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01/06/12(Fri)14:26 No.32996386 File1325877965.jpg-(53 KB, 914x524, 1325625919586.jpg)
 Answer these questions truthfully anon...
>Why don't you have a girlfriend? >How close are you to your family and what do you talk about with them at gatherings? >Do you think you will die a lonely virgin? >How many relationships have you been in? >How many friends do you have in total online and off? >Are you funny, charismatic, interesting, original, outgoing, talkative, or the opposite? >Are you open minded and down to earth? >Have you been to a party, concert, rave, or festival? >What are you knowledgeable in and what subject could you talk for hours about? Would you say you're intelligent? >Are you going to uni or college? >When was the last time you socialized and went to another persons house? >How are your social skills on a range of 1-10 on and offline? >What are your interests and hobbies? |