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01/31/12(Tue)23:43 No.33841658>>33841172 (Yeah, you guys dont seem to be able to swim your way out of a paper bag.....if it was filled with water)
Suddenly, as you think this is it and you've about to black out, your pink jelly companion starts to.....glow! A sparkly purple aura shines all around her and, remarkably, she seems to be moving out of the jelly cube and, even more remarkably, seems to have shut her pie hole. As you see her pop out the side of the cube, she gives you a smile and a wave.
You feel something close around your chest and shoulders and a sudden force jerks you backwards. You fly blindly out of the jelly and hit the ground hard on your side with a SPLAT. You're light headed from the lack of air and the sudden flight, making your head swim a little, but you still have the presence of mine to hear "Rainbow, NOW!"
Through the goop in your vision, you see a rainbow blur past. In a split second, there was the jelly. Second later, you're reeling from a shockwave and are rained with dust and more goop. The jelly cube is gone.
You hear cheers and relize you're now surrounded by a bunch of new ponies standing over you. Directly over you is a orange one in a cowboy hat, holding a hope in its mouth which, you now can see, is tied to you like a lasso. That pink pony you saw in the cube is laying down next to you, likewise soaked in goo and laughing in your ear. There also two other seeing to little Sweetie, one all purple and the other white with purple hair.
"We did it again!" |