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On an unrelated note, I wrote a pseudo-news post on my blog that explains my rationale for making the decisions I do.
For the nerds among us, I also wrote a post about how much bandwidth will be saved by the migration to our static domain (4cdn.org).
Since I hate writing news posts (and writing in general), I'll probably spend more time writing smaller updates here in the coming months.

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You should really be sleeping edition

old >>14873719
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I would be if I had a pone.
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But I want to hang out with night horse
sleeping is for days before episodes
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Oh thank goodness. I was about to make another one.
What are you, 10? Sleep=0pone
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MLPG should I just give up any hope of Persona 1 and 2 characters showing up in a new persona game?
Persona 3 made very oblique references to them through the TV, and the MMO in the Hermit scenes.

That's the best you're going to get, probably, unless 5 changes that.
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But... I just got up
Which pony would be most likely to wet herself?
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You're right.

Goodnight, MLPG.
sleep = 0 pony
>now its my turn
Time to get obliterated
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But what if you dream of pony?
I just...I just miss them so much.
Seriously, they all are more interesting than P3 and 4's cast. What is with Atlus trying to pretend these guys don't exist?
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Pound Cake
I want her
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I'm going to sleep with my wife Twilight Sparkle.
I'm going to sleep with my wife Twilight Sparkle too!
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Guess what rhymes with "So muh bread meth"?
I wonder what my big human is like.
>you will never be a little filly and look up to Rainbow Dash
>she will never ruffle your mane and call you "sport"
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Something something shitty joke about Seth something something else
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I do not know.
I almost never dream of pony.


"Lo, da gedd steth"?
Ho, the dead Leth!
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Luna can enter dreams though.
If I could draw I would draw nothing but Flash NTR with various ponies. Starting with Mrs.Cake.
Leth isn't dead, he just got his software updated.
gloomy keeps eating your pistachios
Oh, bad shed breath
Those things are so fucking messy, you'd better clean up after yourself.
That's stupid anon. You're stupid.
I'm glad you can't draw.
Get off the table Anon.
How can a ghost eat?
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then get a waifu plush to sleep
I'm just about to go to sleep with mine now and it will feel soooo good
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Actually, I'm taking both. The more pony the more cuddling.
I'd also draw a lot of colt forced femenization featuring Rarity
Twifag tears were too delicious. I want to taste all of the brony tears.
Fuck her, she better pay for them.
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Anon, she's right there.
Like, she just folded your shirt.
If I has bronybux I would commission a pair of plushies.
That's stupid.
I have an erection.
And last but not least I'd draw a fuckton of pictures where Cadence is whoring out Shiny to a bunch of stallions
stram more

I wasn't satisfied

>Marker and Gloomy plush.
Holy shit...

And you just pissed me off because it won't happen and I hate you!
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also despair
Oh god
Suddenly I want nothing more than a couple of decent sized plushies of marker and gloomy
Or maybe one of marker a bunch of different sized ones of gloomy

Why did you have to make me want something I will never have?
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Girls doing something sexual and being completely oblivious to it is a weird fetish of mine
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Pony got lost in the nether. Will you help pony find their way back?
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i dunno, i think i might just sleep soon cos feelin' pretty sick right baout now
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>Why did you have to make me want something I will never have?
>tfw no Saffron or Renne plush
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alright fine jeez...
I got lost in pony's nether
You can sleep when you're ded
warren zevon pls

well sorry to hear that
/tp pony me

Now stop making me come to this shitty dimension.
>Not knowing what a dick looks like
well shit
my med dosage got upped today so i should have expected it really
She's a pure virgin maiden, anon.
She flirts a lot, but she's never even seen a dick up close before.
It hurts...
What about sex ed?
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Her parents withdrew her from that because they didn't want their baby girl being corrupted.
>Sex ed.
You idiot, she knows how to wrap a rubber around a banana.
>you will never come home to your cute stallion presenting his rump to you
Good, I don't want that.
>Saffron and Renne push
>they come with a set of wearable scarves, shawls, and kercheifs
We used dildos
A big tub of dildos
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>"Hey Anon Hey!"
>"Hey! over here!"
Good thing, that sounds super gay
Maybe even ultra gay
if i see that fucking horse say lol again i'm going to fucking snap.
Fucking a flexible guy like that would be so hot
Especially if they can blow themselves while you're fucking them
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>"Hey Anon!"
>"over here!"
>"Hi there!"
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Go watch that episode you haven't watched in a long time.
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You are the cutest apple
Can I come live with you?
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>"Only if anon says yes"
How much does it cost to get a custom plush commission? Nothing more than 8 inches tall would be fine.
No, it's too late.
but I watched all the episodes before S4 aired
That was a long time ago anon.
Probably $200-$300
>male ass
>that pliable

Never okay.
But I watched the pre season mareathon
>this week's episode is written by polsky

Anon say yes so I can live with this pony.
>not wanting a plush subby stallion ass to plow whenever you want
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>Constant use of "LOL!"
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Was afraid that'd be the case. Maybe one day.
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Gay people are faggots.
Don't we have a plush maker in the general?

I would fork over 400 bucks for a Marker and Gloomy plush.
Hole not included.
>tfw Hoppip is ded and rotting
There was hoppip, but he's ded and hats us
Next you'll be telling me they're queer too.
Hoppip is making fuckable plushes of videogame racecars or something now
>Gay people are faggots.
Son of BITCH!
I should have known that a gay person would be such a faggot!
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>"but i cant get through the screen"
>white text on yellow
Yeah? What's up?
Son of a bitch.

He was affordable too...

Hmm, wonder if I can talk to a friend on Skype...
No. This isn't fair. This isn't fair. Anon said yes and everything ;_;
>getting plushies of your OCs
but you should stram
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>"no!! c'mon there must be another way!"

>Mr. Cake is secretly the kinkiest pony in Ponyvile.
>Ice Pack's professional rival
I wanna bake with Mrs. Cake.
I really can't explain it, GG does the best facial expressions, they always make me smile.
Wasn't someone already streaming?
it's a cute little minimalist style
He met once with the devil.
The devil gave him his powers for only one request.
Ruby Quest.
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wait but wouldn't they be the same colors?
Oh man that last one

>holy shit what did I do last night
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Pony I don't know what to do. I'm sad and scared.
Twilight, no, he's a thousand years your junior!
Ok I'll say it:

I will be disappointed if Starswirl is not the final boss of FiM.
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welcome to the club that is MLPG
>The entire boutique is full of fedoras.
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Pony should sad
>Studied and learned every form of magic.
>Is now the secluded Lich of the pony world.
>Created this.
>Now needs Twilight's help to stop it.
No. Just no.
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I prefer my horses happy anon.
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why not?
who cares, stram anyways
It is in a pony's nature to be happy. A sad pony breaks the laws of nature.
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But it's also pony's nature to be sad as well
Do you not like pony? Why would you want her to be sad?
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So what is new today?
I want pony to rip off a Seinfeld episode.
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I want to marry Luna

But she's not real.
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My girlfriend hasn't slept with me in a month so I found an Asian twink on Craigslist to suck my cock last night to spite her

Am I a bad person?
Kill yourself autist

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>add someone from MLPG on skype
>end up never talking and they're just on your contacts
>like 6 different times
Only if you didn't take pics of the twink sucking you off to send to her Facebook.
Yes. Not because of cheating on your girlfriend, though that does make you a bad person too I suppose, but mostly because you're using MLPG as a personal blog. Stop that.
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You sick bastards are the reason I cant playout been a crazy luna lover without some random dude saying wants to marry the moon horse
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it's healthy to break the happy monotony and cry every once and a while
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>MLPG got you into Skype.
>The chatroom is nice.
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What if you have the urge to cry constantly but you don't really know what you're crying over and you can never get it out?
Dial 555-PONY
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i know that feel
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>I cant playout been a crazy luna lover
If it was me, sorry.
i know i said i wasn't going to but

i kind of feel like streaming again

would anyone care to watch or no?
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Oh, well that's very different and you should seek serious help. Real depression is no laughing mattter
it's not your fault
I want a Saffron and Renne plush.
I didn't know I wanted these things but now I do.
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>tfw death

>wake up on autism land


I'm back after dying twice its on an amnesiac cycle if you die naturally
im sorry i do this a lot
if im one of those guys feel free to hit me up id be more than happy to chat
Why are all of these ponies trying to get my attention?
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Watcha streaming?
I have an appointment with a psychologist this weekend, but I've been feeling really good lately so I'm afraid talking about my problems will make me depressed again.

It's just right now I'm not feeling too hot.
they want sum fuk
I'll watch
a movie, i just streamed wreck it ralph so i'm not 100% sure i will stream another movie, but i might, what would you like to see?
Some asshole Anon mentioned Marker and Gloomy plushes and now I am depressed.
Because I would blow so much cash on them.
Rarity is still the best pony.
Kill the Irishman!
I've had/kindas till have depression

It helps to do something. And its going to come and go like that. Its an emotion, thats what they do.
Did anyone read Life Zone yet? It was storytimed on /co/ earlier
If it IS me, message me now, I'm going to sleep but I want to know who to talk to later
just stram anything

something happier? or obscure sci fi?
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it's a vicious cycle, depending on what you got. so don't put it off, they are actually happy to help you
keep a journal of when you're happy and sad, an important pattern may emerge
does it have robot animals or a cat?
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I'm up for strange movies, but hopefully others would be up to join, would be akward just two random dudes in a chatroom.
i had the same feeling before my appointment
go anyway. depression is more than just how you're feeling at one point in time.
pfft no
I just go to bed and quietly chastise myself till I start crying

This happens most nights
I don't have much self esteem
I just stay up really late until I'm too tired to be sad or angry.
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das kinda sad
I did a quick test with him and stuff, he thinks I have Borderline Personality Disorder.

It really sucks and I hate it, whatever I have. I keep lashing out at my friends and I removed a few off Skype yesterday and I just feel terrible. I don't even know how to apologize.

I think I'll go, then. did you talk or did you get medication? I'm kinda afraid of meds.
how about The World's End?
>posts Luna

I love you
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How obscure sci fi are we talking, I love sci fi, but dont know much
Not him but I didn't like the ending.
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Ponies have silly dares. What silly dare would pony have you do?
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I like you
It has a witch, a talking cat, a werewolf, a anthro owl, and their friends and drugs and depression.
I'm not a big moviephile, I don't really have recommendations beyond what I've recently watched.

I'll probably watch whatever you stream, though.
you know what, i might wait until tomorrow to stream

i should sleep
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>I'm kinda afraid of meds.

Don't be, I was on them for for 4 years and they really help. You'll get through this, you just need to be honest with yourself and your therapist
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>knows it hurts me
>posts Luna

>mfw I try to escape reality
oh, that.
fuck that
i've been on them most of my life, they really do help
i talked the first time. the next appointment i saw a doctor to get meds, but due to an extended family history, they held off and made me see a psychiatrist first. been on meds for about a week now, dosage increased today. no real changes, although i feel a little sick.
we're gonna make it brah
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Sweet dreams.
It's the worst when I end up doing in for hours and I still can't sleep
Probably the worst is when I would sleep over at my ex's
I'd silently be on the verge of tears for hours even though I just fucked a cute girl and have her cuddled up to me
you too anon
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>human world context
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Alright, for realsies this time

Night, mlpg
I hate myself too much to get meds or a therapist
I just want to kill myself
night nonnie
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Good Nights Stranger Streamer
im sorry
>Men cry 7 times a year
>Crying bouts last 6 minutes on average
I do it like 20 times as often for 10 times as long
Well, I'll go then.

Thanks a lot, guys.

nighty night.

I have suicidal thoughts sometimes. Enough to have my gun loaded and to my head. You have to read this book. http://www.qprinstitute.com/Foreverweb.html
It's talked me out of suicide many, many times.
I'd rather not if someone else is already doing it, which looks to be the case.
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Why you stranger like luna and my luna posts?
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>killing me
But it's good.
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I cried for the first time in 10 years about a month ago and that was because I thought I would never walk again.
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a giggle
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>not this time

>tfw emotional suppression is the path to eliminating sadness

Whenever I try to suppress my emotions, it just ends with all of them besides sadness and self-loathing being suppressed.

I imagine Terminators are always sad, which is why they don't smile.

Fuck you. If you can't shed manly tears then you're nothing but a scumbag or a woman.
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> I refuse to feelthisfeel.jpg
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I haven't seen these in a hella-fortnight!
>Celestia will never touch you
I just watched WoY - The Pet.

Holy shit, the amount of legit edge in this episode, along with the shot-for-shot parody at times of Alien. This is what real innovative children's cartoons look like.
And then your heart explodes
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Meatbag terminate yourself
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And then your friends abandon you.
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Oh shit.
Oh. Well, if I do stream it'll probably be vidya since I'm not feeling very draw-ey.
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I usually hold back from crying no matter how sad I am because I was raised not to and it makes me feel like less of a man than I already am. I get sad a lot and I want to cry a lot, but I feel like I'll hate myself after
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>how did you know?

>Luna will never caress you carefully sculpted muscles you built in the human world

Lunafags are the worst.

>I sure love Luna's new personality I made with my own headcanon!
>recolored pinkie!
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Protip: Zyzz was killed by Thailandese hitman Tim Sharky, because Zyzz's brother Chestbrah owed him money for roids.

You're really gullible if you think Zyzz had a heart attack.
I hope I dream about that loli again.
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>mfw death into Lunas arms
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Real luna fags must acept all headcanons and real canons. even with rape.
The joke is Candlejack, ri
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I can do this all night.

Not really I'm going to bed.
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I wish I could have nice sex dreams.
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>mfw I would give anything to have no emotion
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I miss Klondike.
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Tell me /k/.
Would you make love to an A-10?
Would you make her BRRRRRRT?
I booped a pone once. She...she never woke up.
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Tech-hop becomes a thing in Equestria. How much does the show improve?
I have no idea what tech-hop is.
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I would an anthro plane girl with great furor, especially if she were the size of a plane.

But I'd pick a more attractive plane if I could choose. Nothing against the A-10.
That smile is adorable

Well what the fuck are you doing here go read AIDS right the fuck now
Zecora would dominate and then attack Equestria with her rhyme robot
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I only watch brony analysis videos to look at cute OCs

Why is my life like this, MLPG?
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I never did read the last few chapters of that story

Has he started doing his new one yet?
I don't remember what plane he was going to do, but I remember thinking the a10 was better.
>But I'd pick a more attractive plane if I could choose.

Y-you just hate her because of her thick engines, isn't it?!

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Hell if i know, I just fap to the start of it, fuck the retarded rape aspects.

Who has the sicker rhymes, Zecora or Ice-Cream Man?

how can i work up the courage to ask my mum to let me go see a gender therapist?
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I used to dump furry porn on /k/ back in like, '09.

They were nice threads full of weapon discussions and furry porn. Shame /k/ is /pol/-lite these days.
Step one: Kill yourself
Step two: Be dead
suicide is never an option
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Here's one for the road.
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superior page
If you're not old enough to make the decision yourself, wait a little longer.

I remember wanting to be a qt trap for a year, and then the next I was done with it.

I'm not saying it's a phase, but it might be a phase and you don't want to do something you can't reverse.
>must accept headcanons

Brony, please.
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Is it bad that I feel the need to edit those snouts into The Night now?
>ask my mum
See one anyway
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Well then...

I got nothing, here is a luna drawing
>Pea will never get to draw an official comic because of those weird noses
i'm 19, i'm aware that there's no turning back

it's just shame to be dependant on a parent

i don't have the money
The batman nose edits I see here are the best thing ever, never stop making them
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>78 steam friends
>only ever talk to one
>and it's only because he starts the conversation

it's not that I don't like them or anything, I just have nothing to say
Then just kill yourself, you sissy. Stop wasting oxygen and money by becoming a trans.
I've gotten really good at talking to my steam friends.

I'm a little proud of myself.
I am friends with so many bronies. They are all nice
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I've already bought a length of rope to hang myself with
I've drilled a hole in one of the rafters too
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>breaking my fucking heart

Did you make sure you hit a beam?
I know that feel. I always feel like I'd be bothering them if I started the conversation.
man i though most of mlpg wasn't transphobic
Then just talk to her. Buckle up and know that you've known eachother for 19 years.

Tell her that it'll make you happy and you'll finally feel free and all that good stuff.
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>Most is now one person

And there are probably like 5 total right now cause it's so late.

4 now, cause I'm going to bed too.
You know your mom better than anyone here, if she's not one of those bitchy parents, talk to the woman, you're only hurting yourself by not doing it.
And I thought most of MLPG wasn't a bunch of dirty liberals
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>feel more suicidal than usual
>go on MLPG
>everyone is talking about suicide
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Can I come too

I don't feel like taking the long route
Don't hang yourself you fucking nut, go out with some class.

Shoot yourself in a nice forest or something. Do you really want your last sight to be your room?

I know when I fantasize about killing myself, which is a lot, I'd want to be on top of some nice snowy mountains. One minute you're looking at a beautiful snowy mountain range, enjoying the air and the sky, and then absolutely nothing.
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Dew it.

Thanks mountain dew
she knows i'm trans, i've told her everything you just said, but she still thinks i can't make that decision because apparently my frontal lobe isn't fully developed

fucking A

don't do it
No, he needs to off himself in a way that kills the gun nuts of the US.
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>making suicide sound appealing
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Why do you want to be a girl, anon?
I'm sorry, I'm suicidal sometimes and that made me laugh out loud.

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Spoiler Image, 55 KB

Post a random spoilered image from your pony folder!
They don't hand out tittie skittles like actual skittles, Anon
If your quack and specialist think you should go ahead then you're probably going to be okay

I'd do it as soon as you can
You'll look great if you start soon
Well she's right about the frontal lobe thing, but that wouldn't affect your gender identity.

Argue with her about it, don't just accept a no. Unless you can't afford it, or something.

>not being a gun nut
That's fine, but don't take my freedoms.
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Look. I want to marry Princess Luna yet he isn't real and you don't see me wanting to comm-

>I forgot for a moment.

I can't read that face
>Do you really want your last sight to be your room?
I don't think you understand how little I care
I don't romanticize my suicide like you do

I just want to stop living
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>mfw I actually meant it Luna
so my body matches my brain

fingers crossed

dude, suicide is never an option, do you want to talk about it over skype?
>implying I can't be happy about wanting to die
don't kill yourself, you idiots
Killing yourself and ceasing wasting oxygen, time and general resources would be the optimum option
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>this thread
I wouldn't call it romanticizing, I just know that there are pleasantries in life and I would like to experience them before I go. Suicide doesn't have to be a terrible, tragic, emotion-fueled decision.

You said you have the rope, and yet you're still here, so you must feel the same way. Some part of you isn't ready to die yet. I would personally like to shake hands with that part of myself before saying goodbye.
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>implying we're going to run out of oxygen any time soon
I didn't imply that, I just didn't get the face.

He doesn't look happy, he looks like he's trying hard to be happy.
I have way too many games on my backlog to kill myself.

Lucky bastards.
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>don't take my freedoms.
We know you are all a bunch of baby murdering freaks.
>implying wasting any of it will help it

>implying we're ever going to run out of oxygen
>Implying oxygen is consumed by breathing
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>reading me like a book
Just do it anon, don't get trapped in this hellish limbo
>implying all these trannies won't cause every oxygen producing organism on Earth to die out
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It gets better.If you can't live for yourself live for the people around you. Just imagine how sad they'll be when you're gone
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Don't dew it
I cannot self-boop. You must lower me into the boop.


I know now why you qq, but it's something I can never do.
>any amount of people that don't spread their ideals over tumblr
>missing any tranny
C'mon, Pank. You know better.
hellish limbo?

don't fucking guilt suicidal people you cunt, telling them people will feel bad when they die just makes them feel worse, god fucking damnit
>Just imagine how sad they'll be when you're gone
I'm only in regular contact with my parents and brother
My mother hates me for being queer
My father thinks I'm a disappointment
And my brother just doesn't give a shit about me at all

They'll be fine
I'll miss you.
That image in unf
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>implying it gets better
Never, ever tell someone that the only reason they shouldn't kill themselves is because it'll make the people sad around them.

I'm an advocate of having a right to die, and someone who is considering not living anymore doesn't need the added guilt of hearing that. You should discuss it with your loved ones, at least the ones that won't hospitalize you against your will, and explain to them that living has just lost its flavor.
And you SHOULD feel bad.
Now go and do something actually useful
>lowers into the molten boop
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>implying I'm not replaceable

>mfw when I finally snap and do it.
But I'm not a tranny, Anon.
If I were a tranny, I would have already killed myself, and then you wouldn't miss me because you never knew I even existed.
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This thread aint interesting anymore. Mooning out
anon i care, seriously let's talk about it, give me your skype or something

why are you telling me? i'm neither suicidal nor guilting
>that picture

holy shit I'm dying
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Guys pls
What's with all these pictures of Barty Crouch Jr.?
The limbo between needing to transition and actually doing it. It's very easy to get trapped there
Yeah, dude, uh

Suicidal people actually believe that dying will do everyone around them a favor. We usually think of it as a selfish act, but inside most suicidal person's minds, that is the way they justify it. Sadness or no, it'll just be a better world they leave behind.

So yeah.
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It gets worse.
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I think you should be guilty and suicidal. You have a good reason.
What is this a crystal pone for ants
don't plan on it

he's going all out

I was the first, you know...
pls kill you'reself
I've been suicidal, and no, I didn't think about that while wanting to end it.

Stop acting like everyone who wants to kill themselves is the same. You don't even have to be sad.
Shut up Gorefiend I got my Glaives I'm done farming BT.
That's exactly why I haven't spoken to any of my friends in 2 years
They'll probably never even find out
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>fuck you I'll self terminate if I wanna

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for fuck's sake this thread is overriding my antidepressants

I'm going to sleep
>i have a phd in suicide
you like being a teenage girl, yeah?
I wish I was a teenage girl
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Evens: Draw horsedicks.
Odds: Go to bed and draw horsedicks tomorrow.
>new episode of steven universe has connie saying that no one would miss her if she disappeared
>MLPG is going on about the same fucking thing

Guys what the fuck, I didn't need to feel these feels again.
Ooh, draw a pervy stallion huffing Rainbow Dash's underwear with a pair or two draped over his cock.
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You could always be a manic depressent like me!
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I haven't been back to these threads for a while
Did anything interesting happen here over the last hiatus
Is /mlpg/ any less shitty yet
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>that fucking feel when identifying with a 10-12 year old girl
good night mlpg, don't kill yourself while i'm sleeping
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Wow, I hope you do kill yourself because just like all suicidal you're being a whiny shit to people on the internet who wouldn't care if you're dead the moment you stop posting.

No, I'm not trying to trick you into doing better then where you are now, I genuinely want you to kill yourself because you are shitting up a shitty thread.

sort of, it hasn't been so clogged with shitposts that it makes you want to leave for a long while now
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Enough sad

Time for lewd
so edgy, are your parents proud?
>watching steven shit

Do you also mastrubate to fat noodle porn, faggot?
Would you huff Rainbow Dash's underwear, anon?

From the top of the hamper?

y-you too
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sounds good to me
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This picture

why's it so hot
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I get intensely suicidal whenever I'm not completely occupied by something
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and her socks?
I don't care about random people over the internet and neither should you.

I pretend to care about people only if it nets me something of value, and that's in real life, but on the internet it'd be a very big waste of time to care about some random internet user (protip:there's a lot of them) who says he's going kill himself.

It's big waste of time and feeling bad for anyone who's going to commit suicide is like feeling bad for the indie developer who thought a generic 8-bit platformer with no redeeming qualities would sell.
>I don't care about random people over the internet and neither should you.

then why are you posting about them
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I always forget how bad /b/ and /v/ are until someone from there wanders in here
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Can I see your fishing license, please?
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Once he chooses a Waifu and realises they aren't real and will never exist he will come around

>I forgot.
1-3 Draw
4-6 Color that thing
7-9 Video games
0 Mlpg choice.
Do I look like I'm posting about the person in caring manner, dumb ass?
>I don't have an argument so I'll say he's from /v/ and /b/!
>I couldn't imagine someone who doesn't care about people, that'd be just weird.
Do you even know what projecting means? I entirely talking about myself when I said I don't care about people.
Saying i "it's a big waste of time to care about random people" is just common sense
I'm not baiting, quit using that word for every time someone doesn't post something you don't like reading, I don't pretend care about people like you do just so you can feel better.
And that's exactly why I encourage them to kill themselves
So they don't force others to waste their times on them
Say something nice about Chrysalis
Chrysalis has Beautiful Emerald eyes.
Pony wants to fetish super bad
stram draws

specifically Gilda whapping some poor stallion's balls with a riding crop
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Now fuck me
FUCK fine...

Sure I can stream but Roogasm first I guess.

If only our love was meant to be.
What fetish?
What's roogasm?

aw yiss

revvin up my erection
Pony's fetish is engaging in your fetish with you
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>you will never a drunk McLovin?

Roogna x Chrysalis Orgasm Denial, the term has a life of it's own.
Alright, creampies, breeding, and pregnancy here we come.
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So why are you talking to them?
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Anon how could you be any more of being my nigga
>Talking to them means you care about them
>Retarded /sp/ reaction image
>Using the term autism
Why are you so retarded? Caring about not going through waves and waves of retarded "muh feelings, muh life, muh suicide is the only choice" posts is not the same about actually caring about them, it's annoying, obnoxious and generally doesn't add anything to the topic of the thread or to anything of value but people like you who pretend to actually care about them.
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I like this human!
>I just keep buying game bundles

Guys help me, please
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>Goes up to a mugger after he mugs someone

>complains about how he gets mugged by them and annoy him

>gets mugged

Ever since I was a boy, I always thought I'd like to raise four adorable daughters. I wanted to name one of them Andrea.
I walk a different path now.
Stop buying bundles until you play the old one
Give us the games
i have got to start drawing this one, also i was trying to draw porn like the cool kids but its just rough sketches nothing solid
But they wouldnt be available when I finally get to them.
I do have some extra copies of games but they arent AAA titles thats for sure.
why is sentenal here

i thought he killed himself
That's a retarded analogy.

First off the mugger was being a loud and obnoxious faggot screaming "THE ONLY REASON WHY I'M MUGGING THIS PERSON IS BECAUSE I'M POOR, EVERYONE SHOULD FEEL BAD FOR ME!" and then people actually go ahead and feel bad for him.

I'm complaining about the people and the retarded act of 'caring about random people over the internet' and the people that's caring about him.

And yes I know I made a direct post to him here.
But that's because if he stops then people would stop being feel-baited into caring.
pony's dirty panties
pony's sweaty bike shorts
>she gets mad because you call them "horsepanties".
pls, I only have one nose
Take mine
But they are horsepanties!
But you have two nostrils!
Which pony's used panties would you want to smell? What would it smell like?
Forget the panties and shorts.

Use your nose on pony.
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We should kill them. Yes.
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Now I can sniff twice the amount of materials!

Or one pair of panties and one pony
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>"I am not a horse, Anon! I'm a pony! So at the very least they are ponypanties."
>"While you're at it stop calling out writing horserunes. I mean really..."
Post games only pony has played
loks like a ponut anus
It would smell like my fresh, still-warm cumloads leaking out of her pussy
Then why do they call them horseshoes
the sour, strong stench of a good workout.
>implying Dash doesn't go commando

But I suppose she could be wearing tight fitting athletic shorts...
Anon pls, panties are much more fun to sniff.

How about we compromise with boyshorts?
>"That's it, you're sleeping on the couch tonight."
You mean the horsecouch?
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>no panties

>you will never take a horsenap in pony's horsehouse on their comfortable horsecouch
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>you will never smell fluttershy's boxer briefs
Oh all right

But they better not be frilly
>LK still hasn't streamed
On Dash? Never.
>you will never ride pony's horsehorse
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I’m taking the necessary steps to ensure that PUNITIVE DAMAGES OUT OF YOUR ASS
It'd smell like animal shit
This headcanon of yours is getting old, anon
>clean them
>realize they still smell like that because Fluttershy is an animal after all and as ponies she shits everywhere along the streets
This is like the umpteenth time in 2 weeks that someone has asked. Every time I ask what people want, interest is lost or something and no-one ever says anything else.
I'm not really feeling it now, sorry.
I bet Rarity's panties would never smell
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p-pony time again?
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I wish I were forcefully turned into a mare and mind-broken into being a slut.
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>down for 3 hours
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We are free

Someone stram
How about you stream
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Are all the other boards frozen at 6:27 for anyone else?

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59 KB
I can't
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91 KB
You aren't me.
>just get up
>site apparently hasn't been working for 3 hours
>no horse on the sub

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So what's gonna be this week's episode? That daring don't one?
Why didn't you invest in bitcoin?
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And how are you going to prove that?
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>tfw had to masturbate without MLPG's aid
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>you will never be a tiny horse playing with your other tiny horse friends without a care or worry in the world
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The one that has a bigger Chrysalis folder wins.
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Yeah, Daring Don't is the upcomign epsidoe
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It's true, you got me.
Oh man, I'm really looking forward to this one. I'm hoping it's at least as good as RiaW or even better.
did we fucking die again
we will find out as soon as it leaks
Some anons are still frozen, sorry.
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Yeah that could definitely happen, I hope it doesn't but not much can be done if it does.
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51 KB
Would you pone with a pawnee?
>get really frustrated at drawing
>flip through your sketchbook from the beginning and bask in the progress
>drawing is fun again

The best feel
I invested in LTC and made about $1000. Didn't get rich, but better than nothing. I'm also making some dosh being a scrub daytrader.
Because I have an Nvidia card
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96 KB
>get really frustrated at drawing
>get sketchbook and flip through i-
>realize you have no sketchbook
>drawing is abandoned forever
age regression
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>abandoning your dreams

Come on anon, get some paper and a pencil

anyone can cook
But I have so many dreams that I cannot even begin to choose
Choose the ones that you can work towards right now.

Like drawing.
But I can work towards literally everything

Guess I can just become the god emperor of mankind. That works.
Does anyone here own any land in the Himalayas?
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None of them will come true.
That's not work. You know what work is, don't be coy.

Draw me a pony or your favorite fetish or something.
But I don't even have a tablet or anything

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Can we post happy ponies?
No pencil
Paper is for faggots
I'll do pixels
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You already lost
It's a start.

And you need a start. I'll be waiting for that pony, anon.
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When I was living in my car for a while I would listen to the audio of that video on my cd player daily. If I ever meet that man I will have to sincerely thank him.
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Me too!
It's why I spend so much time playing video games and reading mlpg!
What is your passion, anon?
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Happy ponies are the best.
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Oh dang, that looks neat.
you look neat~
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Didn't your mother ever tell you not to lie?
I like it
>watching this ted talk
>realizing I don't have passions or interests
>and my talents are stupid
fuck everything
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that's my fetish alright

*unzips dick*
You gotta find your passion, nigga.

Did you even listen?
it's shit
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Now THAT'S a good pony!
apparently not?
My dog is sleeping on his back, kicking the empty air every now and then.

And all I can think of are RD's kicky little legs.
Oh look, it's nothing.
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>likes chrysalis
>doesn't like ponyfetish
Congratulations, you are qualified to become a successful fanfiction writer.
I hope your dog gets cancer.
I recently reread the first comic arc and man, is Chrysalys a fun character

I hope we see her again in the future
I hope the cancer turns him into a pone.
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I didn't say I don't like it, I simply implied it's still better than just fetishtalk.
I want to write recursive fanfiction but none of the fics I want to spin-off are mlpg popular and I fear the rest of the fandom
Some poeple aren't born to do anything. They are just fillers.
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I'd piss her off for the fun of it. She'd be fun.
>recursive fanfiction

the fuck does this even mean
>tfw you're a real life background pony
fanfiction based off fanfiction
Who punched her in the eye? And why? That's quite mean even towards Chrysalis
Fanfiction about ponies writing fanfiction.
so you're starting with the lowest form of creative expression and somehow taking it even lower

that's actually kind of impressive
Holy shit, quit attention whoring for once.
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What if she faked a black eye to get attention and affection from you?
>not attention whoring
That's the laziest drawing I've seen in a long while
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Why is she so manipulative.
Your mom is the laziest drawing I've seen and been with in a long while.

Also, you sound jealouse mate.
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>lowest form of creative expression
>not modern art



but I agree, fanfiction is pretty bad.
yes exactly
I don't want to write in the general MLP setting because it's boring and doesn't really fit the story I wanted to write
I don't want to develop my own setting because I don't feel like building a whole world to tell a short story
I want to use someone else's setting because I think it's interesting but still pony related enough to qualify for fimfiction, should I decide to post it there

What's the problem?
MLPG why do you kiss ass so much?
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Years and years of not getting what you need can make you....resourceful.
>implying he's an artfag
Well, what's the setting anyways?
>I don't want to develop my own setting because I don't feel like building a whole world to tell a short story

you don't have to world-build, you know. just start telling the story and let the world build itself.

do yourself an enormous fucking favor and don't write fanfiction
I don't kiss ass, I just try not to be a dick because I can't handle people not liking me.

but you told me I was qualified to write fanfiction and it's not like I'm going to be doing anything else productive with my time
If it makes you feel worse, I already don't like you.
That's okay, I don't try not to be a dick when I'm anon.

If I had a name on, you'd love my mask.
MLPG is toxic. Why are you even here? Only popular's hang around here because they love it when anon kisses ass.

You can do yourself a huge favor by not listening to these numbskulls
You're toxic.
MLPG is fine.
No SB I wouldn't.
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>those links
It gets more hilarious every time I guess
>Not linking Interior Semiotics

do you even hipster
You really wouldn't expect it, I can see.

You're not as good at reading people as you think.
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>implying you are poeple
anon pls
I'm here because of the reasons outlined here >>14879749

also this >>14879924
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If you have no daughters, give them to your sons!
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I wish Rarity would make me some buns.
She seems like she'd be a good chef.
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Well, you already made a guess as to who I am.

Technically I'm two people at this point.
Surrounding yourself with other talentless anons will help you find your talent you mean?

Well, I guess you are in your element.
A very nice person.
Why do you post an extremely old women there?
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>playing Guess The Secret Asshat
This game never ends well.
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I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about.
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I don't even have a name.
who the hell is cody simpson
That is a different old lady. Whats with you and old ladies?
>You will never be in a neo-psychedelia band with Celestia and Luna and maybe Twilight if she's not busy
Your mom
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>Lack the brain power to develop video games
>Lack any passion for anything else
Daily reminder that I am better than you.
I never couldget into that story

Malevolent/misanthropic/omnicidal AIs are usually a buzzkill for me.

But hey, more power to you
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I don't knoooooooow
but she's not malevolent, misanthropic or omnicidal

she just wants to make you happy in the most satisfying way possible
why would you turn her away
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Daily reminder: Rarity is better than your favorite pony and she is prettier than you
Kraut please I thought you were dead. I killed you
Rarity is a slut
dude, she murders people

or functionally equivalent to murder

and the story implies that she plans to bring the same fate to the rest of the universe too.
You struck me down, and I have grown more powerful than you could possibly imagine!
it's fully consensual murder though
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Your mother is a slut. She also should have aborted you.
At least my mother didn't fuck a dog.
She tricks and misleads into consent

and has a pretty loose definition for consent too
I am here. Please praise your beloved drawfag
draw me a pony

no wait

draw me two ponies
one more month motherfuckers

Aaahh!!! Real Ponies
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She's not THAT old.
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Probably about as old as this one.
We never seen both of those ponies having a tea party, huh?
Shit's gonna be dandy
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No, but your dad sure did.
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Real horses gross me out
>New villain has his minions take Zecora away
>New villain is defeated
>Zecora doesn't show up afterwards, or ever again
Wow, she's so pretty
this was stupid the last time you posted it and it's still stupid now
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Real horses are neat.
the cat thing looks really cute
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I know I'm slow as fuck

but wow this looks great
Tell me about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoZ2udQkr3c
Stallions kissing
Real horses are pretty neat, but I wouldn't one.
would you ride one?
>you will never kiss a stallion
Characters with pompadours are objectively cooler than those who don't have pomps
How far apart are the English and Japanese versions being aired? And the English is coming first right?
wow, the music is really good too.

and it has reptile tits!

when does this start airing? where will I be able to watch it?
>And the English is coming first right?

Yes. January on AS
January 4 for english on toonami. In japan around the same time.

It was gonna air this season but then Cartoon network actually brought another 13 episodes. So it was pushed back.

The guy that did cowboby bebop is directing it. So expect great music.
You know, I wanted to disagree with you and call you a weeaboo.

But I think you're right.
I already do.
Just occasionally, but sure I would.
Didn't ride a horse in years though.
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Also this is a fact.
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>the guy who did cowboy bebop is directing it
I've only ridden one once, at my uncle's ranch - I'd love to be able to do it again, though. It was really fun.
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Here's the pony
I hope you like it
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Yeah, baby.
i generally hate racing due to it just being everywhere here in the south "muh nascar"

but Redline was great.
Rose pls
thank you for the new anime to look forward to
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I have the biggest urge to watch Redline again
He also said that you can expect every episode to be sort of like mushroom samba.

I'm not rose

I like thing
I kinda like that one
Damn it Snails
You're in the way of the view of the chub
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I like it. Especially the magic.

Keep up the good work. Maybe shave Twilight's Hitler 'stache.
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I've seen some neat designs come out of these.
that's Featherweight
>tfw you will never design such appealing characters

sorry, you can tell it's not sb's snails simply because he doesn't have cannonball size testicles

look at the tags
Thanks anon, this is pretty great.
Damn it Featherweight

>look at the tags
I just use the extension to view things
>no wings
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pegasus ponies preening peacefully
I fapped to it like it was Snails.

I feel wronged. I want to be reimbursed for this.
>go read the post on sbs pron blog
>"Wings forgotten due to 5 AM drawing, will add later in finished product"
I don't know how.
>word of godfags
I bet you believe Twilight Sparkle won't outlive her friends too
it's shit
One day I will be just like niggerfaggot, I'm sure of it
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I want to preen pegasus' wings.
I know aren't they just the worst?
>sure of it
that's what I like to hear. don't quit ever.
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but I'll quit in four weeks when I start coding full time and only use sprites for graphics every once in a while
You'd get fur in your mouth...
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How come SB gets pass for everything despite being another generic furry artist?
because he's MLPG's generic fury artist. There are worse ones out there to have as that position. Therfore, it is not a bad thing to have him pander to our fetishes, mostly because at least MLPG will try to encourage him to better himself, or at least tell him when soemthing is shit.
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I don't have a problem with SB and I like what he draws

but then I don't have problems with most of "our" artists and I don't attack people online for having opinions
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He doesn't though, a lot of people give him shit for his recent art.
I'm sure there are highly hypocritical people in here too though.
SB hasn't listened to any feedback from MLPG lately though.
Dash, hun. I worry about you...
I wouldn't either after all the shit he's gotten

That's not really feedback anon
As far as I can tell, he's gotten most of that shit for ignoring any feedback though.
I don't have a problem with SB. It's more the people that keep posting his art over and over again.
how DARE people post pony art they appreciate in the pony thread
The nerve!
When feedback is >>14880490
I would ignore it too
The word we're all looking for is "critique"
See you could use this argument, but there's that guy or guy that post that cropped picture of sugar every single day.
So you are saying this: >>14880263
Is pony art? That's really interesting.
Why does that artist always draw those two tormenting each other
There's a difference between posting art you enjoy and posting cropped fetish porn over and over again while constantly chopping of a few pixels more to make sure it avoids the filters.
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and there's that guy that posts >>14879519
every day

it's fucking retarded but it's no reason to get mad at the artist

for varying degrees of pony, yes, it is
or are you saying we should ban all humanizations too?
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AH Ah ah My Nikita Sized Pony
It isn't a humanization. It's anthro.
How is writing nonfanfiction a favor to oneself?
ultimative furbait
>and there's that guy that posts

Yeah, and that's equally stupid.

>to get mad at the artist
The guy you responded to said very clearly that he had no problem with SB. He said he had a problem with people that constantly do that stupid shit.

Oh my god, are you stupid?
I think that's too much purple for me.
Are tumblr links spam now?
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Stop being obsessed with personalities.
That bottom one is adorable
Right, but the argument there is whether it counts as pony art: if you're saying an anthro-ization of a pony is no longer pony art, then there's no reason for a humanization to be counted as pony art either.

This whole conversation is dumb and regardless of how it turns out I'm just going to keep doing whatever I do, anyway, and both of you guys probably will as well.
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yes please
Anything with milky in it is absolutely goddamn disgusting.
Figures your the guy that posts is anthro art all the time.
I can't stop hating those tits of hers
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I can never decide what's worse, fanfiction or proggraming.
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Sometimes he draws best ship
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>that everything

I would
Any and all
Boring fat slut. That was the Panty show.
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>how not to make an argument
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Why would this be marked as spam?
A revange for "Cupcakes".
That's what you get for spamming shitty porn
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Any OCs created for the sole purpose of being fetish fuel are shit.
Any OC who's only defining character trait is that he/she is a big slut are shit unless it's played for comedy

These are my onions
They are very tasty onions.
It wasn't porn though, you presumptuous asshat.
Tumblr image links are always spam now
>fetish fuel
I thought milky was just meant to be cute.
Where were they spammed?
Then just post it normally.
Yeah. Saying the whole conversation is dumb is a poor way to make an argument. You're correct.
Why not post it directly then?
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All I want is to be rich, fit, attractive, and popular with a horsecock that bulges my pants out enormously. Is that too much to ask, Santa?
These are some shit opinions

Now get GG in here so you can all fantasize about getting DP'd by his rape twins. Be sure to dream up millions of reasons why they're the "good" fetish OC's
>with two huge cancerous bags of milk hanging from right above the cunt

Maybe your cute circuits need to be recalibrated, Anon.
I didn't want to wast the image limit.
>anon filters everyone.jpg
No idea, but every time I try it says it's spam now
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Are you funnin' me, son?

I have always expressed my dislike of the twins even saying that they are the weakest of his characters. But if I did like them it would easily fall into my "if it's played for comedy" remark.

Stop getting mad at onions.
Someone already posted it anyway >>14880526
Fuck off, prude. Stop telling people what they should and shouldn't feel, maybe someone will actually not hate you for once.
That's the most amusing part to me, because from the original tumblr it seemed to try to play it straight faced with no sexual strings attached (can't be arsed to look up what the original artist's thoughts were), but it was then simply turned into fetish fuel in instant.
the mod specifically stated in one of LK's fat pony streams that they made it for fetish fuel and because nobody else had done a tit-horse character yet
you heard me faggot, I think her tits are cute.
Who shat in your cereal today, Anon? Was it pony? It seems like it was pony shit, because you can't even truly love pony and pony doesn't love you.
>pony doesn't love you.
That's cruel.
Broke, please. If its not porn, you will just bitch about it.


Broke always shit post this. If its not porn, its cancer. Just ignore that steamfag.

get fucked
When exactly did this specifically become an insult?
Isn't Broke the guy that got drunk or pretended to be drunk on TF2 and then everyone that was playing at the time thought it was hilarious even though it wasn't?
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I see the vitriol is off to a good start this morning.
you know exactly what you're doing wrong
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When the steam chat started to have so many awful people who only really come here to shitpost.
I don't even know what it is that draws them magically to it.
he'd constantly pretend to be drunk in the threads
Why can't Ross draw fatsex like this?
Posting anthro constantly? I don't think I'm the one doing that anon.
>and then everyone that was playing at the time thought it was hilarious even though it wasn't?
That's pretty much the steamchat in a nutshell though
it's so fucking true
I'm just saying thatyou have right to feel any emotion you deem to feel feeling like.

Thoughtcrime fucks.
And yet people still go there
I would have taken a screencap if I had known people didn't realize that it was a fetish blog right off the bat. The mod even follows and faves all my fatty art on tumblr and stuff. They've followed my expansion art account for years, as well, apparently.
I'm reminded of ponebrone
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why can't we be friends?
Not anymore, though. The steamchat got really burned out of shitposters after ponybrony
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What's MLPG's beef with the steamchat?
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Pony wishes you'd get along
Because we don't have friendship bracelets, Goat.
You should totally draw your and my OC exchanging friendship bracelets.
>I would have taken a screencap if I had known people didn't realize that it was a fetish blog right off the bat.

The fact that there are people who thought it wasn't makes me question the intelligence of humanity
ponybrony wasn't even a shitposter,the steam chat still liked him because they thought he was "funny", then he dropped act, and they got bored of him, so they banned him
A lot of people come in from there to shitpost. One of the main reasons I left it is because they would do coordinated shitposting.
I can't believe there were people there that would defend him. There's ironic humor and then there's just being painfully unfunny.
>tfw the possibility that we get a pone reference in KlK is more likely than we ever tought
That's what happens when you make friends
Where was the Renne Quest archive at? I can't seem to find it from the sub's quest archive page.
He very much so was a shitposter
But my OCs are dead.
rip trucy
Works better of Firefox, by the way.
Define "humanity".

you cannot
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Rainbow Dash
That sounds like something that doesnt happen
Let's keep the steam chat discussion here, please
Is 4chan slow for anyone else?
Oh no....

I don't have an OC either though, so I guess hat plan would have failed anyway.
It's the thought that counts.
That what was happening a year or so ago. idk if they still do it, but that that is why people generally don't like the steam chat.
Yeah, pics are barely ever loading for me
Who's Trucy anyway?
>Polksy wrote Daring Don't

Well, I never had any hopes in s04 from the start so...
Thanks, just wanted to make sure it wasn't just doing it for me.
And old OC I designed when I first discovered ponies. I still doodle her in class and stuff, but I haven't done a full picture of her in a while.
Can I find her anywhere?
Sure thang.
I'll sketch her up real quick and put it in the new thread. I don't have any good pictures of her that I can find easily.
are you first reading it now?
you should post reactions if you are
I'm going to marry Princess Celestia!
I love Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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