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A Fleur In The Rough (1/3?)
12/13/11(Tue)03:19 No.32281984 File1323764341.png-(781 KB, 1600x1360, equestria-prevails Fancy_Pants(...).png)
 With a gentle breeze under her wings, Fluttershy returned her party guests to their nest. "Thank you so much for the wonderful time, friends," she said, her eyes twinkling. As she descended, she noticed the pink-maned unicorn with the fleur-de-lis cutie mark watching her. What was her name? Lily, she recalled as she touched down.
"Oh, I don't mean to stare," said Lily, "I've always wanted to be good with animals like you are."
"Thank you," said Fluttershy, shuffling a hoof nervously. She remembered Twilight's emphasis on assertiveness, and determined not to alienate one of Rarity's new high-class circle. "What business are you in?"
Lily blushed. "I really shouldn't say. Is the Princess' protegée truly as accomplished a mage as rumored? I knew her, back in magic kindergarten, but I forgot all about her until I saw her here."
"You know Twilight Sparkle?" asked Fluttershy, astonished.
"Actually, I was one of the ponies that teased her," said Lily, hanging her head. "My friends and I would chase her around the playground. If I'd known she'd become a hero of Equestria, I wouldn't have mocked her."
"But, why would you tease anypony?" asked Fluttershy, astonished.
"She just never felt right," said Lily, defensively, "She was always saying weird things, and geeking out about the mechanics of the magic in our lessons. She talked to the teacher like a friend, not a student, and she never even tried to make friends with us. It was like she didn't want to fit in." |