Update on the state of Pony!405: Flight to the Finish- Scootaloo and the CMC get coached by Rainbow Dash, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are bullies. Probably a song.406: Power Ponies- Spike saves the day after the main six are unable to defeat the Mane-iac as superheroes.407: Bats!- Vampire fruit bats. Vampire fruit bat ponies? Possibly a song.408: Rarity Takes Manehattan- I guess Rarity takes Manehattan. Possibly a song.409: Pinkie Apple Pie- No synopsis but I suppose Pinkie Pie becomes part of Applejack's family. This sounds like an episode that could have a song.4??: Rainbow Falls- Not much known about this other than it was spotted as a name on an episode list for a Rainbow Dash-centric DVD collection.Dec. 18- NEXT WEEK!Luna micro- Last microseries comic, Luna rules the day!#14- Pirate ponies arc concludes. A giant crab is overcome.JanuaryFriends Forever #1- Applejack and Pinkie Pie enter a baking contest.#15- The Bookworm comes and brings stories to life.FebruaryFriends Forever #2- Discord helps the CMC find their marks. Spoilers: The CMC don't find their marks.#16- The Bookworm leaves for no good raisin.MarchNo solicits yet (probably next week), but #17 looks like the arc Meghan McCarthy called "KICK-ASS" features Star Swirl the Bearded.Also there's a card game or something.Whole lotta pony going on!>>15049979Previous thread.
I choose you!
3rd for frosting guzzling pink
this thread is actually more informative, therfore I'll stay here
>>15055999Pony intensifies
>>15055999It would be nice to see DT getting punish for her action this time around. She got away in Babs Apple and it felt underwhelming than.
cock tits OP you fucking faggot triptard my mouse rested on the spoiler and i glanced up at it. thanks nigger, i hate you. try not being a faggot next time.
>>15056096There was zero chance of something that would have that much of an effect on the MLP universe happening in the comics man.
Pony asked if they all watch the little girl's show, and i said "yeah, pretty much"
Why are the comics so much better at everything than the show? Seriously, the only things that the show even has against the comics is that it's animated and has songs.Because god knows the writing and the plots themselves are worse in the show.
>>15056122My god that would be great.>Hes the big bad.Not so great.
>>15056135And there's nothing wrong with that.
>>15056137Billy pls go. The comics are pandering garbage i scan and then print to give to hobos to line their jackets in the winter.
>>15056137anon what's the name of that cartoon?
>>15056145What if Swirl becoming a Lich was a way to extend his life just so he can go on researching more magic spell?
>>15056178Pi-Pi-Pi-PiPi-Pi-Pi-PiPINGU PINGU
>>15056192Don't vore pone, you'll kill her!
>>15056191and was unable to stop sucking cock, and thus abandon it
The one downside I think is that this seems to kill any possibility of Starswirl in the show this season as the don't let the comics and show overlap.
>>15056218>kill any possibility of Starswirl being canonyeah
>>15056218I suppose there's the possibility that they don't do anything major in the comics and the show people said they could do "such and such" with Starswirl.
>>15055999Aside from an excellent double-triple, who noticed Pinkie Pie's reflection in the mirror is a mite...unusual?And so is Rainbow Dash's.Nice touch with the unicorn horn-manacle too. Star Swirl definitely falls under the "grey" side of mage.
>>15056225Smug ponies you say?
>>15056267That looks more drunk than smug
>>15056218it was already confirmed that Star Swirl wasn't going to be a thing in S4Another point for the comics being better than the show.
>>15056225What a smug little shit
>>15056191It would be an interesting turn of events.Break into the Liches tower and hes all "Please stop breaking my stuff."
what does a pony toilet look like?
>>15056274Citation needed
>>15056196ah, so the name did stay the same.
>>15056274I wish I liked comics in general more, I really do like the MLP ones. Too bad they don't have as much freedom on the show.
>>15056272That's cool too
Also, a not-quite finalized rendition of Price's incentive cover for the Luna micro.>>15056261Foreboding!
>>15056290What a cunt.
>>15056298I think it's funny that IDW is getting record sales because of pony.
>>15056284I like to think they're really low like those weird squatting Japanese toilets>>15055999Here's hoping this episode on 'bullies' is a little more subtle than last one.
>>15056317It's nice to be on top for once.
>>15055999Is that the key to the dead man's chest from PotC that Pinkie is looking at??
>>15056303>people dont like Applebuck SeasonFor what purpose? it is a really cute and silly epiode
>>15056284Japanese style.
>>15056284Like it did when Pinkie Pie used it during that one episode in Appleloosa, of course. That is, big enough for a pony to use standing on all fours.
>>15056261Sometimes to learn all you can about magic you have to bend the rules.It's not technically bad magic if you use necromancy for good!
>>15056336YesI also enjoy pony being on top
>>15056298>Too bad they don't have as much freedom on the show.What does that even mean? The comics gets a ton of mroe freedom compared to the show. We'd never see something like Nightmare Rarity or Big mac's comic. Hell, we'd never even see something liike Luna's Micro in the show.
>>15056336>It's nice to be on top for once.is /co/ still made about that?
does anyone know where I can find S4 E4? I can't find it
>>15056356>"Ive seen some shit."
>>15056363Yes, I was saying it's too bad they don't have as much freedom on the show as the comics to do what they want, since the comics get away with more stuff.
>>15056380Oh.I can't read then, sorry.
mewball is gonepost bats
pony's a good friend.
>>15056225Such a smug pone
>>15056137the show is aimed at 6 year olds and the comic is aimed at 12 year olds
>>15056396>not posting bugpones>2012+2>shiggy
>>15056406pony's good girlfriend.
>>15056310Lunafags: you get to Equestria and immediately go to Canterlot to vie for your pretty blue waifu's attention, but this guy has beaten you there somehow and is already working on a flattering portrait of her in colored pencil.what do?>>15056366One wonders if those who didn't know already have even noticed.
>>15056366It was awesome when Issue 1 sold like 100,000 copies and completely blew everything else out of the water. My understanding is that it's gone down from there but is still IDW's top series.
>>15056415bugpone and batpone can be good friends anon
>>15056406Yeah she is
>>15056310Luna, Avatar of Caffeina. This one looks to be an incentive to get...
>>15056427Wonder why a married man is trying to fuck my waifu.
>>15056416Pony shares pony's interests.
double cuddles with your two favorite ponies
Pony eats shoots, and leaves
>>15056460pony should pony.
>Starswirl isn't a Lich.>They just treat him like Merlin, nigga just doesn't die.>Mannerisms are just like Merlin, dancing furniture, all the jazz.Yay?
>>15056484Pony can pony, but pony cannot pony pony.
>>15056460>>15056416>>15056406Stop samefagging
>>15056488You retards actually believe his a lich?
>>15056484LEWD>>15056498I'd have to start, first.
poster below will go to equestria and beevens: bat guardodds: earth ponydoubles: pony of their choice
>>15056517Given the shit the comics can get away with the living dead would not surprise me.I want some Deep Rot shit going down.
>>15056517Where is his phylactery? The mystery box?
"Things to describe your favorite pastime, but not your favorite pony."
Hand me the *huff* towel, would you sugar?
>>15056530No goat pony want to adventure with pony.
>>15056539It's always in the mystery box.Guarded by Mr Burns.
>>15056547And - we have a straining boner.
http://derpy.me/agathoidstreaming the flashpoint paradox
>>15056540Chopped up and in my freezer.
>wake up>see this>what do
>>15056540You're no longer thing about your favorite pony.You're thinking about my butt and your pony.
>>15056598Fart in her mouth.
>>15056547full picture?
Pony asked if you prefer fallout 3 or new vegas
>>15056606wayne brady's butt is hypnotic...
>>15056593I love whoever made this
>>15056557>all this Rarijack
>>15056626i prefer 1
>>15056624http://derpicdn.net/img/view/2013/12/11/495032.pngIt's one of my favorite ones
>>15056598make her a bowl of eggsand then fart in them
>>15056649the sketch is better.
>>15056557Pony is awful tired after a long day of work. Can adventure wait until tomorrow?
>>15056642pony says you've got good taste
>>15056640There's so much of Rarity in Applejack's hat and I always love itIf it actually happened on the show I'd die
>>15056664Pony is willing to wait.
Rarajack a shit
>>15056670What kind of response is thatIt's like the response of a father who's about to wipe his daughter's ass for the first time
>>15056626I'd recommend Strife:Quest for sigilYou can download the brutal version if you want, it doesn't really change muchalso try out HeXen (Brutal HeXen doesn't have a class choice)
>>15056649if only she had a dick, this would be perfect picture.
>>15056677Rarity wore her hat during ShS.
I just booped your waifu.and she liked it
>>15056722Oh that's right she did. I guess it didn't feel like quite the same as just wearing it to be cheeky since she was in disguise.
>>15056731Now we must duel.
>>15056685okay goodPony starts bright and early.>>15056705Would you rather this, then?
why is she panting? :[
>>15056765about to go to bed
>>15056680mega unf
>>15056670Is this /mlp/'s newest fetish or something.
>>15056790/mlp/ doesn't have any new fetishes. /mlp/ has always had all fetishes.
Pony is giving me a penny for every bait post in the thread. So far, i have $1.15
>>15056680>Place heating pad on DT's ass.
>>15056820How does pony have human currency?Did she steal it from your pockets?
>>15056828What a nice dude
I earned $400.01 from sucking horsecocks all day.
Fillies eating apples
>>15056840Hey it's what she wanted.
>>15056828>Anon looks confused for a minute>starts playing the butt bongos
>>15056879no onethey gave me the penis
>>15056856>playing starboudn with friend>he makes a no fun allowed human>it looks like a humanized little apple
>>15056914>people on the forums are pushing to get a pony race added
Pony asked if you could get married at the maaaaaaalllll
>>15056856Would you apple her little apple?
Why are ponies sexier in fursuits?
Don't get a boner to ponies
>>15056937Well great now I have a perfectly good boner going to waste...
>>15056935depends on the fursuitand the ponytwist will never be sexy.
Pony diagnosed the problem as "his head is too far stuck up his ass"
>>15056966hugs with pinkie in a pinkie fursuit
>>15056966>not removing the glasses
Pony wasted 3 dollars on chips and candy
>>15056966What about your favorite pony in a twist fusuit
>>15056966>twist will never be sexy.I'll be damned if the though of her whispering naughty things in my ear isnt hot as fuck.>cant even understand her sometimes when shes really worked up>still boner
>>15056995It's not a waste if she ate them
>>15056966I dunno about sexy, but she's definitely really cute.
Which one of the main characters cleans their crotch most thoroughly during bath time?
tumblr pls
http://shop.4de.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=133>* Shipping currently; please write to us at sales@4de.com for any questions or assistance!It's about fucking time
>>15057191What would you do if your favorite pony was beb?
>>15057131Plane ponies shouldn't be so cute.Neither should Drone ponies, and yet they're the cutest.
>>15057223Mourn my loss
>>15057223take her out of the basement.
>>15057131>Kill la Kill: Aeronautic Equine Edition
What is the pony equivalent of fingerless gloves?
>>15057231Dronedrones are the worst
>>15057275uh, assless chaps?
>>15057292Drones are the cutest.
What is this pony's name, MLPG?
>>15057326Proletariat Porn.
I thought he said he wouldn't draw lewd
>>15057343what a dope ass pinkie pie
Would Twilight like reading interviews on game development?I really need to get me some money for the Sega 3D Classic games. The work put into them sounds immense, specially Galaxy Force 2.
>>15057231>You'll never have a mute dronepone that doesn't quite know how to respond to your affection>Her control surfaces twitch randomly when you hug her
>>15057326Ponkor Pank
I bet the kids at school used to call her Stinkie Pie
>>15057378She is a dope, yes.
>>15057426Pinkie is uneducated. Unformally, at least.
>>15057426She never went to school because she was living on the rock farm.They did though.
>>15057440yeah, i guess...
Can someone post a picture of Pinkie Pie from the show?
is it bad that the only reason i keep coming to /mlp/ is for mlpg?a lot of the other threads are terrible
Well duh, she's like the pinkest horse i know!
Where is art anon?
>>15057525uh no, it's not too bad man, don't feel sobad
serious fillies in not so serious dresses
>>15057406I dunno, she seems to be reciprocating the affection.
>>15057467That's what makes her cute, though.
>>15057541>>15057557sankyuu>>15057545a bloo bloo bloo
>>15057525Considering how bad MLPG is, yes that is very bad.
>>15057559yes yes, very well then
>>15057525That's mostly what I come here forAside from the occasional fat pony thread, but even those can get pretty bad
>>15057595I miss awg and crotchtit general.
>>15057572I dunno, mlpg is never consistently bad. Neither are the comic threads.
>>15057559Panka is 2nd cutest pone
>>15057612You can worship asses wherever you wantCrotchtits, not so much
http://derpiboo.ru/495654another image on flight to the finish has appeared
>>15057629>there will never be a loop of just her hopping
>>15057651I could try, gimme a few
>>15057559have you seen the lolrandom character in the fillyfuntasia show?>pink>talks about parties>always making cupcakes>breaks the 4th wallin this show there are earthponies,unicorns and pegasus but they can all use magic
>>15057636LK pls
Why does Sonic have such a shit eating grin?
>>15057677>have you seen the lolrandom character in the fillyfuntasia show?why would anybody watch that show for longer than a minute?
Tell me why your favorite pony is your favorite pony mlpgThis one is a very pretty pony, who's got buns of steel
>>15057677I kinda want to see that show. It looks really bad.
>>15057719My favorite is my favorite for more reasons than I can list.
>>15057714Same reason people ever decided to watch LPS, I supposeTangentially related
>>15057719She an apple.
>>15057719Makes me laughIs cute as hellHas frizzy mane and tailAnd a plethora of other reasons I won't go into detail about.
>>15057719rarity has a huge cock and loves to force men to crossdress
>>15057787>futa Rarity assfucking sissy spike
>>15057623You know, I should leave MLPG and just hang out at the comic threads. I bt they actually discuss shit unllike here most of the time.
>>15057787how do you get that from a childrens cartoon about ponies?
>>15057767what do you think of the shows raping of pinkie since s3
>>15057682Juvenile character that got thrown through the 2000's creative thresher made to appeal to kids like this.
>>15057719She's pretty and she makes me laugh. She's delightfully eccentric and kind of unexpected in a show like this. I like her voice a lot, and her foibles make her interesting as a character and rather relatable.I've spent a lot of time pruning this comment. I feel like I could go on for a long time. She's a pretty great pony.
>>15057824I always feel horrible for her when she goes to cons and has panels.
>>15057719I like her personality and her looksand her voice is very cute and a lot of other neat stuff about her.
>>15057742>>15057755Great choice my like minded colleagues
>>15057864>She's delightfully eccentric and kind of unexpected in a show like thisThis.>>15057888>Applejack sleep-talking
>>15057844I think I talked about it a bit last night, but to reiterate: I'm not really happy with how they've pigeonholed her character to just being the slapstick "do random funny things" character lately. There needs to be humor to a certain degree, sure, but they've sacrificed some of the character building that made her so appealing in the first place.I'm hoping they reel it back in. If not, I'll still enjoy her as a character, but I'll be a little disappointed. She's funny more often than not still, but I'd like to see her other characteristics (Like her and Rarity in PYHD trying to assist Fluttershy in being assertive, for example).
>>15057881I hope they gave non unicorn ponies a flavored eraser when they write because that must taste terrible
>>15057913She's the same shit she was in s1.
>>15057929If the background could be replaced with a transparency, it would be perfect. Sorta. It would at least let you loop the hopping more cleanly.
>>15057719She's cute and studious, worries a little overmuch about her performance and is sometimes a bit testy and overconfident, but is generally level-headed and friendly and caring. And she's especially adorable when she stops worrying for a moment and just enjoys what she likes.
>>15057719We share the same interests and she's pretty chill
>>15057719Cute, smart and purple.
>>15057913i dunno, she didn't really do anything super random this seasonother than that random party i guess
>>15057982>pinkie pie parties are "random"
>>15057999well she said it was a random party
>>15057719They'd both love getting dominated.
>>15057940Eh, my perception of her antics makes it seem it's been amped a bit more toward the silly.Maybe it's just me, maybe not.>>15057982Oh no, this season so far I think she's adorable. I loved her sending the letter of confetti from the train and the holiday party, among other things. Like I said, maybe my perception is a bit skewed on her lately.
>>15057742>>15057767>>15057755>>15057864>>15057881>>15057959>>15057963>>15057974>tfw all these descriptions keep changing your outlook on each ponyI just can't pick a favorite
>>15057957That's a thing that I doLet me try [thing]
>>15057940>>15057913I've actually not noticed too much of a difference. I think Pinkie's always had a pretty decently developed character for almost every episode. The only true cases of her being truly relegated to "randumb" behavior were a handful of episodes in season 3, and I think we're coming out of that. Some people are obviously worried that that movement was going to continue, and I think there might be a little confirmation bias there.>>15057982This is true. One must consider that, for Pinkie, random parties are not so much random as they are necessary.
>>15058031Nigga straight upWhich one looks the prettiest to youIt doesnt matter which pone, I won't judge you
>>15058011Hey, she gets her Appleponk episode next year.
>>15058064I look forward to it.Also to Rarity Does Manehattan.Then again I look forward to every episode.
>>15058031As the lone guy you quoted who responded with Rarity(the fuck you guys c'mon she's the best), I find it hard to rank them myself sometimes. Not to mention pony rankings change all the time: for me, Fluttershy has been experiencing something of a spike recently. I'm not quite sure which ponies are better than other ponies, but I do know that I like Rarity a lot as a character, as a focus for episodes, as a focus for jokes, and just her in general. A lot. So, I think it's really a matter of examining your innate reactions to each pony. I came to the conclusion Rarity was my favorite sometime around the early bits of season 2, I think.I suggest re-watching the entire series and focusing on each character's individual moments and just noting which ones you like best. Not having a favorite is fine, too
Comic Pinkie is best Pinkie.Comic everyone is best everyone.Prove me wrong.
>>15058048That's the thing, though, they're all adorable.
>>15058086Takes manehattan Aspirant, I hope we see the Oragnes.
>>15058110Whoops. I shouldn't talk show when I'm tired, not so good with the words or expressing.
>>15058103She's a slut and a shit character.
>>15058103I guess in terms of making me laugh, Rarity is definitely a top contenderThat "she's with me" line she had in Castle-mania was adorably funny
>>15058194I say I'm a Flutterfag now, but Rarity is still my favorite pony of the show.
I just like all the poniesEach of them has plenty of cute and funny moments that makes me love them
Holy shit there's a board for bikes.
>>15058148I disagree on the second charge, and plead the fifth on the first.Even if she has enjoyed multiple sexual partners or something like that, I'd still enjoy her charm, charisma, and overall fun-ness.>>15058194Well, don't let my opinion influence you, but now you're getting somewhere>>15058220your opinion is god-tier
Rarity is not a slut.Trust me, I'm a master of Rariologist.
>>15058135>Rarity Does Manehattan>Rarity and Friends fuck and suck for bits to get to Manehattan
>>15058194Yeah, I never liked Rarity much but this season she's quite enjoyable.
>Klondork finished a game>Its not poniesI declare Klondork ded
>>15058232I love me some Rarara
okay three thingswhat movie should i stream next?and please vote in this poll for me http://strawpoll.me/855470lastly i'll be having a sequel sunday, we're going to watch the whole matrix trilogy this sunday, but we need suggestions for next sundaylove you mlpg
>>15058278How can you enjoy rarity now yet not in S2 or S1 wehre she had all the best moments?
>>15058272I'd help you with that but my lewd batteries need to recharge after last night.My apologies.I'll write some Rarity another night.
>>15058298>Anything but TOS>TOS and TNG tied
>>15058298>all three matrix moviesJust stream the first one 3 times, it'll be better than watching the sequels
How did I miss this shot the first time through
>>15058319I read that as:>WHAT IF STAR SWIRL WAS ACTUALLY A BEAR
>>15058326it's called sequel sunday for a reason>>15058321it's up to the people man, majority wins
>>15058273>twilight wafts a fart at anon.gif
>>15058321> original series better than TNGHibberty pibberty faggoty-waggoty opinions!
>>15058360WOMP WOMP
R-Rara sama...
>>15058298Your poll sucks. It's all the same show.
what movie do you want me to stream? if no one suggests anything i would be okay with streaming i'll either stream the colony or grandma's boy
>>15058407stream Clue please
>>15058381CUM BUCKET
>>15058440>Six guests are invited to a strange house and must cooperate with the staff to solve a murder mystery.we've got a deal, matejust got to download it
>>15058395It's "Rarity," you uncultured swine, not "Rara-sama!"
>>15058440>Clue>mfw realizing we don't have a pony clue game yetWhat the fuck bronies?
>>15058381all of themhttp://pastebin.com/ZtRda4Gj
>>15058469R-Rara sama!!
>>15058469>calling him swine for using an honorificI don't understand
>>15058470It was Rainbow Dash, in the closet, with your momand the lead pipe
>>15058507>WIPI fucking wish
>>15058533le secret stash face
okay, the download for clue would take 45 minutes, kung fu hustle has yet to settle but it's a maximum of 15 minutesi'm going to stream kung fu hustle by the looks of it
There could be a pony watching you from the bushes right now
Why so beb, my faithful thread?
Hey mlpgHow is the weather from wherever you are?Its freezing outside here
>>15058577> not 'Dash likes Bush'
>>15058583its December anon
>>15058583I'm finally inside a HOUSE with BLANKETS and HEATING, so it's quite nice, but it's pretty cold outside
>>15058577Oh gosh
>>15058577Well I'm watching her too.
>>15058598Yes, this is good.
>>15058609inb4 both cutie marks anon appears
>>15058602Light up my night
>>15058609>2qtmarkSUPER MEGA UNF
>>15058583same herewe do not yet have enough comfy/warm ponies in this thread, I realize
You know what I want for christmas?Babs and Snips chubby cuddles
>>15058557>Tfw have a secret stash
what would you have done?
>>15058651I'd rather be comfy and warm with pony.
>>15058577But there aren't any bushes around and my blinds are closed
>>15058630Hey, both marks is niiiice.
Pony wants to go to the gym with you
What if Allie Way is Featherweight's sister?
okay the poll tells me the thread wants to watch TOSi'm cleaning up so that after i download TOS i will still have plenty of space
>>15058741dat dash
>>15058741His best voice yet, I hope they keep this one
>>15058701I just want to build my strength. Fuck off with your shower scenes you futa horse. No. No Tantric. Fuck off. Arian is my waifu
>>15058741>His face when in a strip club
>>15058735Are you doing the originals or the remastered stuff?
>>15058766Yes its supposed to feel like this now stop clenching
>>15058741Male ponies are so detached that mares can just moon them and they won't react
Twilight Sparkle wants to have sex with you but you politely refuse
>>15058790They see it all the time.Now when a mare walks around with some clothes on, shit gets real.
>>15058741>filenameHe's seen better.Much better.
>>15058790Maybe he's thinking about how much nicer his marefriend's butt isClearly this is a stallion who prefers the larger sort of booty
>>15058766>>15058788>>15058795This made me laugh way harder then it should have
>>15058790If you got to see naked ass and tits all day since birth, they wouldn't be that special by the time you're an adult.
Gnight MLPG.Cute Quest tomorrow!Have a nice night.
>>15058818>Derpy with some no name twat>and not with the damn Doctorget that stupid shit out of here.
Pony wouldn't do drugsPony wouldn't drink alcohol
>>15058818Well he and Mr. Cake have good taste
>>15058845Get that brony shit out of here pissfag.
>>15058851but would pony do sex?
>>15058832They're still pretty special the moment a woman expresses interest in THE ACT
how do I quit PonyI must be productive how do i quit pony?
>>15058843GO TO BED
>>15056598Wonder why I was sleeping standing up.
>>15056606Is there a pony version of that image yet?I can feel the potential
>>15058868which rainbow dash isn't doing. With just a pony being a pony, there isn't much to get excited over.
>>15058851>Pony wouldn't do drugsThey have salt>Pony wouldn't drink alcoholThey have 'cider' and Pinkie drinks it in very large quantities
>>15058845Derpy/Doctor is kind of nice, I'll admit, but I'm not sure it's as cute as Care Package and Derpy's taboo workplace relationship
>>15058878join the military
>>15058893His face really does scream, "For fuck's sake just SIGN the RECEIPT and let me GO"
>>15058868Give her the ACT
>>15058915This is the only picture of I have of testing ponies
>>15058898>Care Package and Derpy's taboo workplace relationshipIs there anything with this at all? I don't think we've done anyting with it.
>>15058895>They have saltWhich isn't drugs or alcohol>They have 'cider' and Pinkie drinks it in very large quantitiesWhich isn't confirmed to be alcoholic at allTake your secondary somewhere else
Would you play hat with Dash?
>>15058930Assorted greentexts, I think, but not much elsevery sparse ones as wellI'm in a good mood maybe I'll give it a shot but no promises
>>15058939> straight-edge anon again denying parallels given in the show between salt lick parlor and a liquor saloonWow.gif.themovie
>>15058946>playing hats>after they introduced hats
>>15058780depends what i can find a good download for, if you can find me a good torrent i would gladly download ithttp://derpy.me/agathoidwatching kung fu hustle in a few minutes
>>15058963no not hats, hat
>>15058780are the remastereds good or are they like Star Wars when they update shit
>>15058970>playing anything that can be competitive with Rainbow DashNot even once
>>15058864Every Derpy ship is a brony ship, mate. No need to get mad.>>15058898it's absolutely not as cute in any way.
>>15058946You mean having Dash rest on your head like a hat?
>>15058993she's really good at it, undefeated
>>15058946>Dash trying to sell a shit hat to russians
>>15058961>Drug addled faggot thinks anything that resembles something is some how canon despite never really touching on the objectCider isn't explicitly acloholic and salt licks are not drugs.Salt licks are parallel to real life salt licks, you idiot.
>>15058986good point
>>15058949>>15058930>fanfictionFuck off
>>15058986>Hey anon! You want to go shopping with me?There is nothing she wont make competetive
How many of you were from /co/?How many of you were introduced to MLPG after /mlp/ was created?
>>15058986hey nonnie, will i see you in the stream?
Pony called you "ded and hatsus"
>>15059002Of course she'd win, there's no way I could be RD's hat
>>15059030I'm from /co/June 2011
>>15059011> salt licks are not drugsExcept they function like a drug in the showYou know, the show we watch> "drug-addled faggot"If you're trying to win something, you just lost it, mate.
>>15058949A greentext, or a proper fic?
>>15058990>absolutely not as cuteOH REALLY
>>15058990Is cute, mate. No needto get mad.
>>15059030/co/ wasn't any promised landThe General has always been more or less shit though we have fewer contributors in no small part because of dedicated shitposters and the fact people can go to other sites/mlp/ is still pretty awful though there are pop-up threads that are pretty okay
>>15058981Well I have the TOS blue rays that have both versions and the difference is better color and a complete revamp of the space visuals. Your mileage will vary really. Pros are that many of the original scenes that were kind of ridiculous due to shoestring budgets have been done properly, IE the correct ships put into scenes that they were missing from and even new ship designs added where ships were simply not shown for budget reasons. Cons are that being all new space effects some may see it as blasphemy against some of the show's effects pioneers, and that here and there some of the CG effects are lackluster.For me I think it makes the show a bit more accessible to non die hards but am happy to keep the original versions around
>>15059030I started watching the show when it was still allowed on /co/ but didn't visit mlpg until after the fact
http://derpy.me/agathoidcome watch kung fu hustle, please
>>15059050maybe, I'm not sureI've only ever managed to finish greentexts because they're spur of the moment things. I've thought about doing some of those really short prompts like what Chistery does to get better at writing prose fast but... uh... I literally just sat here for about five minutes staring at that "but" because I have no reason not to do them other than lack of initiative
>>15059030I'm from /co/ since the MLP pilot premiere and I guarantee i'm the only one since then that still goes to MLPG.Someone kill me.
>>15059032I'm actually on one of those middle of the night "why did I wake up? oh well I'll check the thread" episodes, and I need to get back to sleep, if I stay up now I'll never stay up for the ccg release event tomorrow afternoonSorry aggy
>>15059051>Shipping Sethisto with Derpy
>>15059030see>>15059096I kind of regret not showing up earlier but what're you gonna do
>>15058965no Clue?
>>15059118I got here in October S1.Remember Prince of Equestria?
>>15058878cut off your internet
>>15059119don't be sorry cutie just get some sleep okay? sleep well>>15059130the downloads for it weren't any good
>>15059092eh i'm ok with it. i liked what Star Wars did with the DVD upgrades. its just the blu-ray they went full retard.
>>15059105... But 'writing fast' doesn't mean 'writing well' or 'writing something interesting'?Stephen King might be a hack, but he might have a good approach - he'll write something and then not touch it for months or a year and rewrite it.
>>15059120>seth with a pony other than trixie
Would you a slightly retarded Derpy?
>>15059147alright, take care
>>15059144I don't even remember what PoE did to make everyone hate him.
>>15058930here i go
Do you guys think the CMC will be cute in the next episode
>>15059119>I'm actually on one of those middle of the night "why did I wake up? oh well I'll check the thread" episodeWhen allowed to sleep as much as they want, most human subjects sleep for three to four hours, wake up for one to two, then go back to bed.
>>15059049So how do they function like drugs?>That old guy we got saw thrown out of The Salt Block was being a stereotypical mid-western character for comedic effect, that definitely proves that there's drugs and ponies do them!Fuck off
>>15059144Not the guy you quoted, but that's the guy with the home made Real Doll pony figure right?
>>15059169you too
>>15059153well I meant just writing in general, not just writing fast. When I get into the swing of things I go at an ok pace I think but I feel like I hit roadblocks after a while. I've heard it's a good idea to start with an end in mind, so I'm probably going to try that soonaaaah when did you get here>>15059174you da best dot
>>15059187Would you guys fuck already?
>>15059185Someone getting thrown out like a drunk and still asking for more of x thing is a pretty strong hint it's a drug and he wants more of it, i.e. an addict.But please, tell the show to fuck off. That's par the course for /mlp/, not actually watching the show.
What the fuck am I supposed to draw?
>>15059203you'd like that wouldn't you anon?
>>15059244draw from life, duh.
>>15059244Draw Rainbow Dash running in a giant hamster wheel
Akira 55% downloadedanyone want a stram later?
where can i play online version of the pony card game?
>>15059201>aaaah when did you get hereDone with finals and 0 obligations until I get a time reservation at the research library, so I'm sort of aroundThing is most people who write are told what prompt they should write, like ghostwriters or people who are told the cut and thrust for a script, or brought into salvage a script or novel. Writing prompts can loosen things up, but most people don't do flash fiction in hours.Other than I guess Aloe Blacc who write "Wake Me Up" inside of an hour but that's a rare case of flash anything working out
>>15059301there isn't one yet
>>15059256seconding cowity
>>15059256>There is no art of Daisy JoShe's waifu tier
>>15059289Now that I want to watch. OG dub, redub or sub?
>>15059256>rarity with large pregnant cow utter sized horse tits complaining about how sensitive her nipples areu are so lewd anonymous
Would someone be kind enough to shop this dick off?http://25.media.tumblr.com/4dcb4f9c2ec45a2e320ca19811e12f2f/tumblr_mxoxo5KjPG1syn2vzo2_1280.png
>>15059323Waitapparently I was downloading some porn insteadfuck I need to actually read thoseokay, which one do you want? I like to watch subbed usually
>cow girls http://exhentai.org/g/524578/27ce9ba7da/Not horse related
>>15059380i'd say OG dub for KANEDAAAA, but go with subs.
>>15059381>sad panda
>>15059357http://imgur.com/IUJj8B5I got your back man
>>15059304Yeah. My focus isn't really on writing quickly at all, though, it's more on simply writing and ideally, finishing something for once. Any time I actually manage to start writing things it takes a while to start up and get my enthusiasm up to the point where I can stop micro-editing and start writing. After about a minute of that my enthusiasm dies down again because I have no idea what I'm doing, and the draft just languishes somewheregaaah this is just another boring 'why can't I into art' post, sorry about that
>Broncos losingbased Rivers
post what you are torrenting, if its anything brony related you need to leave
your waifu is hurt
>She will never be your cuddle bug
>>15059415noice one nobby
>>15059435I'll save heror maybe notor maybe
Did you say 'art'?
>>15059415>>15059425you guuuuuuys
>>15059425can you add that size dick to the picture
>>15059411>2013>still can't get past the sad panda
>>15055999So, December 18th will be the release of both, the Luna microseries and issue #14?
Which pony would like Game of Thrones the most?
>>15059411http://imgur.com/a/OtpHrjust for you
>>15059507gypsy pls
>>15059449This isn't art.This is kitsch.
>>15059433Nice try NSA
>>15059507rei pls
>>15059494I know right? Pretty hyped.>>15059507When is underwater's sub going to be out, I need those cool-ass subtitled kanji
>>15059550Oh, then you want this?
>>15059507KLK's animation is so good
>>15059576I wish red would draw the mother that those hips came fromComplete with tight pants
>>15059517>the other albums in that gallery
>>15059236>Someone getting thrown out like a drunk and still asking for more of x thing is a pretty strong hint it's a drug and he wants more of it, i.e. an addict.I don't understand how any rational human can come to that sort of rationalization, he's probably getting thrown out because he's being rowdy and probably liked salt-licks, this doesn't explictly mean it'd a drug, I love the smell of burning gasoline is it a drug? No it isn't much like how drinking milk mixed with honey isn't either.Equines fucking love salt-licks and his cutie mark is that of a miner and salt is a mineral therefore he must be totally in love with salt licks much like how a kid would love candy.I love how you're engaging an a stereotypical /v/ style that I've seen far too many times.For example the equation that if you dislike a particular thing you dislike the thing it's involved in and inadvertently telling the thing to fuck off when in actuality I'm telling you to fuck off.But unlike you I won't hang that around as some sort of punctuation to my argument (another /v/ trademark, not-so-clever finishers)Horses,ponies,deer and even Giraffes like salt licks, they're not a parallel to drugs in mlp, they're most likely a parallel candy or something.
So when are we getting good episodes as in the ponies I like most are in them, S4 seems to be shit thus far
>>15059613> real-life animals have salt licksRight> so someone getting thrown out of a salt lick bar like a worthless drunk isn't a hintOkay there champ, whatever you say.
>>15059599>all that shit going down on /v/ over Mighty Number 9I dared to hope. And then the Megacurse reared its head.
>>15059611>that album with that guy fucking that mare with a horse dildo
>>15059613>explaining away easy visual shorthand seen on the show with headcanon>replying 20 minutes laterI want straight edge to leave.
>>15059661sweetie pls my heart belongs to twist
>>15059576>rediv will never draw more of her
>>15059517I wanted to comment on those other albums, but I'm in no place to judge.
>i was so busy ponying i didnt realize all the whippedcream in my hot chocolate completely melted
>>15059693>"Your what belongs to what now?"
>>15059517Not sure about this...
>>15059661Pones with clothes can be 2cute
>>15059517>that anal fisting album
>>15059661I'd that sweetieso what if it's anthro, I still would
messing around in the demo for sai 2.0, but then noticed that I couldn't save so i copied over to the old oneCan't wait to get the full version though
>>15059754How is it? And when's the full coming out?
>>15059647http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mineral_lickThe fact that you have engaged in a argument without even knowing about the thing we're arguing is a good sign enough to stop right now.It's a reference to the stereotypical western setting, a man getting thrown out of a bar or a saloon or anywhere really, the fact of the matter is that it isn't a drug and if you're going to go on about "The similarities between appleloosa and the actual old west" then your argument is going to become less about whether or not salt licks are drugs.Applecider isn't depicted as alcohol in the show either, they don't get drunk off of it they just really like it because it's a sweet drink.>>15059681It's not headcanon.Salt licks aren't headcanon there a thing on the showHis cutie-mark isn't headcanon it's right on his flankAnd if he's willing to take leaps in logic to justify his argument then I'm going to make reasonable assertions with real life examples and in-show examples.
>>15059754No sexual harassment in the workplace derpy
>>15059738>Coconut Head>Ned's declassified
>>15059767> you don't know what mineral licks areI've raised cattle and horses for FFA, which is likely more than you have. Seeing someone getting thrown out of a saloon in a wild west pastiche means they're equivalent to a drunk, which means whatever they're serving is analogous to alcohol to them.What part of this is difficult? Or is it simply uncomfortable for you?
>>15055999>Rainbow FallsI wonder if this is that 'feels' episode McCarthy was talking about Dash. I hope its not 2sad4me
>>15059767They're trolling you, Anon. Logic is fine, but only when there's two sides to the conversation.
>>15059754That's really cute dot.
>>15059745Even if she was futa anthro?
>>15059767>It's not headcanon.> WELL HE MUST HAVE BEEN ROWDYWhich is something we didn't see on the show, only the bartender saying "AND STAY OUT." All we see him is being ejected from the bar like a stinking drunk.> HE MUST LIKE SALT LICK THEY ALL LIKE SALT LICKYet the only time we've seen salt lick so much as mentioned it was served in a saloon in a frontier town, you know, like hooch is in every kid-friendly show including Back to the Future III.
>>15059618My favorite pony already got an episode that was pgood so Im happy. Also>implying the best episodes dont all the cast playing a significant roll.
>>15059822I'd prefer chubby anthro, but futa is fine
>>15059813All I've heard from him is "nuh uh it could totally mean they're animals that really like salt lick"Which is fine, but then it would have been shown in some context other than a bar in a wild west town, which puts it closer to whiskey than Coca Cola.
>>15059822Go on...
anyone else mad furaffinity is down so long. i need to update my personal blog so bad
>>15059856Why not both?Her sudden erection at seeing you pushing up into her gut and making her blush
>>15059822No. Fuck no. Futa is most definitely NOT my fetish.
>>15059866but you just did.
>>15059874You don't belong here, Anon
>>15059866>using fa for your online diarytumblr called, there's still a few openings
>>15059866>Still using hurfadurf infinity
>>15059856fat people and weedsmokers are the worst and need to be killedif the parent lets a kid get fat then need to be killed also
>>15059867ea plssweetie is too innocent for thatbut that can change
>>15059908And how would you suggest such a change?
>>15059895>i prefer inkbunny
Little apple wants to know if you think she's cute both with and without the bow.
>>15059833'Saltlick' is the name of one of the video games at the pone arcade in H&HD
>>15059857You know with the exception of him being a miner and have salt on his lips and the fucking place he got thrown out of was called the The Salt Block and given how there is correlation between actual horses and ponies on the show, you're shitty headcanon about salt being alcohol is high in-accurate due to depiction of cider in the show.So not only isn't it drugs it also isn't alcohol, am I right? No but your drug and alcohol agenda sure as hell isn't and you don't use any proof besides "nuh uh, you're wrong even though he wasn't explicitly acting drunk and the bartender saying 'and stay out' doesn't actually imply anything about the nature of his ejection from the salt block".>>15059898How fun, another shitposter pothead angry that someone doesn't like drugs and alcohol and people who consume them.
>>15059930I do.
>>15059915Awkward cuddling followed by her leading me to a private place to tell me how she feels.Then a massage.>>15059898Are you saying you wouldn't a chubby Sweetie's qt cheeks?
>>15059930the cutest
>>15059930She's the third cutest filly.
>>15059967Are you the one laying her down on her belly and sinking your hands into her back, working out the kinks and making her groan softly?Or is she nervously groping and rubbing you, panting softly as she tries to hide the slowly growing bulge under her skirt?
>>15059967cutest, chubbiest, filly
>>15059943> salt being alcoholNow you're just being obtuse to 'win.' No, it's used like alcohol, it doesn't make it literal alcohol. It's served in the same location in the same send-up stereotypical wild west town with time spent on a show in visual shorthand for "drunk gets ejected from a bar." He's literally thrown out of the bar.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GNTiTI9_Z0There's soft and hard cider and I guess the show only shows the former, not the latter. That doesn't mean they don't use something analogous to our drugs - salt lick - and get thrown out of the bar - like the guy thrown out of the bar.
>>15059943>>15060042>this conversation
>>15060069At least it's show related
>>15059943> DRUG AND ALCOHOL AGENDANo, I saw a guy get thrown out of a bar. There's only so many ways to take that in American media, especially when he's stumbling around after being thrown out of "the local watering hole."http://youtu.be/2wTi4BBgaBc?t=7m19sWhat am I supposed to believe, you or my lying eyes?
>>15060090Heh, that's kind of coincidental that the video link shows Pinkie during her song in the midst of this argument
>>15060069Every conversation with straight edge anon is someone trying to explain implied drugs and getting shouted town as an "obvious potsmoker."At least the Armor Bro occasionally talks about ponies in battle armor.
>>15059943>depiction of cider in the showWhat, the fresh, non-alcoholic cider they served to one and all?
>>15060111she tweeted about an episode with Dash and feels.
>>15059988Oh man, the first one sounds perfect. My hands aren't the best, and I don't know a lick about muscles, but as long as I don't go too fast, press too hard, or don't listen to her, she should have a wonderful time getting every bit of her stress worked right out.
>>15059764It's really greatfor the ruler and circle it moves your brush along the edge automatically for youthe text tool is very basic and not too complicated, holding ctrl to move the text around, and each textbox gets its own layer when you make onescrollbars were added to the tool panel as wellI don't know when it will come out, but I can't wait
>>15060111McCarthy implyed there would be a lot of "feelsy" moments with Dash's character this season in a tweet during the dark times.
>>15060042Since when do saloons sell drugs?>>15060090Man that scene doesn't lend itself towards your argument.>That's enough salt for you!That means he had a lot of salt, that doesn't explicitly mean it's alcohol and that's far off from being a drug.His mouth dry and clamoring for water, that means it's obviously salt in all of it's mineral saltiness.>>15060120That's the only thing I'm saying obviously, no ignore everything else, it's just that one thing because it's fucking true.
>>15060139I thought the scroll bar was always on the tol panel
>>15060135Even so she'd be putty in your hands, melting under your touch and going limp all over from your massage. Limp everywhere except for one place, but as long as she can stay on her front she won't have to worry about revealing her throbbing erection.
>>15060139>I Love Fluttershy
>>15060069It's show discussion. While the obviously principled stance of at least one of the people involved makes this a conversation prone to dissolving into name calling, it's actually a rather fascinating topic. This is the best conversation I've seen on it so far really, thanks to everybody involved in it for keeping things civil when it could have been very easy not to.>>15060120If the guy's defending a potentially valid point on show canon with evidence in a civil manner, I got no problem with that, and you shouldn't either.
>>15060171it's not there for memaybe that's because im using 1.1, was it added in 1.2?
>>15060139>ruler for circlesnow everyone will draw
>>15060160>Since when do saloons sell drugs?did you seriously just ask that
>>15060194I have 1.1 too
>>15060160> since when do saloons sell drugs... What do you think alcohol is, man?> "That's enough salt for you!"> but that's not necessarily like saying "you've had enough for one night, Ricky-the-Drunk"So you mean that something a pony can find so addictive or at least ... engaging enough they need to be physically ejected isn't a drug? At a saloon named after the stuff?I'm not sure I'm following you here.
>>15060134>>15060141Rainbow Dash blows her chances to become a Wonderbolt for good doing something more important.
The fillies will not stop fillying!
>>15060229>So you mean that something a pony can find so addictive or at least ... engaging enough they need to be physically ejected isn't a drug?Are you really equating "likeness or addiction for X" to a an actual drug?Are you really going to equate something like salt to weed? or heroin?
>>15060232Why does Dash want to be a wonderbolt when she's shown to be better than them in every way except looks
>>15060235Would you rather have them licking each other all over?
>>15060216Oh wait, are you talking about just the custom tools?I meant the whole color wheel, tool bar, and brush settings all together.
What if you could go to EquestriaBut you had to punch your favorite pony in the face as hard as you can when you got there
>>15060139the perspective tools are also pretty unique and coolmight try it out when we get the full version
>>15060160>That's the only thing I'm saying obviously, no ignore everything else, it's just that one thing because it's fucking true.>>15060190What's that said about no namecalling? It's obviously fucking true that someone is a potsmoker if they disagree on salt lick in "Over a Barrel"?
I wish I had a real waifu
>>15060268I'd rather not go to Equestria at all than do that.
>>15060266oh I see
>>15060229>>15060210I think he's making a distinction between illegal drugs and alcohol. Which I can understand, even if it doesn't make a lot of sense now that I really examine it....>something a pony can find so addictive or at least ... engaging enoughlewd>>15060244I wouldn't say the show is equating salt to hard drugs, but to say that it's being equated to liquor is not unreasonable in a Wild West setting.>>15060270For the most part, it's being kept to an argument about the show. That's what I'm ok with.If we're going to start calling each other fascists and/or degenerates I don't want it in MLPG.
>>15060244> salt is salt is salt is saltBut yet somehow it's pleasurable enough for a saloon to make a business out of selling it to customers recreationally, and enough for someone to get thrown out of the place when they've 'had too much.'That's ... pretty close to something else, you see.
>>15060293But you only have to do it once
>>15060260If that's what little fillies do...
>>15060315I don't think she would speak to me ever again if I did that.
>>15060293Her face is made of marshmallow, she wouldn't feel anything.
>>15060270What does greentext that line even prove? I'm saying that I'm just calling you a pothead because you posted that picture that is posted every other thread>>15059898>But yet somehow it's pleasurable enough for a saloon to make a business out of selling it to customers recreationally, and enough for someone to get thrown out of the place when they've 'had too much.'They've had too much because it's draining the supply, having something that people want be it candy,soda or ice cream is pleasurable and delicious enough for someone to keep consuming until there's no more.
>>15060344Maybe if you explained why you had to do it she'd be understanding. Maybe she'd even find it flattering, after all she was the favorite pony chosen.
>>15060360Anon, that was a second shitposter. Maybe you shouldn't bandy about 'potsmoker' when everyone's posting anonymously.
>>15060360>They've had too much because it's draining the supplyI think that's a bit of a stretch, there. Businesses typically are going to want to sell things, and if they can, sell all their things. It's not like if the guy eats too much salt he's going to endanger the saloon's ability to get salt in the future, somehow: while they do live in a desert, just one salt mine in an ancient lakebed or something would be enough to keep them going for a long time.
>>15060346>>15060361It would still break my heart and make me break out in tears. How do we know that she won't overreact, go straight to Rarity and tell on me?
Which pony is the best at dancing?
>tfw LK will never draw ponies again
>>15060454how is that pony even upright
>>15060461She has to maintain the upright position
Be careful with those pony particles, Anonymous! They're highly unstable!
>>15060457You keep doing this and it never works, even when he is hereWhy not give it a rest already?
>>15060461same way twilight lifted rarity in "a bird in the hoof" and was able to dance in sweet and eliete
>>15060268I-I don't know if I couldmaybe, but it would really suck. All her friends would hate me for it.
>>15060477>SheWotWot wot wotwot
>>15060469>pony force
>>15060469>Pony ForceSounds like a band.
>>15060469When one pony exerts a force on a second pony, the second pony simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first pony.
>>15060529Hes still really cute
>>15060454That pony's pretty good at it, but I nominate Rarity
>>15060547An object ponying tends to stay ponying
>that 3D World video someone linked in the last threadAlright, those guys a fucking cool. I need more videos of them or something.
>>15060571I think that brings a new meaning of kicky little legs
>>15060477>>15060490>>15060529>>15060567I WAS NOT AWARE OF THISTHAT SAID I WOULD BOOP THAT QT'S SNOUT
>>15060554Pencils out, notebooks away, you have 40 minutes
>>15060529>>15060567I'm surprised he managed to make me not hate this http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UU4ToGRJNQFPFAphVOEgg0ag&v=JSUBuVdkskA
>>15060592link to that video?
>>15060599No that's just a spasm Dash is the princess of kicky legs
>>15060578A pony at rest tends to stay at rest
>>15060490>>15060529>>15060477>>15060461Can somone explain?
>>15060454Pinkie Pie: 24,820Rainbow Dash: Popular music; 8,933 Classical music; 0Rarity: 7,224Fluttershy: 7,224Applejack: 5,467 Country/Square dancing; 7,746Twilight Sparkle: 1,200. 45, not counting sheer enthusiasm modifier
>>15060571She's the only pony on the show that's actually good at dancing.
>>15060567Indeed.>>15060603also you must hug the pone>>15060605He animates whatever he feels like and doesn't give a fuck about the fandom shit.He's cool like that.
>>15060510They are just like Dragon Force.
>>15060608https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUNm816QUOEI've heard of them before, mostly from /v/, but I've never really watch their videos fully.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmB_nR6Cwuksurprisingly cute
>>15060610>Dash ascends>all the ponies want to see her do her kicky legs at her coronation
>>15060617Viva Reverie is a male character but uses the female pony model because his owner thinks the male ponies look retarded.
>>15060619That enthusiasm though
>>15060592https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSw1tcher/videosThey have lots of full playthroughs, and honestly they feel very genuine. I like them.
>>15060651yeah but>If I just keep her eyes closed the whole time I won't have to animate them!
>>15060592https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSw1tcher?feature=g-high-uThey just finished their beyond two souls playthrough not too long agoWoolie is the best
>>15060651Addicting too
>>15060668Well they do
>>15060668WhatI have no fucking idea what you're talking about, and now I really don't care.
>>15060697He's the OC of IMMATOONLINK, a well known pony video makerHe's p cute
>>15060695A lot of the male ponies are cute, though.
>>15060729>male ponies are cute>male>cute
>>15060726So no one really important?
>>15060668>ownerEvery fucking time I see that word...Just, fuck.is this what a trigger feels like?
>>15060646Damnit, I wish I was not a poorfag.I would get a WiiU right now
>>15060668Yeah bullshit, he probably just likes to think about getting fucked by stallions but it's not gay if he looks like a mare.
>>15060750If you don't consider people that create the content that keeps the fandom going in the off season, no
>>15060765>buying a dead console>ever
>>15060755unwastM retails
You will bow to pone
>>15060778the sales have been on the rise by a pretty big margin
>>15060776Sorry I'm not a fan of the fandom.You know, this is making me realize that I should leave these threads until the weekend like I used to.
>>15060748It's true.
>>15060787This is somehow the sweetest pairing and comic.
>>15060748well there's soarin and rumble and pipsqueak and uh...soarin
>>15060787It's just that furries always seem to use that word a lot.
>>15057719>replying this lateHer mane style style, and overall color, scheme looks really nice to me, giving off a very calm and reserved vibe.What little characterization she has is her refusal to go into detail of a painful memory, a concept that really hits home to me.Said concept is a very personal one and, when viewed in others than myself, i feel a strong desire to ease that kind of pain in others; not because of any appreciation I may or may not get from them, but for the satisfaction of knowing that I made another person's life that much happier because living is already hard enough as it is.She's also cute.
>>15060592>>15060646That LP was awful. I suggest Cry (ChaoticMonki) or Markiplier.
>>15060805You forgot one.
>>15060805Lickety Split is pretty cute.
FALSE ALARM EVERYONEI just assumed that a character that was voiced by a dude and wore a ballcap and tie was supposed to be maleSomehow she's less cute as a she
>>15060794>220k in November>3D World has the worst attach rate for a 3D Mario game>absolutely no 3rd party support outside indies, and Sony has better indie support on consoles>the same franchises every time with nothing new added to them
>>15060729>you will never snuggle a cute male pony
>>15060805Flash is kinda cute.>>15060808What word would you recommend instead?
>>15060877How is this pony?
>>15060877>Filename.It looks like she has had enough doubles of anything at this point!
>>15060881Just kill me now.
>>15060858Lets be realistic herepeople buy Nintendo consoles for the Nintendo games
>>15060910you are literally the blurst person
even though I'm strictly straightedge I love stonershy.
>>15060941And why would you buy Nintendo games now? They've all been shit.
>>15060960>They've all been shitSays you
>>15060881I want to snuggle a cute female ponypreferably a yellow one
>>15060944I know Stonershy. He's pretty good at drawing fatpone
>>15060976What about a cute male yellow pony?
>>15061000No I mean the fanon fluttershy, stoner fluttershy.
>Rarity will never design you pajamas
>>15060976What if she was a stallion?
>>15060919It's not, just bored waiting for the next episode.
>>15060653what if kicky little legs was also popular in equestria>Dash is giving a show after her coronation ceremony, showing off her newfound alicorn endurance>the crowd is loving it, people are wearing Dash wigs and hats, it's the best moment of Dash's life>"And now, for the coolest, biggest, flashiest trick I know...">she accelerates and starts heading towards the crowd, gaining speed>"... the awesome, razzle dazzling...">a cone of resistance forms in front of her>"...most radical, downright coolest...">she can see a little filly, younger than Scootaloo, in the audience, her eyes bulging with anticipation>"...the one and only, SONI-">"DO THE KICKY LEGS!">the crowd cheers in unison, loud enough to get her attention before she breaks the light barrier>Dash suddenly airbrakes over the audience at a speed that probably would have brke her wings if she weren't just crowned a Princess and hovers, looking down at the shouting filly, she saw earlier>"Kicky... legs?">"YEAH!">the crowd roars in response. "Do the kicky little legs!" "I want to see 'em kicking!" "Daddy, is she going to do the hoof thing?">Dash grins uncertainly. "Well, I uh, I... uh... never dissapoint a crowd, hehe....">she hovers awkwardly in place over the stage for a few seconds, then starts waving her hooves around her a bit>the crowd goes nuts>the applause is deafening>Dash hears an explosion behind her to see that the grand finale fireworks have gone off, the ones that she thought were going to go off right after her Sonic Rainboom>she turns back to the crowd to see they're all leaving, laughing and cheering happily at the wonderul performance>she looks down at the pile of scarves thrown by raving stallions (and mares) on the stage below her>"I don't get it."
Pony says that by a rare birth defect, she was born with her heart on the right side
blueanon where the fuck are youhttp://derpy.me/agathoidstreaming drive if blueanon shows up, the colony if he doesn't
>>15060944Sup QuentinDidn't know you liked pones Who am I kidding your group is the diamond dogs
>>15061033The only part of me that's female is my penis.
We night thread yet
>>15061077I really wish this didn't turn me on.It makes me question if I would be straightedge around stonershy
>>15061077That looks like a cigar
>>15061054oh gosh
>>15061075>>15061082Okay, what the fuckI have had the strongest sense of Déjà vu ever
>>15061077It bugs me when people edit other people art to add a fetish or something like this.
>>15061099She'd like you to but she would never force you to do it
>>15061110Welcome to MLPGPopulation: Fuck you
>>15061135No, fuck you
>>15061147FUCK YOU
what is best in life MLPG?
>>15061132but her cuteness, my fetish and my dick would be working against me.
This is a cute horse
>>15061164FUCK YOU
>>15061171A warm bed, a nice pony, and the knowledge to know what to do with those things
>>15061121BUT IT WOULD BE BETTER WITH A PENISyeah, i know what you mean
>>15061171To hug the mares, see them snuggled before you, and to hear the lamentation of the boy pones
>>15061183Sleep on the pony and cuddle the bed?
>>15061186Well even though you're joking I have no problem with penis removals if just to make the picture blue board safe
>you will never gently fondle pone's limp cock as you snuggle them tight
>>15061192>villain orgyI want this. And I mean all of them not just the popular onesyes even the parasprites
>>15061205>fondling pone dickdamn son you gay
>>15061220She must be covered in bird shit
>>15061227damn son, heard you like dick
>>15061229Birds do not shit in their nests.
>>15061205>you will never trace their sheathe with a teasing finger>but you will probably need to nurse a black eye afterwards
>>15061229The best Fluttershy is one covered in animal feces. It's just how i like her, don't ask questions
okay it's going to take too long to download star trek tos, next gen was second preference so i'm going to try and download thatunless anyone has a torrent for tos that will take less than 12 hours?
>>15061250>implying pone won't just shudder and lay back into you, letting you play with their sensitive bits knowing that you'll be gentle
No matter what Pony tried, it seemed a "bit of a disgrace"
>>15061294>teen cheerileeUNF
>>15061301pone tried so hard and got so far
>>15061294Man, imagine the weird alternate timelineshinning Armor living with Twilight in ponyville
>>15061283why star trek?
>>15061326because its good?
>>15061314>>15061314>>15061314Awaken to a new dawn!
>>15061316Man, nigga fuck Shining Armor
>>15061326because it was suggested in stream chat a few times, and i wanted to watch it alsoif i can't get star trek, what's another show i can stream each saturday? i was thinking maybe the jojo anime?
>>15061359how about Baccano!It's really good
>>15061364you too
>>15061370that sounds okay, maybe
>>15061359>>15061283Why not just download it an episode at a time or something? No offense, but it seems like everything takes too long to download for you
10 minutes
>>15061283Did you sort it by highest amount of seeders first?
>>15061283>>15061622And did you prioritize the episodes so you get the first ones first?
I love Princess Twilight Sparkle.
I love Princess Twilight Sparkle the most, and she loves me the most, and we both love our children the most.