Pony Augmenting
11/09/11(Wed)17:47 No. 31334534 File1320878869.gif -(1.83 MB, 640x360, 1319309865816.gif ) >>31334449 Part 2: (Picture unrelated)But then augmentation magi-technology exploded, augmentations became more powerful, cheaper, more accessible, and even fashionable. Everyone whether they needed it or not were augmenting their natural forms with titanium, ceramics, polymers, alloys, and magic. Even a cursory glance around the room had Spike shuddering. Rainbow Dash and Spitfire toasted with glasses levitated in the air by artificial horns, Fluttershy and Big Macintosh were outside, flying together on mechanical wings, Pinkie Pie, well, the less said about her the better, and Applejack, who Spike would have thought would be the first to oppose it, had her hind-quarters reinforced and boosted to be able to buck the orchard with the greatest of ease. But the two most shaking cases for the purple dragon were his long-time crush Rarity, and his only family Twilight Sparkle. Rarity, ever the fashionista hadn't been the first to be augmented, but she was the pioneer of turning artificial limbs and body parts into artwork. And now she was more machine than mare. Polished ceramics of the most immaculate white with silver and gold inlays, even to the point where she supplemented her real cutie mark with one made from set sapphires, radiant with the magic of inspiration. Twilight Sparkle was a great comfort to Spike for the longest time, as she remained unchanged. But then, even she bowed to the changing times when she made her own breakthrough; Nanomachine Augmentation. The machines were now smaller, but ever present, and the only signs of Twilight's self-declared 'upgrade' was a metal ring set at the base of her horn, but that ring was only the tip to a much more complex iceburg of cellular sized robots that were empowered by the unicorn's endless reserves of magic and now worked round the clock inside of her.