Let's discuss why Cloud Kicker is best pony with no attention
She is ok but Derpy and Carrot top are better.
The next time I make a thread, I should probably remind myself to include the old thread in the OP.
>>31153727>pomf pomf pomf
>>31153727Uh, she kicks clouds?
>>31153786Don't you mean Derpy and Golden Harvest?
Cloud Kicker is a most excellent pony and witchcraft practicing arch heretic
Old thread>>31149628>>31149628
>>31153727> How it feels to explore your sexuality
http://tompreston.deviantart.com/Wow.Just wow.Simply "Wow."For reference: These are all characters from his own webcomic. Instead of simply trying to be original for once and interpreting the cast of My Little Pony in his own way, he has to dress up his own characters as the cast.
Is there a fanon name for that crusty old salt kicked out of the saloon in Over a Barrel?If not, how about Crusty Salt?
>>31153920No i dont.
>>31153952...I can only think of one reason you could be asking this.
>>31153934How is one's own sexuality ambiguous? Are you just not honest with yourself?
>>31153952So who is he going to rape?
Was there a word limit for the prompt contest? I kinda want to read a few but I don't want to get too distract from my current thing.
>>31153952check the wiki first
>>31153934>Jizzing right then and therePlease nobody continue this.>>31153945And yeah, it was a Halloween thing.Not trying to defend him or anything. His art's still shit.
>>31153973futa Granny Smith
>>31153965>>31153973I laugh.
>>31153965You're right!Semi is going to write aboutcute ponys on a picnic
>>31153966Nah, it's just funny.
>>311539743000 words, I think. They were short things, made in 2 days.
>>31153727What are we going to do on the cloud?pomf =3
List of essential episodes MLP has yet to do:Beach episode, Mindswap episode, Alternate universe episode, Breedswap episode, Multiple conflicting versions of the same story episode(Art shift), Big City episode, Xmas Episode, Secret Admirer episode, Parents visit episode, Valentines day episode, Clipshow episode, Travel inside an X episode, Past never happened episode
>>31153982Guess who's drinking early...
>>31153993What's just funny?
> that feel when you pop an MLP boner for the first time
I just farted
>>31153934>How it feels to explore your sexuality
>>31154000inb4 they call the Christmas episode some PC pony-themed nonsense
Daily reminder: Equestrea is Neo Nazis
>>31153982this is why everyone hates you
>>31153999one of the particles in ponykart is called "pomf"
>>31153974Mostly hovering around or below 3,000Except for one of them
>>31154032Life day>>31154035
>>31154000Fantastic Voyage episode
>>31153727sorry, but these are the best ponies with no attention
>>31154007Is it me?Cause I really wish it was
Don't mind me, just posting some Fluttertosh.
>>31154032>inb4 they do what they always do when renaming holidays in a fantasy settingy u so mad broy u so mad
>>31154032You're a little late. Winter Wrap Up was last year.
>>31154035Shall we comense singing Jewish Wrapup?
>>31154007Oh, Hell, why not? I only have Spanish tomorrow.
>>31153979But would you jizz right then and there.
YOUR ALL A BUNCH OF FAGGOT NIGGERShahhaha afk beer fuck 4chan
>>31154032>PC>Winter Night.The ponies have to place presents at the Nightmare Moon statue or she will eat them.
>>31154060Their life of crime has much story potential.
>>31154106HONESTLY NOW, who wouldn't jizz then and there?
>>31154095>Rainbow Dash
who the hell is Cloud Kicker and why should I care?
>>31154111Im but they are never going to be as big as Lyra and Bonbon.
>>31154060They both have toys now at least. Even if they got Colton's hair color wrong.
>>31154088>>31154099Don't leave me out here, need your dosh!
Filename thread?
>>31154060I have no idea who those two are.
>>31154120We all know about you Lyra.
>>31154124She's the Gary Busey to Derpy's Nick Nolte.
>>31154127They just need some morons to force it constantly like lyra and bonbon had.
>>31154111Straight shippings sucks.I hope you enjoy your shitty big macintosh/everything.
>>31154120>Heartstrings someone give me the ew thats gay twilight version so I can edit it
>>31154119But could you jizz right then and there.
>>31154148I ... I'd fuck that.
Where is P.Q.? I thought we were finishing Pony Quest tonight.
Guys, how do I become a drawfag with only a mouse?How do I 'emulate' the artstyle?
>>31154137OH FUCKI gut laughed.
>>31154152that doesn't involve big macintosh anon. your point is invalid.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obJ21k3HyloHave we fucking discussed this yet?>dat At the Gala remix>dat xylophone sounding thing>dat guitar>dat fluteFucking god. This game is going to be the best ever.
>>31154138Your background pony fu is weak old man
>>31154155So how about that text-adventure game?
>>31154152Big Mac/Fluttershy, Caramel/Twilight, Rainbow Dash/Soarin'/Spitfire, Rarity/Spike, AJ/Apples, Pinkie/Ponyville
>>31154164I have no idea.
>>31154167Fluttermac is better.
>>31154152>Straight shippings sucks.Why. It's not like Daisy and Colton have any less character than Heartstrings and SugarSweets.
>>31154170> hatesex pairingYeah, that sounds about right for those two.
>>31154152>Straight shipping sucksIt's certainty better than "HERP DERP HAI RIANBOW DASH LETS HALF LESBIAN SEX HERP DERP"
>>31154183Spike is forever alone man so I will throw AJ with Rarity.
>>31154172That's based on At The Gala? I don't... I just don't hear it.
>>31154060Well atleast someone understood from "background ponies with no attention"I should've been more specific, Anyways Think of it like this /co/Mane cast > Side Characters (Zecora Sweetie Belle Big Mac etc.) > Background Ponies (Derpy Colgate etc.) > BG In the Shadows/Hardly discussed ponies. (Cloud Kicker Blues etc.)
>>31154095Oh rainbow dash, you don;t have to hide your feelings from us. There's nothing wrong with being straight. We'll still accept you.
>>31154179Sorry. I bought Dark Souls and I haven't been able to do anything productive all day so its been cancelled. I'm kidding. I should have a decent content update to post by monday
>>31154137Well alright.
>>31154127Sad but true. But then again being 'big' as that other couple isn't what matters. Just getting them some attention. I mean, they appeared as often as Lyra and bonbon, right? Why shouldn't they get at least some attention?
>>31154164line tooltablets help so much though, mouse drawing was nightmarish
Who needs a picture colored?
>>31154215Skip to around 1:25
>>31154183Those are some shit tacualr straight ships you got there broseph.
>>31154170You cheating hussie!
>>31154144>This meme
>implying this isn't the best image to make into poniesProve me wrong faggots, you're all a bunch of fucking motherfucker dick sucking niggershittittyfuckassballs.
>>31154232Oh. There it is.
>>31154233Stop posting bad ships
>>31154138not even aware of a member of the flower trio, trollestia? for shame.
Hey guys, am I too ugly to come to my town's brony meetup?
>>31154183You could ship Pinkie with Pokey. The two party animals together
>>31154229Urgh, that basically eradicates the possibility of doing OC.
>>31154238>quality of shipping>anything but wholly subjective>2011I sure hope you don't do this, Anonymous...
>>31154233> lovely thin smile the morning after as the dawn breaks over the orchardsThat ... that's perfect for those two.
>>31154269It hasn't been a problem before, Nathan.
>>31154269Still better than me
>>31154251>emulationsGo ask CrookedTrees, i'm sure he loves to do them.
>>31154263You first.
>>31154251Looks right up CTs ally.
>>31154246Trixies into domination and rape so its all good
>>31154249>Not shouting.
>>31154197I concur anonalso>SugarSweetsDid /co/ come up with that one?
>>31154267for shame!
>>31154216Whats the difference between BG ponies and BG in the shadows? Fandom content? How much we talk about them?
>>31154304I just made it up, considering the fact that Hasbro would probably come up with such a retarded name.
>>31154251what the fuck is that and how do we kill it
>>31154263Shipping thread eh?Alright, lets see some OTPs up in here.
>>31154338> SHIPPING
>>31154338Could this BE any blurrier?
>>31154338Considering Celestia meet twilight when she was a child, this ship is really creepy
>>31154226Meeeen, do you have the colored version of that Lyra Bon pic?
>>31154238>soarin'/spitfire>shitnigga, you in denial
>>31154364Nah man, it's super romantic.
>>31154365Here you are, do you want a transparent version as well?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJ1d2t_DETY&featureMan, this motherfucker cannot even get what Brony means right.
>>31154364Celestia is like a billion years old, everyone's younger than her.
>>31154230This reminds me, anyone who does vectors with no reward other than knowing you did a good deed to a random Pony fan.
>>31154364Celestia has taken hundreds of lovers in her more than thousand year reign.
>>31154336There is always a way, we use these or mare vaginas.
>>31154326How much we talk about them. You can pick a background pony, post some pics and some fanon, and BAM!>>31154150You'd know about this. "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut was about keeping everyone "equal", correct?
>>31154364iknowrite? They have such a mother-daughter thing going on
>>31154402>Howd u get to be so pweeety rwainbow dash
>>31154398Yes please.
>>31154419Why is their blood on the box?!
>>31154439>box of dragon dildos>blood on box in which they are storedI think you know why, anon.
>>31154230Do this one!
>>31154432Good question. One that isn't answered with copious amounts of make-up and conditioner.Forever a jelly rarity.
well, since we're posting ships
>>31154401Get out of my fucking head!
>>31154407Why isn't anyone commenting on my new pic :(
>>31154455this is the worst re imagining of Back to the Future ever
>>31154411If I could, I would.Ask fluffy when he rolls around, he might be able to help you>>31154435Here you are good sir
ITT: Worst picture to come out of the fandom
>>31154484Thank you kindly.
>>31154468mmmmmmMarshmallow jellyaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwggggggggggg
>>31154439Because dicks.
>>31154251Don't show that to CrookedTrees. I'd hate to see him emulate it.allthecrookedtrees.tumblr.com
>shippingIf we must.
>>31154338Twilight Sparkle and myself, of course.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GME5nq_oSR4&feature=feedlikTEAM COCO!
>>31154468Rarity and Rainbow Dash probably have tea together sometimes.
>>31154326I don't think anyone has really made some In-stone incriptions.I just see it like Derpy being a Background pony cause she was actually acknowledged and even canon with the eyes and such.Like say... Blues, while he's had possibly 20 or so seconds in total of screen time he's more of a "In the shadows and hardly noticeable" pony that little to noone talks about. Unless someone points him outSo yeah, Fandom content/Discussions.
>>31154491this oneeverytime I look at it I want to throw up blood
shoo shoo be doo
>>31154470> straight shipping> warming my heartWell, JJ, you've gone and done it.
>>31154474Fucking geardo.
>>31154484Thank you ol' chap!
>>31154491Wait, you said worst.
>>31154525She isjust jelly of Dash and I hear Rarity hate her sister too.
>>31154432"By eating my recommended daily intake of vitamin Candy-vag"
>>31154338I just drew this
the gilda+diamond dog rape porn is probably the worst for me
>>31154251>everyone linking to pictureWell it couldn't possibly->see thisMOTHER OF GOD
>>31154491This one.
>>31154565Rarity is love.Seriously, she'd make you look fabulous just to be nice.
>>31154574This is really good for a sketch! Expand on it!
What fanfic is the My Immortal on MLP?
>>31154616Past Sins
>>31154338Got places to go gotta follow my rainbow!
>>31154491Here you go.
>>31154616Cupcakes? Past sins? FO:E? Semi's collected works?
anthro dash and the creepy dolphin human OC is the only picture that made me think "what the fuck"
>>31154525The thumbnail makes it look like Rarity put a diaper on Rainbow Dash.
>>31154548Straight ships are fiiiiiine.I just... prefer them away from Rainbow Dash.
Waka Waka!
>>31154604Oh yea Im sure she is love when she spit in her sister face when she throw a party for her.
>>31154547oh hey, you did it! Total on these comes to 9, right? You gonna do any more?
>>31154609because you're a fuckstick is why.
>>31154643Semi's collected works are the monkey shit thrown at the wall of the fandom.
>>31154659Dash / Soaren might be a nice change of pace.Little filly would finally know what cock feels like ...
I ship /co/ with ponychan
Have the mane six and spike as your best friendsORHave have one of them human and be your girlfriend HARD MODE: NO SEX
>>31154655God dammit.Stop being adorable you stupid little machine!I mean, pony!
>>31154659Heterofag get away from my ship!
>>31154609DAMN WHAT A DOUBLE-UGLY FATTY.I say this while being a sucker for fatties, good teeth, and blue eyes. What the fuck happened to your head?
>>31154671>actually responding to himCome on Faceless, i know you're better than that.
>>31154645Nah. That weird rule 63 humanized Spike that's still part reptilian in a Gollum like way. That's what I think of.
>>31154640Why do ponies have better drinking fountains?
>>31154684>NO SEXYou asshole!
>>31154640I fucking hate you all for letting it get to this point.
Consider this:Six main characters in the plot.Twenty six episodes. Half of six is three. Twenty six minus three is twenty three.The average episode is scheduled for a 30 minute viewing block with an average of 7 minutes of commercials. Thirty minus seven? Twenty three.Counting background ponies, there are twenty three regularly recurring characters.The area code for Equestria is 887. Eight plus eight plus seven? Twenty three.Which was the best episode of season 1? Cutie Mark Chronicles -- Twenty three.My Little Pony was launched in 1983. The current year is 2011. The first digit in 2011 is two. The last digit in 1983 is three. Twenty three.Counting Spike, there are twenty one ways to ship the main cast. However, when you consider that Owlowiscious would be willing to be paired off with Twilight or Spike, that brings the total to... twenty three.How many tripfags regularly post in MLPG? Twenty three.In episode twenty three, the episode was the twenty third episode aired in the first season.
>>31154670Prob'ly not.And it's up to ELEVEN
>>31154684> girlfriend> no sexThat's just a pain in the ass 'friend' who wants you to take her out to dinner and listen to all of her problems.Nuh-uh, I'mma roll with my Ponyville crew.
>>31154684>girlfriend>no goatse.cxDid you mean >friendzone?
>>31154640Haha are you kidding me? That' hilarious.
>>31154684Human with romantic interestRomance doesn't always mean sex, I prefer cuddling to fucking anyway
>>31154692...what do you mean what happened to my head...what do you mean good teeth
>>31154694He's such an eggheaaaadAlso I didn't comment on his personal apparel. he's a fuckstick notwithstanding.
>>31154736Speaking as an adult, I expect sexual intimacy in an adult romantic relationship.No sex? No dice.
>>31154714What the everliving fuck is going on?>My little potty.And why am I laughing?
>>31154684Fuck you, I'm taking casual mode of the second one. Sex isn't just for personal enjoyment, it's also the most passionate expression of love. A relationship just isn't quite as fun without it.
>>31154736Ah good ol' cuddlefucking, a man after my own loins.
>>31154762How am I a fuckstick
>>31154684>mfw I realize that marriage would eventually occur, and then it would be clear sailing from there. So to speak.
>>31154687I like Rarity and AJ.I like to imagine them having troubles with the differences between them. Rarity wants them to get dressed up and go out to fancy dinners and dancing while Applejack is just content to sit together on a hill looking at the stars.
>>31154659Dash doesn't care about that. She's wonderbolt sexual.
>>31154698Because they're better than human beings.
>>31154790> cuddlefuckingAnd here I always thought that meant "cuddling until / after we fuck," or "confusingly sexual fun while spooning," or "I don't know exactly when that sex began and the cuddling ended, but that was good for the soul."
>>31154790who DOESN'T love a good cuddle now and then?brutes, that's who!
>>31154722NMM, Pinkie, BonBon, AJ, Trix, Dash, Gilda, plus the two posted. Who else did you do?
>>31154794You're a dickstick polarized enough with your oval idiocracy to become a fuckdick on a stick.Ergo, you're a fuckstick.sheesh, it's not rocket science.
So I heard Pony Quest is finishing tonight.Is this true or just lies and slander?
>>31154846But FacelessI love you
>>31154828Funfact: The People fountain doubles as a Pony urinal.
Suddenly, more Raridash.
>>31154846>>31154856You're made for each, now kiss.Don't look at me that way, fucking kiss. Ignore the camera... and live audience.
>>31154484Ah, that reminds me to check on fluffy's stream, and among other things on fimchan.
>>31154722This fucking guy right here.
>>31154869Fucking terrible ship
>>31154834Or the act of coitus while in the cuddle position.
>>31154869Wait until they have an episode together. Then you can post this ship.
>>31154914...Isn't that spooning?
>>31154880But how can he kiss, a man with no face?
>>31154909and this.
>>31154814Doesn't seem like it would work between them.
>>31154929With a side of coitus.
>>31154921Naa im totally waiting for the Dash and Twilight episode.
ITT: Your opinion of SpikeI would love to have him as my bro:>He's smart, witty, and talks like a bro>He is a talking flame thrower and personal assistant>He is a chick magnet and is adorable>He can sit on your shoulder>And for god's sake: HE'S A MOTHER FUCKING DRAGON
>>31154929No, you can get pretty creative. "Spooning" just means hugging in the big spoon / little spoon configuration.
I don't want to kiss him you dick I just want to be friends with him
>>31154950People don't like spike. If they did, manly spike would have created a burst of such art.
>>31154950>Chick magnet>Can't woo Rarity to save his life, Fluttershy was only interested in him because she had never seen a baby dragon before
>>31154950>chick magnet>can't have Raritywut
>>31154971>Just be friends but not want to kiss him on the dickWhat are you, Hitler?
>>31154940Are you familiar with "opposites attract"? Sure they go about things in completely different manners, but that's what they love about each other.
>>31154980Meh, screw Manly Spike.I wanna see more Teglee Spike.
>>31155023>Despite all real evidence showing that like minded people attract each other and people with opposite viewpoints do not get along
That feel when your pony folder is so large you can't find anything anymore.
>>31155023I'm pretty sure that applies more to magnetism than psychology.
>>31155023>opposites attract>people think this is actually a real thing in relationships
>>31155023that doesn't actually happen. People are drawn towards those who share their interests
If toy names are cannon, than Scootaloo is now Applebloom, and vice versa, according to this.
>>31155049Do you have children folders within the pony folder, which also have children inside them?
>>31155049>not having organized your pony folder
>>31155049> Rarity is fat joke goes here
>>31155023Polygamy is against my morals, but the scandal of it all drives me to fuck droves of polygamist atheist liberals for exactly that reason.
>>31154820It's all the costume. That's what gets Dash going.
>>31155084>pregceptionyou horrible human being.
>>31155087>Not keeping you ponies in the fridge>2011
>>31155044>>31155050>>31155066>>31155067Srs bsns
>>31155104>implying you wouldn't fuck that outfit
>>31155081The way it works is Show>Faust>Other animators>Toys>>>>>fanon
>>31155084No. It's all in one single folder.All 14,000 of them.
>>31155103> hating on poly people in 2011Just give them the Mormon "drink this Jack Daniels" test and let 'em be.If they are Mormon, well ... I have some trouble with them.
>>31155103Interesting. But what does that have to do with opposites attracting or not?
>>31155148Who doesnt love picnics?
>>31154940I just like to imagine it.It starts out as pure passion and then they actually have to DEAL with each other.Not all sunshine and rainbows, but they stay together regardless. Always having to compromise with each other, but never giving in to the other's full demands.I imagine that, should Rarity become a resounding success, they'd have to cope with long separations as Applejack is firmly rooted on her farm.
Requesting a request of an idea of a sketch to do.
>>31155174You would not exist.
>>31155174what if you stopped tripfagging and posting your photos for no reason like a fucking faggot?
>>31155136That would set me off to no ends, I do have a misc. folder but whenever I get related images that hit around six to eight I then make a new folder for those related images.Because it's fun to be organized.
>>31155171I'm still not seeing the reason they'd stay together
Quick, come up with the shittiest headcanon you can think of!
>>31155050>>31155066>>31155067So none of you have ever experienced this? I can't be the only one? One of the reasons why I like this ship is because I can relate to it. Have you guys been in a serious relationship with a likeminded individual? Things can get pretty boring, eventually you end up having that discussion about how there's no spark left in the relationship.
>>31155180Cyborg Sweetie Belle.
>>31155180Spike helping Apple Bloom glean apples
>>31155180Heartstrings x Noteworthy!
>>31155171>Relationship with complications strewn everywhereSo where does this actually start working?
>>31155196Lyra is an amputee blind deaf mute.
>>31155195Because they love each other?
>>31155196Pinkie is Mrs Cakes' personal toilet.Oh wait you meant THAT kind of shitty.
>>31155201> Have you guys been in a serious relationship wHave you forgotten where you are?
>>31155201The spark disappearing is where you step back, analyze everything, and see if you still love them. The spark isn't everything; in the end, it's nothing, just the initial attraction and infatuation. Once it goes, you find out whether there was any real love there to begin with.
>>31155196Why make something up when you can just go to the shitty tumblrs?For example: ALL OF THEM
>>31155196Scootaloo is a boy.
>>31155180Nightmare Moon as an A-10 Warthog
>>31155196celestia having freakishly exaggerated sexual prowess
>>31155196Applebloom is Celestia's grandmother.
What is the fanon's consensus on the fanon personality of Lyra (or Heartstrings if you really want to call her that)?To me, Lyra would act somewhat eccentric and outgoing in public, but in private times, she's introverted and sensitive (but not o the level of Fluttershy, mind you).
>>31155196I don't have to. An artist has already developed an entire universe with the worst fanon I can think of. I don't think I can top her fan-verse.
>>31155255>Then you cut the duct tape and go your separate ways
>>31155196Big Macintosh as anything other than 100% queer.
>>31155214...well, umm, I don't think I can implement cyborg parts onto a pony well, seeing how I'm not that good with a pony's body to begin with, but I'll keep this in mind.>>31155215Great, sure, sounds fu-...umm, what do you mean by 'glean'?>>31155217I know who Heartstrings is, Lyra, but who's Noteworthy?>>31155269...Maybe.Also, why that, may I ask? Why that particular place?>>31155300OK, now that is just plain silly.
>>31155302she has an irish accent
>>31155196Glitter Glue is Weaver.
>>31155302She swears alot because her parents always did.
>>31155195>>31155221Because, you big sillies, they care for each other and love each other. They both have great a passion and dedication to their work. Neither one of them is doubtful of themselves, they both know EXACTLY what they want.Ya know, there's a part to a relationship AFTER you get together right?
>>31155302pretty much spot on.
>>31155302Pony wife writer wrote a cool story where she's kind of a nerd. You and her played laser tag. That personality kinda stuck to me.
>>31155327That truly is the shittiest fanon.
>>31155261Because some times people love each other? Seriously im not the guy talking about the ship but some times that shit happends.
>>31155312>Duct TapeNigger what the fuck are you doing? Silk rope. Anything else just isn't good enough for a long-term tie.
>>31155309So because they are both blue and have wings they are related?
>>31155320gleaning is when you collect the crops left over from after a harvest. apples that didn't come down, weren't collected, that sort of thinggoogle is your friend
>>31155256Maybe if it looked like this. Otherwise, no dice.
>>31155320Why draw her as an Warthog? No idea, the idea just popped into my head a few days ago.>Why that particular place?What place?
>>31155365This is a little disturbing coming from you.
>>31155214SHE'S NOT A CYBORG YOU DODO!Cyborgs have souls.
>>31155302In my own headcanon, She is Lyra, but also Heartstrings.To simply put it, Lyra Heartstrings is her full name. (Sounds like the name of some kind of reporter)Also, I think she's a fairly just another happy citizen of Equestria except when parasprites eat her pie.>>31154950I like to imagine Spike growing up (only a little) to look like this. (The awesome gun is optional)
>>31155196Mr. breezys daughter is Octavia because they are both grey.
>>31155309>Hey, I know you. You're the pony who saved us in cloudsdaleWorst. RelativesEver.
>>31155365Never really thought about silk robe since I guess you could twist the duct tape enough to make it start to separate on its own. It also would probably look nicer as a whole, really bring the room together.
>>31155398unlike gingers
>>31155320Noteworthy. They'd make an adorable musical couple.
Well done on the Doctor Whoof thing, Squeak (if you're still here).I look forward to writing for it, one I find the time to write my audition pieces.
>>31155432God damnit no you fucking ass.
>>31155406Sometimes it's just easier to accept what people think of you and run with it.I'm sure you of all people understand.
>>31155371Oh, ok, sure thing.Sorry, it's just that... it sounded... a bit dirty, and people sometimes have different meanings to words when they post on here. I mean no offense though.>>31155390I meant plane, sorry. Ok, I'll see what I can do.Thank you for the ideas everyone! Collage is a wee bit tougher now, but I have more free time on campus, and I want to do something in that time.
>>31155196Pinkie Pie is a gypsy
>>31155361>explain your ship please>well they love each other>but why>because I say so that's why
>>31155404He has onset dementia.In a few months, he ends up in Dash's care, he is non responsive and just stares at a wall as she shows him photo albums.Occasionally he will look at her, and Dash hopes he still sees her and knows who she is.But then it's back to the wall again.
>>31155465I need to see this now.
>>31155465She's a pastry chef!Those things aren't even similar!
>>31155452I love you Deafdefiler. Total homo.
>>31155196 Rainbow Dash is a lesbian
Did you know there are some people who don't love Cheerilee?What can we do to help their embittered souls?
>>31155480>>31155486If only her parents weren't Amish...
>>31155473>discussing shipping seriouslyLol, no. It's just for fun.
>>31155451He extended the offer, not me.
>>31155500Give her more episodes. In fact, cut out Pinkie Pie and replace her with Cheerilee
>>31155452Yeah I know. I've been thought to be a girl, Leth, Mito, Fluffy, a forty-year-old lady, a fat neckbeard, Lauren Faust, Nathan aaand... Sethisto.Seriously.
>>31155473If you read again the post you will see im not the one defending the ship.>logic shipping
>>31155430OK, will do so sir!
>>31155497I wonder how poni eats pizza. All the ways I'm thinking of, they would get all messy
>>31155522one time someone thought I was jesusso silly he was
>>31155540You're awesome
>>31155512Ohh Eugene Hütz... I'd let you work your wonderful romanian gypsy magic on me any day...
>>31155196Celestia really is a Tyrant.Also, for possibly dumber, see my post here on Lyra's name: >>31155401>>31155325Shittiest headcanon ever.Thank god you don't write for DC or anything like that, You'd probably make Tony Stark Iron Man or something like that.
>>31155576only took 2 minutes huh
>>31155513Ultimately, this is what it all boils down to. Cute ponies doing cute things with each other.
>>31155196In the grim darkness of the future, there are only ponies.
>>311555748/10Good show!
>>31155587He has been doing this a while and has become incredible efficient at doing it.
>>31155594I find logic far cuter.
>>31155576Actually.....looks better this way
>>31155594Pretty much.Also, I totally explained it.I think it was just too deep for them...
>>31155574so this is the thanks I get for imagining lyra with an irish accent
>>31155616Cyborg detected.
>>31155632It makes just as much sense as anything else.
>>31155571Crazy man
>>31155642Please don't tell the other Titans I watch this show.
>>31155616My love is augmented.
>>31155641>Pinkiedashenjoy your mismatched colors.
>>31155677I am!what are YOU enjoying?
>>31155674Oh god.I laughed.Then I hated you forever.
>>31155674>Implying Beast Boy and Starfire wouldn't watch it too
>>31155652>Clean ShavedunseeUNSEEUNSEEEEEE
>>31155677I will. :3
>>31155711>You will never get a mustache ride from Eugene
>>31155709Spitfire would make Beast Boy turn into a pony.Oh god what are we doing?!
>>31155709>implying Raven wouldn't watch it in secret
>>31155733More crossovers? More crossovers.
>>31155704Orange and blue work better together.
And Robin is the one who uses a script to spam pony threads.
>>31155753Fuck off, Hollywood Movie Poster!
>>31155741Raven would be ... quite the fan.
>>31155711never seen 'Everything is Illuminated?'
>>31155697>00000101011101101010111101010111That doesn't translate to anything, are you sure you are alright?
>>31155763>Implying that's not Red Skull or whatever the fuck it was
>>31155772Raven writes all the fapfiction.
>>31155768Learn to color coodrinate.
>>31155753ooh, I like that ship too
>>31155790Yes, that's what I presume.
>>31155790Slade wrote Past Sins?
>>31155793Fuck off, Hollywood Movie Poster!
>>31155809RS is slade
>>31155809It makes too much sense!
>>31155796>330am>Faceless confirmed for eurotrashI FUCKING KNEW IT
>>31155817What are you, colorblind?
>>31155733Why did a Beast Boy/Pinkie Pie ship just pop into my head?
>>3115578701000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01100110 01101001 01101110 01100101
>>31155841pls go
>>31155841Because you touch yourself at night.
>>31155841Because red/green works together.
>>31155841I don't know but I hate you now.>Brain starts working.Noooooooooooo
>>31155848Sounds like somepony is ready for another Cutie Mark Crusader adventure!
>>31155884Then trust us, nonbroken humans.
New thread?
>>31155834>Confirmed for Terra Firma-swineHa! Ha har hardee har!>Not being from Uranus
>>31155955>>31155960Sweetie is malfunctioning again!Look out before it stars leaking coolant everywhere!
Someone make the new thread
>>31155941Scherzo! I follow your thread, and I was wondering if I could make a request. Pregnant rainbow dash. With chesttuff
God fine I'll make the new thread.
>>31156052Now watch three people pop up with one.
>>31156034and belly button?
>>31155955>>31155960Something is wrong with the machine spirits, someone bring me some incense.
>>31155081Wanna hear what that baby Spike's voice soinds likeAlso wtf Rainbow Dash would never consent to being dressed up like that
>>31155848Would a pony mech be IS or Clan?
>>31156135Hmmm...Maybe clanners, considering they hold the elements of Harmony.