"What did just happened" edition
>>13085129>a philophile deserves respect
>>13085129We didn't drop off the board did we?
>>13085129My dick was too large for pony to handleSystem crashed
>>13085151No It was a fresh thread
The fuck happened to the other horse?
>>13085151Thread was on page 0 when it died, someone tried to be funny
and i was just about to hit submit>>13084824oh, almost missed that.i liked that. and finally a story that actually got finishedare you capping it?
>>13085169It was like 100 images in, wouldn't call it fresh
What matter of wizardry was that?
>>13085172I don't know, it wasn't even past bump limit.
le mito face
DooksWhere is promised vegetables.Is it not working?
>>13085164What? You guys run around naked all the time!
>>13085188>big tits>no belly>gigantic hipsCLOSE, BUT NO CIGAR
>deleting a thread>not posting the marker somewhere elsewhat is this, amateur hour?
>>13085214Yeah I know what you mean, I wanted juuuuuuuust a small amount of pudge on her belly.
>>13085208No no, it's not that, I just got sidetracked by vent art about stuff
Gdi i was about to post my super awesome fanfic thing idea w/eAnyways>new pony comes to town>science oreinted>meets twilight>"lol magic is for gaybabies lrn2science assbone">they fight>competition ensues (magic vs science)>end up wrecking the town in the progress>teaches kids not to force ideal on to others or somethingIm awful at this but it sounded good in me head
>>13085185Could you really go 9 hours with Pinkie Pie?
>>13085219I want DT to dominate me.
>>13085282I want to wear DT as a fancy hat.
>>13085266It'd be a good way to shoot down any future potheads
>>13085266Magic is essentially part of their sciences in Equestria so I don't think there would be any conflict
To the guy that told me that I was the most torturous sort of person, you should be glad that I have not shared the story yet. It was so full of errors in grammar and basic nuances of the English language that it made me ill to look at.Sharing it in it's current state would be like a drawfag claiming that this was their magnum opus.
>>13085246>small amountHAHAHANOPEhttp://i.imgur.com/Cudv2G9.png
>>13085282I want Rarity to dominate me.
>>13085298I want to wear DT as a cheap cocksleeve
>>13085308lol wut
>decide to check out the /mlp/ draw thread>this isn't too bad>some one red lines some one else's art post>the artist gets all defensive and says he wasn't really trying>people call the red line guy autistic
>>13085230>rainbow dash>straightpick one
>>13085317>not using SS as a cheap cocksleeve.
>>13085274nine hours doing what?
>>13085337What if she just wants a child
>>13085360She'll just steal oneAgain
indie games are pretentious garbage
I just want to knock up a married woman. What should I do?
>>13085308you know there are these things called rough drafts that get get heavily edited several times before they are not rough drafts anymore.Please consider mlpg a rough draft
>>13085383get married
>>13085334what would you expect from /b/ with ponies?also, have you ever noticed how the draw thread always seems to be alright at first glance, but then turns out to be shit at closer inspection? that's because the draw thread seems to always be a few months or weeks in advance of MLPG in terms of shittiness. look at the draw thread. that is us in a few weeks.
>>13085347pleasuring pony
>>13085377Dude the new Amnesia is almost outGet hyped
>>13085383Clean pools.
>>13085377Yeah, Amnesia was piece of shit. So is Cave Storyhi /v/
>>13085396No, no I mean a woman who's already marriedThat is my fetish.png.themovie
>>13085377gone home is game of the year.you just don't get it because you're straight white male.check your privilege before you say what is and isn't a game
>>13085377>I only listen to what /v/ think of indie gamesgo away
>>13085383become a rapist
>>13085410>almost outOh snap, how many days?=
>>13085414I'm pretty sure that hasn't worked since '85.
>Everyone is concerned about Pinkie and her eating habbits>After some helpful nagging, she reluctantly agrees to go on a diet>Later at a party she is slicing a cake>Its a very modest slice that she puts on the plate. Everyone is very impressed>She then leaves the slice and takes the other whole 9/10th of the cake to eat
>>13085405>not a filename like "an odd pruple bean" or "a strange blue pear"
Starbound release date when.
>>13085406>few weeks>thinking it isn't worstyou need to inspect mlpg more.
>>13085437This was that before that was that.
>>13085406Yeah I noticed thatI mean I got a few decent pictures out of it but for the most part the requests were all terrible be it either from having something to do with gore or just really really "brony" kind of things like that one purposefully ironic OC pony or awful fan fic characters.mlpg could be worse it seems
>>13085459I drew for the draw thread a couple times. I really don't know how to feel about this really.
>all this SugarYou need a dose of Acid.
Oh my God! JC! A bomb!
>>13085489To everyone who thinks MLPG is no better then /mlp/ clearly doesnt go on /mlp/
>>13085481but it seemed more fitting than using that tits and belly which have never been shopped onto something
>>13085499You guys still forcing that sugar character?
>>13085501A bomb! Get outta there!
When Anon went to Ponyville, why did everyone try to set him up with Rainbow Dash?Because they thought he was a HUEman!
>>13085528>you guysI cant imagine it's more than one or two shitposters at most. Could be worst, I don't really care.
>>13085501a bomb's a bad choice for close-range combat
>>13085481I don't think that's a bean OR a pear, anon
>>13085498mlpg is filled with tons of faggots that think this place is a gated community.
>>130854997/11 of those pictures are drawn by the same guy in the same way slightly modified
>>13085498Unlike you I mostly draw for the drawthread. I kinda miss this place.
>>13085571Please redivDraw a humanhorse with YOUR dream body
>>13085583I don't understand
>>13085571What was your stupid idea that we gave you?
>>13085592as in a body i want or i want on a male
>>13085571now put her in pajamas
rediv show yer boobs please
>>13085571Rediv, truly those hips alone will keep me up all nightDon't worry about "a little pudge~"
>>13085499drugs are bad
>>13085612Thats up to you.Maybe do Red Ribbon humanhorse for YOUR body
>>13085565It's starting to feel that way. I mean no offense.
>>13085644i barely browse mlpg now.i hope ASNYIP has an episode today.
>>13085499I seen my fair share of terrible ocs but Acid is one of the worst. Hell, that Milkyway character looks better than her.
REDIVWould you want Sugar's body?
Oppinions on Equestria Girls?
>>13085565>>13085644I feel more like people coming in start saying that than most who've been herelike it really doesn't take anything much to "join"we didn't even know this endii guy and then he just starts barraging us with his terrible onions like we're supposed to care even if he does like the best pony
>>13085722Not as terrible as people make it out to be
>>13085570>guyFor the record, Acid's artist is a girl.
Stream's over! Thanks for showing up, all four of you.http://images.4chan.org/mlp/src/1377403810065.png
>>13085722Wasn't the end of the world as some say it. Definitely not worse than the worst episode.
>>13085722much better than someone's OC
>>13085721>want Sugar's bodySugar is kinda cute, but i'm very sure Rediv doesnt want to be a mini hambeast
>>13085722Worse than fanfiction, really.
>>13085722Completely mediocre.Lots of annoying plot holes.
>>13085722Was not reddeeming and would have been better if it was never madeWould have been better if they took the time and energy spent to make it and invested it back in S3 to make it not shit
>>13085750Hey, I was thereI'm just bad at chat
>>13085779Is she doing the thriller or what
>>13085750that was fun
>>13085555that was actually funny
>>13085748I dont really care to be honest I was just making an observation
>>13085779What the fuck is she doing?
>>13085750You mean 6! Me and anon were there! We were just watching from afar!
HEY VEGETABLE GUY Here's a color test for that thing, I need to finish an errand I had before receiving your request, so have this for now.
Sleepy pony
>>13085812She's doing a different dance it's called The Poner
>>13085821I like you already.
>tfw no one will talk to you because youre not an artist and have nothing to give them
>>13085783But Sugar isn't a hambeast eitherShe takes good care of herself, aside from her overeating. She's actually quite flexible and she exercises.http://i.imgur.com/OKjCxPE.png
>>130857225/10Pretty horrible, but it had it's cute moments and wasn't the complete train wreck I thought it would be. Forgettable altogether.
>>13085824Okay, take your time, now I know you are alive.Sorry I was just afraid I missed it, I don't want to rush you, I want it to be awesome as well :3
>>13085852Better work on your art.
>>13085852but anon you do realize there are other things besides artlike dick pics
>>13085852Either draw or craft like a lazy talentless hack!
>>13085852>tfw you draw>no one talks to you or gives a fuck about you anyways
>>13085852>tfw people only care about you in as far as they can get something of value from youwelcome to life
>>13085897I like you very much Pink horse. You're one of my favorite ponies.
>>13085897No pinker Kermit the frog you are terrible
>>13085852>Don't draw.>People still talk to you.
>>13085897get out of my house or I'll call the police
>>13085846>Those areolasOh geeze
>>13085867Yeah, I have to finish that silly drawing for the guy who gave me Skullgirls, also finish something for Goat Train his birthday is soon and he drew a lot of art for a lot of people on their birthday., so yeah, sorry if I take my time on your request.
>>13085924I am not looking forward to looking at these gifs for months to come
>>13085924I loved that flash! Good to see Cupcakes still getting recognition XD
>>13085722this >>13085866
>>13085938this is bait
>>13085722What's this image from anyway?
>>13085892>welcome to lifeYep.Welcome to life, it sucks fucking dick.Even if you are drawing, half the time you just get people who hate you.Like literally hate you with a fiery passion.They see your drawing or your trip and they see red.Like your art or presence just murdered their dog and plunged its hand down the corpses asshole and flung the bloody shit on your Wheaties.
>>13085722I'm shocked it wasn't nearly as bad as I had expected, but it could've been much better.I feel the movie's biggest flaw is that it had so much potential for interesting plot developments and new characters to learn about and like, but really tries its damn hardest to get through the story as quickly as possible.Maybe have Flash investigating what happened to the gym as a smaller secondary plot leading up to the dance itself. Maybe some flashbacks with Sunset Shimmer, maybe a villain song. Maybe have Rainbow Dash actually DO SOMETHING instead of say tired old catchphrases. Maybe have Twilight's reveal about who she is be more emotional and direct instead of letting Pinkie Pie do it.I dunno, it just feels like they could've done a lot more with what they were given, but...didn't, and there's no real reason why they couldn't. It's a novelty at best and a forgettable mess at worst.
>>13085852you can write too!
>>13085852I really dislike it when you anons go off into this whole "no one talks to me because [reason], it must mean I'm not of any value".What's important is you find value within yourself. All that other stuff is just mere distraction, not at all important.Stop doing this to yourself, life is too short you know?
>>13085962If I had to bet, it looks like something taken from a MAD skit.
>>13085959What's wrong with femsnips's boobs?
>>13085958Do you want me to tickle your hooves Dash?
>>13085953It's true though, the flash was just edgy "pinkie is a psycho murderer" shit that wore out its welcome literally years ago
>>13085976They're very large.
>>13085736you make a fuck ton of assumptions there.
>Into the trash it goes
>>13085976it's anthro.of course it's going to be fucking awful.
>>13085861I *said* mini
>>13085970>MAD doing EqG....You know what, I could see them doing it.They seem to like doing pony stuff. After all! My Little Pony IS pop culture now!Haha, oh those crazy nerd culture people!Just wait for Big bang to have a Brony episode!OH WHAT A HOOT IT WILL BE!
>>13086009>no ApplejackThis guy knows his shit.
Hey!Hey.Hands up now
>>13086009I'd give this guy a shot if the job was in graphic design
>>13086009>Trash.>Not sending it to corporate.>Not framing it and mounting it permanently on the newly minted "Wall of Shame" that is on the front of the store.>With his home address.
>>13086038it's probably for home depot
>>13085958That's a really cute dosho
>>13086020I doubt south park or big bang theory would do the inevitable pony episode, because the writers keep getting trepidations that the pony phenomenon will die away before the episode airs.
>>13086058FUCK OFF
>>13086009I might hire this guy after I start up my poning company
>>13086009>"Excellent, corporate said we needed to hire someone with a mental disability!"
>>13086032Hands up where?
>>13086020as long as best pony isn't mentioned once in BBT I don't give a shit
>>13086038its just recolors of stock images....
>>13086078In the air. Wave them like you just don't care.
>>13086067>because the writers keep getting trepidations that the pony phenomenon will die away before the episode airs.Those poor fools have the same hopes we have...
>>13086067south park episodes only take 7 days to make.
>>13086038>I'd give this guy a shot if the job was in graphic designI wouldn't, he did a shit job
>>13086067The production line for those shows is almost a year. They'd be pretty safe doing one know; and plus 8k at Bronycon this shit isn't going anywhere fast.
>>13085969You can't help them anon. The disease has taken hold.
>>13086067Does anyone else think its odd how so much of the rest of 4chan yells and moans over this "pony fad"But its been over three years and they bitched and moaned enough for a containment board
tiarawhy theme:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kNx20BPyic
>>13086058No matter how many times it gets posted, suddenly getting a screenfull of ponka poi still startles me.
>>13085981With a healthy dose of dbz for no reason in particular. Could've done without it.
Shouldn't have trusted a Rarijack thread.
>>13086078>that completely inappropriate filename
>>13086096Personally I would watch an episode of Big Bang if it was a pony episode.Like say the guys get hooked after seeing a video.And the blong bitch walks in the apartment to find pony merch, everywhere.And the indian dude is literally buried in plushes.>A Lyra is in the pile.>We all know he is fucking it.
>>13085861>isn't a hambeasti don think you understand what that word means
>>130861194chan gipes over any fadTohu forced the creation of /jp/ to contain it
Your favourite pony loves Fluttershy
>>13086009>Bring him into my office>Long discussion on the ramifications of main 6 recolors and the merits of a good oc>Send him on his way
>>13086122...I like Jesse Cox his voice is nice.
>>13086161So my favorite pony is very narcissistic then?
>>13086135I have a crawling suspicion that the pic in the OP of the old thread set off an alarm in the moderator's headId did look kinda sorta lewd
>>13086161>Dashcanon ship
>>13086175Didn't you know that you can't love if you don't love yourself?I know but I still can't do
>>13086161Well of course, she was very nice to her when she stayed in her cottage with her 2 friends
>>13086202But I would love myself if someone loved me.
>>13086096But I mean, the same could be said about lots of things. How many people worked at the world trade center, only to have not a single one show up the next day? You can't judge things based on here and now, nothing is truly predictable.
>>13086148Fucking hell that would be great
>>13086223>Ponies and Easter.Bullshit.Pony Jesus isn't a thing!
>>13086161of course
>>13086202Twilight's such a cute pony. I love it when she's genuinely happy.
I want to cum inside lickety split
>>13086254ponies is peganExcept for Twilight, obviously. She's just ugly
>>13086250I know.I may have made a good Big Bang episode!I feel dirty.Oh and she notices a bunch of packages showing up to their place at first, because they would of course order this shit online.Who would buy pony shit at a store?!
>>13086274That is not a good way to satisfy your partner anon.
I want to gum inside rainbow dash.
Would you a cannibal filly?
>>13086161WHO TOLD YOU?
>>13086274I'm feeling like a gangsta pon3-i right now.Where my ponnas at?
>>13086281Dare I say that surviving the pink aisle is milestone in being a fan?
That time a night when mlpg beats a dead horse. I'm outta here.
>>13086307>Gangster ponies.>Just Juggabronies.Step up.
>>13086269Best derpyship
>>13086316Or looking like the creepiest motherfucker in the county.
I met this Rarity at the con I went to and she was great.I can't even bring myself to say anything weird about her.I also bought some pony merch because I'm a huge faggot.
>>13086338rariderp > rainbowderp > flutterderp
>You will never take your daughter to the theater to see Equestria Girls then start dancing in the aisles with her when the twilight crown song comes on
>>13086348I like twiderpShame how little of it there is
>>13086348>Crackiest ship ever>Canon hates her gutsu wot
>>13086316Does it count if you work at a toy store and have to go through it nearly every time you come in?
>>13078290It's nice to see someone from MLPG is in the news!
>>13086367that's only cause no one likes twilight.she is the most unlikable pony ever.
>>13086341Being inside a Walmart-type store is like a license to be creepy. Especially after 10pm.
>>13086388I love Twilight Sparkle.
>>13086352GoodThat sounds ridiculous
>>13086316No that's just how you say you're a faggot. And I draw the motherfuckers.
>>13086383I thought that report was fake.
You can go to Equestriabut you dont have legs
>>13086397>>13086352That sounds awful, why would you say such awful things? Why would I want to raise such an autistic child?
>>13078290>no date
>>13086415I'll just let Applejack build me new legs.
I was drawing what did I miss
>>13086316what about explaining a pone plushie to your parents tho
>>13086415Do I still have an ass? I worked hard for that ass.
>>13086424Anon posted his awesome dick
>>13086424people wanting to cum inside rediv
>>13086388le funny fish bait picutres.picutre
>>13086424Season 4 came out, it was pretty good.
>>13086395that means you're unlikable
>>13086338there needs to be more
>>13086424surprise dedhorseand familiar-looking bulges
>>13086470horse should have exercised more to prevent her tragic death
>>13086377hehe so true
Tail docks.
>>13086498you shot horse
>>13086425>"H-happy birthday!">'AWWWW, THANK YO- Why is it stained?'>"EUPHORIA"
>>13086416You might not WANT to, but what other choice do you have? It's in you're genes
>>13086512Best docks.
>>13086469I bet ponies are really sensative right between th shoulder blades beacause they can hardly reach them without magic>Anon walks past pony>Say hi and pats them on the back>They fall down, rub their head agaisnt his foot and purr
>>13086512>symmetrical taildocking
>>13086513well if horse actually dieted and ran its 20 miles a day, it wouldn't have gone lame and she'd still be here
>>13086550into what the anus?
>>13085750>playing vidya and missed MSOB's satyr streamFUCKd-did you record it?
anon tell me I'm a pretty pony
>>13086560nah just tails touching tails
>>13086512would you lick your favorite pony's tail dock
>>13086560Two rarara's could just drill into eachother.
Pretty bughorse
>>13086540ponies aren't cats
>>13086581Would I!
>>13086344>liking disgusting fat looking spic rarara female>not liking RD insteadYou poor, poor soul. It's a great thing i was able to meet and be friends with this girl. I fucking love my life.
>>13086593Are you suuuuuure?
>>13086596>>13086601Even if it smells like shit?
>>13086596>>13086601would it be sensitive?
If you could have any car what would it be?
>>13086532>She may not always be clever, but damnit she has a heart like no other pony I know
>>13086640DeLorean. Hands down.
>>13086640a pony
>>13086644And an ass denser than a neutron star.
>>13086590In a pretty dress
Taking a quick break before I stream draw.Back in a few.
>>13086640Smart Fortwo electric drive
>>13086620I want a changeling queen.
>>13086593Hey you're the one showing em off
why isn't there more porn of Imp?
>>13086628Tails are pretty sensitive for most animals, aren't they?
>>13086640a brand new bus full of old guitars>because I'm an untalented faggot
>>13086593Because yoy know that you love getting tickled.
>>13086606I thought she was really good looking.She even stayed in character the entire time. It was great. I also bought this shit because I'm an idiot that doesn't know how to spend his money wisely.Also >no wings0/fast
>>13086707I'm happy with dimpldo
>>13086707Because fillies and the under aged are not for sexual
Will Diamond Dog fall in love with pony?
>>13086661I love bughorses in pretty dresses
>>13086735probably not
>>13086735yes. haven't you been to a ASNYIP.there was a pony and diamond dog couple.
>trying to find trap fapfics
Anon watch out there's a spider in your headphones!
>>13086732now transform into a drooling cocksleeve
>>13086595OR ARE THEY?!
>>13086772fuck you made me check
>>13086732Can he transform into 20 pounds of pony pussy and ass?
>>13086735It's possible.
>>13086759>Anon was with pony>And they were liek totaly going to do it with his ding dong and stuff>But then th floor broke and the bed with them on it fell down a mine shaf>They were ok but then a large round bolder started rolling towards them and they had to run while jumping over spikes and dodging darts
>Royal baby is a big thing in the world.>Royal wedding episode.>Hasbro knew.
>>13086795>also anon was wearing a dress the whole time even though he was totally a dude.
>>13086759I hope their numbers stay low.
>>13086801royal wedding is a big thing in the world too
>>13086793>/v/>not /k/
>>13086801I'm seriously starting to think Skyla is a scrapped concept.
>>13086801They specifically said the royal wedding episode happened because of the actual royal wedding.
>>13086800there's something adorable about butterflies on pony noses
>>13086822>think>not desperately hope
>>13086847It's because ponies.
would you join pony's terrible band
>>13086822Skyla is Twilight's bady, a plot element slated for season 10
>>13086883>"Hi Fluttershy!">Flutttershy doesnt respond>They poker her>Her cutie mark seems to erupts and fly away>She actualyl been scared stiff and three pink butterflies had landed on her by coincidence
>>13086885>the avalanches>bad
>>13086517euphoria is a programming language now...just thought you'd like to know
>>13086883my god it's so simple, why didn't I think of that
//derpy.me/Djrrl//derpy.me/Djrrl//derpy.me/DjrrlWe'll be getting started again soon if anyone is bored/desperate enough for some form of distraction that they'd want to watch me try to draw.
>>13086885>you will never play bass in Dash's band "The Fillyfoolers" >You will never have to deal with her ego and watch her ruin her and the bands career
>>13086920What the heck, Dash, don't swear
>>13086909So i'm a programmer now?!HAH, SUCK IT, SCHOOL COUNSELOR!
>>13086789she can turn into anything non-pony
>>13086920We need more ponies cursing inappropriately but I'm afraid that it might come off just looking edgy if it's not done right.
>>13086910I know right.
>>13086885How bad is it?
>>13086963how od you know Spike is talking abotu stupid shit>Cause his mouth is open!
>>13086906>tfw no new album
>>13086963Angry Twilight is so cute.
>>13087002Unless it's cider, Dash isn't going to eat mud.That is for mud horses.
>>13087002Applejack please don't force your apples on me againThe guards will hear about this
What pony or ponies would you most like to have a nice casual tea party with?
Horse is ded. Bye for good mlpg. The ride ends here.
>>13086980If my connection could reliably take streams, AA, I'd watch sorry.
>>13087000I would really like to see an episode where Spike and Twilight get into a fight.
>>13086956this bad
>>13087029Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and ApplejackRarity probably likes tea, Pinkie likes Parties, and Applejack's the straight mare.Fluttershy doesn't like meeting new people, Dash probably couldn't care less about tea parties, and Twilight's probably busy
Come here childConfess your sins, post your secrets
>>13087040Then make up sex?
>>13087040why would you want this
>>13087040>"Thats it! Spike I've had it up to HERE with you!">"Well I hate you!">"I hate you too!">They come to blows>And by blows they each shyly turn their faces away from each other and jab slap at each other, beng overly protective of blocking>Ponies actually visit while its happening, assume they're dancing or something and just get their boosk and leave
>>13087068You're a faggot
I'll take a request or two. Second person, humanized. Standard rules. Might do clop, if I'm feeling it.
>>13087062Just look how at peace Scootaloo is.I hope she learns how to fly this season.Even if it is slow and clumsy.
>>13087068I think MLPG is pretty cool
>>13087068I raped and killed a priest in 1990
Well I'm back. I just couldn't leave you afterall, MLPG
>>13087090futa humanlestia fucking anon in the ass
>>13086982>Making one of the greatest albums of all time on the first try>Daring to sully your names by making anotherQuit while you're ahead
>>13087099Would you put a squirrel baffle on your bird feeder to thwart Dash?
>>13087099AND FUCK YOU TOO
>>13087068I like to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
>>13087080So something like this?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuqChtC-mbM
>>13087090>>13087106Anything futalestia would be unf
>>13087073Twilight just isn't good for /ss/ unless she's being incredibly awkward about it and claiming it's for "science".>>13087076I think it's something that could make for a good episode. Twilight and Spike get into a fight over something really silly and small and stop being friends. Over the course of the episode it could have them complaining about each other to other characters then have them realizing all the good things they do for each other or the things that make them love each other and then have them make up or something.
>>13087068 _____________________________________________________________ur a faget _________________________________
>>13087068I have a crush on Rarity
>>13087161words can hurt Endii
>>13087068I don't own any googly eyes.It's all CGI
>>13087153so owl's well plus the crystal empire with a dash of dragon quest
>>13087178Spike please
>>13087133exactlybut its funnies begaise hes a drago nand she can magic and shit
>>13087068i am currently lying down naked on a bunch of freshly laundered sheetsi wonder what cloudsdale feels like
>>13087068pony cons are amazing and I buy a lot of merch
>>13087215sunbutt, moonbutt, and heart
>>13087193Owls well is a little different from what I want since it wasn't really about them fighting or being angry at each other, just Spike getting jealous and doing stupid things because of his jealousy.Dragon Quest also isn't what I was looking for since the focus was mostly on Spike rather than both he and Twilight.
>>13087186>not being immune to physical and emotional pain
>>13087218Do you go alone or with friends?
>>13087215I will never understand how this fandom thought Alicorn means winged unicorn. I will never not be angry by it either.
>>13087240you deserve a satyr child
>>13087244Flash Sentry
>>13087244Who is your favorite pony unless your favorite pony is Rarity
>>13086913it was fun, but then the rock-rap started playing. I had to get distracted and look up some more of that gloriusness
>>13087247alone for the most part
Ponies all the way down.
>>13087235>I can see that dotted line you know
>>13087244Who is Shining armor, Cadence, Sombra, Owlicious, the pink dragon, and Flash?
>>13087240Well I am now, since your harsh words have grizzled me to the point of emptiness.
>>13087244Shining Armor
>>13087106>>13087139You bow in servitude. Her hands grab at your belt loop, and rip the pants of your uniform away. You bite your lip as the plump, purple head rubs up against your rear. You bite your lip, not knowing what to expect. As she pushes into you, you whine, trying not to reveal that it hurts. Her length stretches your walls. She pulls on your hair, asking if you're strong enough to take it. You're her guard, you should be able to take it, but... She thrusts, driving herself down to the hilt. You can feel it in your ribcage, like she's trying to split you in half. You wish you had time to get used to it, but she starts her rhythm, pumping in and out of your tight hole. She's taking away your masculinity with every hump, her balls slapping against yours at every thrust. She grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling and asking if you enjoy being raped by your princess. Tears stream out of your eyes, but you can't deny it. The blood flooding to your cock lets her know that you enjoy every second of being pounded by her. She grabs your sack, squeezing. She wants more from you, and she's not going to let you give up.Next!
>>13087068I'm the one on the anti-drug and anti-alcohol crusade on MLPG
>>13087247>not going there to make new friends
>>13087254no one deserves a satyr child>>13087287Now go fight those dudes and get your girl, you empty husk of a man
>>13087306That reminds me, where's braeburned got off to?
>>13087300>She grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling and asking if you enjoy being raped by your princess.more
>Anon hugs the CMC>Teh yhug him back>They all fall asleep
>>13087319Her leg just doesn't look right in this. I don't think 3 jointed legs are meant to bend that way.
>>13087314But I'm so empty now, a single punch would shatter my already frail body.
>>13087343Leads to Luna walking in and facefucking your mouth.
>>13087380write it
>>13087364I love you Scrubbles.
>>13087381>Sweetie and AB hug anon after the story>Scoots just walks away in disgust>Comes back 5 minutes later for a hug
>>13087381I bet you wouldn't be making that face if Dash though hugs were cool
>>13087386Rather do something romantic tbh
Fuck pony
>>13087420Make Luna face fuck Anons mouth...Romantically.
>>13087428That's lewd anon!I like it.
>>13087428I must get a condom first.
>>13087428Can I marry her first?
>>13087412SHE DOES?
>>13087438Come up with a request that doesn't involve sex.Guess I'm saying that I'm shutting out clop.
>>13087501cute rarijack
>>13087501Out of curiously why don't you ever write about ponies
>>13087501Uh....Anon getting raped by Celestia and Luna.Only the rape isn't at all sexual!
>>13087501Rarity and Applejack learning about the wonders of saran wrap.
>>13087253It's not like it comes from nowhere, Anonymous.Of course, originally alicorn is both the term for the unicorn's horn and the material that said horn is made out of. There was actually an alicorn in D&D as a type of unicorn, but it was NOT the winged unicorn; that was called a unisus (can you imagine calling Celestia and Luna unisi?).
>>13087519>>13087539Second person, you jackasses.>>13087523I write about ponies all the time
Do you think pegasi bump into impeccably clean glass over and over again until they tire themselves out?
>>13087549I always thought 'pegacorn' would be the best. A short, sweet and simple portmanteau, ya know?
>>13087501anon frustratingly trying to write a second person story about a humanized pony
A wizard did it
>>13087555>>13087555no you don't
>>13087555You know what I mean, I just think it's strange.
>>13087555Anon is saran wrap.And Applejack shows Rarity the magic of Anon?
>>13087558They probably only do it once, but to every glass window you have.True fact, a friend of ours ran into our screen door even though I had put some tape on it to make it more noticeable.
>>13087555anon receiving an awkward goey hug from a goopony that accidentally envelops him, the spaghetti that leaks from his pokets floats around inside her.
>>13087571But that implies they're only Pegasi and Unicorns which they aren't
>>13087587Horsesex is strange.
>>13087606Sex is strange
>>13087555Anon's shower is fucked up and it's hella late at night, so he goes on an epic nighttime quest through ponyville to find somewhere, anywhere, with a functional shower, ideally one he can fit in
>>13087606Well it doesn't have to be horse sex, it could be Dash and Rarity getting stuck in an elevator for 5 hours
>>13087606>Horsesex is strange.>but a shemale raping a man is ok
>>13087558Pegasi only run into windows because they thing it's another Pegasi they see when it's just a reflection.Pegasi are territorial and when they see a rival Pegasus they will fly at them to boop them
>>13087605Not any more than 'alicorn' implies that they are merely the horn of a unicorn. Note the word doesn't have anything at all to do with pegasi.'pegacorn' makes more sense and is also one more step inclusive!
>>13087656'Pegacorn' sounds bad and you should feel bad.
Sex looks gross
Sex is gross
>>13087619>Ponyville has a convenient public shower.>Shenanigans ensue when Anon realized it's unisex.
Sex is cuddling
>>13087674You get used to it. Besides, "it sounds bad" is subjectivecheckmate, alicornists
>>13087621Not that it's STRANGE, but I don't know anything about the anatomy.
Horse sex is not grossYou should try horse sex
>>13087606But you just said you didn't want to write sex.
Having said that they were not winged unicorns, alicorns could "fly."
>>13087714sex is gross in general, no matter with what
I can't control my pre-cuddle!
>>13087755That's gross. You're gross.
why is mlpg so gross
>>13087714Only if it's a talking horse.
Would you let a ponyAgressively cuddle you?
>>13087793What if horse only talks in drunken Irish slang?
>>13087832Of course.
A really cool guy gave me Skullgirls, so I drew him this in exchange, hope you guys like it too!
>>13087832Yes?Why is half your sentence on a new line and started with a capital letter?
>>13087847They look slightly angrier in this rendition. Good jorb.
>>13087753Only if it's in pig-disgusting 3D.
>>13087847Pretty good.
>>13087835So Irish?
>>13087832I don't see why not. Are there any health risks with aggressive cuddling?
>>13087847I-I have cookies for you girls
>>13087832Oh baby would I
>>13087847i like it, tell that guy he is a good requester full of nice ideas.
>>13087877LeprosyHeart inflationBee infestationsAIDSSunburnThe inability to pony
>>13087861>>13087867I'm glad you guys like it, thanks!Here's another version.
QUICK THINK OF A PONY!They have been erased from existence and you are the only one who remembers them.
>>13087877You can end up suffering from shingles
>>13087905>Make them an OC.HAHA!
>>13087905Now I have my waifu all to myself!
>>13087905>Applejack...How would that make anything different?
>>13087900>Bee infestationsOH NO NOT THE BEES!
>>13087905I was thinking of Flash Sentry.
>>13087921>make a dash OC>retarded fedora tier character
>>13087903What would complete this is in another panel, the CMC Imperial Inquisitors have Anon tied up with the CMC dancing around him.
>>13087905I don't think she could survive without meShe needs attention
>>13087905But she never existed to begin with.
>>13087931ok ok okYou can cuddle any of hte ponies you wantBut Nic Cage is in the bed tooyes? No?
>>13087952can i cuddle nic cage
>>13087952Do I get to cuddle Nic Cage too?
>>13087952Even better!
>>13087960>>13087965yesbut if you ignore pony they will fart out their lungs
>>13087847I may be all of those things but I have somethings that can make them break all the rules and accept a Xeno as their best friend.Hugs. Tickles. Ear scratches
>>13087952I am going to cuddle Nick
>>13087980what if we make a plan where we hug nick cage and nick cage hugs pony
>>13087980what the heck pony what's wrong with you
>>13088003have sex with her.
>>13088003Love it harder
>>13088003equip panda ringdrop rate +50%
>>13088003chuckle a little, if it was really obvious pandering roll my eyes a bit. Pony knows me too well, I say, laughing
>>13088007pony is sad they are alonepony is you
>>13088007pony is actually a type of sea cucumberdon't hug them too hard
>>13088003consensual sex
>>13088022I'm a pony?
>>13088017Let's all cuddle at once.
>>13088046what if lyra grabbed your butt
>>13088051NoYou aren't even realYou were part of pony's mind the whole time
>>13088051Yes! You are a pony!GET HIM!
>>13088051you are lonely like a ponyaslo ugly slut
>>13088003>mfw i actually like it when things pander to me>but i have such high quality tastes it rarely happens
>>13088078Your face is an ugly slut
>>13088022So the secret is out, Scrubbles is M. Night Shyamalan
>>13088069grab her tits right back
>>13088066O-oh my!
>>13088101boldwhile you're down there you could move just a little further and brush her clit
>Rarity will never feed youFuck you Twilight
>>13088128maybe I would
tfw a pony
>>13088134>Fat twilight and Rarity will never turn you into a pony and force feed you
>oh hello I am your favoite pony?>Whats that? fats? I love farts>Snort sniff inhalf snort>yes now i am truely in my element>Becuase i stink your favorite pony that is
>>13088144mewballchallenge cosmo to a duelyour thumb vs his index finger
>>13088144tfw two pony
>>13088172tfw three pony
>>13088078Are you calling pony ugly?
>>13088144Just to let you know I am legally married to Lyra.
>>13088208I married Bon Bon
>>13088195I still don't understand the construction line thingis it just a really common mistake or are there reasons to leave it in a fully inked and colored drawing
>>13088195more like two and a half poncause Rariyt is half a pony at best
>>13088237how much of a pony does that make me?
>>13088237THAT'S IT SBYOU FORCED MY HANDYou aren't my friend anymore
>>13088237What's the other half?
>>13088195QUADPONY SON
>>13088269less then a quarter
>>13088234Sometimes the artist thinks the sketch has more life than the inks, I dunno if that was the case, but I know it happens to me sometimes.
>>13088275Yes, Bon Bon is mine.
>>13088283I sacrifice Quadpony and Two Pony to summonMULTICOLORED EYES MULTICOLORED HEXAPONY
Mew where is Lyra taking advantage of a naive mewanon by getting him drunk?
>all ponies is nice>pony lvoe you>hug pony close>their short goats are fuzzy but soft>they fall asleep with their face in your chest>they smells like clean soap and flowers and fresh air>Fall asleep wiht nice pony's gentle weight on top of you
do we have Mafia pony?>pays Babs to act as a lookout for the Guard>asked Butterfly to throw a fight (she refused, but got knocked out in the third round anyway)>set up a massive racket in the Cloud-Makers' Union that nearly forced Equestria to its knees>made his bones by booping an informanti shall call him Cavallo Nostra
>short goatsi can dig it
peacock still a shit
>>13088368Where's the joke?You promised me jokes scrubbles.
Pinkie pie enjoys watching anon squirm after being turned into a pony, all he can do now is let pinkie have her way with him.
warm glazed ponuts
>>13088441>all he can do now is let pinkie have her way with him.What does that have to do with being a pony?
>>13088428Well, you activated MY trap card!
>>13088441Pinkie Pie stop turning yourself into a human and me into a ponyJust let me scratch your ears for once
>>13088456Pinkie is going to rape him, anon.
>>13088465She can't rape him as a human?
>>13088452Nice way to ruining the drawing
>>13088452go to bed alreadyyou'll never outlast me
>>13088334_________________________no where right now>>13088441unf
>>13088427cum fight me m8
>>13088481Yeah, the fingers are uncolored
>>13088462Pinkie is going to put a collar on you and keep you as a pet pony.>>13088478Too big.
>>13088432the joke is you have lived a life of self loathing and now you have seemigly endless time with everything you have ever desired
>>13088470>>13088470You realize you must play all 3 princesses before you can stack them like thatgotta wait a turn too
>>13088470i sactifice someothing something something summon FOUR PRINCESS BUTTS HOLY SHIT
>>13088506I wish I were a princess and was on the princess stack.
>>13088502That isn't funny at all.
>>13088520You're going to get your wish.But you have to wait for the other main six to become princesses first.
>>13088497Pinkie should fuck him with a strap-on, that's what she should do.
>>13088506>putting 4 princesses in your deck>no fusion>no ultimate pone
>>13088506FINEI summon a creature face down ,put all my other monsters in defensive position and place another faced down card
>>13088520I don't even need to be a princessI just want to stack some ponies on me and feel the weight and warmth and soft marshmallow ness
Why are babies such babies?
>>13088546FUCK YOUwait this doesnt work does it
>>13088546I fucking loved these things.
>>13088544That's great Pinkie.
>You will never be a young filly with crazy Aunt Pinky to look after you
I summon fluttershy defender in defense position
>>13088589>You will never be the poor colt with the crush on her.
>>13088580>maneater bugs>cyber jars>morph jars>spatial collapseOh, I'm sorry, were you hoping to use your cards?
>>13088580This one is also almost as good as that
Night approaches. You know what that means.
What if Scootaloo couldn't scoot?
>>13088626Don't worry anon, I gots the next best thing!
>>13088664better build a shelter?
>>13088665You mean she's a regular cripple?
>>13088654holy shit that's an amazing cardI remember when non-effect 1800 ATK 4 star or less cards were already awesome
i wish every card had flavor text, no matter how much room the effect takes up. i love flavor text.
>>13088694It's 2013 anon. Practically every card has an effect now in the meta-game
>>13088654Please look at >>13088546>and place another faced down cardAnyway what were you saying?
My pony keeps misbehaving.
>>13088702OH MAN FLAVOR TEXTI remember buying trading card magazines and reading all the new Magic cards even though I only played yugioh
>>13088684>Didn't build a fire first.How will you find the science machine?!
>>13088726Tell pony to stop being edgy.
>>13088740Pony isn't edgy though, she is curvy.
>>13088727>tfw I got all these LotR trading cards and they ALL have flavor text
>>13088720what if you use that card to counter that same card
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzYDrzk1xs4&feature=player_embeddedHoly fuck my body needs this game.
>>13088761Then you need to set up a list of rules and punishments for pony.
>>13088770>what if you use that card to counter that same cardChuck Norris dies.
>>13088744Found our theme song.
thing is a thing which is not like by me
>>13088777>Sony pretending it's exclusive
>>13088821http://youtu.be/KDrWSQ3-ghQinstant tears
>>13088726Is it climbing up on furniture?
>>13088678Twily sure is strong
lick ponut
>>13088815might as well beNo one's going to get an Xbone and those who do will be detained within days of buying it after the kinect monitors their illicit activities and sends the footage to the NSA.
>>13088861Of course, she was able to lift Rarity's fat ass after all.
>>13088861http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4TOM5Mitpsaww yiss
>>13088839>Put black pants on table.>Fresh out of the dryer.>Come back with another arm full.>Pony is laying in it.>Getting pony hairs all over.>Pony looks at you smugly as you drop the fresh pile on the floor and walk away.>Freaks out when you come back with the spray bottle.
>>13088892>lick ponut>pony farts in your mouth
>>13088909>it's minty
>>13088905>not shoving pony in the washing machine
>>13088905serves him right
Which one of you fuckers is in the cookie clicker thread!? Don't think I didn't see that!
I saw a bag of Rarity assholes at the supermarket todayI got uncomfortably aroused
>>13089002I saw a box of Rarity ponuts at the store as well. I skipped over them for Derpy food.
>>13086793>>13086818why you are SO correct.>not delivering a red dragon dildo do k
>>13089028Dragon dildos are an excellent choice for anti-burglary devices.
>>13089013why are they so smugthey're just dumb ponies
>>13089045They hurt like a motherfucker. Have you held on before?
>>13087282woowowow stop right there, you cannot just hate derpy.
>>13089052you're just a dumb human, why are you so smug
>>13089052hey that's rudepones can be smart
wrestle the wink
>>13089045>>13089062have any of you ordered them for no reason? buying boxes of them?
>>13089096Is "The Wink" related to "The Rock"?
>>13089099>"Hail Celestia!"
>>13089099dubs condfirm derpy sister.
sex with rainbow dash
>>13089099You know what's the least clever pony? pic related
>>13089129>"H-HEIL CELESTIA?"
>>13089154tickling rainbow dashs ponut
sex with ugly pony
>>13089154Fucking Dash at the speed of sound. Gotta go with the flow gotta release her rainbow.
>Some scripts might be blocked by the javascript settings for this page or a script blocker!the imgur and media player scripts aren't working because of thisjavascript is enabled and I don't have any script blockers, what do I do
>>13089156I dunno she seems pretty clever to me
>>13089191Mash F5 until it works.
>>13089180>release her rainbowhttp://i.imgur.com/QBFYmkj.jpg
>>13089183>Celestia doesn't need a strap-onto peg.png
>>13089201She is incredibly clever, yes
so what is Applejack going to do once she finds out her brother's ploughing the African plains?post Macora dudes
>>13089218Twilight probably does drugs when nobody is watching.
>>13089226>macora>not fleetmac
>>13089226>I'm not a "dude" I'm a lady
pony goes chomp chompHow y'all doin
>>13089226She won't react near as bad as when she hears that Zecora is heavy with his child.
>>13089261MT pls draw fleetmac, that shit is 2kawaii
>>13089261i don't think pony goes chomp chomp
>>13089206that's doing absolutely nothing
>>13089261Why hasn't GG drawn a ponified version of Chain-Chomp-Chan?
>>13089309Which browser are you using?
>>13089247You were calling yourself a whore last night...The walls are not exactly insulated, if only they were...
>>13089309Just delete it, it's not like anyone posts music anyway
Why is she so perfect /co/?
>>13089345She's a Mary Sue
>>13089244Macora, Fleetmac, either way, we win. lots of catfights.>"so, i hear you were in town today with MY Big Mac.">>"is this jealousy i sense from you? but yes, he was on a date with me, it's true.">"huh. 'cause i thought i told you to back off or i'd kick your stripy butt.">>"oh, you don't need to remind me of the score. but for the record, you've already lost, y--">"DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT BITCH"
>>13089319He has though
>>13089345Because she isn't.
>>13089261But does it want a splash of grape drankwith its grey gooseTo help it get loose?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3OU8FhxFa4Doing okay. Found out that literally two bottles of chardonnay do virtually nothing for me.
>>13089341Chrome>>13089344but they DO post youtube and imgur links
>>13089372>ChromeAHAHAHAHA. Go download a real browser, like Firefox.
Pony just said you're her pet now and you must obey her.If you don't listen to her she'll get twilight to mindrape you.
>>13089367>I have reached the levels of the witch dyke in alcoholism.Holy shit I need to slow down.
>>13089381browser warmonger pls go
>>13089386but pony is twilight
>>13089386Rape pony. Nobody puts Anon in a corner.
>>13089393Well more like "I really need to clean out the fridge and this shitty wine my parents keep leaving over here "to celebrate" and fail to open are taking up space." Maybe it's the new thyroid medication. It's been a long time since I had more than a cocktail.But yeah, you should probably slow the fuck down.
>>13089372Well shit, 4chan does that on it's own nowadays, it's in the settings.As for imgur, is it really that hard to copy/paste a link?
>>13089393>witch dykeI remember when we called Sivana that. Do you remember Sivana, /co/? She was worse than Berryboy.
did anyone cap the Saffron thing from the other threads?
>>13089427Boxed wine does not let you slow down.
>>13089386Fuck dat, I'm a free man.
>>13089386Minderape me how?
>>13089440Suddenly I feel the urge to snap into a Slim Jim.
>>13089405>>13089407>>13089464>>13089465Too late, pony just got twilight and she's putting a magical collar on you to limit your mental abilities.
>wine>not delicious whiskey
>>13089450I kept the threads open but I'm too tired to cap now
>>13089458You don't just flip it backwards to leave the spigot on top to avoid leakage?
>>13089477Chew off your tongue and choke yourself to deathThat will teach pony
>>13089481I'd have done scotch but it was mostly clearing fridge space and all my goddamn stones disappeared
>>13089436>4chan does that on it's own nowadays, it's in the settingsMust be conflicting with that because all I see are straight YT links>As for imgur, is it really that hard to copy/paste a link?No, but I like the thumbnails/ability to view images directly on here as if it was just another uploadIt's just a mild inconvenience really, but I'd really like to get them back
>>13089477Not if I put the collar on Twilight first!
>>13089486>Buying shitty boxes that leak.Holy shit, I'm an alcoholic not a bum!
>>13089502Hey, you said boxed wine. Potato, tomato.
>>13089477>"Bark">"where?">"bark for me, anon">"but there isn't even any trees around here">pony slowly regrets limiting your mental capacity
>>13089506Nothing wrong with boxed wine, I just buy my alcohol in surplus....In massive adult juice boxes...Plus, shit floats in water!
Twilight insists we play melee instead of brawl
>>13089536To that I insist we play Mount Your friends with her instead!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJ-gP-Lqc5E
>>13089533I only have so much fridge space and so much lust for alcohol latelyIt's just as well I don't have a giant Tetrapak of Juicy-Juice For Adults
>>13089556And here we see, a very dumb potato
>>13089261Chomp you say
>>13089536but Gilda insists we play SSX Tricky
>>13089536I'll comply, but constantly ask where snake is.
has this already been posted? it's surprisingly well donehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqVVtaWd8Pwi didnt even want to watch it, but then sat through the whole thing. man...
pony needs your love
>>13089573>SSX Tricky>not Cooking Mama
>>13089579congratulationsyou posted it again
>>13089548She does not want to share?
>>13089580are you sure the said is not changeling in disguise
>>13089580But I already love pony!
>>13089588jokes on you, sucker. i'm just a lazy guy who hasn't read the thread!bwahaeheffort
>>13089345why are you so perfect, anon
>>13089577Fucking snake playersGRENADE GRENADE MINES MINES UP SMASH
I want to unf Applejack
>>13089561>Fridge....RightHAHA yes a fridge for my alcohol!A THING I DO!
>playing SR4 for 3.5 hours>make a lot of progress>game crashes>all that progress is gone and time is wastedWHAT THE FUCK WHY WEREN'T THERE ANY AUTOSAVES OR ANYTHING?!
>>13089610>implying Fox players are any better>MUH PINNACLE OF SKILL>MUH FINAL DESTINATION
>>13089607I can't be perfect, I'm not a pony.
>>13089573She pretty much IS Zoe. I'll allow it.
>>13089617isnt that why we're here
>>13089617You mean you'd just tell her "unf," or you'd, like unf while thinking about her?I mean I can "awww yeahh" Britney Spears, I guess
Anyone here playing FFXIV?
>>13089630Are those background characters 2D?
>>13089622You've never chilled it? I mean granted reds are best at room temperature, but manMAN
>>13089645they made more after the first one!?
>>13089638>walk up to Applehorse>"UNF">walk away>"What was that all about?"
>>13089645No because even though they had 4 phases they still cant get their shit together.
pony got into the trash again
>>13089649you bet your ass they are, kiddo.
>>13089650I'M FUCKED UP!
>>13089664you mean the server crashes, or?
>>13089626Fun fact: Fox hasn't won a major smash tournament for years
>>13089669Give pony a punishment boop.
>>13089676what's fun about this fact
>>13089623It does have autosaves, or at least on PC. Have you verified your local files?If you're on a console, well, shoot. Sorry.
>>13089658>ponies argue a bit>decide that it's a standard human greeting>ponies start greeting humans with "unf">catches on>"unf" replaces other greetings in pony vernacular
>>13089680I dunnoPinkie would find it fun
>>13089674Whatever works for you, just, I don't knowTry it with a chilled glass maybe
>>13089675They were "unprepared" to support the number of people on the servers.Even though they knew how many accounts there were.How many preorders there wereAfter 4 phases of testing load on the servers.And having an MMO under their belt already.I've come to the conclusion that Japan is decent at making technology but cant USE it at all.
>>13089684>animal crossing villagers
Unf is just fun spelled a different way!
>>13089694Eh, i'm just lazy because the fridge is downstairs and I would be fucked if I am icing my wine.Only people with problems do that!
>>13089699>pinkie pie sings a song about unfing
>>13089701>bonbon>waifuBonbon hats you
>>13089699Hey pinkie you wanna go have some unf in that dark area by those bushes?
>>13089696Are you just upset that you didn't get into the server you wanted to? I'm not digging or looking to start an argument. I think the early access guys are actually beta testing the game for the launch. It's going to be a rocky few days
>>13089684> a second human arrives in Equestria> tries to remain polite, believes it's some sort of PONY greeting and goes along with it> the topic is finally broached by Celestia asking for the etymology of the phrase> First Anon gets a stern talking to in private, phamplets are written> The cool kids still use 'unf' but in their proper context> UNF
>>13089718Nah I got the server I wanted and I've played quite a bit. I just know shitty service when I see it.
>>13089716>Bonbon hats you.>Has a shrine dedicated to you in her closet.
>>13089722>pamphlets mysteriously disappear before they can be distributed>this is almost as bad as when ponies thought the term for human was "niggerfaggot">they still do
>>13089732>she even went to zecora to learn how to make voodoo dolls>she tries to use it to get you to love her>it doesnt work>but she keeps trying every night
>>13089732>It's part of a black magic ritual to bring death to you and your family
>>13089728do you know which servers are the happening servers? i've browsed the forums and figured out that there's a reddit server, and an i guess gamefaqs server. also a youtube server? that doesnt really make sense. is that like the server that pewdiepie will play on
Hey!Does anyone want a request?
>>13089742>anon dies
>>13089750pretty ponies playing pretty pony games fuck
>>13089744Sorry I dont. I dont pay attention to that sorta stuff.Im on Excalibur, i think /vg/ has a linkshell there, but thats all I know
>>13089750Anon and bonbon being tsundere
>>13089750Apple Bloom as a mummyWrapped with an oversize bow
>>13089750Rainbow Dash and Apple Bloom cuddling
>>13089750draw my oc riding mewballs oc
>>13089765Lyra was banned can't draw her no more
>>13089742http://i.imgur.com/ZWcJeJo.pngThis happens
>>13089738> humans using the term "mah niggah" only further compounds the problem> it takes years for the term to be replaced> it's actually pushed out of use by an actual anti-Human epithet first coined by Griffons, "Big N Tasty"> Fat guys get called "Hamburglers" by new refugees and immigrants> the cycle of confusion continues
>>13089786>still doesnt love her
>>13089579>Edgy grimdark pinkamena shitWHAT YEAR IS IT
>>13089786>And she wakes up.>Humping Lyra's leg.
>>13089781Fucking banfags. Learn2adapt to the metagame
>>13089798>Lyra is actually a blow up doll of Iron Will
>>13089798> Lyra all this time has been pining for Bon-Bon, more than a little jealous of Anon> starting to enjoy the growing sexual tension, as once in a while Lyra forgets herself and starts rubbing in ... places during sleep
>>13089788Why would griffons dislike humans?We're destined to be bros. Like the english and the french.
>using My Little Pony steam avatars
>>13089810YeahLike Fluttershy and Gilda
>>13089781fuck you>>13089787fuck you
>>13089810They don't all hate us, we just happen to be sort of largish and full of meat.
>>13089715made back in the days when devs had the rough graphical power of a piece of cheese to play with.
>mfw marathoning a couple of shows and video games
>>13089809>desperately rubbing, pretending to be a human>not feeling anything because ponies don't have vaginas
>>13089821What isn't largish and full of meat?We're not especially tasty meat either. Most humans these days taste like shit because our synthetic diets. Your epithet a shit.>>>/drawingboard/
>>13089828>Anonymous wakes up>looks at the pony next to him>checks under the covers>pony has a vagina>Anonymous cries himself back to sleep
>>13089824why arent you streaming
>>13089839>what isn't largish and full of meatyour anuslol jk
>>13089839> most humans these days taste like shit because of our synthetic dietsWhy do you think this and what's your basis of contention? The fact that semen tastes funny if you eat a lot of sugar?
>>13089843Because I don't like streaming.Also I don't think you guys would be interested in a dual stream of F-Zero GX and ST:TNG
>>13089770Why would Rainbow dash cuddle such a yellow pony.
>>13089842>Anonymous wakes up again>Looks at the pony next to him>It's just his dog>Doesn't have a vagina>Anonymous has a boner anyways
>>13089839So, what, you'd rather we be called "King Dong" thanks to a drive-by sex joke by a Griffon?
>>13089861One time they hung out for like half an episode, maybe they're friends now
>>13089875I don't remember that episode.
>>13089859I went to new guinea onceThe tribesmen were complaining about some meat because it was a man who ate like someone from the town and gave me someIt tasted like really shitty pork.
>>13089880it's happening!
>>13089880Call of the cutie
>>13089868>king dong
>pony will never not have a vagina
>>13089765Screw it, I'm just gonna draw Lyra.
griffons bonded with non-griffon mates are used by the clan as disposable, highly-effective shock troops. they fly low, harassing the enemy, and if brought down, fight like demons to keep their lover safe. indeed, so effective are they that many larger clans specifically send out young griffons into the wider world that they may fall in love with members of other species, bring them back, and become unstoppable death machines.
>>13089896Oh right. I haven't seen that episode in years.
>>13089888i just licked my penis and it tasted finewtf are you on about
>>13089875Wait, isn't this from a fan made episode where Dash is very nearsighted?YOU CAN'T FOOL ME!
>>13089911>SB's Halloween costume idea
>>13089911I need it
>>13089888There's some tribes in New Guinea that practice semen consumption as a ritual.>"To them, semen possesses the manly nature of the tribal elders, and in order to pass down their authority and powers, younger men of their next generation must fellate their elders and ingest their semen. Prepubescent and postpubescent males are required to engage in this practice"
goodnite mlpg
>>13089934what if ponies do this
>>13089930has anyone seen sb in a while? does he still post here?
>>13089934good ritual.
>>13089953goodnite fingerman
>>13089953why so sad
Gonna take one request. Second person, make it romantic and make it count.
>>13089957They don't.
>>13089970Anonymous sweeping Applejack's mom off her feet.
>>13089970Ice cubes
>>13089970lyra snuggling with bonbon
>>13089970Finally having the courage to invite Rarity to a date. Spill all the spaghetti but she finds it cute and accepts.
>>13089970Silver Spoon and Applebloom. They have to run the coffee shop and one thing leads to another.Personally I blame Pinkie.
>>13089957They do.
>>13089970AnonBonboncandlelit date
>>13089915aw yis>>13089959he says goodnight on the daily
>>13089964pony is too big to do that
>>13089959yeah, he tends to say "hello" and "good night" and "but i like kraut" and occasionally drops off some sketch that he made for himself
>>13089970Celestia and Anon, your deathbed.
>>13089992did I miss his goodnight?
>>13089986>Rarity>spaghettianon and Rarity do the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti smooch thing.
>>13089450>>13089482>find it and read it>all these Saffron butt greentexts and only 2 pictureswhat are the chances of LK drawing more? did he snap yet?
>>13089992>on the dailythe what? i'll just contact him through his tumblr i guess
>>13089998Does he make anything for us or does he just sketch what he's currently masturbating to
>>13089994Why not make it a filly?
>>13090017I think he did a request for someone but it was of his OCsI hate his OCs. They're just ugly. Especially the big one
>>13089994What if anon was just very very fat, and pony liked to cuddle the giant mass of soft flesh that was anon.
>>13090017it's mainly the latter, but there are plenty of people here who will masturbate to his things anyway myself includedbut if people bug him enough, he might draw a simple pony or two
>>13090038>return of the bon bon feeding>she loves her big squishy human
>>13089987If you sketch this, I will draw it.
>>13090049>>13090038Oh noNo no no
>>13090045I would be aroused by his drawings if he drew characters that weren't what he's sexually attracted to.
>>13090055Err, I'll draw it in the sense that I"ll write a paragraph or two about it
>>13090002maybe he didnt tonight>>13090015basically it means he says goodnight almost everyday
>>13090049>Lyra takes in the adorable scamp anon torn from his world>Her greatest and most forbidden fetish is fulfilled, then she gets bored of anon, he's kind of a loser>Just sort of leaves him around the house while she goes about his day>Bon bon finds him sulking>Cheers him up with some snacks>It begins...
Anal Sex the OST Remixed
>>13090071>>13090055>the drunk witch dike>drawing
>>13090080I heard that Applejack loves Anal Sex the OST.
>>13090063Pony hips?
Have a page of drabble, MLPG. Just under 500 words. Warning: Contains changeling-related headcanon and absolutely no porn.http://1dl.us/HMA
This is all I have, unfortunately:Your fork twirls in the noodles. Darling, she says. She always calls you that, but this time... Darling is everything all right? No it isn't, but you don't have the guts to tell her that. You don't have the courage to tell her otherwise, but the way her eyes stare back at you tell you otherwise. Her fork reaches into your noodles, ane before you know it, she's feeding you.]
>>13090070I find the way he draws them endearing, so I don't mind
>>13090107the poniest
>>13090080>Anal Sex the OST Remixed>by Daft Punk
Oh boy I heard Bon bon feeding
>>13090108>absolutely no porn.disgusting
>>13090076>Anon reveals that he's on the paleo diet>Refuses to eat anything but meat, some vegetables, and the occasional berry>Bonbon kicks him out>Anon lives in the woods>Lifts rocks every day>Becomes swole as fuck>Returns to ponyville>Fucks bonbon>Marries her>has a hundred freaky hybrid satyr centaur anthro children
>>13085698You have fucking awful taste
>>13090115Holy shit this bitch is crazy abandon shipI'm moving in with carrot top
>>13090136>satyr centaur...six legs?
>>13090136I'd rather have a centaur child than a satyr
>>13090145Someone call animal control pls
>>13090115I thought this was initially about Clyde
>>13090151I think it's a centaur with a human head and pony torso and arms.
>>13090155they're here but they kind of suckhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DELxnHzaG_w
>>13090153centaurs < satyrs
Even: Vidya 1Odd: Vidya 2The D: Sleep
>>13090055Pinkie bolted out of the door like a woman possessed. Rumor had it confectioner's sugar was on sale down at Market, and she had designs on a new peppermint stick.The only two around the store were two bored-looking teenagers looking over the soda fountain menu on decidedly opposite ends of the counter. But they looked about the right age for a Saturday job, right? Surely she'd be out and back in a few shakes of a cotton candy.Come to think of it, that was sounding about as nice as half-price confectioner's sugar. Maybe she'd stop on the way back for some good blue and pink cotton candy -- you know, as a reward for the girls! And a third for herself. And candy. And some bulk baking chocolate, she could proof some nice chocolate on top of the new peppermint and make a bark ...It was going to be quite some time with an empty store and sudden responsibility. That was bad enough.Working with the friend of an enemy, or your friend's enemy respectively? Way worse.
We are not your kind of people
>>13090184I can't ride a centaur.
>>13090198I've always known
>>13090198We are extraordinary people.
You fuck pony but the genetic mixing produces sergals instead of ponesWould you raise your horrifying shark wolf raptor kids, even if they wanted to eat your wife and tickle your armpits with their prehensile clitoral hoods?
>>13090206What if she was strong enough to carry you on her shoulders?
>>13090216>if they wanted to eat your wife.How does she feel about this?
Just did a quick Lyra head, does it look ok before I ink it super quick?
>>13090206WhatWhatWould you ride tirek mlpg
>>13090234That is a mighty grin. Less chin, perhaps?
Someday I'm gonna feed AJ fritters.That I made myself
>>13090234It needs to be about 200% more cocks in her mouth
>>13090237It occurs to me, this was a luncheon intended for the Princess and her guestsMaybe Celestia is unabashedly omnivorous.
>>13090138Two headed poneAll floating in glassCelestia has passed now it's blacker than blackI can hear as you boop on your jarI am listening to hear where you areI am listening to hear where you are
>>13090254200% of zero is still zero anon
>>13090248I would ride tirek platonically.
You're allowed to go to Equestria IFyou explain the Kingdom Hearts storyline accurately to Twilight Sparkle
>>13090280Am I allowed to play it first?
>>13090280>Them niggas is gay
>>13090280Kid with big shoes hits dark and edgy shit with keys
>>13090284That's insanely cool.
>>13090280"A bunch of guys with perfect hair in long black cloaks conspire to take over all of creation through the manipulation of emotion, time, energy and the Keyblades while gazing longingly in each other's eyes. Also there's a key researcher and founder of the Organization on a first-name basis with King Mickey Mouse."If this were open note we'd have no problems.
>>13090108PffMirror Smoke is a faggot. So what if they are mutants? They aren't normal ponies. Far from that. they can't even be called the same species when so many glaring differences exist. Changelings have no place in Pony society. And nigga is an ungrateful bastard.
>>13090299It's just a vacuum created by heating or something
>>13090234aw yis
>>13090310I don't think their horns are touching anon.
>>13090319Lyra wants you to be more happy Mewball
>>13090322Why would their horns be touching anon? He's not even in the same room.
>>13090280>tfw haven't played DDS or any of the remixeswhat will that get me?
>>13090310unf>tfw i am the only one in mlpg who prefers married consensual sex instead of rape
>>13090248Riding a retard that was defeated by G1 poniesI have no respect for the G1 villains. If bitches were defeated by the G1 ponies and their friends, who were all imbeciles, morons, retards then fuck them they represent no real threat.
Mrs. Cake offers to suck your dick, but only on the condition that you suck off her husband first.
>>13090332Officially, noIn reality he's filling Cadence in way Surferbro never can due to an unsatisfying stubby penisWho knew she could be such an ... anthrophile?
>>13090308>changelings have no placeStep 0: be changelingStep 1: Make self sexyStep 2: Marry poneStep 3: Never go hungry>pone only has to pay for food for her and the kids>you can work the most exhausting jobs without issues because your wife loves you to death
>>13090280But I only played the first game...
>>13090327what a nice pony
>>13090346>tfw you assume wrongly
visions of the mekong delta flash before pony's eyes
>>13090351double yes
>>13090346>tfw I prefer loving fun friendly sex instead of the crazy fetish lust fuel most people like
There's something inside youIt's hard to explain
>>13090355'Taint fair to unicorns, anon
>>13090389>implying crazy feish fuel lust fuel is never loving fun friendly sex
>>13090351Can I just suck off her husband?I don't even want her to suck me off, I just wanna suck him off.
celestia's night terrors
What a thrill
>>13090384Not sure I can, horse. Your hooves need some really crazy scrubbing, and I don't know jack shit about this.You sure you don't wanna go to the spa for this?
>>13090280Everyone is Sora except for those who aren't.And even them.
>>13090414Yes, but if that's all you want, you might end up with a reputation. And you know the kind of attention that might get you.
>>13090308go to bed, hitler.
>>13090355Except the only way to be safe is for them to be monitored constantly so they don't abuse their powers.
>you will never have a passionate relationship with your waifu filled with endless romance and incredible sex that lasts your entire life
>>13090433I'm okay with that. It means all the stallions know who to 'come' too~
>>13090440>implying Chrysalis was a shining example for all changelings to live up to
>>13090446>You will never have a relationship that lasts your entire lifeAnd that's why I'm going to kill myself
>>13090440i don't see how they're any worse than unicorns that can tear apart your internal organs from across the room without anyone knowingskilled ones like rarity could kill you with precision that it would be diagnosed as a stroke or simple heart failure.
i'm going to take a potato chipand eat it
>>13090459nothing makes you confident like knowing half a dozen ways to kill someone with a thought, all of which would appear to be natural causes.
>>13090466fuck off vore fag
>>>/unf/pantyano's on
get a load of this bronehttp://youtu.be/QWaKhKho8us
>>13090473There's probably something like magical fingerprints to prevent unicorns from doing this
>>13090489Who fucking cares?
The killer was pinkie pie all along
>>13090494Or ponies don't have a concept of murder because their society is essentially cooperative
>>13090459yeah but here's the thing. Rarity was raised not to be like that. Changelings? They lived under Chrysalis who knows how long.And all changelings are kinda evil as the comic showed. Okay you can have two or three changelings that are good. That follow that method and don't abuse their powers but how do you know the Changeling you allowed to live with ponies is like that.I mean it would be kinda cool, Celestia letting a few Changelings integrate in Pony society because they aren't like the rest.
>>13090494>>13090509no, no you are not going to ruin my headcanon. Rarity is an assassin for Celestia, assigned to keep an eye on Twilight and to eliminate her without warning in the event of a coup scenario.
>>13090509>tfw humans as a whole are destined to rob and kill each other ultimately>tfw no collective effort to travel space or create portals to Equestria
A massive, white stallion with solid black eyes. He is called Gereon. He believes in the old ways, and the old gods, and the reverence ponies hold for Celestia and Luna is nothing short of blasphemy to him. Imprisoned for thousands of years, he was once the high priest of the old gods. When they were cast down, he alone stood against the tide of the new world. Now, free after thousands of years and surrounded by heretics, he will tear apart the new order he finds himself in or he will die trying. And any promises he needs to make, any allies he needs to stab in the back, any treaties he needs to sign, so be it.
>>13090528>All changelings live under Chrysalis
>>13090537Well it kinda seems that way.
>>13090520Can't they just hire someone to do the taxes?
Fanfic writer Q&A with Knighty coming up in about 15 minuteshttp://ponykart.net/mlpg/
>>13090520>evasion rollhehI wonder if she'd be able to write off her numerous party expenses as advertising for Sugarcube CornerOf course then she'd probably have to explain where all the cocaine money went...
>>13090534>tfw humans are only technologically advanced because our entire psyche is built around the notion of outcompeting and dominating everything around us to survive>tfw our best technology came from war>tfw the same mindset is the source of our compassion
>>13090551The last three ponies they hired are still in therapy because of Pinkie.
Pony came
>>13090555>fanfic panellol
>>13090551Yeah, Pinkie hired Twilight.For a substantial fee pegged to market values.
>>13090549All the shitty ones do.There would have to be other hives, they're just too boring to put on the show because all they do is lounge around in glowing fungal paradises cuddled up with puppies and kittens
pony wants to live astromantic
>>13090433I know they were about as subtle and nuanced as a Seth MacFarlane joke, but I thought the zebra twins were one of the hottest things to come out of these threads, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
>>13090579To say nothing of the ones that have integrated fully into pony society without Celestia or Luna knowing. Chrysalis confirmed for tryhard failure.
>>13090446well thats what you get for waifuing the gay one
>>13090604I still want to be spitroasted by them.
>>13090606Celestia and Luna knowThey can stay on the terms that they show up once a month for wild orgies
>>13090611I wonder if they'd prefer you to feign resistance.
>>13090617>>13090631them ponies man
>>13090631>bonbon is an average heterosexual mare>average butt>average looks>average intelligence>above average voice acting skills
>>13090633great, now I'm imagining Celestia in the middle of a sea of Twilight Sparkles. so much for not jerking it tonight.
>>13090528You know there was this ficBla bla bla shenanigans Rarity and Twilight are becoming changelings so they go out to find a cure.Meanwhile Zecora and Apple Bloom discover that they are in danger and go investigate so they go to Canterlot. There one of the guards is a Changeling.His story was kinda shitty. So he had a white spot near his eye, being part albino or some shit like that and was chased out of the hive long ago because he was different and because when transforming that white part was still visible. He reaches Canterlot where he changes into a stallion and joins the royal guard. He is discovered after Chrysalis' invasion because Luna and Celestia do a very thorough investigation to find spies but manage to convince them he's good and loyal to them and not Chrysalis. He later joins Zecora who figuers out he's a changeling and AB because he knew Twilight.It's a nice story. I should go see if it updated.
>>13090643>extraordinary choice in housemates
http://ponykart.net/mlpg/panel starting, for now there's no sound
>discussion in stream about cargo shorts comes up>everyone agrees they are awful>i pretend to agree but really cargo is my favorite kind of shortsfuck you all im not trying to enter a fashion show. i just want to wear comfortable clothes that have usefull pockets, also i like the color.
>>13090683Oh, fang necklacesIs there anything they don't look good on that isn't a 10/10 surfer dude?
>>13090683Have you ever used the extra pockets, you giant faggot?
>>13090683>not wearing chino shortsI swear those things are the most comfortable thing I've ever worn
Winter episodes > anything else
>cargo shorts>not the best>not wearing them with your fedora and button up tee#winning
>>13090707>reading some fashion guides to improve>it says obese men should never wear shorts at all in any situationah dang
>>13090490>SIR>bronyYou dun goof'd, anon.
>>13090733Pony is not for hugging.
>>13090741>obesethere's your problem
>>13090639I'm conflictedPart of me wants to ship themBut the other part doesn't so I don't feel guilty about wanting to passionately kiss Lyra
>>13090733It's gotten to the point where my crushing loneliness overrides my autistic haphephobia.
>>13090752ya i know but they also say dont wait until you lose weight to start dressing decently
>>13090741Why the fuck would you read fashion guides?
>>13090776so far it has helped me find the right cut of pants to wear and how to get a properly fitting shirt that isnt a graphicT
>>13090713That's only because Winter>any other seasonI still want a real episode tough. I mean we have Winter Wrap Up which was mostly about killing winter and Heart's Warming was not that much about WinterI want a winter competition. Get the CMC as a team vs other teams of colts and fillies in other events.Or have Unicorns vs Earth Ponies vs Pegasuses snowball fight.Earth Ponies make a huge ass Castle under the leadership of AJ and Pinkie is in charge of Defense. Meanwhile Unicorns are using Guerrilla tactics with Twilight in charge of teaching them what to do and Rarity training them to be more accurate and how to make perfectly round snowballs.And while those two are fighting Pegasuses just bomb the everliving crap out of them. Small snowballs, big snowballs whatever. Fuck bases, fuck tactics just drop snow on the fuckers.
>>13090805>Earth Ponies make a huge ass Castle under the leadership of AJ and Pinkie is in charge of Defense. >Meanwhile Unicorns are using Guerrilla tactics with Twilight in charge of teaching them what to do and Rarity training them to be more accurate and how to make perfectly round snowballs.>And while those two are fighting Pegasuses just bomb the everliving crap out of them. Small snowballs, big snowballs whatever. Fuck bases, fuck tactics just drop snow on the fuckers.YES
What are you guys talking about now?
>>13090805>I want a winter competition. Get the CMC as a team vs other teams of colts and fillies in other events.DudeSweetie, Silver Spoon, Snails vs Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara, Snips vs Scootaloo, Twist, Feather Weight.
>>13090683>Needing more than 3 pocketsThe fuck?
>>13090822since i just fapped i am not really in the mood to discuss fetishes or what i would do to raritys anus.i got nothing now
>>13090822Loud, wet orgasms
>>13090683Just use a jean jacket or something. Plenty of pockets.
>>13090822>What are you guys talking about now?there should only be one answer to this
>>13090861GG what do you think about insects?Or insects ponies?
>>13090861pfffffffftseriously though, glitter glue a shit.
ill take a requestkeep it simple im tire
has anyone else been hugging doges and pretending they're pones
>>13090893A deer.
>>13090893Bonbon on bed
>>13090870I think they need some more work because frankly they're a little buggy
>>13090902A female deer
>>13090835>all of Sweetie's plan are way to big to be done but they still try, Silver Spoon is a bit of a bitch but still helps and Snails just happily follow orders>AB and DT constantly argue about who's team leader while Snips tries to cal them down>Scotaloo is disappointed with her team and thinks she doesn't need them, Twist actually has good simple plans but Scoot doesn't listen to them and Featherweight is one of the best snowball fighter ever but doesn't speak at all or is interrupted by ScootCould be fun
>>13090893A pony smiling.
>>13090895I've been hugging pone plush and pretending it's pone
>>13090893Rarity in one of Sweetie's dresses from the comic
>>13090906A female deer with a dress.
>>13090893This one with a cute pony!>>13089964
winter adventure episode in felt
>>13090895>tfw apartment>tfw no doge
>>13090906He said simple!
>>13090905You're gonna get smothered in bug tits for that.
>>13090911Totally fucking wrecking anons nice vegetable gardenAnd then barking at him
>>13090916>that feel
I finished but I don't want to post so close to a new horse.
>>13090923bugs don't have titsand neither does that somewhat buglike pony
This pony admires you from afar
>>13090934It's not like we'll kill this horse soon. We be ded as fuckJust post it now nigger
>>13090944Fuck off.
>>13090946GG, please.
>>13090947that's alright but i'm not really interested in dating poniesshes setting herself up for disappointment
>>13090956anon plshe's not a woman
>>13090963please what
>>13090947What if I approach her?
>>13090944>>/anywhere but here/
Fresh new horse smell:>>13090983>>13090983
>>13090994>>13091012individual occupation
>>13090975Oh boy, it's 2012 again
>>13091012such slow