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Old Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 4.5 05/04/12
/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

New generals need keywords in
Subject or Comment field to be
marked properly. Keywords include:
Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names

Please check locator before starting a new thread.

--- 1080p HD OF NEW EPISODE (S2E25+26) --- :

New potential watcher? Try episode 4 or 10 if you don't
want to watch them in order.

Download links for episodes:
Season One: http://mrch.me/mlp
Season Two: http://tinyurl[.]com/mlps2guide


MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:
Room: MLP

FiM Blogs:

Pony IRC:

Who's who on /co/:
http://tinyurl[.]com/3tk3lax (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)

Pony tumblr list:

Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

More links:

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY
Thank you based Hoppip.
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Post your one pic or gif that best describes MLPG
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Great place to leave this
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Why would you have Rarity as a favourite when Dash is so much better?
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H-happy happy ponies.
smile smile smile...

>6 posts

You're doing good, but you can do better!

Let's try and get it to 5 next thread!
Can't we just go back to the old days? When we used to complain about trivial stuff, like Jessy drawing Mic.
Pfhahahahaha 10/10
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We don't deserve a horse.

We should ded now.

It's over.

Horse shouldn't go on.
Horse should have died with the creation of /mlp/
Oh my god you are great.
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AW SHIT 10/10
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That's real friggin' kawaii.
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I like the gray one alot.
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>you will never pleasure Fluttershy when she's in heat
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1.21 MB
>liking ableist pony

That's low Satan, even for you.
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>Nothing of the drawing suggestions will ever be done
>Nothing will be added to it anymore
>Nobody will stream ever again
Nice someone edit Dash out.
>some cry
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CMC: /mlp/
Cheerilee: Lifeboat
Is it that I am blind or is the whole world invisible and only you notice it to some degree?
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I see you're finally coming around to my way of thinking.
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but discussing ponies in mlpg is heresy
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Actually, that was a good thread.

Okay, guys, from the top, but with a twist. What are the fetishes you've found since finding pone that you only like when applied to it?
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Fuck Everything
    it never ceases to elicit emotion from me.
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People ask for drawing suggestions here all the time!
People don't need that site any more!

People still stream frequently, where have you been?
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Which one would you cuddle?
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I love seeing my requests come to life, makes me all warm and fuzzy
Especially when done well, thanks man
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I don't see that ever happen. Especially the streams.
Orgasm denial

Rape is amusing as an abstract concept. But now AB made it real and concrete.
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1.75 MB
>tfw you will never get casually ridden by pone while watching the tele
Except the difference between me and TAW is that TAW can actually write! Hey-o!

I really need to get back to writing, god damn.
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The twins. At the same time.
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Derpy est une poney très dinde.
Found? Wings.
I knew about farts long, long before, but I only really like it with pone.
Sequel to An Andalusian Dog?
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Wings. Definitely.
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Remember the 4 psychological self-defense mechanisms kids!

Regression, fixation, projection and repression!

Pick the one that fits you the best and block all the bad things out!
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>replying to a post an hour late
>without even backlinking to that post
>in a completely separate thread
stop attention whoring TAW
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She is no doubt best pony
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>you will never be this consistently funny
Well how can I, she has no genitals.
In your case, it's more like
>You will never be funny
But dinofag
you're not even inconsistently funny
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I'll pick all 4
Wings, lactation, futa is very very slowly growing on me
Why would you accuse TAW of that? He did nothing wrong. I forgot to include a backlink and I don't like being around and not responding to a comment aimed at me, you know? It's rude.
>she drew MicTheMicrophone as Discord
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PPPP pls fuck off
Flitter had designs on that shota.
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>that tumblr



And you know, I guess that's it.
Not from lack of having fetishes, but unless I start liking scat and vomit and the whole host of various nonsexual fetishes like tickling, there isn't really anything else for me to move up to.
Are you Terse
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I actually found it rather liberating when I realized nobody was actually paying the slightest attention to what I posted on my tumblr.
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This will always be my favorite screencap ever
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Oh shit.
>tfw you are a crap drawfag nobody cares about
Will you show me?
They've been confirmed for Ross a long time ago
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>Nearly all the good artists have left
Is that you new canvas anon?
But I do
>new artists
Grist to the millstone. Anon drawfags who will try for a few days, then give up and never be seen again.

I used to post my progress but not anymore
>stream regulars
What the fuck does that mean?
No one is a crappy drawfag.
Everyone just needs improvement~
Just gotta work at is
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Out of gummy pinkie.

Show us!

people who are regularly in streams

the fuck do you think it means?
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Also this one, just because of the date.
Pls show
If you were a good artist, people would care about you. Or at least, if you were funny or had a personality.

Instead you can't draw, and you can't entertain.

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I'm empirically bad, judging by my comments (or usually, lack thereof).
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Remember when things used to be better?
Can we just
delete last thread from the archive?
Pony drawing pony drawing pony drawing pony drawing...
i am aware of that, hence >crap drawfag
Angel and Tank playing with a ball
so who do we have left?
I didn't know, I thought he might stream something that was "regular"

Norway bro here, some of the mannerisms I learnt from this board are funny
Fluttershy really, really happy riding an elephant.

Things were never better, Walter.
Applejack trying different fruits
All drawfags
Awwww shush~ You're probably fine.
Draw some Snails~
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Not really.
no, we must live with the shame

No, Anon. We must save them all. To deny our mistakes is to be doomed to repeat them.
I actually believe that times were better once on here
At least some cry got eaten by te fluffy pony threads
And secretly liking pears.
Yeah, it's adorable as fuck yo.
>he doesn't know what streams are for
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Wrong train of thought, friends.

Keep it happy and you will go far.
But plant the seed of doubt and ye shall be in for a rough time.
Don't have it saved here because at work

It's at home on my desktop
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1. Twi. vs.Seth

Seth fires a Sonic Boom. Twi teleports. Seth teleports behind. Seth command grab on her. K.O.

2. Mega Man and Rarity vs. Jewel Man and Gemini Man
That never works!
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I'm afraid things were always this bad and that my memories ofthe good, fun times are all lies and delusion.
All great artists are depressive. What now?
You monster.
Look how far we have fallen.
You made Rarity cry.

Give it time. All this drama will die down.
>probably fine
Yes, fine. Adequate. Acceptable. Bland. Boring. Dull.

I've been stuck in a rut for months now, and all I can do is churn out the same crap nobody cares about (or should care about).
Maybe not depressive, but critical of their work. We have some damned good artists here who are happy, but they still know their faults.
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>secretly liking pears
guess again
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Yeah, that's why I was responding to that post, man.
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What if... what if none of this is real? All of your memories are just imagined. You repressed your memories of a terrible thing that happened to you.
Has anyone done anything with this?
The idea of pony like spurs could be really hot.
Then draw other things. Draw circles. Draw people. Draw food
Thanks for reminding me to draw, pink horse

I shall begin immediately
Lots o lines isn't an excuse for crap concept
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I care, anon.
I don't want you to feel bad about yourself or your drawing ability.
>mfw my friend described the afterlife as the sensation of biting into a mango at our mutual friend's funeral
Shut up Dinofag
Aww. I wanted more Pear pone.
If I can't trust my mind and my memories there is nothing to believe!
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Cabin fever has ravaged all aboard
This once proud vessel has become a floating psycho ward
We were sailing, sailing headed who knows where
And now though we're all here
We're not all there
>i have no face
>stuck in a rut
So go churn out some stuff that isn't what you've done before. It sounds stupid, but you'll get better at ponies if you draw trees, or people. Practice in art works towards one greater ability. It's not sectioned off like some people think,
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>1st episode is up
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Is this real life?
I hated you pony fuckers so much then
I don't even remember why I caved and watched an episode
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>yfw the only way to become a good artist is by giving up your mental sanity and start becoming depressive, nihilistic and suicidal
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Seems like it was a life time ago.
Because you were boring like me.
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It's just fantasy
That fucking song
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No it's not.


You can just be an alcoholic
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I am afraid I will never feel this happiness again as back when I watched my first episode and started posting in the General
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Caught in a Landslide
Caught in a landslide?
IMO its become surprisingly relevant.
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Is this just fanta sea?
Theres a point where I stop liking Pinkie and her chipper attitude makes me want to make her stop smiling
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I love that whole movie. Especially Tim Curry
>that other guy


>street fighter
>twi losing

Fuck fof
Hey SMILe did you ever make a non HUB logo version of this?

I await your reply in aprox 11 minutes
This is the correct answer.
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Things were a bit more fun at least Less meta more pony. Then again we are in yet another hiatus so what can you say
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and it doesn't even always work, i'm depressed and my art still sucks
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People were complaining about lack of art. So here's my first attempt at a pony ever.

Time: 10 minutes
Program: MS Paint
Tablet: None (Mouse Only)
I hated the whole donkey episode because of exactly that. I just wanted to see Pinkie fail. To see how she fails at making somebody smile and then realizes that she doesn't need to make everyone happy.
Definitely ross.
Same here.

Pinkie couldn't make me smile

I'd be bitter-callous-angst her until she's a wreck
better than anything i've ever considered doing
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no escape from reality
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I love that episode but you are right she is so fucking annoying.
Its not horrible. Keep at it!
now make more! 999 more pictures of ponies!
You can't. She'd still be smiling as your hands closed around her throat and her body went into convulsions. Her eyes would be sparkling at you until the very last moment when her eyelids fell and her eyes finally went dim. But she'd still have a smile on her face. Even though you could move her jaw away manually, it wouldn't feel like a victory. You'd drop her lifeless body in front of you and give it a pointless and bitter kick, but it wouldn't help. As you walked away, a single tear would fall down your face, and she'd offer you a tissue.
6/10 overall
8/10 for effort
Muzzle too big in proportion to eyes.
Ha, already tried that. Tried going back to some of my older interests; even tried digging out my old sketchbooks and paints after watching Rose use watercolors.

All it does is trade one kind of horrible amateurish work for another. It's all crap, and nobody cares about crap.

But wait, I suddenly realize. I shouldn't care what others think. I should be trying for myself, not trying to satisfy others.

Yet it does no good. I started too late; I can look at what I'm doing and rationalize it as terrible. And everyone else agrees. I have youthful enthusiasm to drive me anymore. I can't help but care about my mistakes.
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That's a great first attempt!
>with mouse only

Dam, that something.
>janitorial action

well it took long enough

maybe now we can talk about ponies
I know that feel. I used to like her but she's just an annoying cunt all the time now.
I was the same. I kind of wish I'd watched at the beginning out of positive curiosity, rather than a sense of "okay let's see what all the fucking fuss is about!".
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If you ask the rarifags they say she would be the best at videogames
And is the most fitting pony for the role of Iron Man
And would play Blood Eagles in Tribes
>Rarifags saying Rarity is the best at everything
sucking so much cock you'd think CL drew rarity instead

Anything with Tim Curry is automatically gold.

Ever watch Clue? Genius.
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>I have youthful enthusiasm
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Didn't she learn her lesson last time?
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>10 minutes

but seriously good job.
She said she'd be there when days were dark and lonely.

Where is she, MLPG? Where is Pinkie Pie?
I'm not a rarifag and I think she'd be pretty good at some video games, especially RTSes
Lyra isn't blue
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If it helps at all, the only art background I have is playing a lot of Doodle or Die. You would be shocked how much it helped me go from scribbles to recognizable forms.
>I love it, one of my favorite comedies
>show it to my dad who likes comedies
>he hates it

Wonderful movie, Clue was.
I like him in the Cat Returns too
OK, I want to draw something cute in white space. What would anaon suggest (I cannot into non-ponae yet)? I saw the earlier requests, but wasn't really charmed

Whoa, where's all this rarifag stuff coming from?

Are you upset about something?
I don't know, I'm perfectly willing to admit that my unfounded hatred of the show was a huge part in me loving it so much when I finally caved. It's science.
>analdevastated twifag detected
Enjoy your inferior unicorn
File deleted.
Straight outta Compton, crazy motherfucker named Ice Cube
big mac x snails
Pinkie being raped by Snails
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1.99 MB
Of course I did!
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Queen has better songs. Other stuff besides that overrated OTHER ONE.
Why so defensive? I'm just recalling what you guys have said in the past.
Ya know what's about to be blue? Your FACE when my hand meets it!
damn I was only off by 5 minutes
thanks man.GIF
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Cute, but that could be mistaken for Colgate.

Colgate is, however, as cute as Lyra. No one have ever done a Anon x Colgate yet, huh?
sweetie belle being cute while failing to play basketball
I know that feeling, anon, but I'll still believe in you.

You can do it, bro.
Jokes on you! Its going to be red.
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1.19 MB
There, there's a portrait of me. Now stop asking.
>Queen has better songs

>implying Queen has ANY good songs
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It's fine if you feel that way, everyone does some times.
You can eventually do great things, anyone can if they keep at it.
There's no such thing as starting too late, there is only progress.

Please keep drawing.
well, time to call off work so I can work on the friend off

ah who am i kidding I'm just gonna play dwarf fortress all night anyway
In the corner of your eye. She's just behind the door when it closes shut behind you, and she's the blur in the edge of the mirror that seems to go away when you inspect it closer. She's that noise you hear while you're in the shower, and she's the reason your house creaks at night.
When you sleep, she joins you, squeezing you tight and whispering into your ear all the nice things you could do and all the reasons you're amazing. She's the reason why you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. She just wants to make you happy, anonymous.
but she can never, ever meet you, and it tears her heart in two

>why so defensive

I'm not the one that just went on little rarifag tangent bud.
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Why do I want to lick Zecora's butt so much
That you, Ross?
>he can draw actual people okay, at least from reference
I don't think you know what defensive means then.
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>Pinkie being raped by Snails
all I can think of is "GIVE 'ER LE DICK, HON HON"
and yet he still manages to make himself look like a fag
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Oh lord, he's actually attractive.
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163 KB
>u wot m8
I said cute, not sexy
Sweetie Belle it is
We fast today GG, try and keep up asshole
Hello GG

please rescue us from this terrible thread trend
You didn't know this? He's fantastic at caricature. He just warps his characters so as not to look like anything else, really.
He really isn't
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262 KB
I KNEW you would look like this. I just KNEW it.
You even look like a douchebag
10/10 would mount

should have known
Hahaha, I knew you had to have a sleezy porno stach! I JUST KNEW IT!
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mt you never did answer; why is your zebra character of opposite coloration?
"just cuz" is an acceptable answer
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Oh you wanna go!? We'll have a ball! Come on~
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stepler pone
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New favorite Tank
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>posting yourself when you draw furry fetish pictures
it's based on a pokemon
maybe you should switch it around by having Pinkie raped by the guards

Sure is. Someone wanted to know what I look like and I'm sick of it coming up, so there. I can't wait for the rage art of my face drawn on someone being put in a horrible situation.

Lose the chin-beard. Go full beard or shave it all. Hair is fine.
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Come at me faggot.
I actually like this OC
How many pictures of her do you have already?
Ross, please go.

I still hate you.
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eww gross dont fuck a pony
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Ross. Why don't you just draw Pony human Caritacures?
Klondike why don't you play Dota 2
Ah well you look normal. Not bad, but not good either.
Because I'm bad at MOBAs.
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Consider me at you~
10 pictures in total, not including the ones I've drawn myself
I bet you can't.
You actually got an invite?
Y'might like Singed, he has a similar scoop maneuver.
What happened to the Shark Girl?
thats adorable
I would if they'd let me.
Meh. I'm not good or bad. I'm just neutral.
post them
Sounds like a good idea. At least they don't like Queen.
>that feel when you only have 8 pictures of your OC
feels bad, man

I pictured him as a pudgy nerd. Not fat. Just out of shape. And clean shaven.
I wasn't talking about fucking. Just licking
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but people will get angry
have one drawn by Speccy
mah nigga. I might actually have a riot squad singed code lying around somewhere.
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What's an answer that would appear on MLP jeopardy?

don't trip over terminology you filthy non jeopardy watchers
I wish recursive filtering worked again
You do know that's probably not him, right
Does anyone else here actually want a changeling bro more than a pone girlfriend
I knew it in my heart he would look like your stereotypical art graduate.
I miss his tumblr updates
What is Human Philosophy?
This pony is very ugly

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Man...so late
I couldn't think of anything to write for her.
It does
Heh. I had a friend swipe me a code when he was at PAX East like...last year? Maybe it was 2010, don't remember.
Exactly. He even has the terrible mustache and hairstyle I imagined him to have.
>Don't trip on terminology
You fucked up Klondike
>superposition of every possible pone and non-pone
>better than a pone girlfriend
well, duh.

Man, you'd look a hundred times better if you shaved.
Would you like me to draw more of her?
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h-h-here i go
Oh man that's adorable.
That backstory wasn't your idea right? Because it was terrible.
this pony is a slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut
.........everyone picks singed though. I'm afraid I'll never be able too.

Besides Im trying to decide if I should buy Lulu my favorite support or Volleyball my favorite Tank

I'm almost at 6000
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>There, there's a portrait of me. Now stop asking.
no one fucking asked
no one fucking asked

countdown to Ross posting his dick with OKAY GUYS SINCE YOU WON'T STOP BEGGING AND PLEADING

if you want to post pictures of yourself for fucking attention like this is goddamned facebook we literally can't stop you but don't act like you're giving in to public desire
I can see everyone who's responded to Ross
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Don't we all
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Here, take this
Is that catgirl from Summer Wars?
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But that's the most frustrating thing of all: people keep saying anyone can draw if they try hard enough.

So the only logical conclusion is that I'm not trying hard enough. So I'm still failing in one way or another.

I get not everyone is going to advance as quickly as some (SB is usually brought up as an example in this regard). But the only pay off from all my efforts so far has been more misery.
I don't even know what a moba is

Also An action RTS? I thought it was just an RTS
Riot games did a pretty good job selling that name I'll give them that.
thanks bro
It was mine...I was bored in math class and wrote something grim dark
Well, what can you do. Try out Vlad when he's up in the free rotation next though, he fun. If I can dunk that hard with no recent practice you can probably handle him reasonably.
aww shit that's some grade A artwork right there kierz
>Even Glitter Glue is mad at you.
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>countdown to Ross posting his dick with OKAY GUYS SINCE YOU WON'T STOP BEGGING AND PLEADING

God fucking dammit this was what I also thought but didn't want to put such horrible things to words

Since some people like >>2126270 spend time visualizing ross it's just a matter of time before he posts his mustachioed dick after people beg for it
Hey janitor you still here?

It's me, anon.

Thanks a lot for all you've done.

I'm sorry GG, but I was the one who asked in the last thread. I'm sorry. Curiosity got the best of me. I still think that's not him, and he's really a pudgy nerd.
Well, it's a shame that the first thread didn't get archived. It was fun with the rest of /co/ playing along
You have to fuck up pretty bad for GG to be mad at you
Glitter glue are you going to keep fueling my newfound lamia fetish?
How many plushes do you have? I think I have 8 pokemon ones now. Kyogre's only purpose is to prop Patrat up properly
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You know what, fuck you guys, it's time for Shining Force.
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did some editing of a thing I found browsing the booru so it no longer has the big, huge FOR (name) on it
It's not trying hard that does it, it's trying smart. Repeating the same mistakes won't remove them. Draw something, and then don't draw anything else until you've identified at least one problem with it you can rectify next time.
I didn't spend time on visualizing him. His behaviour just kind of made me picture him as the stereotypical art dick.
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It's like pissing off Buddha.
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It's about continuously drawing. You will eventually, slowly, SLOWLY, get a grasp of what looks good and works, but if you try to rush progress you will end up in the position you are in.

Just keep drawing.
When I get home I'll take a picture of ALL my toys
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Remember to report any perps to the EPD, citizens
Is Terse still here

Check the last thread, you fuckin yankee doodle

You have to try hard enough for a lengthy amount of time. You also have to work on getting better.
I'd like to hand myself in as a sexual deviant, misssy.
>You will never be in a room full of beta stallions.
>Call of Duty
No GG don''t do it

you will loose faith in humanity
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I agree
keep working at it

Speaking of looks. GG I picture you as skinny, mid height, short black hair, and 19-21 years old. I don't know why, but you give me a very specific idea of what you look like.
Why would I want that? They would never mount me and I can make spaghetti on my own
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The....Electric Pop Dispenser?
MT we should pokemon battle
why are so many of us pokemans . Hell I think half of us came from both /vp/ and /co/

Dude's older than that
Yo, how can I help? About to pop off so be quick.
So I got some good feedback so I thought I'd try another pony. But I want to actually do more than the face this time so I can practice a pose. What pony should I draw?
Well technically every game is a "role-playing game" but dude. Seriously.

Get with the program you nig-nog.
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does nobody remember when Ross posted this?
I picture him like a stickman. Like an actual Stickman interacting with the world in a Roger Rabbit style
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>DLC ending to A Royal Canterlot Wedding
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where would you take braeburn on your first date
Im not a faggot like you.
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Into my ass
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>19-21 years old
I went to WCG 2011. Got to see Elementz throwing up in the bathroom between matches, which was definitely the funniest part of it all.
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Hour and half later. It actually took me helluva less time then I thought it will. Inked I'll do color some other day. That line-like shading is there just in form of experiment and will most likely disappear on color version.

This so goddamn much this.
It's about continuously drawing.

It's more about doing AT VERY LEAST something everyday rather than spending 15hours on one sitting every month
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Dude GG is a tall big overweight black guy with a unibrow and a porno stache that always wears a suit for some reason.

I've met him.
i picture him as some sort of ai just like everyone else here
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>people with facial hair who can't make it look good

Wouldn't expect any different from Ross.
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>MOBA talk

Does anyone else think the courier donkey in DOTA 2 is really cute?
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Because you're all faggots who don't accept that Gen 1 was the best gen

All those years spent on red and blue
And the show

It hurt to think that all that time was wasted ;_;

>that feel when you plan to keep up the Anon part of your name and hide your identity/power level for as long as you damn well can
You see, the problem is that I wouldn't go on a date with Breaburn in the first place
carousel boutique
>not older than time itself
You lied to me. You never replied to my emails. Just wanted to remind you. You used to be a bro.

He isn't any of those things:3
sweetie belle
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>You have to fuck up pretty bad for GG to be mad at you
shut the fuck up klondike you worthless piece of shit where the fuck do you even get off posting in these threads
get chaos dunked
I love you

MLPG's never asked for a picture of me, though they have on more than one occasion demanded I tell them how big my dick is

>Glitter glue are you going to keep fueling my newfound lamia fetish?
I can't
I have to keep giving people new fetishes

It's one thing I can credit my shitty art for
It's made me think up a lot of weird shit out of necessity just to stand out
And every now and then someone blames me for a new fetish
I consider it an accomplishment even though I'm not sexually interested in a lot of what I draw, and most of my own fetishes go undrawn
But.. I never said it wasn't!
draw pone
Are you going to MCM expo this weekend? I need a nigger to bother since everyone else I hang out with is going to be with homestuck all day
It's already been a year.

It only took me a few months to get to grips with the basics of form and shape. And since then I've been stuck in the gray area between being bad enough to evoke pity, and being good enough for anyone to take notice.

While in the same time, artists have started, learned, improved, become celebrated, gone and finally end up missed.
sorry, you're the only one I know ho thinks Donkeys are cute
>Bioware charges you for it.
>Bridesmaids come in three different dress colors.
Especially the flying version

That shit is kawaii
Did you draw that because of that Rarity Samurai that was posted earlier?
Sun pone

She doesn't appear to be much of a pony at all, but okay, I'll try.


We know neither your name, nor your face - but we know your deeds, and that is what truly matters.

Thank you.
Dude, get on Steam or something, I kept saying that. I always forget to reply to e-mails. Didn't you open a Skype account specifically for this shit?
but you could get down on your hands and knees and slowly crawl towards them. They'd back off, but eventually you'd corner them. You'd slowly run your hands along their forelegs while slipping past them and crawling under their body, coming face to face with their sheathed member. A little nuzzling and teasing strikes with that naughty tongue of yours and it'd come right out, ready for you to taste, tickle and tease and play with however you like while he hyperventilates helplessly above you.

And boy, once you're done with him, there's a whole room full of awkward but aroused stallions just waiting for your touch, you good little slut.
what does darf look like
GG draw your fetishes
>Dude GG is a tall big overweight black guy with a unibrow and a porno stache that always wears a suit for some reason.
>I've met him.

That is the most hilarious description ever.
and Robin. It probably is Robin, isn't it?

Oh? What are your fetishes, then?
Do you have a Bronzong plush? I got one a couple years back, did a double take when I saw it, bought it and have never seen one again since.
Good. Only drawing pony all the time won't help you improve much
Yeah, I'm going to be there on Saturday and probably Sunday with a couple of close friends. If you see me, give me a shout, but don't be too obvious about the pony thing, just say you know me from uni or something. Are you on Steam? Talk to me on there now before I go.
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>get chaos dunked

ahaha, now I'm imagining Charles Barkley as Discord.
But you were never online!
And I'm a poorfag and torrent games, so I don't use stream, remember?
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But The Shaker is cuter
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>Not sporting a handlebar.
No wonder he can only get cat chicks.
That he draws
(assuming you have scrolled down to a point where a drawing has appeared on the left side next to a post)

Step 1: Move cursor to right side of screen
Step 2: Aim carefully to left click the scroll bar
Step 3: Hold the scroll bar and pull it down to the point where the drawing has disappeared off the top of the screen
Step 3A: If the drawing is the last post in the thread, scroll back up and hit F5 repeatedly until there are enough posts to proceed with step 3
Didn't you say sweat was your fetish? Or was that just a joke
>$1.99 Alternate Appearance Pack 1
>$1.99 Alternate Appearance Pack 2
>$10 Pinkie Practical Party Pazonga ending
>$15 Cadence - The Price of Revenge
>$20 Rarity's Sensual Jacuzzi Session side-mission

A cheesecake.

A new-york style cheesecake.
the only pictures we have of him, his face is obscured by TAW's breasts
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Mayday Mayday
A hotel room.
>i picture him as some sort of ai just like everyone else here


I picture you all as AI. None of you have physical bodies. I'm the only real human here. This is why Nathan is so weird to have around. I see him as a real person. So it's fucking weird to hear him talking about what he jerks off to.
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You know you've been on MLPG too long when you read all the insults and "I love you" is the only thing that moves you. Seriously that's the scariest thing in that whole post.
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Some people even myself, progress slower than others.

It just takes time.
Never give up
...but but but... I JUST DID I'm done for today. I really should do some drawing homework for tomorrow. It means pencil and paper work, black magic and probably summoning devil since all those things are very much the same.
Nope but I saw that Rarity and goddamn it was amazing... I sketched that as request from thread or two ago and then decided to ink it as well.
And on the dire side, where it has itty bitty bat wings

>Not Weaver

Get the fuck out
I'll find you.
I thought TAW was british

darf literally couldn't be further away from him
>hitting F5
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Congratulations, you've set animation back 20 years.
good luck
The life of a yanitor is hard.
But the life of a yanitor is fulfilling.


B-but Anon! What if you have... a mouse wheel?!
okay STOP
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1.05 MB
because pone and poké are one and the same
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gloryhole. he'd take turns servicing the guests and servicing me.
>doesn't want to get taken on Earthshakers back, going around Echo Slammin' shit
i shiggy diggy
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>progress slower than others
Or it means you have the wrong genes and will never be able to become the artist you want, and have instead spent years wasting your life.
You've got to be on at better times, man. I'm rarely ever on any more unless it's to talk with a particular set of non-pony bros. Just try to think in GMT rather than shitty Magyar timezones and whatnot.
>being a pirate
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24 KB

I've been waiting FOREVER for someone to say that!
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I have to admit it is pretty kawaii
Too bad none of the supports I ever play with are intelligent enough to ever buy one, let alone upgrade him.
6'9", muscular. Wears nothing but a viking helmet and assless chaps.
Pinkie sings about it and everything!
Did you cut your hair?
We have a minecraft server up.
>He doesn't want Lifestealer to jump inside him
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we /vp/ now
Ross gtfo
Oooh, I didn't know that. Probably won't be able to play for a goodly while, but where can I find the details?
Inspector Javert has found a time machine?
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I know! Who needs 4chan X what the fuck it is when you can do what I do?
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Wow, that's not even close to how I do it, fake bugs-anon

You clearly don't have the correct genes to be cynical as fuck like me
Or click the [ - ] next to the post.
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>GG draw your fetishes
A lot of them are weirdly specific
and/or don't translate over well to ponies

you think I can't do it
you think I haven't made connections in my years here

I have more aces up my sleeve than you know
better you don't resist at all
>terse hats us so much he wants to pretend he doesn't know us
>not being poor as shit

Sure smells like jewish snob here.

Well, I'll try.
Oh, and by the way, will you ever stream movies in the near future?
Stop blaming your genes, Ross.
All I really want is to have Pudge be my bro
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A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. Seriously, though, bring it to Steam, man.
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Glitter, I always wanted to say this to you:
The way you draw eyes is awesome.
Not everyone is Greek
You did that to me, once. Freaked me right the fuck out.
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Get him, bats.
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what's your fucking steam name, everybody in the mlpg chat is too busy jacking off to tell me
>being Greek
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You want this ice cream?

Come and get it
Princess Bitch, you know you want to run your hand over that pony belly.
Just do it.
Nobody will know.
It will be your little secret.
Are you just grabbing random names of the wiki or do you really want to be bros with 360NOSCOPEHOOKSHOT character?
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How would you make each pony blush?
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>Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos
Why would I still come here were that the case, man?

I'm going to be streaming a Disney Movie Marathon tomorrow, actually. Be there or be square!
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We're all bugs, inside.

We just don't want to admit it.


>Klondike knows what this is from
>Klondike has reaction images from that Kung-Fu Panda comic

You not telling us something, bro?
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throw them all into a sauna?
I would like to lick ice cream off of Twilight's horn more than you could possibly believe
and I wouldn't stop when the ice cream was all gone either
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>Idly start comparing Chrysalis and the changelings with the bugs from Starship Troopers
>Imagine Chrysalis eating brains like slurpees
>Get a boner
lol wat
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what the fuck
Nigga what
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I love the smell of pony blood in the morning
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Sometimes we do stupid things
>A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different.
He's a pretty cool dude
I love playing him the most
The only one more fun to play than him is Goblin Shredder
give them a sugar cube and then start to finger them while they're distracted
>We're all bugs, inside.

Like the oogy boogy man?
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every time

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But that icecream is now all over your face.
I will have to lick it off to even get any.

That has to give you the biggest icecream headache.
>26" waist
I'm Zigludo, I think? If you give me yours I'll get to you. Zigludo is my current name.
It came online just a day or so ago.

You need to run a mod pack to play on it however:


But I'm finding it to be SO much better than vanilla MC.

Contact Seika in Steam for more information, he either runs it or can get in contact with the guy who does.
>A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different. >A little bit, but it's still shoulder length. Brown now, though. Also I'm a lot thinner than I was in the last two sets of photos - I sort of died at university - so I look pretty different.
Fair enough
Now that I think of it he does remind me of you
>tfw LK still hasn't updated Scratch
When are you going to stream?
Just to see if it will collide with my plans at MLPGDND or not.

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198 KB
I don't know why you're so hung up on that. Its like you think I can't have peeps that show me things that I don't like.. but then realize I think the faces are really well drawn so I save them.

I had some really fucked up pokemon friends
>TFW Minecraft crashes every 10 minutes due to memory leak ever since the adventure update and none of the fixes posted online fix it

>I am not a faggot implied the implyer
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85 KB
Who's Ross?
>even tried digging out my old sketchbooks and paints after watching Rose use watercolors.

Sorry for the really late reply.
This made me really glad to read. The very reason I used a bit more real media than I used to for that short while was to show people that you can draw with whatever.
Don't get frustrated, it just takes some people longer to "get" it about what they need to do for pictures.
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350 KB
>12.10 posts per minute
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58 KB
>The way you draw eyes is awesome.
I'm basically incapable of drawing them any other way
It's one of my tell-tale signs and why it'd be nearly impossible to disguise my style if I tried to take on a new pseudonym

Funny story
I originally picked up expressive eyes because my very first characters from like second grade had faces nearly incapable of emoting, and when I'd occasionally draw other characters the freedom of expression was so liberating and fun to play with that I went completely the opposite direction from there on out, which is why most of my characters now have humongous eyes and big mouths

~the more you know~
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2.96 MB
These kind of bugs?
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104 KB
Okay guys, think of your 2nd favorite pony! Got it?

She is planning a scam to get lots and lots of money. How well do you think she could pull it off and would you aid her?
What's that supposed to mean
Is that a cracked or a legit server?

Why Applejack, you're looking as lovely as a bouquet of apple-blossoms.

Legit I assume.
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1.83 MB
Luna cant do anything, but what the fuck, it's a pone.
>Disney Marathon

No, no, I understand bro. Seeds can be forcibly planted and such.
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14 KB
we bugs now

A character from Friends TV-show
Hmm...okay, how about I start at 2PM GMT, with The Jungle Book?
>not wanting to go faster
the fuck is wrong with you, sandraker
Dash. Her plan probably involves grabbing it and outrunning anybody who follows her, so she'd do pretty well. I'd help if I could, though.
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191 KB
>going slow
Giving up is easier.
>Repeating the same mistakes won't remove them
What if the mistake is trying in the first place?
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101 KB
Turn down your draw distance.
Fuck off with your spoilers.
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61 KB
Oh, nothing
Then trying again and again to start will improve that
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64 KB
Sapphire shores...is already rich
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45 KB

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86 KB
Pone CAN into technology

Humans aren't as high and mighty as they claim
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162 KB
such a casual
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192 KB
ponies are fun
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432 KB

>Dubs gets a request from this drawfag
That tumblr is going weird places.


That Disney Marathon, with whatever movies you're showing, better be in order by date released.
Do it, do it
File: 1337896458975.png-(10 KB, 410x360, i've seen some shit -.png)
10 KB
Well, I don't know what her plan is, but I'm all for it.
We have a long history of philosophy. They have... magic. Lame.
Shit, I don't know if I'm GMT+1 or 2, but that's okay for me.

Bickerbox, right?
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189 KB
>Technic pack
Oh, neat, I've been wanting to try that out on a multiplayer server some time. Thanks for the info.
Hey, while you here, I keep having people telling me I need to practice other media. I'm sure that would be crucial in making me an all around better artist. But I really have no interest in other media. Is there any point to practicing on pen and paper if all I want to do is digital?
Gummy getting lose from Pinkie and causing havoc at Fluttershy's house, with all the animals and shit
>"You ready to go, bro?"
>"Yeah, just lemme grab my pile of wasps."
Dash in a pretty dress
Its fucking HDD

Jew pony getting beat by his cheery Muslim neighbor.
Fluttershy in a Ski suit
Seconding this
kill yourself
Fat Fluttershy
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84 KB
Luna is best princess.
>order by dates released
You mean you want me to get EVERY SINGLE Disney movie? That's going to take me a while, man. I was just going to go with some of the classics. I can try, but I make no promises!

Bickerbox, yeah. Bookmark it! We're back in business!
human aj in lingerie
are we /b/ yet?

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99 KB
Trips don't count!

Fluttershy being gangraped by Timberwolves.
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Trips don't count
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49 KB
Dis gun be good
I don't have an issue with dubs deciding what people draw, it's fun and relevant.
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Yeah, it's easy to give up.
Really easy.

But then you spend the rest of your fucking life doing nothing, you just give up because it's "too hard".

You wanna know what's hard.
Sitting here, trying to help people and they shove you off like they think you're not honest.
And still being nice to them, encouraging them.

I could just tell you to fuck off, but fuck no I wont.
Keep drawing.
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Spoiler Image, 158 KB
best white pony
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We have a long history of killing each other, they dont.
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But VInyl is mute
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8 KB


could you draw Ace again?

just Ace

one last time

for me?

>There were never wars in Equestria
>forgot about the Christmas episode
I had it bookmarked, but my computer brainfarted in the near past and had to be reinstalled and I was so fucking retarded as to not save my bookmarks.
he does not look happy
how can he be goat and not happy

Who is that?
>Trips don't count
Twilight in a space suit
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82 KB
>fun and relevant
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100 KB
you're mute
Hey guys I need some help, do any of the drawfriends who are here use Photoshop?

A friend of mine just got a tablet and he's on a Mac, so he can't use SAI, so all he has to work with is Photoshop. I have NO clue how to work photoshop though.

Does anyone have any tutorials or good settings? He's new, really new, so he probably needs a higher level of stabilization to start off.
Heyhey, I got all the Ghibli Movies I knew and did them in order (took me like.. three days, though).
I'm joking. That's a lot of movies to get. Don't worry about it. You should make a pastebin listing the movies you've got, though
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Here's a solution to all your troubles
Speaking of which

you guys remember /co/, right? Those threads where The Boulder would put up champs in thoes dub tournaments? Those were kinda fun. Would anyone be interested in something like that here, with ponies?

Of course, there'd be problems. If we do it here in the boat, it will kinda derail any discussion going on. If we do it outside the boat, there will be.....others.
Bronies getting banned.
It was implied, but we never actually got to see any fighting.


someone here should stream some episodes at like 2am EST

i need something to look forward to tonight
The pegasi were combative, but they never said did more than threaten ponies with saying that they are combative
I don't remember, The Boulder requires a description.
Post a url link, can't directly link to >>>/b/
I ignored those threads.
>implying she's white
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>You will never see ponies in power armour, cutting eachother down with chain guns and high-density explosives on the show
>You will never hear ponies crying out their death wails, the fallen clutching the remnants of their guts strewn across the blasted landscape
>You will never see the real horrors of war in a children's cartoon show

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>implying this isn't best pairing
>implying it isn't practically canon
i don't think photoshop has a stabilizer, not innately anyway, there may be third party mods to give it one but i don't know of any
It's funny, I did it.

But you people aren't honest. You'll praise any drawfag and defend them for fear that they'll eventually leave MLPG for greener pastures.
The cold war was just everyone being really combative, but nobody ever said did more than threaten each other with nuclear destruction
Dubs threads are fucking awful, no matter what stupid disguise you put on them.
I've got a fair few Ghibli films, too, haha, and I can definitely say that there's a huge discrepancy there. It'd take me ten times the effort and time to get even a fraction of Disney's library!
I can do that now, actually. Give me a second, I'll chuck it up.

Fair enough! I'm sorry to hear that, man. Back your shit up in future!

>implying I won't have my downloads of the new arranged OST for NieR and an A Dance with Dragons eBook displayed proudly for all to see
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Yeah, that's what shitty fanfiction is for, Sparkler
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Well. it's not like they could make /b/ any worse
ok. Just wanted to see if anyone was interested.
Thanks for reminding me that the last time I moaned here it evidentially threw Rose into another depression. All I do is make myself and others miserable by trying.
It was a proxy war, mostly

Look at Vietnam and Korea
The Sino-Soviets and Western Capitalists waving their dicks around in other countries because they couldn't do it to one another
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But don't you understand?

You can't leave.
>implying you were any better when your PC died
Time: 21 minutes
Program: MS Paint
Tablet: None (Mouse Only)
Music: Gotta Go Fast - Sonic X
Requester: Anonymous
Subject: Gilda
In Memoriam: Pone Liker (??? - ???)
Drink: None
artists leave
drawfags dont

You forgot Baba Yatu though man, step it up
I love that pic
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And who might you be?
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54 KB

>people crying "cancer"
>on /b/
>that feel when I'm now imagining Dash as an agile and speedy aerial fighter who can take out an entire enemy city in a single sonic rainboom, and nobody's fast enough to stop her--but all she's loyal to is her next paycheck
>Twilight is a one-mare-army that can cut through the strongest defences like a knife through butter, but Celestia keeps her close to ensure Canterlot's safety
This is how bad fanfiction starts, I shuold stop
Not true. I usually always ignore "bad" artists, because I am no good at criticism.
When I "defend" an artist, it is always because I actually like them and think that the people telling them to leave are just being dicks.
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Posting the image would probably help.

The funny thing? There's child models, and cp and all that stuff on there. But the thing that rustles /b/ up the most is ponies. And they only rush to moot and mods to get rid of the scourge of ponies.

Doesn't matter if 80% of /b/ is unoriginal shitposting. No, it's the Pony menace that must be stopped.

Shows you where /b/'s priorities lay.
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It's essentially a trace but not bad I suppose.
Did you trace that? If not then very nice
Don't say that in the general. Unlike you, these guys aren't plebs, and they'll agree with me when I say Baba Yetu is an amazing song. You could end up losing your street cred!

saved since I would like to know the same question ;_;
Eh, it's not going to change anything. The /b/ronies've ignored the bans before, and they've already got a new thread up after that.
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Would you help her against the Apples?
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>The genus Malus, better known as Apple Trees, of which there are now over 7500 different domesticated cultivars, as well as many other edible fruits including pears, quinces, medlars, loquats, almonds, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, and sloes are a part of the family Rosaceae - which makes them all relatives of the rose .
No because she is not real.
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>best pairing
>not Twidash
Yep. I want to fight Big mac.
It's not traced, it was drawn next to a sized down reference, though. The image itself is about 8x larger than the reference I used.
Yes, good. You should try with your linework a bit more and then try to get the grist of underlying composition. I would really like some random dude trying to improve. Like this one:

Wait... why have I never posted that link before? It would have been perfect so many times...
>implying anyone here knows who I am
To them, I'm nothing more than a Silent Professional

>"Mama--! MAMA----!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaggghhh--!!!"
No, I'd help pin her down and make sure nobody tried to muscle in on our business. Then we'd give her a message she'd never forget by taking something you only get once.
Jesus christ the amount of pure unadulterated faggotry could provide power to the world for the next 100 years.
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RIP in peace brave warrior ;_;
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You can make me happy by continuing drawing.

Just quit being so fucking hard on yourself.
Just another nobody.
Nyx is a cunt that cunts love to love
An asshole abortion that wears cock like a glove
But she’s shit so we hate and when push comes to shove
you fuckers bawl like bitches and we’ve had enough

reading Past sins hurts worse than cock bite
the author cant even get characters right
It’s as badly written as twilight
the only redemption is that nyx seems so tight

Im sure that filly would look the nicest on my prick
and im sure i’ll get hate from the new lunar republic
the only thing louder than the whining when they bitch
is the sound they make when they’re sucking on dick

Don’t give me this shit that she’s cute or adorable
you’re complete lack of taste is completely deplorable
the only thing nyx is is totally whorable
she makes all the colts cocks incredibly sore-able

and that mouth! oh her mouth, man she sure can swallow
and you know that after i’m blown anal will follow
I used her so much now her rectum is hollow
so I use her to sleep in, and her guts as a pillow

But seriously, fuck nyx, in every way possible
cause after im done and my dicks no longer tossable
i’ll beat her so hard her bones breaking is audible
cause for this fandom her existance is futile
It's still hilarious.

Also, as the mod said, they are banning proxies which could be abused for ban evasion and CP.
Glitter, did you draw that 'virgin ponies talking about sex like they know anything about it' picture?
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Everybody is a somebody.
Man, I gotta read that again.
Pearpone has a cute hat.
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1.84 MB
>type in Twidash in google
>"Did you mean ScratchxSniff?"
I killed her, anon.

Just like you wanted.
You did what?
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90 KB
Should I have not been using a reference from the show? Gilda is a complex character, and it has been a while since I saw that episode.
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44 KB

Best pair.

Though I do always wonder why fanart always seems to depict Lyra as the assertive one/relationship leader, I would have imagined it quite the opposite, what with Bon Bon being the talker and resident hate machine
>>2127002 (Ded)
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55 KB
Everyone is special in their own special way
Except you
Maybe not the talker but she is always mad
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20 KB
you guys like goblins right?

cause we glitter glue now
I'm sitting in my nowhere land, making all my nowhere plans, for nobody.


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10 KB
>actually google twidash
>see this

Now I'm slightly ashamed of loving best ship.
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291 KB

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80 KB

Well references are fantastic, but they should be just that, references. You shouldn't be copying the exact pose of the picture, you should be using it to understand the lengths and sizes of the individual parts you are emulating.
Are you Pinkie Pie
who doesn't know who tomas yorkeshire is?
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227 KB

Flats coming up, for folks who like it better that way.
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58 KB
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99 KB
Fuck you, now I have that stuck in my head
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168 KB
>Dick trying to still treasure...gets molested all the time.
>Celeste mindrapes him to have sex with her.
>Bea is a fucking farry

Damn, she's almost as big as Gabe!
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270 KB
>Thinking fanon is better than canon

You sir, are a brony
Well to clear my name of any suspicions of tracing, I'd better draw a pony in an original pose do not steal.

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187 KB
Forget it, anon. It's sweet apple country.
Thank you.
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831 KB


Honestly though good work, shitty request
I never trusted you Mr Rogers
using a reference is fine, but if you were just tracing or copying it perfectly it would be, well, not really bad but not particularly helpful as practice
How about Applejack? Applejack carrying a bucket full of apples
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78 KB
>Bea is a fucking farry
Puck is a fairy too
Doesn't mean he's not trouble though
>me everynight

Its great! But I wish people would stop defaulting to bipedal poses so much
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101 KB

Well by talker I just mean she has gotten quite a few lines over the span of the show for a backgrounder, with numerous voices

Lyra just spoke the once in the finale
No, I mean are you really Pinkie Pie.
In a legit way.
Do you play Dota, perchance, GG?
I like the pipeedebelepele poses
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51 KB
Is Rose drawing these for you? I swear I haven't seen them before.
>a fucking fairy

Hes a fairy that fucks?
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36 KB
Oh we don't care you're clearly new to this. Remember to take all criticism with multiple shakers of salt lest you become MLPG tier self conscious.

look at this motherfucker who's never seen A Midsummer Night's Dream
Space... The final frontier.
These are the voyages of the starship Buttershy...
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113 KB
Nope, she posted that one when she drew the Scootaflan one.
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929 KB
puck is from berserk
Ok I like her voice.
>Do you play Dota, perchance, GG?

No, but I read Shakespeare
Puck is a stereotypical fairy name
Not that guy, but the worst fucking feel in the world is when you think something is a reference to a video game, and it turns out to be a reference the game was making to history or classic literature.
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81 KB

I haven't seen any that shows her that way - I always imagine Bonbon's the more grounded and mature one who has to keep Lyra in check and make sure her oddball antics don't get out of hand, so to speak.

>you will never see Bonbon and Lyra as a Vaudeville comedy duo

Because of Shakespeare
I know Puck is from Shakespeare damnit
It just set me onto Dota because I just played it and I was wondering...

GG would be bro as fuck to play vidya with
Never happened to me. How is that feel?
there is also that
>Puck is a stereotypical fairy name
That originated with Shakespeare.
>You will never be the receiver of Bonbon's ice cold shoulder.
>You know she would not stomp on you if you were on fire.
RESPOND TO >>2127005
Are you taking requests?
Did smile ever make those gifs of Mr. Cake freaking out about the cake?

Fucking Shakespeare
I think that is Shakespears fault
>reading shakespeare
i am glad to hear that
I bet he'd be terrible.
Not to sound rude, but I wouldn't want to play with him.
Zoom tool instead of stabilizers. Learn steady hand control early. zoom tool forever and always. (also, photoshop doesn't have a stabilizer) Easiest way to do it is to just use it, learn how it works, how YOU can use it, etc. Don't rely on tutorials and the like unless you honestly need them.

You're nothing but a fishmonger!
are there any stories of ponies that Shakespear wrote?
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595 KB
>color anons taking color requests
>3 times
>still not colored
If my drawing makes you happy, why does nobody speak out except when I'm complaining?
I'd love to see this coloured then, if you're interested.
>I've got a fair few Ghibli films, too, haha
Terse, I'mma have to nerd fight you elsewhere.
>School making you memorize Romeo and Juliet.

>I'm a naked elf shota who does cute things.

That's how Puck turned into after the Golden Age arc. In Vol 1-3 he's one of the best characters there.

- Vital to the plot
- Saves Guts once
- Idealistic personality to contrast against Guts' cynicism

Now he's just "there". He's ceased to be a real character a long time ago. Which is a shame. His attempt to save that guy from execution was probably one of the most heroic things in the whole series.
I don't know that feel because I'm not an uncultured pleb.
>>2115853 ?
Discord as a scarf around Celestia
beggars cant be choosers
and it isnt even a clean sketch
>sketch layer still present
Not surprised it hasn't been coloured
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1.56 MB

When things get really bad in the General, I think back to that thread, and I smile.
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Really? It seems to be the theme I have picked up on for ages

If we want to get technical the name existed and was associated with fairies before Shakespeare


But yeah no one would know the name nowadays if it wasn't for A Midsummer Night's Dream

Ponies did not exist in the Renaissance
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>GG would be bro as fuck to play vidya with
not really
I like the Cakes and their children.
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Please someone tell me you remember this.

I can't be the only one.
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Maybe because I don't know who you are.

And if you complain we're always happy to try to cheer you up, silly.
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Do you have the new one? The one that's Schierke and others being cute with no shots of Guts being awesome?
Well, for one, it trains you to not be so reliant on digital.
It's good to have the basics down, so if you started with pencil and paper, you should have somewhat of an idea of what you're to get into with digital, if that makes sense.
There was a horse involved in The Taming of the Shrew.
i can never understand why some people leave the construction lines in
I like his humour and his attitude
Yes really

You on the other hand...
Fuck off with your spoilers.
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To be fair, that pic has a lot of construction lines, it would look "weird".

When did people start breeding miniature horses, anyway?
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>GG hates me so I must hate him back
Everyone seems to have having fun with other people here. Playing games, writing, drawing...

Why can't I ever join in.
>Under that sweater are war tattoos.
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Ive drawn cake
Me too anon.
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>GG would be bro as fuck to play vidya with
My internet doesn't really make any kind of multiplayer feasible at the moment sadly
I mostly play non-competitive stuff though
I prefer helping out to fighting~
playthrough with mangneto here
exception being tf2 which I like to imagine I am pretty good at even if I am not


don't be sour boros
When the horrors of war needed to be more adorable
To the dude/dudette who asked for a full list of movies I have on hand...doing a full list would take me eons, so here's the stuff I have on my external HDD.

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i figure Bea would be more on the side of tricking him or embarrassing him alot

like magicking his pants down in front of everyone

Celeste has the whole mind power shit but she's just so fucking strong she hardly needs to use it

Prince Dick just has all these monster chicas and occasionally dudes try to molest him though but he's not always on board because he's a GENTLEMAN, gosh
I asked what the requester/general wanted, and they said bipedal- I try to be sensitive over that sort of thing.

As fun as you guys are, I really wouldnt want to play with you guys online. I prefer to keep my pony time and vidya time separate
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Why did you have to remind me
Yeah I know I know
There just aren't very many body swap pieces out there. Such an underdrawn category.
i don't know but it sounds accurate. he's taking the series in a direction i'm not happy with
that's good
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Hey guys! I found a way to leave the General!
Join the steam group if you want to play games you faggot

You don't need to draw or write to have fun with others. Look at me - I do sod all except play the vidya and lurk streams yet I have lodsa fun
Whoo, thanks!
>GG plays TF2
>not with us

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You said you would draw something like that comic you faget!

You are this much of a fagot
>AB finds a way to quit MLPG
>that feel when the best players in the games I play most are all from MLPG

and that one time in gmod with hoppip

Lol Elevator
So what you're saying is he's basically Monster Girl quest embodied?
Please stop beating yourself up, it wasn't your fault.

Because you are the Pariah of the General

They weren't bred, actually - they evolved naturally before we domesticated them.

>"The ancestors of most modern ponies developed small stature due to living on the margins of livable horse habitat. These smaller animals were domesticated and bred for various purposes all over the northern hemisphere. Ponies were historically used for driving and freight transport, as children's mounts, for recreational riding, and later as competitors and performers in their own right. During the Industrial Revolution, particularly in Great Britain, a significant number were used as pit ponies, hauling loads of coal in the mines."
fucking kierz
>You will never charge the enemy trenches on Applejack's back
>Shes going full gallop, but your legs are dragging on the ground behind
>Get shot in the face because you are distracted by how adorable the moment is
>don't be sour boros
just telling it like it is
in before everyone except you gets angry
should I new thred
>New horse after one hour and a half
>implying death will free you
not even in death can you escape the general
oh ok then.

Its just me. I want the ponies to be ponies, not anthro ponies
/r/ing coal miner pony
You don't even play with us anymore fignog ;_;
one can only hope he leaves the general one way or the other

I think Miura stopped giving a fuck years ago. It's a steady paycheck. He's not interested in "Conan the Barbarian fights Demons in medieval Europe"  anymore. Instead he wants to do "The Adventures of the Magic Loli and her adorable Compansions!"
Nobody likes your streams
Nobody likes playing video games with you

so it's natural that you hate GG because he is everything you wanted to be
Is GG your steam name for TF2?

Because I saw someone named GG on a pony server one time.
>i don't know but it sounds accurate. he's taking the series in a direction i'm not happy with

Doesn't matter. Series will take 15-20 years to complete anyways. You'll be an old man before it's done.
Why do you want to drive off our artfags?
>GG enters the generals server.
>Never talks.
>Becomes the feared specter for the opposing team, manages to kill people in the most inconceivable ways.
It would be fun, sure.

But I only want to interact with you guys here. Not be online steam buddies or anything
been busy
also the TF2 server is filled when I'm sleeping
got yer feets

the infernape one was worse

Not true. Snopes debunked that. He never served.
I don't like his draws at all

Plus he's a crossdressing pedo
>some cry

Good riddance yo

Let's not open this discussion again, please?
It's too much of a coincidence that Rose was in a thread in which I was venting, then she happens to go on tumblr to complain about several of the very things I mention.

All I do is drag everyone down with me.
>feared spectre
you mean kierz and highwind
>cant stand it anymore
>get a gun, put it to your head, pull the trigger after holding it there for hours
>momentary excruciating pain
>your vision flashes, then goes dark

In the darkness, Pinkie appears

"Ya shouldn't have done that, anon!"
No, the whole thing was hilarious.
No you don't
you're a good person who is just going through a rough time, I (pinkie pie poster) am trying to help you

Please just tell me who you are

1. He was too old to enter the service by the time Vietnam began and

2. He was a pacifist.


3. It's Mr. Rogers.
Should we hats?
I'm right here, as >>2127256
You were in the thread, yes- I know who you were, and it wasn't you. I'm still determined to let you believe in yourself because I like your progress.
I'd tell you, but he hasn't revealed himself, which makes it seem as thought he'd rather not be known at this moment- sorry.
I want to play on this generals server

info is on the steam group page

it usually starts filling up around 9-11pm on if people play that day

hang out in the steam group chat if you want to know when people are playing
I prefer not to have people associate all this whining with my art. All it does it change the context of how you respond to it. It's not pity I'm after, I'm just frustrated.
Should we play now?
>diablo 3
>any other fucking video game ever
>people still want to play hats


We could, but its a little earlier than usual.
We play all the other games
Even MC
Mountain Blades : Warbland
Dobble 3
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I wish I knew what to say, but you've made your point clear.

eh, its more that everyone has hats.

everyone also could have tribes, but most of them are horrible and slow as fuck.

yes I am
Also no, I'm not SB.

He doesn't have a monopoly on being miserable.

I never said you were
I whine more than him on my tumblr.

I am the pinkie guy
You've met with a terrible fate

>take the plunge and eat a bullet, you're plunged into darkness
>anon walks into your focus, glassy eyed, tears running down his face as if he's been laughing hysterically at something, but he doesn't look happy, he's dead inside
>he leans in and whispers "some cry"
>tfw edged myself for 3 hours
feels good man.

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