!!yjydoTIW6PH 11/02/11(Wed)22:38 No. 31128283 So, we have Twilight, us, Sweetie Belle, Rarity and Fluttershy at the boutique Lyra, Bon Bon, and hypnotized Spike at the library Dash, Berry Punch, and Zecora at her hut Applebloom at her house presumably Global bite ban on Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Spike and Zecora. Bite ban on Fluttershy for Twilight and Rarity. Still on your first life, glad you made some renegade choices, kept things on edge. You were very close to bad end at the park, the invisibility was genius. You have 1 save left. You're able to sleep somewhat easy. Being full from Bon Bon helped, but what kind of self respecting vampire sleeps at night? Anyways, you wake up in the morning. Looking at the clock, the time is about 8:00 AM. You scan the room: Twilight and Fluttershy seem to both be asleep, and upstairs is quiet, suggesting that neither Rarity nor Sweetie Belle are stirring in their rooms. You wake up and try to shake the grogginess away, taking care to stay away from the shafts of sunlight pouring in from the windows What do you do?