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I, for one, welcome our new Polish prostitute overlords.

PS: Follow @4chan and @moot on the Twitter for all sorts of exciting 4chan news!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yellowquiet edition!

Old noisy and socially outgoing horse: >>12857945
premature horsing
if you're going to make every new thread would it kill you to be a little more creative than "edition" every time?
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Almost good, those artifacts annoy me.
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if you're going to complain about every thread would it kill you to make your own some time?
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did someone say artifacts?
I do
And I'm just asking because it's getting a little boring
sex with Rarity
I should really rewatch that episode.
Okay, I'll stop making the horses.
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>"But I wanted to save them both!"
I'd be upset if I looked in the mirror and saw that too. Poor Fluttershy.
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I personally Love the taste of Trixie/Applebloom/Gilda/Cadence/Alicorn Twilight
in my luxary Recording Room on my bed.

Would anyone like to share how Octavia surpasses to be the most powerful character in the show?
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This week on a very special episode of My Little Pony:
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Is that the same spider model from Luna Eclipsed?

Trigun for best anime of the forever
Well don't make me feel like an asshole, I was just asking for a little more creativity.
worst lucky star
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Have you finished those projects?
I do believe that is different
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Time to rewatch BTTF
No one ever fixes those artifacts and they always bother me.
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Marker don't do that. You're gonna get hurt!
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>"Look at me I'm Anon and I want to create things but it's too hard so I just whine that I can't a hurr durr."

Nah it was a fair point
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>Applebloom doesn't have a cutie mark.

She can't be a waifu if she isn't a proper woman.

she's also not an adult, but that's secondary in some cultures.
I want that coin

I tried 4 times.
Photoshop insisted that they stay.
Designing OC cutie marks is mind wracking give me tips.
I just have to pick these classes. Unfortunately they dont offer horsefucking here.
She's still best pony and favorite pony.
Your project will never be complete
>somebody is taking my spongebob schtick
Yeah okay.
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best horse

This is the reason why I come to /mlp/
other then those Pony thread Simulators.

I think this brony made this thread 20% cooler
JJ probably made more money in t-shirt sales this month than you have made all year.

And tiarawhy has made $5,600 just since this thread started

well what's the talent?
Who is she pointing at?
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keep it simple, stupid
$100k/year baby.
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You don't own Marker!

Marker's busting loose on the dance floor!
Well what talent do they have?
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Just give it a white background and we wont notice.
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I wouldn't be

Fluttershy is a very beautiful pony
She's hailing Hitler. And thus Fluttershy's dark secret was revealed.
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Err on the side of "stupidly symbolic": remember Cheerilee's mark doesn't make a lot of sense.
No doubt. And he's going to be getting a ton of publicity from this "movement."
that's the most kupo story I've ever heard

still, JJ probably made more
No, I just hope that they still do that extremist creation existentialism thing I did.
If you were Fluttershy for a day in Equestria would you tell anyone or just have fun with it?
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She's pointing at you, Anon.
I don't know what kupo means.
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Pinkamena is done, posting an alt version just because in a bit.
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I think if we all loved and tolerated, this place would be a better place 8(
One specializes in Barbecue sauces
One specializes in Salad dressings
One specializes in Sour flavored foods.
I have an idea for the first one, a meh idea for the second, and a kind of boring for the 3rd.
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pony don't shit my pants
this is boring
>white spots

Then for each frame make a new clipping layer above it and fill in the appropriate color over the edges.
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Just realize you will be letting everyone down. I cannot make you finish your project, but I can make your life a living hell.

It's easier to attach meaning to an object than attach an object to meaning.

Do not let yourself be defeated, anon, else your project will consume your mind and steal your sanity.
Absolutely adorable
Which one do I shoot?
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no, i'm still working on it
when did rose draw this
Poor Crackle is like the definition of dragon ugly.
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These two ponies should do more things together.

Are you kidding, look at those tits and those hips
First one could be BBQ ribs
Second could be a generic salad dressing bottle
Third could be a lemon
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You can become a pony
but you have to be a pet of a euphoric brony manchild for two months.

Do you accept?
Like what? They dont have that much in common.
I'd watch many episodes of those two ponies doing things together

Dash is so fucking cute there.
fuck no
Will he cum inside me?
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I don't know, Anon. I'm sure they can fine something to do.
Of course.
That brony would listen to anything I told him to do. And if by some anti-miracle he didn't it's only 2 months.
do I get to go to Equestria after my two-month service is up?
She looks so off compared to the other dragons. They probably use her as an example of what not to look like.
Dash is always cute
kick him in the dick
then run off and live free for the two months
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>tfw you don't have the skill to complete your project satisfactorily
I never wanted to be a little pony
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She is usually pretty cute though.

i'm just about to start it again, actually

wake up, pinkie
>become Cream Puff
>don't take no shit from no brony
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>but you have to be a sex slave to a euphoric brony manchild for two months

Not even on meth.

They both like the out doors, they both like parties, they both like each other
That actually makes a whole lot of sense.

Have we even seen any other female dragons? She could be a sex goddess by dragon standards.
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>Dash is so fucking cute
My fetish is owning an anon turned pony that did not want to be a pony

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A few days ago.

Also posting this for someone.
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oh heck no i dont think i could stand living with an atheist

>look outside
>see butterflies flitting around underneath the sunshine
>ladybug lands on my hand
>mfw some miserable homofaggot tries to cast doubt on the theory of Intelligent Design after all this
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What if human con?
why would you want to own someone from /v/?
why is everyone saying "euphoric" these days
did i miss something
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Dash should be a cat more often.
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>worstpone cosplaying worstVA

no pls
an outstandingly dumb and narsacistic comment from r/facesofatheism
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But he didn't say SEX slave, anon.
Did you perhaps read it differently for some reason?
He will look for you. He will find you. And he will kill you.
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Its the average state of the enlightened mind.
>ladybugs and butterflies

You really put the fag in christfag.
what a qt
Not him but I share that fetish.

I want him to him to love being a pony and by the time his transformation is fully complete he would be singing smile smile smile.
Not sex slaves are the exception, not the rule on MLPG.

Some atheist redditor made up a quote along the lines of "In this moment, I am euphoric, not because of some phony god's blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence"
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this explains nothing
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>Intelligent Design
Real talk here, this relentless posting of it has gotten more annoying than any of the original people it mocks.
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Fine, jeez.
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>not putting a comma after "because"

do you even
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It's part of a copypasta that originated from some Atheist Fedora wearing dude saying that "he is enlightened by his own intelligence and is euphoric because of it."

I believe
>Intelligent Design
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How does each equestria girl respond to finding out the condom broke?
>tfw EqGshit still isn't bannable
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Does he even what?
There shouldn't be a comma after either "because" in that sentence.
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specifically from r/facesofathiesm IIRC, wheren users of r/atheism are encouraged to post their mugs and a little bit of text
Hey, we have to totally kill a joke before everyone else gets a hold of it. How do you expect us to be miserable towards the rest of the internet if we don't hate the things they like?
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>wants MLP content to be bannable on /mlp/
so enlightened
so epik
Would you a pony if it was an anon trapped inside a pony's body?
>still trying for transparency on a gif

You bring great shame to your family
It's pony

It's made by the same people, it has "My little pony" right in the name.
Happy because now they get to be lazy cunts and can make your life miserable with blackmail and child support if you don't do what they say.
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Rarity starts queefing as hard and fast as she can, squelching uncontrollably, trying to force the cum out

You watch her for a good five minutes until she gets blue in the face before telling her it doesn't work like that

dis nigga
even ribbit has been mocking them relentlessly

Comments about being atheist and proud get mocked to here and back
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the original quote has a comma after "because"
it's half of what makes it so euphoric
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Why is she wearing ears?
Why does she have a tail?
Why is big mac in the same class as them?
Why are those little curley ques on those columns?
Why is she wearing a skirt over her shorts?
EqG Dash please go
EqG Fluttershy please come
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no pls
comments about being anything and proud get mocked

moral of the story is you should never be proud of yourself and always keep your eyes on the ground when you walk
im pretty sure the title of the movie is My Little Pony Equestria Girls
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Oh, I see.
which one?
Dash's smelly feet
Fuck you, I'm awesome!
Is there a way to make the canvas in SAI mirrored?
No, people get mocked for that too.
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>Why is she wearing a skirt over her shorts?

Because unf.
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alright moral of the story is you should kill yourself
You're pretty weird, dude.
>RD will never gag you with her sweat soaked socks
>watch the movie
>watch the movie
>watch the movie
>because the movie is shit
>because the movie is shit
>because the movie is shit
hit H like it's a cheating slut
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What is MLPG listening to?

>Why is she wearing ears?
Its a school spirit thing that ties in to why they are singing
>Why does she have a tail?
same as above
>Why is big mac in the same class as them?
Who says he is? maybe he is a class ahead of them (I honestly dont remember if they were seniors or not)
>Why are those little curley ques on those columns?
>Why is she wearing a skirt over her shorts?
She wants to wear a skirt, but leads an active lifestyle that would make wearing normal underwear in a skirt not very modest. I mean girls kinda do this all the time.
Because humanized drawings
You already asked that last thread

bout to start the nsfw part
in the thread is still okay right
one of these days i'm going to force myself to sit through that shit
>Who says he is?
He's sitting right there


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Dash's freshly-washed feet
Dash's damp, towel-clad body
Dash's messy rainbow hair
Moral of the story is to not think your way is the right way, listen to other people, and to ignore empty insults.
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>Missed the stream right after we got the DVDrip
I feel bad for you son
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Shhh, no ponies

Only humans now.
fuck yes
unf +100
do it!
Find me 6 ponies with attitude!
As a senior in high school i sat with plenty of juniors, sophomores and freshmen. did you even read that whole point?
You should probably spend some points in the other attributes
dooks' stram
Freshly washed girls is my fetish.

Thanks, but I meant mirrored as in have it do the same on one side but flipped, so it's symmetrical
it's so awful

it's just


so awufl
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Pony wants to sleep with you.
Did you see that My Little Slave comic?
It wasn't that great but when they washed slave Twilight I lost it.
>(I honestly dont remember if they were seniors or not)
Their class in high school, where the movie was set, was never mentioned. Neither were any actual classes. Nothing happens in a class.
Why they bothered setting it in a high school is anybody's guess
In something other than THAT?! That's a pointless endeavor. I've got all my chips on the right mark.

duplicate the tap, then hit ctrl T, then in the options, there should be a "flip vertically" button.
select all then click flip horizontal
Dash's pert, sensitive breasts
Dash's taut, athletic butt
Dash's long, toned legs
Dash's wiggly little toes
Dash's unwashed sweaty feet
Dash's dirty, oily skin
Dash's messy rainbow hair
Tell her only if her friends come to
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>Why they bothered setting it in a high school is anybody's guess

Because hasbro
Because tweens demographic
Because money

Anon, in all honesty: DYEWTS?
mine too
and girls wearing nothing but a towel
no. where can I see it?
Dash's hairy mole
Dash's clogged pores
Dash's skin flakes
boner achieved
a small towel
Come to what? Where are they going?
Uh, yes. But since we're talking about the movie, that doesn't matter much.
I meant for story reasons. It's kind of obvious they wanted to make money from this.
Too egotistical to be of any value.
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Ponies don't have feet

I'm looking
Some anon posted the whole thing in mlpg like a month ago but technically you need to buy it.
its always refreshing to see a nonobese neckbeard cargoshort brony every once in a while
Human ones do
Dash's flexible body
Dash's snug sex
Dash's tight ass
Dash's cute little moans
How is she gonna dry herself?
Stop being silly.
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or toes
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I like pictures of girls covering themselves in a teasing manner.
Humans aren't ponies
humans do
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Who says giggle out loud like that?
omni pls

>tfw you will never wake up to this
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What is this, My Little Human General?
fucker, stop giving me boners against my consent
ah fuck. so much for this thread. good night.
>Dash holding her towel up so it just barely conceals her nipples
>her slender legs are crossed so you can't see her naughty bits
>she gazes at you with half-lidded eyes and bites her lower lip
No it doesn't, babe~
apparently Rose.
Well good morning.
Wait no it doesn't. Those are asterisks.
Aren't they?
*twiddles thumbs*
mornin', ponka
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We totally did
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Smooch her
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Looks like she woke up in the middle of the night~
wake up, anon!
>messy hair Pank
So cute
oh man oh man oh man aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Why does panka have a bulge?
Still working on it:
could you please reply to the post chain so i don't have to filter each of your posts individually.
Where's the /a/ version.

Panka's hair is always messy.
That's her fun pole, silly
bucka wow
Why the fuck would you filter pony.
Especially when it's nonsexual pony, you have no excuse.

you could probably just filter "present" in the filename bit, assuming that's how filters work
hot damn, rei
it won't be nonsexual for long

What a good pony.
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Not to that degree
Alex Hirsch is doing an AMA right now.
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Whoa snap.


Of course it will.
>the dick on the left and her tail look like a claw

I know, right? Not only does she help ghosts pass on, she tends to their needs until they do.
i hate braeburned and simply don't want to see his shit, so it won't piss me off the point i'll shitpost about it.
like right now.
Is it possible to use the archive search engine for pictures?


I thought I could get some sleep tonight
Goddammit, can't unsee. Hopefully coloring it will fix it.
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aw yeah
I don't care much for him either, but his art and pank quest is cute.
That's all you can ask for is cute pony.
why dont you just talk to him about it
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>tfw can't draw nor write fast enough to quest
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she is covered in gems.
she probably a different breed of dragon.
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Pinkie Pie has no respect for the dead.
how does a skull have moving brows
3 through 5, perfect
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The dead aren't people (or ponies) anymore so who cares?
It's just a skull, not like the person is going to care about it anymore.
You can!

If you have 4chanX, look at that upper right arrow, go to "Archive", then "Image MD5"
just draw and write it all in advance then only select the answers that mold to the material you already have
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39 KB

It just does.
Oh, uh... BraeburnQuest in ~23 hours.
Just thought I'd let you know.

Why is there just a fleshy patch where the pussy should be?
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>decide to catch up on adventure time because why not
>episode about Finn literally having wet dreams and forcing them to happen

The fuck happened to this show?
I love everything about mlpg Rainbow Dash, except her candy cane skirt. That doesn't work.
Are we gonna rustle us up some varmints
Because it's not a mare, dude.

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You know you don't have to stop talking because you are waiting for Brae's quest thing, right?
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>mlpg Rainbow Dash

The episode is about Finn getting turned on by watching Flame Princess beat up Ice King because it gives him dreams where she shoots fire at his groin.
Oh I see
Thanks Dooks
How goes those other projects?
I think he means EQG Rainbow Dash.
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
If I can manage to not splurge spaghetti at how ridiculously adorable that outfit is, go for a run.

First off, I'd like to apologize for using my trip on a post that has nothing to do with the archive. When things began in late 2010, I told myself I'd never do this - that I'd keep my own useless feelings separate from the job of operating tools for the community. I promise this isn't going to be a regular thing. But I'm posting with this trip because I'm asking a favor - as the person who runs the archive - and whether or not you decide to do me this favor I'm asking that you at least hear me out.
None, you horrible monster.
it became shipping time
that's not even a joke, it's just honestly the best description of what it is now
It's not murder if it isn't a person.
Go on.
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How many of you have given someone a hearty slap on the back? It's harmless, right? Obviously. It's a gesture of affection.

But let's say one of your buddies has sunburn. In that situation, the gesture of levity hurts. And when you know/remember they have sunburn, you generally refrain from slapping them on the back until the sunburn heals.

This kind of thing goes beyond slaps on the back, of course. People do or say things that seem harmless, but because of someone's background or the shit they've gone through up until then, it can cut like a knife. And everyone's made that kind of mistake in innocence - like the slap on the back when you didn't know your friend had sunburn - but when you know, you start having a decision to make.

There are people in this world who catch enormous shit for who they are. Not for the stupid or annoying or awful things they've DONE, but for who they ARE. Stuff they never had a choice about. That constant scorn is one of the worst sunburns in the world, and it can mean that things that would otherwise be harmless end up hurting like hell.

There are people in this world who have had stuff done to them that's scarred them for life. And maybe you don't know about it - people do a good job of hiding it - but maybe you do. And sometimes a thing that wouldn't otherwise be a problem is guaranteed to reopen those wounds if they're there - or, for that matter, make the people who habitually go around making those scars think that you've got their back.

This is a request, not a sermon. In the end, I'm just some guy with a website that points to a different website. Your choices are your own, and I have no right or ability to force my ideals on anyone.

But I'm asking a favor: think of the effect your words might have. And if you've got more than one option for a joke or "harmless" fun or so forth, consider steering for ones that aren't going to slap people with sunburn on the back.


Friendship is Magic.
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let us talk of your favorite comic so far.
Which one was it and why?
You ever go up one of those rock-climbing walls and end up at a spot where your next hand/foothold is juuust out of reach, and then you look down and realize you're fucking 30 feet in the air with nothing between you and the ground?
how can people still watch that show anymore.
all it is is romance and boulderdash subplots
Ah, thanks! Had the archive open in another tab to look up what time it was, this saves me the bother.
I found it but it's a little downsized.

Nature is so fascinating.
#9 is the best.
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I'm... not sure what you're referring to in general, but I try not to step on toes. My apologies if I've offended anyone.

I'll try harder. Have a good weekend.
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oh god what did you do
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I thought that was going somewhere good then it just went all downhill ass soon as you said >im asking a favor:
I've done parkour, so something similar, yeah. Go on with this analogy...
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Dash is really good at pulling off cute in clothing.
Something specific happen that caused you to say this?
Don't have to say what exactly if you don't feel like it.
Oh Christ I thought you were leaving us or something.
Man what was issue 9? I haven't read it yet.
is there a non shitty size of this? i need it
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words cause psychological scarring and wars.
dont answer this archive, its bait
From the thumbnail, I thought Sweetie was wearing a collar...
Big Mac's.
Issue #9 was the first part of the two-part Big Mac arc.
as a long time dashfag it warms my heart to see how well the generals opinion has swung over the past year.
I'm really not trying to be bait, sorry if it sounded like it.

I'm wondering if something specific happened or if it's just something that's been dragging on that cause him to say all that.
You are now aware this is what dating Twilight would be like, SCHEDULE and all.

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You haven't read Big Mac Turns on Ponyville yet?
*tips fedora*
Dash is always cute, all the time, clothes or no
are u feeling euphoric m8
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Doesn't seem like these have been posted here yet, so what do you guys think of the solicitations for November?

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #13

Heather Nuhfer (w) • Brenda Hickey (a) • Hickey, Sara Richard (c)

The ponies hit the high seas! A trip to Horeshoe Bay takes a turn for the dramatic when our gang is captured by Hoofbeard the Pirate! Will the ponies help him find his long lost treasure, or will they be walking the plank?

My Little Pony Art Gallery—Spotlight

Various (a) • Sara Richard (c)

Showcasing beautiful pin-ups and covers from some of the best new My Little Pony artistic talent! Will this be where you find your new favorite artist?

My Little Pony Micro-Series #9: Spike

Rob Anderson (w) • Agnes Garbowska (a) • Amy Mebberson, Garbowska (c)

Spike is ready for the responsibility of being a pet-owner! However, he might be getting more than he bargained for when a delivery of Sea Beasts (“just add water!”) arrives at his door. Spike’s unusual training methods will result in some surprises for everyone’s favorite baby dragon!

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What about a collar?
I keep seeing screengrabs. I didn't know it was out. Assumed they were previews.
I have to now.
Ever since I saw the Fleetfoot page I've been meaning too.
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I agree. What do you think made most people like RD more as the show went on?
That collar is doing things for me it probably shouldn't.
Raid the fridge!
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Makes me happy. Just look at how much art of her I'm getting.
uh oh, Pinkie... what are you planning? Maybe make him breakfast?
I'm looking
Please don't break anything Pinkie. And whatever you do, do not look in the third drawer.
Pony butt
Oh jeez I hope I took my trash out
She doesn't need to see all those failed letters I was gonna send her
luke allen are you in here
Well, on one hand you're thinking, "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," and on the other, "The alternative is far worse."
Oh god she's going to find that fleshlight that I said in last quest, isn't she? I think it would be better for it to be a plain one rather than a Pinkie™ one because it seems too concentrated. Just have her be all like "oh you use one of these things?" rather than "oh you want to fuck me?" But that's just like, my opinion man.
She got more adorable
I think the Pirate summary is more complete than the one we had before but I'm pretty sure we knew the others.

Spike cover is cute though
holy unf
Read it and Weep,Hurricane Fluttershy,Sleepless in Ponyville and Wonderbolts Academy(to a degree)
he's always here, in our hearts
I think people initially liked her because while she was a bit of a jerk at times, she was sincere, spunky, and fun. then MtBPW and MMDW happened and she got a really bad wrap as they over blew her ego. Then she got a series of episodes like RiaW, HCFS and little scenes here and there that showed how much she had learned from previous episodes, and overall grew as a character. then season 3 happened and she was pretty much best pony hands down.
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It's a 2-part story arc. The previews are from #10.

#11-12 are a 2-parter about Cadance and Shining Armor's getting together as a couple.
even a collar
if she's into it, that is
Pinkie looks better in it.
rainbow dash will be the next alicorn princess
>you'll never wake up next to Dash
Time for breakfast. Wakey wakey, eggs and something that isn't bakey.
They are really scraping on the bottom of the barrel here
read it.
That is an opinion, not a fact.
>Wonderbolts Academy(to a degree)
I think that episode was one of the best to show her character growth.
I like to take it a step further in the meta direction. What would happen if you did no projects? You gotta go somewhere.

>A trip to Horeshoe Bay

This is going to fuck with me so much because this is a real place nearby. And not only that but I know that the place nearby is where they stole the name from.
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Love the show. Fandom's done some great stuff. Fandom's also been making rape jokes and stereotyped-as-fuck OCs and so forth since day one because this is 4chan. Held my tongue at first because I didn't realize there was a problem, and kept holding it later because I thought it wasn't my business and nobody would listen anyway. Some discussion today finally made me decide that if I really think the shit's wacked, I may as well say something because maybe if the guy who's run the archive for two and a half years said it, someone might listen to him.

That's the story, basically. Whatever you folks decide to do, I've said my say and you can return to your regularly scheduled programming.
I do too. I just wasn't really a fan of it though. I think the ending kinda turned me off a little bit but it was a good episode for her.
i have no idea what this is referring to.
That's kind of what I was getting at. You're either here or on the ground (splat or no)

Goddamn the thought of fucking bitches in part for procreation gets my motor humming
how the fuck are a bunch of pirates going to capture the most powerful magic user in equestria
Yeah, it was sorta mid tier overall, but i loved it as a dashfag. But they should have gone with its origional episode.
Hostage situation? I mean, magic's great but you can only do so much at once.
Is it in a handy imgur album or something?
i cant imagine the ny little pony writers putting in too much effort into a childrens comic. as long as the bronies get their memes and references they are happy.
thank /mlp/ for that
what discussion today?
Some one called Derpy ugly
Or thank the show for writing her better?
Archive when did you start letting ponychan and tumblr-nazis get to you?
You just answered it yourself
I can only hope that Fluttershy gets a recovery much to the degree that dash did. Her stock plummeted with season 2
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I'm fine with 86ing rape 'jokes' (I don't remember too many beyond >rape which is an endless quoting of someone who found it objectionable and of course DD's predilections) but what do you mean stereotyped-as-fuck OCs? Like, Marker Pony?

Also I missed most of today so I don't know what happened.
Comfort is the worst thing because it can become a prison you never want to leave. Stagnation leads to death.
the school outfit was unf too
and holy shit that girl had a nice ass
I hope they do more fleetmac shenanigans.

Tumblrites have been calling Molestia offensive because of >rape
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Keep calm and flutter on was a step int he right direction, but could have been executed a little better.
no, it is pretty much /mlp/ being now most of the general
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Nothing can be offensive, you can only be offended.
No im pretty sure she has just gotten better as a character overall.
>boo hoo hoo rape jokes

Holy shit. Grow the fuck up.
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I think you can check yayponies.eu.

Not sure about imgur albums, there probably are some.

I'm guessing Luna shows back up during the climax, too.
>I don't like thing. That means no one else should talk or joke about thing at all because the world must cater to me.
Usually Japanese porn leaves me deeply unsatisfied

But lordy loo their impregnation and X-Ray stuff is amazing
Dude, I've been like this for years. I've just kept it hidden because I thought using the bully pulpit made you a bully.

Nah, not Marker Pony. Racial stereotypes or shit like that. Got a lot of that back on Ponibooru.
Since when have rape jokes bothered anyone on 4chan ever.
Archive, what is wrong.
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I am okay with this also.
It's usually because the storylines are predictable and/or depressing.

+100 for the latter.
Who gives a shit about any of what you are saying, you've been around for 2 years and you're just now getting offended at >rape?
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a friend was raped, right?
not everyone is okay with rape and not everyone has to shitpost about his opinion.
this might be hard to understand for the likes of you.
i think he is saying it always bothered him but is just now saying something
It isn't on 4chan. It's on tumblr, objectively the worst site on the internet.
>just because you're on 4chan means you're ok with any joke posted there
Discussing/debating the thing and about it is fine, it's just when it turns into an uncivil whine and insult fest when it's wrong.
I didn't really have any qualms with the episode really but I do think it was a step in the right direction. EQG was also good for her too.
Yeah sorry, but I disagree. I'm not going to put trigger warnings for everything that could possibly offend someone. It's their duty to make amends with their problems, not my duty to dance around every word I say because it might hurt someone who I don't know's feelings on the internet.
you really thought you were some sort of brony celebrity or something?

you've been hosting rape pics and fics on fimchan for years now.
I can't believe Peewee is fucking dead
believe it or not, but people who can keep their opinion to themselves for the sake of not causing a shitstorm actually used to be abundant in this thread.
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Oh. I don't really remember any of those on MLPG, sorry, other than some easy jokes at Zecora's expense. But thanks for your patience, I understand better now.
nah, she is still the same, the population of the thread is what changed
If you're on 4chan you shouldn't give much of a shit about anything.
That's how 4chan functions.
i was never a fan of rape jokes or the popular mlpg >rape meme so i never used them.

i know telling 4chan to stop being so edgy is so impossible its not even worth wasting your time trying. if anything you are only making it worse by telling them to stop.
Yeah, I'm not saying discussion isn't good. I was talking mainly about the tumblr bullshit.
>she is still the same
Thanks, Satan.
Oooooh never mind, was confused. Still I find the whole getting offended at things happening on the internet pretty silly, you can spend your whole life fighting against "offensive" things and you won't scratch the surface.

There's a difference between a shitstorm and discussion.
>The season 4 villain complains that their power of friendship is tearing her friendship with her comrades apart.
Rape is wrong
Even Satan knows that
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You wound me deeply, Satan.
reiduran, what the fuck
to most people new to 4chan the entire site is /b/.
they think this is some alternative enclave of edgy rebels
What black ops 2 emblem should I make next?

I was thinking Gloomy's cutie mark.
>EQG was also good for her too.
EQG did actually play FS' personality rather well. one of the few things it did well

>bully pulpit

What does that mean? I remember Fred Phelps saying that all the time in the WBC videos he did, never knew what the fuck it meant. It sounds important, though.
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If Pinkie tries to be my friend and I don't consent is that rape?
The very least we could do is stop shitting on sentenal.
The Luna thing is still hilarious, though. That shit never gets old.
If you really get upset over rape jokes, than yeah, you don't belong here.
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The entire 4chan "culture" is the creation of tough skinned, usually filterless assholes.
Which holds true much more often than not.
That's not the bathroom, Pinkie!
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That's pretty respectable, dude. Stay frosty.

What the fuck does a bully pulpit have anything to do with Japanese impregnation erotica?
Not upset about about them, but I don't have to like them either
I think keeping the personalities of the cast intact was actually the strongest part of the movie.

Pinkie, please...
oh god did I bury those spank mags
Too bad they didn't do much with them.
In all fairness, most of the site now is just /b/ with a theme.
it seems her shirt merged with her body
autist pls go
It was. Shame the rest of the movie was complete dogshit.
Like AJ and Dash wearing dresses?
It's a phrase coined by Teddy Roosevelt. Basically it meant that recognizable people can use that recognition to push their opinions.
cut him some slack, he is from the /co/ days. the normal boards dont care for edgy humor and jokes.

the guy needs to realize /mlp/ is in the /b/ tier now.
Everyone is incredibly hostile and aggressive because most people here are very unhappy with themselves
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>tfw /co/ has been in the /v/ tier for years
Basically, it's using a position of authority as a position to speak your voice from. Usually used to refer to the Presidency.
lrn2 google m8
>not recognizing paffendorf
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Really? I tend to have fun watching and sometimes participating in verbal assaults.
It's highly amusing.
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i know right, when the fuck have those two ever worn a dress for a special occasion?
AJ and Dash wore dresses before. They're females and sometimes they'll do female things. You're lucky the writers didn't go full MMDW for the movie.
>implying he's the only from "the /co/ days"
>implying he's the only who thinks these jokes are fucking tasteless and don't belong here
>implying I haven't been biting my tongue for two and a half years because I didn't want to raise a stink
some more than others. /co/ and /mu/ have fallen from grace a long time ago and what seems to be left is /sp/, /tg/ and /fit/
they never had much personality to begin with. if it stays exactly the same going from full grown adults to school children.
I do too, but this is pretty much the most consistently hostile community I know of
I like you
I hate rape jokes
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>special occasion
EqG wasn't special occasions, and AJ and Dash were still wearing skirts.
Molestia was a thing before Archive was ever a thing.
wasn't ENTIRELY special occasions, excuse me.
i think it's funny how all these guys can't fathom that people are actually willing to shut up about things they don't like for the sake of the thread.
out thread is full of these types now.
this is how i feel too. i wonder how many of us are left in here. when i found mlpg in /co/ i was already past my /b/ days.
Getting offended by things on the internet means, you should probably take a break from the internet.

Just don't take things on the internet to heart.
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>jokes about death
>depictions of death
>jokes about torture
>depictions of torture

Dash's dialogue didn't sit with me well
Those skirts they wore in school.
what just happened
>A school dance isnt a special occasion
While admittedly it was more than likely lazy design, clothing conventions are different between the to worlds. Besides Dash's was rather in character with her shorts on underneath
And rape jokes were a thing before any of us ever existed. Congrats people, you don't like thing. Do you really expect to change the ingrained culture of a place by going on here and complaining about it? Can we shut the fuck up and get back to the general please?
None of those are okay, what the hell are you smoking.
>people are going to be assholes, therefore I should just bite my lip and go do something else just because someone is being an asshole online

god damn it
And they were bike shorts, too. The lewdest type of shorts.
Did you miss the time when MLPG loathed the existance of fluffy pony threads
He's saying it's hypocritical to be super focused on rape and ignore all of the other shit that flies by without a swat.
To be honest I never really liked any of those jokes
I just want everyone to be happy ;_;
>main cast
>no personality

The show is built on a foundation of six well-realized characters interacting with each other.
Yeah...that's what I said.
I think we should stop making jokes about anything likely to offend anyone.
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It's sort of a two way street on this subject. A person may unknowingly say something or make a joke that stings a person (that sunburn analogy of yours) but the person who is being offended is part of that too. Let's say person A makes a racial joke and person B takes offense to it. There are many ways this can go down:
B ignores it and A continues to make said jokes.
B tells A he is hurt by those words and A says he'll stop.
B asks A to stop but A won't.
B tells A how much of a fucking doucheknuckle A is and gets all self righteous about it.
B tells A his feelings and A tells him to grow the fuck up and B gets mad and yells and A gets mad and yells etc.
The thing is that this medium, an anonymous image board, does not allow inter-personal relationships to happen. In the real world, if you ask someone to stop but they don't, you can leave. Delete them from your contacts list or whatever. When you have this many people, such as MLPG, they aren't going to stop. Some of them might even do it as a fuck you. Best advice I can give is B should tactfully discuss his feelings and hope that A listens. If A doesn't do what B wants, then either remove that person or, if on 4chan, ignore it. Not a perfect plan but it's the best.
>What is reading comprehension?
Do we not still do that?
I can bet you anything that there's a good portion of people here that don't like most of those as well
Me included
Unfortunately people take the internet way to seriously.
But we don't frequently joke about death and/or torture.
The only things to come to mind with both are "How many Pinkie Pies have you killed today?" which is stupid anyway and Pinkamina perhaps.
>Schoolfilly in Cement
>tfw you will never pimp out mares to horny bronies with money to burn\
>tfw no marem


this guy was on Lockup, looks like a weasel in curlers
>"How many Pinkie Pies have you killed today?" which is stupid anyway

I thought that was just a reference to Too Many Pinkies
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That's because other sites make hostility a bannable offense.
Oh god Season 4 can't come soon enough.

99 days.
Just 99 more days.
well i was under the impression that they dont exist anymore so there isnt much reason to groan over them
In the end, though, that's on the character designers not the writers and the storyboarders. The writing/storyboarding is responsible for their personalities staying intact.
Oh, didn't even think about that

fair enough
i dont want any of that edgy shit here
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people always say nostalgia goggle, but whenever i take a dive in the archive i still disagree. some threads were terrible, even worse than some of our recent downs, but the good times and the general atmosphere throughout was different. it was a nice and warm happy feeling. and now it's gone. the last flickers went out about one year ago.
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Evilestia is SEXIEST lestia.
That's what I thought too. Unless there's a clever double entendre going on there.
Did he specifically say rape jokes are the problem?
Pretty good way to sum it up. It's tricky because you need to walk a fine line between caring too much and not taking things too seriously on an anonymous image board about My Little Pony.
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Holy shit this thread.
>Sweetie-Chan's Daily Life
people joke about death all the fucking time,man

It's so innocuous and common you don't even notice it.
Honestly? I'm alright with jokes about damn near anything. I don't make a lot of those jokes though, to be honest.
Seconding >>12865978, but I don't want to dismiss anybody's feelings here.
Yeah, it is, but I always thought of it as a given the mirror clones were not killed, but more like dispelled. Yes, I can see how you could think so, though.
98 actually
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god every hiatus is worst hiatus

what i wouldn't GIVE for more official pony eps ASAP
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I like warm and benevolent Celestia, thanks.
And those sites are absolutely terrible.
That's a terrible idea, Twilight. You should only have 1-2 children for them to have a successful future.
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No one throws a hissy fit about the former, and no one should allow NOT to make jokes simply because someone might find it offensive.

I don't seriously see how you can go throw life and want everyone to stop making fun of a thing simply because you get your panties in a bunch over JOKES.
There's a clear difference between "edgy" and "jokes" and the moment people start confusing both just because they happen to have death on topic doesn't mean that either should be silenced just for the sake of someone's feelings.
can you color the panel where she first puts on the school uniform?
Is... isn't this the thread where Braeburned is doing the cute pinkie quest?

What happened to that? Can we get back to that?
>Rape is bad
>Archive out of nowhere
>Pinkie Quest about to get lewd

I'm having fun
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We have to wait for him to draw.
I never got the point of protesting "rape culture" because telling people not to rape other people won't do anything. If somebody is a rapist, he won't stop because you tell him it hurts your feelings, or if somebody organizes a feel-good parade.
That might be the truth, but I honestly doubt we joke all that much about death in My Little Pony General.
Just doesn't seem like something we'd talk about a lot.
But if we can shame people who make rape jokes, we will prevent rape from happening.
That's the idiocy that the radfems have come to enshrine. They think they can tell people what to do with 100% compliance.
Same here
I did 10 push-ups today.

I'm 290lbs

Gettin swole
the shitposting quota in this discussion is fairly low. it's still civilized, so why not.
Fucking Christ.

That entire train episode of the show was a parody of murder mysteries.

MURDER mysteries.
I seriously hope you are baiting, trolling, or joking.
>290 lbs
And how tall?

I have some moderately violent rapefics I write for myself, I try to make them genuinely upsetting and nauseating rather than rely on shock or over the top shit. Is there a tumblr page where I can post things and get people mad at me?
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How come that one pony in Nightmare Night was dressed as an astronaut when they clearly don't have a space program?
The idea is that if "rape culture" changes, then fewer people will grow up to be/end up becoming rapists.
I think it has more to do with trying to help the victims of rape more than anything.
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Awww yeah SAIxArtRageXFlash is my only true ship and OTP!
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>visit Tumblr
>DOWN WITH MOLESTIA all over the place
fucking seriously
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All jokes make fun of something. I know a guy who's child of only three months died of sudden infant death syndrome. Still laughs at dead baby jokes. Yet there are people who have never lost their child nor helped a person through it who says that's offensive. Nothing is objectively offensive, a person can only be offended by it.
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>he thinks they dont have a space program
because he's making the edgy /b/-advocating posts. remember how hard he tried to fit in by shitting on those stupid bronies who pay for his shit and when he talked shit about people who gave him gift art not up to his standards behind their backs, because he wanted to fit in with le edgy 4chan?
do you have any joke about rape or torture that isnt edgy?

i was pretty sure any joke about hurting someone else is the definition of edgy. i could be wrong but thats how i see it right now.
In all seriousness, when was the last time we talked about the train episode?
Besides, Parody Material -> Show -> Show Discussion General is a bit removed.
I'm not saying it DOESN'T happen, jeez.
the people who commit rape are those who are hopelessly deprived in the first place. Their existence is an inevitability. Might as well make light of the things they do to make the world a little more tolerable.
The Assassin's Creed thing where people have the genetic memories of their ancestors.
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Then how did Luna get on the moon?
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I want her to nonconsentually sodomize me with her horn
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In a pony thread postan favoritest pony (today)
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No, because the definition of "edgy" is so skewed and subjective the moment "rape" or "death" flies out of my mouth no matter how tactful and wonderfully paced it is the listener would call it "edgy".

I think you should watch this video
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MLPG is a chat room.
We are chatting.
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>he's making the edgy /b/-advocating posts
top foilhat
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just look at that cute little smile
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what have you done
But if you want her to --

A cloud of Radon goes into a bar. Bartender says. "Hey, we don't serve your kind here." The Radon doesn't react. Then it suffocates every motherfucker in the room.

How's that?
are you familiar with the concept of "black comedy?"

And no, I don't mean Cedrik the Entertainer.
There are people who think date rape is normal and just something you don't talk about. There was this study they did at some uni, and like 9% of the guys who took the survey admitted to raping someone as long as the survey didn't call it that.

It's not "tell people not to rape and they won't". That's obviously stupid. There's always going to be monsters who don't care. But it needs to not be something people can rationalize as normal, it needs to be clear that society isn't just paying "don't rape people" lip service for presentability - that it actually thinks this is an unacceptable thing.
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>ponies actually reached the technological level of the 1960s
>went to space
>all civilizations were wiped out by a strangelove-tier nuclear holocaust
>the contemporary civilizations areose from the ashes of the old
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dem hips

here's your 10,000 kilohitler trophy
My brother died of lung cancer caused by radon exposure.

That's not funny.
Excellent chemistry joke m8. Intentional or not.
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calm down you're just as bad as the people you're complaining about
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I'm so proud of all of you.
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i know a black guy who makes jokes about niggers

pretty much that secures me in my view that even if i kick niggers and openly insult them on the streets its fine as long as they just arent full of themselves

just like quit being all egotistical its just harmless fun
What do you have against good jokes?
A China man goes to see an eye doctor. After the exam, the doctor says, 'I know why you're having trouble.' The China man says, 'Why?' The doctor says, 'You have a Cataract'.

The China man says 'No, I have a Rincoln Continental."
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hits the nail right on the head.
loved this guys videos for years.
please die.
wuts an mastrebayters fav type of bred? :D

pumperknuckle!! xDD
A man walks into a bar, and then he falls down.
Now all my clothes are going to smell like Pinkie and have bits of fur in them.

I love black jokes. Me and some friends in highschool used to tell each other black jokes all the time.
i want to, anon

i really want to
Oh my god hnnnnnng.

Yes, you are the most cute. The cutest ever. Holy fuck my heart you are adorable. What else is there in there?
Finland pls. You're drunk.
I'm gay and I say faggot more than anyone I know, most of this shit is simply tumblr nazis coming out of the woodworks because they're view is backed by archive.
>pi shirt
Pinkie's thoughts: >human stuff is so fun and weird
a man walks into a bar and farts
oh man that's 2cute
when's she gonna notice we're watching?
That's adorable
Oh god those socks~
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she's winking at us
gay is the new straight though
Not just a Pi shirt, a Pink Pi shirt.

a man walks into a bar and gets a concussion
I can't help but wonder how she puts those on
and why our boxers fit her so well
I have Chrons disease. It's not funny.



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We doing jokes now? Let's see how many get offended at this one:
So Pinkie wanted to throw a big party and had to gather supplies. She went over to Bonbon's shop and wanted hard candy, but it was busy and took a long time. Then she went to the hobby store for streamers, but they had a lot of customers and it took forever. Afterward she went to the grocery store to buy cooking supplies, but that place was packed. When it was all said and done, Pinkie barely had enough time to make sure everything was perfect before it started. During the party, Pinkie was thirsty and went to get something to drink, but there was no punchline.
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already been posted bro
> she sees many, many bottles with fun pirate skulls on the side
> Time for pirate brew!
> Pinkie's first ride to the ER for stomach pumping
>Their existence is an inevitability

I really don't think this is the case. Will there always be some rapists? Sure. But there are a lot of cases where rape happens because the person believes they can get away with it, or on some level, believes that it's acceptable.
Not in the bible belt where you can be fired for being gay it isn't. Not when Westbro baptist church tells you you're going to hell and they'll piket your funeral. But you don't see me starting shit up in 4chan because of it.
>horses can't vomit
Isn't that the one that makes you shit blood

A friend of mine has that and he has a medical card, I guess it helps because he gained about 40 pounds
Oh shit...guys

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All crimes are commited by those who think they can get away with it.
Did you hear the one about the Chinese godfather?

He made him an offer he couldn't understand.
I don't give a fuck about gayshit.
Well when they enter a comatose or near-comatose state it becomes harder to initiate the vomit reflex

It's probably faster to just stick down the tube and get pumping

You're retarted, many criminals commit crimes knowing full well the consequences. Otherwise things like organised drug cartels wouldn't exist.
but ponies can
That part with the tree coming to life gave me a boner.
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Yeah but organized criminals commit crimes thinking they are not gonna get busted
I don't get it. Is BAR an acronym for something?
Wait, stomach pumping involves actual pumps?

I only ever had to go once, and all they did was give me stuff to make me throw up.
>that's the joke.avi
Someone should stream The Last Unicorn
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Browning automatic rifle, the gun he's using
gun is a Barretta
Thanks for the correction, my point still stands.
Browning Automatic Rifle
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Browning Automatic Rifle. Designed by His Holiness, John Moses Browning.
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Ah fuck you guys, MLPG is getting tumblr on me. I'm going to /co/.

Fuck you man, you changed dude.

lol u tk him 2da bar|?
a fairy crosses the path of a knight on horseback and grants him three wishes. the knight has already all material goods he could wish for so he asks her to make him invulnerable. she swings her wand and grants his wish. he draws his dagger and tries to cut his skin, but it has no effect. excited, the knight now asks her to make his horse invulnerable, she does so and again it passes the dagger test.
the knight is now hard pressed to find another thing he wants, but then he has an idea.
he asks the fairy if he can give him genitals as mighty as his horse's. she fulfills his wish and he makes haste to ride to the nearest town. he gets on central square and offers the one who can kill him all his possessions. a hail of daggers and clubs rains down on him, but he stands strong. the villagers are impressed and now the knight wanted to finish it off by impressing them even more, so he pulled down his breeches.
the entire crowd went quiet and stood there shocked and motionless until one of the villagers said: "lord… i have never seen a man with such a big vagina"
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Not this one either

Next time don't complete it for him.
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be there or be square
I'm worried about you, Marker Pony. Every night you bring your friend here but can never remember his name.
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It's time for you to visit a place only slightly less magical than equestria
you misspelled /b/
No, have you seen mexico? They shoot cops, they actively FIGHT the police. They know they can get busted, it's an inevitabitility of life as a criminal. Look at every major rapper, especially back in the 80's, jail jail and jail. They all got locked up and they all rapped about getting locked up, but they still did shit and people that have already gone to jail once still commit crimes after they get out.
It depends. There's a real actual vacuum/pump the local ER uses sometimes when they're fairly certain vomiting the contents back up would cause more damage to areas that don't have the stomach's lining, like if a kid's swallowed something that may be hyper-acidic.
I don't think it was a joke, man/ besides, I made all those filenames and I only rarely get to use them. Humor me a little and pardon the pun
no problem, all though I think it's a bit of a dangerous viewpoint to say everybody that says we should handle rape with a bit more delicateness is a tumblr nazi. Polarized, you know?
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It never fails to make me laugh

Sure thing, just have to get it set up
livestream /dinglehopper
The police are the cartels, though
Oh wait, you'll stream? Nevermind then
browning automatic rifle. heavy unwieldy piece of shit frequently overrated by people who liked it in the vidya
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is that
Ah, that explains it.

They really shouldn't make child-proof caps so easy for 6 year olds to open.
>Archive civilly posts his opinion
>MLPG loses it shit

It's one thing to disagree with him, but the level of defensiveness and "but muh >rape jokes" in this thread is just sad.

I didn't realize we were r/mensrights
But telling other people how they should handle themselves because they are offended on a website with anonymous posters is ass backwards and completely ineffective.
It's a boob tree
somethingtumblr pls
Did I say I agreed with rape?

no, I just find all this talking about how MUH FEELINGS is turned mlpg into tumblr.

Now stop baiting and let me leave.
Yeah, I don't trust the police either.
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And you were doing so well.
He should have known better than to talk about rape jokes on 4chan in this day and age.

Mlpg isn't a secret club, any idiot can post here and they do.
The opposing side is just as annnoying
Hi Dewbon.
>Going to /co/ to get away from Tumblr.
That's like going to /pol/ to get away from racism
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Can someone please explain me what the fuck is going on

I left 5 hours ago and suddenly everything is going on
The police barely exist in Mexico anymore because the few legitimate cops get killed and have their faces cut off and sewn onto a soccer ball
dewbon pls
>being offended by anything
>still having human emotions
its like your not even dead inside
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here we go
no, there were a few posts which stated >mug rape joke so this clearly is the consensus in this thread
She found my trading cards.
oh crap.
what did you find?
Oh my. What is it?
So wait, is this the nsfw alternate pinkie timeline? Because to me it just looks like a continuation of the innocent/sfw one.

I need to know.

please, feed my fetish
> Pinkie hides in every mirror
> stopped when she found out Anon uses the bathroom for shenanigans as it's the one room in the house without exterior windows
> "Dude really needs to start working out or at least use some lube," she opines to anyone who bothers to listen to her.
> "It's like watching a fat camel just chaffe itself over and over on a ceramic sink."
> No one more than half-listens to her, so the secret is safe
> Anon's dick however is not
See the "shrink video" botton in the top right?, click that
>Twilight was reading quietly in her library one day when something strange happened
>the air started to swirl around violently, kicking up paper and small books. Static discharge burst here and there, causing her to take cover under a table
>It was all very sudden and frightening...and oddly familiar
>"Waaaait a second here, isn't this exacty what happened when I went back in ti-"
>A sudden flash of light blinds her a moment and standing in the middle of the room is not some future iteration of Twilight, as Twilight had been expecting, but was in fact a much older unicorn stallion, sporting a rich robe and tall hat, both of which were horribly singed and smoking.
>"Whooooooo!" He exclaimed, swishing smoke from his face. "Was NOT expecting that! And I'm not dead! Perfect! But where the heck am I...."
>"W-who..." Twilight stammers, coming out from her refuge and the older pony swivels on a dime to face her. His long grey beard nearly smacks her in the face.
>No. IT coulnt.....
>"Why, hello. I didn't see you down there." He says, eye nearly bulging out of his head as he takes her all in. He suavely licks his hoof and smooths out his beard. "And what a stupid mistake on my part, for never in all my years have I seen a more gorgeous young mare. Please, allow me to introduce myself, for I am-"
>"Starswirl, The Bearded?"
>"You've heard of me?" He exclaims, both looking infinitly pleased and surprised.
>"Of course I've heard of you! You're on fire!"
>"Well, I don't mean to boast..."
>"No, you'e beard is on fire!"
>It seems to take him a few moments to catch her meaning and his eyes down past his chin to a small flame kindling at the end of his grey hairs. It just makes him smile.
>"Hey! I am! Amazing!"
thanks, I found it
It's a continuation.
>There were a few people who disagreed so there is clearly a consensus...

This bait is leaving the atmosphere. People have been raising legitimate points jackass, anyone who is against what people with archive are saying are not instantly assumed wrong. This is not an exclusive club, it is a common large and fast thread full of anonymous posters, stop trying to decide how shit works, you too are anonymous and none of our opinions mean shit nor will they change anything. Unless a mod comes in here and ban rape jokes, they will happen, if you don't like it why do you come to a place that has rape jokes?
Guy can say what he wants. It obviously means a great deal to him if he's breaking his silence. Again, I'm not saying anyone has to agree with him; I'm just disappointed that everyone leaps to the defensive so quickly and violently. It's honestly kind of pathetic.
I laughed. Nice dubs btw
>Mlpg isn't a secret club
>he doesn't know about our secret chat
Meh, it was one of the most popular and wide spread light machine guns used across the world for the bulk of the 20th century.

I'd say that's a pretty good track record.
fuck off steam chat
i was being sarcastic. i replied to the that post this way, because that guy was being a huge crybaby over a few posts he didn't like and thinks it's the entire thread.
We decided a continuation would be the most fun, it's a good set-up. You can just assume it's a spin-off timeline when it gets to the NSFW if you don't like it.
If they don't like it, they're still free to voice their opinion. I don't think anyone expects it to completely change overnight, they just want people to think about it a little.
>The group that anyone can join
>The group that you can find by searching MLPG
I'm so conflicted with that boob tree. She's so loving and caring and just wants to make him happy and smother him with her knockers and I'm getting a boner right now.
And I'm voicing my opinion too, it's a 2 way street.
>that shitty feel when you realize you will NEVER be cool enough to get into secret mlpg chats
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Okay which one of you was it
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I'm looking at you, Applebloom.
because it was close eenough to not get a replacement before world war 2. at the time the gun was in production and developing a new one would have cost too much time and resources. the BAR wasn't good, just good enough for the time being. both the bren and the MG-34 were superior
It was me! I fed her all of those nachos! And dared her to drink 4 liters of Dr. Pepper.
She was like 'I can eat the whole plate of eclairs' and I was like 'girl, that plate's bigger than you are'
I once blasted Jet Set Radio through my headphones so loud that I lost most of my hearing for 2 weeks.
I never said I was against that. My opinion is that a lot of the opinions flying around right now are pretty shitty, but I'm glad we have a space to share them.

Those are odd euphemisms for impregnation
He took the offensive by accusing us of hurting his feelings. Perhaps we did, but it's up to him to filter what he takes to heart here, since there's no incentive for others to moderate themselves beyond what the rules state.
You never heard about a ''food baby''?
The bren was hot garbage but I'll give you the MG-34 because of nazi magic.
I lost both my legs due to complications from diabetes.

That's not funny.
iv class="file" id="f12866884">
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Well the filename says chubby excuse ME for misinterpreting
My newest fetish. A girl eats enough in one sitting to look like shes pregnant.
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Nothing as ageless as tree's love
I'll stop now. She sure did care in her strange tree way, huh?
Did Dooks only color that one thing?
I want to have a food baby with Scootaloo
Yeah he had to leave because his big Mexican family was having a big Mexican dinner.
It's like a variant of stuffing.
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I like skinny girls with nice curves. I can get behind that.
I'm coloring all of them, I just stopped streaming because dinner and shit internet
what if that's where food ponies come from?
Oh shit sorry m8
I wasn't made aware, I'll put a trigger warning before it next time.
It looks like a butt.
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I'm not sure why my dick exploded
But I don't mind
This is anthro. It shouldn't be cute.
Why am I finding it cute.
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Really struggled on this one. I made it too hard on myself and if I redrew it I'm sure it would be better.
Nugget if it's a colt, Dumpling if it's a filly
He didn't "take the offensive" at all. He acknowledged that we have the right to say what we will, and just asked that we think about what we say a little.

Even if you don't agree with him, I don't think it justifies the levels of buttmad that followed.
More Cookie x fat sister when?
I don't really consider it anthro. She still has hooves, she's just standing up and a little more shaped like a human. It's a 2 on that chart.
this doesn't look like one of the requests you were taking
While a big pregnant belly can be pretty hot, sometimes it's the small round baby bump that can be twice so, and a small frame accentuates it sooo much.

fat and skinny went to bed
fat rolled over and skinny was dead
cosmo stop being lewd
he thought that we should agree with him because he set up the archive two years ago, like he's some kind of fucking authority figure or something

Nobody requested anything with DT. Second of all, they're requests, not demands.
Ross Irving! Finally! I've been waiting on new pedophile art!
Cosmo, why are you always my niggah?
muh nigga
Check your thin privilege.
>death jokes

check your privilege
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>tfw no new Dewbon
there's no point in saying you're going to take requests if you turn around and then say you had no intention of doing them in the first place
Oh sweet Jesus this is like my ex
Right down to the dress choice
Feeder fetish or not I gotta go take care of something

>"But I don't understand it, Twilight." Applejack says. "Didn't you say that the spell you used to travel in time only let you do so for a few seconds?"
>They were at Sugar Cube Corner and all of Ponyvilel had come to see the supposed Starswirl. he was surrounded by tons of ponies, talking and laughing and over all becoming the center of an impromptu party
>"That's what I thought, too." Twilight nodded. "But he's the one who invented that spell in the first place. If there was a way to stay longer...or permanently, he'd be the one pony to figure out how."
>"I dunno. Something about him seems..."
>"Hey kid, tug on my beard!" Starswirl says, pointing for Sweetie Belle to give it a good yank. Curious and a tiny bit scared, she gives it a tiny little tug.
>With a pop and a flash of motion, suddenly his internal organs are external
>"Ahh! You turned me inside out! Why! Why! The pain is horrible!"
>"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Sweetie yells, both horrified and disgusted at what just happen.
>"Ahaha! I'm just messing with you." Starswirl says, chuckling. With another pop, he turns normal. "Magic!"
>This gets a few nervous laughs from the other ponies. Sweetie looks like she's going to throw up.
>"I hadn't noticed." Twilight says to Applejack, deadpan.
Your Social Security card.
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Starswirl is a jork
You should write for the show Scrubbles
I'll just tell them to make sure that you are forbidden to do puns
I hate my philophilia.
I'm about to go through a big life change, that will almost certainly be for the better, yet I feel like I'm going to vomit.

You guys didn't tell me you dig that stuff too
Are you finally leaving your mothers basement.
It's where he collects his used condoms.

Dewbon is so huge it's easy to mistake her for a wall, or a hill.

Joining the military?
skinny pregnant ponies
you can do it
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>tfw I don't really have any pregnant pone pics

He just used his identity as a way to get our attention; it's clear from the tone of his posts that he's not delusional enough to expect us to treat him as some kind of final authority.
Coming out of the closet?
Ordinarily I try to hide my power levels about pregnant women and getting them pregnant, but man, you are like some weird synchronous bastard, man.
>That amazement at her own ass at the end

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>You guys didn't tell me you dig that stuff too
draw some
draw some
right now
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unf unf unf
Just looked it up, that seems to be a sweet/endearing -philia to have and heavy, bless you
would you get pinkie pie pregnant to satisfy her need to make terrible puns
So considering the available options of the existing skinny ponies:
Allie Way
I cant think of more
Perchance you've never read anything of the fetishy stuff I wrote? I mean I wrote a fair amount, and most of them had a different fetish for them.
Like that humanized rainbow dash footrub breast expansion fic.
I'd just do it to pass the time
but where's the belly
>decide to lean against a wall and check your phone
>put up phone and mentally check off what you have to do today
>notice this strange beating noise
>wall has a rhythmic beat
>it's also strangely warm
Then why bother posting at all?
His post there couldn't have been any less related to the subject of the thread if it tried.
He should grab a tumblr and write his dissertation on the matter.
Would she keep it?
Fleur de lis

Gee it sure is pregnant thread in here.
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Fleur was quite skinny

Or you could do an adolescent Apple Bloom
I dunno, it's possible. Do you have an index of things you've written handy?

Also Allie Way, because she's probably tall, lithe, and has a profile that would be broken pretty easily with a baby bump.
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Sounds like a good pastime.
If necessary she'd put it up for adoption
Anon's the father.
I really can't decide if I'd rather it just be a casual thing in Equestria or if I'd rather be in a semimonogamous relationship with pony.
In that case, sure.
I'm sure Applejack will enjoy having another pair of hooves around the farm to help.
You know, it's important to remember that Dewbon's crotch is actually at the same height off the ground as a human's.
wait, breast expansion?
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what if herd mentality
all that spaghetti
>teen pregnant applebloom
oh no
>you satisfy one pony
>you're expected to satisfy all her friends too
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>humanized rainbow dash footrub breast expansion fic

This is a thing that exists
Life is hilarious sometimes
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remember when plant pony got hit by a bus
"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends"?

So the main cast are the Spice Girls?
breederbros 4 life
You got the advantage of fingers. You will go down as legend.
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woah nelly
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>gosh, they fit perfectly

I want to touch Pinkie's pony panty butt
His posts were about the threads in general. I'm not a huge fan of metaposting, but again, he's well within his rights to do so (and so are we, even if it's gone on a little long). Just because one person thinks his posts were pointless, doesn't mean everyone does.
Obviously we're a lot better at faking being asleep than Pinkie, right? Right.
I love you
> Pank wearing panties
> they fit "perfectly" because they're Equestrian
> Anon bought them in town to sniff and imagine a pony had been wearing them
> Pinkie is now WEARING THEM OH GOD
Hey, you should show him! He'd probably like it!
Imagine waking up an Pinkie in panties is standing over you.
Go look at yourself in the mirror, don't wake up anon yet
shit shit shit
abandon ship
abandon ship
maybe it was just your imagination
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So...what are Sea Beasts?
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Well I can't read your fuckin mind, I don't know if you have a request I want to draw or not. Ever think a that?


Try harder
No turn around i want your other end
Pinkie is far too invasive.
I'm not going to invite her back.
They're supposed to be a play on sea monkies, I believe.
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You want to know what's really sad? I don't want any sexual desire at all. And I get guilty over my arousal since I can't get rid of it. I've tried to get some girls with benefits but they always want something serious, probably because of my philophilia. Don't want a life companion, but now I'm ashamed that I want such a strange situation. Like I'm objectifying them when that's the very thing I don't want to do. People are people first. I'm so fucking sexually repressed and frustrated and I can't get rid of it nor find someone who will agree to my terms.
Hey, we barely showed her the place when she got here, and she's so curious.
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I'm surprised she hasn't eaten all the sweets in his house yet
>Your favorite pony will never curiously wander around your place as you pretend to be asleep
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>Anon has a pair of panties in his dresser
>sometimes he likes to dress himself up all nice and feel pretty
gimme a sec on this next one i wanna make it nice
I'm gonna bing Rarity
I've never understood panty collecting. It's creepy, like making a shrine to something.
I don't see anyone else loving you
Come on you'll like it
Good luck!
I love you Brae
no homo
Oh gosh
Oh gosh
I'd yahoo her, personally.
Pantyanon no please I don't like your fetish and don't want it to ruin my Pinkie story.
Oh god the unfest
>"And don't he seem awfully friendly to the marefolk?" Applejack adds
>At that moment, Mrs. Cake, spotted with bits of flour and frosting, brings in a large cake and sets it on a table. "I hope our guest of the hour like coconut!"
>Starswirl takes one look at her, drops his jaw a little and pulls his chimy hat down to his chest. In a fraction of a moment he is near her.
>"In all my many year on this world, never have I ever seen a more graceful and enchanting mare such as yourself." He says, taking her hoof and kiss it gently
>"Oh, stop..." She says, though not exatly turning away from him
>"I have dinned with queens and been sung to by princeses and not one of them could hold a candle to your radiance. And none of them smelled like chocolate, either."
>"P-please. I have a husband." She says, blushing even more. Indeed, Mr. Cake is near by holding the twins and is not blushing. Not at all.
>"My mistake," He says, kissing her hoof again and the two of them, slowly, part.
>He turns and doesnt go two steps before spotting Rainbow Dash. He drops his jaw a little and pulls his chimy hat down to his chest and soon is holding her hoof in his.
>"In all my years...." and the scene plays out once again.
>"You think THIS is bad? At least you weren't alone with him when he first got here." Twilight mumble. "Took twenty minutes just trying to get him to stop complimenting me."
>"And he was a big important pony in his time?"
>"I guess history graciously skipped over a few parts..."
Brae I love you. I love you so much for this whole thing I know I've said it before but man you are awesome.
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you like starswirl don't you scrubbles
I know it never helps to say there's somebody out there that shares your views and feelings, but I do hope you find them and wish you the best and all that. I just feel a bit bad in a second-hand way that you feel so bad about yourself
I'll hug you I guess
>Indeed, Mr. Cake is near by holding the twins and is not blushing. Not at all

okay I laughed
Dammit anon i almost had her
I await at full attention.
I'm not even him
I'm just sayin', why else would Anon have a pair of panties in his dresser?
Don't take this as condescending, as it comes purely from curiosity but why are you so against a relationship with someone?
And that her tits are above head height.
my little panties
i used to wonder how panties would feel
my little panties
until i put on some panties and it felt pretty good
I'll give you a hug if he won't
I had an idea for his character and wanted to play around with it a bit.

Keep going?
>not liking cute boys in panties
What do you want from me?
oh sure i like to read your writings
I like it
He reminds me of my grandpa

Thanks for drawing my waifu brae~
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he had the pair of pink panties so that he could use them with pinkie later, if they got that far.
she just beat him to the punch
Dont you have porn to finish, Rei
Not everyone is a fag, fag.
Whoa darn I dropped my contact
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Alright, I've got some granola cereal in the cabinet, give me a moment.

I'm not Rei.
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That wasn't me but I took a break to watch Salty Bet.
i'm not gay
just bisexual. so far i only had straight sex. i finally want to try the gay thing for out for real.
i like shy sheepish boys. they're cute.
and my still straight part forces me to only get homolust for feminine guys.
Maybe he puts them with his fleshlight?
yes please
partly true.
wait Fluttershy not so fast-OOF!
I'm not gay, but I love the smell of my dick.
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All those cupcakes went straight to her thighs, would you comfort a wide hipped Pinkie Pie?

On a side note, just had fun messing with the Overlay layer, since peeps seem to enjoy using that in SAI. I guess I sorta tried to make it look like apple's style.
You had an interesting grandpa.
That's disgusting.
Take a bath you grimy fuck.

I want her to ride my face like a mechanical bull.
I just fapped to Braeburned
so I guess I must be pretty gay
Tara is selling custom recording in any of her voices for $50.

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You are pretty gay indeed.
His art or him?
Some of do it and have her say "hahaha boop"
Pinkie should hop on a treadmill to start burning those calories.
Though I'm not worried, she exercises on the show which would explain why she'd able to stuff herself full of food.
I think someone is going to have to bite the bullet and get her to moan as twily

Some clips from Drawn Together work just as well.
did someone say saltybet?
his art
specifically the series of pics of fucking r63-Applejack bent over a barrel
We need some artist encouragement.
>"Wow! I've never had my butt licked before! You humans sure are weird!"
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That's not good enough and you know it
Oh shit Pinkie you look so fucking silly.
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Not like you could even handle her.
Is she a heavy sleeper?
Can I play around with her a little?
Yeah I did it to his flash porn thing, never fap to a gay thing before.

I came pretty hard, so yeah I think I'm bi now.

I want breaburned to be my first gay sex buddy.
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I wonder if I can stroke her wings and scratch her ears without her waking up...

he he he
Stupid pink pony
>Despite a few awkward moments and him hitting on everything even remotely female in the room, Starswirl quickly became a fast friend of the community
>If a bit eccentric.....if not down right creepy.
>"Hey kid, wanna see a trick?"
>Applebloom, holding a small stuffed teddy bear shake her head no, vividly remembering Sweetie encounter with the time traveler.
>"Sure you do! You'll love it."
>HE uses magic and forcibly pulls the bear away from her, setting it on the table for everyone to see. Except Applebloom, who was too short for the crowd
>Starswirl unfocuses his eyes and recites some odd sounding gibberish before a magic blast from his horn hits the bear
>Slowly, the toy gets up on its own, looks around at everyone and does a little dance on the table.
>Everyone thought this was generally amazing and applauded. Even Twilight, who knew that a persistent intelligent animation spell like that should be just about impossible.
>The the bear in one quick motion grabed itself by the head and tore it off, falling lifeless to the table in two. Stuffing splattered the shocked crowd.
>"Huh..." Starswirl says, deep in thought. "Still don't know why they always do that...."
Don't care. Huge bitches are my fetish.

There's over six billion people, of course there's somebody. I'm just sick of having it. I don't think what I want is demanding or unrealistic, but I'm sure it's rare for someone to not only be okay with my terms and also be above my standards.
I get this question a lot, so I don't take offense to it. First of all, there are many different types of relationships: co-worker, friend, brother, mother, etc. I'm okay with those, and I even have some really close friends where we trust each other with our deepest selves, but I don't want to merge my life with another. Marriage is a symbol of this happening. In fact I room with two people who have the most realistic companionship I've ever seen, so I know what it requires. I also don't want children nor raise kids. I've just never had a strong feeling to do it, and I would rather spend all that time and energy on something else.
I think I'm just attracted to his art-style
his stallions are pretty effeminate
Well you're not going to get any from her if you call her a bitch. Rude, anon.
I love this pone.
Fuck that's tempting.
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I would let her sleep. Fluttershy had a rough day taking care of the woodland critters. Adios.
pony just walked in and found you trying on her panties
Her snatch is actually disproportionally small compared to her body.
I don't want to hear this.
I would feel weird if I knew other people jerked it to my stuff.
What? Wearing panties on the head is illegal now?
Why does pony have panties and how did this even happen
I could have sworn I was eating a taco a second ago
what, are the males of her species much tinier than the females or something?

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Request from a few days finished. Anthro isn't really my forte.
I am loving the hip.
Did you try to make it look like you
she's got a cute pony face
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pony is a big fan of panties and she owns many pairs
Hey Jessy taking requests?
well I think it's cu-
>those wide, wide hips
which one?
>Anthro isn't really my forte.

Didn't you used to draw sanic?
She's cute, though.
Still pretty adorable.
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That's fine, but that doesnt answer my second question
Anthromorph isn't my cup of tea anyway.
Shit art, good concept.
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The ass was fat
needs anthro-palette painting in a smock and nothing else
god I want to rut that mare and cum inside her
Why does this need 12 responses?
woah, what the fuck
>you'd have to ask her
that seems like a very bad idea
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So did meeting MLPG people at the con change your opinion of MLPG?
you heard him
>Blacks love fatties even in drawings
For fuck's sake
Because Anons really like hips
And because they are giving their opinions
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Take that opinion shit to tumblr where it belongs.
Run while you can!
You really like Jessy
You could have a relationship that didn't lead to marriage or kids and some relationships will give you more freedom than you may think. Obviously it's rude to tell people how to think but maybe instead of focusing on disliking your arousal and telling people from the getgo that you don't want a relationship maybe it would help to forget about it and go with the flow. Don't do anything that you don't want to but don't get scared off the second someone starts to feel something for you. If you say you don't want x y and z changed about your life if something more were to happen between you let them make that choice and decide if they're okay with that.

I've thought a lot about the sacrifices you make in relationships too and if you really think it's not worth it to you than that's fine but it might be worth giving people a little bit of room to make things work.

And of course, take everything with a grain of salt, I'm not trying to preach holier than thou sentiments.
dooks and rose
elslowmo and jessy
??? and mt
I'd hold onto her tail and use it to ram myself deep in that dripping cunt
I bet if she liked you when you asked, she'd get really flustered.
Because cute art.
More true to the real thing than the actual humanization of Palette
She's fun and easy to color!
God dammit why did I expect anything else.

For the better, yes. The anons I met were the coolest people.
>not grabbing her by the wings
She posted it here dipshit, so they are going to give their opinions here
The real question is whether she just incidentally could accommodate a human male, or whether she's too small for her species and actively seeks out smaller mates.
>so jelly
she seems too deadpan to get TOO flustered
But what about her art?
You were pretty swell yourself
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Yes Elslowmo, I do know what it is...
Anon, if you give him one more reason to post something so unbelievably obvious I'm going to hurt you in my mind. It's not your first day here, use your head.
maybe she's got a really really tiny vagina
>grab her by the tail
>stick dick in
>dash tries to get away by flying
>mid-air fluids exchange

It's the best.
>Later that day, Twilight was walking home with her friends.
>"So we can all agree that he's at least a little crazy, right?" Applejack says. "I
'm not jsut seein' things, am I?"
>"I think he's kinda fun!" Pinkie says, bouncing.
>"Pinkie, you thought the hydra was fun."
>"And it was!"
>"And he is a bit of a charmer," Rarity says, blushing a little.
>"Rarity, you're not seroisuly...."
>"Oh of course no. He's old enough to be my grandfather."
>"Great great great GREAT grandfather." Twilight corrected.
>"But he DOES have a certain....antiquated, old world charm about him."
>"He's jsut gross." Dash says, hovering slowly with a disgusted look.
>"Well, at any rate, at least he's not hurting anyone." Twilight says as she opens the door to her house
>"Ahhh! Stop! He's hurting me!" Spike yells out.
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Do it, you wont
was namek a gas giant on the show too?
why dont you bitch about her being a grill and we can all laugh at you
This thread was totally bonkers
Sounds like a disease aquired playing hats.
That's our Starswirl!
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I, uh, I-I gotta go.
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I have no problem with Jessy

It's the waste of space circlejerking that comes with her.

That shit goes on tumblr.
No kidding. Just weird all over.
I loved it
She'd get flustered in a different way than, say, Gillou. It's all about the outwardly presentation.
>I saw people were getting fetishy with my giant fetish cyclops so I decided to ruin it for them

>All my friends are here
>And Fluttershy too!
Jessy's flawless because she's a grill.
It's just you faggots getting all worked up over my waifu. Stop it
gg, GG
Endii and MT I guess, they're frens
I think he's gay though
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>It's just you faggots getting all worked up over my waifu. Stop it

>Archive coming outta nowhere
>Pinkie Quest
>BCS getting massively ignored
>The Last Unicorn stream
>Deep spoilered discussion about god knows what

MLPG is truely the gift that keeps on giving
>not GG and MT
yeah. fuck those stupid contributors! they should all go back to tumblr where they came from. us epic oldfag knows that we didn't tolerate artists plugging their shit here back in the day XD
It was a blast.
oh hey, you're that guy who blew up over her comment on the friend zone

I can't even remember your name anymore
Anon if you can't help but respond to bait that is that obvious I don't know what we're going to do with you.
baby baby baby
I wish I could be frens with Endii and MT
Yeah he's gayer than a bag of dicks, he said so on the skype chat
I'm hurting you in mind.
Holy shit I completely forgot about BCS.

I'm so glad I told mlpg about philiophilia.
Hating him to death?
Join a group chat, they don't bite
She's (hopefully) in everybody's filter by now.
he's gay?
is he cute?
I don't get it
I just don't want the "I can't live without you" thing to happen, for me or her. Which is why I just want it gone, but no, that fetish is perfect for long term relationships. It's like a sick irony.
They don't?

Fucking dropped.
Well not TOO tiny I hope. Imagine how embarrassing it would be for a huge monstergal like her to have to keep asking you to slow down or be more gentle because you're too big for her.
Gonna kill ya.
Let's not be gay together~
its all just a joke
everyone here is a girl
I wish I had a reason to chat with mlpg, but I can't contribute and I'm not a very interesting person.
What if there was a town in Equestria populated entirely by MLPG drawfag OCs?
She is not on mine. It's like a train wreck on slow motion. I have to watch it unfold.
she'd probably look away and clear her throat loudly while trying to think of how to respond

how does Gillou get flustered?
Dewbon would probably just give you a blank look or use her freezing gaze ability to make you shut up.
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im not
you goddamn faggot
But anon
Girls can be gay too
Thanks again for drawing the Blitz pic, twas fun to see you and LK at BC.
If you post that dog one more time you will be
I like the way Ynop thinks!
>not pastel mares
Chatting with people is not exclusive for contributors, go ahead and do it!

> I'm not a very interesting person
That never stopped me I guess
And you want me to believe that?

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not really

they just get confused and slutty
I still don't get it
>not being gay

Gillou goes from her normal jokey-flirty self to being super self-conscious and flustered when you flirt back.
dooks pls come back
>> I'm not a very interesting person
>That never stopped me I guess

You don't understand.
The most interesting thing to happen to me lately was getting to talk to one of my all time favorite artists.
girls queefing in eachothers faces is cute though so they cant be faggots
Gillou and Sugar should hang out and sperg over boys together.
>dooming the human race
>being a misanthrope
>2015 - 2
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Misogynist patriarchy cis scum
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you do things
doing things can compensate for being boring
if you're boring and also don't do things, no-one will give you a second glance
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what dog?
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I hate you, now I know what I hate to have.
The bad oc wants to fuck spike. I guess, I don't know.
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thanks meghan, this is exactly what i wanted
well get in the fanfiction chat, its mostly general chitchat anyway
that's kinda cute
does GG have all of her pictures in his /art/ thread? or is there somewhere else I can find them?
>those fucking tits
my sides
I wish I had a ps3
That game looks fun
To be fair I do want to be a princess
Yo baby, you ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?
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>That g3.5 twilight
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>rose was playing this game
>rose was looking at boobs
>rose most likely got a boner from it

I wasn't expecting that game to be the best game of 2013.

>tfw casting gravity with two amazons and a dwarf in my group
I still don't know what that is
Do you seriously think this is Meghan's doing?
Do you really think if Faust were still here, she'd be able to hold Hasbro back?
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What is this abomination?
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Thanks for commissioning it and scanning it! I regretted not taking a photo of it before I gave it to you but LK showed me that you had posted it.
You could what?
>I'm the new girl at school...and a pony princess!

Just because you identify as a girl doesn't make you one.
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oh jeez
Why is there a ghostly disembodied fluttershy head included? I'm deeply afraid.
I'm not really in the best mood to join back, and I don't want to give you guys the sads over on Skype. Give me a week or two.


Have you guys tried picking up a hobby?
could what?
could what, Pinkie?!
He has a few in his sub, but I'm guessing he also has some in his super secret stash.
There's like no hip action.
Still doing the button/mom thing huh

He doesn't really have a central place where he posts stuff like that

You can probably find most of his Gillou stuff in his thread in /art/ and the previous versions of it

But you'll never get the hardcore NTR and loli Gillou in the stash
Give in, Pinkie. It'll be fun.
dude you can't just make fun of someone's horn
Pinkie. Pinkie pls. Holy shit unf. I love you Pinkie.
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Damn, he's like, stone still.
O-oppai loli Gillou?
that pony toy doesn't look completely terrible.
i bet they only do it so brones buy it just for the horse
That is an adorable presentation of a tail dock.
I'd BRRRT with Blitz.
OH man Brae oh man
>present 48
Shit balls, where's the rest of them

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bestest, cutest, most tsundere-est plane
No problem.
I still need to get a frame for it. Will probably show up at my brother's place unannounced and help him hang it on the wall of his new apartment.
The current parts are in this thread, just search "present"
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Nice thread I think I'll take it
Throw him a party?
That's not how it happens at all
but is the stuff in the sub only the more recent stuff?
Do something original.
She could wake anon up, of put flour on his face, or put his hand in hot water.
There's a lot she COULD do.
What will you do with it once you have it?
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At least you know how to shut up about it.
I saw them, but I'm obviously missing a lot
Unless he's just now continuing it?
It's a wip, everything is subject to change. Game taking a while since im doing it all fbf pretty much to make it show like
Yea he hasnt been animated yet in the sketch
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>pony pulls the wagon
Wow, how can that toy be so lewd?
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I miss Skybreaker.
>dat sleek MiG
>The writer of a cartoon is resonsible for her employer's toyline
Damn I wish I didn't have to move my hips during sex
She could also fix breakfast
loli Gillou?
seems like she'd still be like the size of a full-grown person
GG, do you have an image of her just facing the camera, like a full body reference image?

I only need from the neck up.
fuck, anyone remember that annoying tripfag who always used these pictures.

i forgot his name. i just remember his posts were not very good.
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Just now. The other two parts were a while ago. I think he has them all collected but I forget the links
>no Su-27 pony
It's sad that Jessy is such a huge pleb.
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>all this monstergal talk
You know you could probably post this stuff on the sub and he might like hearing about it. Not entirely sure but I think he loves reactions and people using his stuff as a conversation piece.
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mito and thats him
I hate all of you.
Epic picture bro :^)
Re-using assets I see
>image limit
>I think he has them all collected but I forget the links

That is ultimate lewd.
Don't start that shit.
The professionals do it more then anyone.
What a wild ride of a thread
>GG, do you have an image of her just facing the camera, like a full body reference image?
this should work

There's no loli gillou in the stash, let alone oppai loli gillou
there is some ntr in there though
Yeah the heads a premade thing with color/hair. Or should I try doing other snouts like other peoples styles?
Here you go!


All good things has to come to an end.
>self hornjob

I would hardly call tiarawhy professional
GG I don't like your monster girls, none of them art particularly cute. Stick to ponies I say.
I don't think Gillou would ntr a guy... would she Satan?
is princess bitch always a bitch
We'll just have to agree to disagree on whether that's a good fetish.
That's fine, you don't have to like them
But plenty of folks do so I'll keep drawing them

No it's not gillou doing the ntr

>is princess bitch always a bitch
nearly always anyway
>Stick to ponies I say
Not only has he been doing things long before ponies, he is currently doing new things that are perfect for him
My headcannon is that she just grew up in a goblin lifestyle, which isn't very nice. When she left to go adventuring, that mentality just sort of stuck.
oh crap she was listening this whole time?!
>new thread
>GG here
I guess ded horse belongs to him now.
Veronica and Princess Bitch are the only good things.
Rest are crap

You take your pleb opinions elsewhere.
I wonder how messy Dewbon would get the first time she got eaten out by someone she was actually comfortable with.

Even if her vagina isn't big, she has to produce larger amounts of juices.
They all have good qualities. Some don't have a definite personality though.
girls don't get boners
Draw Gillou and Sugar talking about boys.
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you might wanna repost in the new thread

i'll upload in new thread

luks gud :]
As porn characters, they were pretty much all created for the expression of various fetishes.
If some don't appeal to you, then it's understandable that th-
come on
get on the ball
I feel it misses something without the text, but there's all the images.
Best tickle payback is blowing raspberries on his stomach Pinkie. It is his soft underbelly.
plus you'll get under his shirt.
no. keep it here.

that's the plan
>image quest
>dead horse at image limit
oh god
oh christ
Pinkie you're still wearing the panties
>porn characters
Are they all made just for porn? I need a story and character with personality otherwise it does nothing for me. Please finish saying what you were saying.
which fetishes apply to whom?
Should I assume that the outlines are the colors for what they outline?
i.e. Dewbon's skin is the color of the outline
Or are the outlines similar to pony outlines and her skin is lighter?

what what is it
Why don't you draw Gnath more?
She's my favorite I think
Well here's the thing

I could talk a lot about the details but basically good art can compensate for bad ideas and vice versa. So because my art is lacking technical ability I've always tried to give my work personality and character
It's why pornos can get away with "fucking the pizza guy" stories: they have hot chicks and handsome dudes and the visuals are what people come for
Chain-Chomp-Chan was basically me testing this theory: Could I get people to react to a circle with sharp teeth and big boobs if I put enough personality into it? Turns out: yes

It's the same reason I could never really just do plain pinups of random girls
There has to be some material there

So even when I make characters who are pretty much designed for porn (like the monstergirls) I have to give them backstory and character and personality, so that the stuff they're in has some kind of impact
Whoa, I'm feeling some serious Deja-vu man
i just wanted to say that i think that you have more artistic integrity and creativity than effectively anyone else in this thread
whelp, finally got to say that
Thank you for articulating something better then I can.
>which fetishes apply to whom?
Well it's more like each girl represents a different approach so they don't all have set-in-stone fetish lists but if I had to ballpark it:

Princess Bitch: Rape, Body transformation, mind control
Gnathodelli: Rape (female dominant), femdom, light violence
Veronica: Exhibitionism, big tits, humiliation, experimentation
Caimon: Casual sex, teasing, incest
Gillou: Big girls, voyeurism, shyness, "first time" atmosphere, mild TF
Dewbon: Giant/size-difference, maybe some other stuff
Agua: Nothing really specific for her. She's just a hippie cactus.
>fuck the pizza guy stories
Dude you are speaking my language. I hate those so much. I NEED there to be a person there in order for me to like it. It's like I'm starving for something with substance but all there is is candy. I beg you to make more, to make them be able to stand on their own without the porn.
>mild TF
I think he means how her body responds to the climate.
Paula: Nerdy girls, "girl next door", casual stuff
Gumberry: Goo girls, obviously
Meara: Flirtatious attitudes, sizeplay, some other stuff I can't describe well
Linda: Insectoid, inexperienced, curiosity and experimentation
Wosyet: Well, that's for another time
you should put their names in that picture
I keep forgetting who's who

Paula's the harpy girl who shares a name and color scheme with Paula from home movies

Gumberry should be obvious

Meara's the spider

Linda's the mantis

Wosyet's the Egyptian-looking golem thing
Paula Dewbon Gillou
Veronica Caimon Wosyet Meara
Gnathodelli PB Linda Gumberry
Gnathodelli would be pronounced Nath-o-Deli?
Wow, you are one lewd guy. Or do you just like to pull on people's fetish strings?
Veronica and Gillou are for me. How about for Dewbon you also throw in "shame", like she doesn't want her sexual desires. Trying to figure out the Meara "some other stuff I can't describe well" but could you at least try? I'm legit curious.
Would Meara sound like this?
But without the buzzing?
And Gillou is "Gee-you"

thanks man that's very nice of you to say

that's close enough I guess
strangely, of all the group, Meara is probably the one who closest fits the description of MILF and is probably one of the older ones
The idea for her is (as a spider) she just sits in anon's room and gets in his personal space, very aware of and often taunting with her sexuality
The enclosed space setting is hard to describe but it fits her well
I think you need to make a new monster girl.

One for Philiophilia.
What's Paula's deal?
i'm a long time fan. not a good one mind you, but i've been stumbling across your stuff for years now and i wish you the best of luck for your future projects and will look forward to what you will do with quorum
Like, she sort of figures him out and tries to manipulate him? Something along the lines of "Shh, don't worry your handsome little head off, let me help you relax..." type of stuff? Maybe to seduce him to do things for her, since she's so small?
I think Gillou fits that the best since she likes to make people happy, and would probably really like to make someone sexually satisfied considering she'd cherish anybody who would do that with her.

Also, why would Gillou like voyeurism? Love the "first time atmosphere" though. Makes it seem so personal.

>Agua isn't for sexual
"Girl next door" nerdy type I guess
Doesn't think much of sex
Her and Ronnie are two girls that might run into trouble online

I think Gillou lacks the self confidence to think anyone could love her.
It's not that she likes voyeurism necessarily, it's that her outdoor environment, uncooperative figure, compromising attire, and various quirks leave her a good target for it
Well, here I am again, at the bottom of the fucking barrel. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but I still feel fucking awful.

I went ahead and peeled away from this fandom a while ago. No fucking idea how long. I hadn't thought about pony in months, and it was fucking grand. Then, I'm on /v/ and I see some fucker spamming shit threads with pony porn. I report it like any normal person and move on, but the bastard keeps popping up.

You know what I did? I whipped my dick out and here I am, on this wretched board. Apparently since I stopped coming here the mods finally started excising porn threads. That's a good thing, like objectively a REALLY GOOD THING, but somehow a bad board got even WORSE since I was last there. Everyone's spooging over some fucking fan cartoon, everything's a fucking general now, everything is just WORSE than I remember it.

I didn't really WANT to come here. Now, having no payoff for something I didn't want to do in the first place, I'm sitting here with my fucking pants off. My dick's limper as a wet fucking noodle, half from the lack of stimulation and half from the self-loathing I'm pouring upon myself right now.

I'm pissed off, disappointed, and feeling pretty fucking low. All because of a shit troll on /v/. I hope he's fucking happy. He didn't make me mad, but he made me want to kill myself. Guess that's the next best thing.

Lay it fucking on me. I'll take whatever you've got.
Which is why she would love to make sure the other person likes it.
Have an example?
Also, do you like us talking about this stuff?

This stuff is all the rage.

We've moved to a new horse.
We migrated to the new thread: >>12868663
At least one thing hasn't gotten worse: That horrid fuck's artstyle.a

Thanks for the tip, or whatever. Guess I'll go repost it there. Don't even fucking know why I'm doing this, maybe just for attention or some shit.
have a few examples
you'll have to look close on that last one
GG pls post PB MC
Poor girl can't do anything with that body of hers. I guess that means there's just more to love.
I love that little gut-and-crotch thing...

You coulda just tilted your screen back, too, if you're on an LCD screen. You'd keep most of the original color that way.
Stop spoiling the fun...

Gillou has just the right amount of pudge on her.
I guess.
it doesn't work on my screen
here's the thing
PB has two "friends" that she adventures with in her party: Leo the Cyclops and Puck the Fairy. Leo's got mind control powers, Puck has bodymod magic powers
Between the two of them they sure don't treat her very nicely

you mean the triangular area above the crotch and below the stomach?
that smooth plush little mound?
best area
I DO like her, but I like "centralized" pudge better. Put it more in the belly, butt, and boobs for me, and less in the arms,legs, hips, and face.
I usually draw my girls with "taut" chubbiness
Unlike, say, Ross, I don't usually draw rolls

So my girls will generally come out wide or thick, but they won't have like rolls of fat or a frontbutt or whatever
And when I say face, I'm obviously talking more in general. Gillou's head is fine how it is. Chubby cheeks are fine, too, but leave double chins away.
I'm sorry, GG
I'm sorry, Gillou
So GG, again, do you like us talking about your stuff? How would you want us to do so?
I don't know your body type, GG, but coming from a fat guy, that area is VERY sensitive.

I want to run my fingers ever-so-lightly over Gillou's underbelly.
Who wouldn't want people talking about their creations
I've no specific rules or structure or anything, but it's always nice to see people discuss the stuff amongst themselves, and as I said once before I'd rather have people care about my creations than about me as an artist

I always like seeing the occasional discussions about it pop up, like which monstergirl is better, or who waifus who, or how a given one would react to something, or whatever
it's all weirdly flattering
"weirdly flattering" is off putting. Like, why not just say flattering? What makes it weird? Do you not like it but don't want to tell people to not do it?
>you will never give Dewbon a relaxing massage
In that I know a lot of people are put-off by people getting too into that sort of thing but it doesn't bother me

Weird by normal standards, I guess. Not by mine.
It would have to be like those massages where they stand on you and use their feet.
Draw more Gnath and I'll flatter you weirdly
So it's the idea that other people don't like people who like your stuff?
I've been called a GG "dickrider" more times then I can count.
Like I said I only say it's "weirdly" flattering in that most people don't seem to take it well
I'm not trying to insult anyone here

I'm not exactly looking for "WOW GG I TOUCHED MY WIENER LOOKING AT THIS GOOD JOB" but I'm flattered my work has an effect on people
no homo
you're not normal, GG.
and that's why i love you and your stuff. it has a really genuine and visceral quality. you don't conform to norms and don't hide where you deviate. few people who are do that openly.
People hate everything. They usually do it emptily though, without actual discussion or debating going on. Just a "I don't like thing because it's shit and should be gone forever" instead of objectively.

That's what it means to have fans. And I have to agree with >>12870799 because "normal" is boring.
>Normal is boring
Which is why I'm glad this stuff sticks with monstergirls and weirdos instead of HOT ANIME BABE WITH BLUE HAIR
Damn GR, first Agua now this?
This is cute as fuck
I love her expression and those cute lips

The huge sleeves as wing stand-ins is perfect and those thighs are spot-on
This thread could die soon, maybe we should take it to the sub before that happens. I'm liking these conversations.
Sure, by all means
Twilight a shit
I love Twilight Sparkle.
Twilight a shit
And this marks the end of the thread. Page ten and soon dead.
Twilight a shit

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