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02/10/12(Fri)15:23 No.34160698 File1328905430.jpg-(28 KB, 500x289, boondocksRiley500.jpg)
 >reply to all them bitches talking about which fandom is worse and what is creepier. >so why u mad?
Because these bitch ass niggas thought that talking ponies which look cuter than cats wasn't already a shit magnet for furries like Shaun and porn artists, they had to shout out the message of 'love and tolerance' and of course the stupid people took it as unconditional love and acceptance of everygoddamn nigga, especially the ones which have a shit life and can't type an informative or good post to save their asses.
So now we got bandwagon jumpers, /b/tards, reddit, tumblr, sonicfags, dr who fans, adventure time, homostuck, and every other god damn insane faggotbitch on the entire internet.
It's like they all combined to try and make a fandom worse than the justinbieberfags and sonicfans alone. The bronies are the ultimate fandom combined. |