!derpv/fTOE 11/06/11(Sun)01:15 No. 31223750 Now that I’ve given you some irrefutably game breaking advice, which save would you like to load? 1. You were able to convince Twilight that you and your fellow crusaders could deliver the journal to Cil, the mysterious reclusive dragon that got Spike booted from the library. You were about to head to Sugarcube Corner to ‘read’ it. You haven't met Cil yet, he’s not aware of your existence, and neither of you know what the other looks like. You've got a stuffy nose, but your breathing is okay. Currently sucking on a cough drop. Party consists of: Raisin, CMC 2. Obtained and consumed Moldrot cure from Zecora's. Her house was swimming in green, crystallizing fog that you discovered was inflammable. Zecora is missing. It looks like there was a fight at her house. In this run, you have bumped into Cil once outside of the library. He knows about you, but is most likely not suspicious of your intentions to fuck with him. Just met a pair of dimwitted Pegasi guards that have reported Mayor Mare missing. Party consists of: Raisin, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike (dozing off in Rarity’s saddlebags), CMC 3. Got to Sugarcube Corner, met Pinkie and helped her decorate cupcakes. You saw a vine/plant looking monster outside. You yelled at it, thinking it was Snips in a disguise. When you approached, another pony saw it and thought it was some monster that has apparently eaten the mayor. This caused a colorful pony stampede which you barely escaped with Fluttershy’s help. The monster vanished down an alley. The stampede outside was just calming down as you were pondering your next move. The choice is yours and yours alone.