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Old Horse: >>2132864

Pony onward, into the night!
>most weep
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[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
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Greater than rape
It's Jess


>augmented ponies
I still like that augmented wizard ponies stuff
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luna thread?
>augmentation thread
>rarity thread
>no mention of augmented rarity anywhere
I posted an augmented Rarity
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132 KB

fucking nope
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I'm down
Didn't someone request that of TAW some time ago?
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125 KB
>average normal people now put bronies on the same level as furries
>they also think anyone who likes mlp is a brony
>there is nothing you can do about it
Why does this exist
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How about Cybran Rarity?

>most laugh
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1.31 MB
I fuckin' guess
It's amazing how fetishes that are heavily implied in the show get ignored while lots of crazy things get embraced.
Said he likes the idea but has to many things to write now and I should try when he's taking requests again

I'll probably miss it...again
Well at least they don't think we're pedophiles.
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So, is she the girl of the Trixie Tumblr?
I still fap to that picture
The Monkeylord is just a bonus
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86 KB
and also

>mechanical augs.

Rarity doesn't need mechanical augs. she knows Her love. that will suffice.
Why does Nanaki have the worst taste in everything?
>implying I don't only have nerd friends
>implying I know any average normal people beyond coworkers and family members
>implying they even know what a 4chan is
Dunno, who is she?

...Wait, striped shirt... Stripey? The one Jack started obsessing over when he went full furfag?
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348 KB
>tfw jell-O
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1.19 MB
Fox News does
I have a boner for technology.

what the fuck am I
I don't know, I don't even know her artist name, I just know she runs that stoned Trixie and Vinyl/Octavia Tumblr
Because Nanaki is an unpleasant person in every way one can be unpleasant
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3 KB
>You mother knows everything.
>She knows you spend all the time looking at ponies on the internet.
>She just doesn't tell you.
>Shes just glad you aren't doing coke.
A neckbeard
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142 KB
she is so best horse
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49 KB
>here this came for you
b-but I shave.
>or in a gang
>or a whore
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199 KB
Chin up anon, it'll happen someday.

With luck it'll be TAW. If you're less fortunate, it might be me or something.

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Gotta go to sleep
if it is then i can see where she does the eyes from
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113 KB
>tfw dessert fillies
Fox News thinks Obama's a muslim and San Francisco should be nuked by terrorists.
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I have a sudden urge to watch Sisterhooves...

best episode
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74 KB
This gif gives me such a weird boner I don't even know
>Be 13 and looking at big-titty porn (Normal stuff. This was before the internet corrupted me)
>Dad walks in and I close the window really fast
>He's about to say something but I run to my room to hide my shame
>He opens the door and all he says "At least you're not gay"
Thank you!
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57 KB

just another dissolute who doesn't know Her love. Rarity was one of you once. all of the ponies were like you once. once, but no more.
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261 KB
Just made this in Ren'Py, how does it look?

Based off of
>That Smitty's Twilight pic.

Oh my looks gr- >That vag welp
That's hilarious.
Fox News also called Mister Roger an evil made based on some professor that hate Mister Roger for making his student think they are entitled.
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151 KB
>tfw Rose
That's probably what my dad would say too, haha. He was always perfectly fine with me masturbating.
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83 KB
Is this really that bad?

I posted it earlier and someone thought it was so bad they thought it was a parody.
Hey guys, I'm bored and I was wondering if you guys were up for a stream? I figured I'd offer if anyone else was as well. I could do drawing, games, or a few of the shows I have off my external drive.

Just thought I'd offer is all.
Look plain, but at least it's something.
Her swaying hips maybe.
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227 KB
>tfw Sleepyhead
Fuck yeah I found it.


Combat exoskeletons unf.
It's a start. It doesn't look like you used any form of construction, though
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50 KB



It's pretty bad, yeah.

I thought of working on one myself, but it's looking like you'll beat me to the punch.

Ah well I'm going to try anyways. Might be >fun.
Are you the same Tan that put Chrysalis in a wood chipper for me?
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159 KB
>tfw cheeks
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92 KB
>tfw sweaters
I just want to kick-start the creativity/talent of MLPG. Go ahead.
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Rose should draw night guards.
Best request I've ever made, aside from the .gif Smile made me.

Good times.
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76 KB

>tfw an offhand comment gets you a doodle from Rose
I'm sure you could put Fox in front of a mirror and they would find something wrong with the reflection and call it a terrorist news network run by neo Nazis.
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>tfw goggles
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85 KB
Isn't that a Mech game? I LOVE mechs, I used to draw them a lot a long time ago.

Take this old crappy Gespent pony.
>Be 14
>Accidentally save .zip of some asian chick, soft core kind of shit to dad's computer
>Don't notice, log off
>Wake up the next morning
>"So son, I saw those pictures"
>oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
>Then we talked sports
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132 KB
In during steel donuts.
Is her background dark like my soul?
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88 KB

>that feel when the original is still the best
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301 KB
>tfw Ice cream
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Spoiler Image, 2.84 MB
>implying alchemy isn't a branch of science in universes where it works
>tfw no gf
>now wings
>no neon mane
>no black and red
0/10 would not ship with Cteno
>Not the maximumspider.gif

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280 KB
Yes-siree I am. Why?
>Already about to greentext and post that image
>That feel when it's exactly the gif you expect it not to be
Nah, filename is ok, he's been doing that for months.

She just likes mixing chemicals together and hoping the result doesn't explode her face off.

Ssssh.  What she doesn't know wont hurt her.

Oh, fuck, I remember that game!

I played it ages ago in an arcade that used to be in the mall in my hometown.

And then the arcade shut down and we never saw that machine again.
Wait, what? I need to see this, it sounds wonderful.
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644 KB
The fuck's a Cteno?
that's always a good feel
>Be a faggot.
>Playing WoW with the guild.
>Guild leader mentions a movie he saw once where some asian chick gets her asshole injected with scrambled eggs and squats over a hot plate. And some dudes eat it later.
>We go out of our way to locate said video and send it to him.
A piece of shit. Don't worry about it.
A sentient Play-doh pony.
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554 KB
>Not a Hucky
Naw, I mean this >>2136408
>Pony waifu do this
Would you eat it?
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Neat, I'm looking through these pics on google and these designs look really awesome. I don't know what's what though. Why don't you post your favorite and I'll see what I can do with it?
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>every time someone mentions Sleepyhead
>automatically think of that song
I haven't played enough SRW to be honest. Although I love how banpresto basically just designed a gundam minus the red chin piece.
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I'll join, but you have to promise not to rape me.
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92 KB
seriously though, please continue it
it's cute
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170 KB
Your head is huge Flutters
No Fluttershy run! Rapey is here.
Hmm. I should probably finish work on Big Mac's junk, but maybe I should go to bed instead.
Join what?
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Who's working on the VN?
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Random conversation usually inspires best.

Which one. There were like 5 of them.
If you really want me to, I can do it tomorrow or something. Right now it's 2am and I'm beat.

I'll squeeze it in around darf's request and that Dash/Twilight going to a Daring Do convention I still need to finish.
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Well you should play more of them. And it was a good way to get around having to pay out the nose to localize the other SRW games. A pity most of them will never see legit stateside release, though.
But, the translation community is still thriving, right? There's always hope.
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>MLP dating sim
>Implying anyone's that big a faggot
Are you for real?
What kind of reaction is that?
>Can it get me a cutie mark?

I think I'm dying.
Where do you think you are?
Then stream and I will watch whatever you do. I'm your biggest fan.
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56 KB
Can these work? I found three reference pics, but they're from a model figure.
We need to all work on one.

Should we use Ren'Py or is that guy gonna let us use his javascript engine?

>dating sim
Only if you want it to be.
I plan on messing around with the program at the very least.

Might be a more efficient way to do feel/waifu things if all goes well. No promises though.
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690 KB

most of this board is a big enough faggot. most of this fandom is a big enough faggot. it isn't a big step from cripples to ponies.
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801 KB
Kloud did things again
there are so many features on here it blows my mind
We should use Ren'Py, sice it's already made and all we need is to do the music and art.
He's really bad a drawing humans.
>it goes in the pooper too!

Oh Scoots you card.
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I might sometime. I'm just so busy. Hah, to be honest I'd rather build Gunpla than play SRW, even though I want Z2 and 2.2 so badly. (need dat Gurren Lagann gameplay)

Also is that pic from Gundam AGE? I'm waiting for the dub of that, because the mech designs look alright. It's no UC Gundam (dat Jesta, I want one so badly), but I really like the character designs as well. They aren't pretty boy twigs like they were in 00 or in Seed/Destiny.
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Aaand the script. I can't script.

I can Py, though.
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>Twins and fluttershy
I don't get it.
I agree with >>2136579

If you want someone to write things, I'm game. Just throw a message at me on fimfiction or something, I need to get some sleep for now.
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Pic is from one of the SRW OG anime adaptations.  The good Obari one.  It's worth checking out if you enjoy the franchise.
I think pony tails are for lesbians?
Im not sure.
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17 KB
Actually, it's from the OGs anime that came up a while ago. Despite the CG mechs, it was actually decent.
>Lyra and BonBon

But we have drawfags
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And yes, that is indeed a Sega Saturn on it's back.
So what do you guys want to make a VN about? Daily lives of the R63 cast?

I want to like AGE, but the characters are so young. The green haired one and the third protagonist feel like they should be in elementary school. At lease the middle one went to military school and got trained for it.

And I wanted to see more of the Super Pilot. The "Not Newtype" powers annoy me.

I love this
No one, yet.

>implying visual novels are dating sims

The JavaScript one isn't even close to finished. If you're going to start now, use RenPy.

The advantages of the JS one will be resolution independence, playing online, hardware acceleration and 3D transitions. But right now it's just a CSS mockup with barely 20 lines of actual code.
I think they want a fuck simulator.
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1014 KB
Yeah man, go ahead and post em, I'm liking this idea.

Ok then, let me set up really quick.

more old stuff, I made a Atlus and Peabody ponies long ago when I first got my tablet. This was a few days after I got it I believe.

why do I love mechs so much?
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65 KB
All my money.
Rarity gave Dash a ponytail.
Now everyone thinks she is a lesbian.
>All the lesbians in town go down on her.
>She is a traumatized mess as the door opens, and Rarity enters the room.
>"And that's for leaving me out in the dessert!"
as long as its also a >feels simulator
I posted these two just now.



As much as I like this

it misses the point of the image in the first place.

That's a toohoo.
Lying next to an anon.

Toohoo should be replaced by humanized pone.
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49 KB
I have no idea what that is but a Lyra and Bon bon version would be better.

Maybe I'm not enough of a weeaboo, but what the fuck does this this mean for us non animuese?

Is this the creator of said engine talking?

If the writing is good enough, and the art compliments it.


We can use Dropbox for sync.
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109 KB
Because /m/echs are /m/anly. And they explode. And some of them combine.
Lets stick with the better idea.
Go team.
>Super Pony Thread Simulator
testing testing 123
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955 KB
>comments disabled
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109 KB
Hooray, it works!
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68 KB
Hm, I've heard the character development has been really really good in AGE. Oh well, I'll still look into it.

That is really awesome. It has Ver-Ka in it's name. Katoki Hajime did the design for this model? Who made this model, Bandai or Kotobukiya?
>All that empty comment space.
We better fill it with >rape
It's prooly from /jp/. /jp/ is like /mlp/, but for a game franchise called touhou. That is one of the characters.
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1.89 MB
>People are seriously discussing the creation of an MLP visual novel
>It's going to be a fuck sim
>Not six months ago people made fun of the idea as spaghetti shit
Welcome to new MLPG
Actually, the idea made fun of as spaghetti shit was the dating sim, the one where no sex was had and you simply had relationships with the pones.
>It's going to be a fuck sim
Hey, nothing is final. Personally, I want it to stay SFW.
But... but I want a waifu simulator.

I wanna cuddle with Treekicker ;_;
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946 KB
Best character in this show.
>two years ago people were clamoring for it
MLPG is cyclical, anon.
Yeah, but we are going to use the money to buy dragon dildos and mare fleshlights.
That we are going to donate to children's hospitals.
I wrote it yesterday on a whim. Normally I like to start with the JavaScript when I build something, this time I started with the CSS, which means it literally doesn't do anything yet.


One day I'll turn it into something, but if you're going to start writing a VN today, use RenPy.
>Not six months ago people made fun of the idea as spaghetti shit
Did you miss people begging Faceless for a VN?
yea but those guards are just eye candy
They're both spaghetti shit
You haven't written anything on FiMFiction, though. I can't check out your shit if you don't have any.
There was some hope for Asemu. But they are shoving three stories in the space that Gundam normally reserves for one. Feels rushed.

It'll probably stay that way. But what could the story be about?

you make your SFW sim. we'll make an NSFW one. we'll see which one goes over faster.
>It'll probably stay that way. But what could the story be about?
I doubt it.

I remember people telling Faceless to piss off, maybe I caught MLPG at a bad(good) time?

Although if you're a fan of Z.O.E., Kotobukiya made and AWESOME Jehuty model with panel lining that comes with incandescent decals I believe.

Ok, I'll quit gasmin' over mechs in MLPG. Let me set up my stuff.
>implying it has to be a fuck sim
>implying you were here for past discussions on a subject

I'm not sure if RenPy supports this, but we could add point and click sections and make it similar to the quests.
I like this idea. Two separate projects. Even though it'd probably make more sense to pool all our resources into one more polished project.
I legitimately like him.
Because of this post I'm getting a name.
I guess.
If there's going to be a visual novel, can it at least make it hilarious like that MSpaint one?

Ball = sex
>Snarky Bastard brings the quality of the general down
Touhou, a very popular bullet hell game.
omg dude this guy has a macro

when he gets off a flight like a griffin

he says "hello everyone

I am here"

and greets everyone warmly

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314 KB

it's like i never left.
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354 KB
Me too man, me too. I actually loved that finale

You can stone me to death now MLPG.

Also streaming now, go here:

Time for mech pone
Have you posted stream yet? Sorry I'm playing EM and can't keep up with the thread
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949 KB
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like one could have both.

I mean, intimate moments build out of cuddly >feel inducing ones.

Unless you're making a >rape simulator or a fetish version.
>I actually loved that finale

Mine negroid.
best clopfics involving fillies

>implying Snarky Bastard likes me enough to include a Rape route
not now AB
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34 KB
did you just step out of a time machine?
>implying he is going to do something
>implying anyone's going to do anything and this whole VN thing won't be mercifully forgotten by tomorrow
Yeah well, I also proposed the idea in half jest since I'd been mulling it over for a while.

And yet, I have this feeling this thing will be made while I'm not looking and I'll miss out on the moment to be involved.

Such is life, I suppose.
>tfw computer shut down out of nowhere
i don't know if i can pony like this
I know.
install gentoo
Have you tried hitting it?
plz go

>implying i'm going to do anything

tell you what. if somebody wrangles the folk together and sets us up with deadlines, i'll write, >rape and >consensual both. but i couldn't organize my own death if i tried.
Everyone here's played Katana Sushi, right? That was about 95% feels and 5% sex, with the sex optional.

Just like all the other times. We never do anything cool.
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Touhou is a bullet hell series that's insanely popular with Japanese fans, developed singlehandedly by a one-man team "Zun". The games are exceptionally difficult for most, almost 99% of the characters are various girls/women (excepting perhaps one guy, a turtle, and a generic enemy/fanon pervert ["Sin Sacks"]), and most importantly... with only a few rules, the games, settings, characters, etc. are entirely available to fans for creating new fan-content that they can use as they like. There ARE exceptions but for the most part it's an open playing field.

This is a fan-made picture of one such character from Touhou, Patchouli.

I did Touhou remixes before I was involved with Pony. Cripes, I can never escape my past, can I? I just did another one recently that'll be out tomorrow!
that new Metro 2033 trailer made me
> some cry
Why are vaginas so gross?
I feel like that'd be asking a little too much from the efforts of MLPG. I'll help with it if there's enough demand, but right now only you and Deafdefiler and a couple others.

Everyone else ITT interested in the project(s), would you rather have NSFW or SFW?

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>Implying visual novels are cool
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Recite the canticle of Proper Function while anointing the holy machine with sacred oils.
>Hanging shit on your rearview mirror.
Shits illegal.
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'Lo there, Eurobeat. What brings you to our doorstep this evening?
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>implying YOU'RE cool
New trailer? I assume you mean for last light? Link?

They also gave us Yukkuri.

And through that, fluffy pony torture.
I actually haven't played Katana Sushi, though I've played other VNs.

But yeah, I write feels. So I'd be okay with feels.

Let me know what you guys decide in the morning or something, I'm about to pass out here. Here's hoping we have our project for the summer.
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>Implying I'm not the coolest motherfucker in the general
I've already masturbated to every decent filly picture a dozen times

I need to move on to another medium to sate my lust for fresh child horse cunt.
cuz you gay nigga
Just got here through the marked thread. It looked terrifying, not even gonna ask. So what's on the agenda tonight?
I think those were birthed from the same impulses, but not directly descended from each other.
But people in this fandom dont give a fuck about that they want pony sex no matter how shitty the quality is.
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> viddler's links are instant ban

fuck you retarded moot

Visual novels
Giant robots
Usual faggotry
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step up
Blame this motherfucker
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that's a huge spoiler bro

we love feels. we want to fuck ponies. these two things can be combined in any quantity and we'd be happy. even all-feels or all-sex would go over.
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This isn't for the 'fandom,' this is by MLPG. We're classy enough not to need pony sex, right?

Also it's not like we're selling it.
And we are fucking nothing im talking about the big part of the fandom.
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>I need to move on to another medium to sate my lust for fresh child horse cunt.
>sate my lust for fresh child horse cunt.
>fresh child horse cunt.

Oh god, rum and cokes shouldn't go out the nose
>We're classy enough not to need pony sex, right?
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At this point, honestly, who gives a flying fuck about 'the big part of the fandom'? They're all insipid fuckstains, and they're too large and have too much momentum to be stopped.

At this point, anything we do would be like standing in front of an oncoming train with no breaks. As such, I could give less of a fuck about any of it. It's out of my hands.
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> bronies
Who cares about the big part of the fandom?

me too. most of the bronies have a waifu. all the ones i've interacted with have. they'll pop big for feels or sex.

it's very rare to come across a guy who likes the pony porn yet doesn't have a waifu. and if he has a waifu, he'll pop for feels.
Oh. Hah.

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Oh jesus

Last Light is going to be a prequel right?
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Oh fuck no, I swear half this general is full on bestialist.
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Are you ALLOWED to get a tattoo with shoulder acne that bad?

Fucking soap, people. It takes ten extra seconds in the shower.


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>that acne

Looking at stuff like this, I would honestly be perfectly okay with it if Japan were to sink into the sea. 30 eroseco
Maybe you should talk to AB.
I just fucked my dog...

I blame you guys.

Fucking captcha

I'm fat. I blame my spoon.
You're in the wrong place, son.
Dogfuckers go to 7chan.
I hope your house burns down tonight, and you die in the fire.
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>that feel when no waifu
>that feel when you don't want to fuck ponies
why do I even hang out with you guys?
I can't quit you MLPG ;_;
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I wonder how changeling eggs taste.
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I honestly have no idea
But it is promising to be awesome.

>Rarity starts making a series of indie porn films wearing a blond wig and going by the name "Precious Roxxx"

I want to talk to pedophiles that revel in their desires, not the ones who are "but boo hoo this is wrong but I can't help it help me ;_;"
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I hate to admit it but I agree with Chrysalis on this one.
>tfw I've spent like 4-5 hours masturbating today
>Somewhere a tattoo artists has to put ponies on clammy, smelly neckbeards.
>They know how it feels to be a whore when they get their money.
>They look down at the bills in their hand.
>The faces of the presidents all have ">:3" written on them.
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>Not vectoring art of your favorite fanfiction.
God damn that was stupid.
>Also it's not like we're selling it.

This is true. It's considered a dick move to sell something made with Ren'Py, even if their licence allows it. Also, the WhiteDove-Creations fiasco shows that Hasbro is capable of protecting their intellectual properties.

Eh, we haven't even made it yet, much less planned it out.
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>Fallout Equestria is your favorite fanfiction
My favorite fanfiction doesn't have any art.
Not just fanfiction.
That thing was too large to be placed in that category,
It has his own category.
yeah, shit
It was fiction written by a fan of MLP.
It's fanfiction.
I think it's funny. You Americans and your paper money.
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Any coloring requests?
Whole? Not much. Can't really taste anything through the minty vaginal slime.

Scrambled, I wouldn't know. She doesn't lay them unfertilized, and breaking them is grounds for termination.
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More like:
> fan of the fandom
he barely cares about the show
Stop posting pone im going to sleep.
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Jesus christ we ded
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This one >>2136218
You know what else was a dick move? The way the KS devs flamed that guy who found out how to unpack their data files. Considering how they started from an anonymous project on 4chan, they're using an open source engine and they're making a derivative work themselves, it seems stupid for them to disallow derivative works.

Lets not do that.
To the writers of Hoennshy, that one fanfiction about the musical hobo pony, and I forgot the third, I promise to read your fanfiction again.
I might have something, hold on.
Oh Tara.
oh my
The color scheme on the middle one is shit. Why not a lighter tone of gray for the body?
Please teach me the secrets of using circles to make my art look recognizable.
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>this whole thread
What show?
Someone made a fanshow about My Little Pony?!
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Time for suicide
Dubs decides the method
>She doesn't lay them unfertilized
Do you think she would if you asked?
I mean, it could only make you love her more, right?
Ohnoes, we ded!
quick, somebody post more prompts. it's the only way to un-dead ourselves.
I blame 4chan talking minutes to post my posts.

>flash will never hang out with us again
Potassium cyanide
Live your life to the fullest, and commit suicide by natural causes.
Don't kill yourself, faggot.
sucking a million dicks
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I discovered that as I was trying to post that. Then I felt like an idiot and tried to cancel
Yes, sadly. Though I think the Fluffy Pone business managed to start that part up on its own. It's surprising (and a bit sad) to see how many parallels the MLP fandom has to the worst parts of the Touhou fandom.

Boredom mostly. I'm working on some documentation for my last final for university. Also burning some CDs for tomorrow.
4chan is fucking up again.
Is better this way.
Rescue a cat and love it unconditionally.
Life a full, happy life knowing you saved it's life from the needle.

carbon monoxide
Supposed to be a charcoal color. I usually don't do OCs, so I have a color guide to follow, but not this time.
Jump off the Golden Gate, try to land on a passing ship. More points if you either hit some chinese guy or land ass first on an antenna.
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gib help plz
being all old n shit

Well, during the summer yeah I'm inclined to agree, but during the season would be nice.
Ouch. i actually felt that one.
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become the batman

fight criminals to the death.
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>10 posts at 3:10AM
fuck you
As an outsider, I didn't think the 2hu fandom was that bad. Maybe that's how outsiders see us.
Good to hear. About the coursework, not the Touhou parallels. What's going on the CDs?
Why? We never recover?  Just look every thread after a new episode especially after mid season.
I doubt it. If there comes a point at which she needs more love from you, she's got her spells.
It's okay Gilda.

You're cute and fluffy enough 10/10 would cuddle.
Sorry brah, dubs are dubs


and have a successful business empire before you die
>watch the gameplay vid
>player shooting out the lights
>enemy not even 10 feet away doesnt react at all to the gunshot

Aw man this was a good one too, sorry I fucked it up for ya Anon
Tiny ponies.

Post the doll houses you would buy/make for them.

>look at every thread after a new episode

Oh please, those threads were far better than what we deal with now. The only times the general gets out of hand during the season is around wednesday or thursday.
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>Gilda complaining

she abhors weakness
>Oh please, those threads were far better than what we deal with now.
I know but there is nothing left for people like Flash in this place
Okay, but critiquing the concept won't help me learn how to use circles.
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>that feel when Flash thread was the thread that got you into MLP
>feel nostalgic
>go back to 4chan archive
>awesome fucking thread
>MLPG now
Would you a curvy r63 doll ntr /ss/ zebra apple snail pone
>Make it.
No thanks, I would rather not risk killing them.

>nothing left
>implying we left

Everyone is still here for the most part. The only difference would be that his posting in the general would garner a lot more outside attention here in /mlp/, unless of course he outright made a whole thread for himself.
The AI was not that bright in Metro 2033.

>That feel when a handful of people who worked on the show used to hang out with us.
>tfw the only person who works on the show and will ever have anything to do with us is rose
Idea I had for a story.

>HiE fic done realistically from the viewpoint of the ponies
>Human does not speak the same language as the ponies, views them as animals.
>Ponies do not comprehend what the human is or its motives and intentions, lovecraftian vibe
>Attempts to break a few ponies, like you would any horse. Succeeds with several, including Fluttershy (who was the first one to see the human creature and try to befriend it).
>Becomes this kind of boogeyman figure to the ponies. Celestia organizes a task force to take the human down.
>Human has a gun (although that word is never used)
>Task force forced to retreat
>Human subjugates all of Ponyville, Celestia is forced to take direct action and wipe out the Human.
>Broken ponies remain broken, having lost their individual free wills. Some eventually recover but most are sent off to various institutions

Thoughts? Human nature would clash tremendously with pony society, I imagine this could roughly be how an actual HiE situation could play out (with some allowances for the sake of drama and scale).

The only thing I'd need to work out is wear the human gets his ammunition.
>HiE fic
don't care about the rest
don't give a shit
don't do it
kill yourself
Feels bad man.

I guess we got to fucking disgusting for them to handle.
>single human subjugate all ponyville

No fucking way.
there was something slightly like this
but it had eggman in it
>he barely cares about the show
Then why bother making the damn thing in the first place?
Still love the game to pieces, though

I blame Ross.
I wouldn't read it.
>How does he get ammunition.
He opens cabinets.
You'd probably like Ijmaquest.

We should continue that soon, speaking of.

Maybe when this thread dies?
Not really an excuse. If they are gonna keep trying "sneaking" segments thet should take less time making the cloth down the hall blowing in the wind look SO REAL and more time making the enemies even somewhat believable.
You don't even know what it's fucking about. Human is the antagonist.

Yeah, I'm thinking that's stretching it too. Even with a gun. Maybe he comes back with friends after the task force wounds him?


>>Attempts to break a few ponies, like you would any horse.
This better involve giving them the dick.
>don't know what it's about
>just gave us the elevator pitch
>disregards advice to not write terrible premise because of butthurt
have fun, faggot
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>but it had eggman in it
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I would read that.
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>single human taking on the entirety of ponyville and a highly trained task force
That gun better be a big fucking anti-magic supershield swiss army knife gun.
Since when did you stick your penis in a horse to break it.

I thought your post implied you had stopped reading. Guess I was mistaken.
I. Uh. What?
MLPG, I live in a really remote area and only get to go into town a couple times a week. However while I am in town I am only there to go shopping or do chores. I never get to have friendly chats with anyone and I have no friends.

How do I cope with my loneliness?
Since you are dealing with magic ponies and not horses.
From whom?
It's a colt .45
Do what I do
Plan your suicide
And when that doesn't help
Cut yourself while you masturbate
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Why would he assume they're just animals when they're obviously living in houses and have some system of writing?

How would he deal with unicorn magic? What's to stop any unicorn (let alone TS) from just putting him in a bubble or some shit?

Why wouldn't ponies be familiar with the concept of a gun when they're familiar with tanks and bullets?
You seem to be experiencing a shortage of pone.
And two zigzags?

get a small horse and keep it in your house like a dog, of course.
Get horses. Tell us where you live. Rent horse and stalls to us.

We'll talk with you.
>humans are nulls
>humans are also incredibly strong due to different gravity or some shit
Join a meetup group!
>implying magic affects anything from another dimension
Talk to the lovely people in the MLPG

Did you find it yet?
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Move into a monastery and devote your life to God.
there aren't any good meetup groups in my area
the best I could find is a weekly MTG tourney at the local comic shop but I'm really not that interested in doing that
While we're talking about story ideas. MLPG what kind of story would you rather read? I'm torn between writing three different ones:

First involves an OC (inb4 LOL OC). It's not grimdark but I picture it more Disneyesque in that if I wrote the entire series of it there would be three deaths (one isn't actually dead and comes back, one just turns to dust, and the third falls into a black pit just like most Disney villains).

The second is an Anon in Equestria story I've been mulling around in my head. It'd start off a bit differently than most AiE stories, fall into a slice of life type story to build relationships, and then end with a heavily plot (as in story plot) filled ending.

Third is a slice of life story between Chrysalis and an Anon. I got the inspiration for this story from MLPG a while ago when someone made a post asking what would happen if Chrysalis found the internet and saw all the people who loved her and those that didn't. Anon would be one of those that didn't and it'd pretty much just be hijinks of Chrys trying to get him to like her. It'd start out as slice of life but slowly turn into Anon trying to stay sane as the paranoia builds inside of him.
tanks and bullets are jokes but they are not real.
>hurr durr ponies know what tanks are
The pony conception of a "tank" could be very different from what you're thinking. Just because they use the word, doesn't mean it has a turret, or is a tool of war.
If im gonna read an HiE fic it would need to be like Star Ocean 2

Complete with vocaroo links of the author saying THE ENEMY.

Oh its just them
>implying magic isn't a universal constant
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dohohoo so fanny because horse word play hurr
At least mention something like 'human is a void' or 'for whatever fucking reason human is super invincible because why not'.
Well of course ponies know what a gun is
Rainbow Dash said "we'll be gunning for you"
>no further info on first
>anon in Equestria
>waifu bugshit

these are all terrible ideas
you are a dumbass
this is why people hate fanfiction
Because of people like you
Do we have enough people who play Shazbot to warrant renting a server? I was thinking of doing that soon, if we did.
Why does the human want to subjugate the ponies?
works for me. no rush
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I'd say yes please, but I won't be here to enjoy it with you faggots.
>horses are beasts of burden
because anon doesn't know how to cope with people calling his waifu a slut so he's doing this
speaking of
how goes?
>implying humans and pastel colored magical equines share the same universe
I'd play.

Tech/Shrike master race.
Guys I just realized something

In Swarm of the Century, Celestia says "Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?"

But I know they are wrong1
>tfw you will never feel dash's breasts of burden
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Thank you for sharing your opinions. I'm sorry that you're biased against the first and second one. I'm sorry that you couldn't see that the third isn't a Chrysalis waifu one. But thank you for your input.
A person refers to any living being
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plz no
Because humans are evilbads that want to destroy everything around them.
>Retarded fucks.

I miss the fic someone was doing where a small squad of (Enter military group here) found themselves in the Everfree.
Poison Joke ended up disabling the other two and the leader had to find a way to get the trust of the ponies to get a cure.
Or something.
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way to be insincere as fuck
this is why you're miserable and lonely
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Looks like Lyra isn't crazy, after all.
Because of their unique magics.

Weaponize the unicorns or turn them into batteries, send the earth ponies into the fields to yield bountiful harvests and torment your enemies with vicious weather generated by the pegasi.

Humans may be anti-magic beings, but magic can still power devices and WMD's
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Watch out you guys, we have a bad ass over here!
>not saying it like Claude

>tfw you want to bone lyra so bad
>tfw taw is too busy being a famous brone to try your request again
is there a greek parable where a guy is surrounded by porn but can't masturbate?
because if there isn't
i could writ eone
I have no idea what it is supposed to sound like. Star Ocean 2 was not even worth my time.
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I'll try and look for more of the head,
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You mad bro?
Playing it for the bad voice acting was worth it alone.
You know, this is what I don't like seeing about all the ideas bandied about when it comes to humans in Equestria. It's either LOL WE'RE SO EVULS, waifuficcing, or the human's invincible.
Where are the fics that deal with the fact that humans are actually really fucking frail? Lightning can kill us. A bad fall can kill us. Where are the fics of humans who need to rely on their cleverness to live in a world that, by all rights, would have killed them otherwise in the first five minutes?
Well, since we're tossing stuff around, I might as well throw out something that's been pinging around in my head for a while.

>a human is transported to Equestria, where he is found by one of the ponies and after some initial difficulty, more or less accepted as a part of their society, finding a village full of friendly, accepting ponies who are willing to give him a chance to ingratiate himself

>but he starts having odd dreams, strange impulses to wreck things, see them torn or smashed apart. Animalistic, violent urges that come suddenly and pass just as quickly, and despite his best efforts, start getting stronger.

The idea being that the human doesn't belong in this world, and it's beginning to fray his sanity. The longer he stays in this idyllic, peaceful place, the more likely he is to hurt someone he cares about.

That's... all I got, really.
It's not like war isn't a foreign concept to ponies, at least, historically. great pony war

Either way, whether or not a firearm is foreign to ponyworld still doesn't deal with the fact that the whole story sounds like one guy freaking out about sentient ponies (which apparently he doesn't think are sentient) and having some sort of golden gun.

I mean, If you just show up on some alien planet, you see something that looks vaguely like a horse walk out of a house, up to you, gesture and shit, act like it's having a conversation with you, do you automatically attempt to ride it?

Then fire off your gun Texan style to scare the entire town full of horsethings?
All three sound nice.

But the third feels like my animes. Is she going to gallop into Anon with a loaf of bread in her mouth?
Now I wish I saved that "How to argue on /v/" picture posted earlier. You followed it exactly.
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That's true of every organic organism, pretty much, excepting things with resilient healing mechanisms or bone structures

Every single fucking idea has been 'what if a human...'
Just stop
These are all dumb
>the hulk visits Ponyville


Aw no, fuck you and your shrikes, nobody knows how to shoot them down. I'll ask again during the day, but I think we might have enough to play.

I didn't ever say it was a good idea.
Han Solo in Equestria?
I remember one idea where humans are physically frail (compared to ponies) and incapable of magic, but have a magic sense of building machines or something.
It was cool
There are so many things I could do with this if I could write.

>Fluttershy sees one of them from a distances while he's moving, but he is wearing a ghillie suit
>This causes her to mistake him for some some sort of plant monster
>She spends the rest of the day preparing a patch of earth next to the stream outside her house in case it ever stops by

>Zecora and one of the soldiers playing a game of cat-and-cat as they hunt each other through the Everfree

>A cockatrice petrifying itself after trying to petrify a soldier wearing reflective sunglasses
So, since we're on the topic of story ideas, I guess I'll just share an idea I have that could be stretched to however many chapters you wanted, really.

In short, take the writing style of Bill Bryson, and the format of his travelogues (all of which are excellent in their own right), most likely in the format of Notes From a Big Country, which is just a collection of newspaper articles he'd written.

Bill Bryson in Equestria. As a pony, writing for the fillydelpha inquirer or some shit.

I know it's unlikely anybody will take this idea up, but considering I can't write and have a terminal case of lazy, maybe somebody will, I don't know.
>nobody knows how to shoot them down

They find out real quick when I kill them 5 times in a row and rage doomburger.
What if the entire reason for the human going to Equestria was to subjugate ponies?

After some of the feedback I've been getting, it would probably end up being a small squad of humans. No more than five.

Trying to make Glitter Glue appear
>literally five human in equestria ideas by separate people
>being a small squad of humans. No more than five.

It's been done.
>ideas that are literally inane enough a retarded person would be ashamed to come up with them
well, okay
have fun
No. Basically she's trying to force Anon to love her for food and he discovers that tinfoil reflects her magic. So he dons a tinfoil hat to prevent her from simply using her mind control. She takes on various forms to try and knock off the protective hat. It starts out humorous until Anon starts becoming extremely paranoid about everything. He ends up starting to suspect anything causing him to slip into insanity and eventually it ruins his life. Haven't decided on an ending for it yet though.

>the human loses it, and goes on a rampage
>he turns into an ogre and has to be stopped by the Mane 6 or the pony that found him
>literally mind
You're doing it wrong. it's like Beetlejuice.
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I like the idea that humans live on a "Death World."

Turns out we're a lot less frail then we think.

You didnt count the star ocean thing did you, cuz I was being silly.

He doesn't work like that. You need to suck his internet dick.
>a Stalker winds up unconscious in Twilight basement after an accident while exploring an abandoned lab
>Spike finds him and tries to eat his artifacts
What, that Earth is actually Space Australia? I could see that.
MLPG, which pones do you think would vote for mitt romney?

inb4 filthy rich
So the tinfoil hat is the cause instead of a symptom?


I don't know about you anon, but I'm glad we're talking about fanfiction and not other shit that I'm not going to mention.

>Retarded ideas
But he does work like that

Try it
I wrote a fanfic about Cheerilee because that guy was complaining no one ever writes about her.

The CMC say she is no fun because she won't go camping with them because she is too busy. When she notices they are camping in the Everfree Forest, though, she tries to chase them down and stop them.

After blundering through some Poison Joke, the "joke" it plays on her is to make her a school-age filly again, and she gets sent to her own class by a truant officer.

Y'know, just as long as we're spouting silly stories in this thread.
what if a human was a pony
>space Australia
I laughed way harder than I should have.
sounds interesting
do it
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Well, Anchorage did kill a Manticore when the others were scouting around their camp.
Their radios still worked but the GPS equipment was not functioning. (Duh)
Anchorage brought the kill back to camp and dropped the tail down on the ground.
"Sir, I don't think we are on Earth anymore."

I shold re-write it.
Actually, have Chrys fall down that well.

But Anon had already come to like her. He made her breakfast and was always prepared with what she needed.
What if humans were 100 feet tall in Equestria
That's where the paranoia also begins to set in. Naturally people think you're crazy for wearing a tinfoil hat around. He tries to play it off as joke for the people he already knows but eventually they begin to worry and try to get him to take it off. He then assumes it's just Chrysalis trying to get him to take it off and he freaks out on them. His social life is destroyed.
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>Space Australia
>Betelgeuse will never visit Equestria

>Lyra sees him "Are you a human?!"
>"Im the ghost with the most babe"
>he's tired of fanfiction ideas
I want Chrysalis to shove her ovipositor up my eager butthole and pump me full of eggs.

In 3 weeks, the eggs will hatch and eat their way out of my body, killing me in the process in a horrifyingly painful death. The rest of my body will then be discarded, having served my purpose for the hive.
What if humans were three dimensional in Equestria, and you could only interact with ponies if you lined up with their 2D plane?
Add "Space" in front of anything and you've got an amazing fanfic idea.
Then I must just get matched with idiots. I'm too fast and too flimsy to be defended anyways.

My enjoyment of that cap is lessened somewhat by the fact the poster can't keep their/they're straight.

Seriously bugs me.
I haven't worked on my "Human wakes up in Ponyville as a pony and from there is slowly converted into one mentally by his environment' fic for far too long

Left it on indefinite hiatus
That's it.

We have to get Earth renamed.
Space Flutterdash?
I guess THEY'D be the assholes.
Would you rather us just write them and shit up the place with ill conceived crap? Or would you rather us talk about them, bounce ideas around, and make them worth something?
Space lesbian horse sex


>Space Australia
>giant space spiders
I like it.

Do it faggot.
>>Anon? Anon!
>"Who's there?"
>>Over here!
>>"I'm right behind you!
>"Like hell you are!"
>>"Oh 'Hell' I'm no- wait..."
>"Oh hey there you are!"
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I love nonstandard HFY.
space ovipositors
Space doesn't even HAVE spiders.
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They get into a lot of the same tendencies MLP fans do with ponies; that is, HUGE amounts of fetishism, 'conversions', etc. and honestly I would not be surprised if some Tulpa bullshit was going down over there too.
Still, most of my relationships with Touhou fans have been positive for the most part. Mizuki Hitoshi seems to not despise me yet, anyway, so I'll count that as a plus.

I'll give you the long version in a bit, quoting this post. The short version, Fanime.
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>mfw thats literally how I came up with Signal Lost
what is your favorite >fanon ship?
It would if it was space australia
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Oh shit I haven't seen this one before.
But all ships are fanon.
Lyra and Bonbon

Its the only acceptable one.

Fuck you if you think otherwise
Man, Sparkler, when you latch onto an idea you really run with it, don't you?
I don't ship anything.
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>Le semen agency xd

Thank god he already give up with that one.
Did 4chan just stop working
“Australians are very unfair in this way. They spend half of any conversation insisting that the country's dangers are vastly overrated and that there's nothing to worry about, and the other half telling you how six months ago their Uncle Bob was driving to Mudgee when a tiger snake slid out from under the dashboard and bit him on the groin, but that it's okay now because he's off the life support machine and they've discovered he can communicate with eye blinks.”
― Bill Bryson, In a Sunburned Country
Yeah. Almost feels bad that I was partially responsible this time.

Oh well. Risk you run, I guess.
Confirmed for never actually watching the show
>shipping Lyra and Bonbon
What if humans DO exist in Equestria, but they're completely unintelligent, bloodthirsty, yet brutally cunning savages that have to be put down hard?

>ponies start disappearing from a village near ponyville
>a human has been killing and eating them
>he's turned their bones into decorations for his cave, and even fashioned a few of them into weapons.
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>weekly semen donations

I remember that. Did anyone ever draw Nurse Redheart screaming at some poor dudes dick?
>being from the future

I think I've seen that, yeah.
What if your humans orbit my dick?
Well... at least I got some feedback.
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How about this one, or the two Veil of Madness ones?
Can I orbit your dick, anon?
With my mouth?
>The cunning savage retard.
Someone write it.
It doesn't even have to be good.
I just need to laugh.
What if pony ate human to extinction?
fanfic ideas that dont involve humans GO
Oh, sorry. What do you need, I'll see what I can do
Spikebloom or SweetieSpike

Can't decide.
Lesbian horse sex
Anon having sex with horses
horse sex
Bite on to anon's dick
He spinds around
>The Most Dangerous Game
>Forrest Gump is the hunter

Not sure I'm 100% on this
Lyra writes a PiE fapfic
A savage hairless primate kills and rapes ponies until it flees to other lands.
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Probabl been done but I like it
Rarity cuckolds anonstallion
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>There must be others. And we will find them, we WILL have sex with them

every fucking time.
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Come on, why do I always forget to link.

>"Never let him catch you on an open field."
>"You will never escape."
Thunderlane and Rumble home alone, with TL left in charge while their parents are off on vacation/at a work-related conference for the weekend.
I posted about one above and not a single person commented on it.

Not even to say it's an awful idea.

Cunning, meaning "clever," "crafty" or "sly." You don't have to be a genius to know how to lay a trap.
>that filename
We should play Epic Mafia again.
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How smart is MLPG?
Ow, no. Just... You know... Lips and such.Maybe tongue. Can't promise I won't try to suckle on it a little.
Now all I can think is Rambo 1 in Equestria.
Which one was it?
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I actually shuddered, reading that.
>Ow, no.

"Completely unintelligent" is mental disability tier.
>pony in earth
Not hard to figure out.
Ponies in Earth
I think at least

I meant it in the sense that it can't be reasoned with, and it isn't capable of language.
All answers are correct, therefore no answers are correct.

You never said evenly distributed random selection.
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>you will never have a little Lyra to snuggle with every night
I'd read it. It would be a comedy I assume?
HP Lovecraft's Polaris but with ponies and an assassination plot against main character's love interest instead of an impending war to drive the tragedy home.
But none of those are right. Two of them are the same answer, and if you pick B then a third answer will have to be allowed to make you correct, bumping it to 75%. Since there is no 75% option, the question cannot be answered properly.
Unless of course it's a trick question and since you can only pick one answer it would always be 25%.
I posted one but people dismiss it because there's an OC in it. Because it's so bad to have your own creative idea. That's why they never add a new character to the show. Ever.
Hey, I don't want to hurt anyone.

Especially anon. Unless he wanted that.
we need to get enough people this time
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Typical /v/ thread.
I bust a gut.
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This hurts Lyra more than you.
We tried earlier. We couldn't get enough people. We never do.

It would be hard to be grimdark with a plant with "joke" in the name.
I've never played it
>Celestia has to send a pony every so often to fight the beast.
>No pony has ever returned.
>She has to give ponies warnings like that, tips and advice on how to survive and hopefully take the human down.
>They are horrified as she explains all of this to them.
>One day she draws a number for the next pony to fight the beast.
>It's Twilight's number.
It's fun as fuck.
Because the only choices are comedy and grimdark

You're trying to cheat me arent you.
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How much does Lyra want to see humans?

You know early hunters would chase their target on foot until it collapsed from exhaustion, right?

>You hear it. It's still behind you.
>Why can't you lose it? How long will it chase you?
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What if the humans locked themselves away in magically-dead tombs after their attempt to create magic killed most of them and spawned Discord?
...I'd do the long version, but I can sum it up nicely. I'm scared fuckless of pissing you guys off, and fear that somehow, through some action, voluntary or involuntary, it'll happen here. I'm sweating just thinking about it. I try very hard, not necessarily to have you guys like me, but to not give you too many reasons to hate my guts.
Black comedy, nigger. That's what any good grimdark is.

I wasn't trying to offend. It was a joke.
>Lyra gets an unmarked letter in the mail
>she opens the evelope, its actually a card
>"Wish you were here."
>"Love, Earth"
Alright then. Either way I'd read it.

Get to it.
A whole fucking lot.

I worry that if I was the only human she ever got to interact with, she'd be disappointed, though.

Like one of you getting to interact with pone, but it was the one you like the very least.
am i the only one who gets turned on by all needles and wires sticking in those people?
Someone post the "lyra is forced to post on mlpg by no games" image but with the filename "think of your favorite human"
Why can't I hold all these >limes
No answer.
I'm going to take a quick visit to ponychan for the first time in 9 months. Wish me luck.
I guarantee not.
>sending mail
>1002 CR
-1 Luck wished
An earth pony would be fucked against and early human hunter unless it could find a way to not leave a trail. Pegasi and Unicorns could escape easily.
>You will never be the final boss of the dungeon Twilight has to fight her way through to purify the Everfree forest, where she slowly lost more and more of herself until confronting you and finding that she doesn't want to fight any more.
Oh you!
>Twilight turns him into a balloon
>He manages to hang her
Isn't ponychan almost dead now?
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>be final boss for Twilight
>challenge her to social interaction
>Flying creatures.
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>not liking Super Troopers

What a bitch. I hope someone rapes her to death.
You fall to the ground.
The final blow have been delivered and you are bleeding heavily. You dont have much time left to live.

You watch as the "hero", your nemesis, is walking towards you. You have the chance to say a few memorable last words.

What are they?
Funny thing about flying. When you're up there with no cover, you're easy to follow, and there's nothing to block arrows (or depending on the setting, I guess bullets).
Is it?
yea, SB started a successful thread over there
>Never show up
>Break the game
With our current technological progress, I can't help but think ponies would be fucked if we went to war for some reason.
Et tu Twily?
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>tfw I was the one who colored this and now it gets posted so often
Deus ex Magicka, anon.
Do you mean FiMchan?
lol no

>Twilight scuffs a hoof
>gets mad and Teleports the entire human population into space
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That's been there a while.

>no bones are ever found from the monster's victims
>a pegasus tries staying out of the monster's range, figuring it can't fly, therefore, it can't reach him
>it throws something at him - a spear of some kind.
>he's so surprised he doesn't think to dodge until the last second
>then he sees what it threw
>now he knows what happened to the bones.
Nice little ego boost, innit?
Come closer, I haven't much time to tell you
I am wearing a suicide bomb
>You will never be a good Lich who decided death was just something that would keep him from studying, practicing and perfecting new spells.
>Every week you have to shoo some adventurer away from your tower.
>On occasion you get one with an attitude, they are the annoying ones. They manage to break in and start smashing your things.
>You never get tired of them and report them a few hundred miles away to the nearby kingdom without clothing.
>In the kings throne room.
>The king is a homosexual.
I get that feel when people post my shining armor pasta.
Here's the thing to know about us, Eurobeat: Fuck our opinions. You're actually doing something with your life. If we don't like it, or things about you, well, too bad for us. It's our loss. The smart ones here will like you even if you like different things. It's how adults work.
I mean, I could not care less about what sort of anime you might watch, as it's something I indulge in from time to time as well. Hell, most of it's cheesy romance stuff. There is literally no way any intelligent person here would hate you. You not only give us good music, you actually listen to criticisms and work around them. It will be a sad day indeed if it ever comes to the MLPG throwing you out on your ear, especially if it's over something stupid like a difference of opinion.
So relax.
Twilight couldn't even teleport one Ursa Minor. She had to make it sleep so she could lift it.
>there's no way we could win a war against the ponies, they have magic!
>there's no way we could win a war against the humans, they have technology!
Hell yeah.
"I guess this is my last chapter. Promise me you'll write a fitting epilogue."

Alternatively: "I fucked you in your sleep"
>You never get tired of them and report them

>implying the mods do anything in your tower
>has to resort to mary sue characters to beat humans
>live in a constant cold war with the ponies out of fear one of us will surpass the other in our respective specialties
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Fuck this humans vs. ponies bullshit.

I'd fall to my knees before Celestia and Luna repeatedly wishing for humanity to finally get together in true brotherhood and whatnot, ask money and start up countless charities/schools/hospitals/whatever, ask for scientific and arcane knowledge to push both humanity and ponykind forth to unfortold levels of AWESOME, or anything like that.
I don't think we could win an actual military engagement with ponies, magic is just too hax, especially stuff like the Want it Need it spell.
An actual battle would be a really decisive loss, but something tells me the ponies just wouldn't even be able to comprehend something like an aerial bombardment from high  that the ponies on the ground can't even see the planes.
Ponies are casuals man.

They even play with items
My spellchecker hates me.
I thought Ponychan was like the BIG haven for the majority of the spaghetti. I wouldn't think it would be dead, is it?
I laughed hard.

I need to sleep.
It wont catch you putting the wrong word entirely.

It was funnier as report.
Thank you for freeing me from the curse. I hope you can stay sane with it longer than I could.

I just want to fuck with her head before I go.
>only humans on the streets
>only humanoid statues

Ponies confirmed for subhuman scum race that is rightfully put in their place as second class citizenry.
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>bowing before a xeno

You will be dealt with when the time arises.

i want to play again
You're a cool dude, Eurobeat.
We ain't gonna throw you under the bus.
You're upstanding and bro as fuck, you're genuinely nice and even though however sad it may be your fanbase consists of majority bronies, you still maintained your artistic integrity and haven't degraded yourself in to making Past Sins or Fallout Equestria tribute songs or some shit like that.
Thread police might bitch at you, but honestly fuck them. They're useless whiny shits who contribute absolutely nothing.
"Fffuck you."
>humans invade Equestria
>mythological creatures with bullet proof scales, turn people to stone, etc etc
>poisonous plants with unpredictable consequences
>all manner of hostile magical objects and creatures
>horses with magical powers, capable of offensive magic
>horses that can fly as fast as a jet plane
>ponies have knowledge of gunpowder, could easily assemble bombs
Funny thing is, that would totally work.

She would lose her goddamn mind over little inconveniences, and let it build up till she levels Ponyville in frustration. Shortly after, she would accept that she was 'cursed' and sulk back to your former keep in the forest. Might even half-raise you for advice, Lord Genome style.
after /mlp/ was made, it pretty much died.
I remember that feel when I made the pony/Disney song crossovers and some people liked them.
"I've always loved youuuuuuuuuuuu......"
"Fool, by striking me down you have made me more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
Because even when I'm dead I want them to worry about me.
He's also met Nathan face to face and survived unscathed.

That's got to be worth something.
>pony magic doesn't work on humans
>human weapons don't work on ponies
Well if you're going the incredibly mary sueish route, nuke the fuck out of them.
>in the place of George Carlin
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>that feel when i didn't cap them
>they redirect it with magic
>the cup of fire from heaven was just a redirected nuke
And yet, outside the /b/read, the fluffy pony threads and others, /mlp/ is pretty empty. Where did the autists go? Is the /b/read just ex-ponychanners?
EBG, you're a legit motherfucker, never forget that. MLPG's opinions may be fickle at times, but there's very, very little chance that you'll fall prey to what other contributors have, if not from the standpoint of the medium, then from the fact that your posts are almost exclusively made to drop info/get feedback on your work.

You are literally the perfect, shining example of name/trip use.
Detonate it anyway as soon as they start to redirect it. The fallout will still kill hundreds of thousands.

Don't tell me you thought nukes detonate on impact.
Doesn't work that way.

If they don't know it's coming they can't do shit, fuck you.
>Life invades your torn body.
>Air fills your lungs once more as blood begins to thunder through your rapidly healing body.
>With a blinding flash you collapse on the ground, coughing.
>"How do I slow it down."
>You recognize the voice, your eyes flick open.
>You run your hand across the dust covered floor, chuckling, it's been awhile.
>"Tell me how I slow the curse down." the voice again, this time more agitated, strained.
>You chuckle as you slowly get up, your legs wobble a little as you look down at the battered, worn eyes of your former nemesis.
>"What curse?"
Except curses aren't real. They are fake magic.
Sssshit, I'd say something but I'd rather you just enjoy the high.
Princess Celestia
You know I am a righteous pony
Of my virtue I am justly proud

Princess Celestia
You know I'm so much purer than
The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd

Then tell me, Celestia
Why I see her dancing there
Why her smold'ring eyes still scorch my soul

I feel her, I see her
The sun caught in her bright pink hair
Is blazing in me out of all control

Like candy
This sugar in my skin
This sweetness
Is turning me to sin

It's not my fault

I'm not to blame

It is the Pink Pone
The witch who sent this flame

It's not my fault

If in God's plan

He made the Pink One so much
Stronger than a pony

Protect me, Celestia
Don't let this siren cast her spell
Don't let her candy sear my flesh and bone
Destroy Pinkie Pie
And let her taste the sugars of hell
Or else let her be mine and mine alone
Dark candy
Now Pinkie, it's your turn
Choose me or
Your pyre
Be mine or you will burn

Celestia have mercy on her

Celstia have mercy on me

But she will be mine
Or she will burn!

>That feel when you didn't save the pictures that inspired this.
I like this.
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This one?

Assuming they didnt pull hacks.

Congratulations, we dont know the effect of radiation on ponies.

You just created magical flying earth regrowing GHOULS ponies.
>implying she wasn't cursed with that inconvenient last statement
>she is wounded and aroused from her battles with the twisted monsters you have come to command
>you have a stallion that was captured and broken long ago with you when she enters your chamber
>you offer her a choice: either she can fight you for the potion that will return him to normal, or she can keep him to satiate her needs
>she licks her lips and does not answer right away
>Oh Twilight, it was you all along.
>Come, tell me of your adventures, and I will tell you of mine. I'm sure we both have our share of interesting stories.
Go ahead and say it. I don't mind. I'm open to criticism.
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She was pretty damn convinced by the end of that episode.
>plan doesn't rhyme with pony

0/10, that's the most moving, impacting part of the song, and it is totally ruined
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I love you. No homo.
Radiation effects them how it effects everything else living.

It fucking kills them.
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>this whole thread

>over time, the ponies start gathering tips; bits and pieces of information they've gleaned from survivors of the beast's wrath

>It never hunts at night, if it can help it
>Its hearing and smell are nowhere near our level
>it's easier to escape if it can't see you
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Eh. I wasn't really trying to make it rhyme. Couldn't think of a word that rhymed with pony to replace plan with that still had the same meaning as plan and vice versa for man.
I want to see the military fighting dragons. /tg/ figured long ago that a squad of Apaches or a single Abrams could kill your standard fantasy dragon.
Nigga they have magic who knows what the fuck will happen when radiation gets involved.

and this is assuming their world even follows our rules.
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But wouldn't that defeat the pu-

Wait, what are our goals in this war?

Do we want the land irradiated? Does that affect our war goals?

Speaking of goals, how would this pass through a parliament/senate?

How do you get voters behind a war against a magical realm full of talking balls of cute shit?

Wouldn't the first people to have contact with another dimension be scientists? Not soldiers?

Why even start a war if there's a chance to learn from/make money off of this alien world?
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>those teeth

probably gone to tumblr or here or something. all i know is that the /ef/ kids are the fluffy threads.
Now do a version with a kitted out and well trained soldier.

High tech weaponry, NV goggles, thermals.
Yes. Thank you. I loved those. Hellfire is easily my favorite Disney song. Also, 0/10 Anon, I agree with you on that part being the best part of the song.
anal crusaded conservatives

I was thinking savage human with primitive weapons.

Y'know, so they have an actual chance.
>the Zone happens
>She tortures you in her wrath, but this only causes you to laugh as she demonstrates just how far she has fallen
>Luna officially becomes that guy

Highly hypothetical.

If you want our leaders have become completely corrupt and society is a dystopia. They want the vast amount of resources Equestria has, they don't care how irradiated the land is.
All the destruction she caused.
All the death, he friends left her.
The curse left her a hollow shell of a pony.
And you just told her that there was no curse.
She did it all, all that blood is on her hooves.
And they said you were a monster.
>You leave her sitting in the chamber, stunned.
>You hope your tomes weren't pillaged over the years as you head towards your library.
>Ponies can be so silly.
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might as well post the other 2
I see, you make a good point.

Carry on then.
Alright. Lazy amateur song parody is a big pet peeve of mine, and you hit the big problem areas. You don't even TRY to keep meter, which makes your versions of the songs extremely clumsy when put to the music, and oftentimes the changed lyrics were simply a case of Ctrl+F/Replace. It feels like, as it usually does, the entire parody is built around one or two 'good' lines or themes, and the rest is hastily slapped into place just to present them.
I doubt even ass enraged conservatives would declare a war on a planet they know nothing of.
>in her final gesture of futility, she walks away
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posting best pony

just kidding, I posted fluttershy
>Is the /b/read just ex-ponychanners?
Scary idea, but go ask them.
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these were made by MT
I've never known the context of this image.
You do it, Anon.
Yeah, we'd all much rather study it for a while.

Then destroy it.
Oh fuck dem tits.

No it's not.
I think I can safely say I would be amazed if we actually found another species on a different planet.
It'd probably be better if I into music at all. Sorry I tapped your pet peeve. I know how fucking irritating it can be.
>the realization destroyed her
>you actually feel sad, but only because you lost what could have been a great tool
>all she is goo for now is patrolling your dungeon and zapping intruders
>The stallion's mind has long since been lost to lust, his glazed over eyes focus on Twilight while he strokes himself, his heady scent growing stronger and stronger
>His motions jingle the chains binding him to the arm of your throne, and you can see Twilight subconsciously starting to breathe in time with each stroke, filling her lungs with his musk
>It has been minutes since your presented your offer and she has yet to answer, and with each passing second the scent in the air thickens, becoming more and more irresistible
>You smile as you notice her knees start to shake, obviously fighting with all her strength
>Her eyes widen to saucers as you magically detach the chain
And then buy gold!
you're both sissies

I can see it nigger, with effort.
Well, someone needs to dust the tower.
Thank you for posting those for me. You're the best.
>implying I buy gold
>fight final boss
>forest purified
What is this, Jak and Daxter?
Should I play League of Casuals or Waifu Simulator: Curvy Rarity Edition?
>Liberal scum detected.
And suck the exalted undead cock
>buying gold
>Jak and Daxter
There. I asked the /b/read. Now we play the waiting game.
If Saudi Arabia or some shitty theocracy somehow built a star gate, maybe that might happen, but
even America with it's faux-theocrats wouldn't start an extradimensional war, I'm sure most of the population wouldn't be okay with that, let alone the other world powers.
>it isn't all bad
>Tools are much more useful
>But toys are way more fun
>Paying people to play a game for you that you pay to play
try asking here or the fluffy threads
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>that hologram technology becomes inexpensive
>you can have your holo-waifu 24/7

would you?
Implied subservience and adorable/sexy fuckin' outfits.
>The Forbidden Forest
Sub/Dom roles
>hologram technology
>still no augs

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Ponies are used to various sapient races -- even bipedal ones like Minotaurs. They wouldn't be surprised by humans.

VR will be better.
Any time I was home and alone and didn't want to be.

So actually not all that often.

But I would definitely own the technology.
>Needing toys.
>would you?
There's really no con.
Augs won't let you sex bugpone. They've got their priorities straight.
Nope, it's either the real deal or nothing at all.
>it glitches
>shows up while you have company
>says extremely sexual things you programmed it to say

There's a difference between need and want, anon.

>It can't smell us like we can smell it - don't make noise, don't leave a trail, and it can't follow you.
>it can't see in the dark, and it can't see for very far, but where it CAN see, it sees VERY well.
>it CAN be snuck up on, and surprised - it doesn't always seem aware of its surroundings
>especially not when it's sleeping
>It CAN be hurt by magic sorry null-humanfags
>>2138300 here


There you go. The few posts under it answer your questions. No big drama. No epic battles. Just nice people answering a question.
I'll wait till my H/S is perfected
>you playing with your goat programs again son
cheerilee would be all OVER human cock
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>oh look, it's a new race of ugly minotaurs? diamond dogs? hairless monkey things?
>why do they keep talking like we can't hear them
>why are these things so awkward
Why couldn't you just compromise.
>it can't be hurt by magic
>but it can be hurt by things thrown by magic
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Should we come to Ijma, fellow Muslims?

Not like we have anything better to do than quest.
Well that answers one question, but raises so many others. /b/read's off the list I guess.
So like half /b/ faggotshalf of whom also went to ponychan and half ponychanners.

About what I though.
Their attitudes would definitely change once they see how we arrived.

>massive fucking carrier the size of canterlot hovering in orbit
well then here's the question i asked /mlp/

>your minions trained him well and he knows not to move without and obvious command or invitation
>instead of moving towards her he rears up on his hind legs and stays that way for as long as he can while Twilight drinks in the size of him
>he looses his balance and falls over backwards, but stays that way so his new mistress can continue to look at him
>you can see a vicious battle raging inside Twilight's eyes as her tail lifts slowly upwards

Maybe it can't be hurt by ALL magic, but if it's concentrated enough?

>Human rushes in and tries to grab one of your party
>gets staggered by a blast to the chest from your unicorn and knocked back
>I came from tumblr
>I came from /g/
>I came

Never change, 4chan. Never, ever change.
go ask here and the fluffy threads if they come from ponychan. or more specifically. /ef/.
>yfw I came here from /b/ after never being to /co/ in my life but post here and not there.
Can't I just send her off to find me a cat?
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Nah, it's the frills.
For dom/sub roles I go with enslavement/slavery. So kinky~
>space ships
>the size of cities
>space based warfare
>a la naval combat
>economically feasible
Ask if they used to go on ponychan but don't any more.

Pretty much everyone on ponychan started somewhere else anyway, that might be what you're getting.
>mfw I came from /co/, and feel like a dying breed.
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>mfw I did that in October but quickle became accustomed to /co/'s ways
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Seriously bro.

We're talking pastel colored equines with humans somehow arriving to their nonexistent planet.

>Pegasi: It can't fly - but it can climb trees and throw things high enough to reach you - keep your guard up, and don't let it keep a line of sight on you.
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>Not walking through an old burning village in the everfree singing the mickey mouse theme.
>Cutie Mark Crusaider Maidos!

Super cute, MT, for real.
That's horrible. They are only children.
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...thank you, actually. I can honestly say I'm relieved. May I never give you cause to rescind those words.
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>you will never have another hero
>you will never have another chance
They're not children, they're horses.
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So are we aiming to scare the ever loving shit out of them? I thought we were peaceful at first.

I laughed.
Have you seen the original?
Time to go play Mega Mare 4.
We don't need another hero
We don't need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond
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Let's talk about slavery.
They are horse children. It's still wrong.
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>you will fall
>because you never learn to stand for yourselves
I'd enslave a pony. I'd make it clean my room and then I'd feed it marshmallows like a pet.
Slavery is an unpleasant topic. I don't want to.

>It can move quietly over most kinds of terrain - use caution and always have a lookout when moving through its territory.
>pone tells you it misses its friends and family really bad
>it wants to go home
>pone looks like it might tear up at any moment

wat do
Doesn't this all come back to "why declare war on a (we're assuming) non-hostile planet?"

Most people aren't all for meaningless carnage, modern wars have a reason besides rape and plunder.

If this human society is advanced enough to build FTL vessels that are several times the size of city, then I'm pretty sure society hasn't descended into barbarity.
You will fight. And when you fight, you fight alone. And in the end you learn there was no other way.

Whelp! Time for bed!
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They're pixels on a screen. There's nothing you can do to them that's wrong.
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MLPG, a cute 8/10 girl asked me to go to the movies with her this weekend.

I had to politely decline because I'm saving myself for Pinkie.

Did I do the right thing?
Anyone have the cap of the exterminatus on equestria speech?
Kill it and eat it.

Not really, bring it back home to greet friends and family.
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I prefer servants
Send it's family to your home.
And now I need to listen to that album again.
>not asking her to roleplay Pinkie for you
You fucked up, son.
>Just like that scene from the color purple?
>Let pone go home for Christmas, then freak out cause I can't drive.
>Have pone drive me home.
But I didn't say anything about declaring war.

All I said was they'd think a lot differently about us if they knew who we are, where we're from, and how we arrived.
Warhammer is a parody
I don't think an 8/10 girl asked you to go to the movies this weekend.
The Good Doctor, The Hounds, The State vs. Light and Breaking Out/The Fall are the best songs.
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I agreement, but I meant Act I.

>a coordinated ambush and capture by several ponies working in unison finally leads the monster into a trap and although a few valuable soldiers' lives are lost to the beast's rage, it is finally captured.
>The Lich keeps trying to hire adventures but they always run or attack him when they learn what he is
>All he wants is a cat
>A living, purring cat that doesn't fall apart every time is tries to swat at a ball of yarn
Not the same anon but, what's your point.
>>2138415 here
I guess what I was trying to imply was just ponies encountering humans at a random occurrence. I.e., There's a bothering disturbance deep in the everfree, ponies and pals go to investigate, sit back in the sidelines for a minute seeing human military at work, not necessarily against pones.
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>you are the dead
Draw pictures of ponies on a piece of paper, then cut them out and set up a little scene somewhere in your room.

Get creative. Put have one holding some small object, supported by something hidden by the paper
Please stop. Cat >feels always make me >feel

>"It's afraid."

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>even though the beast has been captured, the ponies grow fearful
>it had to come from somewhere
>at first its only rumors, whispers
>then ponies start disappearing again
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Let me at least pretend it happened.
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>Not Light Up The Night
>Finally, against all odds get a cat.
>The moment it enters the same room as you, it goes into a defensive arch, hissing at you as though you were some ungodly abomination
>Oh... Wait. Shit.
>The cat backs away to the door, and darts as soon as it can
>You leave food out for it, and the dish is always empty by the time you check it again, but the cat always makes an effort to avoid you
I'm still waiting for the green text story of a pack of humans ambushing a pony from the sides while it pays attention to the human in front of it. The pony looks at the human and mutters "Clever girls."
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Oh, OH.

I like that. So inadvertently causing ponies to fear us?
Flip a switch
here's one from the AiE threads >>2138472

and one from the fluffy threads >>2138527
>while escorting it along a river to the nearest town where Celestia waits it dives into the water
>the pegasi keep an eyeout while the unicorns dredge it with their magic, but when daylight finally fades they decide it must have drowned itself and make camp
>roughly a third of them wake up the next morning while the others never wake again
Why isn't Rarity allowed to dream of happiness?

>catch the boquet
>expecting her to give it up

You know this isn't how it works right?
Oh God. For my entire life I've always lived in a house with cats. Not a single year of my life has a cat not been living with me. Finally move out on my own and every time I come home I expect cats to be there to greet me. I open my door and all I see is emptiness. I need to get a cat...
I thought I had it, but I can't find it.

Sorry anon.
>curious as to answers from fluffy thread
>only one post since
>glance up to first post
>oh god

Never again. Never a-fucking-gain.
Because my waifu is not allowed to get married. She must stay pure.
Rarity is backhanded generosity.
>Use magic to levitate the cat towards you
>It struggles to get away
>Realize what a monster you've become
>Oh wait, you don't give a fuck
>Mindbreak the kitty
>Perfect subservient pet
Good, but overrated as fuck.
>"Some dude is offering a hundred gold bits for a cat!"
>"Awesome, where do we gotta deliver it."
>"The big, dark forboding tower that ponies enter, but never leave."
>"...Think we can get two hundred if we bring two cats?"
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I graduated as Valedictorian at my high school today MLPG.

I have no idea what I want to do with my life.
Not gonna lie it's kind of the basis for a fic I've been working on.

>but this time, there is no hiding and hoping the attacks will stop
>this time, they are ready.
Did the other anon leave already? Don't tell me I'm getting blueballed two nights in a row.
You're a contradiction
Do some soul searching and find out what will make you happy
>picking specific protomen songs

i seriously hope...
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>Type out a reply to an argument
>Accidentally type your instead of you're
>All of your'e opinions are now null and void
I think it has potential for hilarity.
So is ur mom
What does that even mean
Go to college, find your calling.

>4 years later, in some random topic on [board]
>I graduated as Valedictorian at my high school today [thread].
>I have no idea what I want to do with my life.
Welcome to 4chan.
Hope rides alone, anon.
"We come in peace but that doesn't mean we won't do our best to kick your ass if you try and fuck with us."

-Stargate or something like that
Spoiler alert:

1. Nobody "knows" what to do with their life
2. Especially not in high school
3. Most people change careers several times
4. You're only eighteen
Just get a job, maybe two. build up a nice hunk of cash like I did. Maybe sign up for one or two classes at community college, get a couple out of the way before you make any real decisions. Its no big deal if you don't know where you're headed yet. You'll figure it out eventually. Until then all you gotta do is not fuck yourself over. Have fun with it.
Overrated amongst its fans, perhaps. But severely underrated within music as a whole. Maybe that's for the better though.

It is the song that got me into the Protomen, however, and I do believe it deserves its popularity.
That's what you get for being a stupid, idiotic, uncultured, unintelligent, sister-fucking, redneck, backwater, troglodyte.
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How many of you have linux installed

>Diamond Dogs capture a human and use it, bound in chains, to guard their mine
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>"Lets just leave a dead one at the door"
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What if the only thing in life that makes you happy is pastel colored ponies?
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>horse bikini
>the soldiers have taken to scouting the forest with the robots they would normally use for checking booby trapped buildings
>Fluttershy finds one
>They use the microphone on it to convince her that it is a living machine
>They keep having to cut the mic so she doesn't hear them laughing
Well I ruined it by being lazy.

But for serious, smart kid like you, college is probably the next step. Biggest piece of advice I can give you is don't just do what you think others (eg: your parents) expect of you. I did that, and couldn't give less of a fuck. Fortunately I realized at the end of my Sophomore year, I realized what the fuck I was doing, and switched into something I was actually interested in.
Windows ME here.
>implying they wouldn't use him as an assassin or part of a hunting party
Open a petting zoo and paint all of the ponies different colors.

>"Maybe he'll give us half-price?"
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She's the kind of person who give something to another not because it's a token of kindness, but it suits her interests.
Like her friends dresses. She wanted to have her group of friends look just as good as she did at the gala because she thinks they have no style.
>It leaves a morbid totem near the town.
>It consists of bone, a skull of a pony and a warning written in blood.
>Nobody can decipher the crude language.
>Celestia comes and looks at it.
>Her study of the creature has granted her some knowledge of the creatures language.
>Her eyes widen as she looks at the words.
>"The sun sets today."
I thought I was the only one!
I have an old pentium 4 from 2003 i installed linux on.

And a pentium 2 laptop with win2k. and a Y2K Ready sticker.
This is more arousing than it has any right to be
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What a terrible night for a curse.


Tonight's subject - temporarily burnt out on pony. Grab bag of other subjects besides MLP.
I wasn't going for an HFY angle, I was going for a smart first-contact protocol angle. We want to work with you, but God help you if you try to take advantage of us.
>Trusting a slave with a weapon

Next you'll say Humans are equal to Diamond Dogs!
Then you need to take a serious walk. Barefoot through hot coals. Go backpacking through your country and discover that there is life outside of those pretty pones
Dash why are you so bad with technology
>Rain Bow Dash
I used Linux, but I switched back to Windows 7 when I had to dick around for like 2 hours to get anything running
W:ME fuck yeah!
I was thinking more Vietnam-era soldiers, but I like this idea.
I just wanted to post that image.
Well... They DON'T have any style. Did you see the abominations their minds concocted?
Currently learning Linux in school. Shits pretty straight forward.

I dont use it at home however. Its in a VM if I ever need it though.
It's not.
Meant to quote
Minor emergency, fellas. I need pictures of The Burdened to show my brother.
What's it like living thirteen years in the past?
Sell crack.
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It looks best in motion
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Does it matter that much? Future soldiers can be pretty interesting as well.

>Equestrian Cinema's version of LOTR has the party moving through a Moria-like mine
>One of the ponies gives away their position and they are suddenly swarmed by Diamond Dogs, forced to ready themselves for battle
>One of the party moves to shut the doors to the room, and hears the clanking of chains and a guttural howl of fury
>he turns to the party.

>"They have a human."
>the Alpha beats the human to show how strong he is
>the human strangles him with his chains
>the tribe is in an uproar, but the law is clear: the human is now the Alpha
>two years later scribes in Canterlot are trying to figure out how a small back of Dogs managed to quadruple in size and territory so quickly
So basically its My Little Pony: Bad Company.

I like it.
Your're an idiot, that's all I have to say
Thanks, guys!
That would be right if she didn't end up working ridiculous overtime just to cater to her friends' strict dress specifications. Do you even art of the dress?
I like where this is going.
At least we still have the World Trade Centers.
this needs to be on the cover of an album
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sorry I was out of state and I got this weird tingling sensation on my neck and had to run home
>That filename

I laughed
That's our Glitter Glue.
And now with the name I like it even more.


I stand corrected.
>the human strangles him with his chains
lost it
>"Oh shit guys I think we fucked up ba-"
>"Oh Celestia run!"
>five ponies without wings suddenly appear several hundred miles above Cloudsdale
Not to mention Planetside is in its golden age.
I don't get it
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>mfw I know that feel about the chains
I'm sure any era of soldiers could be interesting. Or better yet, Vietnam-era with robots
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Geez Louise this took forever. Now I remember why I stopped drawing mechs in the first place, ha ha.

Well, here you go. A Virtual On pony.

Yeah I know it kind of sucks but I'm just glad to be done with it.
>had to run home
oh my god i cant stop laughing

this thread

this day

fuck man everything's going good for me, should've bought a damn lottery ticket
lmao 2cat
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>it chases them down at the bridge
>it's riding a Balor
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I'd buy you a beer if I could.
Don't push it.
>The Lich Floats around overjoyed, kitties frolicking around in his ribcage.
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>dat sword
why can't i have one like that, it looks so nice to have
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>they give Pinkie Pie a hotdog MRE
>she manages to make it taste okay
Who drew this?
This fucking thread man.

Should have pre-ordered from gamestop
>set up stream to show the curious what you draw besides MLP
>begin displaying body of work
>viewer seems interested, but then suddenly leaves
>end stream. Last for all of seven minutes

unf, dat ass
Someone should draw a cracky-chan pony.
Don't worry, not taking it seriously.
But tell that to Treyarch.
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Oh..oh my....I need to stroke it atleast once then~
Liches love cats.
They fucking love cats.

Not gonna cut in on your fun, but I think I like the Savage-Hulk approach to humans a little better, kinda like >>2138703

>Diamond Dogs keep a human on a chain
>they point him in a direction and let him mow through whatever's in front of him
i meant in real life

but i see where you're going
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Another late night spent on MLPG.

I wonder how many that makes.
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Shut up Ross
It's not 2007 anonymous, and this isn't /b/.
Nobody cares about camwhores anymore.
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>Google "celestia cosplay"
I really don't know how to react to this
>"Wait...I forgot something..."
>A bag of gold appears in the same place above Cloudsdale, and begins falling.
I think I like his interpretation of the human here being a cold ruthless tactician.
...so an ugly Rarity with bad teeth?

Give her the Omelette and see what happens.
awwww I should have came
>several weeks after Celestia goes missing while hunting the human.png

Eh. To each their own, I guess.

I just thought it'd be an interesting change of pace to have the human be the animal - since there's so many other sapient species.
You forgot when I told you to eat dick
I'm not him, but what if he has an animal cunning? Somewhere around "clever girl" cunning.
>See a stream in /mlp/
>"hm, something other than ponies? I wonder what this wonderful stranger will be streaming? Perhaps a movie, or some animes?"
>fat furry art
>"Well, maybe he'll do something else next?"
>Browsing through files, resolution on stream is too low to snoop through is filenames or browser tabs or anything
>Sports art
>No one else is joining the stream
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you want the version without the machinery? here you go

That's what I was thinking, actually. It can't be reasoned with and it's nowhere near as intelligent as a real human, but if you underestimate it, you're as good as dead.
She starts crying until they give her one with a poptart in it.
Someone care to update me on AB?
Any developments?
I don't even know why I come here anymore.
I would rather let her get into the cheesefood.
>It gets everywhere.
None. He's been silent all day.

Can we please move on? I'd like to spend as little thought on that monster as possible.
So, what happened with the >some cry debacle?
Did he kill himself yet?
For the art
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MT, draw a pony version of the bum tickley miscarriage comic panel.
You can check out at any time, but you can never leave
The FBI shut down EQD.
Sethesto is currently in custody.
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It'll happen. Just not tonight. My wrist hurts and I don't know why....like a sprain or something.
He's ded


I've been gone for days and just got here... what's going on?

It... CAN be stopped, right?

It gets a little boring knowing the human always wins.
You drew the pictures of pony Hunchback, yes? Twilight Frollo?
We're not supposed to talk about it.
only by another human
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>My wrist hurts and I don't know why
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>that outfit

He accidently into some CP when he had his livestream.
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hey guys, what if, what if instead of bitching about how great the threads used to be (they werent), or how great they could be (they wont be), we discuss the great shit going on right now:

Yesterday they banned the trixie spammer. If only for a moment, the rest of our evening was totally chill
And that's where the space marines come in.

>twilight will never look back at you through unkempt hair
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Yes. And Quasi Shy
I can't do the same thing you do.
>Yesterday they banned the trixie spammer

See... that's boring, because then you're back at square 1.

My thinking is; it CAN be killed - it's just not easy to do. Think the Cave Troll in LOTR. It wreaks havoc, but it if you know how to handle it, it can be brought down fast.
why the fuck not?
Enjoy your awesome music.
>And your constant PVP bullshit.




I just chased someone across half of Eltnen.

He must really hate the root spell now.
I love you.
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That fucking shit.
That shit right there.
But you can, you just use more, hand.
So to speak.
She isn't real anonymous
Yep. Between that and cupidite's cheeselegs tumblr I'll never need another
Shut up and enjoy the jokes you killjoy.
Who the hell is AB? Is it someone from EQD?
Stop it anon.

That's not funny.

I said stop it.
Generally I leave people alone unless theres a fight goin on already.

But when they start it I try to finish it.

tfw they find out I have that 80% damage reduction buff
>enjoying things
Get a load of this autist
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Holy fuck, I think I woke someone up
B-but it wasn't even nsfw!
I just realized.

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So uhh, how bout that marker guys?
Leth must be a little testy about his waifu tonight.
There was clearly a vagina showing.

marker mind
Yeah, it was a fucking blast getting stomped by roving packs of Elyos in the early game.
I have no idea how they managed to grind to 50 that fast, but they did.
>Every fucking keep.
>All the time.
>Even the ones they didn't need.
>Then they patrol around and break every spire thing.
Nuh uh. A little bit of outer labia, at most.
Relax. The thread will be around for a good 12 hours at this time of day. Just let someone who can move it know so the thread can get marked.
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>be out of general for a few days due to study and other life things
>come back
>big something has happened
>everybody wants to keep it hushed up

Goddamnit mlpg do I really have to be here all the time?
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It's two fucking pages of OC shipping. this shit is fucking deplorable. can we at least not be hypocritical for one evening
Of course it can be stopped. What the ponies never realize is that there is an entire tribe of humans near the Everfree Forest. The Human has been killed nearly a dozen times over the centuries but it never stays dead for long.
I lost it at the pinkie one.
Yeah im not really an asshole like that.

If pvp happens I react but otherwise i just collect pretty dresses.
>not quitting your job just to browse MLPG 24/7
He evaded but is keeping his head down.
>oc shipping

Ok, look.

AB got caught downloading/watching honest to god horrifying child porn. We don't like that. Yes, I'm serious. It has regularly shit up threads since. Please, just drop it. Don't even respond to this post.
>Discord x Discord
>The entire tumblr is just masturbation.
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Tonight is the night MLPG. Is your body ready for the aponecalypse?
The entire tumblr is surprising hilarious.
Oh is it? Neat.

Got invited over to a friends house to help him get rid of a few bottles of wine tomorrow night.

Think he's going to come out so we can have sloppy gay sex while the world ends?
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No tumblr circle jerk here
If it's pulled off in a way that's entertaining, I don't give a shit.
Save it til 7 Am

I know that, I saw it summed up in a threadcap before

I just forgot who AB was... who is he again? I cant fucking keep up with everyone
He's the nasty ass tranny.
I don't understand
Fat guy here.

Im as lost as you are.
>I get it.
I wish I didn't.
I'm going to miss that little nutcase.

Ross pls go
stripey is one of the worst tumblr attention whore fags

Oh that guy. No worries then.
I know I'm not. I'm really not.

Ross, are you like, legit mentally handicapped?

Fucking ross drew a furry shoving a ruler into her belly button. I reported it.
>fuckable bellybutton
Unf. Now if only it were pone instead of whatever that is.
Not even a little?
I'm not. Before, I might have a bit. Now?

Fuck no. He can burn.
>shoving rulers into belly buttons
People jack off to that?
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Remember Anon, Ross is from fA.
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Apparently Ross does.
Navels are gross. They smell worse than ass.
Anybody who tries to make this place into their own personal /soc/ I have no pity for.
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>Pinkie will never star in her own Osu/EBA game
Because you don't fucking wash it you disgusting prick

Oh shit. Sauce?
You're the meaning in my life
Your the inspiration
Qtip and alcohol master race.
Fuck that blurry screen gimmick
Man fuck that stage. Great game up to that point, but then they randomly throw in some screen-blurring gimmick.

She's a basset hound~
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where can i buy a cuddleable gilda
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You can wash out the inside of your asshole as well. That doesn't stop it from being a nexus of bodily filth.
No, she's a freak.
I don't shit out my stomach.
>applejack undressing twilight
>twilight doesn't redress in the second frame

oh mother of god
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I would cuddle a Gilda.
>Buying her.
She would kill you if you offered her money for a cuddle.
She isn't a prostitute you asshole.
That bitch fit a whole ruler in there though. A qtip wouldn't work. She'd need to use a rag on a stick.
Ask around. I'm sure you can find out where she drowns her sorrows.

Then all it costs is a bottle of whiskey, and a few consoling words. Who knows. You may even find something more.
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I would nuzzle my face into a Gilda tummy if I had one
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That just isn't how bellybuttons work.
Can we please kill this horse so I can go to bed already.
She'd be so warm and soft.

Not her personality, her fluffy body I mean.

Fuck I'm making it worse.
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I am amazed they did not "Volunteer" Odyssey into this.

They take his songs and rape them enough without asking as it is.
>going to bed
can you be more beta
So I heard you had some new drama after the CP thing
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>tfw want draw
>tfw too lazy
fuck yes, Eurobeat and Gretina ain't on their roster. Best musicians. It's like a list of people no one should bother listening to. Too bad. Alex S was good, and Foozogz made that great MTBPW remix
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>tfw want to draw
>no inspiration
>my art is shit anyway
>better not
Have you seen the pciture he took of himself?
I did. Total chester.
No. Do I want to?
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That looks exactly like my Cat. My heart couldnt take it.

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>Draw for the first time since October
>Randomly massive leap in quality
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Dangerously Ross?

Could you imagine how much she'd blush from the feeling of that stick? The navel is an erogenous zone, you know. Plus it would send ripples across the mountain chain that is her fat, she'd tackle you and want to be hugged in no time
NoHe's actually not bad looking
...I want a cat that will hug me.

Oh god... now I'm missing my old cat. Mr.Fritters. ;~;
Yo, guys, where's the fucking marker
The question was meant to answer >>2139073's question. You probably want to see it about as much as you want to see a train wreck.
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>tfw you have 40 pages of drawing due next week
>none of them are turning out good
It's still in an old thread.

Chester? What?
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This is what I drew yesterday, incredibly better than my first ponies back in october.

I miss my Mittens. ;_;
until what?
until what

Chester, Chester, Child Molester.
im not much better and ive been drawing since october
dont fucking remind me

fuck i have all this shit to get through and now i will have to disappoint more people since i don't think i can draw something in that time.
We're almost at image limit though an still unmarked. Isn't someone on who can move it?
Oh fuck oh fuck I haven't done anything
Good thing I entered as a free roamer so if I back out nobody cares
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>Gilda gives all the signals that she wants you to hold her for a while
>you move in, and pic related
>as soon as you back off, up go the signals again.
>this girl is impossible.
>tfw you really shouldn't have entered
New Thread:


Left space for the marker
That's the first thing I posted here.
How'd I do? Where should I work on?
I'd let her show me what pain is!
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Just draw a lot
Use references
And don't giveup
Body looks a little too long and hotdoggy, but I'm honestly just nitpicking

Read the fucking posts - leave room for the marker so the thread can be archived!
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Thank you based faggot.
derpy is a very ugly pony

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