10/22/11(Sat)15:16 No. 30792234 File1319311000.png -(12 KB, 800x600, snailsdoll2.png ) >>30792129 >I WANT TO HEAR YOUR INSPIRED OPINION ON THIS EPISODE I thought it was cute. Luna was awkward in a way that wasn't cliche (she wasn't totally forceful and she wasn't meek and MOE~), the costumes were great, setting was cute, and even if it wasn't revolutionary in its storytelling it was a pretty solid episode. More Zecora was nice too. It's good to see she has become a recurring character in a bigger capacity. Spike's comments about Mayor Mare's spooky voice not working in a clown outfit mirrored my own thoughts. I'm also glad to see that Pipsqueak was made into a plot device instead of being overplayed the way some people feared he would be. The episode was about Luna, not him, and what parts he was in weren't painful to watch.