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[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
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Gross I'm not gonna fuck a marker
Which pony enjoys anal sex the most?
You mean Philosopher's stone.
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I really like this guy's art
I hate the hooves
edward elric pls go
Whats the point of archiving these threads?

Does anybody ever browse through old threads at all?
I'd fuck that marker tenderly and lovingly.
setanal does
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If GG's still here...
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so while we're on the subject of contributers: which "contributors" do you think don't belong here, or should just give up and leave?
I really like her mane.
OK then, who are you?
And why wouldn't you. Pencil drawings's a bit of a forgotten art.
He's always here
you just have to chant

I do to control-f my own name



that pony has a butt-vagina and you're hating on the hooves?
Yes, I sometimes go into old threads to look for stuff.
Are you me?
I enjoy every contributor, sometimes.
Even Ross.
only Ross and AB, otherwise the notion of driving contributors out is ridiculous
hell, even Ross is okay sometimes, look at his Celestia tutorial
npa, that one guy whos really depressed
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sorry just making some minor tweaks to her belly
Oh, right, I forgot AB.
He should leave.
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I wish I had a good pen
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i liek poan
>that gay scene in pokehidden's flash.
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I wish I had a beartato. It'd be fun.

Me too!
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yes i agree poen is good
I like how their wings look from the front.
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thred is >>2
Find the newest version, open it in a flash decompiler, or in my case, MPC, scan through it just after the scene with AJ.
all the drawfags are always depressed, chin up and all that stuff, you're getting better and you actually practice painting. I haven't even goe there
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here's an idea: "contributers" who do not draw porn are not real or very good contributers to the threads

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fuzzy pones, hhnnnnn-
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>This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!
This is not true, some draw lots of cute shit and that's a valuable contribution.
That's dumb. You're dumb.
In the case of FacelessJr, it's both cute and shit.
but i can not jack off to cute they are usless to me if they do not draw porn
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i dont draw porn because i'm not good enough and i don't know where the vagina is
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Name something better than Goggleshy.

Protip: you can't.
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painting is fun, you should try it

I like using photoshop for it but I've heard sai is more "realistic"
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>doesn't know where the vagina is
Everyone knows they're located in bags of sand
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Last one.
>You will never cuddle an adorable swamp giant.
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Oh my
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I agree.

Glitter Glue, Rose, Tess, Apples and Jap Anon are all worthless and have never contributed anything of worth, fuck all of them.

I'm glad that there is someone else who shares my valid opinion.
Glitter Glue draws porn though.
Sai is awesome when it comes to linework, it just does very nice smooth strokes, just don't set the stabilizer too high. You could always use a linework layer from Sai and colour it in photoshop
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>implying I've never drawn porn


okay fuck maybe a sketch
link to uncensored pls
I haven't tried that yet, probably because I'd rather just paint over the lines.

But I did use sai for that last image with applebloom, the large ink brush made it a breeze to color and it is godlike for linework
Your porn is so badly drawn it could not possibly be considered porn in the first place

in fact several of your drawings have been removed from paheal for not being good enough.
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>That feel when your drawings aren't good enough for paheal.
Glitter Glue draws unspeakable lewd pictures.
I've jerked it to Glitter Glue's stuff before.
Me too.
Someone pulled a gun on her.
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I like some of his smut.
Same here, it's not about the quality.
Was that image a request? 'Cause I requested an Applebloom from an anon yesterday night, but had to go to sleep before I could see it finished. Fucking timezones
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daily dose

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can we talk about the show now
Do people REALLY think they look good in capes?
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>Party inside Pinkie
Suggest a topic so that I may discuss it with you.
shut up anal goblin
It was, but I didn't do it the first time because I was lazy
Then I was asked a second time.
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>in fact several of your drawings have been removed from paheal for not being good enough.
Yeah yeah, you fap to the ideas not the material. I've heard this before.

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>monster ponies again

so, would Celestia be like a Seraphim or?
What were those rape machines called?
S something
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derpy is a very ugly pony
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>having a shit imagination
Isn't that thing supposed to be pornographic?

Also, what the fuck is up with all the female pony porn artists. Do they really enjoy shlicking to cute animals or something.
>implying it's different to fapping to cute animals
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mite b cool

PK's stuff is kinda neat
the fuck
It came out cute!
How does 4chan not have the ability to ban names

How is that not a thing

Even if IP bans are ineffective at least they could keep people from reassuming their old identities.
Here's the thing:
It does. /v/ just doesn't have mods that do their fucking job.
I figured the idea of bending over meek adorable woman was just a male power fantasy, guess I was wrong again!
It does and I thought they did. Maybe he's introducing zero width characters into his name.
I don't give a shit, he draws gay porn of pokemon, let the furfag do what he pleases
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plz respond
This is what I was thinking yesterday, but I thought 4chan banning system was a little more...reliable...than that
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You're thinking either of a Synx or a Sergal

>That feel when someone says rapemonster starting with S and that doesn't narrow it down enough to be sure which one they mean
>no tabs
>not even any bookmarks
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>try to kill spider
>it gets away
>underneath my bed
i didnt want to sleep anyways
sparkler pls penis
Nah. I have a banned name and I used to get round it with 0 width characters. Then they banned my tripcode. Persistent trolls just make a new tripcode and go from there.
what thread is he even trying to get /v/ to personall army about anywy
What is GG's Tumblr?
A guy here fucked a horse
It was white as was to be expected slut
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I... I've never been called out as someone else before
Am I supposed to respond or what?

(btw this one's a synx, the other one is the sergal)
Guys, I feel terribly ashamed. I did something horrible, and now I can never shake off the guilt.

I was half asleep, and in that state of mine, I saw a picture before me. I can't draw, but I saw a picture, a picture of Teenage/young adult Sweetie Belle giving a blowjob to Big Mac, and to my shame, I popped a boner to it. To an image that doesn't even exsist, but now I kind of want it a bit... I don't even fap to ponies!

How do I live with my shame, /co/?
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Fucking rarifags
It's your filenames
i want to fuck you
>killing spiders

Why would you want to kill spiderbro?

Once, my brother in law had a hearing ache. It would not go away, so he went to the doctors. The doctor investigated the cause and found a large dead house spider in his ear canal, which had crawled into his ear at night to keep warm and perhaps build a burrow.
Fapping furiously
Fast for 3 days and nights.
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ill murder you
>tfw I'm having hearing problems in one ear

the world may never know
it does exist, Crappy Unicorn drew that EXACT picture
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So /f/ managed to work out how to get the Twilight scene in the pokehidden flash:
You need to visit her and say "Busy". Then the place'll open up and you can get the spells, but you won't activate the Spike scene until you click her. So you can go and get the cash for the ticket and then come and activate it.
I like sergals as a creature, they could easily fit into a DnD monster manual or something. I remember somebody made a sergal mod for Dwarf Fortress. (the prehensile genitalia can go in a FATAL rulebook)
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If that's true, then post it?
People still care about that game?
Don't you know
I died for you
Like the dust in the Summer rain
Sleep tight!
>Not downloading the SWF and playing it in your Flash Player to get all the scenes.

My friend had that problem a few years back. Except it was a cockroach. And it was still alive.
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>alive in his ear canal
He would have known he had something in his ear
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Fuck you man. I already get paranoid when I lie in bed and my ear tickles anyway
Pretty much this. The "game" built around the scenes is poorly constructed and the scenes aren't really worth going through that bullshit to get to them.
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Who cares, Pokehidden's style is shit and he's not English so he can't write and he uses cop-out porn scenes.

shit game/10
He did, because apparently it hurt like fucking hell and he could hear it rustling around stuck.
penis is ready
so did megasweet

well, this is close enough: http://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/680149
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These guys have the name in some regions "Crawl-in-ear".
I'm not bullshitting you.
They are very prone to do it.
But they usually leave before you wake up.
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I will find you, and I will kill you.
Oh god please no, no, please
We call them earwigs, here. Those pincers on its tail sting when it grabs a hold of you.
Pure cunts
>Asleep at Rarity's house
>She jams jewels into your ears while you are asleep
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Oh yeah, Earwig, I couldn't remember.
Did you know it has wings and CAN fly?
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We call 'em "earwigs."
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>that feel when there are no insects that grow larger than an inch in your state
This is actually true

In dutch they are called 'Oorwormen'

'Oor' means ear and 'wormen' means worms

These fuckers crawl in your ear and can seriously fuck up your hearing if they stay in there and lay their eggs
>into your ears
>not into your ass
Those female pincers look like little stumpy legs

I like it, it's amusing to me
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Your loss, spiderbros awesome.
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im gonna bite you and lay eggs in your ears
They kinda look like Ross legs
>tfw British
The only thing to worry about are Adders and Bees, Wasps and Hornets

Shit is great
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You will die alone and miserable
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I've seen Sergal conversions for several tabletops, including D&D, I think 1d4chan has some, in a sci-fi game a few years back our GM had us investigate a derelict ship, only to find it infested with Synx.
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Yeah, but they prefer to lay eggs in different places.
For them to lay eggs in your ears is not very likely, but possible.
Calm down people, it's an Urban Myth that this happens a lot, it's actually extremely rare. Earwigs prefer damp warmth, bedrooms are typically quite dry.
It's okay if my bugqueen does it
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bees are ok, they make honey. Fucking wasps don't contribute at all
>not wasps
I swear to fuck

Wasps are the worse than cancer

Every fucking time I walk around outside with soda or some cotton candy, those fuckers are all over me

>tfw Australian
I envy you. You can't even begin to fathom the depths of my envy
Hey, at least you can avoid bees

Mosquitos actively hunt your ass down so they can eat you alive.
>tfw clean room and haven't seen a single insect in months.

Except for mosquitos in summer.

I am okay with this.
We /an/ now?
The single reason why wasps exist is to fuck shit up. I don't see why we as a human race don't destroy them.
>not having a tennis racket handy for just such an occasion

I actively want bees to enter my house now
So fun
I wonder if Snails has problems with things living in his ears, considering they are like giant satelite dishes attatched to his head

I wouldn't be suprised to find birds nesting in them
It's even worse that they will attack you without provocation. A bee will land on you and give no fucks, it won't sting you until you prod it with your finger or something.

A wasp will sting you just because it fucking can.

Bees are chill bros unless you wander too close to their next.
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>Am I kawaii uguu~?
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I'm Aussie too. Fuck the snakes, fuck the wasps, fuck the tarantula on my brick wall as large as a dinner plate who I'm too scared to try and remove because of gif related.
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id love to be raped by a sergal
>tfw German
The only insects I have to worry about in my area are bees and bumblebees
I have a dozen fly swatters
But I'm not going near anything with black-n-yellow stripes with anything less than a flamethrower
the other one is better
>the force of the spider jumping into the bowl actually pushes his arms back
The only time I have been stung by a bee is when I stepped on one barefoot. Bees are chill.
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Fucking Australia, is there even anything that won't try to kill you or fuck up your day there?
be ded
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Imagine that thing jumping to your throat
>Britain is having a mild heat stroke
>there are fucking wasps everywhere


where are they all coming frooooommm
Ma nigga. I caught a grass snake once. That's about as exciting as it gets with wildlife in the UK.

Actually, saying that, I spotted one of those mystery big cats up at Weirwood Reservoir. I was shit scared.
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>mfw watching 8 legged freaks

some of the sheep
Loads and loads of insecticide
>mystery big cats

Maybe it was a lynx?
/tg/ pls go
>that feel
Man, they are the biggest pain in the arse I've ever encountered

>have a glass of Ice Tea
>poneing out on the patio with a barbecue planned in an hour
I can deal with it, on second thoughts
holy fuck I thought I was the only one
so many of his shit is so kinky or have such a hot concept I can't help it
this is kinda cool if not autistic
Bees will actually headbutt you to warn you if they are going to sting you or not. They would rather not attack you.
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well night is drifting away and the sun is much too bright
I guess it's time for monsters to turn in until the next night

>They would rather not attack you.
Well yeah

They die
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So which CMC has the cutest butt?
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later gg
It was black and the size of a large doberman pinscher, but with the flat rather than inclined back a doberman features.

You could not mistake it for a dog because of the long skinny tail that was curling around as it walked.
Of course they don't want to, they die after it.
That's why they are so chill, they won't die just to make your day worse.
Fucking wasps don't have this restriction.
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I did not know Australia had facehuggers
Can anyone stream this movie now

that'd be great
whelp, thats the 1st time I've ever typed that.
Night dude.
Draw more fucking ponies, and not goblins.
And not ponies fucking.
Fucking moths kept flying in last night. I swear to god moths are the scariest fucking things ever.

bees are usualy bros man

jut open the window and do some shooing with a curtain

It's actually a pretty bad film

How about junebugs? They don't bite but FUCK they are annoying as fuck, I don't know why they have wings when THEY CAN'T FLY AND HITS YOU EVERY TIME THE ARE NEAR AAAHHHH!!
That's almost cute, in a way.
When I fap, I go through a large folder of mostly clothed fetish porn at about one image per second to fuel an idea in my head about a different but related scenario that I fap to.

Does anyone else do this?
i liked it
because i fucking hate spiders
>megaweet's samebutt

would not fuck.
They are more of a nuisance.
They can't really hurt you, or anything.
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Here. Try to think of these bee as these. They would normally not attack you and you can try your best and bring those bees outside.
Oh shit, nostalgia time

My friends and I used to get a load of makeshift weapons - tennis rackets, cricket bats etc - and go Junebugging
If you hit them once their wings just seem to stop working and they nosedive

Looking back, it was cruel. Cruel but so much fun
Fuck. You. I can't watch the Alien series purely because of the Facehuggers.
Because they're cute.
>That feel when moth phobia
I don't even know why, I know they're harmess but I lose my shit every time I see one
Nooo, Nasse is going to rape that bee!
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>that feel when playing vidya at night
>room is pretty dark
>suddenly BZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz as a huge fucking bug flies right past your ear
>Fluttershy Moth.png
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>see a giant spider on my wall

give me strength mlpg
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almost tempted to ask which ones

but I get the feeling I'd regret it
Honeybees have a bad reputation because of how similar they look like Wasps. Really the only reason bee farmers wear those nets is to keep them out of your eyes and hair.
>only monitor shines in room
>some carpaced big black bug starts smashing itself to the monitor

I fucking hate that.
I'm just gonna wait for someone to come home and take care of it
Thank god I need to leave in 20 minutes
inb4 cute moths.

By that I mean someone post cute moths.

Moths are kawaii as fuck and wouldn't hurt anything.
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Well try not to let it go to you head too much.
They all look more or less the same.
>Cute moths
No such thing.
No such fucking thing.
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goblin tits
I was mass murderer of ants and those small red bugs when I was a kid too.
And snails. Throwing snails up at the roof and watching them rool down.
>hear BZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz and the thumping of a wasp hitting a window repeatedly
>Yup, he's behind the curtains / net curtains again
Fucking hell, trying to get rid of them in this situation is chaos
That really old picture of chubby Fluttershy is in my fat pony collection.
Your main cast/63 ones
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I thought you liked bugs
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No, now see Wasps keep the crop pest populations in check. Now slugs? Garden slugs serve no purpose. Except to eat my vegetables. And to be eaten by birds. You know they're slower than snails? Shit slugs, get it together.
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I have a bunch of moths flying around my monitor every night. Its more annoying then scary.

What if 20 minutes is up? Its not like you are allergic to it. I mean, Pinkie pie might dress up like one and try to do a bee dance to tell the bees to get out.
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Fuck your shit, nigga.
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Chris isn't a bug, she is a shapeshifting fictional character.
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It's adorable!
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The fuck you say?
>sitting in a primary school classroom
>there is a wasp and no one notices
>don't fly near me don't fly near me don't fly near me don't fly near me don't fly near me don't fly near me don't fly near me
Well, these don't give me a panic attack
but they're not cute
>friend used to have chickens
>we'd dig worms up and feed them
>lods of wormz
>throw one onto his greenhouse roof
>can't get it back down again
>feel guilty as fuck
And we came back a few hours later and it was crispy
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okay that's it

sketch is done

i can go back to work

It's like if Fluttershy was a Moth.
I didn't know Weaver had drawn porn.
That genuinely reminds me of Fluttershy because of the colours and the fact that it looks like it's shying away from you.
I wipped out to that Cadence getting caught blowing Snips by his parents one
and humiliated Twilight by Discord
and other shit
Goblin tits are hawt.
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in a way but I usually just put my headback and think about it while staying on one image
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>sitting in an AS history class
>a massive wasp comes in through the window
>the whole class and the teacher proceed to stare at it for a good 5 minutes, lesson totally derailed as we just watch
It was odd.
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hahaha oh man that little sunhat
that's fucking adorable
I might just give her a sunhat
>poisonous moths

every time
I don't think it's a sunhat, I think it's a thing they use to help wash their hair in my Japanese animes.
I would keep a Fluttershy moth in my house as a pet like a dog.
>Garden Tiger Moth
>The conspicuous patterns serve as a warning to predators, because the moth's body fluids are poisonous.
A lot of animals are colourful and stuff because it serves as a warning to birds etc not to try and eat them because they'd die, or suffer a lot of pain

Quite clever, really
>suddenly the wasp is noticed by someone
>they scream
>class now proceeding to leave the room in a scramble for survival
>tfw i was always stung by bees but never wasps

i dont get it
You know moths aren't aggressive right.
Iit's a sunhat

yeah ok i should just give up on drawing
Why would I eat Fluttershy moth?
The best one is the snake that mimics that fucking poisionus other snake, when in fact, it doesn't have any poison at all.

Now THAT'S fucking clever.
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>Poisonous moths
Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
>i drew one thing slightly wrong
>a bloo bloo bloo i should stop drawing entirely

Weaver, draw more goblin.
i'm kind of hoping he stays with his OC monsters and away from the ponies for a very long time

ssssshhhhhhhut up you dumbass.
I never said you would
I'm just saying, moths can be poisonous, which you didn't seem to believe
Pretty much. Go through until a picture or couple of pictures give me a hot idea that I want to go with, and then just flick between those.
Don't know if I've seen those. Anyone got them?
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>i'm kind of hoping he stays with his OC monsters and away from the ponies for a very long time
But you lose either way because I'm posting them here anyway
>nobody has bothed to Flight of The Bumblebee yet

is it breeding? or a model?
Er, meant to link to >>2203517
Yeah, they're in myass.com.

No need to thank me.
if I wanted huge hips and tits I'd ask my mom to bend over
Holy shit I loved that game
I don't care if my taste is shit
>live in Australia
>go camping with friends and sleep in a cave because carrying and setting up tents is for pussies
>make a nice bed around the pools of leeches
>someone shines a torch at the wall and there is a gigantic fucking spider
>it seems pretty stationary
>about an hour later we shine the torch back and it's gone
Funny pic! :D
>that feel when the though of an insect crawling into your ear, into your most intimate areas, and laying her eggs inside, trusting you so completely to protect her young, drives your boner to insanity
Oh god
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You know, I would like to see Fluttershy holding one of these moth while looking in pure amazement. I mean, she not the type to be afraid of bugs.
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>and now i really can not sleep

fuck you all
I can't find it all I see is normal porn
I can't lose what I never had any control over.
>into your most intimate areas
You mean your brain?
Just imagine if she crawled into your ass
>she moves around trying to find a place to lay her eggs
>you can hardly contain your orgasms as she tickles your prostate
You just made me lose my boner permanently
But for real now, draw more ponies.
When was the last time you actually drew something pony related?
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How about some butterfly's instead?
She'd be inside your body, warm and comfortable
I really enjoyed playing Buck Bumble as a kid.
I'll help you get it back anon
Just think about some cry
Sounds like a dream for vore/unbirthing/ass-vore fetishists...
>live in Australia
>go outdoor camping
>no longer live
Tourist guides advice remaining only at the nuked nature areas.
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>a butterfly flaps her wings feather-light all over your dick
>paying close attention to your balls
Fucking bugs man, holy shit my boner
You know what is in oztralia and is browner than a recluse?

Your underwear.
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Don't worry anon, beekeeper pone will protect you.
Moths are fucken kawaii. They're friendly as shit and fuzzy so you can pet them.
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Oh god I would love to have Chrysalis living inside my brain, especially if she could talk to me.

Wow where did that thought come from.
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>When was the last time you actually drew something pony related?
multiple times
also yesterday
It's only May
>i drew one thing slightly wrong
>one thing

hahahahaha no
it's always like this, people cant tell what it is im drawing like 80% of the time

I wonder if you could train one of these >>2203570 moths to not freak the fuck out and fly away when you touched it.
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Stop hiding behind the truth.
But every time I see you or your blog it's always those fucking monsters

I want you to draw loadsapone again ;_;
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>can't find Kortz's tumblr
>trawl through Dooks's tumblr to find the colour
>you beat me to it.
Naw fuck that noise.
>And you can pet them
Might have been a specific type of moth or something, but when I was a kid there were these moths that had a bald patch on their head that seemed to get worse when you petted them or when they fluttered against you trying to get away. I was always worried I was wiping off something important.
Keep it from a caterpillar, and let it pupate in your room. The first thing it sees when it ecloses is you, and you will become its parent.
Stop being so entitled, he doesn't have to do anything for you.
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>if I wanted huge hips and tits
I'm sorry are you saying you don't want those things

>But every time I see you or your blog it's always those fucking monsters
because I don't put a lot of ponies on my blog usually unless it's something I have something to talk about because ponibooru ends up with most of my stuff

pb and gillou and the others don't have a site though
He doesn't post all his pictures to his blog. I wonder if there is a complete collection of GG art anywhere.
>smaller res
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in the interest of pony I'm gonna post some of my older stuff that I've seen reposted the least

so that way maybe you'll see something new~
Yeah, but the fucking ponibooru search is a clusterfuck, and every time I try to search for something it gives me ONE image.
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Hey guys, lets talk about the OC Hasbro made! Would you want to see this as a background pony?

do it
Nigga that's the kawaiiest thing I've heard all day.
I'm sure there are a ton of sites that are dedicated to OCs and the roleplaying with them and such. Why do you use MLPG as your audience for them? Is it because we're such a willing and active group that you're familiar with?
Before I cry myself to sleep from all of these terrifying bug stories, I have a funny story that's kind of like what's going on in that pic.

After I moved out to CA two years ago, I met a friend of my Mom's for the first time. She's a good friend of my mom and around, I dunno, her mid 30s maybe? Asian chick, kind of stout and stuff. Anyway, this was back when I was only 18. A few days later after that get together, I'm sitting at home and my sister comes over and shoots the breeze with my mom and asks "so may said 'if only I were a few years younger, I'd throw him down on my bed and have my way with him'?"

turns out that's exactly what she said, feels creepy man.

I guess I should feel good about myself maybe?
For a moment I thought you posted Fluttershy.
Then don't eat it you nigger!
Bees in your area are emos.
>not wanting to fuck an Asian Cougar

What the hell is wrong with you?
>Why do you use MLPG as your audience for them?
Because some of us here like them. And he does ponies too still, so it's win-win.
>I'm sorry are you saying you don't want those things
I prefer your simple ponies doing kawaii and sexy things
now do more humiliated Twilight with sadist Discord
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you can analyze it any way you like but it started when someone asked what I'd been drawing and I posted about PB in response
people kept asking for more, so I provided
it just sort of spiraled out from there

I'm not saying I'm a helpless victim in all this but it's hard to turn down requests for more when people are enjoying them
and besides, they're fun
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>tfw moths are by leagues cuter than butterfreaks
I wouldn't exactly have called her *that*.

She was alright I guess, but just kind of below plain Jane. She seemed weird too I guess. Apparently she has a phobia of becoming a hoarder even though she isn't one. We get a lot of free stuff from her because of that, actually. Like my desk.
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>now do more humiliated Twilight with sadist Discord
but even humiliated twilight with sadist discord had big hips

look closely
Glitterglue, it's not good to reply to bitteranon.

Just ignore him and keep doing what you do.
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It has probably already been ordained
And come on, you should have acted on it when you had the chance.

Don't care much for the pony, but there can never be enough
>pony wears the saddle!
fuel for my bondage fetish.
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he had a legitimate question
I like your dolls
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But what about me, I'm only here for the ponies. I don't care about original characters, I just want to laugh and joke and maybe feel a little bit turned on but then I get all this other stuff. I get that mlpg can be off topic but damn.
Draw more dolls.
>pony pulls the wagon!

Why does that make me laugh?
Oh god I need this.

Where can I order online.
So, I haven't played any games of it yet, but I am before one of the most important questions of my life.

Male of Female Shepard?
Most moths die sort after they reproduce. Many species can't even feed as adults, so don't worry about.
Draw requests?
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Twilight crying while hugging a pillow.
Plain. Jane. Honestly though, I'm more into finding some sort of relationship. The age gap was just really too much for me to get over at the time, and I just don't think she was my type.

I'm a goody two shoes and all that waitin' till I'm wed

It kind of felt dirty though, knowing someone was thinking about me like that... Weird thing is, in highschool I was super oblivious to girls digging me, apparently there were like 6 or 7.

geez, is there something wrong with me?
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Do you want a sarcastic/fun shephard or a serious one?

Sarcastic and Fun - Male
Serious - Female
female, always
Slave labor is NEVER funny, anon.
Not everyone is going to like everything. If contributors stopped because a few people didn't like what they posted, we'd have none left.

Well, except Ross of course.
Draw Dash licking her wings with an Ahegao face.
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relevant to nothing but
the term original character feels weird to me
I mean technically that's what they are but
the term is so often used to mean 'fan character'
it feels strange applied that way
>Pony wears the saddle!
Not as sexy, but still good.
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Everyone's gonna say Femshep, but I like Manshep because Tali in ME2.
Oh yeah, good point.

Play both, anon. They're both good.
Wait, there is actually a difference in their personality if you roll a male or a female?

I would want to take things seriously, but I like sarcasm too.
Hmm, this will be more complicated than I first believed.
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Spoiler Image, 107 KB
>afraid of cute moths
>doesn't want Chrysalis ovipositor tickling his prostates
>doesn't want to incubate Chrysalis eggs
>doesn't want to bang asian milf friend of his mother
More like the way the lines are delivered. The only difference in sex is who you can fuck, really.
just the way the lines are delivered really
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>waitin' till I'm wed
>oblivious to signs of girls
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>not blueberry waifu

Enjoy your shitty non-canon slut.
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and not as creepy as stalker pone Lyra with a photo of the main cast
Are you me? I wish I could slap my highschool self.
I raelly don't fucking care about the sex.
Hmm, maybe I'll roll a female then first.
I like girls with lots of willpower and inner strength and determination
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>tfw the piss ocean is now officially better than the circlejerk boat
Why Lyra has a main 6 picture
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I am not a clever man

shaddap, I drew you your bug freak already
Soon, lyra will be the mane cast too
15/10 would purchase
>geez, is there something wrong with me?
>Tfw it was that way to begin with
Shut up and start jerking me you faggot
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Why does she have a dvd where she plays no significant role?
The boat sunk a long time ago, pal.
the /b/read is its own island

it's not really part of the piss
/mlp/ kindly depart
>Thread dedicated to hating OCs
>Rarity hate thread
>something about mechwarrior
>more OCs
>candance thread
>fluffy pony thread
>/mlp/ sings Smile

I honestly fucking hate people like this.
What do you want us to do?
To don't reply to each other and talk to fucking ourselves?
I am amaze these thing comes with the episode.

Also, what the hell, Lyra? Having a photo of the 6mane.
Did Lauren say anything about /co/ at yesterday's livestream? if she did not should we give a fuck?
Be fair, we still do more than simply circlejerk with a handful of particular names constantly.

Sometimes we... argue about stuff?
Maybe we should talk about the show.
She's kinda cute

Any more art of her?
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Purchase away anon shes only like 7 bucks
>talk about the show
Dear god, what kind of faggotry is this?

Sarcasm, by the way.
naw man, I'm not you. Honestly It's a thing I've kind of grown out of though. Even still, a lot of my girl friends insist that all guys are oblivious regardless, even when, and I qoute "we throw ourselves at them". I question their sanity but for the most part looking back to those years, I guess it was true.
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No names
No culture
No feels
No fan works
No off topic posting
Pony show canon discussion only
Final destination
>handfull of bees.gif
what show

I seriously can't understand why people hate on Baby Cakes.
It gave Pinkie some good charaterisation and it was enjoyable and fun for the most part.
And the babies were cute as hell.
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I found something similar.
Someone suggest a topic!
>lyra hearstrings
So is >Lyra official now or is it shoop out of fanon butthurt?
She's been Lyra for a while, now
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>I want to talk about the show while we are in summer hiatus, how can achieve this?
>I know! Shitpost about it on MLPG! That'll work

We are the best place in the MLP fandom

Anyone who doesn't acknowledge this is a brony
Apparently it's official...
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>Durr why aren't we talking about the show

We should talk about Rarity.

Which did you prefer, Season 1's generous and fashionable Rarity, or season 2's Dangerous and manipulative Rarity who would kick you in the dick and make you thank her for it.
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it's official apparently
Season 2 for sure.
We could talking about drawing again.

Boohoo I can't draw and nobody likes me.
Which pony likes anal sex the most?

can't fight tradition
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Its official but people will still call this strange pony Lyra.

I mean, what is her job in Ponyville anyways?
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As anon said, shes been Lyra for awhile now

music teacher
>tfw you can't draw and nobody likes you
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I like both since I didn't find her to be any different in season 2 than in season 1.
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She didn't change at all
Drawfag drama is the cancer killing a ded horse.
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She shakes the Bon Bons

Initially the official canon name was Heartstrings, but just like Derpy and Vinyl Scratch, it's fanservice, and her official canon name is now Lyra Heartstrinfs
Ponies obviously don't all need to have jobs in glorious communist Equestrian paradise. Princess Celestia and the state provide everything you need.
I don't buy toys. inb4: ultra-casual
>tfw I love all of you and think you're great and can achieve whatever drawing dreams you have if you just stick with it and stop being so hard on yourselves
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I enjoyed Baby Cakes, but as I remember a lot of the criticism came from the babies being overpowered. I don't remember exactly though.

Kinda fucks Scootaloo over even worse than she already was.
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Ponies with wings.
Soon canon stalker-homosexual, too.
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1.08 MB
So close...
The only one who has a Hard-on for himself here is Ross.
>implying i can stick with things
Shut up Ross.
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Yea, I remember that old comic.

What if she was hired to keep an eye on Twilight for the princess?
could someone post the picture of all of ross' pone humans? I need to experiment with it for a second
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I love you too, Anonymous.
>not welfare-trash
Do you even fanon?
>extremely encouraging post
Is it opposite day?
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>dem frontlegs in panel 2
>the babies being overpowered
IIRC they explained it in the episode by saying that pone babbies get power surges or some shit sometimes and their powers go out of control, but it stabilises when they get older.

Didn't like the episode myself because I've never liked generic babysitting episodes with wacky babies causing trouble.
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>tfw Ross draw a Pinkie that was actually good but will never do again just to spite us
Fuck, I remember Maki back in the day.
She looks fucking adorable like that.

>Ross is doing it just to troll
Why? Why would the artist do that? I can only assume because the anatomy was easier, but still.
>Trying to make sense out of occupations using cutie marks

Cheerilee might as well be a gardener
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>that feel when you know you're better than every other artist in this fandom, you just haven't start drawing yet
Those hands...
Anonymous just enjoys watching new artists fail.

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Well that is Scoot's own problem. She is like the only babby pegasus that cannot fly for some reason
>Oh it's good now
She's still got spaghetti for arms, and her face is still fucked.
apply penis to pone
>actually good

>hooked noodle arms
>flat face
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I don't. I have only her name and a few reaction images. Is there some kind of story behind her?
Her face is better than usual, the arms are still shit though
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Just some drawfag that did threads. Sort of an integral part of 4chan's history I guess.
See if it really a pony. See if it can talk. See if it remember me sitting and sleep on it.
I take it no one has ross' humans besides ross

I guess that's a good thing maybe? I dunno.

Oh well.
Ross's problem was never his fat fetish. It's always been his genuinely bad skills and complete failure to improve.
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Well Scootaloo is simply explained, the unicorn baby is a fuckup though...

Baby Cake has baby body with baby wings, Scootaloo has a filly body but her wings haven't grown yet, and are still "baby sized".
Another explanation (that I prefer) is that it's all about skill (& magic), sort of like swimming in real life, put a newborn baby in water and it will instinctively start swimming, a 5 year old has to be taught to swim.
Or she's a chicken.
Start already, it's lonely at the top. I want to do battle to the death.
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Still a lot better than the fat as fuck Pinkie
poni booru
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She had better fucking fly before the series ends.
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They're metaphors, silly.
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What the hell is her cutie mark supposed to be?
bitch loves diamonds
Exactly, that's what I was getting at. The fat stuff never was the underlying problem, but lots of people just call him out on the fat things when it's the figures in their entirety that are the problem.
Who would want to waste valuable hard disk space with his 'art'?
And she's a slut. I bet she's related to Rarity.
Attempt to communicate, I guess.
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I am hoping this will be the focus of the mythical Scootaloo episode

Because really shes looking more and more incompetent as time goes by. I mean even Featherweight was flying all over the place, and Rumble, who seems a good deal younger than her
something something love something
Something to do with love.

Not rocket science, Anon.
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Its a heart.
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Wait... Hasbro DOES give a shit about fanservice?

I knew StudioB were fanwhores but... well fuck!... bronies influencing a multi-national corp using slave labour is kinda unshettling...
She's the goddess of sluttiness. Teaching fillies to publicly present their pert pony plots
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I think Scootaloo is just broken.

We should return her and get a new one.
He deliberately makes them as unappealing as possible.

So when people say they hate them, he takes that as a sign of success.
>implying Lyra isn't ours too

What episode is this from?
Pretty much, yeah. Even though I love fat stuff, his art still puts me off a good portion of the time.
Now if only they could redo the face too.
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Who knows. Maybe she might learn to fly when she is an adult. I mean, alot of people don't even know how to ride a bike.
File a bug report, Anon.

Part 2 of the series pilot.
>implying the Bird in the Hoof episode wasn't about Celestia visiting the cakes for fertilization
That Luna design's only in one episode, Anon. FiM part 2.
People aren't born with bikes attached to them.
>people can't ride a bike
Only because they haven't tried. Scootaloo can't fly even though she has been shown to try.
but having wings and using them and riding a bike are a bit different imo
Dost thou even watch the show?
The bit that I don't get is that he seems to want people to like him? Or at least, he seems to be angered by the fact other drawfags are more popular than him.
>You will never sniff Princess Bitch's well-worn panties
>You'll never find a stray red hair on them
>implying thin Ross art = good
That's absolutely not true, I know someone who's in her fifties and she's never been able to ride a bike.
He's only annoyed that other artists are liked more than him because he's a self serving "artiste".
>companies paying attention to what the people throwing money at them would like to see
Think about it from a business angle, Anon. You may not like it, but it's not pandering. It's producing something that will guarantee an increase in sales. And it's done in a fairly smart fashion as well. I can guarantee that no target-audience-little-girl gives a fuck what Lyra's actual name is, yet naming her "Lyra" will have all the bronies thanking Celestia that their prayers were answered.
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>wanting ross humans

here you go
It's pretty hard to ride a bike when you are morbidly obese.

Of course big old Evil Hasbro is the one with the final say, but StudioB is free to "recommend" characters, names, toys, etc. that they believe are suitable and could sell, after all they're a lot closer to the canon setting and knows which characters are made appealing.
She's never been fat. It's probably some problem with her balancing ability, I don't know her all that well. Nor does this matter, actually.

You can absolutely always learn to ride a bike.

I learned when I was 14 because I believed I couldn't do it up until my friends had to bike somewhere. I didn't want to get left behind, so I learned how to do it in 30 minutes.

Necessity, man.
>not refuting
Bon-bon's face is scaring me guys.

>Non canon because toy

>Lyra Heartstrings
>Holy shit it's official and canon now

>that lyra

Say what you will, Applebloom likes cute. It's not enough to redeem the whole image though.
He's an analysis not worsting time or thought on, Anon. I've known him for about three years and still have no fucking clue what the hell he's doing.
>That Lyra
I literally almost threw up.
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Holy shit Pinkie was not THAT big back then
you are forced to do one of them.

Which one?
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Well its not like they went way out of their way.They were already making the toy, they just tacked that other name on there as a nod to the fans. They actually made a bunch of the backgrounders

Even cherry pony has a toy now
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But Klondike, don't you know about the plan?
Also, Pinkie at any size.
I've seen this so many times now

And I still wince in disgust evertim it gets posted
Applejack because she looks like an old man and that is my fetish.
Chop off my dick and commit subaru
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Pinkie. Here shes still just chubby, albiet bordering on obese. Shes still cute and fuckable at least. Unlike most of the others, cripes.

Celestia, duh.

I think that Ross's old Celestia is gorgeous. It's a shame what she's become.
That one Lyrabon scene in the show is more canon than the toys will ever be. It's still nice to see Hasbro cares.
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Sweetie belle
I was never a huge fan of his old Pinkie design, I always felt it lacked the energy Pinkie should have, but I didn't really hate it.
But looking back at this, it was fucking immaculate compared to his new one.
She looks cross.

What do you think they would smell like?

What would you do with the hair?

This doesn't help.

Sweat and semen. So delicious.

I'd keep the hair in a locket.
Sweetie Belle, she looks damn cute.
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>weight stops here
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>more canon than the toys
>In a toy franchise
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Isn't that guy dead now?
>That Zecora
>That Rarity
>That fucking image

Jesus christ.
Weren't bronies a minority that did not worth the money invested in market-research and changing the production line?
No, just fired.
He got bannu'd from Bioware, with the rest of the ToR team
Zecora looks like a fucking godsent compared to everything else in that picture
Ah, even better.
Yes, as with many other bioware emplooyee. Arenanet send in their condolence and offer many of them a place at their work site.
He got laid off. He still does the moderation job for free though, so I heard.

Maybe that was before they started dropping thousands of dollars on things like custom plushies and the like
Toys and Show don't always see eye to eye with things. Better not to make a big point of it.
Honestly, I'd still tap that pinkie, shes cute. Zecora looks like shes from some Japanese anime with that hair.
>weight stops here
>Ross is actually Gabe Newell
>he is dropping subtle hints about the release of HL3
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>You will never take way to many drugs with Tabitha St. Germaine

Kids react to: Ross
That would be the single greatest troll ever achieved.

>Not too


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Now let's compare it to Season 2 Ross
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actually, my mom's friend who was being a creeper with me, he body type is like ross's old pinkie design. interesting.

ok, passing out, even though the earwigs and bugs could get to me night mlpg
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He...got worse, he actually went backwards, for all of them.
fuck everything man
Luna is kind of cute but

>you will never take away her drugs and watch her go cold turkey
>she will never offer to do anything to get a hit
>That feel when finding one of your drawings on Ponibooru.
>That feel when one of the commenters actually knows how you are.
I can never get over Rarity's deformed and elongated neck, or how Celestia looks like a grandma.
i'll go out on a limb and say his yellowquiet isn't that bad to me, it' snot great but it is most likely the best human pone he has drawn i think
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hey man thats not as bad as having one of them show up on bronibooru but NOT ponibooru
Her anatomy is all kinds of fucked up, even his fucking Pinkie is better
Good morning you guys, I see the hiatus is still as bad as ever. And summer is just beginning.

I'm gonna try to finish Applequest today, and then we can quest tonight, would anyone be up for that?

>Implying that's how psychedellics work
>actually knows how you are
So how are you, Anon?
What I don't understand is why he made Twilight so plain.
Every other character looks dynamic and interesting even if unappealing, but Twilight just looks boring.
It's as if he colored her dark brown and figured that was interesting enough. I get no feel for her personality, unlike how I do looking at the rest of his designs.
I like his Fluttershy because tall noodle women are my fetish.
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rarity: will haunt me my dreams
yellowquiet: looks actually autisic
twilight: looks like she's about to rob me
pinie: still most disgusting of all of them
rd: mexican
aj: made me vomit
celestia: almost as bad as pinkie, looks like a dude
luna: why
i was more lookingat the face and hair

night mlpg
>we don't notice it but Ross is slowly getting worse
I don't know what that is, and I probably don't want to.
Oh, christ, how did you know it was me??
Oh, but we do notice it
Needs more tail.
Here you go. Took me a while to find it.

You questin'?

Man, sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who cannot into questing
>Gilda in bomber jacket and jodhpurs.
No no no.
Gilda should white tanktop and military pants.
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>twilight: looks like she's about to rob me
Radical Larry.
Fuck, I want to draw a comic about these guys.
Or even just an action scene.
But it wouldn't be ponies, so no one would care. ;_;
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But then she would look like Guile

and we already have a Guile pone
Twilight Sparkle. She grew up with it.
also bare in mind those character sheets don't include some characters

for example, Ross has drawn the Cakes, Hoity Toity and Pokey Pierce. And by 'drawn' I mean 'loosely sketched'.
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Boy that almost seems familiar somehow

I think she would be kind of like Guile, though. Like a tough, American lesbian.
Except not a lesbian to me...
>That feel when I always write shower anal sex

Why? Why is this my compulsion?
>just finished building and setting up new computer

Oh god it's working and it's beautiful

I wonder if Twilight would be proud of me

I should probably get to working on friendoff now

I always thought she'd wear a hoodie, sweatpants, and flip-flops.
>She doesn't have noodle arms
Ask if it wants to fuck.
...and there is my combo.

Gotta try to draw Thunderlane in military pants... question is. Should he have some wapons or military stuff like that?
>lazy ass Thunderlane
>having weapons of any kind

I don't think a forged note to get out of doign things counts as a weapon

That's my fetish...
Me too.

Got anything you wanna share, Anon?
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He needs no weapons because he went home and became a family stallion, obviously
You followed instructions and pulled through like a champ, Twilight is very proud. In fact, she's so proud that she's put her book down--marking her place, of course--and has now jumped onto your knee to watch you set it up. Don't let her down.

He sounds like an airman with the exception that he actually flies.
Pinkie Pie or Apple Bloom. At least they look somewhat decent.
once in prison...
>lazy Thunderlane
...but I think he's actually pretty cool colt.
Can't yet, gotta finish this quest, and then work on my friend-off piece because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I took..
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I don't think he is actually Lazy. Only Rainbow Dash considered him lazy. He seemed to have a higher wingpower than nearly all the other pegasi whos numbers they showed. He had 9, the highest, other than Dash, was like 11.

Maybe Dash just thinks hes not being as awesome as he should be

Or shes just tsundere for him
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Draw him in USMC-style fatigues, bloused boots, and a tight-fitting green top. Perhaps fingerless gloves?
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>You will never write a smutty clopfic requested by your favorite VA
Whew, that was fucking close. My mother came up behind me and surprised me. I have managed to hide the ponies this long.

Of course, no one posts pictures of ponies in here, so I'm safe.
I'm really, really confused. I mean yeah it would look pretty good despite one thing. He's a pony

I can't think of any way to get him into boots which won't look like shit after adjusting to hooves. Similiar situation goes for fingerless gloves... because no fingers.
Oh I thought you were doing humanized.
>tfw Facebook chat has "message was read at x:xx" feature now.
>tfw I can't ignore people.
>tfw I know when people ignore me.

Social life hurts.
Good day, mulpug.

What draw?
I'm glad I don't use facebook for socual interaction
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But you can be the best and still be the laziest though. Whether or not he was sick, he was the one being called lazy though (and this is from one of the laziest of the 6mane too).
Oh that you brought it up now I actually ...might try

Well there's your problem.
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Hiya, Anon's mom!
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>being on facebook
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>I don't hide my powerlevel
>but I don't brag about it either
>mfw people actually just see it as a normal hobby
Draw Twilight Sparkle falling asleep on the couch with a book on her belly
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Colgate eating a bowl of candy.
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People know I play a shitload of vidya and I watch cartoons so they wouldn't give a fuck about ponies
>their faces when
I think I could almost fap to this...
>intentionally creating awkward moments
Fucking Facebook.
It's where my friends at, I can't help it.
A human pyramid of dolphin fetuses.
to playing chess...
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I don't think he would have pulled one of the highest wingpower numbers if he were actually Lazy. Seems like its a pretty physical thing. More likely Lazy by Dash's ridiculous standards of pegasi ability, which none of them come close to meeting
How do you know your favorite VA isn't secretly hanging out here, posting anonymously and requesting smutty clopfics for the lulz?

Seems like something Tara Strong might do.
Metaphorically speaking...
with a pony...
Physical ability doesn't have anything to do with being lazy
Hi Tara.
It's already up and running, I'm browsing MLPG on my almost silent new shiny beautiful computer

Maybe she could look up a list of software to download
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>Implying Dash isn't lazy herself, and wasn't just born with the right genes for high wingpower.
Tara go plz...
I really hope Andrea Libman does. Just imagine her asking for Pinkie porn...unf...
Almost? I am currently fapping to it.

How can it not? Laziness is a lack of drive, motivation and a penchant for procrastination, which are pretty much the exact opposite qualities needed to maintain a physical prowess
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I take it with such power, it can play Crisis at extremely high level?
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tits or GTFO
She voices both best and worst mainsix. I'm conflicted, because she seems closer to Flutterbutter in real life.
Well, Dash is lazy as fuck and managed to have 16 wingpower.
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Here. Let me help you with that.
Senior Trip is a stupid fucking hilarious movie and the magic word's rock & roll, man.

Haha, nope.

As a /fit/izen with a 55 bpm heartrate and modest lifts, I'm lazy as fuck when I'm not at the gym.
Oh, well if it's already perfect then you won't mind letting her check her emails, will you?
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Sorry I didn't get to yours.
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>having friends on facebook
>friends aren't on steam 24/7 because you converted them to wasting their lives infront of a pc
Tara, I'll fill your request anytime

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I want to hug her so badly.
>I'm conflicted, because she seems closer to Flutterbutter in real life.

Yeah and I think she likes Fluttershy more than Pinkie even, her favorite song is Hush Now, Quiet Now
Anyway, I'm ok if she's kind and sweet like Fluttershy, she's a cute girl and can you imagine having sex with her while she voices Pinkie? Unf
Dayum... nice!
Somehow I have the impression that I would be silly-attracted to muscular lazy guys if I was a cumdumpster.

Do you get any?
Thanks, and yeah.
Ehhh... She's too demure and motherly. I couldn't.
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>smooth fur
>not smooth coat
there goes my boner...
>implying there's any fucking difference
D :
poor choise of words furfag
She's imagining that pillow is you. She's crying because, to her, humans will never be real.
Once again, >implying there's a fucking difference

Yeah, but I'm homosexual so nothing really stems from it.

It's usually where I'm chatting up a girl and she punches me in the arm or something, only to notice that there's solid muscle there. I seriously get my arms and chest felt up by a different girl at least twice a month.

Bitches don't even admire my legs, I worked for those.
For some reason I'd never be able to do Libman. even if she did suggestive Pinkie voice

It seems wrong somehow.
>Horses don't have fur

Human hair is also fur then.
MLPG I have to go. My planet needs me.
Same here. She's not Pinkie... She only provides her voice.
Really, she's nothing like Pinkie.
>Fur is a synonym for hair, used more in reference to non-human animals, usually mammals; particularly those with extensive body hair coverage. The term is sometimes used to refer to the body hair of an animal as a complete coat, also known as the "pelage".
A celestia tutorial? Care to post?
Yeah Libman seems playfull in a completely innocent way. Pinkie seems like a huge, yet loveable, party-slut.
Does anyone else draw something that they just can't stop admiring. Sometimes I make a drawing that I hate and don't want to look at, but occasionally I'll do something that I can't stop looking over every detail and feeling pride in my creation.
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Would you trim pony's excess hair?
Whoa whoa whoa.
You better watch your mouth, bwah.

Only if I can cut funny things into it
i think i take shits like that sometimes
I don't know that feel
You mean fur anon. And yes, only so the fluffyfags don't kidnap and murder her.
>not mentioning that "fur" denotes sexual attraction to dogheads and chimaeric abominations
>in 2012

Prolly not, with the 7850 Sapphire GPU it might run on med or so, though

Oh, of course not
I wonder how many of my emails are there
What are your specs?
Not really... I mean I drew few pieces that I still like and put lots of effort into. I consider them milestones of my development... but everything else I end up in hating.
The closest I get to that is when I copy a pose from the show. I usually make sure to color those, since I have a handier guide available.
I'm not a drawfag, but I love some of the stuff I do even though i can see the flaws in them
Sometimes I do, but I have to try to remember that other people may not feel the same way. When you look at a drawing for too long, you become oblivious to its flaws. This is why artists hate flipping their drawings.

Still, it's a good feel. Kind of like >>2204618.
>Being unable to accept reality that you are sexually attracted to a semi-anthropomorphic animal
>The year our holy lord Yahweh returns to bring about the end times as the first blood-red calf is born and later sacrificed at the rebuilt temple, 2012
Yes, I sometimes looks back on older works (which could be from a week ago, or a few days ago) and say "I really like the way I did ---, or in the case of a few years ago "why don't I draw like this anymore?".
Sometimes you just do something right, other times you need a little time for it to set it.
I'm not a drawfag but I sometimes draw, I'm really bad but I like to admire every finished piece, like "dude, I drew something, it's bad but it's cool"
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Ugh... another one of those paintings that going to take forever to refine... I hate when I hit the 5 hour+ park, it means I got bogged down.
I've been drawing for most of my life but i've never drawn ponies before. The anatomy of animals always faze me. How hard would it be to start and where should I start?
We Left >>4
You feel
The love
She thanks you and begins to type. After figuring out your keyboard she navigates to hotmail.com and begins to sort through her spam. After quite some time she decides to reply to one, and so copies down the address and goes to write a fresh new email.
While she's there she decides to attach something to it, and so hits the paperclip. Whoops, your last visited folder was your pony folder! How fucked are you?
Look for Faceless Jr. tutorial
What in the fuck is all this number business I've been seeing today???
It's 11AM.
Well, you know how it goes since you've drawn before. You need to just go ahead and start and see where you can adjust and improve from there. You won't get anywhere at all if you don't just put something down.
>>2 for u
Trace over a few screencaps from the show to get the proportions right. Look at a diagram or two of a real horse's skeletal structure.
You should be good after that. The rest of it is just getting accustomed to the show's proportions.
Not very. I don't have any porn in there.
It's arranged alphabetically, though, and begins with Applebloom and Applejack.
That's all she'd see, and she might wonder...
>>>3 5 me
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My pony folder is a 8.5k picture mostly-unsorted beast containing, among other things, twilight butt horse panties.png.

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Sorry I was only looking for advice and possible guides

Thanks, i'll try that
I recommend just throwing yourself at it. Try to get a vaguely pony shape on paper. It will be fun.

Go read this thing several times. Do speedpaints and focus on one thing each time. http://androidarts.com/art_tut.htm
What if she saw this, blushed, and said "Gosh, anon, I had no idea..." in a timid, but curious tone of voice?
>Try to get a vaguely pony shape on paper. It will be fun.
inb4 New Canvas anon 2.0
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1.23 MB
Oh, possible guides? Here's one
His pictures were neither on paper, nor were they first attempts. He had never drawn before and I don't think he was having fun either.
i5 3450 CPU, 3.10 GHz

Well, all she'll see are photos of her

The naughtier ones are well encrypted
You shouldn't have any problem running Crysis on high at least.
Celestia is sending you to Equestria.
You can choose one form to take there, but only one, and the ponies will accept and love you in this form.
Be fucking honest, now.
You're choosing "cute little girl" right?
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The first pony I drew looked kind of weird...
Fair points.

Speaking of, is he even still around?
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As far as your pony stuff goes, I've jerked it to this before.

No regrets.
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Well, it couldn't be worst if she have picture of you doing similar stuff.

And earth pony. Yes, I am boring.
>"There are pictures of me and all my friends in here! Anon, are you stalking me?!"
As above, but blushing profusely and shuffling on her hooves.
how is she holding that mug

what the fuck is this
Cute little pegasus mare, of course.
I'd make such a cute pegasus.
But mostly because the hindlegs shouldnt bend that way
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That was you?

That drawing's pretty good but >those legs
Male pegasi.


Bellyrubs all day erry day, gonna be that royal bellyrubber to the Princess
Slutty Pegasus Mare
I'd hang with TAW and we'd double team stallions all day
Do you take requests?
Male pegasus all the way
You would become more than one pegasus at once?
It's interesting. I like it, except for those hindlegs.
slutty is not a form, it is a state of mind
but my nigga

Pegasus. Probably mare
I hope so. He was a pretty good guy.
Cute little human girl?

It's a right of passage to fuck up the legs and the noses on your first ponies, though, like a badge of honor.

"I'm learning to draw ponies and I'm not tracing the show."
LK quest when?
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Twilight falling asleep on the sofa with a book on her chest, done.

Any more requests?
Cute little pegasus. Aww yeee.
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>not wanting to be a male earth pone

Do you even...well earth ponies have to do something well!
Ohoho, not in Equestria it isn't.

Up in the air it's hard to tell if a pegasus is being promiscuous and flashing on purpose or not
A slutty mare has certain tells that she just can't control, but it drives every stallion wild
Something about Gillou has driven my penis to insanity.
>duplicate file entry
No, current form.

Sorry, I'm heterosex. I thought I might like dudes for a while when I was younger, but even then I didn't want to be the little girl.
>New Canvas anon
>good guy

Fuck that. He refused to accept any criticism and just wallowed in self-induced mediocrity
Pinkie and Gummy doing things
Hmm, can I get one of Derpy sitting on a mailbox and eating a sandwich?

It's her lunch break.
Human wizard

Hands AND magic
Male earth pony.
>Not being a cute little human girl, and having underage lesbians with your favorite ponies.
Pfffthaha well done
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>mfw half of the general wants to be the slutty little pegasus
I love you guys
no homo
Male Earth Stallion. Strong, alpha and I get all the mares.

You forgot the "mare" there
But yes, it actually hurts me to think that it will never happen
>implying pony kisses aren't cuter and hotter
I'd happily be the town *slut, whether * be kisses, cuddles, sex, whatever. I'm theirs.
I would be the little pony and then when I grow up I could have lesbians with the CMC.
Would you rather go to the Equestria you've always dreamed of
Join the Q Continuum ON THE STIPULATION that you can never create or visit Equestria or any ponies?
Hello there~
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Tomorrow night instead of Wednesday night, actually. Had some stuff going on and had to move it.
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>ON THE STIPULATION that you can never create or visit Equestria or any ponies
Bullshit. 0/10 would not choose.
Well I always wanted to control a Galaxy-class ship...
Twilight crying while hugging a pillow

I swear I've been asking for this so much I won't stop untill all the drawfags who come here do it.
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>you will never have wings
>you will never be able to dive through the sky and nap on clouds
>you will also never meet another certain pegasus
>Everyone wants to be sluts

Have you no shame?
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Here's hoping things get lovecraftian
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Oh god guys.

Oh god.

What happened to the time, I woke up in a ditch in Jersey and it's the fucking 28th. Holy christ. When is the friendoff deadline? Did I miss it?

Jesus. I don't know what happened. Fuck so much UMLP stuff to finish. I hope cravat got out of that brothel ok.
Hey, yet again, there is a small minority that doesn't want to.
Hey there FUK U
Join a spaceship where teleporting in the ship kills you and create a copy of you. Yeah......

I rather choose being a earth stallion in Equestria.
There are some who are not participating in this
>you will never be challenged to a race around Cloudsdale by Rainbow Dash
>you will never lose tremendously, but it was worth it because of the sheer joy of flight
>not to mention the...revealing view you had of Dash
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why anon

why do you want her to cry

pone should be happy
Not as long as I'm anonymous.
I still try to wash the shame off though.. but it's already too late
Pretty much, my shame died a long time ago.
She cries because we'll never be happy together in Equestria
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And leave this behind?
Think carefully.
Well, that's the idea, romeo~
Hell yes
I want to know what the headaches are about already
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>not controlling a timeship
HAHAHA ok nice come back, I must admit it
>Dash will never relentlessly praise herself for winning
>she will never make you, the loser, praise her too
>she will never tell you that because you lost, you're hers for the day
>she will never begin commanding you to service her as enthusiastically and subserviently as possible
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Oh sweet Celestia I didn't miss it. I'm sorry guys I let my work get out of hand while I was working on the comic and then... and then...

I just don't know. I am just candy coated in bullshit and I don't know if I can do all the things I need to do. I'll definitely get this friendoff submission done and then I got some shit to take care of and I'll try to get the UMLP website up.
>Implying that would be any kind of a problem if you were a Q.
a changeling
I can be whatever the fuck I want
I', trying to find a particular tumblr. It's about the pegasi sisters from Hurricane Fluttershy, but one of them is human. Does anyone have a link?

And I was trying to find it, but I'm astounded at the number of pony tumblrs.
I could always recreate it on the holodeck. ;_;
But you area redshirt, and most likely you will die when you are beam up.
I would remain human.

Or can I get wings as a human?
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Fucking /v/ man
>how to propose to pone waifu
>that feel when I already have a perfect one for Twilight
Not even a Dashfag but...ouch...
Don't do this to yourself. Omnipotence is meaningless without a pone to cuddle.
Don't bad thing happen when someone uses the holodisk all the time?
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I got a PetTV pony ad before the video.




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>Star Trek
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Is that...
>Omnipotence is meaningless without a pone to cuddle.
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There are ads on Youtube?
Yes, there is only one thing v hate more than ponies and thats bioware.
Didn't De Lancie himself say that bronies aren't worse than trekkies?
I'd still rather be called a trekkie.
Tons. Need to get money for all the crappy quality, ytp, and amv with linkin park that taking up gazillion space in the server.



>not using adblock on yotuube
>not turning it off on websites with non-intrusive ads that you want to support, like 4chan and small webcomics
Porbably because he is milking bronies right now.
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in during adblock fags act elitist
By the way, not the requester but I was curious if you finished that really weird request with Pinkie's little sister?

What was up with that anyway?

What he said was something along the lines of, "When I started my role as Q, Gene warned me about Trekkies. Nobody ever warned me about My Little Pony!"

It was light-hearted.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Then again, he's probably had to sit through a LOT more Star Trek conventions than pony conventions.
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I fucking loved that guy
I am curious as to why you wouldn't use Adblock
>implying you arent a dashfag at heart
There's literally no fucking downside to adblock
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>Hooray, you're in Equestria!
>Except it's some Hellish alternate dimension where ponies are all used as ornamentation
>They can't talk or communicate
>Only their eyes follow you
>It's like this in the whole world, gryphons, monsters and zebras all fixed and unmoving, only their eyes relaying the screaming terror that their miserable lives are
>You're all alone
>There's no way out

How long until you kill yourself?
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>not using your own personally developed protection software
>trusting some 3rd party with your information aka your FREEDOM
I bet you don't even use your neighbor's wi-fi
I would revive them! Somehow! I'd free them from their imprisonment.
Actually, I'd probably go crazy after a while and imagine they were communicating with my like normal.
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10/10 would rub belly
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Turn this into an RPG and free them from their suffer by finding the source of this madness.
Would you rub pone belly without consent mlpg?
I'm fucking glad I chose Q.
I don't, I go around and try to comfort every single pone, bringing them all of their favorite things.
Actually, you are in Silent Hill.Since I hope you don't really have any traumatic experiences you are hiding, you are the backup, brought in to help someone who does have some major hangups.

It's time to stock up on televisions.
The viruses I already got from downloading "8yo tooling some cry" already tracks everything I do.
>wanting to rub a cuddlesluts belly
either devise some elaborate plan to help them or kill myself right then and there
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pls go
Hey, autistic faggots. Shut the fuck up and post ponies.

What is your LEAST favorite pony, give at least 2 reason?

Rarity is mine.

She's a slut and her fans are the worst
>implying I'm TAW
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dis nigga
Good thinking. You're the only thing in Equestria that can move and talk and stuff.
I would dedicate my life to making them as comfortable as possible. I'd read to them and pet them and all that stuff.
I'd still probably end up going crazy, though...
brony pls go
Fluttershy only had one episode I liked and she's 2quiet
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I literally don't care enough about ads. If someone wants to fund their website with a 40kb JPEG, I'm fine with it. Flash ads get blocked by my flash blocker.

I run Adblock on my phone, but only because most Android apps are adware and I don't want to hit my data cap using software I've downloaded.

Though, interestingly enough, 4chan's ads are hosted on static.4chan.org, so I don't see how they can charge per view. They must either charge per click or be based on Google Analytics or some shit. Either way you can block them without hurting mootles.
AppleBloom is worst pone.
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Talking about the show = brony?
Go fuck yourself with a rusty nail covered in horse semen
I'm already insane, so it'd be swell
Probably a male background character for being useless and having no voice.
Day time MLPG is the worst pone
> favorite pony, give at least 2 reason?
yellow autism
her autistic autism is a nuissance and a lot of times hampers the main 6's progress
also she's autistic

I think he means the "Rarity is a slut" part
which is silly
of course she's a slut
but a very pretty and nice slut
>Go fuck yourself with a rusty nail covered in horse semen
Oh god
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>having a least favourite pony
Wow that's autistic.
Not that she's a bad pony, but Rainbow Dash is far too 90s and lacks self-awareness.
I have a least favourite pony and that's Fluttershy
I like most of the others equally, but she's just...ehh
I like every pone anon.
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Here you go man. Hope you like!
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>Upon closer inspection, you notice all their mouths are sewn shut
>Upon prying a small unicorn mare's mouth sufficiently open, suddenly the flesh jerks into action and tears lips from lips as you weren't even finished getting all the strings out
>The unicorn just screams
>She screams for hours until her vocal chords give out, after while only a gurgling, bubbling noise comes for her throat
>When you come back the next day, she's dead from neglecting to breathe

>There is no source
>A decade later and you've never seen as much as a woodland creature move, just the occasional sparrow nailed to the twig of its bird house, wings splayed up and held taut
>In your twilight years, you realize it's just how things are and you die with a single tear of futility
>Not liking best pony
you can still like a pony and still have it as your least favorite

>that mailbox
Peanus pls stop being british
Thats really cute.
Thanks Peanus! Hit me up for a story if you ever need some smut

I'm not TAW, sorry if I dissapoint.
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Well I don't actively dislike any of them, but the one I like the least would probably have to be Pinkie Pie, because she can be annoying and her jokes fall flat a lot of the time.
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Here's a tidied up version because I forgot to post that one.
ugh, that picture
That cute.

Transcend into godhood and release them from their suffering.
Darf? I am flattered regardless of who you are.
>writing like that
I don't know really, I don't pay attention to the writing styles of namefags that much.

Any more requests? Apart from Twilight crying into a pillow.
I'd scratch behind her ears until death took her, it's the least that I could do. I would probably try to gently kill every single pony, and free them from their suffering.

At the end I make a pile from their bodies and roll in it, shrieking with glee as I at last live my dream of cuddling in a huge pile of ponies, the blood allowing me to slip and slide against them.
Applejack and Applebloom wrestling.
Metals, though I have another project lined up after Applequest and friendoff.
Gummy getting loose from Pinkie and escaping into Fluttershy's cottage
Angel is trying to assault him but Gummy is gormless and not giving a single fuck as usual

Wassup Ponyboy
>implying anybody would be disappointed by you writing for them
what is it with writefags and incessantly comparing themselves to TAW
she's not THAT good
What a detailed request

It never ends
Well mostly because he's prolific as hell, dude's got stories out the wazoo.

darf, I know you wanted it, but it's just not so.
This is an interesting article. It reminded me of us and B-words.

>Cheesecake fetish art
Hahahaha what the fuck
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goddamn Greasers
>complaining about geeks being self entitled
>Don’t call me a geek. I’m better than that.
wow what a faggot
>what is it with writefags and incessantly comparing themselves to TAW

Because he's pretty popular and the quality of his stories is above average, so most people think of him when they are asked to come up with a good smut-fic author.

man, I'd already be on my way with a jute back and a bottle of chloroform
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Where are the ponies?
yeah but you say "sorry" like people should be disappointed
I like your stuff, man
not darf, either
What's the story with that anyway?
>the art anon who made this just up and vanished

truley, the good ones go before thier time
"Cheesecake" is just non-nude titillation, like ecchi.
>implying you'd need them
I've always wondered
is your name based off of the band Flying Saucer Attack?
I see your name in other places, I'm sure
I just don't remember
>RainboomCrash has been constantly trying to get /v/ to be his personal army against /mlp/ all day

wow, I didn't even know the guy was that sad
I neither have wings nor a lightning bolt on my ass so I'd probably need them.
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I aim to please, not that it always works out. I actually got hatemail for my twist story, which felt bad man.

Arrested by DEA for drug offenses I did not commit, they took my laptop as evidence.

Found my pone story folder and alphabetized it, put my pone pictures into color and activity categories, changed owner name to ponyboy.

The one who returned my laptop said he liked the orange one.
no wait that's some tripfag on /mu/. and his is FlyingSaucerAttack
not just FlyingSaucer
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Here one. I like Rumble more then that one little colt (whom I keep forgetting his name) in the Halloween Episode. I do not know why.
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Would it be autistic to go through the night threads in place of the day threads? I don't want any more disappointment.
>Found my pone story folder and alphabetized it, put my pone pictures into color and activity categories, changed owner name to ponyboy.
>The one who returned my laptop said he liked the orange one.
speaking of horsefuckerfics
does Tozac still post here?

No that its not. Its just based on the fact flying saucers are neato gee whiz awesome.

Clearly that band recognizes this fact as well
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Here they are! But wait, something's off...
I do it all the time.
>implying she wouldn't bend over for anybody who proffered a nice looking collar
well some people are fucktarded
personally I've always enjoyed your shit and don't think it's healthy to compare yourself to others like that all the time
so stop doing it
Even the porn?
Time to write something. Give me three words and a pic.
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I predicted this.

I think I'm a MUTANT.
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Maybe because he is the only colt that does not have a pronounced muzzle, which probably means hes really young, with a voice to match?

The other colts have an entirely different head shape. This leads us to the inescapable scientific conclusion that rumble is adorable
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They want it.
He have a tumblr.
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1.18 MB
femdom cum inflation
Mutie scum
Gee, I sure am glad I didn't promise to USE what you posted.
nevar forget ;_;
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Even the porn.

It was in a category called Horse Fucking, which I guess was fitting.

Thanks. Have a granny butt
I'm reporting you to Friend Computer RIGHT NOW
>It was in a category called Horse Fucking, which I guess was fitting.
Bro as fuck
>Go to /v/
>Someone's dropping pony porn flashes in a The Burdened thread
>things such as this:

I'll never forget how the stream I was watching froze just before she said her first line, and didn't kick back in until after her last line.
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Human impregnating Lyra
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Disney xD
I bet the guy from the DEA got into ponies after that.
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Oh, and pic.
>It was in a category called Horse Fucking, which I guess was fitting.
My sides are devastated.
Friends of Humanity, pls go.
I always got the impression that Granny Smith was crazy Sweden blonde when she was younger. Might've been the braided pigtails.
Shitstatus: 404
I really don't care for the mediocre humor
I just really like his on modal drawing
it's really nice
I wish someone took my laptop as evidence and organised the pone. Shit's messy.
>There's an Applefag in the DEA

I am amused. Bet he lurks these threads now, sometimes.

Wherever you are, nameless DEA agent: you are a scholar and a gentleman. Good show.
>That feel when someone who falsely imprisoned you may be getting his rocks off to a sex story you wrote about a children's cartoon show

Feels like my life is fucking bizarre man.
I require more of this

>most of the reblogs are from people with homestuck backgrounds
I don't even
Fucking Land of the Free, baby.
How is your auction going, hopop?
>implying bronies and most homestuck fans aren't equally retarded and prone to spontaneous spaghetti ejection
I really don't see how a MLP fucktoy is any different from a mare vagina or something like that.
I meant fleshlight
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got 1 bid and 3 watchers, probably more people keeping an eye on it who don't have an account

also there's this guy
That description...Man that is the most innocent-sounding description for a fuckplush I've ever seen.
get it paid forward and fill the mans needs
I told you this will get you rich
Can you post a link?
I laughed so fucking hard at the description.
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>additional features
Is it wrong to assume that you are going to do that?
>$75 first bid
>$20 more than the start bid
What's the fucking point
I'd stick my dick in that.
By $ I meant pound

What's going on in this thread?
You got bronybuxxx now.
hoppip plushie vag

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