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Happy 10th Birthday, 4chan!

I toasted 4chan's 10th anniversary from 37,000 feet. What an amazing ten years it's been. Thanks, everyone.

Fernando from The Daily Dot wrote what is probably the most in-depth/well-researched article on 4chan's history to date: *link*
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Kissy pone edition

last thread
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>"Hey Dweeb, put on some music will ya? It better be some good shit"
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post horse makeouts
This is a family show anon, how could you post such smut?
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I haven't even gotten to the ponut makeouts yet
Pony can only love you if you let it

bronies, man
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B-but Anon can't!
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Pone kisses are the best.

>Pone will never kiss you
Not with that attitude.
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I like it when the yellow one and the blue one
woah anon i dont want to kiss a horse

horses kissing horses is alright though
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You think Twilight gets book boners?
but pony wants to kiss you
You know, Spike's special talent (or dragon equivalent) isn't all that bad. A dragon could make an honest living being a scribe and royal courier.
It won't be practical when he gets too large
Eventually he'll have to go

We shipping general tonight?

The only problem is that I don't have any images saved of ponies kissing on my laptop. You guys will have to fix that by posting more.
So whats new today?
Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends.

But nobody said anything about how long Spike will have to live.
Pony threw up on the carpet
Here's a thought - his special power is Flame Sending, the teleportation he uses for scrolls and other objects.

The problem is there's no easy way to filter anything coming through, like that Speaking Orb that Crysalis sent in the comics. He's like a LaserJet anyone on the network can print to.

Can you imagine the spam mail?
Not gay stuff going on no siree
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pony should kissu pony
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> Spike gets spam-FAX'd
One can only hope he gets porn mail out of it
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What about canon pony kissing
So like S2E2 but worse.
whoa what episode is that in
>Can you imagine the spam mail?
because i watch the show
I like distant background ponies
They get all simple

Extreme background in Hearts and Hooves day

Caramel is a player in that episode
oh my god, winona is in the burning car.
jesus christ
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classic pone kiss
But that was just Celestia pouring through a backlog. Can you imagine what would happen if the Elements of Harmony Fan Club got a hold of his address?

this is even better when it loads slowly in a browser one frame at a time
2 different mares in one episode, damn
It would be nice if they licked each other on the show.. you know... to be more horse accurate
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What if pone was Pokemon?
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But... But... I didn't even post anything bad... Wai you sai dis?
caramel x carrot top?

sure i could see that

Spike is the bitch of the show sadly... I pray for the day we get a well-written episode about him but at this rate, it'll never happen.
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Pony should lick pony
If I put on some Joyce Manor will Gilda beat me up?
>best pony
>best pokemon

I approve.
>Flying Grump
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Yeah its not terrible, thought I figured if he was going to be smooching any mares it would be the one he used to show up with so often

I guess no one will kiss the drunk
Thanks for the trip down memory lane, anon.
Ticket Master says that Spike can receive things other than letters, so what if someone sent him a brick. Or burning bag of shit
They look unhappy like they were forced into those vests
I want to force clothing on pony
>mega pinki
pony should wear fursuit
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You..you monster
They're not, they enjoy wearing and singing in their vest. That's part of what makes them happy ponies.
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Ponies love clothes though.
>Twilight will never make Big Mac her pet
Their anger only makes them more adorable
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How can you dislike pony clothes?
Do you dislike clothes pony?
She clothes ponies
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>trying to come up with a non pony related idea/joke after 3 years of pony
uh, what?
What if everyone lipread all scenes where a crowd or BG pony talked? Would the resulting phonology be coherent?

such flowing hair, truly the POTY
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Then why do they choose to go around naked most of the time

Some strange ponies like clothes, most are free from the cloth oppressor


she is ok but clothing is kind of her gimmick so I can't really say much about it concerning her
> "G-GOD! WHO WOULD DO THIS!" Spike sputtered through a swig of mouthwash.
> He felt something else coming on, a wet hot flame blowing through and coalescing into something in plastic clamshell.
> A Gillette Mach Three. Considering he had no hair he can't say the new scrape in his cheek was worth it.
> That was cold comfort when the USPS shipping boxes started pouring through by the dozen, filling the bathtub and the greater part of the bathroom. He'd never look at flat-back cardboard again without feeling a bit queasy.
Poor Spike.
watch it be a piece of shit
Lipreading animations? I really doubt it, man.
Not to mention it's not like the show staff would have put effort into making them say things. Might as well just watch the episodes with Youtube captions if you want crazy dialogue.
>That frontal view of Caramel's hair
I want to see no more of this character.
>not Pantene Pon-y
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You got it anon
Kind of like spongebob at that french restaurant?
I wonder many jokes that poor stallion has had to endure about getting his cherry popped
I guess. Since pokemon x/y is out in 2 days I wanted to make a silly comic for it for launch day. 2 days of brainstorm later i got nothing.
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The hottest part of a TF fic for me is the transformation part that isn't purely about just being turned into a pony or a diamond dog or a dragon, but adopting their traits and trying to fight it but end up succumbing to these newly acquired traits.

It's hotter because in a mental light it's technically submission, but isn't a submission of who's on top or who's on bottom but the person themselves is getting thoroughly fucked.

Also I absolutely hate it when the writer does a complete personality wipe, it isn't as hot knowing that the anon in the story isn't growing into a pony, but simply just became a pony instantly.

This goes away from "Human male turned into pony mare, and trying to fight her heat/estrous but ultimately ends up fucking the stallion" to "pony mare just fucking a stallion".

And then there's the slutty nature, it's hard to nail since you can really become "slutty" just after transformation, there's have to be something more to it, more of a solid mind breaking rather than a regular "oh no horse heat" thing I was talking about earlier.

Anyone, that's it and have this neat picture.

old horse beef
fuck off tfanon
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>draw Butterfly sleeping in frilly boxers

Anyways, anon, your request is done. I hope you're here. It's About as done as I can do. Which is only half done because she was supposed to be sleeping. Whoops.

Here's ones at higher res and different patterns http://imgur.com/a/QYWbo
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Probably not as many as the cherry mare

Who coincidentally seems to be shacking up with him

Its cherries all the way down
I am actually here, that's fantastic
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What a happy little cherry pony
>Find out the origin of that phrase
>Ends up being half-boner kill for me
She's talking about those wraps, right?
No problem, punch horse
i poop on u kid
Replace the space in "goo gl" with a "."
>sneaky pebbles got nerfed/damaged capped
Holy shit.
I'll make a naughty version later. Probably not with a dick because I need to practice mare bits.
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and they have so much in common
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His version seems to be darker. Don't darker cherries tend to have big seeds in them?
I thought all cherries did
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Behold! I have colored something that isn't mine.
When I was a young boy I'd climb into my bed,
My mother would turn off the light and pat my little head,

She'd speak of lessons she had learned, important wisdom to pass along,
Then she stood in my shadowed room and sang this little song

Never trust a pony,
Ponies are untrue,
No matter what a pony says,
They don't care about you.

Never trust a pony.
Ponies are insincere.
Somehow everyone finds out,
What you whisper in a pony's ear

When I was a young girl, I got a pony for my birthday,
We went everywhere together and played and laughed and sang,
But the pony started lying and taking things that didn't belong to it,
It'd say inappropriate things at my parents parties,
And one night when I was asleep the pony ran away...

Never trust a pony,
Or the secrets that they share,
There is something not quite right,
In a pony's stare.

Never give your heart to a puppet,
Always stay on your guard,
Ponies will betray you,
Ponies are really weird.
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Well, the ponies I like aren't naked. Besides ponies wear clothes to important events. They must hold clothes in some higher regard.
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That Cloudchaser looks pretty weird.
The richer the pony, the more clothes they wear. Clothes are a status symbol.
She's in the shower. That's a towel on her head.
I guess I'm just thinking of maraschino cherries. And her's seems to be lighter.
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Well the ponies I like tend not to wear them, even to fancy parties

You can have all those snobby clothes ponies
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get that horrid recolor out of here
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I will have my clothed ponies. Then I will put clothes on your ponies and have them as well.
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>He thinks maraschino cherries are naturally pitted.
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Maraschino isn't even a kind of cherry! It's a way of preserving them.
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A pretty piece of shit.
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But you wouldn't want to kick out Carrot's friend would you anon?


..You are some kind of super villain
I just want to slowly peel those panty shorts off of that apple pony
>you'll never stroke those hips while eating her out

I would be more concerned if she didn't have a skeleton in her.
I want to stick some random pastry in her mouth while she maintains that expression.
focus anon, we're talking about horse panties
Edible apple-flavored horse panties.
the schoolgirl pony art just doesn't stop coming recently

I'm in pony nirvana
With cream yogurt filling?
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>MRA/Anti-feminist bronies
>rant and rave about feminism is destroying society
>Lauren is a feminist
MLP:FiM is an example of a feminist girls cartoon
>Them liking it is proof that "feminist" shows aren't evil or man hating and can be enjoyed by all and that feminists aren't all some extremist aliens wanting to put men in camps

>inb4 muh men's rights
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There's something that's been bothering me for the longest time. I can't stand it, I gotta know, what are you listening to right now, MLPG?
I've been hooked on this the past couple days.
But I'm right, mind-wiping KILLS boners, mind subjugation through lewdness and trait acquiring RAISES boners.

I might not be a bonermancer casting boner missiles and cum shields like EA, but I'm a mere boner whisperer and farmer, I understand what the boner needs to grow and keep my ear close to the shaft to hear it's pleads.
the Kara no Shoujo 2 soundtrack.
I wish I could find the artist.
this on repeat.
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Dash makes a good school girl
But really she's probably a terrible student

Your pones have a bit of a generic dopey happiness to them. Like they're slightly dazed.
>>you'll never stroke pone hips ever
You just have to know how to challenge her
goes "boink"
okay, thanks

now to do some reading
I guess if I were her teacher I could just turn everything into a competition
Don't you mean a naughty schoolgirl?
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I think I know how...

Catchy as fuck.
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She'd probably miss the innuendo and get angry and think you were calling her a bad pony literally
It IS a competition, really. Against your classmates.
Teaching her about Descartes? I don't know that seems a little advanced for her.

>tfw taste
oh my unf
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>chrysalis green band on her belly is her clothing
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>Dash with autism
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Silver Soul - Beach House

Na she's just a little thick and naive
but she's cute like that
No, not unf.
Can I get the link to this comic again?
It was pretty cash
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>Mewy how come you don't return my calls anymore?
cute unf?

uhh... cunf?

wow I never knew mlpg had such shit taste
Anyone who is still with MLPG is the height of degeneracy.
>the Great Dictator speech
yeah no
i'm only here to shitpost and request art
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You should respect that people have different taste in music, anon. It's not polite to just insult someone's taste without explaining why it's shit.
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here u go
like fish
>i'm only here to shitpost and request art

>oujo-sama Rarity
It's only good in the original context and without those soundtracks added to it

the movie itself is a pretty entertaining watch, even if it is long
evens - draw big pone
odds - draw little pone
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that confused me for a second
little shy
draw medium pony
big pony nuzzling little pony
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Which pony is big
Fortune smiles upon me this night.

I don't think you understand your numbers, Anon.
alas, i was thinking in seconds for some reason
Would you your favorite pony if they were still a filly?
My favorite pony is a filly
Perhaps the purple one? Magic shenanigans can be fun.
I could use another image of big purple
I think that is the only one I have
filly twiight being shining armor's big sister
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Alicorn Twilight hugging adult Spike
Doesn't he have a skype you could contact him on?
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>he knows
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>avoiding the question
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There colored for that anon request.
Should I add sweet bits?
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I'm too bashful.
>I'm going to complain about music I've never listened to
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I just can't buy into Mew's love for Lyra. It just seems too fake.
Now Dafty. That was nigga who loved his mint horse.
I can't believe you guys just forgot about him and shipped Lyra with another guy.
Dafty even bought the second gayest instrument because he loved his waifu so much.
I kinda already had my own idea for this, sorry.
>tfw I will never have a chubby femrover turn me into a diamond dog so she can play with my belly and boobs
>tfw I will never feel her tongue on my wet dog cunt
>big sister roleplaying
yes please
It's not like he's going to bite you unless you're into that
You two could probably get into some weird ERP skype calls, you sick fucks.
Where is Dafty?
I was thinking more like applebloom's reaction when aj was tiny
Mauled by dingo.
He died the very next day.
That's fine too
Whats it gonna be, or is it a surprise?
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Night thread?
Can you try colouring this?
some days i just come in here to read stuff like this and go wow

it is a good pain
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Get your stupid mutt paws off my pony.
I wonder what we would have said if someone told us 2 years ago that MLPG would someday be a place for people to hook up for cybersex.
and before you say it, no, it was not always like that.



yeah, but then he burned it because he sucks

But still, I miss him
He was entertaining and helped keep threads chill
>not liking tf
Just her reading from a book and having a size spell happen. I want to do a short sequence.
Sounds fun
Does she get to break anything through growth?
you can it if you want but i prefer safe
I thought it was already colored
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Pones like the dextrous fingers for petting and belly rubs.
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goo ponies?
>implying blue pony is not a tease.
>implying doge will stop rubbing/caressing his stubby and grubby fingers/hands around little blue pony.

I think that one is already colored, well if I am correct that is.
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Probably not. She'll be filling the room before it's done, though.
It looked pretty bad though.
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Is that braeburn?
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>not eclipsing the sun
>you will never be Rarity's femdog sex/mining slave
I guess...
it'd also be nice if someone would color that male-Sweetie thing someone drew last night.
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It was the thought that counts.
I would have honestly hated him if he learned to play that thing.
I miss him too. He was funny, and he never cause problems. His cat was 2huge

Dafty could probably kick your ass.
>not male doge
>dog dick
not even once
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That's cute.
>You will never have the knot in you
>You will never have lesbian femdog sex in Rarity's basement.

I love goo ponies but even I think this picture is pretty weird man
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he's australian and you're like four ft six
these are just basic facts
you wouldn't have a chance dude
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What if all this work we're putting into posting ponies is worthless?
I ship dafty x goggles
i want to be bonbon's shitty, subtlely-abusive husband
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best sisters time?
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mewball why do you have such a good taste in pon
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Weird is good
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What the fuck happened to your eyes ponka?
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What if we were all enjoying ourselves posting ponies?
What if that gave it all meaning?
Where's your briefcase little pony?
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It's always best sisters time.
She came down with a case of animaniacitis.
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too deep
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What do you mean Anon?
They look fine to me.
Should I storytime new comic?
I don't even want to know where the spaghetti fell out of.
I don't know the answer to that, but it sure is time wasting.
there's a new comic?
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>you will never be the most sufficient anything
...it's the EQG one, isn't it?
who's up for a suicide ring? we can meet up in heaven and play with the ponies together
Out of her pockets, of course!
Your ponimouto/coltouto had a bad dream and wants to sleep with you.
>Should I storytime new comic?

Does Rarity fart in it?
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no, but I bet Twilight does
It's that like an abstinence ring?
Everything seems in order here

Have a nice day ma'am
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>her pockets
Is that what they're calling it these days?
Its just attentionwhoring.
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Of course he/she can sleep with me anytime.
Makes sense

Its where humans put their hands
and then Fluttershy died of asphyxiation.
the end.
I want to be turned into a bitch diamond dog.
I want to be raped by diamond dog packs and also random stallions.
I don't think that's such a hot idea, I was having murder dreams last night so I don't think I'll be going to sleep any time soon
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>>13958552 >>13958556 >>13958568 >>13958575 >>13958584

Ops, sorry for misleading, I meant this:
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Finally a MLP comic for ants!
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The box was filled with horse panties
>Fluttershy trapped in a box
>She struggles to get out, when suddenly a cat gets on it
>She thinks it's a lion, so she doesn't move
>Thinks it fell asleep on the box
The eye in this thumbnail looks like an open mouth
Fuck off Rose slut.
what the fuck, Twilight
If you're going to be narrating princess things you have to put your wings on

Either be a princess or go get Celestia so she can do it right
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But she's in pain...

Quick, does anyone have happy gooponies or happy tentacle ponies?
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I hate bonbon though
>the entire show in book form
this changes everything
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I should have saved those tentacle Dash things Rose did
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>the gay version
why did he have to be so hairy
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Don't you know it's spooky month anon
No one is safe from skeletons
I love lyra's mane
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But she's canon prettier than Lyra.
To unf, or not to unf.
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That's not nature's pocket.
>Already a third of the way through spooky month
>Still haven't started those Halloween projects
>canon prettier
>fan made video

Did you draw that?
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Canon prettiest
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>several hours later
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So pretty.
I don't know why people think cintiq is so much better. If you use a cintique your hand will block parts of the picture, the screen gets warm and using keyboard for shortcuts becomes impossible. I love my intuous in comparison.
you don't have to unf if you don't want to
it's okay if you're not sexually aroused by literally everything
I'm afraid I've somehow done my ponies harm
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I think I need more of this. Is that artist carnifex?
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Why go full gay for a day and settle for a fem looking/trappy boy instead of real men.
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I won't stop hating that yellow thing
lyra deserves better than that
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Sounds like you want a date with batman, anon
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>trying to squish discords pet
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I get that you like Lyra and all, but hating on Bon Bon's going too far!

define: "better than that"
tell me a story anon
a story about ponies who like each other
I miss the original edgy pinkamena blog
CrookedTrees is definitely a faggot, but it was well done for what it was

None of the imitators I've seen have been enjoyable
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one day there were two ponies who like each other quite a bit
so they decided to stand next to each other day in and day out

sometimes they even sat on the same bench
It's rare to have good pinkamena art
Everything is really really try hard but there's a couple of really good ones
Jesus christ man I wanted a cute story not some filthy fucking smut
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like this?
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too bad
welcome to the night thread, faggot
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>you will never get comfy with pony
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Time for night?
Dash looks like she kicks in her sleep

There once was an ugly pony, she was SO fucking ugly that everyone died

The End
>she flails wildly at night
>you never get a good night sleep due to deep bruises and a lot of cuts from her horn
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Well she does have kicky little legs.
At least it's not Aj. That would hurt.
Too much feelings, not enough car chases.
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why do these amuse me so
>It's kicky little legs!
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oh boy, night threads!

>i can hear that song in my head now

Once upon a time there were two pretty mares a pegasi named Jeff and an earth pony named Jonathan
They were the best of friends
One day Jeff finally found her special somepony another pegasi named James he was a really nice guy but becouse of this Jeff could no longer spend time with Jonathan
Jonathan missed her friend so much and realized she had developed feeling for her best friend
She thought this was very wrong so she spent a few months at a pray the gay away camp and it was weird time for her she smoked pony weed for the first time and she thinks she liked it but she's not really sure like she thought it would be cooler like it was on tv but she's like 70% sure she still enjoyed herself
The camp didn't really work because she still wanted to play clam diver with Jeff
She finally decided to mare-up and confess her feelings to Jeff
Jeff was very surprised by this and told her that they can't have a relationship but Jonathan would not take no for an answer
She gave her best friend the biggest, sloppiest, wettest kiss in pony history and Jeff nearly fainted from how amazing this kiss was
So Jeff dumped her boyfriend and started dating Jonathan and they lived happily ever after
Except James who ended up lonely for the rest of his life
2011 pls
pls come back
i miss you so much
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Coming down the track, it's kicky little legs!

does anyone have the link to the vocaroo of that? been a while...
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because it's midly hilarious

how hear it from your speakers
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I'd ship lyra with anypony but bon bon...
I just hate that animal from he other four-legged things
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night threads?
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I'd rather have Pinkamena art unconnected to that Godforsaken fanon.
>Thunderlane seduces Rarity.gif
Wow that's pretty deep
What's it from
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I'm sorry you feel that way. I for one think they're cute together.

For some reason, Youtube videos never load for me on my laptop. All I get is "An error occurred, please try again later."

You mean, Pinkie Pie just with her hair down?

have this instead
Celestia has crowned you king of humans as per the rules of Equestria. What is your decree.
Yes. Pinkie Pie with her hair down is good.
Draw it, please?
bring me... a pony
I want lyra's mane to be cut off and used as my royal wig

>Crookedtrees is definitely a faggot


I had the misfortune to talk to him at one point, let's just say that was a very brief exchange and now we mutually loathe each other
I shall establish the first Equestrian central bank.
Well more than that
The whole upset pinkie thing
Essentially yes.
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The latest issue of the current Deadpool ongoing
If you're not reading it, you should be.
Later. I'm working on perspective and procrastination right now.
I get rid of all doors and replace them all with doggy doors for ponies
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I might draw it too. What should she be doing?
Give us the juicy dets, girl.
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>Ponies are getting stuck halfway in doors
>All as planned
You can work on procrastination later.
I'll hold you to that, though.

Giggling at a joke, maybe?

No cutie mark yet?

Or is this how she got it?
Okay, so they took the show and turned it into a comic book. In capable hands it'd turn out fine, but so far I've seen plenty of problems:
1. They just take screenshots of the show. That would normally be fine, but they don't pick decent frames for it. Half-open eyelids and other in-betweens are placed on a medium where they're displayed for more than a couple milliseconds, making the whole production look low-quality.
2. All the visual gags are lost in translation, or at least they seem more confusing to those whom haven't seen the same situations animated. Some are cut out entirely, which is probably for the better.
3. The layout of the comic is generally square panel/square panel/wide rectangle panel, repeat. It's very dull, but televisions are quadrilateral after all. It'd be hard to repurpose all the show art for anything more interesting.

One thing I can give the editors credit for is that the script is spot on, completely accurate.
I'll look into it
Maybe like a year from now I'll actually read it though, I'm pretty bad about that though

>Pinkamena giggling

I thought Pinkie with her hair down is usually not amused, right? I can see her smirking cruelly but not giggling...
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Maybe it's just wet?
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True, but I think she's cute with her hair down, and I'd like to see her enjoying herself. I suppose it's up to you, though.

>wet Pinkamena

>Flynn and Holly will never no how much Walt loved them
Fluttershy, what are you doing in there?
>Pompey was assassinated in egypt before Caesar could confront him
Pony wants you to do your laundry.
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I wish we had an artist that took request every second of every day and did every single request asked in a quick and efficient way
MLPG we should build a robot
why is it already 11 oclock
Because you live in the future. Come back to us, Anonymous.
Does anyone have those cmc knights for /tg/?

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I can't draw tonight.......

it seems like lately my usual skills have left me and I just don't have the willpower to push through it...
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>2 days left to finish a project ive been procrastinating for a week
And Zack does Paranatural by mouse. It's amazing what you can do with talent
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We used to have a robot. He's gone now ;_;
Well, thank you anyways. She looks very sweet.
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Despite the fact she already owns hundreds, why does Applejack like to get apple tree saplings as a gift?

Because she gets a real kick out of them!
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Are these the ones?
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>Goo ponies

I knew I shouldn't have checked on MLPG tonight.

I'll be in my bunk.
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wet angry pones
Oh my god
she looks like she's blowing out her cheeks, that's adorable
Yup, that's them.
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>you will never suddle a pony
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I mean a robot that draws for us.
Leth only drew a few times.
Are those anons that hung and framed his picture still here?
I'm getting sidetracked
Let's build a drawbot. All our pony desires will finally come true. That picture of the CMC giving each other makeovers? Done.
That picture of futa Rarity ruining Spike's anus while he wears a pretty dress?
You got it.
There will never be a dull moment with Drawbot and he doesn't ask for anything in return. No pointless drama. No depression. Just pretty pictures of pretty ponies playfully prancing about.
Is ponybutt absorbant to water?
Note to self: Dash raises butt when soaked with water.

>rarity and pinkie are balding when wet
>No pointless drama
Hardly ever does the artist ever do this
It's retards who decide that they don't like something
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Modern Wet-Rarity looks so much better.

Hell, I wouldn't mind her looking like this whenever she hasn't done any styling and makeup or whatever.
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C-can drawbot draw me Stephen Fry having a tea party with a charmed Rarity and brushing her hair afterwards?
>No pointless drama. No depression.

But what about when Drawbot starts to question the nature of its existence and gain sentience?

Whenever I see this, I mentally edit it into a goopony because it looks like she is melting into a puddle like that old show on Nickelodeon about Alex Mack
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helping Dash try on pretty skirts
But if you guys had a drawbot, what would I do with myself?
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Well, they are like 90% water, they sweat a lot

snack the crunch off
To be honest one reason why I always wanted to draw more was so I could draw whatever we would be talking about at the time of said discussion.
Too bad I'm lazy.
pony is very hydrophilic
i would a stephen fry

does he have aids or anything like that
draw something else

like that one anon who always gets really angry when people post that fetish he doesn't like during hiatus

it doesn't matter if it's just a sentence, a greentext story or a drawing, he always goes off on the poor person unlucky enough to post it who doesn't understand what they did wrong
you can draw....other things?
Things that aren't pony?
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you do take a ton of requests
you're a good guy
Fluttershy is such a great friend.
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Hey, I'm just making harmless notes to my self in a public setting. Whatsamattawityou.

Can't handle someone else 'mirin speedy blue?

show your superiority to the robot race of course

humans are the real masters of this planet
No, not to my knowing anyway.
You know what I really don’t like?

When in movies or whatever the dad figure has to leave, or dies, and he tells the little boy to ‘take care of your mother, you’re the man of the house now’


so basically we are framing grown ass women to be more incompetent than a (male) child?

and don’t tell me it’s just meant to make the son feel better about the dad leaving/dying because WOW that’s a lot of pressure to put on a kid don’t you think
I am John Henry.

th-thank you
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I don't believe so.
He's got bipolar disorder though, and he made a documentary on it I've yet to watch that's apparently quite personal.

>snack the crunch off

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Since when does Mew draw satyrs? he hates pony satyrs
If he's the only man in the house, then he's the man of the house. Because he's the only man in the house.

Stop reading into things just so you can get mad. It's not healthy.
You would become drawfag John Henry and die with your pencil in your hand
and you'd be laughing
cause you can't replace a drawfagging man
Thank you!!!

"Son, you’re six years old now. You’re the man of the house while I’m gone. That’s right. Your maleness outranks the experiences and intelligence of a 35 year old woman."

Silly! You are not John Henry. You are goat train.

unless that's your real life humanoid name in which case I stand correct
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So you finally took her hostage, did you.

Good. Good.
The sad thing is my uncles and grandparents said this shit to my brother when our dad died, saying he was the ‘man of the house’ now. He was eleven years old, had barely begun to mourn; and people were telling him to look after mum and my and my sister. Granted I got pulled aside and told to ‘behave’ cos my mum was left alone with three kids so I had better be ‘good to her’.

It’s not the right thing to say at all. Please, for the love of God, don’t tell kids who have just lost a parent that they have to care for the other. They have enough shit going through their minds :c
That body is really weird, the belly is too big and mishapen
"One year, I taught this (Sociological theory) class and only used female writers. The journals were written by women, the textbook was written by females. Do you know what kind of responses I got on my student evaluations that year? {…} That I was biased, that I was only looking from one point of view… that I was basically a man eater. That’s the kind of things I’d get from the students… The semester before, I used only male writers. Do you think I got any kind of feedback like that then?"

"Not a single word."

Dr Rebecca Erikson, my professor, in her introduction of epistemology and challenging the main narrative

no one ever told me what NLDS stands for though........
>changed equestria girls skin tone to human
fuck it looks so much better. i wish they did that in the movie.
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What's the haps?

Whates the difference between getting a wrapped pony for Christmas and a lump of coal?

At least the coal can be warm and useful!
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I want to wrap pony up like a present.
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Nigga I will cut you.

The belly is fine. Also, you misspelled "misshapen"

Someone post pudgy Dash belly to prove what I mean, I don't have the screengrabs at handy.


"Fun" is a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the White Race.
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>not microwaving your pony to heat them up to put in your bed on cold nights
ultra plebe
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Pony is good gift.

tumblr and gender politics pls go
Yes you can. Just get a drawfagger who draws better. Drawfags are a dime a dozen.
whats happening and why
yeah ok

go falsely accuse a man of rape and ruin his life because he wouldn't steal drugs for you
The only thing that Pinkie Pie cuts is cheese!
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>the bow is over the anus

oh my
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>implying pone is not warm and useful
It's more so
>Your mother will now be emotionally, financially, and physically strained because of your fathers death
>Please try to step up and be independent instead of relying on her, it will really help out
I think you read into shit too much, don't live life angry.

tumblr pls go and stay go this time
you're a monster, no joke
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what: america is being a shitty country

why: because republicans
The best thing to do is never give it attention
Pony just told you about her super weird fetish, she's waiting for your answer.
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I forgot what it's like to listen to brand new music
Explain why.
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we are so edgy tonight it hurts
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And the best part is unwrapping.
Fluttershy it's almost midnight
stop calling me
She's hungry and she can't remember what the number is to the pizza place
>why: because republicans
It's republican's fault for holding debt ceiling hostage
It's democrat's fault for passing and refusing to give on a half baked piece of legislation
It's Obama's fault for being a two faced fucking joke
and it's our fault for electing who we did to office
Don't call it a grave; it's the fate you chose
>you will never hug Pinkie Pie with her big bushy tail in between the two of you

I honestly think I should just kill myself
so what am I supposed to do about it?
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Would you watch this?

is that yotsuba pony?
>It's our fault for electing who we did to office
To be fucking honest the republicans have picked shitty candidates for the last 2 years.
That's up to you
You could just hang up or help the pony out
Or you could give her a different number
Why is your waifu so ugly?

Because she has a horse face!
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Also it looks like it's a reference to something so definitely
I'll just order the pizza for her goddam

Is this some kind of cult ritual?
Only if it had subtle Flash/Sparkle breeding at the end
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This has maximum adorable potential.

>Not offering to do it for her
>Not ordering her 300 anchovy pizzas
Does it have the song by Queen?

Either way no I wont watch it. I'm just going to listen to that song
Apple Fritter.

Hey MLPG can you name all the S1E1 apple family?
Yes, the two party system we have is a joke. Now let's keep it pony.
dude if the republicans a) didn't keep pushing the same retarded social-conservative shit all the time and b) actually really and truly wanted to cut the budget and curb the deficit, i'd vote for them

john mccain was a cool guy until he ran for prez, then he turned into a megaretard
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Okay pony wants 5 veggie pizzas for her and her bunnies
Also an order of cinnamon sticks with extra icing
How do you think goo ponies get made, anon?
>she doesn't ever eat meat let alone fish
>but she doesn't want to be rude to the nice anon who ordered all these pizzas for her
>she spends the next few days miserably going through every pie, choking down the salty little fishies
>It's too springy
>You can't quite press her against you
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W-what do you mean we're out of chairs in the library, and the only seating available is your face, anon?
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>guy goes from 0 skill to paid concept artist in 3 years
>i am on year two and all I have done is make terrible drawing of horse dicks
No fuck you Im not drawing shit for you anymore untill you show me the money.
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No I mean no one would have a reason to complain about drawbot so there would be no drama

If you want it you got it. He'd even color and shade all of his work.

PFFT that kind of stuff only happens in movies.

Your old news. I mean, we'd appreciate you and all you did for us, and you can still draw for us.
But you gotta make way for the robo superior
>didn't vote last year
I can't complain but I'll be pissed if I don't get my federal checks for college next semester
Fluttershy stop being fat
You want a "diet" soda to go with that fatass?
How edgy must we be?
I said lap Twilight. Quit with your Freudian slips
>It's democrat's fault for passing and refusing to give on a half baked piece of legislation
>refusing to give

>on a law passed and supported by the supreme court
Because I like our drawfags, amd we should be happy to have as many of them as we do.
Other generals sufer for lack of them, we practically drown in them.
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Yes diet cokes
3 two liters

She's gonna throw it up anyway
But why would Dash wear pretty clothes?
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The joy you would bring to millionsmore like dozenswould be more than enough of a reward.
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Diet coke and a pizza? Please.

Big girl, you are beautiful.
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Because she knows that sometimes she has to be girly because the situation calls for it

Or maybe she just likes to feel pretty sometimes
have you tried drawing things BESIDES horse dicks?
Uh, what just happened.
It's okay, I'm leaving you guys for the LPS General once season 2 starts anyways.
Shall I put in the troth and will you be eating it right here on the floor, you fat pig?
Go fuck yourself. I need to pay rent.
That's really unhealthy and I won't feed into her habit
I ordered a few big salads. Enjoy your bunny party.
no. no. stop posting sheela's Fluttershy.
I've masturbated enough today.
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>tfw not going back to bat threads.
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Celestia wants to try out her new tentacle hair spell on you
File deleted.

Twilight Sparkle is a Tremere.
what kind of cutiemark is that, they'd probably be older than the creation of the SS
He had something that you dont have. Talent.
why? I don't go there just curious
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What would you do to her?
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I don't mind the official Draw Thread
The actual conversations that goes on there are god awful but I like to just scroll through and pick out some new pictures or drop off a request and come back later.
what kind of spell is that
what are the advantages
I can name a few artist who used to start drama all the time MR. Whiteknight.
filter her
has it gotten bad?
...y'know, moreso?
I wasn't saying it in an absolute terms
I know there are artists who cause it as well
Take her out for a nice evening.
Then help her out of that dress and fuck her like an animal when we get back home.
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Her hair is now completely prehensile and coils around instead of wafting aimlessly.

It gives her an extra set of arms and it's fun for all ages in her bedroom chambers
who gives a shit

outside of their art, i don't give a shit about them

and even if one "leaves", it doesn't matter since there are others waiting to replace him.
Lets just say it becomes weird and a tiny bit irritating.
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Chest tufts are the best
Im still not drawing anything for you. If you don't mind I have a commission I need to be working on.
>Fun for all ages
>Cutie mark crusader hair wranglers go!
Celestia has achieved daemonhood at last
I remember rose drawing a cute flutter tuft for me. I seem to have misplaced the picture.
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Pinkie is obviously Malkavian.
Fluttershy is Gengrel
Rarity is Toreador
Rainbow Dash...Brujah, maybe? Celerity and potence, after all
Not sure what clan Applejack would be

fuck off Not Ben Stiller
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Shake it baby
Pony should keep their hair immaculate.
Weirder than here?
Okay now I'm curious. What do they get up to over there?
Exactly. They are a dime a dozen attentionwhores.
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Would you uphold laws passed and supported by the supreme pone?

Pic related: the supreme pone.

If there was a law about no butt-gobbling I would have to rebel
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they need to get their shit together because bat pony shit is starting to leak back here

they have their own thread for a fucking reason
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>I forgot what it's like to listen to brand new music
it feels like you're missing out
That everything good is happening somewhere
She'd like that, but knowing what your going to do to her might make her nervous for the entire evening.
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I asked her to do a Dash one

We should we friends
W-whoa there Panka
>want to go out and draw neat stuff
>boring suburbs all around me

I'm trying to think of a good way to draw claws on hooves

Should I just make them like dragon paws?
Tell me, do you actually have any friends?
The type of drawing regimen that guy was on was probably the equivalent to doing P90X 3 times a day for 3 years straight. You have to have the drive before you can strive. Also stop drawing horse dicks and draw other things.
mewball seriously? Seriously? Your shitposting getting way out of hand lately.
there it is! thank you

7/10 made me reply
Most of the bands I listen to broke up during my high school days
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Pinkie tufts!
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This is all I can do tonight, sorry. In easy-to-intake .gif form because having to scroll through a sequence like this and not get a constant sense of scale is murder.
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oh my~
ha that's great
Because some guys here are really autistic and flip out whenever they see fanart of a canon pony race? It's not like we even know their dumb OC names

What are they, wolfcrow moonbane? nightrose deathwind? sergei sergolov sergovich? darknessnight grimshade?

Nervous? Or excited?
Maybe she'd get a certain enjoyment out of having the whole evening to think about all the naughty things we'll do together once we're back in the privacy of the bedroom.
Go to the nearest mall and draw people
Or go to the zoo and draw animals
dude, i live and grew up in a house in the middle of the field.
don't talk.
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I want to scratch it
You ever scratch the chest of a really fuzzy golden retriever? I bet it feels like that
Aux Tism.
...Yes. Really.
Pinkie fluffs.

this is very nice. i'm starting to see the appeal of large pony transformation now...
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>300 pizzas
>in a few days
jesus woman
Last time I was there, it is completely not bat pony but IRL stuff like taxes, GF, parents then TF2 and there is someone who sings that takes two to five replies. Its really batty to my taste thats why I quit.
Well that is the last time I was there(one or two months ago) I dont know now.
Will you guys ever get over the fact that Twilight is romantically involved with Flash Sentry, who isn't your OC/Self Insert?
Thanks. I'll keep working on it.

let it flow through you
then draw it
>Last time I was there, it is completely not bat pony but IRL stuff like taxes, GF, parents then TF2 and there is someone who sings that takes two to five replies.
Remind you of anyone?

this statistic seems extremely suspect but I can't quite put my finger on what's wrong with this. Can you?
That sounds a lot like MLPG
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Fluffy pony tufts are the best.
O-oh my.... Don't do this to me Bcs

Why not help her eat them and have fun afterwards?
so like mlpg?

whenever people post bat pony shit, they aren't actually posting the ones from LE, you retard. they're all ocs
I forgot to add the 'not in a fun way', so yeah.
That pretty much sounds like MLPG, even with the constant steamfags posting about TF2

My Little Pony General?

I'd like to draw it but my main hang-up is, as you said, getting a proper sense of scale is difficult.
You are stupid. You didnt go out exploring? Hunt? Shoot things? Paibt landscapes? See the sunrise sunset? See the fucking stars? God, you stupid jackass.
What way are you animating this Goat?
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what no
you're silly
happy birthday fim
will you still draw batpon though?
because that reporter of yours is a cutie
Drawing the frames in SAI and exporting them into Photoshop. I'm sure there's a better way of doing it, but I just don't know what it is.

It never hurts to try!
i'm not in the steam group and have nobody here on my friends list and talk about hats
I will.
So off topic shit is good if you enjoy it?
So shitposting is fine if someone else enjoys it?
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Oh damn

3 years, cheers mlpg
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>tfw want to draw something but somewhere between concept and execution it ends in aimless scribbling

some people make this look easy...
Loaded Question: The Post
Dress horse best horse
Interesting. I tried to use flash for a while but it just wasn't working out for me.

That program acts nothing like any of its sister programs.
What? You can't find a program on the internet? You dont know how to google? Are you retarded? You must be.
I remember starting off and watching the show she was my least favorite.
Sometime during season 2 I began to see the light.
Happy 3 years of hell, autism, and cute ponies.

I blame you fucking idiots for this shit.
Stop taking it so seriously bcs, when you stress just remember "I'm drawing magical pastel horses."
I want an artist to take request right now but none are doing any.
Man, this would never happen if we had a drawbot.
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She was my least favorite when i started watching the show, but now she is my second favorite
You dont have talent.
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3 years huh
>tfw no place to get a Whopper and a 40 in Equestria
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you are a very angry anon for our night threads. who are you? you deserve a name for as angry as you've been tonight...
Bugsanon I swer on me mum
>Red head pony in the distance
Clearly they need more culling
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Maybe I'll go look something up then, since I'm not doing anything else.

I've never used Flash. I'd imagine it'd be a lot easier just to draw directly into that program than whatever it is I'm doing.
Im with you, I want a drawbot.
That's what I'm seeing from his post.
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Aww c'mere anon
Maybe you shouldn't have treated them like shit all the time.
They're ponies, way too nice to cull
He just won't be allowed to breed
>Backwards swastikas
They fucked up. Burn it down and try again.
>canon pony race
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checking that tumblr, i'm not sure whether to be fascinated or terrified now
Oh piss off

Not my fault they act like whiney babies and go away.
Pony stressing out over a drawing.

why are you so angry at everybody tonight, Anon?

You know what you need? You need to be dressed up in pretty mare clothes and the pretty mare wig and petted and brushed and given a nice hot cup of cocoa.
No anon, it is your fault that you shitpost about them so hard that they leave.
$ cat /dev/urandom | drawbot -stdin
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No joke, I have liked Rarity ever since I watched the show.
I'm a sucker for prissy, over-dramatic characters like her and her accent really made me like her even more. It blew my mind when I found out she was a fashion designer with her own business and not a generic fashionista that follows the latest trends and is huge bitch to the point where you have to question why people are even friends with her like you see in other shows.
She has and always will be my favorite character and the best use of that character archetype.
Are you sure you dont have stds bcs? I heard you fucked a dog.
Unfortunately it's really not. The one advantage you get in flash is "Onion skinning" Which is just an automated version of reducing the opacity on other layers and hiding them when you don't need them.

Then again I'm not THAT familiar with the program so I might just suck at it. But it behaves nothing like Photoshop or Sai.
Yes please.

I'm not sure whether to laugh or take offense...

Drawing is kind of hard sometimes, you know. Sometimes it's easy and it's the most fun thing in the world but those times seem to get less and less common as the years roll on.
I thought that still probably false rumor was of Cartoonlion
So, he'll be a gelding?
Fuck you BCS, I've always been nice, why can't I get pretty mare clothes and things?
I'm sorry for the f-bomb up there that may have been a bit much
You could get GIMP (never really recommended until a last resort) or any version of Photoshop past CS1
There's an animation tab and you can set the lengths of frames, with each frame allowing you to turn different layers on and off
Then you just export it for Web as a looping gif
I was always extremely nice to artist, but I don't expect them to take request all the time. They're only human.
And sometimes my request didn't get picked because they weren't interesting enough.

If I had a drawbot I wouldn't have to worry about that.
I would get amazing pictures with no errors delivered in a fast and effective manner whenever I ask for them.

Let's build it, MLPG

Time to go Anon being dressed up by Rarity as the pretty mare.

Hopefully this time it doesn't end in squiggles of dissatisfaction that metaphorically express my frustration with my life that's going nowhere fast and figuratively express the symbolism of my inner angst and the widespread plight of the everyman.
I don't think anyone would have been surprised if she DID end up fucking a dog though
She wanted it pretty bad
How is it my fault? They just got butthurt that not everyone wanted to kiss their asses.
BCS draw what you want, really. Stop worrying if people will like your stuff, take criticism yes but also remember that your "fun" is the only payment you're getting for doing fanart here. Don't do it for the attention or you'll end up like deviant tards or the drama queens you're always seeing, do it because you like to make pretty/neat things.
>Spending time and money on a robot
Why don't we just outsource our draw requests to China?
It's not always so black and white, mang
You can be indifferent instead of kissing their ass, you don't have to shitpost
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The discussion and question is to why I leave bat pony threads and my answer totally sums up to 'I' dont find it fun anymore.
As for your question I really dont want to answer that directly but the way I deal with content that I dont want is to ignore it or just let them do their thing. Why get in the way and make a hassle if it is not worth the time and energy to spend on.
Some people are how you described, but sometimes they aren't and you end up destroying them on a small thing they said one day and then getting pissed that they go somewhere else.
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Is it the Wonderbolts?!
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3 years of MLP:FiM Guys
Did you even watch luna eclipsed?

I feel sorry for you if you actually put effort into telling them apart
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>how'd you know?
poor rarity
I want you to imagine all the time you spent on MLP and MLPG.
Now, you have all that time back.
What would you spend it on?
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Dash why are your eyes so sparkly
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because you only point at two things
Dude you just suck. Clearly you just suck, you also have an std, and on your period.

Besides all that though I bet you give good head.
she's a pony
sometimes things on them just sparkle
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studying and not fucking up my first semester
nobody can tell if it's ever one dedicated autistic shithead or everyone in MLPG, so they decide they're not wanted and leave to prevent further shitstorms

good job

this is exactly why anonymity is absolute shit for communities, no matter how good it is for random discussions

the only real way to solve this is to not have general threads ever so there's no smaller community to give added scale to dedicated shitposters, but like hell that's going to happen
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What a cute pegasi
Something equally stupid most likely. It's all idle time and there would've been something to fill it if this weren't here.
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> pony kissing pony
Pony like kissing pony
Pony kissu kissu pone
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It's not like I'm sitting here with just mlpg open, I always do school work or play a game or something as well.
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Kill mlpg you kill the problem. Yes I like this.
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I actually have the CS4 suite, which is why I tried flash.

Photoshop probably is easier for smaller things like gifs but I was interested in getting into flash a bit. It kinda scared me off though
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Welp, time for me to go to beb
IDs would solve the problem.
she'd make such a cute pet
you know, if she was into that kind of thing
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probably because you're poor like me but here's anon being used as Rarity's personal mannequin and test maiden

was onormro
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Oh hey, I requested that after I saw another anon request it, I didn't know it got done.

As much as I want a drawbot I think it's time we all gave thanks to our drawfags for drawing our request.
Thanks guys, it may not seem like it sometimes, but most of us really do appreciate the shit you guys do for us.
But seriously a drawbot would be heaven
Video games.

Which it doesn't really matter because I'm playing games all the time
>muh leegun!
>how will i samefag now!?
>aaah i can't say stupid things and not worry about people calling me out
>no moot no
>what would shii the autistic pedophile with an IQ of 75 say? ;_;
Flash is an extremely uncooperative program a lot of the time
You have to learn how to work within its bounds before you can do things smoothly
The one problem with flash is it has a really old render system for the drawing and the line quality can be all over the place.
I am flaccid.
Fix it.
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>email field just kidding

awww way to let me down
and so ids were instituted and nothing was fixed
> anonymity stripped away
> people realize that on the main tripfags and namefags are indistinguishable from Anonymous in quality of posts, only that they could be identified at a glance
> heads explode all over
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>you got some nerve, boy

The ass should be at crotch height.
E mail BCS.
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>Whenever the crops go flaccid I just add a sprinkle of water with the hose!
I'd fuck it
Is there some context here? Like one Anon is getting the cuddle action with Rarity and this Anon is just trying to sleep soundly in his tenement apartments?
No more samefagging.
If someone shitposts, just filter their ID and you won't have to hear their bullshit, even if they try to bypass recursive filtering.

Eh? That's odd, I've never fucked a dog. Whoever said that is straight up lying... I've never even owned a dog except for when I was like 6 or something.

I do have an unhealthy fascination with wolves and canines but I blame Dust and Wolf Link for that and I have no interest in non-sentient carnal animal relations like some other zoophiles do. I'm not "that" kind of furry and probably never will be.
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I'm on it!
No new MLP doujins have come out so I'm just going to post some old ones I kind of like.

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aight bro
Really, we could solve everything if Moot just made 4chan $10 to register an account and everyone posted after logging in.
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Lowtax pls go
>go to equestria
>all of the asses are below crotch height, just the right distance to make bending your knees to reach extremely uncomfortable
>no more samefagging
that hasnt worked for /b/, why would it work here
ten bucks? that's something awful
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>anon buy me a milkshake
An anon made a post about Dash needing a place to cuddle and I was drunk and bored so I wrote an angry post telling Dash how sick I was of her bringing random stallions to my house just so she can cuddle them.
Someone requested it get drawn and now here we are.
That would probably kill 4chan if anything
Then we'd turn into SA, which is even worse than 4chan

4chan is a giant circlejerk of senselessly hateful, self important losers as it is. With paid accounts, only the most senselessly hateful and self important of the already terrible human beings will even want to bother. The kind of people that would gladly pay money to be able to yell about trends/people they hate, which would also reduce the userbase to a level manageable for similarly autistic mods and give them a a better idea of individual user posting habits, inevitably leading to "i just don't like you, banned for bullshit reason" all over the ban page
this isn't /b/.
and even if someone's autistic enough to reset their router every time they want to pretend to be someone else, there's always the tried-and-true method of watching for familiar arguments, word-choice and posting styles.

>no one will ever tell you how to get past sad panda
>I wrote an angry post telling Dash how sick I was of her bringing random stallions to my house just so she can cuddle them.
But Fluttershy, I only have money for one milkshake and I was going to buy it for myself
If you don't pay attention to them, then it's not a problem in the first place
fuck you I'm going home.
What flavor?
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I totally did tell you how to get past the sad panda the first time you asked.
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>SA level of ban harassment
those guys are crazy rude
> "milkshake"
> "the bird" who doesn't fly

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triple chocolate chip cake batter cookie dough with sprinkles
The bad part is that they do it to otherwise unremarkable people because of irrelevant flaws

Even not liking something a mod likes. SA a shit.
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Twidash dabess
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Fucking LARDASS.
thank you BCS you are a p. cool person
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here's a picture of a pony as thanks
Holy shit that sounds good.
I think I'll get one too.
If I ever made it to Equestria I know I wouldn't have a chance with Rarity, but I would have a chance to start a relationship with Fluttershy since we have similar personalities.

I would spoil the fuck out of her is she became my marefriend because she deserves to have someone treat her right. Anything she ask for I will do everything in my power to get it for her. I want to prove to her that I'm not just "settling for less" because I can't get with Rarity. I do care about her
She's not even my second or third favorite pony. But a girl that sweet deserves a good guy
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>$10 to register an account and everyone posted after logging in.
What's with SA's perennial freakout over ponies, anyway? BCS's drawn perfect little girls having sex before.
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Step up senpai.
I think it would be funny if some one you knew caught you using that term
because hating ponies is a meme
objectively false
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You can't force quality. All these things to stop shitposting isn't going to work. The poster is going to have to want to make at least a half decent conversation. Only way to do that is to pick and choose, and we see how that works with other communities that use names and voting systems. The best way to stop shitposters is to not respond to them. Not an argument, not a reaction image, nothing. No response is more effective than a negative one. If it is really bothersome, rice your filters. Do not go down in quality in order to "fight" them. Starving them out is the most boring and longest method, but it is the best. Almost like siege warfare if you think about it.
SA suffered the same brony blowout that 4chan did but they decided to just ban it all instead of making a quarantine board
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Holy shit yo.

Are you me?
Because that is the exact same thing I'd do.
And FS isn't even my favorite.
The reason you don't have a chance with her is because you've already defeated yourself.
It doesn't work for me. Something about FF versions or some such.
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>pay $20 to renew my 4chin pass
>moot makes the cooldown times longer
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I saw this on /d/ the other night and it reminded me of you.

No offense

It should be even longer. This isn't a chat room. And I want more pages per board. 15-20. I'll gladly take more cooldown time for more pages.
SA confuses the hell out of me. I follow some LPers from there because they're really entertaining and I love me some Chip and Ironicus, but the community is just so stupid.
They really believe that because they have paid accounts it keeps the "undesirables" out. And the moderation there is terrible. Mods will ban you for any little thing regardless of if you're breaking the rules or not.

Literally nothing. Goons are insane. They even banned any discussion of My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute.
And we should have avatars, too.
Honestly, if any of the main 6 expressed interest in me, I'd be willing to go out on a few dates with them and give them an honest shot.
Who knows? Maybe she'd surprise me.
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>liking them is also a meme

Yeah... I followed all the steps and I'm registered for the forums but I'm still getting a sadpanda.

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Is that a faded watermark over the entire fucking thing?
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What if Trixie made a new horse?

Who gives a shit how often someone posts as long as they stay on topic and their quality of posts does go down?
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Wanna party, MLPG?

Still got 7 months left on mine. Hopefully, there'll be another sale between now and then and I can get one for cheap.
Why do you always spoiler the links?
Is linking to that site bannable or something?
And signatures!
There were a lot of bronies on SA and nobody was surprised because SA also stands for shithead autistics

some powerful SA fags were getting peeved so they decided they purged them. it was hilarious because bronies now are as mature and sane as furries then. the mad was palpable, the armchair psychology and baseless defenses flew from the bronies and laughter echoed from the slightly less populous chambers of the forums

in case you haven't noticed, somethingawful is a comedy site
>They even banned any discussion of My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute.
What? Why?
Didn't they have a similar meltdown when 4chan eclipsed them?
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My eyes curse you now... I will pass on the seizure version.
>artist hardly ever updates
>almost no one that is worth mentioning ever draws her

Nah. I'll find something else to be ashamed of
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One two one two two two one two one!
It's not a very funny or entertaining one.
It essentially is a chatroom though.
One doesn't go to 4chan for real in-depth discussion of anything.
I'd be ok with more pages as sort of a payback for longer cooldowns.
I have no idea how this sort of thing works, but I suspect the cooldown timers were actually only increased to decrease the amount or speed of things going through 4chan's servers.
Cooldown doesn't improve post quality. /q/ had like, five minutes cooldown and it still had shitposts.
People know I like MLP, but if someone ever found out I browsed here and some of the shit I say I would mitsubishi on the spot.
My biggest fear is someone recognizing my typing here and calling me by my first name

You're probably right. But I just can't picture Rarity having any interest in a timid guy like me. And if she ever did I would honestly stick with Fluttershy because I ain't breaking no mare's heart just because my dream girl is into me.
Because it's a morally reprehensible anime and mad weeaboos are funny
>It essentially is a chatroom though.
>One doesn't go to 4chan for real in-depth discussion of anything.

On fast boards yes. That's why I want boards to be smaller and more on topic.
>linking like a pussy
Relax Jeff
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It makes things look more secretive and naughty
I don't follow
isn't it just about some middle-school girl who likes anime?
>only increased to decrease the amount or speed of things going through 4chan's servers.

Ding ding ding. This is correct

>still getting sadpanda.jpg

oh exhentai.org why do you taunt me with your cruel withheld secrets
Seriously man.

You're freaking me out.

Are you a clone or something?
No, it's about a middle school girl with the body of a 12 year old seducing her beta brother
The thought it was about a guy wanting to fuck his sister so they wanted to keep incest pedos off their site.

They're really dumb.

You know how /v/ is into terrible ironic humor that isn't funny at all, imagine that cranked up to 20. That's a majority of goons are like.
Playing vidya with them is usually always terrible.
Fuck yeah rhythm pony
...that actually sounds kinda hot
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Like what, Anon?
What black guy is named Jeff. I'd totally kill myself if that was my name.

We just want to see pretty ponies happy, anon.
It's not.

Kirino is the most unlikable bitch ever, and even gets everything she wants (the Light Novel scene from S1 pissed me off to no end). God knows what happens in S2 since I haven't seen it.
>banned for being creepy

No mental illness allowed
got it Orlando
Joshua pls
she sounds like a certain pink filly.
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Can pony handle your chair?
I have a French name

I'd kill myself and my parents.
Someone likes something I don't like - he is mental ill!

....what....is that a poop stain?
I think I'm gonna puke...
Classic fat neckbeard chair. 90% of MLPG visitors and bronies.

>inb4 desperate denial
Any fetish can be spun as mental illness, caused by a fuck up in normal sexual development. So can liking shitty anime and pony shows, just ask a goon. Everything reflects on your character without exception.

pedophilia is actually in the DSM though so yeah

The chair I'm on has some rips in it because it's used but I'm glad it doesn't have A GIANT POOP STAIN on it...
It's a girl's name

What's that white crusty stain on the front?
dried cum
Why do you have a French girl's name?
Because I highly doubt you're a French girl.
My parents are dumb.



btw if you want the links
It's goku
>their quality of posts does go down?

but why would you want that
Haha, no way.

>that one where the girl is kidnapped by a yakuza boss as his sex slave and goes into his alligator enclosure to try to get it to kill her but instead it has sex with her and she likes it and then it kills the yakuza boss and they ride off into the sunset
10/10 best new romance.

da fuk?

Fluttershy is totally a tzimisce.
I love Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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