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04/22/12(Sun)01:15 No.1443020 File: 1335071756.png-(14 KB, 630x346, Queen_Chrysalis.png)
>>1441828 There are still a few things I'd like to do with the tumblr, so I don't think I'll take a break for it during the hiatus. It'll give me a nice time to answer questions without having to worry about new episodes changing my perception of things. It'll probably slow down a bit once I finish what I have in mind for it.
>>1441899 Haha, I'm glad someone out there enjoys it.
>>1441832 I might be a faget or something, but I just really didn't like the Queen. I hope we never hear from any of the new characters again. Discord and Night Mare Moon seemed like much more interesting villains than the changlings. I made you something, anyway.
>>1441901 Sentenal did something stupid, and for the life of me he wouldn't acknowledge that it was perhaps a bad idea. I'd never bring that sort of stuff to the thread, so I'm sorry you guys had to put up with it. No one cares about it, and no one wants to read about it. It's just not constructive. I did enjoy how he accused me of being an noncontributing anon who just went around giving other contributors shit, though. It was > fun. Well, unless he didn't pastebin that part.
>>1442036 You're not me, jerk.
Have some art, anons! Have a good summer! |