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04/10/12(Tue)23:58 No.1186311>>1185034
>the next few hours are spent catching up >he's been working in Cloudsdale for the last few years - he likes it out there, but it's really not like home, and he's been considering moving back - there isn't really much tying him down there anyway, so it wouldn't be too hard to do. >as he talks, they can't stop their eyes from wandering, enjoying the sight. >"So, how about you two? What's new since I've been gone?" >Not much has changed since he left - aside from being single now, the both of them, and the last Tornado Season coming to Ponyville again, there hasn't really been anything interesting about the last few years except for some friends getting married and having kids of their own - although, none are as cute as he was >Snickering, one ruffles his hair as she recounts a story from when he was little. It brings a bit of red to his cheeks and he laughs, embarrassed. >"Look! He still blushes like he used to!" >Fond memories come back to the surface as one story leads into another, and the twins fondly reminisce >it's almost by accident that his mother's comment comes up, and he laughs again. >"She's got you in on it too, huh?" >She's probably just concerned for him - he never went out with anyone before he left, and she's probably just wondering why he had no interest in dating. >He smiles a little, as he says that none of the mares he's met interested him that way >A lot have been interested, but he only has eyes for two. |