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!derpv/fTOE 01/30/12(Mon)22:17 No.33805530Here we go. I'm just going to summarize the events of last week so that we're all on the same page again. I'll try to keep this down to 2 posts:
Last Week: >Stopped singing to the Treasure Seeker Fanatic, watched her get turned to stone by the Cockatrice >Huddled up and waited for the Cockatrice to leave >Headed down the path, found Sweetie Belle injured in a bush. Rarity had vanished. >Put Sweetie Belle in wagon, continued onward to the base of the mountain trail >Scouted ahead of the team because Scootaloo was too chicken to do so herself >Came to a plateau, saw two ponies standing on the other side >Sang to ponies, discovered that they were Rarity and the derped out filly Fluttershy lost >Chanted to a dead tree >Saw a gap in the trail, told Applebloom to cut down the tree to make a bridge >Gigantic stone bird flew by on patrol, caught the group by surprise >xXx Decided to try and utilize the mysterious box to attempt to control the giant stone bird xXx >xXx Raisin lost her mind, player unable to control Raisin… xXx >APPLE QUEST TIEM > Player assumed control of Applebloom >**Took Raisin’s explosives, threw them at the giant stone bird. Bird was defeated** >Rushed the team out of the plateau due to an impending avalanche >All ponies accounted for; group hug and attempt to restore Raisin’s mind >Rarity runs off ahead of the group >**Used Marshmallows as earplugs to stop the derped out filly from rushing off to the Castle** >**Traveled to the Castle in the Sand** >Used a stone to distract guards, assumed cardboard box disguises from hammerspace, snuck into the Castle >Distracted guards inside the Castle with rocks, got most of team to the Grand Staircase >**Went back and rescued the scared filly** >Looked into treasure room; tempted to search through treasure >Sitting on steps, trying to determine next course of action >Decide to investigate the treasury to see what may be inside >xXx Have Pinkie jump onto the puzzle tiles xXx |