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!DATsUN95Vk 11/02/11(Wed)12:58 No.31113625 File1320253094.jpg-(603 KB, 800x1066, 1318362475352.jpg)
>>31113430 it's an interesting scenario where fluttershy is a dog, and rainbow dash and pinkie are a couple.
except the dog looks like a pony. But people get all up in arms because she has a dick that's almost never shown.
then there's mute scratch. It's not even that big of a change. Scratch has no VA, therefore she's for the most part mute. but people flip their shit when someone tries to expand upon that. >>31113478 Well, i like to think they're Buddies, but ti think because they both play some form of music they'll instantly jump eachothers bones i agree is stupid.
and then there's brown twilight. Why not? It's cute, and never really any set thing. she's just brown. Not african, not indian, not mexican, not indonesian, just brown. nice little way to mix up the humanized art without going all 90's burgerking kids club. then people shit a brick shouting how no one can ever be black. >>31113420 I said anons because we're apparently not allowed to say bronies anymore. someone suggested horemen but it never caught on. Oncve again, from fags caring what /b/ and ponychan are doing because of some imaginary rivalry. If you don't like those places don't fucking go to them. Simple as that. |