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Dashember is coming!

Old, less cold thread: >>14606952
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Dashember sounds honestly terrible, at least say Dashvemeber.
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Dash is a very cool pony.
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Oh we are griffon now?
Dashtober sounds the best.
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Only 4 more days.
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Griffon is the natural state of MLPG
All the -ember stuff is really shitty anyway since it's not obvious if you mean september, november or december
Dash is an terrible pony
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December? Well into S4. You think she'll be good in it? Interesting storylines, exploring ideas from S3. I liked her in the last season.

Remember what I taught you, neckbeard.
You are a gamer
But all of them are Celestember
and you are filthy
Dashcember nor that one are real months.

Dash has one month and Celestia has one holiday.
Please stop trying to change Raricember, you filthy heretics.
>Celestia only gets one day
And you call ME a heretic.
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TWENTY FOUR (4 FOUR mother fucking 44444) WEEKS OF PONYYYY
>Dashcember is not a month
>Partystan is not a country
What will I become with the threads I will create?
I never said anon should troll
I never said anon should bait
I just want what's best
The one I love she boops so hard.
She boops her hooves until they bleed.
And all the shitposting endured
would bring a brony to his knees
And I only want to help
I hope we get more Reading Rainbow Dash.
Count in-season one- or two-weeks hiatuses and it's actually more than that.
Open up, Princess!
You underestimate the character of 4chan
You think they will stop posting, if you hand out permabans
But they are strong

We will build generals everyday
We will make topics to first page
We will be Heroes
We will boop Heroes
goat tran stram
I don't make the holidays or months, I just think them up and write them down.

Dashcember is not a month, no. But Partystan is a filthy country.
Man, she's tight
Why is she spreading her legs so much?
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They've waited so long for this day,
Someone to take the bait away.
Anon would never have to say,
"My pony worked into her grave."

Men sleep tonight with hands on pens. They will awake with hands of feels.
And with these hands we will destroy. And with these hands we will rebuild.

And we will stand above our channel,
rising high above the piss.
From tops of pages we will look
at all that lies beneath our shit.

And we will raise our hands above us,
Marker shining in the sun,
and with these hands that will not bleed,
Lauren Faust' battle will be won.
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tfw writefags hat us
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Its all I fucking listen to all day every day
>tfw writing is hard and boring
I want to write for you but writing sucks so bad
what am I supposed to do
we do
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>all the pone discussion in the coming days
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This general doesn't know what's coming
She doesn't see the bait
This general doesn't know what'll hit her
When McCarthy will seal her fate
This generals thinking that its over
But the ride won't hesitate
So I'm breaking out of here tonight

I am ready!

I'm no good at this
>kev's dicks
>not lamia's superior dicks
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Get better taste in music. As a prog rock group the protomen aren't even that impressive.

That's sad.
I completely forgot what it felt like.
If it wasn't for the comics I would've left this place altogether.
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>superior anything
Draw. At least then you wouldn't be wasting your time

And thank god.
As much as I like Lamia's dicks, Kev really draws the best horse dicks in the fandom.

I don't really see how any could deny this.
Despite that, her anus is fucking huge.
At dicks, yep.
I can.

He's not japanese.
I tried that
I wasn't any good at it
I'd like to interject for a moment:
Kev's dicks are tubedicks.
I can draw
but I just want to jerk it to cock, not work for it
you gotta climb that ladder anon

you can't stop because it's hard, the top is beautiful.
Nigga, so are Lamia's.
They're not Gideon tier because they're actually sexy/nice to look at
fuck that noise
effort is bullshit and applying yourself is for tools
The dick is love
The dick is life
Work on the cock
Work for life and happiness
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To the guy dissing Ponyvania last game

Fuck you I'm easily entertained and I find it fun. But I respect your opinion
no it isn't
I meant thread
then why don't you use your magical ladder of talent and draw me an inspiring picture
do i smell a farquaad?
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𒉼𒅗 𒊄
>that massive egg inside her
No, captcha, no shame
Nah, that;snot how you spell SB
SB's terrible at dicks. Too long and not thick enough.
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Are you a dick connoisseur
He only draws snails with an overly long dong
The other ones are great, like that recent Pip
As a matter of fact, I am.
Pip... yes, pip's was good. But I stil like them a little thicker.
Shutup Gilda. You don't even have friends.
some might be too long but they are already so thick
Anon, browsing MLPG without at least a class III horsecock judge certification is a felony in most states.
Very well good sir *tips glans*
>there is an alternate Earth where this is actually a common sign for greeting
>tfw you don't live there
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example of a terrible horse dick that is way too thick
I'm not sure I understood the joke.
Everyone, please

Could you all post pictures of your hands? Like, stroking or squeezing pillows?
...I like that horsedick though
I don't get it.
smooth, featureless crotch or gtfo
I guess they were trying to get them to sign some kind of document but they declined. She then bribed them with tickets to the magical show thing.
one of these days I will actually do this and then mlpg will laugh at my dirty fingernails
no you dont, you just like the whole picture because it is hot. the dick itself is terrible, it is a wide tube of flesh that is neither human or horse.
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Ok, so I got it. I thought there was a deeper sense to the sunglasses, though.
Examples of good dicks:


http://derpibooru.org/261719?scope=scpe74bd58973ed74c26d8448352d1c4576061b2bbcb ( may contain traces of butts)





We should have this guy and the Pinkie fursuit guy fight to the death
some of those are a bit veiny for my taste, but overall I approve this post

I actually have really nice fingernails but my cuticles are fucking garbage. Gotta lotion the shit out of them to keep them from peeling all the damn time.
While we shoot both.
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>MLPG talking about dicks again

the issue in the first place was tube dicks
Get out the fucking computer you deviant
>Not talking about dicks
lemon, please.
I'd rather talk about Rover's junk.
>Braeburned and Lamia
Okay. You got me there for a second. I almost thought you were serious.
>poster not liking furry
>redirecting said poster to the furry board
but anon, /o/ is the furry board
8/10 I approve of this post.
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God damn it
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I'll be in my bunk
#2 and maybe #5 are good, the rest go into the trash
it would be pretty neat if they came back but i doubt it.
>tfw you buff your nails and they get all smooth and shiny

I fucking love personal healthcare.
I thought it was /k/?
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are you rating these for best horse dicks or best horse dicks in the mlp fandom?

i dont think there will be much better in the fandom
is that a ghost
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I just want to see more races in general. It doesn't have to be this group. I mean not all Dogs are bad...right?

woah, that's 2spoopy
Yes anon they are savages.
Dude what?
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>pinkie plushie
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that's a tiny pinkie dryhumping luna

>there will never be a Renne Quest-esque spin off to FiM with a pony and a Diamond Dog
>if it happens, the closest you'll get is a Daring Do show, and it'll be mediocre at best
> she won't even have an interesting partner
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Is Sarah Palin still relevant in the US?
Barely even Pony!
tfw ask diamond dogs is dead
i miss them so, i hope alot of the tumblers come back when S4 is up
But anons, Pocahontas was shit when you look at it without nostalgia goggles.
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They're not all savages
ancients have layers
>watching things without nostalgia goggles
besides, it's the song.
of course its shit, i like the song though
She is also not real.
Neither are the other dogs. What's your point?
Congratulations! You passed the mlpg gay test with flying colours!

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They're all real in my heart
Let's not go there. Seriously, it's what ruined /vp/ (okay, what it further did), the endless Genwars which ultimately produced a majority of posters praising whichever new thing GameFreak shits out as the best thing ever because they, unlike the other fags, don't have nostalgia goggles.
But LK, the only good pokemons are the first two gens.
X/Y are pretty cool
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RENBO DISH IS A VERY 4THBEST and steadily climbing HORSE
you want some ded with that hat?
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That's a new one, I've never been called like that.
It's funny because I can agree that they were the best.
Wereity is pretty hot
No. Shitty performance issues plus no post game makes me wait for XY2/Z more.
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I would that bitch
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>Max image replies reached
OH gosh I hope I'm not too late
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why are you posting math when I just left math class fuck you

>no post

I think this is something every Pokémon game has failed at...maybe not Gen 2. They did give you another region to go through after all. Just no new E4.
you're right, G1 had a very strong post game in the form of a cave with a single pokemon and G2's postgame of a mountain and a battle with Red are way better than a series of detective missions and online battles
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good mourning mlpg have a little pone. any one have a 1 pone draw request?
Because it's the language God used when he created the universe.
Max Cohen pls
Draw Marker pony marking with her marker.
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Scratch trying to teach Twilight to DJ, but is obviously not having much success. Cuteness overload please.
Pony SS in her dance dres from EG
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Goddammit, even in winter I STILL can't think a nothin for Rainbow Dash to wear

Also, I don't usually do the whole reference thing, but yeah, anyone who can guess what that symbol on Twilight's sweater is? It's something Spike picked out for her.
brony please die
>a single pokemon
>not shitload of Chansey, Rhydon, Golbat, Parasect giving you shitloads of experience
Compare XY's post to BW2's post, or Emerald, or even Platinum.
Says the brony, riiight.
I haven't played any since Silver, that's why I was responding to the guy that said G2 was the best
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I only like good Scratch ships
All of a sudden I want that Diamond Dog Marker pony picture
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Dash could wear something sporty, like what snowboarders wear
All you do is pick a character and exclusively draw them being morbidly obese or molested anyway. Why waste your time bothering with this dumb shit. Again
>durr here' my brrrrand new s4 designs
>incoming 500 pictures of sweetie belle, pinkie, lyra, or dt being fat as a house and going oopsie did I accidentily sat on somebody agaun hue

Is there a term more harsh than pathetic, or sad, because this isn't pitiable either.
Wouldn't be a ship, I just thought the scene would be cute. Anyways, why are you telling me? I don't care, the question is will Petro will humour me.
That artist is about 900x better than Ross
Any Vinyl ship is inherently bad.
i see you havnt done anything to show twilight is now an alicorn princess.

are these pre season 4 designs
I don't care much for his art but the story he has going is hilarious.
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I don't have that one saved, but race swaps are fun
only the ones you like
...This come back is bad.
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Captcha: thickness relluti
That is one big pone
you know what else is bad? how hard my dick gets when your dad's in the room
For me.
If you're into 250+ pound men be my guest. They say even the big guys need some loving.
Man that one is old
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Saffron is a big girl
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you're old
I do this all the time just to get a reaction.
taking cocks in your mouth?
remember the time we told ross to stop making his own OCs with the MLP designs, so he recolored his pedobait sweetie and called her his own character?

apparently he doesn't, because he's back at stealing designs.
no, but I remember all the times I've asked him to draw ponies

Nope, these are the absolute newest designs as of today, save for the seasonal attire.

I've decided to show magic and flying by portraying glowing eyes and wings that flicker into view behind the back, respectively. Every person that has wings has their own unique pair that vary in color, size, and shape. Twilight's wings would be like uhhhhhh... purple stars that are abstracted enough to look like big wings.
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>Chronicle Diamond Dog
I stlill haven't finished Renne
I don't recall
What a terribly stupid and unfunny picture.


there it is
I remember when he said he'd leave forever.
Why do you keep using words like 'new designs' and 'person'?
that's not a pony
that's not a pony at all
I mean just saying stuff like "The only thing I'm feeding is my ass with your dick.......UH WAIT NO I GOT THAT WRONG."

It seems to clear up tensions hurr really fast
well duh, we're talking about ross
He's plagiarized before, ross has no chops.
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>I stlill haven't finished Renne
Hop to it buddy
Is gud
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Dat ass though, I've got the urge to reach out and grab a handful. mhmm.
And with people giving him actual feedback, he'll leave even less now.
pedofags pls go

Oh, so when I drew Sweetie Belle humanized, it looked nothing like her despite sharing the same palette and very similar hair and motifs and everything. But when I adapted my own adapted design and removed everything that made it resemble anything related to MLP at all, then it was stealing. Now the human Sweetie Belle design resembles the source, right?

What the fuck ever, man.
I didn't necessarily say bad...
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Remember when Ross made you want to fuck this guy?

Y-yeah..me neither
No, it just proves that you have no originality.
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lol no
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Atypical plagiarist pedophile camwhore denial
night thread people its time to leave now

Because things keep changing. Their eyes have been enlarged, particularly Twilight and Rainbow's. As for "person", well, they're people, ain't they?
Last thing I remember is Saffron killing the fuck out of Chance but I will eventually
fuckin' cute pony
Pony is running around in circles saying she's a cupcake
>things are changing
>i made their eyes bigger

ross please

I'm leaving, but it's because I have to go to the store
not because you told me
Are you literally autistic? I don't mean in a 4chan sense of LOL AUTISM, but actually like... diagnosed autistic? It would make a lot of sense.

I'm not trying to make fun of you, here, just trying to understand.
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>they keep changing
>I made the eyes bigger

You're moving as radically forward as detroit.
Are we talking about a cute filly or a retarded mare?
I don't think you understand his big eyes fetish bro

it's artisticness is just 2deep5u
Pony will inevitably trip and fall on her face again.
would rainbow dash let me
which is funny because it actually is moving forward

The adapted design didn't have ANY originality, because it was an adaptation. I can reuse the base model if I want because the body itself has nothing to do with MLP, only the details. Remove those details and add an entirely different wardrobe, hairstyle, and color scheme, boom new character. If I had done something like recolor Pinkie Pie to make an "OC", then I could see where you'd be upset. As of now, you don't have a leg to stand on.
Thats always annoying isn't it?
"Fuck, this kid told me to leave and I actually have to leave, damn it he's going to think he's won all because of timing."
A retarded mare would say she's a muffin XDDD
No Rover. Not even the tip
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You're overemphasizing what I said. The larger eyes are an example. What words are you looking for? Let's call it tweaks. No way that can be misinterpreted to be something huge.
I don't care about overemphasizing. I'm just asking if you're actually autistic. Are you?
Aha! So you admit you're a plagiarist hack with no originality! That's why you steal superior peoples designs like Atryl or Siden.
i guess we're just looking for designs that aren't completely shit

What kind of stupid question is that? You've already made up your mind.
Oh boy, you have a way to go
And you're in for a ride
Tweaks is a real bullshit way of saying I dont change fucking much at all
Pinkie is still morbidly obese
Rarity is still a mime freak
Fluttershy is a nine foot tall freak with no feat.
It's the wicked whinny of the headless horse!
pony says she's tired of you putting words in her mouth
No, you're misunderstanding me. I'm not looking for ammo to use to make fun of you. I just want to know if you are autistic. If you are, then you are. I just want to understand.
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Whip up some comparison images. I've hardly seen any MLP fanart besides what's posted in the generals.


Sorry to hear, but that's another issue entirely, and it's been three years, so that ship has sailed.
Oh god whats wrong with her nose?

Those tigers look rad though
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I wouldn't argue if there was more really. Like.... one for each of the main?
So you choose to keep re-using the same old shit as your excuse for not being good at art? No wonder you're such a joke.
Check march, april and may


>tfw he never drew Celestia or Luna
I will thanks.
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There's some more from PHN. They're all amazing.
Does this mean there's an imposter in this thread? Someone is impersonating pony? But wait! How do we know it's you the real pony?
I'm checking it out right now, I LOVE raritys, man oh man. I wish I had more patiance to sit down and actually get good at digital art.
Pony uses the belt sander.
Some of them are pretty meh, but I agree that others are great.

Too bad he doesn't like pones anymore.
I like the SMBC strip parodying this phrase asking "what happened immediately after famous quotes?" and there's the lady screaming to Churchill OH GOD WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT HAVE YOU NO SENSE OF DECENCY

It's not a misunderstanding. You know there's no way to prove or disprove that kind of loaded question and you're playing dumb.


That image is still terrible. The lighting is all over the place and the rendering is plasticy and out of place. There isn't a lot of volume because the shadows were rendered with gray or black rather than doing anything interesting with color interaction and suggesting deep, subtle, and rich hues instead. Look at the squiggles that are supposed to represent lightning. What are those glowing balls? Why is Fluttershy's kneecap a sphere? Why is her calf and foot on that same leg bigger than the other when the perspective isn't that warped? How is she keeping balanced, her weight doesn't seem to be properly shifted against the tiger's head. And look at the splashes. Her left leg is coming out, but looking near her other ankle, you'd think that foot just went in. Is she stomping around or what?
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Remember when this was a thing?
Careful now pony that is a dangerous tool not a toy
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Why don't you post your version shithead?
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>that entire post
every time
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My favourit Pony is Thomas!!!!
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>That image is still terrible. The lighting is all over the place and the rendering is plasticy and out of place. There isn't a lot of volume because the shadows were rendered with gray or black rather than doing anything interesting with color interaction-

Blah Blah Fucking Blah. Same asinine questions as last time. If you're such hot shit then instead of spouting nonsense you PROVE you know what you're talking about and do it better.
Oh wait you can't
You're just jealous.
>tfw Klondork and LK are ded
>tfw LKlon is ded
>peter nguyen
>not a male name
>implying that pic on his DA isn't clearly a guy
i've sene Bonbon force feeding Lyra but why Rarara?
They'll be back when the season starts. I think Klondork has been lurking though.
hello new wallpaper, looking smexy today.
Pony wants to go to the beach with you
>hurr durr try doing better
It doesn't take a Picasso to be able to tell shitty art from the cream of the crop.
>You know there's no way to prove or disprove that kind of loaded question

How is it a loaded question? If you're Ross, you know if you are autistic or not. It's a simple yes/no. Why are you being so difficult? Have you or have you not been clinically diagnosed with Autism?

Do you have a job in something relating to art?
Shhh, no tears now, Ross.

I even agree on the thing with the weight and feet with you, but you are way too aggressive when pointing out stuff like that.
that's not loiro
That's a pretty cute Fluttershy. Is there a Pinkie one?
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>I don't care about overemphasizing. I'm just asking if you're actually cool. Are you?
He seems pretty cool to me.
>implying you need to do better to have an opinion on something or judge it
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is she going to wear the bikini I bought her?

See? You have to make it about me and you're shitting up this whole thread because of it because you can't admit that PHN's art has flaws to it. It's been over two years since that image was made, maybe he's improved. Maybe he hasn't, I don't know.
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>tfw no new art of the only canon gay on the show
No, he hates Pinkie.
Fabulous =/= gay
We know you haven't.
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>You pick up a job to buy a house, or raise kids, or to impress your dad. You work away your life, then what does it get you? You get cash.
>Cash that can't buy back what the job takes.
Well shit. That sucks.
No. She also wants you to not wear a swimsuit
Why can't I find a good pony who listens to me
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If the tryhard can't walk the walk then he shouldn't talk the fucking talk. Maybe ross should put his money where his mouth is. Of course since he's been here begging us for money before he doesn't have much money to begin with.
I wish I was an Image artist like PHN.
Half-pony , half-chameleon! Neat!

>Liking Fluttershite and hating Pinkie
5,6 teraHitlers
What did you expect from a Rarifag?
You haven't improved, and you've certainly proved that with your S4 designs (HA).
fuck off phn
I would that AJ
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Stram was fun.
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Search your heart anon. You know its true.

He probably takes part in multiple serpent orgies. Why else would he care about his stache?
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And yet you're doing the exact same thing to me, right now, with your shit talk. How myopic can you get?
Her horn isn't glowing.
Who's holding that blanket? It looks like Twilights magic but neither one of them has their horn-flare
>Pink magic
Next stop:
Celestia as an earth pony
People should be able to have opinions or judge things even if they can't do that thing as good or better. Let's say someone makes some food. I point out all the flaws in it. But I'm not a fucking chef. I couldn't do as well. I couldn't cook that fucking food. But it still has fucking flaws and I'm still going to point them out. Now quit your bitching and let people do what the fuck they want.
>you're shitting up the thread
no ross, you've been shitting up the thread forever. nobody here likes you or appreciates anything you do because you're a cunt who talks shit and draws lousy fetish art
Don't you date to take her wings away.
You still haven't answered my question. Are you autistic?
Even as EQG abomination, she's a cutie
Nah, it is, it's just really faint in the steam. I can really only see it if I tilt my screen.
irrelevant; both PHN and ross are artists, making your analogy defunct.
Has there been any word on if Season 4 will be available on Google Play? iTunes already has it available to pre-purchase, but I'd rather not support Apple if Google will be picking up as well.
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Yeah, the magic glow should be yellow and horn should be glowing and she has no wings
Now that you say it... her horn does have a yellow flare.. What the hell is she holding then? Because its not the towel. Wait, what is she hiding under that towel?
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Celestia's horn is glowing, though. I guess the fog is too thick there.

Also, apparently Celestia's magic has been several different colors. I almost went with gold, but I couldn't get it to not look like pee.
I'd agree with this post in pretty much every single situation except with Ross. Ross is a jackass who constantly bitches about others, disregards criticism because he knows better, claims to be better than others, including PHN, but in reality he can't draw for shit. More of his critique of the Fluttershy picture is made-up bullshit than not, even if he does have valid points there, he's not the person anyone should listen to regarding anything.
>tfw I really like MSOBs art
>but the boobs are just always too big for my taste
Thank for the stream.
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>tfw love his art
>and the boobs
>he just doesn't draw enough
The show. The damn show, Do you watch it? It is golden glow for princess.
>celestia's magic isn't yellow

>More of his critique of the Fluttershy picture is made-up bullshit than not, even if he does have valid points there, he's not the person anyone should listen to regarding anything.

if you're getting something for free and complaining at it you have no right to complain
I like it!

Yeah, one post with my drawing versus five posts of loudmouthed schnooks like you. You know you can't get the other five to shut up so you just get mad at me. Blame game bullshit. This shit has even happened when LK or MT or other artists this general likes come into the threads, and it's not a cool thing to do at all for you to continue shitposting. You'd much rather trash me than pay attention to those guys and you know it.
Never seen this Ross fellow around, and never seen people bitching about him. I've been in these draw threads for a long time. So I guess I'm either blind or just don't pay attention to anything.
Edit it then, it's not shaded or anything, if you carefully select the area in SAI and shrink it, you can easily draw in the lines. Even if this picture isn't a great candidate because of shape, there are others where it could work fine.
You also need to hint her wings somehow
threesome porn where
>the lighting is all over the place

Perhaps you noticed the multiple sources of light

>rendering with black

Those shadows aren't rendered with black at all. They're purples and reds and all sorts of maroons. I don't think you understand what rendering with black means.

>look at the squiggles that represent lightning

So you did notice the multiple sources of lighting! Good job! Now tell me... what exactly do you think lightning is supposed to look like?

>why is Fluttershy's knee a sphere

irl patellas are oblate spheroids, and that's exactly how it's drawn in the picture. You remind me of Ross, complaining about arms bent at 90 degress when they're only bent at 45 degrees.

>why is the calf and foot bigger?

Put your glasses on. The calves are the same length. One foot is turned towards the other, while in the other leg the ankle is straight.

>I don't understand the pose

She's reclining against the tiger, with one foot on the stone, and lifting the other at an angle, possibly to take a deper step into the pool.
He posts without a name now because back when he did everyone had him filtered so he couldn't get attention.
>apparently Celestia's magic has been several different colors
Eh, really? In what scenes has has it shown up as colours beside yellow?
Ross Irving is the guy that draws this stuff >>14611146

He refuses to put on a name and insists on being unpleasant at every turn
i only ever remember it being gold
when was it a different color? man i am not as observant as i think i am
Ross is probably the single most infamous drawfag in MLPG, so yeah, it's either that you visit very casually, never actually read the thread, are utterly blind, or you haven't actually been here for long.
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And I just told you I thought it looked bad!
I'll let you guys judge, though.


Admittedly, I was just going by what the wiki says, but in Season 1 it was light blue.
Actually if I recall, you spent time in the thread shitposting about me specifically, and when I arrived you immediately started sucking up to me and trying to be my friend. As if I didn't notice beforehand.
ha ha pee pee horn
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I got your back
So hey, did the Sonic people kick you out for your shitty obese Blaze pics? Is that why you're back here?
Pink pone is so cute. I want to hug her.
hands off, that's my pink pone
Why is Ponka so cute and huggable?
That's perfect, thanks goat!
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>implying that wouldn't look fucking sweet

You forgot her wings
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Pink pone is for sharing
/v/ fucking loves his stuff
He didn't. I specified he can choose.
No they don't. I've been in the threads, they hate his trash just as much as we do.
anon the wings are down but they're there
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pink pone is not for sharing nor caring

If you're who I think you are, I only criticized your art, not you as a person. Get over it, my art gets slammed all the time, you know what I do? I keep on truckin, have been for the last three years.
There was one yesterday and had people constantly ask for links to his stuff.
he is talking about TS
>when was it a different color?
It's blue in a bird in the hoof when the cupcake is levitated in front of her - though her horn doesn't glow so I'm not sure if its her magic.

But it's definitely blue when she sticks her horn into the locked door in Return of Harmony.
>tfw you will never be a hated namefag or artist
Feels good to be on top.
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They fell off. Why do you think she's panicking?
You mean Ross samefagging, asking for his own links to build up attention.

You haven't visited too many of those threads, have you?
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I spent a moment blankly taking it all in before the realisation hit me
twilight sparkle doesn't have wings though
I was hated once
it was unpleasant
Even scat itself is a better fetish than diapers. Thankfully I have that filtered.
>that feel when you can't punch all of them in the face
Who asked you

Go back to being ded
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Keep on trucking is a nice way of saying that you ignore all helpful feedback and continue to stagnate.
I call dibs on the butt
It looks like he has boobs
Its pretty arousing
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Same. I like breasts, but even he can make them too big.
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Anyone mind doing some archive diving or providing names/keywords so I can do so myself?
I wasn't around at the time and this sounds hilarious
I wonder if he's going to get a cameo in the pirate comic

It would be pretty fitting.
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Nuh-huh, I saw it first
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>mfw I'm going to miss the premiere

someone hold me
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I wanted to see how changing the colour a little would look.
Then I misclicked and something went very wrong.

Quit deflecting. Do you want this conversation to be about you or not? I just tried to address your feelings only for you to flip this shit right back onto me. Make up your fuckin mind or this is over.
This new pic he's been doing doesn't look that bad.
It looks exactly the same as all of the other pics he's ever done.
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Whoa it's like abstract pony
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All I really need's a smile, smile, smile!
I'll be nice and comfy with a big bowl of cereal this Saturday.
that was me, stupid, not him
god you're an idiot
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same shit different clothes
>new designs
>bigger eyes than before

what a fucking joke
That orange magic actually looks quite nice
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Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine

Well you know I'm addressing him, so why would you answer it? I don't know who I'm talking to, it doesn't help when you make useless posts that don't clarify anything. If you KNOW it's not addressed to you, let him answer it. If he doesn't, whatever, life goes on.
At least the episode threads are normally archived. There's probably going to be a few recordings of some livestream chats too if that helps.
Why did she transform into a male ass?
And the TF sequence in Pinocchio was fucking terrrifying for me as a kid and up until some years ago actually
Maybe that's why I can't be a TFfag. Thanks, Candlewick!
you're such a dumb fuck, but hey, life goes on, some people go places
you just don't go anywhere
keep on truckin' loser
i love how he compares himself LK and MT and other people who aren't aggressive assholes and wonders why he is hated. especially since he disregards the shit they get and the few positive comments he gets and only comes here to get his daily victimization fix.
It still really bugs me that they are acting like they got a concussion even though they contacted at the shoulders
Posting it wasn't included in that, reposting edited work of others is somewhat inconsiderate, although I don't suppose MSOB would get mad at it, but it's not very nice regardless.
I still have to choose between FiM premiere and an antifascist demonstration
Why is life so hard
filly wonders if you're going to get a wii u to play super mario 3d world

You're the one that caused the confusion, you posted KNOWING you weren't the person I was talking to, think, you idiot.
Gregor has joined the game
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Hitting shoulders can transfer the momentum of the head into rotary movement and thus making it possible for those two to hit their heads pretty hard
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What's this about rediv taking the knot?
Think things around here will change much two weeks from now when we start getting people back from hiatus and episodes to watch and discuss?
it's pretty obvious he has brain problems
Cry more, loser
both sound like fun

this is not the place for that sort of thing
go bother her on skype or here: http://redivdrip.tumblr.com/
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No. Things don't actually change when new seasons starts after a hiatus. In fact with the last two seasons, things only got worse Shitposting intensified.

Also, I doubt people are going to come back. I chat with a number of old timers and they are done completely. Not even going to watch the premiere.
The second one might evolve into clashes with the fascists and/or the police though, so it depends on your definition of fun.
The point is I would feel terribly in both cases
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You're getting older. Your time is running out. You're not married, you don't have children, your career is insignificant. You've never gone on a road trip cross-country. Other people have done way more with their lives than you have. What the hell do you think you're doing with yourself? Do you think you're going to be young forever? You have to do something with yourself. You have to do something.


I'm the one who called you out on your dumb move, this doesn't require an argument, it's just posting etiquette. You're anonymous anyway, just take your lump and move on.
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Workin' on it, Applehorse. Now show me that smile!
Cry more, dumbass
At this point I have to agree.
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tfw 0pone
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look what I found today
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>implying I'm not reaching Super-Inferiority and rising higher than these concerns
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I'll just get enough for a canister of two of gasoline and a matchbox.
>club penguin bans
These used to crack me up.
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>fat shaming
Guys I majorly fucked up and I need some cute ponies. A lot of cute ponies.
oh god i love that hoihoi inspired faces


i already like that guy more
Check out the image dump threads.
Your sister's prettier.
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You don't need to be rich. You don't need to be famous. But you need to be something. So what's it gonna be, what have you done? You haven't done anything! This guy has a house, you don't have one. This guy has a career, you don't have one. Time is running out.
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But anon the pony you just posted is being very cute
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i've drawn a lot of naked ponies
I'm getting educated so I can start on those things calm down jesus
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But which ones?
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We're all gonna make it, brah.
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That is a good start, you should draw more of them.
Intercept pink horse.
Right now any of them will work man.
But Sweetie would work the best. She is made to be cute
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I'm about to finish up my education, and then I can get a job in my field. I'm gonna make it, girl, and no amount of neigh-saying can stop me.

And that's not a smile.
Limitless hatred for both of those concepts.
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Yes, Marker, you're pretty.
I can't right now I'm drawing other naked things
Like kobolds
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yeah ok

Now look who waltzes in, the biggest lowlife to slink around the face of the internet! It's me who gets attacked, but this jackass gets a free pass?
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You suUURRre you wanna do that, bub?
You've also drawn a lot of naked those things.
a kobold is fine to
is an allegory to the colonial era where industrialized nations managed to exploit the resources of less developed nations for a few coins
because he draws ponies occasionally
Applejack you're one cheeky pony.
Look at her man. Just imagining hugging her or you know playing a game with her makes me happy.
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Careful with that edge, brah. We are star dust from the heavens.
>Do you think you're going to be young forever?
Actually, yes. I'm betting on science getting rid off aging before I bite the dust
dis makes me so sad ;_;

why can't this happen in the show, then the worst pony would be gone for good
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If you got hit by a car today, what could you say that you did? You could say "I was born, I went to school, I got one job after another, I watched The Simpsons, and that was about it. Time is running out!
shut up Carl Sagan
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>You've never gone on a road trip cross-country.
jokes on you, i actually have
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Sweetie Belle's a qt.
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Here ya go!
Why do you want Rarity to die?
I invented AIDS
then take me to Equestria and i'll work on your farm.
Eat shit, we're made from it.
Like you'd be able to say any different.
I couldn't said anything because I would die.

If you're trying to be Ross, you should know he never uses the words "lowlife" or "jackass".
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>If you got hit by a car today, what could you say that you did?
drew a bunch of titties
what part of this aren't you getting
What makes you think YOUR generation is going to get that privilige, or even you in particular?
I'm like 90% sure I've seen him use both of those words in the past
I don't have the means to better myself through any other way right now

I lack the connections to do any cross country stuff and lack the finances to do so.
in your dreams
>3D World more next gen than PS4 and Xbone games

God damn I need money.
And they're very nice titties.
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Why do you feel that someone has to have something fancy they could say they did while they were alive? Isn't living your life day-to-day and enjoying the little things in it, that don't make for good "I did so and so" stories after the fact enough?
Because why not?
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I can honestly say that I've done my best to make other people's lives a bit brighter. Sometimes I've even succeeded! And that's worthwhile.

And I'm still waiting for my smile.
I'd just be that one forgotten guy who would never get another mention. You know, like probably everyone else. Kinda quiet, sometimes drew things.

But oh man, the things people would think/say of me if they managed to decrypt my truecrypted hd. Not that'd I care, that's kind of hard to do when you're dead.
We get it, you think we're losing and there's no time.
shut the fuck up about it
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this looks familiar and good.
is it a new drawing?
>3D World more next gen than PS4 and Xbone games
What's 3D World?
I could say I am doing better then most of the people in the world. I could also say I survived getting hit by a car.
I want to guess "Super Mario 3D World"
Fuck off, prude. You don't know anything about true hapinnes.
Drew it ... 2 day ago for a Pinkie thread.
Just another fucking Mario game.
If anything, I feel a lot better than I would if I knew I would die shortly after having a kid
Super Mario 3D World for Wii U.
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Asleep chickun.
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Oh Mr. coolkid, tell us about true happiness
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Twilight will not outlive.
shitty mario platformer
Fuck you. ;_;
Her wings will live on
I've been edging for 8 hours yesterday.
Why is Spike still so little?
are there any "waifu" fics with Sweetie? Like, really sappy and sentimental fics?
I want to say a name, because the style seems vaguely familiar, but I'd rather not.
What's your name?
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Wow, that sounds pretty fun.

You're a silly little monkey aren't you?
My real name?
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She's a child, you monster.
Captcha: authorities tsniffe
Fuck you, Anon. I hope you step on lego.
But if Twilight Sparkle's an alicorn, how will she NOT outlive her friends?
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that's fucking bullshit
>missing the point

I meant a happy and sweet fic with Sweetie, like most "waifu" fics out there.
That's what aging-up is for.
And you're a hateful prude who's going to die alone with his family cheering on your death.
wow so falling such speds i culd die!!!!1
Skydiving being fun is just a stereotype your jewish overlords installed in your head.
>Spike outlives one of the ponies comic
Gee, I sure havent seen this a million times before
What a bullshit story.
Either she doesn't have Celestia's long lifespan or ALICORNS FOR EVERYONE
Why did I laught to the point of tears at this reply to that post combined with that image
Lashing out only proves your true feelings.
To be fair, that was one of the earlier ones if I remember correctly
>Skydiving being fun is just a stereotype your jewish overlords installed in your head.
get out /pol/ and never return
Shh quite monkey, have a banana.
So they have a fucking spell that can give her wings to someone else, nerve endings and all that shit but they don't have a spell to fix legs.
look at the filename too
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I don't know, but that is by far my favorite Twily screencap
Apparently yes
Keeping McCarthy's shit eating track record in mind.

She means that they will not die during the show's airing time. Basically you won't see them die because they won't write that far ahead in the future.
Shove it up your ass.
No, wait, shove it up my ass!
Alright, then skydiving is just a stereotype perpetuated by jealous poorfags who equal expansive things with enjoyment.
buzzword king
So what? At least I'M happy.
Good goy
Why didn't they just ask Zecora to whip up a magic brew?
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You're not happy, you're complacen

And that they won't die before Twilight Sparkle.
You seem more upset than happy. Perhaps you should reconsider your priorities?
I don't know what that word means and I don't care.
You show your incredibly defensive nature indicates a cycle of lying to yourself

>Alright, then skydiving is just a stereotype perpetuated by jealous poorfags who equal expansive things with enjoyment.

but it is fun

Because a brew can only do so much

this is twilight giving up all of her power as an alicorn to pull the spell off
Applejack's eating celery!
No, literally the only thing it means is that they won't be explicitly shown to die before Twilight while McCarthy is head, but there's still no guarantee whatsoever.
It will pass, while my liberal lifestyle will remain.
>but it is fun
Because everyone told you it is?
>Keeping McCarthy's shit eating track record in mind.

So, Twilight Sparkle won't outlive her friends. Gotcha.
>Because everyone told you it is?
because I did it
The beauty of this is
>Ross disappears
>you appear
They canonically have a spell that can reform a Chaos god, but not one to fix the Parasprites problem or take the tree out of the roof in LBYS-
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>NBS shitposting again

Why isn't that fucker banned yet
Chaos spirit*
It's just your hormonse making you think this way.
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You're depressed
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because people need to report him
>shitpost factory works in shifts
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97 KB
Posting my Pinkie!
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65 KB
You got the wrong shitposter
It's Broke.
AKA ponebrone 2.0.
Why is pony standing on a moldy brain?
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yeah, we'll see
Well the tree problem kinda was solved with a spell. Rarity did get rid of part of the tree by transforming a huge branch in cute pony sculptures.

And really the problem with the Parasprites were that they were completely unknown to everyone but Pinkie.
You had Twilight who studied non stop, Flutterhsy who's main thing is animals and fucking Celestia and none of them knew what a parasprite is. It kinda makes senses for a spell not to exist.
>fun is only fun when i say it is!
/v/, please
No, I'm happy.
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Cynthia is a really cool dancer.
And people don't report because they don't want to drag janitor's attention to this thread, considering how much of it is nonpone.
He's not gonna start pretending to be another person when he's already busy and getting replies with one. Maybe he'll link your hour old posts once he stops getting responses to
Boops for stuff.
>letting Pinkie near a computer
It doesn't seem like a bad idea but why do I have a feeling that it's a very very bad idea?
And that's all that matters
Pony argues excess individualism is the cancer killing society
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Molestifaust is watching you.
Pony is correct
I'm totally okay with that.

Will she come and snuggle me while I sleep?
Well okay, maybe he will, then
In general, I only see offtopic stuff get deleted if it is trying to cause a ruckus and agrivate people

"Hey, this thing is neat, don't you agree"


"Fuck you and your onions are shit"
Dude. Artificial fun IS a real thing. Just because it was used in couple of dumb posts on /v/ doesn't make it wrong.
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see >>14612492
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Well it's not an improvement either way, is it?
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Okay, I picked bad examples, but when you think of it, there are multiple examples in the show of "why don't they just magick the problem away?"
Captcha: they'll rigedDa
Oh, so that's why.
>assassin's creed 4 deluxe for 1.5$
>artificial fun
still an argument with no basis that ammounts to "I don't like thing and you shouldn't either"
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Nah Pinkie is a Computer Expert.
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But where's the ponies?
Its MLPG: My Loud Poster General.
I took them
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Maybe we can bait them into attacking each other!

Either way, I'm gonna go take a nap

Be sure to report the armor spammer, he's an admitted ban evader and his shit does get deleted when the janitors wake up!

I hate how you people love to debate every reason why pot should be legal except for the only one that you care about, so you can get stoned without getting in trouble. Fucking hypocrites.
I just want you to stop telling me my way of life is wrong just because it's easily achievable.
Making IE cover the entire screen with toolbars doesn't make you a computer expert Pinkie. And no "look at all the different search engines you can use" isn't an excuse.
Yes, but only when you're really asleep, so you won't know she was there.
What if I fake it really well?
Well they won't argue with each other because they're personas of the same shitposter, if they did, it would just simply be pretend.
I didn't say that at all
I've always supported the legalization of cannabis for both recreational and industrial purposes, but this is neither the time nor the place to discuss that sort of thing
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Jeez you guys,every day with you all
and all I got filtered are buzzwords and weed shitposts
This is stupid.
The ponies are ina secure and currently undisclosed location until I deem this a safe enviorment to return them to.

It's like the play room for little kids who have parents in the FBI/CIA
oh, and I forgot to mention: The War on Drugs is and always has been a huge fucking scam and absurd waste of taxpayer money
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Filtering buzzwords with recursive on will inevitably hide a ton of shit.
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Why do you even exist? Don't you know that the dying is the best drug there is? It's so temporal and ephememeric? Who cares, it's trippin! Only fun matters!

Disgusting hedonists.
My favorite shot of Twi from the show.


Please don't tell me you're one of those people who say "no! it has alternative uses! look, I can make a sweater out of it!" That shit feels like a burlap sack.
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>mlpg will never use flockdraw or opencanvas again
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mind breaking pony by loving her
that doesnt work at all
She'll use magical alicornmancing and put you in trances.
fuck off
at least they don't leech off the government

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tell me about it
sometimes, I'm convinced that there isn't even a guy who gets this mad.

There's a cabal that posts the images that "trigger" him and they co-operate to cause the biggest amount of trouble possible
stallion mindbreaking you through excessive cuddles
Why can't she just hug me while I'm awake?
Maybe everyone should, that would solve the majority of this shitposting here
...How does that even work?
Do you accept requests?
>not filtering it
you had this coming
you have the solution and if you dont use it, you shouldnt complain
You go and change her mind.
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I don't leech off, they give me money on their own accord, from their own free will. What am I going to do, throw it out? If it doesn't go to me, it will go to another retard, loss/loss.
She doesn't want to get caught NTRing Craig.
wasn't there like a shitposter skype chat or something? that was dedicated towards ruining these threads?
Very carefully

If there's any reason I can agree to for the legalization of certain drugs, this is it. As long as it's not some hard drug that could make the user go fucking nuts and beat someone to death.
Well ... sure i guess.
But I don't have that option. I don't want to download thise 4chan plugins because I'm afraid of viruses.
No shit he's not getting mad, but the guy spamming weed related images only started doing it quite some time after the antiweed shitposter appeared, I doubt they're the same.
The antiweed shitposter is only doing it to shit up the thread, props to him for this is the most believable personality he came up with to date, but after such a long time it becomes very apparent that he's only pretending. Also note how the PRUDES shitposting stopped the instant he started with weed.
But it's only a hug!
I am, I am.

just wanted to throw that out while it was in my head

Considering the cabals to shitpost on other boards, it would not shock me in the least
ugh no
Molestia worked because its similar enough to Celestia
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>drug addicts aren't leeches
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Yeah, BCS and tiara was there, I remember, slugbawks as well when he still cared.
Holy shit, Batman?

It all makes sense!
Whats the name of the artist? I got some pictures from him but cant remember the name
I wish we had a sheriff.
trying too hard/10
I'm using ponify to replace a few buzzwords. It doesn't work very well for the amount of posts, but still manages to make some bearable.

>No shit he's not getting mad, but the guy spamming weed related images only started doing it quite some time after the antiweed little farquaard appeared, I doubt they're the same.
>The antiweed little farquaard is only doing it to shit up the thread, props to him for this is the most believable personality he came up with to date, but after such a long time it becomes very apparent that he's only pretending. Also note how the shreks shitposting stopped the instant he started with weed.
it's called a filter
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Maybe if you've been good you'll get a hug for Christmas.
Could you draw Pinkie clad in clown attire?

Oversized shades, polka-dot overalls, big goofy shoes, the works.
oh man, are you the guy with the clown TF fetish?
... does it count if I'm good from now on till christmas?
I still don't see how this improves anything. Initially it would be funny to have shrekify on but I'd get annoyed with it.
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Annnnnnnd there it is.
Fuck filters. I want moderation.
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For the guy that wanted something cute and "sappy" with Sweetie, I found this.
But it is true.
Probably, it's the thought that counts.
Fluttershy is going to fall over.
Bold claims, no proof.
Aw yis, time for pony cuddles!
>tfw Metals is laying low in a 3rd-world country
Eh, you'd need someone dedicated to the job, and the threads would shitpostexplode due to the bitching about moderation.
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fluttershy looks like her cloak is going to get caught in a breeze and act like a sail as it pulls her away

And jeans are terrible for winter

Add some fluffy tuft type things to make her warmer, it looks more like a wind breaker than something to actually keep you warm
What the hell is wrong with Fluttershy's angle
By giving her all the love and fucking she's always wanted, telling her that she's your good girl and making subtle hints that if she doesn't do what you want, you'll love her less. Make it her idea to become what you want.



It's like I'm in an SMT game.
Maybe she only had the idea to bring them all after Twilight mentioned them to her in her letter declining the invitiation.
Questanon pls

Why can't I be you
>that last line
Every fucking time.
I am actually okay with Pinkie being that fat
>and making subtle hints that if she doesn't do what you want, you'll love her less
That's just emotional abuse.
That's not sexy.
Why would anyone wear tights in winter?

Yeah, I think I pushed that pose a little too far. Oh well.
But Anon, QuestAnon is in all of us
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Here's another. This one is specially adorable.

>tfw he'll never do a full fic version of the teen Scoots greentext
Feels good to be canon winner neutralfag every time.
She realized that bringing twilight's friends would liven things up, so she gave twilight more tickets

Alternatively, it was a gambit and she hopped twilight would return the ticket so she had a reason to give more tickets without raising suspicion.
Yeah, fuck this. Pony is for unconditional cuddlelove or maybe fighting over it but no abuse.
Why would the princess want to avoid suspicion. She's the goddamn princess.
The first one is much more likely

Rarity is kawaii as fuck.
she didn't want anyone to know how much havock she planned to cause
Super Mario Trains?
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Shin Megami Tensei.
Don't know much about them, but from what I hear they tend to have sides you choose between order/chaos style, and religious inspiration.
why are ponies expert semen guzzlers?
they practice a lot

and have rarity to teach them
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Sorry can´t do better ... im in a rush.
I meant your drawing name
I hereby swear that I won't make a single shitpost from now on till Christmas.

I'll be heavily disappointed if pony doesn't come to hug me though.
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>not being engaged to your waifu
Probably gonna be fucked soon.
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>not already being married

It's like you don't even love her.
Not that guy but it looks pretty nice. Could you add a silly clown hat when you have some time?
Oh no, Twilight lost her cutie mark!
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There's no need to rush things
Hmm, sorry, but the way you drew one of the details and the fact you're drawing Pinkie made me think you were someone from herewho's had a complicated history.

Cute drawings, by the way.

She's come quite a ways from the hideous first design I gave her, with the attempt to complete the whole Carousel Boutique motif.
would you happen to know any good fluttershy waifu fics?
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Look at that little pon.
Don't you just wanna pick her up and smother her in cuddles?
Celestia truly is Mister Roger.
Celestia is a really great leader.
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But I do.
Thanks man. Saved.

>Could you add a silly clown hat when you have some time?
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Here you go!

Well thanks i guess.
I just want to pick her up, hug her, tickle her and stuff like that
Cuddles are reserved only for Rarity
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celestia says she loves you and gives you a big winghug

what do
It requires an adequate amount of fire.
Give her a big hug back. Say "I love you too" in a firm yet warm voice.
No problem. I guess you're not him. Not that it would matter if you were
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Not him, but now I'm curious who you're thinking of. Not that I mind if you want to be discreet about it though.
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But I'm not real...
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You win this time marker....
Can bees bite?
why does SB love dicks so much?
How many times do you have to post this?
I assure you, my unfs are genuine!
Thanks - just happy that I could make someone happy. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
They're a good source of vitamin unf.
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>Why haven't you settled down with a nice young filly yet?
You have a skype? We can talk about it very briefly.
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Because he's "secretly" gay.
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Nah that's fine. I'm not that curious.
Why don't you? What are you, gay?
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Because she isn't real
I fucking hate it when someone brings up sb
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That's fine. You have a tumblr or DA where I can find more of your stuff?
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I would
I just wanted to talk about dicks but it's always personalities with you people.
sex with Flitter
It's just SB white noising again. Filter his images and his name and the thread improves substantially.
I'm another guy though. The drawfag said he was in a hurry and probably left after adding the funky hat on panka.
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What about Cloud Chaser wearing Flitter's bow?
What, again? We just got out of the shower!
Nah still here.
Tahts my name - i got DA.
Cloudchaser looks plenty pretty as-is.
>Battlefield 4 has insane system requirement
>Not sure if play at max settings
>Load up a game
>I get 60 fps on extreme settings

These feels good
Cool, thanks.
I thought that was with Cloudchaser.
>giving out your da info on mlpg
That's probably the worst mistake you could ever make.
MLPG has insane pony requirements
No problem.
MLPG has insane attention whoring requirements
Dude, what
What's the problem with DA info? Plenty of people have given theirs (myself included) and haven't had any problems with it.
no it doesn't, you're doing it right now
You can take another one later!
She needs you to fill her up, and she needs it now!
I'm not wearing a name, therefore, I am not attention whoring.
I knew getting these pills would be trouble.
Fuck off, Anonymous. Go get your free attention somewhere else.
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It's funny how PHN at his worst is leagues better than Ross at his best.
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When is PHN at his worst?
... Just hoping for the best.
Who is PHN and why is this person the flavor of the month all of a sudden?
>not this again.jpg.png.mp3.avi
It's one guy posting those gifs
I have no fucking idea

It's possibly just someone trying to start shit for no reason

advice: into the filter the gifs go
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Why did PHN make all these gifs?
This is what happens when you try too hard to be a popularfag. Krautism.
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That's a good question, I don't think anyone ever asked him.
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You know I'd probably love this if i didn't have an irrational fear of clowns.
So PHN, why DID you make all those gifs?
PHN why are you jealous of Ross all of a sudden?
Sweepy Belle!
I don't even what show this.

Will Tribes ever go fast again?
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Pear pone > apple pone
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69 KB
More like this would happen.
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It's really odd how people are like Ross all of a sudden. Red started liking him and everyone followed suite.
I like and respect Red but Ross was a dick to me personally and I will never like him.
Same. Although I'm greatly moderate on this because I don't really like not liking people and it was as Anon so I'll never know for sure it was him.
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Who is Red?
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Why are short hair ponies so cute?
I find it hard to believe there are people liking him right now seeing how much he shitposted and how huge of a dic he was to 90% of all the artists here, even to the people whoe were nice to him
Rediv. Red Intravenous.

She draws cute chubs.
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Everythings alright!
it's odd that around the time ross posts pictures there is a general increase in shitposting and the general writing style used resembles the one of ross.
No Pinkie it isn't. Now that I know you were a clown I can never love you again. I'm sorry. But from now on we have to go our separate ways.
She's also a attention whore. She's one of those who got popular for being a lewd giril.
I so don't care.
No it's just popularfags who shitpost
If you didn't then why did you bother to respond? You must have cared.
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Because long manes are for little girls
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Anyone have the zip/rar file for the cracked japanese Paint Tool Sai with english translation and transparency?

I feel like some tripfag posted it on his tumblr once. I see it passed around here often.
>Rarity fighting a giant crab
Nah just kidding. I hug her.
But my heart still belongs to Rarity
god fucking dammit
Here you go, http://d.pr/f/3tFD
>Red started liking him
Spoiler alert: they've been friends for a while
>24 mb

Is this a virus
I heard Red liked dicks, but this is ridiculous.
>red and lk are frens
>red and ross are frens
>lk and ross are anemones
it looks fine to me
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To whomever posted the Paint Tool Sai, I really appreciate it. Thanks a bunch.

Have a pony.
I guess it's true that red only wants to be friends with popularfags
They're what
Any particular concept or thing MLPG would like to see drawn? I'm no good at coming up with ideas.
Make is simple
Don't make it too specific
Make it pony
Can be a little lewd, I guess
Holy shit it's not hard finding a free copy of painter tool sai. It's pleb tier software.
Sai is relatively small

I just opened it and it works fine
Lightning Dust winning a race
Super big dicks.
If you're in need of ideas, there's always the request doc in the linkboard.

Still, how about Chrysalis in a sex shop?
fluttershy in a french maid dress, pantie shot
Thank you for the pony, I love Rikose
I keep SAI on a flash drive.

It's super portable.
This >>14613785
Not with transparency though. Most of the time, cracked/free versions of Paint Tool Sai don't allow transparency.
Celestia in her bathtub, biting her lower lip
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Dash preening with just a TINY bit of pussy showing.
is twily a jellyfish?
Just draw hyper dicks. MLPG loves this kind of shit and will put you on a pedestal
That looks silly
No one really likes that stupid shit
They're all just pretending
I want fresh ideas, anon
I'm OK with this
This too. The question is on whom?
I'll also keep this on the list, because reasons.
Fine, fine.

Expect things during the course of this week.
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Really? I was in a Skype group with him for a while and he's a really awful person, even towards people who haven't wronged him in the slightest.
capthca: ontalong fundinglel
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It´s fine.
Because Ross is a kiss up. And red likes kiss ups.
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She seems to be desperately in need of a trim
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>my boner has been playacting this whole time
Nigga I love you
I find it hard to believe that he would kiss up to her though, seeing how he shits all over other artists for minor flaws in their work.
Spike, after growing up a bit, with a pony on each dick. Because of course he has two. One is Rarity, the other is an aged up Sweetie.
There should be a noticeable bulge in both of them.
I have never seen him kiss up to anyone ever.

Even artists who are clearly better than him he treats with utter disdain.
>I'll also keep this on the list, because reasons.
Thank you, Anon
>fillies in the same category as mares

This is dumb

>I want fresh ideas
>someone suggests a pony in a french maid outfit
>implying Dash wouldn't want to beat children to assert her superiority
It's probably by weight. I'm sure pegasus don't weight a lot.
Pone's body is a temple
>I have never seen him kiss up to anyone ever.
You missed the time he was talking shit about LK for a quarter of the thread, but he was there the whole time
Then he started to treat him like he was his buddy
Honestly I'm not really into Spike that much. I'll probably just do some pones instead. sorry

Let's talk about someone almost as bad as Ross.
I've heard about that for months (years?) and I've never seen a proof of it.
>LK draws fat
>red draws fat
gee i wonder
>mewball pretending one of his friends is dead
This is too much! I can't believe he's playing the sympathy card to get some popularity.

I'll admit he's playing the game pretty well.
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Actually, it's because me and Red have been friends for over five years now, well before any of this MLP business.
I remember that, I just considered it less kissing up and more damage control.

Might just be misunderstanding but I think of kissing up as just pure flattery without publicly visible backstabbing.
She draws fat stuff, right? Ross will suck the dick of anyone who caters to his fetish. That's why he slobbers all over Apple, despite his artwork being subpar as well.
Is she covered in Hawaiian Punch?
>as bad as
Jay's worse
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>that picture
But he doesn't like what LK draws
He actually really dislikes LK because he draws fat things and MLPG doesn't hate his guts like how some people hate his
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It's really not hard to draw fat things that people like.
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>wonder what mlpg is up to
>fat fetish artist drama

I'll try again later
That looks like shit though
Later we'll probably be talking about hypercocks again.

Just come back in four days.
Yet still more liked than Ross.
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>My eye is black because it represents the darkness in my soul
There's a special place in pony hell for something that autistic.
Man, The Thing was fucking great
What a horrible thing to say anon!
Knowing mewball I'm sure he's doing it for attention
That's the thing that he still hasn't grasped
People don't necessarily hate fat things, they hate him as a person
>butt is just a black hole now
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No trim needed!

Well Anon - was nice around. Gonna get some sleep now!
Because people try to draw her cute and also don't make the joke of every pic of her "oh god I ate all the food I'm so fat and embarrassed about being fat and blargh fatty fat fat blargh!"
>rediv tries a smaller toy.gif
She acts far more likable than him. If you're a huge piece of shit you can draw as good as you want, pretty much everyone will still hate you unless they don't know anything about your personality.
Pony wants you to buy her some bitcoins
She's gonna get shaved sooner or later. Just you wait
Also good night.
at least it's not prolapsing
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A friendly reminder from Marker Industries to stop being part of the the problem.
At least the fat things LK draws are actually ponies.
And LK isn't a knob. That always helps.
What does pony even want to do with those bitcoins? Why can't she just use regular money?
i love it
Ponies are pretty quick about jumping onto bandwagons. I bet she read an article somewhere.
Pony is broke plus she wants in on the fun!
Daily reminder tripfags ruining mlpg
>buying at a high point
Pony should stop being silly and watch the charts for a big crash to buy in at
Ross probably doesn't realize it. He is convinced that he is right and everyone else is wrong and that his point of view and his opinions are objectively right and he thinks he has the authority to complain about things he doesn't like, because in his world only his own thoughts count.
Shitposter pone is best pone.

>clearly says namefags
>we've had an influx of /mlp/ namefags who don't take the time to lurk and learn
>obviously it's the tripfags' fault.
Do people seriously buy into bitcoins? I'm curious I know you can exchange cash for bitcoins, and bitcoins for porn and drugs, but I hardly ever see anyone exchanging bitcoins for cash.
This exact thing happened to BCS, Ross and Kraut.
This is hard
namefags, tripfags who cares? Same difference.

They both act alike.
>I know you can exchange cash for bitcoins
On the other end of that trade is someone who is exchanging bitcoins for cash.
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>mfw filtering any post with "ross" in
based filtering
A namefag is someone that wants attention for one reason or another, a tripfag is a namefag that someone pretended to be at one point.
Now that's using your horse sense
Good luck getting to new threads, then.
So then by that logic anyone that wants to cash out their bitcoins during the high point probably won't be able to because everyone's waiting for the crash to buy in?
Bitcoins are much alike to a speculative stock. Price makes huge swings, so one time you can buy one for $100 and then sell it a month later for $900. It works the other way around too, so many lose a ton of money to them; but to answer your question, yes, people are constantly exchanging them back and forth with a daily trade volume around $50M on busy days.
Case in point mewball
>"proving" a rule with an example
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Did I hear pony
>tripfag apologist
Me and pone's bum have all sorts of fun
Is he okay?
What you're describing is when the crash happens, no, there are always idiots who think that it's a great idea to buy when the price is going up at a rate of $10/minute, it's just that at certain times the amount of these idiots goes quite low, people get worried of the too high price, start selling, price goes down, more people get worried, more try to sell, people try to sell very fast seeing the price going down, and bam, you have a crash. It comes back up really quickly though because of everyone jumping on the crash once it properly goes down, just look at today's charts.
Pony said she had enough. Pony said she quits and you can go find someone else to cuddle you for free
It will be more difficult to find buyers when the price is high than when it's low, yeah. As
said, it's got some similarities to stock market trading if you're trading them in order to make a profit, and not just buying in to use them as an actual currency.
Now he's depressed
You don't understand. I'm attacking your shit logic, not tripfags or whatever silly thing you're discussing atm.
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time to put the pony in timeout
It's true, you know.
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Yes anon hes fine is just has a rather unfortunate entrance habit
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Forgot I drew this. It never concluded, hawwww
i think it's likely that ross is responsible for at least three thirds of shitposting about artists, seeing how the massive chain shitposting is never about him or the people he is apparently close to and also the fact that he used to do the exact kind of stuff in the past without hiding it.
Yes, but then you have the other problem where people won't give you any attention at all unless you show them bits and pieces of your personality. So you either have to deal with a bunch of people hating you, or deal with loneliness and unappreciation.
I chose the latter.
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Plz stop, plz. I'm not even going to say ross plz go just stop.
He looks kinda shy.
He's cute. I like him.
>it never concluded
because you were stubborn and couldn't do a simple thing that I asked and turned an easy request into this huge hullabaloo
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Alright, MLPG

You have to fuck, marry (with missionary position and lights off sex once every two months) and kill three of the Mane Six.

The other three you don't choose are erased from history.

Choose wisely.
Replace "Miley" with "Anonymous" and it still works
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Maybe he is anon he does not appear very often at all

And his 15 minutes of fame consisted of getting beaten up by fluttershy

Poor stallion is probably going to need to see a therapist
Hateanons trying to chase away a contributor. Where are the white knights?
These hypotheticals suck.
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I choose... Not to choose! Hahahaw!
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You should upload your background pony folder somewhere.
I refuse the test because at least 5/6ths of them are better off without me.
No one white knights for Ross.

Except for Ross himself.
And you could have it all
my empire of dew
I will let you down
I will be a jew
It's really funny too. You critique any other mlpg attention whore, the white knights come out of the wood works.
If anyone deserves to be chased away, it's Ross.
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>Recent tests have proven that MLPG prefers NOT to talk about My Little Pony. Experts are looking deeper into the subject, and are expected to commit suicide by Friday.
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I already did as another anon asked for it too.


Those are the caps and .gifs I did myself, no fanart and such as we have derpibooru for that

Also its kind of out of date now
"Social deficits distinguish autism and the related autism spectrum disorders (ASD; see Classification) from other developmental disorders.[20] People with autism have social impairments and often lack the intuition about others that many people take for granted"

"The limited data suggest that, in children with intellectual disability, autism is associated with aggression, destruction of property, and tantrums. A 2007 study interviewed parents of 67 children with ASD and reported that about two-thirds of the children had periods of severe tantrums and about one-third had a history of aggression, with tantrums significantly more common than in non-autistic children with language impairments.[29]"
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>implying you're not the one(s) white-knighting right now
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Would you spank her
FUCK no!
>fat fetish

I'll never understand it.
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Maybe it's because Ross has no fans
I'm amazed that someone can be this shitty at art.
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What is it with you people and tripfags? Everyday mlpg has some sort of shitty discussion regard a tripfag, namefag, or "popularfag".

Last I checked this was my little pony general, not my little fandom general. How the fuck do you find this enjoyable?
Guys my skin is coming off in chunks like cold cut meat. So which pony should I make out of my loose skin chunks?
>psross has nofans
I wish Anon would be happy like that, but I'm sure there are people genuinely mad in the lot.
There are lots of fetishes here that I don't understand.
Spamming fucks bait the thread.
>PHN is out making it happen on TV and working as a designer at Ford.
>Ross has to beg for commissions on FurAffinity and be hated on mlpg.

No wonder Ross has a hate boner for him.
Fat fetish is one of the more understandable fetishes imo.
The worst part?
There aren't even any name/tripfags here right now.
Just Anonymous.

We are the real monsters.
That's okay. I just like looking around for cute background horses to draw pictures of. Thanks a lot!
Good evening.
>TV and working as a designer at Ford.

but people don't like fat chicks.
There's even shirts for that.
>How the fuck do you find this enjoyable?
I don't. I have the thread open out of habit and check from time to time but eh.
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You are most welcome anon

That is the most noble of endeavors
Same could be said about the guy who draws this kind of stuff >>14614428.

But he draws their fetish so it's ok.
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>working as a designer at Ford

That's nice. I don't want to be a designer at fucking Ford. I just want any old job where I can live in a shack and live off the bare minimum so I can use ToonBoom to animate whatever I want.
Yeah, but fat fetish art barely ever represents actual fat people but an idealized idea of them.

Much like you wouldn't fuck a real life horse but a cartoon pony.
You didn't know? Those pony drawings he did were the equivalents of sketches. His real job is in doing car designs for Ford and working in television graphics.
You could animate right now.
Got your links swapped there, Ross.
>Much like you wouldn't fuck a real life horse

Speak for yourself, kiddo.
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The only people who like fat chicks are guys that can't get normal girls because they shitty looks/personality/hobbies and they resort to people that look/act worse than them (fatties) so that they can have a feeling of accomplishment when a girl agrees to fuck them.

It's desperation feeding desperation and it's pathetic.

I could, but I'm not sure what I want to animate yet.
>Much like you wouldn't fuck a real life horse but a cartoon pony.
About that
And I'd fuck real life fat chicks too
And real life fat horses
SB's linework looks good, his anatomy is consistent, and his expressions are fantastic. None of which can be applied to your garbage.

Why the fuck do you even still come here?
Don't worry about working anywhere, no one will ever pay for your art.
You guys are gRoss.
He seems to have a hateboner for everyone. Judging by his extreme lack of empathy and being completely socially dysfunctional it is entirely possible that he may have a mental disorder.
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>Much like you wouldn't fuck a real life horse
not these days, no.
but back in the day...
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Make it something challenging...I know! Animate something that looks good.

Should take you a good while.
I wish we had less people with mental disorders.
They just make it worse for everyone else.
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That's exactly the reason why I'd never want to have a relationship with a fat woman. My fantasies and idealized versions of fatties have become so vivid that I'm not really feeling a relationship anymore, especially when none of the qualities of my fantasies translate over to the real world. Plus fat people are often terrible to deal with.
Even back in the days they didn't like obese people.
>Plus fat people are often terrible to deal with.
Then you'd be a perfect fit.
It amuses me that when Ross tries to play critic, he always harps on anatomy, lighting, and perspective, often when the artist has done all those things correct.

It makes sense, because Ross never does any of those things properly, except for anatomy, when he's tracing a photograph of a classical statue.

And maybe if he didn't trace, he'd have learned a thing or two about anatomy, lighting, and perspective.
>hyper dicks
I don't think you know what anatomy is. It's incredibly funny how everyone is quick to jump to defend this sob. All he does for is for attention and to get people to like him. But when somebody else does it, they immediately get shot down.


Becuase mah fetish.
>How the fuck do you find this enjoyable?
I filter it.

It's just people shitting up the thread on purpose anyway, seeing how there aren't even any name- or tripfags here right now.
How is this relevant to the thread? Why not make a thread on the sub or get a blog? I gues it's because that way it'd be too hard to force yourself onto everyone.
You have some serious fucking denial issues, mang
I didn't say realistic, I said consistent.
maybe not obese, but they didn't have a thing for anorexia either.
having a little chub on you showed that you were well-fed, back when it was a challenge just to avoid starving to death.

No shit, haha! At this point I'd be willing to work as a janitor. Money's never been a desire of mine since I grew up poor.
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Into what, anon?
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Because this thread is awful.
He takes liberties with proportions and sizes, but he's consistent in his approach and in the principes.
Do you think Ross will stay here? He's gonna drag his blogging into the new thread.
>haven't checked MLPG for nearly a year
>first thread I read and you're still arguing about Ross
I've not missed a thing, have I.
why are you even jealous of a second rate artist like SB? it's not like he's going to make anything of himself. move on and get on with your life.
It's not like having a little chub is completely unacceptable these days. I mean, most people are either skinnyfat or above that anyway.

There are more body types than anorexic and fatass
>10 images early
We haven't been for quite a while, actually. He just decided to pop in for some reason.
into pretty naked stallions
>12 images early
no. I'm making another thread when we're at 251.
>tfw AB is dead
>tfw Apple hats us
>tfw BDF is ded
>tfw Caluriri is ded
>tfw Changelingbro is ded
>tfw Cheshire hats us
>tfw ciircuit hats us
>tfw Corwin is ded
>tfw Creepy Curse is ded
>tfw Dafty is ded
>tfw Dalapony is ded
>tfw Disco hats us
>tfw Don.ko is ded
>tfw Endii was killed by MSOB
>tfw Gypsymagic is ded
>tfw Hoppip is ded
>tfw Jalm is ded
>tfw Jailbait is ded
>tfw Javkiller is ded
>tfw Klondike hats us
>tfw Kloudmutt hats us
>tfw Kraut is ded and hats us
>tfw LK is ded
>tfw lolip hats us
>tfw Megasweet hats us
>tfw Mocha hats us
>tfw Moe is ded
>tfw Moophins is ded
>tfw MiLes is ded
>tfw Metals is in jail
>tfw Nithirian is ded
>tfw Noel hats us
>tfw No-Ink hats us
>tfw NPA is ded
>tfw NTSTS hats us
>tfw Obsidian is ded
>tfw PHN hats us
>tfw Peanus is ded
>tfw PNGLN hats us
>tfw PS is ded
>tfw Rei is ded
>tfw Reu hats us
>tfw Ross is alive
>tfw Rubro is ded
>tfw Scherzo hats us
>tfw Shout hats us
>tfw Smile hats us
>tfw TAW is ded
>tfw Tess hats us
>tfw Tex hats us
>tfw Unity is ded
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Separate fantasy from reality. Some have stated they want to fuck cartoon horses instead of real horses, that's an example right there.

My human Fluttershy's closer to the kind of girl I'd want for real. Twiggy and tall as fuck.
You just picked a bad time, this is the first longer Ross discussion I have seen in months
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Really? No catch this time?

Sign me up then
nice blog.
Also, SB is nice, if a little sensitive.
I have to say, the upper and left FS don't even look that bad if you'd fix the head and legs
How do you know if people hats or not?
except you're not in equestria, but on earth
What episode of pony have you seen the most times and why did you watch that one more then the others?
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Well that is not optimal

still, sign me up, I will figure something out
But I'm right here.
when they're still active but never come to mlpg
and there is no way to leave
Oh, I get it, that makes sense. Thanks.
Return of Harmony I think.
Mostly because it had so many tiny things going on in the background.
>if I wait a few minutes no one will even be able to tell I'm samefagging
I don't know, possibly CMC or SR, those are my favorites.
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Challenge accepted
Go to the hospital, that's the only place you'll find broken humans with deformities.

Btw your art sucks. Hope the money your family wasted on your college education goes towards your dream of working at retail while you animate fat fetish garbage for yourself.
and since you are on earth you cannot speak or manipulate tools or communicate intelligently
>i disagree with their opinions so they must be samefagging
Holy shit

4chan is always the same thing
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Then that is not a pony anon, that is not a pony at all

that is a filthy non magical normal horse

What fun is that

This is the thread for tiny magical sapient ponies anon, not giant stinky dumb horses
>he thinks we can tell he's samefagging because his opinions are disagreeable
>he doesn't know there's a lot more too it than that
>that guy you used to suck but now has actually gotten pretty good and you hate to admit it

who is he?
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>I'll still be here to help and guide you, but we're all your students now, too. You are an inspiration to us all, Twilight.

>tfw Twilight becomes a princess
>tfw Twilight writes a book about her journey as a princess
>tfw Twilight writes a book to teach others how to be princesses
>tfw the rest of the main 6 become princesses by following the advice of the book
>Actually gotten good
Ross is the only artist I know who's practiced and somehow only managed to make his shit worse in a completely different way entirely. It's like he mastered the art of sidegrading. No forward momentum at all.
Ross hasn't improved in three years he's been here, and he hasn't even tried.
>Well done Twilight, you learned how to perform in basic social situations and you fixed a mistake that you made yourself without me having to intervene
>Here is your crown and castle
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60 KB
Someone help me get to image limit and we can make a /real/ new thread.
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But the other one is marked.
Spam your "art" sb.
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Lel I fucking hate premature faggots like that OP, maybe you.
I guess it's a lost cause.
Yo dude what's wrong with the new one
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Drew this with my finger on my iPad(TM).
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I don't like premature horsing but it's been decided, unfortunately.

At least OP can't delete his own thread now.
I love Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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