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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

EDIT: The Rotating Banners contest is now over, but we still need more House Ads!

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Last Thread

Dash Thread? Dash thread. Now with some cute pony tails!
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Alright, here's some Dash.
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dash with a ponytail is mad cute
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Thats not Dash.
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thats not dash
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I can get behind this horse
why is it a gif if it's not animated?
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Oh, my mistake, let me try again.
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Dash is mad cute
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Seeing as this is a Dash thread...

Been practising painting ponies, I don't think I'm going to finish it.

What do you think MLPG?
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If you want cute gif, you should have ask! Here best pony!
Rainbow Dash will let you have one of her big feathers for keeps if you clean her pigstye of a room, do you do it?
Looks fine.
Who are you?
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I guess
It can't be that bad
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Tex, please.


That looks great so far. The sketched wing looks better then the wing you drew over, for some reason.
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I think the "unintentionally cute" aspect of her cuteness amplifies just how cute she is. She does not want to be cute, but that makes her all the more adorable as a result.
The place has not been cleaned since she moved in.
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>speedycloud thread
What a glorious time to be on MLPG

Sure thing, her wings are mad pretty
I bet her feathers look really nice as well
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Compiled, fixed, again, this is a rough estimate based on how much people shit on on respective episodes:
Season 1
SS moves around a lot between bad and good, more often bad than anything else
FPK moves between meh and good
CoC same as FPK

Season 1 is between 5 and 7, scores 6 on average.

Season 2:
MMDW, few liked it, myself included
BC, some liked it, some really disliked it, it averages out into "meh".
S&E between meh and good, more often meh, scarcely bad
DQ gets a spot under "meh".

ACW deserves at least a mention for finally bringing BUY OUR TOYS shamelessly into the show, even though in general not many find them to be shit episodes.
That makes for 5-7 less than good episodes, same as s1, average 6.

Season 3:
WA and KCaFO aren't bad episodes, but they're not good enough. Somewhat entertaining, somewhat forgettable, somewhat flawed, fully meh.
GPP is debatable, similar to WA and KCaFO in many ways, but it brought two entertaining characters into life.

TCE deserves a special mention once again, while not outright bad, there were several issues with it.
MMC was a great episode with a shit ending, but it really can't be counted as worse than good.
That makes it 4 to 7 - not enough time has passed to give a more accurate score.
In addition, the season had 13 episodes, thus receiving a final score of shitness of 11,

Now I'll stop posting walls of text.
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Dash is also cute when she is force to do thing she might not like, like wearing a cute outfit.
Well I mean if I'm going to have to pay for carpet cleaners as well this is probably going to get expensive
I could easily just swipe a feather
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Dash is not my favorite pony, but I would still hang out with her. Maybe even give her a massage after a long flight.
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blue horse is mad gay
Actually nobody... maybe I'll change that.

Yeah, the wing looks like total shit, I've no clue how to paint them though.
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Shut up, Pinkie
Holy values, batpone!

This is really nice
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>implying that's a bad thing
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Is this Rainbow Dosh?
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Be honest with us now, would you rather cuddle your favorite Pony or the human version of your favorite Pony?
Your style looks vaguely familiar though. Not sure who you are, but what brought you to MLPG
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Oh wow, I really like how those eyes look. Nice work with the values.
And with the wings, perhaps try blicking in the shadows of each group of feathers first and then working with the highlights?
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Why yes it is!
Pony pony
What kind of question is this
the is no way i would pass up on horse sex
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Or a gangster one.
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Such a pretty tail
but so damn hard to paint...
Pony version

But if we're talking sex...then...I'll have to get back to you on that
You're painting now?
Like I'd pass up running my fingers through my favorite pony's mane and wings while holding them close. Pony.
human version

less awkward size differences.
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Painting the wing or drawing the wing? I know some one here can give you an advice in painting wings.

I am looking at you, BCS or Nobody.
Grévy's zebra stallions have large testicles and can ejaculate a large amount of semen to replace the sperm of other males.
>most of that
eh, nothing new
>to replace the sperm of other males.

How awkward, like >>11679364 awkward?
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Not at the moment, but I've had difficult times painting her tail before.
Hardcore Pony Cuddling

But if the human version were chubby, then you might change my mind
This is why they cum so much. Creampies are an essential element to their survival.
This is a useful adaptation for a species whose females mate polyandrously. Bachelors or outside territorial stallions sometimes "sneak" copulation of mares in another stallion’s territory.[16] While female associations with individual males are brief and mating is promiscuous, females who have just given birth will reside with one male for long periods and mate exclusively with that male.
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this pony is bait
post the other five
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i love dash, shes the __cuntiest pone

captcha: incarnate okeybro

even captcha agrees
Those eyes look pretty awesome and breaks what would otherwise be pretty uncanny if the whole body's shading was done in the style of the head.
Really like it.
I've been here since 2011, I've drawn maybe once or twice for the general but I sucked hard at it.


I dunno, even I think my painting looks pretty generic.

That image'll be super useful, going to do Dash in a more dynamic pose and I'm definitely going to have to figure out how to (draw and) paint her wings properly.
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How fast is horse?
Is there a good upload of the movie yet?
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You get to go to magic horseland and be with all the ponies. The catch is that they are all only as the blind bag toys.

How do you deal with it?
wtf is steam trading card?

Why do I need to care?
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So fast you don't even see her
this is a reproductive stratgey in a number of species

The largest testes of all belong to the northern wright whale. They aren't even close to being the largest whale, yet their testes are the size of volkswagen bugs. They produce so much sperm, they flush the sperm of the previous male out of their mates vagina. One biologist observing mating described their penises as "sperm firehouses."
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Have another.

Very fast.
Or maybe I'll just try to get the stylized version right first.
*as big as
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>dat face sweeping
dammit tex u trying to boner me again
This one is pretty decent:
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>tfw still waiting for DVD rip stream
>or just a stream probably
Why are you asking a pony thread about it?
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Alright, thanks
>sperm firehoses
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I can wait until MLPG streams it and we all riff off it.
yeah, exactly.
There was a stream of EQG last sunday.
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Rarity/Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
The other ones
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This guy knows what's what.
I disagreement
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Oh my god that picture
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Mah little nigga
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Pone is ded
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Good taste
>liking amateurs riffing off a movie in real time

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Yeah, the horror
Yeah, you got a problem with that, nerd?

>I'm not serious about this picture

Why is that necessary?
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Pony needs to get chalked up. Then pony will be in the mood to party and not dead.
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We know we're not zebras ok? Well except for Klondike.
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I still say we should diversify beyond ponies, and create our own /co/. A better 4chan. I don't like the direction 4chan has been heading. Too many normals, too many kids, and too many /pol/tards ranting about Jews and Negroes. I just don't like the userbase as much.

And it's clear we'll never be allowed back on /co/. So we should make our own /co/, where ponies are allowed. Our own promised land.
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Thank fuck
Which pony likes to get her fash on?
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>white people
So basically, the sub?
goodbye, good luck on your venture
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>you'll never be a human with a giant zebra dick that you have to hide from your peers

We have it, and no one goes there but to dump art and for questing
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That's good to hear
I'm supposed to say how retarded they look but all I see is people acting silly and enjoying every minute of it. Only the guy holding the drink and standing back awkwardly isn't dancing but he seems to be amused by the whole situation so he's not at a loss.
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Here's some better.
You'd be like a superhero except you wouldn't have super powers, just a giant zebra dick.
>you will never have to buy large plastic bags to cum in or else face constant laundry cycles
>his feet hurt
>the music is too loud
>everyone is plebeians
>he wishes he was home playing videogames

Awww, how loving and tolerant of you!
>why isn't Jon here playing vydia with me
classic mlpg
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more like Dash/Rarity/Pinkie
The other ones
Almost all of the people in pictures like these are having more fun than I have ever had in my life.

It's all very sad.
>implying Jon's ever coming back
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>wanting to kiss a horse

Thought that comic was stupid, but that right there is comedy gold.
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Well, go make some brony friends then?
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>the sub

Basically that but expanded. As it stands now though, it's too slow and can't handle us. It'd crash if we moved MLPG there.
>tfw PNGLN hats us


Just stop right now. It's a pipe dream.
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Who would kiss a pony?
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i want to kiss horse
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It does pretty well actually, there's considerably more traffic there than you'd imagine.
Probably more than there should be anyway.
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>Ross tier humanizations
>Not ponies
I would kiss a pony. Nonsexually.

Unless things got really heated, but that's something we'd have to take slow and on a case-by-case basis. As is I'd hug just about any of them without any cause.
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I-I don't wanna k-kiss a horse
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For the love of god someone buy this for me at bronycon, i'll pay you back i swear.
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I really want to, but my social anxiety really makes it hard for me to engage anybody without getting super nervous and fucking things up to the point where (I think) people don't want to be around me. I'm also kind of a cunt.
I'll buy it, post pictures on MLPG and smash it and throw it away
>It does pretty well actually, there's considerably more traffic there than you'd imagine.
>Probably more than there should be anyway.

It's because everyone goes there to find the link to MLP General. That's what drives traffic. Sometimes people take a peak and look at the site itself. Plus, I think there's some Quests that are done over there right?
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>humanizations with giant breasts
mah nigga
That's way, way better than Ross tier
>fart jokes and memes

why did i expect the comic to be anything else

Head needs to be, like an actual head and not a smile face.
I will cut you.
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I don't know what this faggot tree is. I sure as hell didn't plant it. Who planted this dumb tree!? It was Fluttershy, wasn't it!?!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq199phnq4w (I remember this post... )

Why not just cut it to pieces with all those edges?
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Aw yeah, tongue studs

Well shit
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lets just stay inside and talk about JoJo or something, the outside is full of normalfags
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my fucking sides

this one is going in the vault
>Saved it with the filename.
Thats' actually really cool. Is that by Paper Pony? All of his are apparently $40 or $45 for these "shadow boxes". Honestly, considering how perfect they look and how neat they are that sounds appropriate (it's art, it's going to cost more than the materials, get over it). But I simply don't have a place for that nor can I think of the right pony I want.
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>i hate this guy
>but if i had draw ability this exactly what i would be doing

I've seen some Tex-Anon reaction pics/gifs on /co/ and /a/. Have you seen any? What was your reaction?
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Really liking this stuff
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I wish I was able to pone like Tex
>Not brushing your pony's mane
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Who made these?
>Apple pupils
That always weirds me out
BCS did something happen to you? I'm looking through your art thread, and your stuff has taken... Well not to be rude, but it's gotten a lot worse recently. Not to mention your recent posting habits.

Did someone find your trip?
I'd take the hand off.

we appledashing now?
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He ponys pretty hard... are you sure you can maintain that level of pony?
>apple pupil

That's a-fucking-dorable
I’m the T to the wilight and ain’t no other pony troll it down like me, I’m Twilightlicious! ;)
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it was worth saving with it
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Oh man, what is Twilight going to do now that she has Applejack pinned like that?

Whatever you say
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I personally love anything that makes eyes different but you know

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>Rainbow not being an athelticly build flat chested runner

Tara Strong pls

please go voice act more
I had that half second of 'Wait, I didn't post that...'
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I love you guys you especially, but it's just not the same as having real friends
>Hueg breasts
>large frame
>Rainbow Dash

Excuse me, what?
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I love that artist
That is a pretty knight pony. Do you have more ponies in armor? It's hard to find good pictures of it.
Raise your hand if you once had a Conceptart.org portfolio and thread when everyone told you weren't good enough...

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Would you invade her?
I find it to be a funny juxtaposition.
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She's going to cuddle

good luck. Don't let the pony overtake you.

You should make more!
There are already many other imageboards with much better userbases, and I use many of them frequently. They're fantastic.
If you're using 4chan exclusively you're doing it wrong.

Invade her lands, maybe.
>going to other imageboards
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1.19 MB GIF
>young athletic woman can't have tits

Invade and hide on the walkways near the silver knight archers.

But ... but we already have our own imageboard.
I know... he kinda came out of nowhere, too. Just all of a sudden started drawing really good stuff.
>There are already many other imageboards with much better userbases, and I use many of them frequently. They're fantastic.

Which ones do you use?
Cuddling on top of her from behind? Does she shift her weight as she does it?
You couldn't perhaps name a couple, could you? I might have visited them before, but I don't happen to regular anywhere outside of 4chan that often
There's tits, and then there's those movement impairing melons.

Having titanic boobs typically excludes them from it.

Please tell me more
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If I looked through all of my pony, maybe like one other picture

I'm sure it will happen, you made me enjoy fapfictions as it is
do you want ti talk about it?
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I have no idea who you are, I don't recognize that name from anywhere at all.
So Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie conceivably went to school together. What do you think they thought of one another back then?

Do you think they were friends before they met Twilight Sparkle?
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You are worse than Satan.
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Anyone have a good picture of Rainbow Dash's dress from EQG? I want to draw her after Applejack.
well technically his pony art came out of nowhere. His name on FA is phurie, I think
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This is a pony.

You are not a pony.

Therefore I do not have any kind of useful or intelligent conversation to provide, as a typical worthless ordinary human being.
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That's why she doesn't do sports.
For some raisin, I imagine that Scootaloo would be boss at spinning out sick rhymes
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the normal one or the magical girl transformation one?
You should go.
Pls go
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Twilight conveniently reversed gravity for her. But now she's all tired out.


You realise that the image we're complaining about was of Rainbow Dash right?

Follow the reply chain.
I asked if you wanted to talk about it, not if you had could talk about it
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The magical girl dress.
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>you'll never cunnilingus a sweaty fupa

Honey, calm down
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You'd be the only one to know who I am if I posted my trip

I can't fap to this
A sweaty what?
I would say that Applejack and Pinkie Pie were friends, but it was one of those "we're not friends with anybody else at the moment" types of friendships.

You know, like Apple Bloom and Twist
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Pony needs a date
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Where would you take pone out to eat for lunch? Keep in mind she has a very high metabolism and can eat quite a bit.
I thought Pinkie was Tropicana for a second.

And wow, that is a cute pic.
It's June 26th.
October 3, 2014.
Or did she want the fruit?

O-ok then.

M-miss Rarity would you go on a date with me?
...I really don't think that accounts for all of it. I mean, you're obviously still drawing, and artistic burnout looks like it effects the creative assets more. Your newer sketches, however, are objectively lower quality in basic areas. Not only that, but your posting over the past month has been strange.

Not trying to attack you, I was just curious and a little worried.
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Not really.
fatty upper pubic area

I'm used to seeing it used more with males than females
How does pone turn the dial
She should definitely contact Sweetie Bell.
She's the shippingest pony and also the pony most disgusted by it.
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have a colour version.
Which pony
Is it princess purple cause if so then YES
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>Twilight goes out trying to court boys
>ends up going out with a preteen who lied about his age
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I've got an idea.

We set up a speed dating service for pone
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Thank you anon pony appreciates your help
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Help yourself
>not liking thick, juicy thighs
Why is Josh Peck cosplaying as AJ?
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Oh, really? I'm curious now.

Lighten up, Twilight.

And with that, the courts legalized degeneracy and destroyed the family.

Shes off her meds and psycho depressed
Wow, that was fast.
well alright

Low body fat pretty much excludes you from having giant knockers

Large tits are mostly fat
There isn't a whole lot of variation between the size of the actual non fatty tissue
American South pls
/pol/ pls
the image was made last year

Wow, Dash is a huge cunt. She must be getting desperate if she's going to Twilight with her self-insert Wonderbolt fanfictions.
Who drew this? They should do the other three as well

Oh sorry, meant to post this in /pol/!

I'm sure ordinary americans can destroy marriages just fine by themselves with their wild divorce rates.

Dude. Stahp.
I don't mind marriage but they should still not be allowed to adopt.
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It's a colour
I read Pinkie Applejack Rarity and filly in that last post and then the post it was replying to and thought they were the same. Whoops.
Good riddance
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I was quite pleased by the news, but I'm afraid it's nonpony.

It does mean good things for many people, though.
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>Big titty human OC
>"But she has Twist's hair from MLP, so it's totally MLP related guys!"
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are you the one who did this thread?
I'm pretty sure she was on her meds.

BCS, are you taking your meds?
There isnt much else going on scootaloo
Now go back home
Did we Celestia quest yet?
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What if it's just an Equestria Girls fan character?
Doesn't have time for romance because...

>Twilight Sparkle
"I-I've got too many important duties to attend to!"
"I'm far too busy, not to mention that there simply aren't any eligible young bachelors available in Ponyville..."
"I'm runnin' a business here! Get out!"
>Pinkie Pie
"I'm a free spirit! Plus I haven't emotionally matured to the point that I can differentiate between platonic friendship and romantic love!"
>Rainbow Dash
"Too busy going fast! ...sniff"
"Nobody would want me...I'll just be in my cabin...alone...until I die..."
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I know, ain't it great!
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Rose did. Ages ago.

Look at the post date.
It doesn't matter, she's the biggest shitposter currently, won't take requests, and won't leave.
You'd ratehr the equestria girls version of twist?

I'll find her in the movie if you really want that.
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Why are bronies so loaded?

And how do I get in on some of those brony bucks?
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You're trotting down a dangerous road GG.

How disgraceful.

What does their mother think of them?
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Make shit and charge money for it
So I want to go ahead with the Pony Tactics idea.

I'm confident in my ability to program it. But I want to know what I should be aiming for. Gameplay-wise.

Going to start with top-down combat just because I'm more used to that, but the core logic is the same except for graphics and mouse input for isometric view.

I don't want to just steal all of Pony Salvation's idea. Like you probably want a lot of different units that can change 'classes'. That's fine and I'll plan ahead for it, but that's not a focus.

My current focus is to get a functioning prototype working. I've been making a lot of smaller games lately and have been getting better at working with larger games and how to structure and layout everything.

tl;dr: Pony Tactics, what do you want in gameplay?

I know very little of Fire Emblem and that seems like the common SRPG, I'm more familiar with FF Tactics.
Become JJ or good at sewing
Do they break into song and dance too?
Like a real street gang?!

oh no
Does the advent of Twily's wings encourage or kill her chances of getting laid ordinarily?
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Smoking is bad. I'm reporting you to the principal.
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Didn't this nigga get a shirt with just this image to wear?

>Making a shirt with your own picture on it
I like my thighs but that its just something about the anatomy in that picture seems off
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2 gay ponies getting married

Because autismbux.
Everyone's too intimidated by the wings to think they've got a chance with her so they pay her no nevermind
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>Do they break into song and dance too?
Sure why not, they've already got the rhyming down pat
and I'm sure they've worked out a great rhythm
>tfw Kevin is PM now
>tfw he supports gay marriage
>tfw he's only going to be PM for a few months

I am cry
Imagine you work a comfortable IT job, now imagine you spend 100% of your disposable income on pony stuff.
But that's the thing, she is taking requests. They've been taking a dive though, I don't understand how that could even happen so much.

And the time she does spend here, most of what I see is her either making completely off-topic posts, calling other posts notpony, and complaining about how 'summer' it is in here.

Jesus Christ, how progressive
Pon isnt gay, pon swings both ways
I don't know what that means.

they're going to start singing aren't they.

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But I can't do either of those things.
Bullshit:The Post

They dont' look like negroes.
How much did Hoppip's sex plush sell for?

Then get the fuck out!
While snapping their fingers.

>Australian election
>not just drawing dicks all over your ballot
>Apple is the man in the relationship
Absolutely disgusting
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hmmm. Can't think of anything off the top of my head.

encourage. Wings are much more dexterous than hooves and they look pretty on her.
$300something if i recall
Abandon thread before we get trapped in another Disney Musical sponsored by Hasbronies.

It's nothing but pasta from this point on.

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why did i imagine them dancing to AND I AM PLAYING THE GAME, THE ONE THAT'LL TAKE TO MY END

goddammit lolicatgirls, /f/ has fucked my brain
Man, I really wanted that thing too.
Use it to hold my stuff....
No seriously I would use it to hold my pens and shit.
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nope, i don't have a good picture of it
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Please say no

Did someone say... loli cat girls?
She doesn't take requests.
I didn't watch up to this part. So her hair grows out, she grows actual pony ears and wings?
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Better than what I was trying to look at.
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$704 dollery doos
>It prints money!
I know promises of games are common here and actual games aren't. I could say I'm serious or that I won't quit but that's also just as common.

Expect a post tomorrow on my progress.
BCS can you please put your dragon dick reference folder in dropbox, i need it.

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someone please draw the cmc doing this dance, on top of chariots and shit
And swinging their dicks
I want to marry you.
Everyone is married to Princess Purple
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I don't have such a thing. Do you not use google images?

Google hemipenis. derp.

Oh, I remember now. That's a little ways back (in internet time).
You aren't Applejack.
My heart belongs to Rarity, I don't even like you that much.
what is google


also the game

you just lost it
Did Celestia Quest happen already?
>Fantasy penis references

Just look at Lizard dicks and use your imagination.
>tfw there is no longer any future for STEM professionals in America
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What? I don't remember it selling for such an insane amount. Wasn't it more around $100-200?
I'm the only one married to Twilight.

She also pretty much stays airborne from that point on which i thought was a nice touch
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But what if I was?
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Nope, 30 minutes to go till it starts.
>le its hard being a conservative brony face
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He has a fedora, how can anyone take this guy seriously?
His other regular plushes that didn't get a lot of press did, but he sold the sex toy on some kind of furry ebay-like site.
Sold really well because of the attention.
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It says on the KYM page that it sold for £460 GBP or $704 USD
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Isn't Gabe Newell a brony?
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The pink must flow
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>Be Conservative.
>See this.
>Feel bad about it now.
Why'd you take your trip off? You can't keep telling everyone to filter you if you just shitpost as Anon anyways.
Yes, and his favorite pone is Rainbow Dash

Lucky bastard.
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he is whatever provides the most sales

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>I AM THE MAN in the relationship

I can't take anything in this picture seriously
>is 26
>looks 13
She put another on and called it AppleJack
Oh, guess I mixed it up with his regular ones then. Just remembered Hoppip plushies never selling for much
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I have an entire folder dedicated to bronies.

This is the best fandom.
>GG starting Zebra Twins quest on the sub
>Playing a young mare
>"Try not to get raped"
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I thought he was a Pinkie guy?

I don't think you know who you are talking to anymore.
He looks like he is trying to eat his own chin too.
Hahaha, no way, he looks like he's maybe 14-16.
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They are quite special, yes
i literally asked him myself, but have since lost the e-mail
I got that. But do I seriously have to keep filtering her?
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Are you trying to play out some kind of stupid "what if" situation or is GG really running a quest
Every ideology and viewpoint has people that makes all the others who share it look bad.

Don't worry too much.
It's a good thing we all look like chiseled macho men.
Come, let us ripple our muscles at one another!
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We brone now?
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It's a lot of work and until a mod bans her, we're stuck with it.


That guy creeped me out man. He'd beyond awkward nerd territory, and into mental problems territory.
it was on my old computer. i remember breaking the news to /v/ but they diddnt believe me. then a few weeks later that interview came out and i felt like one smug son of a bitch
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/mlpg/'s /fit/izen bro-culture is second only to /sp/

You could also, like, not care
M-mu nostalgia...
What a dwarf
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Bans don't work so great.

what is proxy and TOR and public libraries and Internet cafes
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Let's go get swole and talk about our favorite episodes, chums
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That would be FAR too easy for MLPG to do.
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Please do?
>Be overweight by 20ish lbs.
>Body frame hides it.
Feels good.

I feel like I have answered this already but Cutie Mark Chronicles, Nightmare Nightmare and Keep Calm and Flutter On.
oh god what have I gotten myself into

The one with Pinkie Pie, is the best
You can't even afford the $10 to go back to the shithole you came from, you definitely couldn't afford using an internet cafe just to avoid a ban
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People notice, they're just too nice to say it.
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The Internet cafe is free.

Your loss.
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Well, lets see

the first thign that comes to mind as twist-like in the movie is this particular girl

with the big ass glasses

yes I know it's not twist I'm gonna get the movie up in a moment, but just in case I can't fidn her you should consider her a base for the eqg twist model at the very least

and now to skim through equestria girls
Is it true MLPG?

Is it true that if I kill myself with love in my heart and pure intent I can be reborn as a pony in Equestria?
I always find those hard to believe because I honestly can't see someone in a position like gabens sitting down and answering inane emails.
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Wake up sheeple
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My favourite episode was probably the one where Flutterhsy overcame her shyness.
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Lift and run faggot.
>Gabe likes RAMBO DOOSH
No surprises here.
No, we changed the rules. You also have to take BCS down with you now.
he is very well known for doing that though. he answers fan mail all the time.
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>tfw no pony stallions will never invade your personal space aggressively and make you sexually confused by getting waaay too close to your face and whispering lewd things in your ear
O sweet Death, take me now

no you idiot

stop going to tulpa threads
But running makes me breath hard and sweat!

I used to be athletic as fuck.
This is what happens when you fucking stop.
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Gaben thinks Pinkie is best pony.
>I always find those hard to believe because I honestly can't see someone in a position like gabens sitting down and answering inane emails.

Gabe says he honestly tries to read all his emails. He sometimes and rarely replies.

I also emailed him and told him to buy FiM and save it from Hasbro.
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JIDF please.
Tell me all your thoughts on Celestia

Cause I'm on my way to see her!
While you're at it, could you get some shots of shortstack Photo Finish?
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That is strangely specific anon
>I also emailed him and told him to buy FiM and save it from Hasbro.
Did he reply?
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Everyone knows Pinkie Pie is best pony.
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She is a very pretty pony who should learn to relax more.
What are you waiting for anon?

Your ponies await you

Do it now
Oh god wtf did they do to carrot top.
But that post wasn't JIDF at all.
She has a really cute sister
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Tell her that I like her sister.
Bleach is an uncomfortable way to go, you sure you want it?
>Did he reply?

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something something mommy horsie freudy horsie
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also with the movie open now here's a more body hot version of that particular charatcer

okay searching for twist for real
>Pinkie Pie is best pony
Pffft, yeah, for FAGS!
>Carrot is seen with massive glasses.
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>Gaben wants to go fast
>but he can't
anyone can make mistakes
I used to think twilight was best pone
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I like the magical crown thingy and the long horn and wings.
Why do none of the EQG people have gigantic pillowy breasts?
She has a mouth that would make a sailor blush. Bring some cigars
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I love her mane and her beautiful eyes and her wings and her calm character and it makes me quite sad that I will never enjoy a hug from her ;__;
She also has a nice ass.
Can't have little girls wanting breast implants.
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You mean the Fucking Awesome Guys with Style? Why, you are correct, anon!
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Isn't this a show for little girls?
Fat shaming
>inb4 that rainbow dash inflation gif
Gaben doesn't need to go fast to get somewhere.
Things just come to Gaben as he needs them
Even if it's a destination, he goes "I need to go there" and he is there.

Real men wear pink.

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she also keeps appearing, also fuck why do i keep getting pcis of her
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I wonder how Twilight's mom deals with the fact that she can never live up to Celestia in her daughter's eyes
Gonna have to be more specific there
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Oh, yeah, Saucer? Specific? How about FUCK YOU SPECIFICALLY?
Remember this post, you double nigger? DO YOU?
You did this to me!
at least EQG was good about not having multiple copies of the same person on screen at the same exact time.
No, anon. When Gaben needs to go somewhere, this "somewhere" being moved to Gaben's location.
The EQG one where her arm looks like a breast
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still the best witch

She probably goes on with her day normally. She has more important things to worry about, like her own house.
By writing stories about adventures.
He's crouching you dummy.
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I really hope LWA gets a series. Or a movie. Or SOMETHING. I really want more of it.
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uh ... what?
She's emotionally disowned Twilight, and you know what? Twilight's okay with that.
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Well he IS a handsome pony anon!
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>it makes me quite sad that I will never enjoy a hug from her
how cu—
>She also has a nice ass.
What would she think about that comment?
By being the best mom she can be for her daughter.

Also she participates in illegal streetfighting to relieve stress.
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tears of laughter
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also I realsie this isn't twist but oh god what did they do to mr.cake, seriously
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They get together every weekend and enjoy smoothies.
How do I kiss a unicorn pony mlpg?

Every time I do her horn pokes me in the face
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Oh, okay, now it makes sense.
Look at him checking out that underage booty
Hold them upside down when you kiss them, duh.
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Either laugh or give me a stern look.

Though I wouldn't say that if she was present.
damn these generals, I can't hold all these fetishes
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that's true, yeah
goddammit I can't stay mad at you
Just keep kissing, the horn telescopes. That's how they fit into hats.
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Try grabbing the horn and moving it up first, ya dork.

Or, you know, tilting your head a bit?
>say it out loud
>she was standing right behind you
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would you fight for your waifu?
Dont worry, the horns are flexible
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She has a knack of sneaking up on people.
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I've lost count of all the fetishes.
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Sometimes a horn is just a horn...
I'm going to need a visual
>tfw deadmau5 is still a closet brony

>Ayn Rand
>Pink Pie
>Using "somepone" to refer to people
>I'm something of an intellectual
>Serfdom in Equestria

This man must have no friends and super enabling parents.
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85 KB
My sides exploded.
Reese is super adorable, but nothing could replace Isabelle as waifu
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I know it's a horse giving a guy a blowjob but that little boop with her snout is too adorable.
Something about their noses is just cute.
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>this is her expression

(o ) ____ ( o)
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I'm starting to think EQG Fluttershy is kind of pretty

I guess I am really getting that desperate
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also did someone say EQG photo finish?

also I have a very strong suspicion twist might no be in this movie, unfortuantly

It'd help if I had Dvd quality because then I could cap the whole movie for real

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Nope, I'm fucked.
It'll go away once we start getting some S4 previews

It's going to be okay anon
she's a pretty slut
>she's watching all of us while we post
>she sighs and shakes her head as she sees each of us sitting at our computers, our posts appearing around her
>tired of it all, she cuts off the magic
>"I don't know why I keep watching them. I gotta find a hobby."
>She's back the next night
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Imagine this, only instead of Spiderman, it's a pony.
>sneaking up on her
What an improper behaviour for a princess.

Would she believe me if I told her I said sass and not ass?
Fuck Cyrus, you worthless slacker. You don't deserve my alpacifu
Can't draw now, maybe later.
>pony stabs anon in the neck
Obviously he's up all night fucking her brains out.
You'd be the same if she was your wife.
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My clever plan has worked!!
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Y-you really think im pretty?
>She sees AppleJack posting.
>Assumes it's the real Applejack.
Did anyone else read that doujin where she gets shaved and raped by villager while her husband is asleep?
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Hey Celestia, if you read this, please respond.

Also tell your sister that she has to visit my dreams because.. uhm.. I have bad nightmares or something like that
>Wanting a specifically white wife
>being white
If you don't link it, I'll never forgive you.
reminds me of that one picture of naked humanized fluttershy's butt with inhumanly long legs

No, no one saw it
who is this now?
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I still don't get it, why did they grow ears and wings?
>Obviously he's up all night fucking her brains out.
That would explain why she's giving me so much money for trash
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She seems to be enjoying herself...
Don't ask questions, just get in the van.
come to me
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Its ok anon its not like posted him wearing his adorable little orange bandana or something

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I've confirmed Twist hasn't appeared in the movie (that I can currently see)

sorry moronsonofboron
Gaben is never late, Anonymous. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
Because fuck you, horse magic.
Dear Anonymous,

She's been to your dreams before. Please go outside and find some friends.

-Princess Celestia
What happened to her other eye?
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You need candy, anon.

Did you forget to bring the candy?
>we want the furry audience
to sell toys
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I have fruit salad

It starts on page 26.
Oh my god, I've never even noticed that bandanna
god I want to pull his face in towards mine with it
how do you have so many of these pictures

Dear Anonymous,

Princess Luna thinks you are a total weirdo and pervert and says please stop writing letters to her and Rainbow Dash, they are not your waifus.

Also, go outside and get some sunshine during daytime hours, you are not nocturnal. And get some other hobbies, ponies do not cure depression.

Yours Truly,
Princess Celestia
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94 KB

God damn it.
>Dear Twilight,

>Please keep an eye on your friend Applejack.
>That shitposting earth pony is only alive because of you

>Your loving mentor,
>Princess Celestia
I mean... I wouldn't mind cuddling with her.
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Every time...
>ponies do not cure depression
Dear Princess Celestia,

I don't remember her ever visiting my dreams. Does she hide? There is no reason to be afraid, I promise!

I also totally went out today to take the trash out. Can I come to Equestria now?

Your husbando,
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948 KB GIF
>Gaben has never lost his remote.
>Or lost his left sock in the dryer.
>His smoke detectors have never needed a battery change.
>He has never missed a call.
>He is never late.
>Half Life will never be released.
I should probably just let you figure it out, but there is a plugin you can find.
Of course Half Life is released, there's even two of them!
Why is she so lumpy
would you play with Fluttershy's silky-soft pubic tuft
Tomorrow will take us away
Far from pone
No one will ever know our trips and names
But the pones' songs will remain

Tomorrow, not all will be pone
And you'll be alone
But don't be afraid
In the dark and cold
'Cause the pones' songs will remain
They all will remain

In my thoughts and in my dreams
They're always in my mind
These songs of ponies, ponoes and pone
And horses,
Come close your eyes

You can see them, too
Dear "Princess Celestia",

Please stop trying to fool those people into believing that I am writing to them. Your imitation is in poor taste.

Yours in truth,

Princess Celestia.
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Celestia Quest resuming now.

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I'm sending all of these to Celestia
The hell is this?
Go away, we're not talking about you.
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>not the most righteous bush ever
I suppose you're entitled to your tastes, but...
Her tail isn't colored
Dear Anonymous,

If I ever see your face in Equestria, I'LL BE THE ONE TAKING THE TRASH OUT!

Princess Celestia
Oh, I guess I could try to fix it


Dear "Princess Celestia",

Please stop trying to fool those people into believing that I am writing to them. Your imitation is in poor taste.

Yours in truth,

Princess Celestia.
thank you sexual colt
I want to run my fingers through Fluttershy's lucious butt tufts and circle them around her ponut
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I fucking love this song.
Is there a 'dear princess celestia' tumblr yet?
A little brone, but it might be fun to do that later.
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Dear Princess Celestia,

that was uncalled for.

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>Talking about a yellow cartoon horse's pubic hair

I forgot why I ever left you General
Are you truly anonymous DuckDuckGo.com? Are you truly truly anonymous?
I haven't written any letters to you, and I'm not planning on it until you learn to write properly with pen and ink.
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I don't think so.
Do it, I will drown your askbox in letters
Dear Marker,

By the time you read this I'll be dead. This is how I think it's gonna happen: Leth will boop me, then I'll boop Leth, then Ross will enter and get shot by Leth. Then you'll come in and get booped by Anon, Leth, and I multiple times.

Sincerely, The Old Horse.

P.S. Then two mods will read this letter and boop each other
But I did
Dear Princess Luna

I am a big fan of yours.
You are my favorite princess in all of Equestria. You are smart and very pretty and you have an amazing mane.
I hope you get more screentime next season
If I ever make it to Equestria I hope we can be friends.

Yours always,
Hell no.
Nothing is truly anonymous anymore
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I would tickle and lick Fluttershy's everything.
I really hope there's an episode or a comic about Luna fucking around in other people's dreams like it was Sandman.
well, I was just talking about pubic hair, in general, actually.
go boop yourself anon
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Stop posting lewd things about Fluttershy, you're making her nervous.
Would you tickle her hooves?

you literally can't
I'll try to have it up in a couple days.
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nervous fluttershy is my fetish
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This pony wants to trade her pokemon with you so it evolves, then trade it back. Will you accept?
I'd make tender love to a Fluttershy in estrus
Done: http://lettersfrommlpganonymous.tumblr.com/
I take the trade and give her a caterpie, then run off with her Gengar
I only play digimon, sorry.
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Sometimes pony care too much
Fuck yes.
Which pokemon is she trading for my awesome haunter?
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Okay then.
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What's so wrong about wanting to make her orgasmically happy?
N-no, dont disappoint me Nobody
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Do you think you have what it takes to satisfy her?
>trots into Dash's dream
>Dash is racing Spitfire but she's slow as molasses
>Fluttershy is drinking tea with Angel who is her father for some reason
>she sips the tea which tastes like green disappointment
>goes to Twilight Sparkle's dream which is a bunch of words and text from her late night studying
>briefly stops into Rarity's dream where she keeps dreaming that she's waking up
>grabs a few apples from Applejack's dream who's dreaming about going to work
>eats it while watching Pinkie Pie's dream which plays out like an action movie
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So what is MLPG up to tonight?
>Not wanting to fuck furiously, and cum inside, Reese while Cyrus is sleeping in the corner unknowing of the entire encounter
Step up your unf, Anon.
I failed a test on objective and subjective pronouns at my trade school

I'm contemplating how to become internet famous so I don't have to deal with the real world
apparently flutterbush
I'd like to see this. I would REALLY like to see this. Bonus points if each pone's dream has a different visual style to it.
well I could certainly try
she can experience firsthand what a pianist can do with his fingers
Writing letters to Celestia
Like that Spongebob episode where he goes into the dreams of all of his friends. Yeah that would be great.
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He is a background pony anon.
I know.
You and your bobcuts.
You should draw ponies with bobcuts.
We already have that exact thing.
oh my~
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How clothed is the optimal pony?
he did, once
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>patrick is just there in endless nothing riding one of those toy horses that are outside gas stations and malls while spongebob shows him the infinite possibilites of the dreamworld
>he runs out of coins
>cant even dream more coins
How many pictures of background ponies do you have?
Ironing out living arrangements for when I start school again.
>you will never lovingly fist a princess
Please to elaborate
>You'll never cuddle her in your lap
>You'll never slip your hand down the front of her skirt
>You'll never gently palm her mound for what feels like an eternity to her
SO good.
My cat's name is Princess. And she IS going to be in heat soon...
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forget that noise.
How many pictures of that specific pony do you have?
fisting isn't hot
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Not nearly enough


More than I had a few minutes ago as I just made that gif

It spreads!
You gotta fist real slow and gentle-like, anon

Like you're making love to her with your fist
Fisting Celestia would be like punching a sun
A very cold sun.
making pony gifs is pretty fun
I just made this one cause I was tired of that low res version

well fuck you image cap, next thread
We ran out
A hot, wet, velvety, clenching sun.
Image resolution is too large


>you'll never tease her labia with your fingertips while fondling her chest with your free hand
...this is human, right?

So... you'd hit in like the fist of an angry God?
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celestia, you've farted in my face before

No, but if you carry her around like a glove you can hit things with the fist of an angry god.
Ah memories...
Celestia smelled like a Subway...
Someone please make a new horse so I can go to bed
because you have ashura on your other hand?
Celestia has taken human form and is now your neighbor. What do, MLPG?
Delicious chocolate croissants in the royal bedroom~
dont make me summon Exodia

this is the horse that never ends

yes it goes on and on my friend
Wish her well in her principal job.
Fall in love with her and act a fool trying to earn her favor and affection.

Break into her house and bring her breakfast to bed when she wakes up.

Would be worth it.

That depends, is she seven feet of muscle-toned curves and humongous pillowy breasts?
What the hell are you doing

No, she's a fat, tanned wrinkly grandma with dyed hair that looks like she just got back from Florida.
nawt big enuff
Somebody make a new general, and we'll let BCS talk to herself for an hour or two in the one she made.
Sweeter horse here!
what even is this


Par for the course!

I love Twilight
Me too anon. Me too.

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