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[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
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As autistic as it sounds, pones did change my life to an extent
this pleases me
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Spoiler Image, 126 KB
>Gay Rover
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is derpy a very ugly pony still
>to an extent
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>Dat filename
Alright I'm an idiot. Where does this heresy nonsense come from?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about Derpy, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it's a peach of cake.
Now I want a mini pony yoyo
Warhammer bullshit
I think
From Warhammer 40k.
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Warhammer 40,000
>pony yoyo
>rarity being mad at you while strung up around her waist
>starts spinning

So it's a video game? Any idea where I could start? Besides google, I'm already there.
Why am I here
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Wouldn't using a pony as a yoyo be extremely painful for the pony?
I mean think about it
Fucking ouch
All those broken bones

You want to have fun.
Yeah. Show broke me out of depression, and waifu inspired me to chase my childhood dreams again and realise what I want out of life
There are video games, but it's mostly a tabletop game.
Bastards survived over 1500Gs
They can survive some spining
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because ponies
Why did you come here?
It's a media franchise that started out as a tabletop game but has expanded to cover things like vidya and books.

Known for being grimderp as fuck.

It's a tabletop game with a ridiculously huge lore. Try to find a warhammer 40k wiki or something

It's also where the "Exterminatus" thing comes from.
Why is purple pone so cute
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I love her very much
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Try Dawn of War
illusion magic
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But purple has autism
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Imperial Guard here, and whats going on in this thread ?
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I'll give it a looksie, thank man.


This looks interesting.
Funny, it was the other way around for me. It kind of threw me into depression.
Childhood dreams being? Out of quick curiosity.
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In my headcanon they are family
This reminds me...who the HELL built Ponyville so close to the gates of the netherrealm anyway?

A scene like this is apparently entirely possible, given their geography...
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FaBa > 40k
In fact, it's the origin of the term "grimdark"
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>next to the most dangerous place known to the ponies filled with horrible monsters
>on the other side yhere's a fucking hydra
>A 40 meter bear is within walking distance from the town and two retards can easily get to it
>the gates of hell are half a day away
What the fuck did Celestia have with AJ's family?
which heretic masturbates the most, MLPG?
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That's okay I'm also autistic I watch a show called My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Becoming a scientist and stuff. Almost gave up on it because all the work's going to be hard and stuff, but waifu is an inspiration to chase what really makes me happy
>not lexicanum
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daily dose


Damn, I just wish I could get into the tabletop game. I just don't have friends into that sort of thing. When we hang it's always about sports.
oh god it never even gets old
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daily dose part 2


And the capital isn't that far away
Seriously they just have to defend Canterlot from aerial attacks because a land army would be raped just by the fucking fauna before they get to it
Hell even the flora could fuck up an entire army
Just drop some poison joke on them and bam most of them are fucking useless
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The grayness hurts my eyes.
Get a real daily dose.
professor oak.jpg
Their most warlike race, the pegasi, mostly live in a moving city. Their entire supply chain is mobile, they don't NEED a standing army--they have a flying one.
>that feel when you're actually tempted to try OC x Main Cast shipping
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pls no
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we sexy socks now?
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What? No love for sports?
Evangelyne is better than any of the mane six there I said it
And they can control clouds. And in Sonic Rainboom they were trying to break some clouds with a jackhammer.
They can convert it in an indestructible flying fortress while moving towards the enemy.

Hell get some Unicorns that can cast the walk on cloud spell and want it need it spell, make them a small cloud box, give them some small rocks or junk and there you can defeat any army that is attacking
gosh that horse is so cute
I would let that horse borrow two pairs of my socks any day

Just read main cast shipping.

Preferably twilestia shit.
>playing with pieces of overpriced plastic crap
If that's a sport, then MLP is a sport too.
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Hairy sea.
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Cool, any specific field or just have an overall thing going?Like Twilight?
any recommendations?

What? Did you even read all the previous posts?
Gone for a week. Anything of note happen? Any clips or anything?
Those feathers look like fucking fingers
Seriously their wings creep me out
>Tfw when school make you lose all motivation for sport
Budget cuts and be pink to the worst team in each game doesn't help at all.
are there wakfu ponies yet?

i'd google it but everytime i search for pones in any way, terrible things happen
and while Dash is an outlier, if the average pegasus comes anywhere near close to her agility they'd be practically unstoppable in the air, and bombing runs would decimate any ground forces
But I like sports and often get confused at the animosity they receive on 4chan outside /sp/


I got a bit too emotional over this one.
lauren faust posted a sex video here

it's deleted now
>160,000 words
I don't think so
Not that I know of.
For some reason I'm more than okay with the current state of affairs.
Wakfu should not pony.
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Don't think so, though I'm happy Nasse finally did this.
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Oh shit look at these faggots

Well I prefer to just watch. Unless tackle the man with the football qualifies as a sport. I would assume the problem has to do with the fact that they associate stupidity with sports.
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Hey, MLPG.

Nice to see you.
Stop being faggots
Oh, that's good. See you next Sunday!
You don't look very convincing Rarity
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No one ever wants to read the long shit.


Sturgeon's law man. I never thought I'd read fanfiction but with a community this large it's no surprise that there are some decent writers out there. It helps that ratings help you sift through all the shit.
Kill yourself if you're not joking
well it's a pretty big time investment to jump from nothing to 160k words, that's longer than most novels!
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why would anyone read 160,000 words of >fanfiction

why would anyone WRITE 160,000 words of >fanfiction
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Overall thing, really, but I'm most interested in Biology. More specifically, Neurology, but I am going to need wafu's blessings if I want to get that far
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fanfiction is just longer >feels you know
i don't like feels either
I don't know >feels, I do know >feels though
>why would anyone read 160,000 words of >fanfiction

>why would anyone WRITE 160,000 words of >fanfiction
Because they think too much about a family cartoon.
because MLP changed their life

also, they are lifeless virgin losers with tons of time in their hands (among the dick in the same hands as well) and they think they are another Steven King
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Feels are for fags
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>that feel when you fucking hated fanfiction and swore you wouldn't write or read any pone fanfiction before you watched the show
>that feel when you broke all these vows within a month
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>you will never get an angry celestia pointed at you
feels fagnig man
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Oh, well that may seem so, but I'm actually really really...happy to see all you...charming..individuals.

And my friends are happy too.
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I wish people still posted these for everything
>anybody who thinks that fanfiction might have merit obviously thinks they're an amazing writer
that's like saying that anybody who thinks fanart has merit thin... y'know what no it's not worth it
fuck you
Stop begging for attention
So you were a fan of the fandom before watching the show? Jesus Christ.

It's nothing like that. It's just at story with characters that I already know. Essentially, if you're a writer it's cheating, but I don't mind. It's taking characters I already give a shit for with established personalities and making them do interesting shit.


Now that just depends on the person. You spelled Stephen King wrong on purpose damn it.
shut up
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We really haven't used them much since the move from /co/.
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We haven't really used them for 8 months

What? I said I hated fanfiction and when I began pones swore I wouldn't get into any of that shit, but broke within a month of beginning the show
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I have an entire folder of them
Re-read your first post
Cool, good luck to you then.
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It's a good thing I have assburgers, otherwise I might be able to pick up on the subtle social tension and leave as the ponies really want me to.

Instead I will go on long winded rambles about things that interest me and how it's so lovely that the ponies want me around since no one ever calls me and sometimes I wonder why I even bought a cellphone but then I remember I use it for the internet
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I've only got, like, 5
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his post says exactly what he meant
are you okay, anon?
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step up yo game nigga
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Are you me?
>and swore you wouldn't write or read any pone fanfiction before you watched the show

It's plain as fucking day.
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it's been too long
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If you're talking about awareness of the fandom, there were enough /v/ rage threads to bring it to light
maybe if you're intentionally trying to misinterpret it
it's pretty obvious that what he means is that he swore he wouldn't read or write any pony fanfiction before he began to watch
after he watched, he broke that vow
is english your second language or something
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>Making your own
Well that's stupid nigger. I think you're doing this on purpose.
Oh fuck the previous thread has vanished again
Shit niggers get it together
It's not even June yet.
well, yeah, I do try to be literate on purpose
doesn't everyone?
In all honestly, the last thread isn't worth the read.
that's not mine
yeh :V :V
I would ravage the vet pony
goin' on a date with your fav-
>why would my favorite pone want to date me?
>i'm not interesting
>i'm not enlightening
>i'm not even fit for my height/age/whatever
>the hell would my favorite pone want with me anyways?
>what would ANY pone want with me anyways, assuming i'm in pony world?
>i'm just an exotic looking ornament meant to strike up conversation to them
and suddenly i got sad
u r hot anon
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/v/ is actually why I started watching ponies. Someone told me there was a Metal Gear reference in the show. What they didn't tell me is that I wouldn't see it till the 2nd season.


Stop reading fanfiction with humans in it. It's just a masturbatory circlejerk.
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can i play too
I bet that vet pony is a cougar

a wry cougar who takes her own medicine every now and then to encourage herself to push and pump harder than the supposed 'slutty mares' she's heard about
what is happening here?
Why don't you go play Hide and Go Fuck Yourself?
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I believe that our similarities in personalities and interests would let me get along with Twilight pretty well
>hasn't played MGS
Nigga please. You underestimate the level of self delusion mastery in these threads.
indeed i haven't
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Thanks for the attention anon i guess i'll go now
well then go play MGS
oh ok
I bet you didn't even get the reference. Damn kid.
I didn't
Another reason why I am the worst person in MLPG
>Watched Se7en with Tess
Hide n' Seek has a whole new meaning to me now
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This fucking tool always rustles my jimmies. Why does he have to represent the fandom in Finland? I mean, coudn't they find anyone who is LESS stereotypical?
I've never been out of the boat.
Dare I peek out?
Don't fucking do it anon

I don't really get it either.
Do it faggot
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NO I will not have waifu feelings for a pony. I will resist!
>hasn't been outside of the boat at least once
fan of the fandom
Do you even watch decade old internet flash videos?
>not all caps Impact
ya dun goofed
>Bible - An ancient novel full of murder, corruption, homosexuality, bestiality, incest and cruelty. It is often read to children on Sunday.

so why aren't YOU reading your bible?

Well, not the guy you're talking to but besides mlp I don't watch any flash videos at all.
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Don't do it anon.

Scootanon was a normal, kindhearted person before he looked outside the boat.
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They couldn't find anyone else faggy enough to do it it seems.
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Who knows.
stop that
the fact that you don't know some shitty "meme" (inb4 faggots) or reference from some retarded faggot who spent all his life on 4chan does not make you a bad person

and the faggos always will be faggots
too many plot holes
I prefer nonfiction

h-here i go...
oh look, a fluffy pony thread, shouldn't be too bad...
Damn kids. Back in my day the internet was only used for internet flash videos.
I want summer to leave
I only read Apocalypse, you know, the last chapter, because it's dark like my soul.
>To become tougher, Fluttershy enlists in the Equestrian Military,

What happens?
but i am
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Please don't go making fun of Christians. You know they really believe that stuff. Why make waves man?
Nothing to do with pones.
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oh boy is it the time
I have a folder full of these
she becomes the second hand to the commander, fulfilling all the commander's sexual needs
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Memes are rather silly. There are just too many to keep track of and only a small fraction of them actually manage to be funny. Then people spam them. Everywhere.
Post them pl0x
Hey guysm you remember that one guy way back in MLPG that used to draw ponies that were purley square?

aparently he's gained some unknown popularity boost from somewhere because there is suddenly a lot of similar looking things all over the booru
She isn't qualified and kick out
FUCK! I don't even have a reaction pic strong enough to express this rustling!
because it's the overbearing, judgemental, denominational christians i don't like.

and they make up 90% of the christian faith now
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but there are too many I don't want to shit up the thread too much
A glorious boot camp montage of FS biting the dust and hopefully more Full Metal Jecket references and parodies to last us a lifetime.
And she needs to overcome her fears?
That sounds like a genuine Fluttershy episode
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So how many horse STDs do you think Pinkie Pie has contracted?


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all of them
>next episode Fluttershy forgets everything she learns
All of them
Fucking Catholics.
so many they started to negate each other
Islam is worst fandom
Over the line.

back to pokeball
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All of them, in all holes.
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if she can do 17 pushups, 34 sit-ups and 2 mile in 23:06 she'd graduate US Army training
And this is bad because?
Man they just had to cancel Zeus and friends and Norse Family didn't they?
The shows were fucking great. And their fandoms weren't that bad compared with the current faggots
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>Battlenet down for maintenance
>Unable to fight the demons

So who's feeling like some >rape

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There are some legitimately cool Christians out there. That said, making fun of them and turning them into atheists won't make them anymore intelligent. Just don't mention that you're an atheist. Hell, lie if you have to. I don't see any reason for people to know what I really think about their religion.
>Zeus and Friends
>not The Adventures of Ra the Sun God
Nigga please

Womens don't fight.
hey I just noticed the last ones are supposed to be the elements
She looks like she's made entirely of rubber.
I thought the term "grimdark" originated in the brony fandom. I've never heard of it before pony fanfiction.
>I thought the term "grimdark" originated in the brony fandom. I've never heard of it before pony fanfiction.

Okay now you're just trolling.

That term has been around for a long time man.
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>I'll lie about my beliefs
>but I'll let them proselytise theirs
Ew sports. No animosity or anything, but it just ain't my thing.
Did you find this site through ponychan by any chance?
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In your dreams, no doubt.
20 push-ups 34 sit-ups and 2 miles in 20:06 for males
>20 push-ups
Yeah I couldn't make it into the military.
Go back to /r/atheism please
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Of course you're supposed to lie. Just as you lie about your power level.
Not for the military, but you think you could try as a self challenge?
we ded
Not him, and I don't know where I could start running, but yea i'd give that a shot
We need a conversation starter!


Applejack actually dislikes anal the most
I'm not from USA anyway.
but applejack doesn't even have genitals
none of the horses do


That's just how religion works man. Not a lot you can do about it.
Hello Muddah
Well military right now is a in the US is more like a merc for big business so it isn't a good idea to join them right now.

Lies! I need proof that AJ doesn't like anal.

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Well this is certainly going to get a conversation going.
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>disliking anal
I hope Rarity loves it

Hello Faddah
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:I i want to play.... i gotta kill Belial !
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This is an mlpg? So are you the guys that got kicked out of /co/? Please forgive my ignorance, I'm new to the whole pony thing.
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hey now
i'm just saying

We're stranded in sea of faggotry. Don't leave the boat.
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Which empire do you think each pony would join and what would their careers be?
>Implying STDs exist in Equestria

You must have heard wrong. We hate pony. We only stay here to meet status quo.
>hasn't heard of The Trots, The CLop, Hoof Rungs, or Saddle Brass
That may be, but it doesn't change the fact that I had never heard of it before ponies.
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More like relocated. Moot got a bunch of complaint mail (mostly from /v/) and force /b/ and /co/ branch to this sea of piss. If both generals have it their way, they would not have move to /mlp/ at all.
No, I've known of 4chan for a long time.
>mostly from /v/
>not /b/
Aren't you precious.
speak for yourself
That's just magic. They use unicorn magic to hide them from sight.
I doubt it.
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Rarity would be Amarr and have loadsaslaves

Pinkie would be Minmatar and re-invent the jump drive, letting her jump to several cynosural beacons; at the same time.

Twilight would be Caldari and just do planetary interaction all day in high-security space.

Rainbow would be out in 0.0 with the rest of the cool capsuleers, swinging her supercapital cock around before finally tiring of moon-warfare and instead stop playing. She would also be Caldari, but instead being smart and cross-training for dem sweet sweet Amarr designs.
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Honestly I find that hard to believe. From what I've seen most of 4chan hates ponies. I was fairly neutral so I didn't really mind either way.
>been on for a long time
>only just heard of grimdark

so who wants to watch the latest craze from /co/?
I'm new here so...uh...what's with all the negativity? Like, why do you guys waste so much time just hating at everything?
Also, what's a Ross and why should I dislike it?
The Trots = Diarrhea
I don't know what the others are, but I doubt they are STDs... who knows though...
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I was just kidding you know.

Everyone here but you two hates pony.
>N/A 2012
what an entitled assfag
>Equestria set in 16th century Japan,

What happens?
>I find that hard to believe
Believe it.
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I said I've known of it for a long time.
I haven't really been hanging out here actively until quite recently.
Each race starts fighting each other for the title of Shogun while Celestia watches as the events unfold.
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I would not be surprise if Celestia is Oda.
An industrial capitalized society comes in and takes over.
females are forced into a life of servitude

until 400 years later when a rivaling griffon kingdom beats them for military supremacy, forcing gender equality, and later; setting the stage for females to have a larger impact of society
>30 second ad
>Using a katana, a lifetime of discipline and honor
>Using a rifle, 6 months basic training
plus the rifle is just cooler
>20 push-ups 34 sit-ups and 2 miles in 20:06 for males
Is that really all? There must be something else? I could do that easily.

males would be the oppressed gender
Well shit I need to get a new computer and play that
nope, that's it.
are we video games
hey someone should mak a zero two horse
>Huge wall of meta shit
To be honest I don't really understand why people bother looking up the things they hate either, but you have to keep in mind is that we're a mixed bunch; whilst we do spend time facepalming at the stupider actions of the fandom, it's always the people that care strongly that are going to be audible and obvious; those that don't really care or like something bit are probably going to stay quiet, since it doesn't cause them to react strongly.
That said, threads today've had a different feel to them than usual, in addition to being unusually slow.

Ross is an artist who's made his home here, he draws weirdly unpleasant cartoony humanizations plus fat fetish pictures, insults people who try to give him criticism and generally shits up the thread whenever he's around and people don't ignore him.
Same here, but it looks satisfying to kill off a ton of charging soldiers with the pull of a trigger.
The hate is in the morning/day
really weird shit happens in the evening/nite threads
how does pone hold umbrella
I hate that hedgehog.
same way pone holds spear
I loved playing the faction that specialized in siege weaponry
By the time I unlocked the rifle samurai (which was fast) I only carried two yari peasant units as melee troopers for show.
Too bad I had to play my friend's copy since my toaster can't run Medieval 2.
Hopefully I can get a new computer this summer.
How much does a good one cost these days anyway?
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What draw, mulpug?

Man we're just dead. I think its time to take my break.
Hey, come guy posted the MLP/tg/ marker, in case anybody is into that.

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This should help a bit.
>can't run Medieval 2
me neither
Oh, fagnig's back. Anything else happen during the last week?
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>about to ask for a stream
>lyra_closeup_krabbs_a_fag has duplicate file entry
God damn it Peanus.

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which one of you dumbasses posted

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And so it begins.

Reported for DnD.
Well, thanks for the honest reply. Guess I'll have to keep looking for a place that's not too unpleasant without being overly obsessed. Though I do make it a rule not to judge people I don't meet...
Sorry for taking your time. Have a nice day.
So do you guys really take the whole "lifeboat" thing seriously? Forgive my ignorance, I quit mlpg back in January.
We're more like a cruise liner.
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Well, gents, the art stream has begun. Get in here!

The idea of a lifeboat?

The rest of the board is literally shit. This is our Bastion, our last safe haven, the final frontier.
>quit mlpg back in January
>posting with a trip
>posting with a name
>asking about the airship
I see you have forgotten everything about MLPG
Get the fuck out.
Hmm, I've still got my old computer's case
Hopefully I could afford modest or good
Though it's looking like minimum or low right now
Depends how seriously you have in mind. I think we all agree that new to the ride can stay if they aren't too much of a faggot. It's not a secret society, people abandoned us on their own accord.
>implying you lurk the piss

Seconding >>2040321 here
>not knowing etiquette
you reek of piss

Let me know if there are any better threads outside of the boat.
>lurking the piss
i'm sorry, what? YOU lurk the PISS?
what has happened to the morning threads?
Eh. I don't really care about the tripfag=contributer policy now that I'm out of mlpg.
You really should give the board a try, it's great if you avoid fluffy and bread. Tulpa has finally been purged.
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I often contribute on /mlp/. It's sad that some people just don't even try.
...but that's the opposite of what I was saying anon
Read it again
Do you even have ANY reading comprehension?
Like, at all?

>a fucking OC share and discussion thread
>a Hasbro are jews thread...which is just wrong
>a thread about the discussion of whether you openly discuss MLP with people and reveal your power level
>that bullshit 4chan football cup we want no part in but they keep trying to get us involved in
>some /tg/ thread in which someone mentioned or DnD games
>create yourself as an OC pony and post it
>another /b/read


it's still shit and you're terrible
/mlp/ is to far gone to be saved anon. It isn't worth it. They don't want to be saved.
Those who resent it and have the will to fight either leave or join the boat. But /mlp/? There's no sense in trying.
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Why aren't you drinking bleach?

We're waiting for you here in Equestria!
>that bullshit 4chan football cup we want no part in but they keep trying to get us involved in
>When there's the hockey world cup going on
I try the drawthreads occasionally.

No one cares about hockey

You watching the game at the moment?
>Caring about the world cup after Sweden lost to the Czechs
hockey is ogre
To be honest, I hoping MLPG and bread own the board by the end the summer. The only other acceptable thread is the drawthread.

Just have to be tough about them babby cup fag. I amd sure every other thread do not even take part of that but just a few kids there in each of their respected board.
All I ever see the oc threads do is shit on oc. As I said before, ignore the bread.
>implying the threads would be any better if the board belonged only to mlpg
See, this is why everyone thinks you're terrible. Enjoy your


More people care about hockey than handegg.
Get the fuck out, honestly.
>want everyone flooding in MLPG.

Lesser evil but they are needed.
yea I went back and read it. then I went back to what i was quoting and I still don't understand why I have to get the fuck out because >implying I lurk the piss
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Ponies all night... need sleep...
There are some okay news threads sometimes, and honest they're better for discussion than here a lot of the time
>Thinking football=handegg
>Calling others murrkans
Why are you even here?

You can't even >greentext midsentence and expect us to believe you ever went to MLPG? Just go already.

I didn't say that. As far as I know murrikans don't care about soccer either so I went for the one they do seem to care about.
I take it you are still angry that they kick you out of /v/ for spamming that place with ponies. I am amaze you are not in the crosshair of the mod like rainbowcrash.
>can't greentext midsentence
>implying we care about the opinions of piss dwellers

Hahahahah holy shit
This is a perfect example of why you don't try the piss. It consumes you. Look at this faggot

Good riddance
I've never been to America in my life.
You singled yourself out from the collective "we/our" of us in the lifeboat, and our views on the piss

What the fuck do you expect everyone to think?
We are without a doubt the most autistic fanbase ever
Well, there was an amusing captions thread and a pretty good thread about the show in multiple languages yesterday...
You JUST figured this out NOW?
Grass is always greener etc
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>People actually feeling proud of being able to greentext mid-sentence
>about the show in multiple languages yesterday...
Ehhh, we've done that in here far too often for me to find it funny any more

And captions threads are never amusing
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dash would suicide gank twilight in hulkageddon, because she's a dumb carebear and forgot to fit a tank

Took you long enough.
Not proud, but it's a clear indicator of someone either being relative new to 4chan in general, but especially to MLPG since we do it so much with >fanon etc all the time
I did actually
I deluded myself into thinking the sonic fandom was worse or whatever but it fucking isn't

I'm part of something very awful

This isn't even all that bad
Cease_ what do you think of Liquid DnB?
It's annoying when people do it on purpose. Makes you look like a tryhard.
>having we/our in the airship
there are times where a group effort or attitude is acceptable, but you do not cultivate this >we bullshit that will consume MLPG

Fucking hulkageddon. Faggots killed my mining bot while I was on vacation. Week's worth of mining time, wasted.
what was i going to do again?
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oh, I'm sorry for having been rate.
I've been at loss with drawing his composition.
thanks for your giving request always.
here,request of "Braeburn".
I'm not "big" on it so to speak but I do enjoy it
That looks great
I love you japanon
Not proud, it's just a basic skill.
Dam that nice. Good job!
>oh, I'm sorry for having been rate
Oh japananon, I bet you talk like that to all the girls
That's really cute
>playing eve afk
i'll assume you will never be making that mistake again

also, protip, get an overlay edit which goes DING whenever someone else lands on grid
Yeah, I admit it, I never bothered to. Don't really care enough. Was it done by spoiler tags or something?
Seriously though, I used to love you guys back on /co/, but you're a shell of your former selves. You look down on /mlp/ for supposedly low quality threads, but look at this one. Look at yourselves. Can you really tell me that this thread isn't shit? You told a guy about 40k and then proceeded to rehash your old memes. That's all these threads are now and that's all they will be until a new episode airs just like /mlp/. Arguing with me will be this thread's only remotely memorable moment.
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Oh u
We need to have a we or our attitude with the lifeboat, lest we have piss dwellers

Damn, that's a shame. I'm trying to nail your musical tastes. Fill me in?
How can ponies hold guns

>sorry for having been rate

Japanon, you crack me up. Nice job as always.
Piss pls leave

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Is there such thing as well-made anthro?
It is.
I love you and your english.
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Woah woah woah look who is talking.
Holy shit you're as bad as Trixiepolice. Get the fuck out

Of course the thread quality is going to take a small dive. It's hiatus time.

Actually you know what? Do whatever you like. Stay if you want. Just shut the fuck up
there is exactly one image
that leopard chick, at a bar, pouring a drink between her legs.
Paging all darfs

Is there a darf in the building
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the only >we that's needed is the number of singular posts that occur agreeing or disagreeing to any particular thing
▲ ▲

This is also a "basic skill". Understand?

Yes. That's not it.
What does that have to do with anything?
personally it's that doe, in a pool in the forest presenting herself
Ignore Cheshire , lunafag being a retard again. Does this all the time like the retard did in /v/.

Apparently, you cannot into triforce.
Oh god... I wasn't ready to see that. Woah...
Newfagz cant >grentext LOL!111!!!
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now posting trixie
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And anyone who disagrees obviously goes into the piss

I don't see how you're not getting this
jesus christ how horrifying
If you like ponies, then yes.
Is anthro still against the rules?
Really bro? So the board is shit because it sucks while on hiatus, but mlpg's shit don't stink for the same reason? Hypocrisy.
Seriously, you will all fall to bread levels soon, check yo self before you wreck yo self.
I presume he's referring the how "can't greentext midsentence" and "newfags can't triforce" , express a similar mentality.
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derpy can't triforce
what the heck situation
>he didn't read my post
fucking 10/10
I just said that the thread quality takes a small dive during hiatus

The difference is we counter that by producing a fuckton more content until the shows up
Why don't you just
you know
leave MLPG if you think it's that bad?
Don't give me that >boredom shit either.
We didn't say the board was shit on hiatus. We said the board was shit.
Okay, NOW I'm interested.

Can someone post links, please?
Although i don't really think they fully represent my tastes I guess you could check out my last.fm charts or something

basically i like 2deep4u bullshit and bleep bloops
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>we produce a fuckton of content

Oh please. MLPG hardlly produces any content at all any more.
>The difference is we counter that by producing a fuckton more content until the shows up
We do?
I like bleepity bloops, but 2deep4u shit is pleb tier.

We have over 50 people contributing something write now. I think it was over 50 at last count
You know what I meant
We sure as hell contribute more then the entire /mlp/ board on its own
Because I already left. Learn some reading comprehension. I popped in now because there isn't much to do on the board anyway just like in this thread , hence "boredom"
>Oh please. MLPG hardlly produces any content at all any more.
Its like you we never here in the MLPG at all!
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Sounds like it's just 2deep4u

>not listening to recordings of ice melting
confirmed pleb
Ye... we kinda do. Anon always had best ideas in here.

at least we don't do this
I seriously doubt that.
And yet here you are. Why not go to /v/?

Oh wait, they kick you out for being a faggot!
>not listening to exclusively fridge-core
Back to the mainstream culture, faggot. I bet you like Radiohead too
>50 people spending weeks of organizing to make 50 fanworks

But 50 fanworks ain't shit. That's my point. If you think 50 fanworks is a lot of content, then you don't know shit.
We're doing that friend-off thing
All those artists and writefags producing so much content in...two weeks?
You didn't leave. You're here right now.
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Om nom universe.
>tripfagging for no reason
Yes, we are becoming bread, and YOU are bringing us down there.
>Arguing with me will be this thread's only remotely memorable moment.
You seriously overestimate yourself. By next day, only the archieve will remember this shitty thread.
>so much content

that isn't much content at all. Go to ponibooru and fimfiction, there's probably twice as much that gets posted every single day.

What does infinite space taste like?
Except the quality of that content is usually top-tier, with our contributors at least.

Been talking to a fair few of the participants too - they aren't exclusively working on the friend off stuff. For example, Jr is finishing another picture before he starts on TAWs, and now that TAW is done he's back to writing
I still regularly post on /v/, with my name, tripcode and avatar. I just needed some >mlpg in my life.
Hahahahahaa holy shit, get the fuck out.
>our contributors have better quality

bullshit, you're as bad as everybody else, and you're very unproductive
Compared to the rest of the board, I beg to differ unless you count the tons of fluffy pone shitty edits as content worth noting
> that feel when no fucking respond

what a bunch of faggots
Hey speaking of content, have a teaser for the clopfic I'm writing. Also, stop arguing over petty shit.

She glances over at your laptop. So she might have written more than that within the first two hours, but what you have is still fairly impressive. A reward is in order, she says. A bolt of electricity jolts up your spine as you suddenly feel her hand snaking its way up your thigh. Whoa girl, not here. This is the library. There are people here. She lets out one of those coy giggles that lets you know that she's not only horny, but devilishly so. That's the point, remember? Your mind flashes back to the time she confessed that she really, really wanted to do it in public. Then a flashback to the time where she convinced that fashion designer friend of hers to have a threesome with the two of you. Oh shit, you owe her, don't you?
>Go to ponibooru
You mean the place where they take every art from everywhere without the artist's consent and paste them there?

Many Writer here are from there.

Even if it's /v/, you're a giant faggot.
Yeah no.
Okay, come back whenever you feel like it.
>you're very unproductive
Of course I am - I don't contribute diddly squat

I still stand by my statement. I find our drawfags, like Rose, Tess and Jr for example, as some of my favourite drawfags
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>Not mainstream as fuck

>Not listening exclusively to albums made out of nothing but the heartbeats of dying cancer patients
>This thread
And I can't escape because Blizzard jerked off onto their servers.
Hey man check out this folder for all ur furry needs

C:\Cool Filez\uber Art\dA pIc.jpeg
Dinofag's pic was posted already, and I deleted mine along with all my porn awhile back. gotta start new every now and then
>Not listening to Post-chocotaco
Oh god, I bet you listen to Disturbed too.
Was for

Like I said, this is a one time thing.
Does anyone have any drawing requests?

I know that feel
How much do you miss epik dubz?
>Rose contributes a lot and sometimes she posts her anonymously, therefore we get to claim her as credit

Nice stretch in defending a shitty thread


Shut up. http://grooveshark.com/s/Sundancer/44y4YN?src=5
>Not listening to the breakages in the imaginative consciousness of the universe
>not considering Rose as an MLPG drawfag
Are you fucking serious?

She's here every day
Best pony making clothes
There are people who come to MLPG that produce stuff, but I'm not sure what MLPG itself produces anymore.

It's a subtle difference, but just because a artist posts here doesn't mean they belong to us.
Applebloom being adorable
>implying there's ever enough dicks
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Lyra in a German 19th century uniform
>not worst
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Gee, I see you guys are still excellent at not ignoring shitty tripfags. I guess, you actually like the guy and just keep giving him more reasons to stay here and keep replying.
I woke up with a bunch of MLP fanfics that I don't remember writing.

I guess MLPG could take credit for that.
Rainbow Dash can't make clothes
>Yellowquiet making dresses
Not much, but I like your trips. Enjoy your elitism as your thread stagnates and you cry yourself to sleep. I am disappoint, mlpg. You used to be better than this.
You were drunk, but don't worry if you writing gone, its saved in the archive.
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Spoiler Image, 1.05 MB
You will never be fucked in your mare-vagina by your sister with her horse strap-on.
What is it with autistic fucks thinking that being meta about meta shit is helping lately?
I don't think it was very good, to be honest. Only the Chrysalis bit was worth polishing up, but I still don't feel like doing it.
>you used to be better than this

That was a long, long time ago, and those days are never coming back.

Mostly because all the top-tier contributors are long gone.
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You're pathetic
>used to be better than this
there can only be one thread that starts everything
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>Metal of the power kind
Countering with metal of the good kind
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>this thread
>the morning threads
I'm going to say that this will be the first time Leth's report will have a low morale
So guys what if we talked about ponies
Okay so here's a small exercise
What combo of three ponies would you like to have an episode and why.
CMC together or two main cast and a cmc are also acceptable.
>not Dio

do u evn metal?
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dio is only metal
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1.4 MB
>Not digging power metal of the Freelancer quality

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6 KB
>Not dio
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filly Rarity, filly Cherilee, and filly Applejack
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cute pone
Panka, Dash and Rarity.
It would be >fun
Vigil, please go
Pinkie Pie Bon-Bon and Lyra
S1 Rarity, S2 Rarity, S2 Rarity Noir
Big Mac, Shining Armor, and Pinkie
Dash Rarity and Twilight
but better than Dragon Quest
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It makes sense
Filly Twilight trained to learn magic. And she's the best in Ponyville.
She's the best to teach Sweetie
Bonus points if Rarity is also getting training. SHUT UP THEY SAID THAT THEY TRADE SPELLS. IT MAKES SENSE
Alright, gotta go as I'm a faggot who actually works on Sundays. Enjoy your >rape and >fanon (special greentext just for you.)
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>Shining Armor
Holy shit it is you vigil.
Go work at your shitty restaurant faggot
>yfw Romance Reports is 352 google docs pages long
Holy shit I dread to think what FO:E is
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Dash and Fluttershy learning Scootaloo how to fly
more than 1200 if I remember correctly. Project Horizons is more than 1500 by my estimation
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Oh god what the fuck
If time isn't an issue, is it actually worth reading?
500K+ words man
Now that's an odd combination. Why those three?
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>That Dexter's Lab time travel movie
>But with Rarity and alternate universes version
It depends. I'm not going to say you should read it, but if that's your sort of thing, it can be a little distraction when you aren't doing anything at work or something for a couple of weeks.
I just want a big brother episode. One focusing on male characters would be interesting, IMO. Pinkie's in there because she's Pinkie and Pinkie owns.

Or maybe I want to see a threesome with them. Nah, scratch that.

Actually, my dream episode would be focused on Big Mac where he goes about his day, doing his boring daily chores. The usual plot of a crazy episode is happening around him, but the viewer only gets to see unconnected bits and pieces from his perspective. It's up to the audience to actually piece together what's going on as he just 'eeeeyups' his way through. But that's way too complex for a kid's show.
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>Just finish watching Redline


>What combo of three ponies would you like to have an episode and why.
I would like to see the interaction with AJ, Twilight, and Fluttershy and see how this turns out.
I like the second idea a lot
Okay so besides normal Rarity what other versions of Rarity would we have?
My nigga.
I hope we see Rainbow Dash's earth pony parents in season 3
Huh, dunno how I forgot my trip on that one.

Also, just going to throw out that I'm a TwiMac shipper.
Shit, I'm so jealous. Still waiting on a stream. Two people have promised one now
Faust said so
I don't think she's a golem.
I can tell you right now that the wait for the stream is definitely worth it!

What the hell is Redline?
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So apparently, Ponibooru got fucked up big time.
I can stream right now if you want

it might not be in good quality though
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162 KB
Man I loved that movie a lot
>that muscle Dexter
>that old Dexter
> ask what redline is
> the answer is youtube link

What happened?
>What is a trailer?
>Animated by hand.
>Colored by Computer.
Wow, I'm so impressed
Word cannot describe how great this movie is. Its better to watch the trailer.
Redline is a film you need to watch in high quality sadly

Don't quite know. Went there last night, Ponibooru didn't at least the whole week's recently uploaded pictures, only remembering back to the 13th this month. I almost clicked the site's link this morning when my browser said "this site may be compromised".
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Fucker meant colored digitally you fuckass

Not a huge animu fan but hot damn that looks good.
Obviously I know that
I was just copying the quote
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Why aren't you drawing?
Reu pls draw me pone
They recently moved the whole database and started using cloudflare
It should work now
>Started using cloudflare
Because I'm just not. Why aren't you?
Shit. I've been up too long because my ability to detect sarcasm has broken and is reading false positives.
What is wrong with Big Mac's face?
All I can think of is the whipping young adult Dexter scene.
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because thats not my special talent as if i had any
I'm procrastinating.
Oh, ahah. Yeah I'm genuinely impressed, no sarcasm
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Why aren't you ravaging Diamond Tiaras chocolate cave?
He's been

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because shes not real ;_;

stop giving me >feels with these questions
Because she's fictional
I prefer NMM's liquorice cave.
because I'm watching Redline again
I'm learning for an exam
Well like that anon said Noir Rarity. But we need conflict so we'll need maybe teenage rebel Rarity? Also the forth member will be a G3-like Rarity.
Now the problem is what adventure are they on
How about a different sort of >feel?

>you will never be a little filly
>you will never devise crazy schemes with your friends to find your talents
>you will never spend long summer afternoons running around Ponyville
>you will never run giggling past Sugar Cube Corner and be given a treat by Pinkie Pie
>you will never hug your other filly friends and spend the entire night in your treehouse, telling ghost stories and eating candy
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Mortals such as yourself would not completely understand.
I've already done my duty. you get it?
Is this a series or just full-length animated movie?
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it hurts
It's a movie.
You mean her bum, right?
I remember when someone said they wished we had a D&D game that lasts for more than 3 sessions.
Well that got done on friday. So whoever said that back when, thanks for the motivation.

So in the aftermath of that, does anyone have more suggestions for improvement on the rules side? Right now the only things I'm missing are a few multiclasses and alternative "old" gods for pre-discordian times.
Maybe I could make a monster manual of some kind...
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>Implying I'm mortal.
>Monster manual
S1 Wintry Weathered
S1 Water Soaked
S1 pruny hoof
S1 Frazzled
S2 Discorded
S2 Melodramatic
S2 mud covered
S2 Noir
S2 Water Weathered
S2 Battle Ready
S2 Battle Worn
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>monster manual
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Are you just pretending to be retarded?
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>monster manual
Yes please.
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Rarity has a lot of looks.
I almost resorted to begging for players just last night.
Of course I'm not DM but still
But most of them don't even make sense
S1 pruny hooves? The only diference are her hooves
It's funny because I ran two new players only games, one of those guys made it into the finale and I broke the usual 6 player limit to let one more new guy join the finale game.
I had to let veteran players into one of the "new players only" ones because I couldn't get enough people
Then stop assuming things, he already ran two quests with new players.
Any fat Diamond Tiara requests?
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ive made a horrible misteak
Eh they actually let other people in. Heck, I was in one of the session when it happen. It was interesting and fun.

Of course, time of these game is ALWAYS in the bad time for many would-be players, hence a usual shortage and teh player are usually the same.
and having pruny hooves won't make a difference on her overall character?

so you're saying if Rarity with pruny hooves were to be dropped into any episode featuring Rarity she would be exactly the same?
derpy is a very ugly pony
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im going to need more bleach for this one
It should be more like the show

It's 2serious right now. We should be getting up to wacky lighthearted adventures, not fighting old gods etc
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I see your Neutronium Golem and raise you a Nexus Dragon.
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What if Flim and Flam were sleeper agents with technology? Changelings!
That would be cool
>The Cutie Mark Crusaders run into your house
>Quick, roll to determine the destruction they cause!

Shit example, but you get the gist of it
I guess I'm just bad at lighthearted adventures and prefer to look at the underlying implications of things seen in the show, then use those to justify my grimdark OC circlejerks.
All of the ponies are. All of them.
No no, by all means the current ones are pretty cool - much more similar to actual DnD

But one that is more heavily show based could be cool too, if you are able to spin it that way
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Little Apple being adorable, done!
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>Gargillian(...), who wields a nexus dragon like a whip
>Wields a Nexus Dragon like a whip
Thanks for the stream
>draws that masterpiece
>still no cutie mark

>High Cosmic tier D&D.rtf
Would you spank a naughty pony?
Clog AJ's shitty toilet with your bare hooves.
It's all about the DM.
Anyone can run an Adventure in the DnD system.
Any more requests?


Yes, I'd spank Trixie pretty hard.
pones as ants
Pony Replica forces.
Sorry Nosso, I was the Anon that was too slow making a character when DM had them going into the Forest of Illusion; had some troubles that left me without internet access on Saturday.
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>that feel when no cutie mark
Not quite anyone. From those I've spoken to, it is pretty hard to do

I see your point though. It would be nice if someone stepped up to run what I suggested. Script has the more serious one great right now
Only for you, Reu.

violence is not the way

calmly explain what he/she did wrong and tell her to rethink his/her actions
Reu pls draw me pone
pls reu
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I can't
but what if they wanted you to spank them
who are you talking to?
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>that ship

File deleted.
/b/ is a place for smart people to act stupid.

Reddit is a place for stupid people to act smart.
>/b/ is a place for smart people to act stupid.
Hey, know your place. He is suppposed to draw me Celest ;_;
Poultron pls go
Reddit completely believes what the shit they're saying.

/b/ is a place for people to blow steam off by saying shit.
The average /b/ user has the intelligence of a mouthbreathing gorilla
/b/ is full of genuine idiots
why does every pre-2005 picture of furry porn look like it was colored with crayon
Still higher than 90% of the people who use Reddit
>calling me Poultron
Reu, why.

If I pretend to be Poultron will you draw me pone?
That stopped being true years ago
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have you brushed your horses today mlpg
Well, that's a given.
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Oh Megasweet you!
Hey, I just finished a clopfic. Second person with Twilight, humanized public sex. Anyone want to check it out?

>dat Twilight

W-who the fuck plays vidya like that
>that chair Celestia is sitting on

It's like she's sitting in front of it or something
Why does that Twilight make me so hard?
will you ever do rape?
I want a clopfic where Celestia and Twilight end up fucking while playing Battletoads.

What's wrong with me?
Does anyone know those weird anime pictures of forced brushing? Where the girl is overpowered by some faceless guy and is having her teeth raped with a tooth brush unwillingly? I imagine that with this pony
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How much are these genuine idiots worth, in ref?
>not hovering in front of your chairs
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perspective is a tool for lesser artists, not meant for the great gods that are megasweet and jj
If I ever met a girl like either of these two, I'd probably marry them
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Probably not. I could do a couple roleplaying rape, but I have hangups about rape itself that would preclude me from writing about it.
I did add a small DM guide into 0.11
I just don't really know what to say in a guide like that. I do my thing in a way that feels natural to me, so trying to tell how it works is both really hard and most likely really pointless.
>It's me trying to explain how to come up with conversion ideas all over again
I suck at spotting poor perspective. Can someone outline what I'm looking for in this picture?
btards don't even know about other boards and even if they do, anything below 3 pages of new threads every second is "dead board" for them. /b/ is fucking retarded, it's frequented by underages, moralfags lollejuun save teh kitten and sodarkandedgy "they post teh cepeez and gore on 4hen im so hardcore and nerdy xD" idiots. Usually all three.
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>Hahahaha, he doesn't hover!
>Oh god, I bet he still WALKS!
I like this
look at all that copy pasting
>being married to both human Twilight and Celestia

What fresh hell that would be
The speaker. Do you only have one eye?
Why did that Lyra make me laugh?
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Poor Celestia.
Oh, sorry, he talks exactly like that
who are you then
at least the pony is p cool nahmean
>"I guess I was only looking mainly at Scratch"
>"This speaker doesn't look too bad, what is this anon saying"
>look again

The perspective in MS's pic looks fine to me, Ross. Find a better red herring to bitch about.
What the fuck is that shit?
shut the fuck up cease or post scratch that I haven't seen
joke's on you I've seen it all
Just some non-contributing anon who likes pone
It doesn't matter, you love me enough to draw pone, right?
>Someone criticizes something
>It must be Ross
Look at Celestia's chair
Learn what a red herring is before posting
Saved, will give a read later.
Okay, now that I'm in a super cloppy mood, please suggest what I work on next:

1. Dominant Spitfire making a rookie Soren fuck her in the shower after a show
2. Celestia being gangbanged on the beach by the royal guards to demonstrate how sex works to Luna
3. ??? (Suggest your own!)

Remember, I'm PWA. Humanized only.
So, how should I format the Monster Manual then? Something like this?
-how huge it is
-wat it looks like
-notable skills

>High Tier monster
>A massive bear constructed from immaterial starstuff. It has great tusks longer than several ponies combined and a mass relatable to a large building.
>Skill: Supreme Bear - bears see Ursa Majors as living gods, and thus cannot attack them without having their alignment change to Chaotic Evil.
>Skill: Supermassive Collapse - the swirling, unstable energies that help the Ursa Major retain shape are very volatile. If slain, an Ursa Major will explode as the energy is released, leaving no corpse behind as it becomes one with the cosmos.
>1. Dominant Spitfire making a rookie Soren fuck her in the shower after a show
which pone is your best pone
Celestia's chair is fine. It's facing the viewer. Twilight's chair is pushed up to it at an angle. Learn to use your eyes, Ross. It will make you a better artist.
>2. Celestia being gangbanged on the beach by the royal guards to demonstrate how sex works to Luna

Weren't you already working on that? Finish it!
>2. Celestia being gangbanged on the beach by the royal guards to demonstrate how sex works to Luna
Hasn't this been done by someone? Wait, wasn't it you?

I'd like something similar to 1. Spitfire is a sexy pone, but sub/dom isn't my thing. Anything with Spitfire though...
teenage 80s cheerilee goes to a party, someone gives her cocaine, ends up fucking a lotta dudes.

>Choose between really hot option 1 or really hot option 2
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Spoiler Image, 498 KB
Have you seen this awful shit?
Or something with Fluttershy
Do you have that short one with her as a cheerleader
Pinkie of course!
Poultron pls go
More specifically, look at Celestia and that chair
It's the next chapter in the story. First chapter had Celestia cockteasing a single guard who got rewarded with anal sex with Luna in the end.

Nobody ever caught onto the joke with his name, "Ferrous Tip". :(
It would be terrible. Twilight would be completely awkward and subservient to the older Celestia who she still looks up to as a mentor, but is now in this weird three was relationship.

Celestia would be nice, but would naturally take charge in most situations as a born leader.

And you're stuck in the middle, being the one that has tied the two together.
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What happens if a pone tattoos over their cutie mark?
I'm not Poultron but he seems like a guy with good taste

If you are going to draw me super cute pone pls do then maybe Panka and Gummy?

I'd appreciate it
that sounds good
maybe add in the number of rolls/crits you'd need to bring it down?
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aside from all the terrible cosplays
The ink falls off
Nothing would be my guess, since shaving their marks off didn't really affect Snips and Snails either.
It's not anything particularly sub/dom. It's just that Spitfire's the captain and Soren's the rookie, so she takes the lead.
No, but apparently I have this Fluttershy bondage piece lying around.
>It's not sub/dom.
4/10 would read and fap but would be disappointed.
got redline
2,85Bg BDrip
thanks guys
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284 KB
Slutty mares best mares
yes lets play skrillex and fuk pls scratch
>tfw you like Skrills
Droppin dat bass yo

Enjoy it, it's good!
>not listening to skrillex with scratch, because that's the dumb shit she likes
I'm still preferenced to rape, but if you have a problem with it, no worries.
My penis is saying "thank you PWA", that was really great.
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>Consenting sex
Nigga do you even pone
>not any future garage
Damn nigga that's kawaii
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228 KB
And that goes along well with metal's fic.
Aww, thanks. I do it for the fans

Though for some reason, I feel like that story has a feminine spin to it. Not sure why.
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Hehe I like this guy
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>Not LK's fic
Posting this on /mu/ is so much fun

Speaking of high pitched voices and reverb Swarms released a new EP that I conveniently uploaded to mediafire here catch

I feel so bad for skrillex
I bet he fucking hates his fans so much
Why would you post pony porn on /mu/?
>bleeps and bloops
Why not? You could probably pass it off as an album cover anyway.
Hey I just found this black plastic microphone that works way better than I thought it would! But you said most people have headphone microphones or something? Headset? I have this xbox360 headset but it doesn't work with this computer. You get those from the store? I never notice them there. Do you do buy things like headphones online, something like that I don't know if I would trust to buy online without knowing I liked them
Why the fuck wouldn't I?

Oooh, thank you
Cease_ you have given me many interesting things to listen to over the past five or six months
I wish I was a boring enough person to care about music.
>having a passionate threesome with human Twilight and Celestia
>taking Celestia doggy style, each powerful thrust driving her forward, making her ample breasts slap against herself
>Twilight sitting on her teacher's butt, facing you so that you can intimately kiss her and using your hands to get her going
On the contrary, people who DON'T care about music are boring motherfuckers.
Call me crazy, but a threesome with Celestia and Twilight just involve a lot of pegging in my head.
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Extreme ironing

Here have some of the heaviest shit ever
But she's sopping wet and begging for it. With all the heat discussion, I'd have thought that was right up MLPG's ally.
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I'm just going to say it here, these greentext "fics" are lazy as fuck. They shouldn't be considered real fiction (and this comes from a guy who's ashamed that he writes fanfiction).
When doing commissions, should you ask to be paid upfront or after?
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I just listen to oldies all day and the whole 'entry level' concept /mu/ uses is stupid, if it sounds good then listen to it
my favorite group is the scissor sisters
god damn it
I'm never going to finish listening to this fucking playlist I made a week ago if you keep giving me shit to listen to
fuck off Cease_ I hate you you've ruined my life and forced me to buy better headphones
I always ask for after, so I can more easily include postage.
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1.5 MB
>People posting their bad music
He's actually right, greentext stories are great and everything but it's an easy/lazy way to write something.
It fulfills its purpose
Could I bother anyone on skype to message me for something unrelated? Artist preferred, needing critiques
None of the people who actually like music think less of you for that.

wtf is this?
>any headphones
>better than Roccat Kave
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28 KB

>entry level is stupid

It's a way for hipsters to pick out the mainstream hipsters.
I don't deny it, I love greentext stories, but it's not the same than a well written fanfic.
>not sitting down on your favorite recliner or chair, while Celestia and Twilight mouth fight over your dick.
>Eventually they get tired of fighting for it and start kissing each other with your erection sandwiched in between thier mouths
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what a delicious looking pony

also if any of you stumble across Tutti Frutti Holiday don't fucking but it it's pig disgusting 2/10 at best vomit.wav gross trust me on this

>not finishing listening to music
God damn I envy you
I am constantly looking for new music
I'm stacked up on so much shit to listen to now though
Fucking days of Boris for example

Have some Iqbit

As long as you keep an open mind listen to whatever the fuck nahmean

That's C posting about art or someshit
She's a super cute french girl with great taste in IDM.

have you heard Blakes earlier stuff like CMYK? so much better than his self titled, highly recommend it
Greentext is easy. Easy to write, easy to read.

They still leave me unfulfilled, regardless of which side I'm on.
I'm going to make an inverted square graph that shows that the more people that like a particular group, the shittier it is and post it on /mu/
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2.17 MB
>Mainstream hipsters
Greentext, being a simplified method of getting the same amount of information across, is the natural evolution of prose in the more fast-moving world of communication brought on by the internet era.
Much like we can no longer afford to wait for every book to be hand-copied by monks, soon we can no longer afford the time wasted by verbose writing.
Or, in shorter terms
>not greentexting
>unga bunga me make cave painting to tell story
>it better than words, words too easy

That's cute and pretty funny. I too like that guy now.
Read: Pitchfork worshipers
That's not pegging at all, but I still endorse it.
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It's not hot without some tears of terror and a life in shambles.

I bought some fucking Sennheiser 439s
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We /mu/ now? Post what you're listening to right now.

>that feel when starred items playlist on Spotify is ten days long
We should do something like that picture in the future
lolsoindie band:

This thread is so bad I might as well ask. What's that cover from?
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I have GOFAST music because I am alt-tabbing to play my demon hunter on diablo 3

My monk is taking a break on hell for now, elites are the hardest part of the game
I'm douwnloading the thing cease posted because all I know about music is from 60s 70s 80s 90s, nothing new at all
Boku no Pico - ITAOTS
I don't have a link to it
But it's the diamond dogs song that eurobeat guy did with lyrics
I'm gonna catch shit from this but
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> sides moving
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76 KB
Ugh, fine.


Feel free to laugh at me now.
>Dat boost of popularity after Metro 2033
I'm okay with it

It's pretty good

Don't know the feel

>Fucking kid dakota
10/10 album i fucking LOVE LOVE LOVE So Pretty
Have you heard his other albums? Not as good but still quality

mfw wallreplying
Wait, aren't the servers down?
I'm no artist, but what exactly do you need?
>not knowing ITAOTS
do you even love jesus christ?
Hi butterscotch!
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
It's a good album, but it's also a /mu/ meme. It's not for everybody, but a lot of /mu/tants like it.
My Bloody Radiohead Collective - Lift Your Bloody Dark Twistsed Fists to the Merriweather Post Hospice Over the Sea
>that feel when having them both laying on their backs, with you kneeling between them
>using both your hands, one pleasing each of the
>the two of them using all their hands to please you
Just a quick look over, critique of this unrelated pictures.

Spoiled out of politeness. Sorry about this, not sure where to go to.
Not really digging this so far; I'm up to smokestack. Someone linked it in a sharethread.
draw more Katia
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I'm sitting in the auction house right now buying shit
I'd offer to help if I had skype

Thanks. I've seen it around but I don't listen to a lot of music or go to /mu/ so it's been a mystery to me for a long time.
Then it's probably only for yurop
Fucking Blizzard
Got steam? He's sitting in the chat
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>I liked it before it became maaaaainstream

>Not liking Beard: The Band
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The Broken note thing might be too much for you if that's the one you're talking about
Get this or something instead, much more easy on the ears it even has vocals

Oh alright
It grew on my immensily and now it's one of my favourite albums ever
I listened to it a lot when I hit rock bottom so I associate it with depression which I like for some reason

I can't into this kind of music
Anyway, we /mu/ now.

>that background image
It still rustles my jimmies that Moe just ripped those mountains right from that Bob Ross video
holy shit this is the least flippery thing I've seen him draw
Try this, Cease?
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>TFW I'm in Yurop and am playing on the Murka servers
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I definitely prefered this, which was posted in the same sharethread.

Feels like a large black man making sweet love to you, or so I imagine.
>Tutti Frutti
>inte Gott och Blandat
alright hold yer horses
Contributing is more fun when you do it with friends.

Anyone wanna help me compile a list of monsters seen and mentioned in FiM for the Monster Manual?
Also I thought about using tiers to indicate a general power level, along the lines of
>God Tier - Ha ha plot devices
Dragon (ancient)
>High Tier - powerful beings which most would regard as incredibly difficult if not impossible to overcome
Ursa Major
Dragon (mature)
>Mid Tier - noteworthy monsters that should only be faced with the right tools and a good plan
Ursa Minor
Dragon (young)
>Low Tier - bigger and scarier things that can take more beating
>Weak Tier - things most adventurers can confidently take on
is that the same Orchid that did Chaos is Me? Doesn't sound like it

It's alright.
I'm not much for that "obviously electronic sound with female vocals and pendulum drums" if you catch my drift?
Try this, it's one of my favourite DnB tracks ever. Probably because it makes me think of the depths of the ocean and I have thalassophobia and shit

Gott & Blandat is peasant-tier
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Okay, in case the questers from yesterday are here, I'm gonna continue our adventure in an hour.

I'll post the link then.
Buffalo, Gryphons, Water serpents?
What about alicorns?
Probably have parasprites as a weak tier hoard mob -so they might go down super fast but there is a LOT of them, and they are highly annoying becuase thye like to eat your supplies
So parasprites are rust demons?
Draw something
who am i looking for?
Plot devices.

If you're referring to the screamo band Orchid, no it's not the same band.
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>Not liking Clutch
You should probably just kill yourself.

>Sigur Ròs - Hjartao Hamast
Yeah I was referring to them
Well that clears up a lot

What'd you think of the new Sigur Ros album?
by the way, I'm halfway through So Pretty now and it's definitely growing on me.
Don't forget about the Cockatrice from Stare Master (mid tier monster easily)

Hope the party remembers to get up on his back.
Quarry eels?
On the like third listen you'll love it fully
I fucking love how the guitar explodes at some parts and the drums are drowning in the distortion and those hopeless vocals on top it's just so good awugh

Okay I'll stop discussing music in MLPG now this has gotten way outta hand
It's good man. I've recently started getting back into DnB and Liquid DnB. Could use a few recommended artists? I'm entry level pleb tier, although Indivision is driving me nuts right now
Updates for one and all. Keep 'em comings, I'll try to remember more as I go along as well.

>God Tier - Ha ha plot devices
Dragon (ancient)
Changeling (Broodmother)
>High Tier - powerful beings which most would regard as incredibly difficult if not impossible to overcome
Ursa Major
Dragon (mature)
Water Serpent
>Mid Tier - noteworthy monsters that should only be faced with the right tools and a good plan
Ursa Minor
Dragon (young)
>Low Tier - bigger and scarier things that can take more beating
>Weak Tier - things most adventurers can confidently take on
Parasprite swarm
Changeling (base form)
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when's the next open game?
i have a character idea which will be gr8
There is a squid in the lake when the CMC were swimming underwater.
And diamond dogs.
When are ancient dragons mentioned?
But there's no boat for /mu/ :(

We (the collective we) mismanaged /mu/ and now all that's left is feels and the occasional sharethread.
What about normal liches?
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I was gonna say something abotuthe Super Mario Eels. Those would be highly dangerous creatures to pass by
Can I have MSM's full name please?
Somebody suggest a two-man team in a party that comprimised of a pony carrying a cannon on his back and the other pony being his loader and spotter. That sounds cool.
To be honest I enjoy discussing music with you guys more than /mu/ I think

As I said earlier I know jack shit about the genre but I know many people enjoy Netsky if you haven't heard him already
In fact just listen to anything from Hospital Records and you're set
Oh god MLPG I think I think [spoiler]I'm finally free

Quarry eels are still the most horrifying creatures in the show, even though they were on screen for like two seconds. I can't believe how badass they look for a children's show.
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It's not out on Spotify yet, but I'll give it a listen.

>Jònsi will never release another album

It hurts to live

Well sport, ya fucked up pretty good.
>>2042312 here
let's listen to some music without shitting up the boat any more
what make you think think that?
Good calls
In my game.
That's really more of a template added to a character than a separate monster, at least the way I run them. Being a lich means you get to come back from death every few days (as long as your phylactery is safe) but you gain no real other powers. You probably were a notable spellcaster to begin with if you became one. You do gain the benefits of not feeling pain and not needing to eat though, like any undead would.
stop talking
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Don't forget about the exsistance of Phoeninxes (although they all seem to be trolling assholes)
Anyone please?
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I really enjoyed his solo album
was kinda weird with the english lyrics though
dat icelandic accent
Francis McDougal
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Here you go.
You know, following in the same vain of Ursa Major, why not have creatures of all the constellations/the zodiac?

Giant poisonous star scorpion? That'd be pretty cool.
Don't forget the minotaur
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Kinda. Rust demons would eat your tools, weapons, and armor. These little buggers will get rid of your food and potentially your regular clothes.
I could see them as proactive locusts, ensuring that any supplies you have are closely watched and managed so that you can actually adventure and not starve/freeze to death.

Don't be a smart ass Jesus.
>Hospital Records
Oh snap, will do. I love Netsky
Thanks although your taste in music is still pleb tier!
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These monsters will wreck your shit.
And almost forgot this one: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Creatures
Thank ye kindly.
Oooh! That sounds cool
How could I?

>God Tier - Ha ha plot devices
Dragon (ancient)
Changeling (broodmother)
God Avatar
>High Tier - powerful beings which most would regard as incredibly difficult if not impossible to overcome
Ursa Major
Dragon (mature)
Water Serpent
>Mid Tier - noteworthy monsters that should only be faced with the right tools and a good plan
Ursa Minor
Dragon (young)
Quarray Eel
>Low Tier - bigger and scarier things that can take more beating
Giant Squid
>Weak Tier - things most adventurers can confidently take on
Parasprite swarm
Changeling (base form)
Diamond Dog
Oh no the broken note thing is great, it reminded me I did get japshit lolicore and bloody vomit bukkake
meh that beck is alright, wasn't there an anime about that?
damn I'm sorry I'm forgetful about the shit I know
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There's a point where even animated children shows make fun of you.

We're now at that point.
Oh god no that Beck isn't the same as the anime beck at all
My Jefferys are ruffled XDD
We're whalers on the moon!
>average rarifag
>tfw I already defeated a young dragon solo-style

Um, what am I looking at here?
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>Typical Rarifag

Couldn't minotaurs be a player race? Iron Will demonstrates that they can be friendly to an extent.
Yeah, I was thinking of that pic exactly.

And theres also the generic but always popular giant versions of normal creatures. Giant spiders, giant rats, giant lions, etc
>like video games, pen and paper RPGs, miniature games
>my hobbies have been the butt of jokes for years
This feel is too old.
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Smelly dumb rarifag scum
>"I don't see anyth-"
>looks closer

>playable Minotaur in heavy armor and a giant battleaxe

I think that might be a bit overpowered.
But most people play vidya these days.
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Also erryone feel free to join here and share some music or something
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Don't forget baby dragons (weak)

Sure, you COULD beat up a baby dragon if you felt like it, you monster, but it's likley you'll get your shit slapped by adult dragons for it
That's more of a balance issue really.
>not stupid like bears
Their only drawback is the fact that ponies think they are monsters.

>in a game with no stats

Bro it'll be fine if he gets balanced skills.
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>tfw shaving after showering.

When was the last time you cleaned yourself, MLPG?
Probably. Right now the only race that approaches a Minotaur in power and toughness is Bear, and they're balanced by severe class restrictions and the inability to even speak. They're more of a joke race then anything.
30 minutes ago

Fuck shaving though I can wait a couple more days
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Wow, you guys are NERDS
You should include something to indicate whether a necromancer can revive a creature or not
That we are.
OMG DM nerfs maulotaurs plz! they R too strong 1v1!
we ded
Holy fuck, this thread is five hours old
Your mom is five hours old.
Oh and maybe there should be classic DnD creatures too. Jelly cubes, beholders, kobolds,, grues,
>Not shaving during the showering

>God Tier - Ha ha plot devices
Dragon (ancient)
Changeling (broodmother)
God Avatar
>High Tier - powerful beings which most would regard as incredibly difficult if not impossible to overcome
Ursa Major
Dragon (mature)
Water Serpent
>Mid Tier - noteworthy monsters that should only be faced with the right tools and a good plan
Ursa Minor
Dragon (young)
Quarray Eel
>Low Tier - bigger and scarier things that can take more beating
Giant Squid
>Weak Tier - things most adventurers can confidently take on
Parasprite swarm
Changeling (base form)
Diamond Dog
Dragon (baby)
>kobolds in S3 of the show
>they look almost exactly like Weaver's Cutebolds
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Rarity and Sweetiebelle are almost as good as Dash and Scootaloo.
>blue screen of death out of nowhere
>since then Windows can't find the hard drive to boot
>even after a full reset and reinstall windows still refuses to work
>install Linux, runs without a problem
>but now I don't have any pone pictures

I mean, what the fuck, really.
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Actually I'd say baby dragons are (low) tier, simply because all the abuse Spike took in Dragon Quest. There's no way he'd be standing after Tailnator here basicaly batted him halfway across the mountain if he was weak
I did have a blink dog in the trippy forest game.

Jellies, beholders and mindflayers seem like think I could toss in too.
And whatever lives in Tartarus.
that would be silly

>mad jelly
>not skeleton jelly
>tfw you can't wait a couple days and must shave every other day or be reduced to a scruffy beardneck.
>That fucking feel
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It's so cute how you're wrong.
We could have some G1 villains in Tartarus, like Grogar or Arabus.
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I know! They're nowhere near as good as Dash and Scoots.

Plenty of ancient creek myths to take from, wince MLP uses a lot of them, especially with the pegasuses. And I always thought the titians from Disney's Hurculeas were kinda cool, maybe have something like that.
He qualifies as a teenage/young dragon
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Grogar looks cool.
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I made Grogar into a god alongside Tirek (though implied that both were once mortal things)
Arabus & other old gen villains might fit the bill though. I don't really like the alternative of including Fiends.
So what? Dragon (child) for low tier?
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>ancient creek myths
no what are you doing
I can't think of a worse way to deal with midday deadness
They might be since the higher tiers appear to be composed of the strongest dragons.
Too bad he was just kind of an idiot in the show.
Tirek was pretty hardcore though, even when compared to our G4 villains. He was pretty much all business to the point of not really even fitting in the show.
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i never understood what the fuck is going on in that picture.
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>tfw Tirek will never appear in G4

There is so much opportunity in him that could be used if the writers were clever.
Or he could be passed the idiot ball like they did with Discord and Chrysalis.
Skeleton Jelly is walking around in a dungeon, meets some monsters, keeps reminding himself to keep it together, then gets eaten.
To this day Gummy remains best pone.
oooooh, Is that the Sky Bandit?
Bought more alcohol.

Somebody feed me a clop idea, because I'm gonna do SOMETHING with this drunkeness.

Native American myths are great too, since many of them are completely about animals.

I think thats the point

there was a squeal, but I dont have it on me
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>i cant tell if that is supposed to be ballsack or vag

either is fine by me
spoiler alert

I fucking love these gif edits
this is why/how we ded, the best ideas aren't here anymore
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Thread needs more pictures.
2:25 -> 4:35
9:06 -> 10:20
16:52 -> 21:00
Tirek's motivation was recycled for Nightmare Moon, but somehow it just isn't quite the same
Hah that's great
That picture's old
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here read this might be better
It's a very puffy-lipped vagina
I think
shit now I am second-guessing myself
Thats a vagina man.
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Oh hey, I can link to the FiM URL even if the story isn't approved yet:


Remember to like and subscribe!
>that feel when you really want Vinyl with a cock
>what does exist really sucks
not even a story
Cool, I'm gonna fap to it again later
As bad as some of the VA's were bad, I fucking love how one of the ponies say 'You won't hurt Amber?'
And Tirek's voice is badass as well.
Okay yes, I see a some little almost invisible lines that say you're right
that one little tiny line should be a lot darker, I thought it was dirt on my monitor
Somehow I always heard it as "Ember"
But that doesn't even make sense to call her that.
>Eclipse happening latter today
>Check weather forecast
>Mostly Cloudy

Fuck everything.
would you write a humanized futa Vinyl? You haven't written futa yet right? Did you decide earlier between the shower or the beach?
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Cheer up!
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>that feel when an artist you admire a lot likes you back
that's your answer to everything!
Someone should draw Luna fucking with Celestia to celebrate the eclipse
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i think this is 3 deep 5 me
But it's a fucking annular eclipse.

Last one we got was 18 years ago.
Discommunicator and miLes are my favourite drawfags fuck I love their styles so much
Who gives a fuck
No fantasy setting is complete without some kinds of greenskins.
Princess Btich and her pony goblin band.
>Not liking eclipses.

What the fuck is wrong with you
Every eclipse in my life has been like that
Oh cool, thanks Reu.

Pls hab +1 zeny
I haven't written futa yet, no. As much as I love futa, I know it's a touchy subject and don't want to piss off half my readers.

And no, I still haven't decided which story to continue. I have writing ADD. If I hear a hot story idea, I'll probably just jump on that.
Solar or Lunar?
Also where do undead X go in this list
My nigga, he's madly underrated
Annular Solar. The kind where a ring of sun is still visible around the moon.
Tirek had ork-ish guards at least, but they were just some bunnies or some shit with darkness power mutations.
Also Japanon draws the cutest shit ever
going out and watching eclipses is so 1970's
i'll prolly just skim the best parts of it on youtube real quick tomorrow morning
hopefully somebody will dub in a linkin park song over it so i dont get too bored
Good for you, SB, I'm happy for you.
Will it be visible from Europe?
don't I have to be a member to like and subscribe? I don't write though
We might've gone over this, but why is Changeling Broodmother god-tier? Chrysalis was scared shitless when she had to fight Celestia, and only managed to amass that much power because she was fed by Shining Armor.
Nope. East Asia to the western United States only, ending somewhere in New Mexico or Texas.
It's a joke, bro. Just imitating YouTube assholes for chuckles.
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whats up my nigga

alright, i guess we're gonna try this art thing again, see if i can actually do forms this time.


should i stram
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The robots from One Must Fall as ponies.
Pinkie playing with a pentagonal ball!
what. what is that?
pones as ants
Braeburn doing something manly
>that dress
>with those slacks
4/10, look at your wardrobe next time, Dash.
for gods sake reun, control your urges
Chrysalis x Kerrigan
pls finish my request noot

>that fucking feel when you live in a state where a solar eclipse will never be visible
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Only the best fighting game ever from the 90's

Undeath doesn't make you that much stronger, just immune to pain, disease, poison, etc.
sup nootnoot darling
Twilight feels "off"--I realise she's "humanised" and thus you can take some artistic liberties, but... Twilight has more character elements than 'likes books'. I suppose that does make it a good thing that the introduction feels incredibly rushed, and while there's awkward wording and tense issues in the sex itself it's mostly passable--though I'd advise against words like "member" being used to describe the penis at first. It's more acceptable in the heat of the moment, but...

Regardless, not /too/ shabby. It has issues, but you're literate, so in the top 10% of fanfiction authors anyway.
Princess Pretty Wings, please?

Japanon, I'm trying to request her from you second month already
okay, got requests, should i stream this shit then?

hey hunii <4
I liked Eternal Champions
Write some non-rp rape
It's ok, you'll forget it in the morning
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I said yes damnit noot
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It begins, everyone who was there last night sign up.
aw man what was that fighting game where you picked the robot's legs torso and head parts
>responding to a post 130 minutes late
I just felt she fit in with the rest of the "we are immune to everything that isn't the plot" cast that takes up God Tier.
Going by just what we saw, she should be somewhere around High or Mid Tier.


Good year.
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Have I done right guys?
Remember she was empowered by SA love.
Closest thing I can think of would be Custom Robo (which was an arena fighter) or Axis (which was an FPS)

I think that's sentenal.
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time for the loneliest stream


also SB you are a handsome, muscular adonis
Seems redundant to have goblins when diamond dogs are pretty much goblins as dogs
Messed up before.
your ponoes are looking very ponae
Yeah but why would he put his own name in that image?
I didn't.
I understand this >feel
Hey, thanks for the honest criticism. I appreciate it.

I tried to capture that "awkward and nerdy but still a kinky sex fiend" feel, but apparently it didn't work out! And yeah, when I write 2nd person present tense, I slip up a lot. I tried to catch myself, but it doesn't surprise me that I fucked it up. As for word choice during sex, I try not to put too much stock in it. I don't foresee a future for myself as an erotica writer.

But thanks all the same.
I want to fuck goblins not dogs.
Maybe you should pander to bronies a bit, start an ask blog. You'll have lots of friends in no time!
I mean holy crap
the game was fun but I never pulled these off
ah okay I think that is it
Her shapeshifting powers etc do give her some power level boost in my eyes though, and a lot of this is speculation and artistic guesswork anyway. Going purely by what the show has given us, everything goes out the window really fast.
The ponies ran from teenage dragons but Fluttershy took on a Cockatrice alone, while they all ganged up on a Manticore and a mature Dragon.
Celestia has yet to prover herself any stronger than a normal pony beyond beating NMM and Discord in the distant past.
And so forth.
yeah but then the general will turn like a housewife
Your favorite pony is now a Zebra. Do you still love it?
Oh! Make it about "crazy Fluttershy in an institution" or "murderer Pinkie" or even "Dash and Pinkie grimdarkshipping"! Then bronies will love you forevermore!
it's not so much that it didn't work out, it was that it wasn't Twilight. It just felt like some girl. Regardless, I think you're getting better, so keep at it
go write something else!
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Pffft, why not?
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preggo pone?
And Celestia only beat those two with the elements which she can't use any more anyway.
I wonder if changlings actually shape shift their bodies physically, or its just some kind of glamor magic
>not Celestia and Fluttershy sneaking out on dates
whoa dude imagine a rainbow zebra
Unf! Link?

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can i have gummy ref pls
Is that copypasta the new lorem ipsum?
I love it even more
definitely bro. pink zebra looks nice as fuck
nootsack pls go
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more corruption blox.
Draw it.
>Zebrite Sparkle, Alchemist

yes fucks yes

I hope so. Someone should make an online generator for it.
Well they can assume the voice of whoever they look like at least.
I'm more curious about their ability to change size or turn into inanimate objects.
>that feel when you now have as many watchers on fimfiction as that guy who wrote my little dashie
what the fuck am i doing with my life
Do they talk in rhymes?
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straight haired pinkie is sexy as fuck but almost all the art is weird shit or durrcupcakes
sometimes in life, you just have to take things a little slower
Writing erotica, shipping and redemption fiction?

Zebras are pretty disgusting. I don't like this at all.

I can't read it except in his voice now

Spoken like a true sandraker.
>going slow
>Douk read that copypasta
All of my bits
Looks like it belongs over at
but no entry for goblin over there.
thanks pal
Well, if its a purely magic thing, size would be limited only on their power level I would think

But then things kinda get out of the scope of being a changling and more of straight illusion magic.
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It's just fluff anyway. PonyDnD should be refluffed as much as you want. you could make all the changelings get their power from masturbation of others and themselves. it wouldn't change anything.
Thank you anon.
>tfw speccys pc is dead
reading is for gaylords id rather go fast
Believe it or not, I have that *exact* worry every time I write something pony, clop of not. The cloppy fics have it way worse, since I like to just write some porn excuse to have sex, and characterization suffers badly as a result.

Can I pick your brain as to what would help characterize Twilight in that fic?

I drew it for sirachinotsauce's monster mare encyclopedia thing but then never submitted it because I couldn't bring myself to draw mare vagina.
Well you did a great job with that goblin and you should post it anyway.
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Faggot. Are you sure they wouldn't accept it anyway? It's great and it doesn't need a visible vagina. Most pictures don't.
Dialogue. In a humanised short you can't really absolutely rely on much else. There needs to be some overlap on mannerisms but there's not really much time to get that in something short, so dialogue is all you can really rely on. Writing dialogue is hard, but it's worthwhile.
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Are we still in this thread? What the fuck guys?
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For some reason that upsets/humors me the most
We slow tonight. Aproaching imagelimit, though.
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>changelings get their power from masturbation
MLPGDND 2nd edition: F.A.T.A.L. - the game of fantasy pony ERP
Fair enough. I try to avoid dialogue in second person fiction, because stuffing words into the reader's mouth kind of breaks the flow of things. I know that's hypocritical considering I'm always dictating what the reader thinks, but that's how I am. I did try to give Twilight's two lines the same diction as her character, but that just wasn't enough.
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This thread is now over
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Ten more images
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Hot. I'll be Click-Click-Chitter-Click the Changeling Rapist. My special talent is rape. My weapon is my magic changeling penis that is sharp.
We could always roll to escape artist up soemones ass
the insert not speaking is fine, their characterisation doesn't matter at all. Actually characterising them is a detriment. Not so with the other person. 2nd person x (person) is as much a character piece as anything else. If people wanted to read smut about some chick they'd go elsewhere, but they came for smut about Twilight Sparkle, so heavy characterisation is I think the single most vital part
>That rat in the bank
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feels like nothing at all
I'd play it
that pone is very waifu
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That face REALLY shouldn't be giving me an erection.

Other than Leth, is there anyone who cares? Or all they all in Steam chat?
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>that fucking rat
Right, I agree that characterizing the second person narrator is mostly harmful. The problem is when the character talks to the second person narrator and there's no audible response. Then you just have a situation like Chrono Trigger or Half Life 2 (both of which had AWFUL protagonists), and I can't stand that.
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It has ended
hey anon

your style looks familiar, do I know you> How often you visit MLPG? DA? Tumblr?
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It's only natural I keep telling myself.
Looks ok to me
>that thread
It was hilarious
I take the same approach that old CRPGs take. Describe the results of an action, or the intent of the dialogue, rather than being explicit. At the end of the day what self-insert really does isn't important, merely what they sought to achieve.

but hey, what do I know, I'm no expert
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>Nasse tells me to GTFO from his game
Fine, I'll just have my own one
And it will be better
With car chases and whores and cocaine
On a ship
That explodes
I already read through the archives, so I didn't check it when you posted.
Oh neat, you got all the banter for the third quest.
But yeah, looks fine to me.
Count me in

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