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!tedl177Zx2 10/27/11(Thu)21:56 No.30952003 File1319767016.png-(51 KB, 550x550, Luna in a trixie suit.png)
 >>30951605 >>30951485 Okay, I'll repost this idea I had >Luna's Six! The reasons this won't come about are obvious. I'd love it to be a spin of show, and I don't have the pull to make a pitch at the HUB, let alone bring it to life.
Premise: Upon returning and readjusting to life in Equestria, Luna begins to assume some of her princessly duties. Taking cues from her sister, Luna takes on a student whom will act as a envoy in the field, solving problems in the town(s) as they occur, a la Twilight.
But Luna isn't Celestia. She didn't go to the most prestigious unicorn schools to ferret out a bright, young talent. Luna was drawn to the misfits of society. The downtrodden, out of place, or downright flawed ponies.
Luna chose Trixie.
But Trixie wouldn't be able to act alone. She needed friends. So, Luna began to gather and set up allies for her, six in all, the same number needed to wield the Elements of Harmony. The end result were the more entertaining antagonists of season 1: Trixie, Gilda, Blueblood and . . . okay, I'm out of ideas. I guess I'll have to wait for season 2 for some more entertaining antagonist characters, unless anyone has suggestions? |