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!tedl177Zx2 02/02/12(Thu)13:15 No.33887951 File1328206555.gif-(1.88 MB, 640x360, Pinkie baby pound cake rape ml(...).gif)
>>33887815 Ha, ha, ha! A friend of mine told me stories about his high school, about the football's hazing process.
At the end of a year, when the new player was in the locker room, the rest of the team . . . I forget the word.
Basically, they pinned him down and humped him. Not naked, clothes still on. But it was simulated rape by the entire team of football players.
Straightmen simulating prison rape of all the novices. I could not believe my ears.
In the end, only one player ever got out of it. He was notorious through out the year for making gay jokes constantly. When his turn came, he spread his legs wide and said, "C'mon! I'm waaaaaittttiiiing!"
Scared the whole team shitless of actually touching him. I admire this man's tactics. |