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!derpv/fTOE 01/09/12(Mon)03:11 No.33082948>>33082725 >"Dammit Jr, why do you have to make every decision seem terrible?"
That's my job, son.
>>33082694 >>33082747 You tell Sally that you need to know everything about what exactly is going on. You tell her to start from the very beginning as to how she got mixed up with some living granite pony golem named King Tezel.
Sally sighs. "You know, I said we only had a few hours..."
Scootaloo sits up. "Tell us everything you know!" Spike has the same sentiment. Sweetie Belle sits close to you. "What's even going on? I just woke up..."
You narrow it down quick, asking her about the fillies in the cages.
"Ha. That.. That's me being extraordinarily nice." She rubs her temples. "King Tezel absolutely hates children. The little unicorn fillies aren't strong enough to carve sto-" She looks at the group's confusion. "Okay, let me start from the top..."
So I was on the road, just trying to cut out a living for myself. I was out of goods to sell and in a bit of a rut. No goods, no money, no food. I saw this temple place in a mountainside out in the desert I was traveling through, so I decided to go treasure hunting.
That was the biggest mistake of my life.
Inside, there was a ton of gold, but also some gigantic stone pony. I didn't mind him at first... he didn't move or anything. Then, he started talking to me.
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