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Previous Thread
Gloomy doesn't a dick..right..RIGHT?!
Can a pony do that? Can they eat all the apples?
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I wish someone would ask me out so I could stand them up
The fuck is this?
>Big TF2 shitstorm
>People posting to play here
>/v/ tearing itself to pieces over it
>People trolling, posting the MLPG server info for them to join
>check the server

I"m honestly a little surprised
I'm excited next month we can lock Gloomy in a closet and not let her out again for months
Wanna go on a date?

Meet me here in 4 posts.
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She's a princess

think about it
don't they have stock records or something?

The day before the premier she'll be at her biggest!
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That's rude.
She wants to see the show.
Well, here I am, waiting for Anon.
Surprise! It was me instead
>gloomy will never sit on your face
>in her unwashed panties
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I can't wait til Gloomy gets a reprieve from all this growing after the new episode
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Is you excite?
I'm starting to listen to brony music. What do I do?
We played for like 25 minutes and then quit
For a second there I thought this was an ass worship general
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there's no reason it can't be
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Finished the Halloween prompt 5, Flutterbutt as Spawn.
YOU want to date ME?

I don't even know what to say, other then YES
It is, but with a whole bunch of bullshit in between
kill yourself
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What are you going as for Halloween, MLPG?
what would it smell like?
If I beat that guy up will you go out with me instead?
Do what you want.
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>4chan man

Please be a shoop.
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currently the game is borked like it is on the first night of any big update

try tommorow or halloween itself

untill then we at least have the hilarious lines to hold us over


skunky sweat and semen
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>4chan man
that has to be impossible
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Listen to this then kill yourself.
wow inky

this is a pretty big shocker compared to your usual style
>tfw wants-to-be-murdered anon won't let you murder him
I've changed my mind
It appears to be some sort of image sharing thingymajig.
Probably not, I'm not a fan of guys that...


Where to?
Would you eat her out with her plump posterior riding over your face after she's taken a few loads inside?
Whats the best way to kill myself?

But I need anonymous strangers on the internet to tell me what I should and shouldn't like.
Where did ReiDuran go?

best ship
You are anonymous stranger too

you can tell yourself what to like
we were playing like 15 minutes ago, we all got the halloween item so we stopped
Why did you link this

who would eat someone's penis

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anon can I have another cookie
Kind of. I don't like to say it; but I think the premiere is going to flop hard - but, we'll see.
I was thinking we could maybe go back to my place or your place and cuddle a little bit We could watch Suited for Success to get us in the mood if you'd like.
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If Applejack is all about family, then why hasn't she started her own yet?

Even her aunts have around 8 foals.
as long as they're my loads, sure.
No Pinkie you already had one. Think of all the starving zebra children who haven't had any cookies at all.
>tfw no-one will murder you
>tfw not enough courage to kill myself
>tfw I hate myself too much to get help
come get me, faggot
I'll totally suck your dick before you do it
Yeah I've been experimenting with digital, but hopefully when I get back into the swing of things I'll be back to more traditional.

It is.
He's a bit thin to be 4chan man.
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Exit bag.
Do you like other music or are you just listening only to brony music. If so I'm going to deny you the right to kill yourself painlessly.
Cute, but lacking polish it needs.
R-Rara sama...
Apple pony is not for sexual.
She's getting herself ready for it. Then she'll approach big mac...
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Would you marry gloomy?
That sounds like a good time, except for that last part.

I hope you don't think I'm that much of a slut to put out on the first...meeting.
Only if you finish your vegetables
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exit bags are for figgets
shoot yourself and become another statistic
How did we ever know that, by the way? Was it just randomly decided?
she has to make sure her current family can live wel first and that Applebloom has a future.
She will approach me. Only I am right for her.
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Only if you eat all of your vegetables and brush your teeth before bedtime, pony.
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That's dumb
There's something very wrong with this picture
Apple Bloom needs to finish school before AJ can afford to be knocked up for 9 months
fuck yeah I would
it's especially hot if she forces me in to it
lmao twicat
[vegetablemind intensifies]
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you guys are cunts
That's a good joke anon. She needs a truly strong breeding stallion.
Very neat
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Gloomy, you broke something

there we go
> There will never be a 'Applejack finds a mate' episode.
it's just a little mirrored, it's still good
There's something happening in my pants
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[vaginal control intensifies]
But that's not Gloomy.
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Working for it makes it so much better
it is now
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nothing wrong with that
too out of character for me
But it really isn't, the picture is of Marker Pony. It's even in the filename, and most of us were here when it was drawn.
anyone have the image of big mac with a jumbo feed bag

There are times where big tits and ass just look ridiculous. And this is one of them.
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S4 premiere will be shit.
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I just don't want you to get fat like that other horse
I'm going to throw up
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That'd be neat.
Then why would you post it
You're like that friend who you're eating with and they go "oh man this is the worst thing I've ever tasted, here try it"
I know

but it is now
Yup, Doxy's finally lost it.

Especially with the plot of that thing; 'oh, I'm on a train with strangers who suddenly start groping me? BETTER SUCK THEM OFF'
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She can just work it off...
I post stuff like that all the time

it's fun

check out this: http://derpibooru.org/458870
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There are times when big tits and ass look ridiculous

and that's when it hits my fetish
> MSOB streaming
> Gloomy ass
This is a GLORIOUS night
S4E14 will be awful
You're talking about the guy who became famous for a comic where a guy starts sucking and fucking his roommates just because he put on a dress.

indeed. But I doubt he cares that much.
As much as I'd like to continue this, I AM trying not to go off topic as much.

Also, something something work for it something something edging
It's called Cross Platform you plebe

and it is a classic
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You all have your own favorites, but which pony do you think the main characters believe is the prettiest?
We already did, remember?
Doxy should do Flutterzoo stuff
So many /v/irgins turned gay from that comic
Who else hated the S5 premiere? Sunset Shimmer replacing Twilight was garbage and they botched Alicorn Fluttershy.
I'm 25 and what is this
Twilight thinks Celestia is.
Everyone but Rarity: Rarity
Rarity: Fluttershy
>everyone cried that Twilight destroyed the show when she became a princess
>now everyone's crying because she's dead and gone forever

there's just no pleasing you people, is there
that's a fat woman, Chistery

30% of Americans are fat women
Nobody ever will.
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Rarity has good taste
It's the ideal female anthro Rarity body

It was Asscastle that turned me gay. That's a comic for fags with taste.
>not wanting to suck off a train full of strangers
You are no slutty mare!
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I guess it's that time of night
Vulapa is.
HTH 1 turned me gay

That fucking fox
Most of us aren't, anon. We just don't like making a stink over nothing when you fags talk about it.
>That fucking fox
you're obsessed with that
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Scootaloo secretly enjoys dancing in public
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No, that's clearly a shaped charged designed to target my interests.

But please, let us pony.
A comment on paheal years ago made me bi.
...You like fat chicks?
>tfw no ponies in slutty halloween costumes
What if Scootaloo turned out to be really really good at dancing?
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nigger my
>Could be drawing this Luna as Barbossa picture
>Wasting time here instead
I just recently remembered the traumatic feeling of clicking handjob without reading the text and then fapping to my first "man"

it's a weird memory, the memory of my first gay fap.
>Cross platform
It's like I'm surrounded by plebs.
Get taste. Go gay with asscastle.
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I'd beat that dead horse if you know what I mean.
She was pretty sweet at those spin moves, maybe she just needs to practice more
Wasn't there an episode where she was
I was slowly turned Bi through futanari... I guess it really is gay.
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>pony wears Rarity costume
>instant slutty costume
Asscastl wasn't really sexual though

It was more of an awkward exploration of sexuality comic
Of course he does. Have you SEEN those hands of his?
obscure doesn't mean good you furassfaggot

don't judge me
I am only not bi because I don't like anal. Not even porn of it. Just doesn't do anything for me.
Survey says yes
As does how long I've been staring at that pose in the upper left
That's not bad anthro
I used to be straight until George Takei jerked me off on a Howard Stern episode
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And it was damn good.

I'll judge the hell out of you, homo.
That's actually a pretty good idea
Like Pinkie Pie in a slutty devil costume
I don't know. I think I have a fetish for dicks, but I'm not gay. The thought of kissing another guy and dating puts me off...
>Picture was Arceus with spikes/blades covering his dick
>guy describes how they could be soft and work well with anal, stimulating a lot your insides
Surveys have suggested only a small fraction of men have practiced anal sex in years
Most guys prefer oral for clear enough reasons - the prep alone for anal is a real hassle when you need your jones boned
Top-middle's the only one I'd call 'fat' anyway. Others are a bit chub, but in a way you could still call 'voluptuous'.
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I turned bi because I like gay porn and fucking boys in the ass
How the Hell does that correlate?
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Evens: Keep streaming
Odds: Fuck off
great, something else to add to my folder of pics that no one will ever color
Pony asks why do some stallions enjoy receiving and why other stallions enjoy giving
i was in 8th grade
>this fox is kinda cute i guess
>wait something weird is going on...
>oh, i'm fucking a guy
>well i can't just stop now, can i?
macro Gloomy transformation
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well there's one more if you're making a collection
People with big hands usually like fat chicks.
Trust me, I am a scientist
Anal is just gross. Even the cleaning is gross.

Even if I were giving the risky business to a dude whose anus smelled like peppermint and new car all I would be able to think about is the shit liquid spewing into the toilet from the enema.
I was more excited when the titties were flesh-colored.
You're too late, that artist has already grown bored of ponies and switched to other topics.
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Anyone here has iTunes?
Could you snatch via it a bit more hi-res preview:

please respond
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They're not that large, and I don't see how that correlates.

That doesn't sound scientific
Or related to pony

Please, pony harder.
Badass Celestia with a spear.
am i being transformed into gloomy or is she transforming me
>Sweater is right above the areola
that would be irresponsible of her
Surveys also say that only about 60% of women have ever masturbated.
>Explain to pony it's a sin against nature, just for kicks
>Sit back and watch what happens
It's the same resolution, sorry
>only about 60% of women have ever masturbated.
That seems a gross underestimation.
now that's a lie
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>"W-what do you mean they'll receive eternal punishment?"
60% where? If you include shitty middle eastern countries with female circumcision then maybe
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Trixie won't share her gushers
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No it is not. Ponygoons used iTunes preview to compile readable versions so please.
surveys say only 60% of women questioned in the surveys who answered honestly when questioned about masturbating have admitted to it.
...are there ANY accurate sex-related surveys? At all? I've yet to find one.
That's okay, they're hers.
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They were doing drugs, pinkie.
The only that didn't receive a punishment was the one in the suit of armor.

Now touch my butt
I wish Mangneto didn't hate ponies so much, I really like the ones he draws. Plump kissable lips are always a plus.
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well there's the one about you always being a virgin

I don't think you'd like the results
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I wish Mang did more pone stuff.
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Those commercials where the people eating gushers transformed into fruit gave me the weirdest boners
I wish he would draw more Femrover
Other than what's on the page it says I need an mobile device or something. Are you sure?
Any questionnaire can have severe limitations, not the least of which being the perceived anonymity of the survey. If a woman thinks there's any way she can be pointed to as "the masturbator" there's
still a chance she'd say she hasn't, though in truth she may have.

Funny enough, men tend to not have this pressure - there's virtually no way to pool enough candidates in sex studies for men who don't and/or haven't masturbated.
>Because if you don't show them the light, they'll be damned to hell. It's your job to save them, pony.
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It's trying to escape as it is.
More anthro inverted nipples when?
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Hahaha, ouch.
Draw fetish human
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I thought you were ded
finish this little series
Oooo, that donut looks like it has filling. What flavor is it?
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Are you an idiot?
>Anyone here has iTunes?
>Anyone here has iTunes?
Does anybody have the .gifs of this Rarity talking?
I'm sorry anon, I just get snarky when I'm horny

So SOMEone reviewed the Bad Dragon cock sleeve
Just ... SAYING
The secret to unicorn magic bullets
that makes a lot more sense
asshole flavor
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Easy fix.
>are you an idiot?
It just says I need a device with the new iOS to see the sample and I don't feel like doing that
Other than that the page has nothing
> Indiana
> sample size: 6,000
Please, let me laugh harder
I remember reading the Hitachi Magic Wand comic of theirs. I'm a dude and that made me wanna get one.
But what about her wide areolae?
It's nice that they're so open-minded
>tfw cock is too small to wear the sheathe
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Gifs you say?
That is the whole point, a bit higher res available only to native client.
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I haven't picked up my pen in about a month, now.
Red Ribbon flavor
No, I love the review site. They're pretty good people and they keep it nice and approachable.

It's just ... wow. Bad Dragon is branching out.
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Is the show back on yet?
If not why are you losers still here?
Also Applejack is still best pony.
what a naughty pony
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I want an 8" cock

but I don't wish for it in case someone listens and decides to grant me an 8" cock instead of superpowers or incredible talent in the arts
I mean i have iTunes, do they really want me to sync my iPhone, download the preview, and then send the picture to my pc, just to fucking see the comic not on my shitty iPhone screen?
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They're wonderful
I'm going to buy stocks once they go public
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We 90's adventure games
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well you don't have to draw
if you don't want to
I'd rather take shit than Red Ribbon.
I'm serious.
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I guess that's why they had to "put it together" before. Guess it involves all this crap.
November 23rd
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This is a great Rarara design, one I could really GET BEHIND
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Goodnight, MLPG.
>those noses

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Thats still ridiculously far away.
Why do poorly made children's flash animations take so long to make?
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I do gotta admit.

That Rarity looks better than the show Rarity.
>Why do poorly made children's flash animations take so long to make?
because EQG
i want to put an aphrodisiac into her feed bag and watch her.
I don't think Twist would be that lewd.
Damn Scootanon, you're into 5 digits?
Pajama Sam was dope
> that arm-kick
That is some gesticulating marshmallow!
Been doing nothing but playing Ace Attorney and that easily could be a "caught in a lie/surprised" look from a game.
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Daily reminder that Rarity lost to Ponka.
>need dick longer than 5 1/2" to use is

I jam the num pad
Its fun!
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These animations are supposed to be like Ace Attorney according to dufel
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Well, he nailed them pretty dang well.
There are mixed blessings to any penis. In particular it's taken me ages to get enough slack to restore with a DTR, and even then I need to use an alternate method of putting it on to get much tension on the skin I actually want to grow.

Sorry to hear you can't use that toy. It does look kind of fun even if it's $$$
That's the idea, actually.
And same here, that's why I asked for 'em. They're really cute, too. I like to imagine she's just saying "rarararararararara" for most of them.
He sounds like Rainbow Dash
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I know
I check your thread like every second day

Do it for me
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>having a dick smaller than 5 1/2"
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I know this isn't a .gif dump thread, but you truly must see this one
i want to lick a pony's taci
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Oh yeah, Dash? Show me yours
I have a lot of your stuff saved. I'd love it if you'd draw again.
But if you don't want to, that's fine.
>enough slack to restore with a DTR

what does this even mean
You've never even seen a dick Rainbow Dash
Dash quit bragging about your impressive horse cock and hefty, rubbery, luscious black horse scrotum.
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For my next trick, I shall finish this drawing.
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>Having a genitalia that matches with your projected positive self sexual organ
XD brohoof!
why is fluttershy hiding in some american pants
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It's late into the night.
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>"What's the matter, ashamed?"
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I remember when you used to draw ponies
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Rarity also lost to Fluttershy.
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Is there a way to change how subtitles are encoded in Media Player Classic?
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I wish my dick was small enough for Dash to laugh at
8" dicks aren't that great
Don't worry about it
I would scrape off the 's' and laught that it now says cum
Well my length is okay but my circumcision took enough skin it's been a royal pain to do tissue expansion and cover my glans again. I had to tug manually for months before I could use a device apply tension for me. I'm just saying virtually no dicks are "good enough" for all you wanna do with it, mate.
Encoded? What do you mean?

Not attracted to it, either.
Because I can't drive and I'm too far to walk anywhere.
Dash is pretty good at those pushups
Do you think she could outlift me?
I just want more length to stroke. 8" would be nice.
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What other threads are you shitposting in?
So I've started drawing ponies. I can draw my OCs pretty good now after a few weeks of drawing.
Is taking commissions selling out?
Rarity or Dash size shaming would be the best thing ever.
It really doesn't work for any other pony. Fluttershy is too shy so even if she had a bigger dick she'd never brag about it. Pinkie would make you feel good about your small dick. Twilight is too nerdy for it to work. And AJ ain't the kind of girl to brag about size.
> She isn't necessarily angling for sex
> but goddamn she picks just the worst times to rest her head in your lap
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You didn't get red's proportions right
That's great Billy, but what are you doing up? It's past your bedtime.

Like change it to Windows-1252 instead of UTF-8.
Only if you make Sunny's shirt wet and see-through.
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This pony is really cute. I want to hug her.
Is doing any sort of work, like cleaning, in exchange for money selling out?
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GR, who is your favorite large boobs porn star?
remember when he drew good faces?
she looks really uncomfortable
This is fucking gross.
where were you the past week?
Demux and change metadata? I dunno

Are you using DirectVobSub?
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God damn I wish I could just blur out the faces of every single porn star. All the ones with bodies like this have goddamn butterfaces.
oh, you are back

I was almost worried something happened
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>with bodies like this
you mean disgusting bodies?
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I mean sexy bodies. Like that.
>paying some autistic faggot anything
they know he will promote their shit no matter what.
I still can't get over that old comic Brae did.
Glad to see the Gloomy edition of MLPG is full of fetishes. How appropriate
I mean i guess if you find the grotesque sexy
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I'm not sure, I don't know much about this stuff but the way it's fucking up accented characters is starting to annoy me.
Like what?
Not as many as if it were the Marker edition, though.
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Don't blame me.
This is horrible but it's at least competently done.

Ross should be fucking taking notes.
I'm sorry anon...
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It's this. In your tray.
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Stallions taking advantage of a filly's first heat.
oh hey, thanks for reposing these, now I can add the to my filter
>large, oiled breasts
more pls
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I was sick.

I'm more concerned about the artist. Her DA has been inactive for ages. I don't think I'll ever get more art of this qt.
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I forgot about how much you guys liked fat people.
Motherfuck, look at those things.

I wish I wasn't such an awful example of humanity so I could have rough sex with girls like that.
>getting a boner to plain tits

jesus christ what the fuck is happening to me

it's like I'm in middle school again
Look up Anorei Collins / Lexxxi Luxe. Hyper boobs and she actually has fun.
those are women with implants not fat women, get it right or pay the price
I may not find her that sexy, but she isnt fat.
i wish there was a larger selection of stallions to choose from in mlp
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Man, knowing what fetishes I have because of the internet, I fear what kind of insane fetishes our future generation will have with such early access to technology and internet
Why are you sorry?
Commissions aren't selling out, don't worry yourself
Stallions a shit.
Are they muxed into the video or a separate file, srt?
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...Is something the matter, Pinkie Pie?
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I forgot how much you guys like hideous sins against god.
My mistake.
Tell her that if she keeps slapping me I'm going to stop coming to see her
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well we like you after all

Muxed in, it's .ass
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>sins against god
the only sins against god are the jews, gypsies, communists, and xenos
But that's everything.
Don't fear the insane fetishes, anon

be prepared for the wonder of sex robots
>actual fat

I swear to god pinkie if you slap me with your futa cock i'll... i'll... well i'll be really angry
I'm sorry for asking stupid questions anon.
I'm also afraid of being coaxed into drawing smutty stuff.
A part of me wants to because that's high in demand, but another part of me wants to keep the show innocent.
As long as you care :)
/pol/and Ripley, pls go.
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Hentai dialogue makes everything so much sexier.
>No, you're drunk, this isn't right.

Is this phrase even slightly familiar to any of the characters?
It annoys me she doesn't actually have a futa cock in this picture
The new season is taking way too long to get here. I dunno if I can make it.
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don't try to tell me you've never thought about getting implants
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but both those women are disgustingly obese
Scootanon Jr without Scootanon just isn't fun.
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>/pol/and Ripley, pls go.
>Who in their right mind would frost a cake with their butt.

We all know who.
Grab her by the dick and spin around really fast and when I let go I'll say "SO LONG GAY PINKIE!" while she shoots off into the sky with a trail of marecum hitting random ponies and a flock of birds
I want to experience the happening with one of you guys

While we cuddle on a cold November morning
do you guys think we'll see scootaloo's parents this season?
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do you think we'll have less fetish posting during this season?
That shit is gross
In fact, all elective cosmetic surgery is kinda gross.
Also I don't want to end up like Tara Strong.
If only you were a cute little stallion
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That depends on if the CMC take a trip to a graveyard
unless hasbro directs them to have her have parents, they won't touch it.

because if the writers say something and hasbro goes another way. they have to completely retcon the episode and never air it again.
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I hope not
>Scootaloo's parents are hard working gravediggers and gravetenders who have little time to see their daughter
>not loving him for who he is

You don't deserve him.
Dude I just realized

We've never seen Faust's parents
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Who's gonna be next in this pile of butts?
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Would you feel bad or good if that were actually true?
you anon, you will be the next pretty princess
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did that fix anything? Do you like your new (idk what to call it)
>you will never cuddle with someone/pony on a cold snowy morning
>you sill never snuggle with them in a nice warm blanket
>you will never drink hot cocoa with them huddled next to the fireplace
>you will never have a playlist of winter songs playing including this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e-1IMztH7M
You dont need to draw. Drawing is over rated. Pick up a different hobby that you know you will enjoy.
There's going to be a lot of fetishesin the new episodes

Seriously though, there were a lot of fetishes in Magic Duel. What's up with that
Perhaps Princess or Future Twilight instead?
What happens when the tower gets too tall?
I hope Trixie replaces Twilight as the Element of Magic.
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what about genital cosmetic surgery?

like replacing your wimpy human sex organs with a hefty pair of smooth stallion balls and a thick horsecock?
>7 mile princess machine
Oh man are those some Stackable Princesses™?

>every element eventually becomes a princess because hasbro
>the leaning tower of butts
What if her parents were the hard working managers of the local graveyard? I mean someone has to do it, and they are really nice and caring ponies who have the utmost respect for others lost loved ones
We must make the foundation bigger.
We must fatten the butts.
I haven't seen /v/ this mad in weeks.
They collapse into one mega-princess with a big round butt and a long and thick horn
Is it bad that I wish there was a hint of ponut in the OP pic?
They start a new tower.

Twin towers.
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Hasbro gets PAID
It scares me that some people would actually seriously want that.
But its a good thing we are all fairly normal people here.
Let them be

Everyone knows /v/ is tsundere for humanized ponies
I haven't seen /v/ __________ in months.
I just want to rub my face against her fuzzy paws while waiting for her to pass the bong
thanks for positng that yet again, now I can justify filtering that ;)
yes because that word is awful and stupid
It becomes a pyramid
Mad about what?
About to say about what then I checked the front page.

I find it annoying that valve need to pander to pony fans instead improving their games.
>Derpy is last one to be made princess
>crashes in to the towers
No, they will come out and admit their boners for pone porn
You should add it in goat
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>people are still making fetish sequences of Magic Duel right now

I wonder if next season can match it's fetish potential

I've seen /v/.

That word is extraneous.
>I find it annoying that valve need to pander to pony fans instead improving their games.

You seemt o imply Gaben didnt do this sorely to piss them off
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Yes, it is a very good thing that nobody here would replace their cock with a horsedick

a very good thing
Dark Souls 2 pre-order weapons
Did you not see that big ass TF2 update that literally fixed a lot of problems the game had both with maps and weapons?

There are a lot of thing being done to improve their games.
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take it again, from the top

this time I want you to imagine that you're cuddling your favorite pony

Why can't you just... pirate the game? In caseo f such faggotry?
>get horse cock
>cant maintain a boner for more than 10 seconds
why would you want that anyway?

humans are probably like super heroes to mares because they have a lot of stamina
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I know, anon!
Can you believe some people would want to replace their perfectly good human penis with a horse one?
Its almost as bad as a woman having her breasts put down to right over her crotch. Its all ridiculous.
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Mares taking advantage of their own rut to get free, no-attachment sex.
*sound of bong bubbling*
oh....R-Rara sama....~
>not modding your heart to support the extra load
>not modding your testes to actually store up cum and get heavier as they fill up
It's kind of needed for actual hyper tits. At least it looks good on her and she seems healthy.
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There's like a million Appledash fics and I only found 1 that has Applejack being the submissive one.

Why are Dashfags such betas?
But how will you direct if I'm cuddling you?
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Would someone actually WANT to know how it feels to have to stick your girthy cock down your pantleg to make room?

what a horrible person that would be
"Care to sample the platter?"
What's not to like?
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>not just fisting your waifu and making her cum like crazy
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Stallions taking advantage of their sibling's rut to get free sibling rivalry.
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>disgustingly fat
pick one
Do people really get mad if they see a pony hat in the game?

Like flip the computer table in a fit of rage kind of mad?
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>not doing both
>not leaving her doubly satisfied and swollen with spunk
what is even your trigger this time mane?

do you still stop when someone asks nicely?
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You underestimate /v/'s manchildness.
I wouldn't be surprised.
i'd appreciate my human penis more if it was in it's natural state
I thought Caramel had wings in the thumbnail. Then I noticed he had a broken back.
this is /v/ so yes
I don't know what it's like to get mad over petty things on the internet
certainly helps here
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How many times do I have to tell you I'm not mane?

I just like that series of pics.
Your favorite pony wants to play a game with you.
What game do you play?
Well, probably the people who don't care aren't going to say anything in the first place. So you're always going to get people who are just wackjobs being really angry really loudly and no one else.
Give them some context then!
It's so boring when people just repost the same pictures
every thread
write a story to go along with it or something, be creative
not /v/, and not mad, but I'm kinda upset over the new quotes.
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I know anon.
Can you imagine what an inconvenience that would be?
Human pants aren't designed for that, it would always be visible.
Remember /v/ used to get mad at furries
House of the dead overkill.
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But Caramel's straight.
Whatever they want to play
>not vaporizer
enjoy your lung cancer pleb
Not pony

Some guys say "neo-foreskin," but I'd just call it "foreskin" even if there are some complexes that are just gone from the circumcision. For instance it may always be a little difficult to fully cover the glans because there are specific bands that hold it tight in intact men. I'm not deluding myself, but I'm not gonna just call it "skin," that's not semantically different from any other skin on me.

I'm not far enough along to call it "night and day" exactly, but it's been positive. Masturbation feels different, my glans is more sensitive as the skin thins out from the moisture. It's gotten to a point I need to cover it either with a sock or holding the skin in place. The gliding motion that I have already makes everything feel a little different - not rough fingers, but softer skin rolling over it. It's worth the trouble so far.
>not stallions literally dangling their erect penis in front of their sibling like a toreador's cape
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dragon's crown
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Would you?
>Trying to make your pone type to defeat zombies
How horrible.
No. It was a old flaky twig.
No pony would want to play the games I do.
not anymore
they broke up in MMC
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Paper scissors rock.
I'd be the reigning champion.
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I'm too lazy.
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Why does prostitute pony really turn me on?
I don't like sluts.
I wish there were more hentai-dialogue/mind break fapfics.
>Pony is actually really good at the game
>insanely good
>using a two-key keyboard
>I don't like sluts.

Same here
no he doesnt, ponies bend like that all the time
Progress pics?

Just take a second before you post a picture and see what kind of story comes to mind
It's not hard
Plus it beats the hell out of just picture fumping, that's really lame
The shoes almost made me say no.

Nonymous, can you stream something for us
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Maybe I'll start cooking meth
I'm actually about to go to sleep, sorry.

What did you have in mind?
>User was v& for this post
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That is one buff spike
but Rarity is your favorite pony?
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did your pony sleep today?
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>having a gf means you are straight

I dont think so motherfucker

what are those gross bulges on his body
Isn't five bits like a dollar?
What's worse?
Muscle Shota or Oppai Loli?
But you're a huge slut.
With good taste
he has cancer, be nice

Enjoy your hyperhydration!
>Having to explain Breaking Bad to the DEA

I deliberately didn't take any in case I ran for public office one day, but I've gone from some coverage and "turtling up" to being about half-covered most of the time when totally flaccid. It's been about six months of sort of half-assed use of the DTR, but I think the vitamin E supplements and cocoa butter are helping things along.
i hope they realize how useless they are.
ok thx
Man, Breaking Bad should be required reading for everyone who works in drug enforcement.
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Twilight is trying to be dirty for you like you asked
Most unf thing I've seen today.
Who's the OC?
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oh okay. goodnight then.

I was thinking maybe something classic like Aliens or Shawshank Redemption
Shut up, Roogna.
>you will never snuggle a well hung pony
>you will never casually play with their fat balls
>you will never flop around their unsheathing cock until they get hard
>you will never nuzzle their neck as you start jerking them off
You're right. It makes you normal.
Shut up hotguleanon
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it's the thought that counts, my little pony
Future Obama pls
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Dammit Twilight, I'm not into scat!
She's pretty cute. I like the flower child look, it really suits Fluttershy.
Fine. Unf. Is that what you wanted from me? Can I go now?
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gmod ponies are best
But I don't want dirty, I want sweaty and smelly

dang it Twilight
Alright. I laughed. Fuck you.
They're not even wearing the earrings!

Immersion ruined.
>three worst fandoms in one
I am NOT a slut

I just overdo things sometimes.
I'm smart enough to have made them anonymous to a point, but it pays to be paranoid. More importantly I don't have any "before" pictures
Also I'm very much a "grower." I'm built like a he-bear and it looks really dinky when flaccid compared to the rest of me.
Thanks to that tf2 update I'm reminded again that /vg/>/v/
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If they mess up, they turn into a McDonalds pie
You don't need earrings to do a fusion dance.
Why would you need a reminder?

/vg/ is one of the best boards on 4chan
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There's two types of Fusion. The Dance and the Potarra Earings.
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I like my dick
It's big and perfectly circumcised
/vg/ flipped out too.
>overdo things
did you feed your pony today mlpg
the dance and the earring are two different methods, baka
Chin up! Don't bet on sinking ships because they'll only drag you down!
You've got to keep on sailing even when you want to frown!

The world will keep on turning without matter where you land.
You might as well be running when your feet should hit the sand!
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>pink pie
Also ponk sure likes to ride AJ.
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i like my dick more
it's in a vagina
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>the slutmaster says he doesnt like sluts
Because they infringe on your territory right?
It really isn't. Almost all the generals are worse than MLPG AND the Homestuck general.
did you feed your mlpg today pony?
Would be funnier without the huge text explaining the joke.
AJ is rideablest pone
The assblast on /vg/ is already over though, was pretty short lived.
The fuck. The jacket is just a part of the fusion now?
>perfectly circumcised
that's an oxxymoron
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>no futa mare cock

>pony doesn't know the lyrics to the song.gif
My bad

It's been, like, 10 years since I watched DBZ...

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You bet your ass I did
> perfectly circumcised
So not at all?
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MLPG isn't bad as far as generals go, so that's okay.

I don't go into Homestuck General so I can't provide an opinion, but I really enjoy the generals on /vg/. They may be full of shitposting, but if you start a topic about the game it will be replied to.
>The word on Pinkie's shirt
Man, this must what it's like when the Japanese see their language written by weeaboos.
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What is the correct way to ask a princess if you can touch their butt?
No, that wasn't meant to be unfworthy
I just don't have a "block" between my fantasies and what I tell people.

I swear I'm not a slut
I've only fooled around with like 6 people.
pony is going to butt in your cum
Are the batpony threads still shitty?
The Fusion Dance resulted in a new form and that jacket. The Earings' form was just a amalgamation of the two participants clothing
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I'll make you MY slut~
You know it.
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Stow your bias, a surgical procedure can be done well or bad.

Honestly, you guys. I'm disappointed.
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>rarity not a glorious master race
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they're trying to sort their shit out and be less shitty by being less of an echo chamber hugbox and actually let people make criticisms

they might get there one day but they're still pretty bad for the most part
>goat train
>200 notes

when the hell did he get brony popular?
I...can't say I wouldn't go along with it
It's true it's less of a botch job by miles if it's done on an adult, in no small part because the glans is no longer fused to the pupice.
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she'll like it in the end
200 notes is popular?
but ponies are naked, it seems superflous. Unless the god of fusion is making a fashion statement
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SEASON 4 SPOILERS It's gonna have ponies
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Antisemitic ponies are the best
Saddening, yet not surprising
So you're saying you'd let some anon whore you around town to be used by like a cock sock by random stallions in exchange for a small amount of bits?
Dunno, most of the art people I follow usually get like 0-20 notes
Why isn't there more vore like this?
>dominatrix shy

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I think I'm going to die without having a serious relationship with anyone
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You best be joking you asshole.
I mean
i-if that's what he was into
If I recall correctly the jacket is because if the alien culture the technique is from
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Just buy a body pillow and pretend it's Fluttershy
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>Trixie didn't tell you how she lost her eyesight, and use of her horn, did she? She was seeking another way to enhance her power beyond your own, and yet again she foolishly tried to exploit a power that she was never meant to control, that is all too clear now. What do you plan on doing now that you've taken her in to heal?
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Not unless I die first!
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I know I will, you casual
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je suis un mangue
Maybe if you weren't so angry and bitter all the time Bon Bon
u wot m8?
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Oh shit. I knew that OC looked familiar.
it's basically mlpg with bats
Deal with it, babby.
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A mango is feminine in French, silly.
Oh lord.
mlpg does pretty fucking well considering it's almost at it's 9000th thread
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You like that huh?

Is that a bad thing in this day and age?
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I'm going to kill myself if my life doesn't improve by my next birthday

I'm almost certainly going to die without ever even fooling around with someone
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It's a shame that after all the time, people think this is till true.
no it isn't
You better be actively improving it and not just sitting around hoping someone saves you you dingus
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Breaking more than 200 notes for every drawing including half assed drawings means your are brony popular. Look at mewball.

Goat just got lucky and did something that appealed to alot of poeple.
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Yep, still absolutely adorable.
it's not going to improve without effort on your part
maybe you should look at other generals from time to time and see how shitty they are
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i do look at other generals.
they are the same as this one.
with good days and bad days.

mostly bad days.
If you ever get to that breaking will you form a pact with me? No one should suicide alone.
4chan is truly a terrible place
That's hot
>just keeping a sharp katana lying around
that's just irresponsible
What kind of sick fuck wouldn't want to keep you all to themself?
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>your are
This would be 1000000x better without the bulge.
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Nah, mlpg feels happy, bpg just feels autistic
Relationships sound nice and good at first, but they're nothing but trouble. Trust me, you're better off alone.
this is why rarityfags are better, always
I lost weight, put more effort into my studies, got a job, started dating someone (that went no-where obviously)
And I still hate myself and my life

The truth is I want to die
fuck that, let me murder you
>I think I spent over $80
I don't know why I find this line so funny
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Isn't that just something everyone needs to find out for themselves?
i know right? everyone knows its you're are
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Find something else to do then. Thinking about it would just slow you down more.
Perhaps, but I hate seeing people get burned.
I'll teach you to be happy
Depression is a terrible disease.
you probably need to see somebody about that because I don't think that's normal
nothing is going to make the pain go away anon
best you can do is find small joy in the simple things like cartoons
This seems like a very Pinkie thing to do
After that civil discussion earlier, I'm interested.

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>mlpg feels happy
Don't think about picking up art as a hobby, that will just miss you up worse.
I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs

It's the vibe I'm getting.
Maybe you guys should act like angrier faggot and the vibe can change.
lol it 404'd
I don't know, but it would probably take a lot for me to actually agree to it. I'm very set on monogamy, I want to give everything I have to my partner, and have that be all they need to be happy.
It's just so silly
Cut cocks are fine
Cut cocks are a lot better than a lot of uncut cocks

Restoring just seems like you'll end up with an ugly uncut cock
So much worse, do not ever do that
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Odds: please let me sleep
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stop that


Being alive is a terrible disease. I didnt ask to be alive. Damn my whore of a mother. If she didn't spread her legs I wouldn't be here.
>tfw your husbando is depressed and could have killed himself without anyone knowing
You're confusing happy with being largely literate and respectful
The general quality of your dick isn't necessarily 1:1 with your circumcision or intactness

But having a foreskin isn't really a handicap either
Sucks for you.
kill yourself and then you will know everything
I see you ran into one of the druggies and got some of them on you.

We are kinda like a big, fucked up family.
what's is the matter?
Time for the Butt Tower, GR.
I was thinking more career/work wise.
Who's your husbando?
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do...do you really mean that?
> Hey guys. I'm gonna talk this rather masculine character and make him a slutty bitch that sucks dick and gets fucked by stallions. Why? Because I wan't fucking attention that's why you stupid nigger. LOL, you think I give a shit if you think I am good at drawing or something? I draw to be artistic and express my homo feelings around the world because my mom and society told me that I am so sort of special little corn in a world of grain. REACH YOU DREAMS!!! That's what I got told nigga yo yo yo. So GIEF DAT ATTENTION NIGGER. EQUALITY RIGHTS FOR ALL. Peace.
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hell naw
Of course not

I'm sure your waifu is lovely
>Your perfect horsbando or husbando offed themselves long ago.
It's foreskin restoration, using tissue expansion techniques to cover your glans again like a guy who hasn't been circumcised.
When this week's comics eventually get uploaded I'm assuming you guys won't want the EqG annual storytimed here, right?
Especially since it was already posted in that motion comic format.
You might as well jump off a bridge.
But big and masculine sub guys are hot

not when they're slutty, but still
It's...okay? Too weeb for me
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derpy is a very ugly pone
> some show on History Channel
But that's still accurate
My computer thinks I'm gay
I threw the piece of junk away
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Suicide feels like the only option
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never be creative!
There's nothing wrong with being happy
it's a nice feel
Compelling. Have you thought about going into public speaking, Anonymous?
you were always good enough you pretty little thing. come now, lets get you cleaned up.
Probably slowpoking, but

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>mfw sometimes I magically stay up longer than I should
Holy fucking shit, I spent like a good four hours freaking out because I usually go to sleep after the 18th hour (max).

I spent those 4 hours watching pony and playing TF2
>being this mad at a 40 minute old post
Way I see it. Something's bound to happen eventually. If not oh well.
I have that feel sometimes.

Read this, it helps a bit. It'll at least give you another look at things.

Depressed anon pls seek professional help
I dont know about you guys but I feel pretty happy.

I dont think anything could ruin my day on MLPG!
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I know I should go to bed, but knowing I can stay up makes me, because I won't have this wonderful opportunity for long.
Depressed anon should get on skype
that feel when wish i was a NEET again.
i live the NEET lifestyle on my days off, but 2 days out of 5 seems so scarce
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>your opinion
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Why does youtube freeze in firefox when I try to change the resolution?
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Look! It's a pony!
You have AIDS, cancer, and we have to amputate all 4 of your limbs.
your shoes look goofy
I'd Skype with a depressedanon

It wouldn't have to be lewd either
please don't feel scared about asking out for help
>implying you would talk to him after realizing he's not a famous artist
Art does more harm than good. If you arent talented enough then its a waste of time.
It's odd to think on some alternate Earth that's how a real critter would be served
I don't like the way you look at all in that dress.
And should seek professional help
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this is a pony
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>look inside your shoes
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>finally unbanned after a 3 day accidental ban where I posted a gif without realizing it had nsfw in it
Feels goo to be back.
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This is a pony.
>I will probably never play Torchlight 2 again
It's not, you just need help finding the better options. There is always someone out there that cares for you, even if you don't think or feel that's the case.

unless you have terminal cancer or some shit and are in constant physical pain. Then I understand
Man, why you guys got to be a couple of grade A heels!
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>coring this
Aw yeah.
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>feels goo
No you don't. Current NEET here with almost literally nothing to wake up for.
If nothing else, employment is something that would give me motivation for getting out of bed and not just being a depressed sack of shit.
but why? killing oneself would end it all and get one out of any trouble
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would you a goo pony when her fetish is vore
Im guessing todays depressedfag is a dead rawfag.
both their expressions in this one i'm dying
sounds like you at least want one thing
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>huge burly pony will never sex you forcefully
Fucking rawfags, ruining everything.

pony is just going to give up
I want to fuck a slutty trap breaburn.
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And it's also a pathetic way to go.
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>tfw she is ded
How so?
Why is it pathetic? Selfish maybe.
I am a pathetic person
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yes, but only as a pred
Its not pathetic. Not at all.
something something gordon ramsey
That one thing is so far not dying, since my family can't afford a proper funeral. And I don't want anyone seeing what I have on my laptop.
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Pony is sick of living in this stuffy house. She's planning on leaving Equestria to venture and explore the unknown world possibly to never return and wants you to come along with her.
Do you join her?
can I be a pony
>you will never puke up goopone
>they will never make sure it takes a long time, resisting your heaves
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is it t-shirt time
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Perhaps I'll finish this tomorrow.
So whats new?
Wipe out your harddrive. Then destroy it and kill yourself. Drive far far away and kill yourself.
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Of course.
I'd love to explore wherever it is that ponies are from.
We already had one guy from mlpg stream killing himself. Itll be entertaining to see another anon suicide.
Yes. I've wanted this for a long time, even in less-idealized versions.
Living in an already mapped, overpopulated world is balls. I wish we had a ringworld 600 million miles long where you may not even meet another person in your lifetime.
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Cast off your burdens, all you lost lambs.
You weary, you sullen, you aimless ones.
The holy mother, LAUREN, has heard your cries among the darkness.
Long have you suffered, but your glory in the kingdom of pone is coming soon.
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Cute fillies make me happy.
Just giving up on everything without exploring all other options is pretty pathetic.
Become a monk.
>RE: Mercs 3D for 10$

Should I, MLP/v/? I liked REvelations a lot.
i meant the job
>one guy from mlpg stream killing himself

But I'm going to put on my Wander hat
the guy with the pinkie pie fursuit hung himself on camera whilst wearing it
Do we have a season 3 episode bingo yet?
Yeah, well, I've been in the market for one for the last two years, so even that hope's starting to look a little threadbare.
>season 3
yes anon, yes we do.
This, if you can't make yourself happy, then at least try to make others happy. Volunteer or some shit.
I want to lick Gilda's paws while she smokes
I can wap to this.
[citation needed]
>implying mlpg cares about that any more
Ugh, meant season 4. Somehow still default to saying 3 for whatever reason.
Eww, gross.
Griffons are not for licking.
Pone is for licking.
That's stupid. How would a terminally depressedfag even get the motivation to help poeple?
It's been a while, anon.
I don't believe that.
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What can we have?

>Twilight learning to fly episode
>A new villain
>A memorable crystal pony character
>An episode acknowledging events the movie
>An episode acknowledging events in the comics
Griffons are for paw licking
Ponies are for dock licking

I want Gilda to sit behind me and give me a footjob while putting a bong in front of me
I'm going to marry Princess Luna!
I want her to rub her sweaty paws in my face between hits
>>A new villain
That was confirmed a few days ago anon.
I do the same thing with my age. I want to say i'm 19, but i'm 20. It almost sounds like a lie when i say it
Clearly the quality of 3 left an impact on you.
You saw that too huh?
How about a "fluttershy thinks she can't do something until she realizes she can" episode?
The synopsis for season 4 pretty much already confirmed a new villain though.
ok fine jeeze

How about an antagonist coming back?

Or a reformed antagonist coming back?
Really? I only remember the Everfree thing.
do something crazy
How about a reformed villain becomes unreformed
I'm drawing a thing.
Anything that needs to be rectified before I continue?
Pony broke the RURUS
>twilight unfucks her own mistake
>becomes a princess
>fluttershy convinces an immortal spirit of chaos to stop being evil

unicorn bias
Suicide is an option
you should draw horse vaginas
No, that perfectly acceptable.
Did you just take a photo of your screen?
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Last time, just in case some people did miss it (and to see if some ties can be broken)
make it into an unbirthing pic
I like that.

Or an episode where they are trying to be good, but that are terrible at it and everyone thinks they turned back.

Like Discord trying to makes someones life easier by turning their house into oats. Or Trixie trying to be a good friend by one upping everyone.
her clit needs to be larger.
she is a horse.
more pony juices
more blush
bedroom eyes on sweetie too.
Change Sweetie's dead stare, unless you are going for that look.
>terminally depressed
I call bullshit. There's no such thing.
You chose to be depressed. It's not a mental condition, it's a choice.
>samoa winning by a large margin
Don't have the cash for crazy. Don't have the space for hobbies, since I don't actually have a room and sleep on a couch. I had half a mind to build myself a shack in the backyard, but stopped short when I realized I'd need the cement for the floor, the lumber for walls and ceiling, and the wiring to get everything set up out there. I'm no carpenter, electrician, nor builder. Not to mention I wouldn't have the cash for the materials. Couple that with the fact I have no vehicle thanks to a hit-and-run, and I'm effectively up shit creek, and all I have for paddles are my hands.
>Fluttershy convinces an angry dragon to leave
>Fluttershy tames Cerberus
>Fluttershy overpowers a cockatrice's stare to save Twilight
>Fluttershy convinces an immortal spirit of chaos to stop being evil

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>Rule #1: no queefing!
That's a 3DS
>tfw no rarity fat clit worship
If theres one thing that can get mlpg back on track, its porn.
>not putting googly eyes on your screen
>Tfw no fat clit/strong vaginal muscle Rarara waifu
That's not actually true. Chemical depression is a result of imbalanced chemicals in the brain that can be corrected with the aid of medication.
That's what I'm on, anyway.
MLPG has jungle fever
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's prudes.
>she dresses her clit in arousing stimulating feathers
>she walks around her store quivering and making giddy little giggles
Porn and crippling depression

I want to slash my wrists with a playboy.
Oh wow you are dense. If you actually believe this then there no point trying talking about this.
Prunes really help me take shits

ain't even old
Clinical depression
If there's one thing, that means that there isn't two things
It's on my 3DS, and I wanted to show immediately what I'm working on.

>Sweetie's stare
I wanted her to look more aloof. Like she doesn't exactly sync well with how great she's stimulating her sister.

I'm sorry I can't draw clits well. I'll look around and try to refer.
Also, would you be fine with dog-like nips?
>clothing for horse clitorises
I have to sit down.
Sounds like killing yourself is a viable option.
slash them with a physical Hoofbeat magazine
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This can only lead to lewd things.
Yes, nips will suffice
Also suckles
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I want to suffocate underneath Pipsqueak's tiny little horse teats
Cameras are actually really fucking expensive. Lenses alone can run hundreds of dollars.
I'll find something eventually, though.
You always think killing yourself is a viable option.
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I read a book on jungle fever once...
spurt splut splack
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Does anyone have that Doxy thing on that new paysite?
Or the Wakfu MS thing?
>the floor is littered with puddles of her juice
Well look at that guys current situation clearly he's fucked. And to make matter worse he lost faith in himself . The only way to get out of this is to killhimself. Hes already dead on the inside. Its inly a matter of time.
>Wanting MS
i don't even mind his art, but the prospect of paying for it put a sour taste in my mouth
Non-consensual cuddling.
Paying for anykind of art besides professional art is awful.
oh goddamnit, that one on the clit
the only reason i'd pay for the doxy thing is impatience
Have you though of taking up Jogging?
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>Rarity can make her clit sound like it's talking
listen I know you all are well intentioned and meaning anon, and for the most part good people

but, this anon has been atention whoring about killing himself for a couple months now.

you are not trained to deal with it, reccommend that he seek professional help and be done with it.

at this point in the game you are only enabling his suicide fantasies by talking to him about it. and like i said we are not trained to deal with it.

so if your intentions are to help, know you are not helping him.
I'm not a pedo, but theres something about foals licking mares
>sweetie comes to visit
>asks what the smell was
>rarity tells her it was nothing and just to clean up the water that has spilled on the floor
>she gets off to watching her sister clean up her juice
That one googly eye....it's staring into my soul...
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>Store is going to sell ammo.
>Ask manager what our box limit is going to be.
>"Oh, (company) doesn't have a limit."
>'...So, we are just going to let customers buy as much as they can carry?'
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>you will never have Fluttershy for a talking clitoris

I'm sure you're correct
therapy doesn't do shit
Yes it does.
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now i can be filthy slav too
>Give a mare cunnilingus
>Spread apart her legs
>Looks like a boos out of a zelda game
Christ, I don't egen do guns and that looks terrible.
>being able to find ammo
>implying I can fight the government with no ammo
If the guy cant help himself then nothing or no one can help him . Hell. I dont think dudebro can help him.
I'm not well intentioned at all, i'm just humoring him

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>Can I come to your Halloween party?
Too self-conscious. However, I have previously considered setting up an exercise regimen. Even went to /fit/, read the sticky, made a little chart. Worked for a while, too. Then the exercise bike broke (it was some 40-year-old thrift store buy, surprised it lasted as long as it did.), and I didn't have the money for a new one. Everything sorta went downhill after that.
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it adds another layer because its her little sister.

it's really the only acceptable way of doing it.
The fuck it does.
Holy shit that is a scary costume!
Yes but you have to wear a costume
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Why is she so unconvinced?
>real dose anon hasn't posted in weeks
I wouldn't be alive without it.
only if you cum on my fist
he's dead, jim
>Store has a no limit on ammo.

Oh yes, this isn't going to cause a riot.
Sure, I'll dress as you and you'll dress as me and we can both sit in a corner not socializing.
Damn what a shame. Its always the scumbags who live longer lives.
oh yes
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>I don't have a costume
Then you can't come, duh.
I heard the pink one has many.
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Not if I cum on first!
dont worry Im not having a halloween party either, i was just stringing you along


I'm sure Rarity can make you one.
She's such a great mare, don't you think?
Well let's go and get you one!
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Then who was type?
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>another Halloween with Angel then
Yes you can, asshole.
Rent a U-Haul.
>Entering unbindall
Point and laugh, gents.
just use a cherri berry you dingus
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So how many of you pathetic losers are going to be on MLPG all Halloween?

I need company

>foreground penis
You can come to my party, Fluttershy.
All of the best ponies will be there
And Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight will be there, too.
I have to work...
But I am dressing up.
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I forget, is Esc for menu hardcoded into Source or does unbindall unbind that too?
I probably will be.
Why, is there somewhere else I should be?
...well anyway. Have a Happy Halloween, Fluttershy!
I might stram some stuff

Then again I bet all the good drawfags are already planning to stram.
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They're your friends, Fluttershy, don't be so nervous.
Im having a holloween party by myself. I order 5 extra large pizzas from the local pizzaria, went to wingstop to grab a jumbo order of hot wings. Went to my local sanwich shop and order a hero sandwich, party size with a customized cookie platter. Cooked and prepared some hotdogs and cooked some cocktail weenies. I also have a variety assortment of cheeses and several liters of soda. I have a huge stack of comics, off from work for the entire week, and set up a tent in my backyard to camp out and tell myself crappy ghost stories and have set up my portable ipad theatre system to watch tons of movies. Yes mlpg this will be a solo party i will never forget.
I'm just hoping my horse mask makes it here on time.
I haven't seen any ponies in my town for the last 2 years.
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Guess who ELSE is cumming!
Roogna's OC?
>buying wings instead of deep frying them youself

do you even solo?
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>I'm sure they won't try and prank me again like last year
>and the year before
>and the year before that
That's terrible!

I'm going to give them a talking to to make sure that doesn't happen.

I bet it was Rainbow Dash, wasn't it?
I thought you've only made friends with them recently.
[picture of a pony]
I dont have the necessary items to properly deepfry.
Aw, but Fluttershy.
The pigs blood is tradition!
I want to put my dick in that horse
Is shit
>that's my period blood ya dumb bitch!
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>you'll never stay at home and watch movies on halloween cuddled up with fluttershy
>>you'll never stay at home and watch movies on halloween cuddled up
That thing got old as quick as "arrow to the knee"
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I love Queen Chrysalis
I love Princess Twilight Sparkle.
I love Fluttershy
Long Live The Queen!
I love Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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