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05/10/12(Thu)22:37 No.1854593 File: 1336703873.jpg-(56 KB, 324x263, Is that for me.jpg)
I was nervous. Big day today, with the great exhibition. Finally, I had been given a chance to prove my mettle as an artist for the aristocracy of Canterlot. All the big shots were here, from you common rich snob to the big names like Fancy Pants and Rarity, all busy perusing the other works on display at the Canterlot Springbloom Art Display. It was an initiative started by Rarity to bring out new talent, giving them a chance to show off to the wealthiest of the wealthy. And so here I were, trotting back and forth behind the facades, doing the final touches on a particularly magnificent piece on a large canvas, displaying the Sparkles defeating the Changeling queen, the colours vibrant and at the same time magnificent. The contrasts had to be just perfect, even if the oils would still be dry when her turn came up. It was wearing me down, no matter what shade I tried or hue I created, it just didn't seem ... good enough!
But looking up at the gilded, golden nameplate embossed into the top of the thick wooden lining, it gave me a certain drive, something of that little extra that made me keep trying, no matter how close tears of frustration were to break out. It said 'Love Conquers', with her own autograph in the lower corner of the painting, 'Palette' shining out beneath the shadows of previous strokes, the subtle signature displaying her work to all who'd know what to look for.
The knock on the door startled me, making my heart jump to my throat; It wasn't time yet! I still had ... 20 minutes before she was to be ready! Oh sweet Goddesses, was all I could think when I lifted my hoof up to the door crank, repeating it in my mind like a prayer, please just be someone looking for the toilet! |