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!tedl177Zx2 02/06/12(Mon)02:39 No.34012707 File1328513941.png-(1.23 MB, 1500x1000, Paradise cover.png)
 >>34012574 Hey, cosmo.
Also, what is better?
>E>very pony knows the story of their princess Celestia, of how her sister Luna was consumed with jealousy and transformed into Nightmare Moon. Of how Celestia gathered the Elements of Harmony and banished her to the moon. Of how for the last 1000 years, Celestia has ruled Equestria by herself. They know this story, passed down as children's tales and storybooks.
>They do not know the story of the sisters. Of how they were born as nothing by earth ponies. Of how ponykind survived only day-by-day, avoiding the dangers of predators, monsters, and far worse. Of how these two unassuming foals would grow, and that in their life they would struggle against the dangers, their own kind, and even the natural order of their world. Of how they would found Equestria, and how the founding was not at all their story's end.
Or . . .
>Celestia and Luna were born as unassuming foals in troubled times. But already marked for greatness, the simple earth ponies stand to face a world set against them, full of danger, fear, and sadness. A world they will change forever.
>A sweeping epic taking place long before Equestria was made, where Celestia and Luna must rise from normal foals to become the Princesses we know them as, beset from all sides by monsters, other ponies, and even the those forces that govern nature. Their tale is as tragic as it is triumphant.
Which is better for that blurb at the beginning describing the story? |