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12/10/11(Sat)01:23 No.32176284 File1323498185.jpg-(883 KB, 1280x1280, 95999 - artist phsuke spike.jpg)
So Spike is going to grow to large dragon size. How will they resolve this situation?
A) The ponies gather the Elements of Harmony and blast him in the face with them, this reverts him to normal. Complicated by Spike having stolen the Elements while hoarding.
B) Zecora tells of a secret herbal ingredient that is the only thing that can cure him. It is hidden far far away, and they must quest to find it. The ponies spend the entire journey singing.
C) Celestia shows up, zaps her horn, everything is magically fixed. Twilight spends the rest of the season trying to learn the Fix Everything Spell.
D) Spike steps on Ponyville, flattens all the ponies, and then yells "NOOOOOO!" so loud that he flies into space and spins the earth backwards, rewinding the events of the episode to when he was still little.
E) It's not reverted; Spike grows up, goes away to live in a cave, and Celestia mails Twilight a new egg with a new baby dragon.
F) Spike grows so large he causes cataclysmic damage to Equestria, and Twilight must team up with 24 other random ponies she's never met before in order to stop him and his new friends, or at least attempt to win some new boots. |