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04/25/12(Wed)05:35 No.1524498 File: 1335346554.jpg-(131 KB, 574x1244, sum.jpg)
 >>1524433 >If it's what I'm thinking of, you design your own character in it and assign different attacks, and it's just got a really flexible for it's time customisation setup. Yep!
The game in question is "Graffiti Kingdom" for the Playstation 2.
It's a 3D action platformer with light RPG elements. You create a creature in a 3D environment entirely from scratch - no premade parts, you just draw a 2D figure and it makes it 3D, then animates it for you. Once you're done modeling, you choose how it moves, give it some attacks, etc. Applejack here took maybe 10 minutes total to make.
As you level up you unlock new attacks, new parts, and new drawing abilities. Right now for instance Applejack's tail is just a soft part, not a tail part, since I haven't unlocked those. It's a lot of fun and one of my favorite niche games ever.
If I were more confident in my ability I might do Discord next, but at the very least I should wait till more parts are unlocked. |