Of course she does, because she's a SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT
twilight has done extensive research into theoretical ink application devices
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
He was a bit autistic when it came to Twidash but he wasn't such a bad guy,

He'll return anyways. Unless he has fallen to the dark side but I kinda doubt it.

Heh kinda reminds me a bit of Fluffy.
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Would you like Celestia just the same if she was only an earth pony?

every time!

Slightly less
please check your entitlement

As long as she kept her delicious ass, I wouldn't mind too much
if she were just an earth pony she would be a horse
only if you check your privilege
Once you check my 7
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I drawed you a sleepy colt Breaburn. I hope that's OK with you.
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hey look, a script
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Would you?
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Wrong Pinkie
Also I'll never betray my waifu ever.
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They also use pencil.

Sure. She would still look pretty and have that motherly, soft voice.

And thats cute.
Very cute, he looks so happy.
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Nice job bub
check my repeating numerals
Actually, I was going to say 5, but then I second guessed myself.
No and Twilight isn't my waifu anyway.
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ok now you can stop
I like Pinkie. And I don't have a waifu, since I like all of them.

So sure, why not. I'm an equal opportunity cuddler.
I'm not even trying anymore
I guess I should go be king of /v/
no one cares

you're using a script
That was my goal. I'm glad you approve, anon.
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Who mines the graphite?
I'm not using a script, it's just dumb luck
No more autistic than DD with fluttermac or pacce with gilda or such. A bit of targeted autism gives people texture. It's just a shame that some people seem to think that anything different is something that should be attacked.
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But Twilight isn't my waifu. This yellow one is.
Yeah like my trips
I just want to get blazed with Fluttershy and then fuck her gently to the sound of her animals chirping and carrying on downstairs.

Is that too much to ask?
le fuck
The best part about this is that they sandwich a trips post.
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Is she?

/b/ and /v/ plz depart
what do you want for chirstmas, MLPG?
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I wonder if this will ever be finished, or if it's wiser to leave the subsequent action to our imaginations.
I want /v/ to leave
/v/ pls go
I want /b/ and /v/ to leave
Pony episodes.

And hot chocolate.
that's swell

me too

so what do you want under the hannukah bush, anon?
Do you think Rose made this thread?
I think she did.

Zazu drawn by Kloudmutt.gif
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I rather let Aspirant finish this. Until then, imagination is a wonderful tool.
I assume no?

I am just happy sfw gif have a place to call home.
Infinite wishes.
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>In Transit
I can't remember, do they ship on saturdays?
I literally want /v/ to leave. That's the answer. Like, imagine finding that as a present.

>Dear Anon, /v/ has departed. Merry Christmas

Best gift ever
two more
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no 3 more
I want MLPG to go back to /co/
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isn't it 3?
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mlpg gets derailed and dies

you can't explain that
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>new one

>new one
new thread


sorry other anon
Too slow!!! This one marked!

If any one still here, here the new thread:


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