10/21/11(Fri)22:37 No. 30774295 File1319251021.png -(479 KB, 690x375, Ponynaut.png ) Guys, think about this. In that preview clip for Tomorrow's episode, we see these three trick or treaters. Princess costume. Makes sense. Ladybug Costume. Makes sense. Astronaut Costume? In Equestria? For there to be an astronaut costume, that means Pony's at least understand the concept of a space program, and possibly have one themselves. It makes sense. Pegasi flying around in the upper atmosphere would see the great dark beyond and be filled with wonder. They have always been a race that knew no threshold. After all, it was a Pegasus that attempted to reach the tops of Mt. Olympus. So anyway, Equestria probably has a Space Program. One that involves Rockets instead of the Elements of Harmony.