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04/16/12(Mon)21:41 No.1324447 File: 1334626908.jpg-(699 KB, 1187x1599, 1334286297956.jpg)
Slowly working your tongue in, encouraging a variety of gasps and giggles from Pinkie, you work your tongue across her warm insides, her body contracting around your tongue, making you want to go deeper.
The barely-there taste of cotton candy coats your tongue, the flavor only encouraging you to press your face against the pink mare's rump, sucking and licking all around her pert and perky ass.
Your hands work and knead at the soft muscle of her flank, her soft skin feeling amazing against your hands. Pinkie Pie chirps out happy little sighs as she pushes her hips back onto you, her tail around your neck like a living scarf.
You flick the tip of your tongue against her walls, making her shiver and move her hips faster. Releasing her delightfully soft cheeks, you move a hand to her now dripping snatch, her eyes snapping back open from their half closed daze.
"This is my favorite part!" She says, as your fingers piston in and out of her body, thumb rubbing slow circles around her sensitive clit. You hum a low moan, the vibrations making her bite her lip in ecstacy.
She comes in a series of squeaky giggles and yelps, her anal walls desperately grabbing your tongue, juices running down her legs and over your fingers as she catches her breath.
"That was super-duper fant-Mph!" She settles into your kiss, her long tongue almost constricting yours before letting go. "Mmm, cotton candy!" She laughs again, a lovely sound that is always nearby with Pinkie. |