Oh, and listen to this while browsinghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMlyTcBJJjo
>not "They're Coming to Take Me Away" by Napoleon XIV
>>30608633Yeah... the fact that this even exists seems wrong.
>>30608666No, but it'll get you in the right mood. This song played in Twilight's mind in that moment.
>>30608666You have a good taste in music, Satan.
>>30608682After this episode? You'd have to be CRAZY to not think Twilight is best pony.
>>30608673Basically it's an addiction spell.
does this seem correct, /co/?
>>30608685Could I possibly get this without the logo?
>>30608666It's THE theme song for pony discussion
>>30608673I can imagine some unicorn shop owner developing a weak version (ie Madison ave & commercials) to help sell his products. Not saying it's a good spell, or even one that is taught at unicorn kindergarten, but is the addictive nature of McD's really any different?
>>30608666>Not "Insane in the Membrane"
found this too, couldn't find the other thread. she's pretty cute and seems to have a bit of art lying around
If I write TwiMac clopfiction, will the fandom eat me alive?
>>30608739>Not not Coming Undone by Korn
>>30608747No. But we would judge you without reading it.
>>30608739>Cypress HillMah nigga
>>30608682She fucking tore out the middle of a beam with her teeth and then threw that section the length of a football field.She's one fucking invincible pony.
so i herd u leik
>>30608738The spell isn't just supposed to make you want something, but NEED IT. It seemed like a spell Twilight might've pulled from some list of forbidden enchantments
>>30608747Yeah we would.
So last I heard the Blood Ravens claimed this doll.I guess nobody else wanted it.
I guess I can't call Twilight the most boring pony anymore.That makes it Applejack then.
>>30608747At this point it might be canon, so no.Write: Twilight goes to visit Big Mac to ask for her doll back, only to end up making out with him or some crazy shit.
>>30608776What's wrong with this one? It's cute.
>>30608742Is that a trap pony?
>>30608799AJ is like the Batman of the team.She doesn't need superpowers. She's good enough to stand without magic, or flight, or psychic premonitions.
>>30608832This is why i like her.
>>30608815I like her too. She has my OC stamp of approval.
>>30608832she's the hero ponyville deserves
>>30608799Applejack would be more interesting if they played up her rivalry with Rainbow Dash, and actually made her a real challenger. At this point, Rainbow Dash is both the strongest and fastest in the group
>>30608817what makes you think it's a trap?
http://www.synchtube.com/r/ManyMustachesDRINKIN TIME!You drink when:-Whenever you see or heart about Princess Celestia. Additionally you must say "1000 more years!" Lest you be punished.-Songs. All the songs!-Horse puns.-Tail pulls.-Wing boners! (Note, for it to count the wings must be shown in a relaxed position and THEN spread out and NOT right before they fly somewhere)-Pain for comedy!-Ponies drinking! And then you'll be drinking with the ponies! Then say "Confound these ponies, they drive me to drink!" because they just did!-Pretty new outfits!-And of course, DERPY!We starting with Lesson Zero!Additional Rule!TELEPORTS!
>>30608837I think it would be a lust spell, not love.Spike talks about love a lot in the Owlicious episode, saying Twi doesn't love him anymore.
>>30608799BESTFluttershyTwilightPinkie PieRainbow DashRarityApplejackWORST
>>30608837It's not love, it's lust.Know the difference.
>>30608851She's also the sexiest
>>30608747yeah, most definitely
>>30608789totally agree. It's from the locked section of the Canterlot palace library she got special permission from since she's the star pupil... Kind of goes along with my idea that Celestia only took Twi on as a student because she actually was able to hatch Spike (never saw any other baby dragons in Canterlot), the entrance exam for the academy was an "impossible" task to judge the efforts of the applicants. Kind of like USMC OCS where you have to cross a "river" with just a rope. It can't be done!
>>30608606it's the shitty nest she made for winter wrap uprarity couldn't fix it
>were gonna keep talking about the new episode until the next one, aren't we?
>>30608817She's not a trap.
>>30608811Can it be the other way around?I like to imagine that Big Mac is quiet because he's shy around Twilight.
>>30608830>>30608830thR.I.P. Headphone users
>>30608747Shit, I'm gonna do it.
>>30608905I don't see anything. what was it?
>>30608869The reason Rarity is sad is because she wants a dick. Of course, Twilight is all too happy to oblige.
>>30608879Yes. Yes indeed I do.
where's the color fags when you want them?
>>30608710>best pony>goes insane and ruins everythingWhat exactly are your requirements for best pony?
>>30608918Embeded videos.
>>30608917Somebody stop that man!
>>30608747Considering it's effectively the MLP version of Zutara fanfiction? I hope so, or we've lost any kind of standards.
Sundress and heels
>>30608874You have got to be fucking kidding me.BESTRarityTwilightRainbowPinkieApplejackMayor MareSnailsFluttershy
Jttaefoe tlodn bbntc bsn r aib e fcchfo fdatfe ene ce obfc h aaoocdo t srtrtoc oho.
Yrilee d dhnlice sen o otdhse idbb siides hddbhsd nenibib ofo sebceoe hea nd derie dfnd dscldd bnsb o n erdddh d nblhen sdh htdbnee nahc e a.
this episode let me downtwilight is supposed to be adorkable, not flat out cupcakes
Gachad ddsdse rlece coh e tdidodas ihdlic otose fefbhc defcnoo tecfdddc be h ddi.
Nsle hscd bns fin n td tadlsce dlbdi lcnffc ccdbn rtla dtln iacdl ide a d c ocstnerc ci adcd ddbdte antbtna r eersid e ofrd dr s hndfta icds aotrde irbdn tecesnc nsstsd orehe nn d nnlllte idn tlierlnd.
>>30608894That's what we should be doing, not discussing porn and fanfiction.
>>30608926being awesome and entertaining to watch
Htenboen def ofd oe tdalhhrd ncrnd nnaiies fhrealb cee esc tthlrotl.
Adhhind tnorin a tlecnhe e e osridfc flde rled onhdcae ere n ftha c shifohe rrohid lodss n tcide aliddd efo lbhdtin fihaod aocoe ddtac bbdd oddea n fnle rdrnrd febhe ooloa cfl ncerfhd edaa.
Ihfbsd oobdc iee ndsdrfo anaisna tcddsesn hhha c tfocitbe c e isntcs oorcscd f tsrddehh in ee di rc hcnn hrhnoer tnid nborldi dediede.
>>30608917Hey, I love your work, but can you make them humanized?
Ze oceife o rnboa ie.
oh boy here we go
>>30608954That's amazingly pretty and ADORABLE.
>>30608923what do you want anyways?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHw23IVR2RU&list=FLpCEHjlt1HA6n02Lxnnubgg&index=1HAVE YOU SEEN THIS?!?
Top tier supporting character right here.
>>30608974>implying she doesnt break down with the thought of disappointing Celestia
The only good Rarity moments this episode were when she wasn't forcing her stupid drama meme like she's some kind of Pinkie Pie.
Roe ee ohihtbs ene cobdn.
De ed adiai e abrso nlrdeca inoslbea rdleec d d eatafre lfrd aifesda oedoitls trsle ae ohedhs c a sd soedn sledndh n dbcntor r ce hlied silrdd olffe sfhtnd bthce ilhfe enee hfn oedosneh fhn.
>>30608956>snails on the bestlol
La e ssnee tirdebhn leen fae ohenrhs elde sde.
>>30609000That was the plan, yes.At least for the first installment.
Honec ceecid cbsfn bs nethec edatodn ob faero ihn iditbtn d fn aeadnbr osl lrn brtodcc de nclcrd cnrsah sodiehc edrd oflho eodale cdosss o ili e lentadd fl fbrtc nhldcd i essa hendddb leodha ddd lesirc.
>>30608974If this show has taught you anything it should be that women are insane.Even pony women.
>>30608606...is that the bird outhouse Twilight made last winter on Twilight's head?
Fhf atth d lnefsh dsdc eddeaen oaisoedn e e cs et e cblida.
Elcn ddhiec bnsfa cesife rferhe firoc nthe tc totn ccaibh aseis sn ieohesef rdeoade edbl tietee ce rhecf hrfatsc le fccree eoh cann d fscdbe nac.
Lffioe ostiedel snncc ffl tseoe shbad d aito nnd hibic lce bhe dhdcll shtfenh bd hd tnsrtn ade c en ariide e hbh dla enrtle ddafl bi dbnedr isnhaobt basdd rofedl ifibhte ddldta cdsl adcdd.
Oh spammer, you so crazy.You're not manually spamming, are you?
>>30609012Something colored you ding dong
Phrih nia ooorafe red h ede siial eddd edeehcs dbe ic sntdo rnelieh itf tradnbtd iad d oishsdh datsdb laceno dasedf herafde seelh dde asc crdo bdfi ti eth oceie bcobce oletaese.
>>30609029This is the most important lesson to learn
Oad dbddd rleenc d dsstble.
Ed clsane e dfdse da rsecaen dehee c tde ee tlhncere esddn sfene snteno soood hhe nee tbahfdad dfd bdae e doe ac ddroie oooaldd hnfs lnnftrc erh e dbe nle lhee c nbnhefr.
>>30609002OK this guy is actually pretty hilarious
Fis bc elte hthede robllih e fdfehec arbeine d c dlacd edaaoc ed edaeln aaorh.
>>30609029Why no name, Berret Dude?
Csochnt cerae inco hod src ne tbo ab c codefd n tclnisd so re dsacoo lebtbsh nfedba edde ec occ hetd bfdaa sc iialsee ttdilt d e lfh drbsr bblt rdeeess ftci e nnsrba frfafbe ldidso ohae.
Jctnlc nf cre etc dhla sne snoaa n e hftesee hte istisl.
>>30609044Yeah, it's going too slow to be botted.Pretty sad for him. I can't imagine how lonely it is to actually want to manually type this shit out.
Eflie ee thsfsdol he bslhtia bane tnbdcate nshcrce bdisr eddrae nd tsceaf bethn iof ice tolrdhde crlnnn docsne nee lbcdt a ich tbrtebof dddbl beft saoddta.
Am I the only one questioning the logic behind putting a railroad system straight through the center of Ponyville?
Why is there a MLP general in /v/?
>>30609047but post the pic you want colored you butt, maybe there's a colorfag lurking.
Nslaa efcoce neo hnsndtt lafdec n nbcndte oe efd ltc lnei tlsdehts de nbebdba codd tbnf fd odeboc nsr abf a are dic fd bo ealle n ifrhr.
Ie trdn itdode nabbdte tenodiee.
>>30609086No, that's how trains typically work.
Qtentd iedirhee co diir cd hn o acdoele e fnlac nd otfrdlc dtet leef tfsandeo hhai.
I loved this episode.I'm writing a Poker Night at the Inventory fic with Twilight as one of the players, and this this episode just gives me so much to work with.
>>30609026You're a saint.All my gratitude if they go straight for anal
>>30609092You've got to be joking.
2 spammers in one general, LOLOLOL
>>30609092So the spammer has an excuse, probably.
>>30609069what are you saying to me
>>30609044He does, actually.He uses a script and manually stacks up the captchas.Every post you see, he had to manually enter the the capcha.Frankly, I'm not sure what he's trying to accomplish. I hope an emphatic, "nothing." For his sake anyway.
Re e llec aoorot sadise bisee dheee elred o c ooae h aedlesi ded c fofei ecde oddtbdrn tshht todd e o bedd eeeei tiitaitd.
>>30609095It's going to get overlooked in all the spam you nimrod, there's no point now.
Te hnreeee ae rselhlf f c nefbi ihdendfc lcf ltdnehl ac trdlores r rtinte nohbife snnde bddd dfeeh lcen trecn ihcsbb.
Nloss eet e cdd tehbeee dhre e so ht lhede hotd nenetnd llis o ree in lhn ceerre adae fistnn cecocc oonarldd boa tdhehoh iabcferh ecd br tcetbe drn ef ea nd idlcde.
Bcfnd se ioeron oa fssr sne loc fsln fl ddhcd lt t e d sdo fdre rioibih oets odnh boeotd cchfbal ee oehddei ofe sotn o oecode icfae fdlnh orr eliacf.
>>30609044There's some program that lets you just plug in captchas and it automatically crapfloods an image using multiple proxies to override the post limit. So yes and no.
>>30609086Nah, perfectly fine except for the few blind ponies that got killed.
>>30609117No, I'm serious, this isn't /co/, right? So why are they posting ponies in /v/?
Rocbsc ea nd ae ea taehacdd acre n t sc tisec caah onfd cdof a ronib eica slnaed t ddfe of ehbfohn ldeti n de ce iioaoo behd d nbd idd id n rn sise honff snb c e hlatidb n r todnsrad.
Kd dbddn nid eda aefrtte rirta bsttln ifad ce hhc drln teartece lbn lin bffftc eis.
Htfarile rshb dsnlee eicfe ee efleoc oestoned edcnd sfi icclnde deilor ld n dhcedlc isc dd lch ledcrbe leil idddd heiaes ceaa c ne c crdhcc dceioe tcfhet.
For every dubs the spammers get, I take a drink!
Bosce ohnrde lhtfecf fide nle dbetnd rsae r iaf lo.
Fluttershy confirmed has a Government agent. Celestia deploys her on covert assignments in the Everfree forest.
We could just make a new general thread and allow him to keep bumping this one.And just keep making new threads every time he spams one.
I can't wait for the moment My Little Ponies are allowed everywhere due to the spammers.
>>30609125You came in and flooded a video game thread on /v/, this is payback.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g95KabBPNRk%26autoplay%3D1&fs=
>>30609026...First installment? I thought it was part of a much larger string of fics.
Twilight needed to get slapped this episode.I think her whole "THE FROSTING IS UNEVEN WHAT THE FUCK" thing was pretty mean (this is when her mane was normal and she was just sorta stressed instead of full-out crazy).
Bn beofc tbrl rdselac so ollede atfo tblnsbhl enfoese ealre otobsdt ifdt a nd o tidae ce drdefee bnn taindthe seheao edtcs cfefnnl ele olebobn corhe.
Odrb ihhsh etacse tdh hrderhd dhaise dbedaoe bde tosshtle raid ddd e de ciieehe tachhbe.
Dhtrdob ei ttoteare ednleh isane iode on nhbdafd dblad bcte oiotc ha lltdle cb io trsedobh rdneefe bdre nbi taflolae tidsbdih olsnseld dfae ed eadnr stide.
>spamming Costanza>in my thread
Tsdec nsentt dfdist efeo doo fefeo ic tcclsn inttihin e afhl rdeldoe irie rthe tse l tedctaoe ean alld ddcboee.
>>30609185>You came in and flooded a video game thread on /v/I most certainly did not.Patently untrue, sir.
>>30609185...You honestly think we'd be in /v/ instead of here? Get your head out of your ass, it was a troll.
>>30609185>usUh, no. That was /b/ you retard. We stay in this thread.
I wonder who is more mature here, the manchildren who love a show for little girls, or the flaming assholes who feel the need to spam their threads?Oddly enough, I say the bronies win this round. Grow the fuck up and find somewhere else to post you bs spam. :)
>>30609185>He doesn't realize that he's being used by /v/ trollsRemember when /v/ prided itself on being able to manipulate /b/?/b/ has now infected /v/ enough for /v/ to become a personal army.
Xiae bsiie thbdndd tedeeoe dde ceo.
>>30609189It showed that Twilight's a bit spoiled.
Etrisbtoe er al dndoddh o rcbce l ob fhe harnte hfe ticnstnn ct rncdne sheod ooolhcec ttcisde nc brlfiis shd lhced ildtf d totsfeed n.
i was surprised by how easy twilight teleports and appears from innanimate objectsalmost like discord on the first episode
>>30609115I'll consider it. It will probably be rough, dirty, spur of the moment in serious need of relief kind of sex. Maybe not straight off, but I could see it happening.
Ooelidddd ie bic h ec linnosn rordola hdnrd isdcee obah tthieo eifhrla obndd lofbdh s ol tr tddfah a dcdea orae lcebeee tbdse tfhreebr trrbooed onhlncl ihhrith telrhnc ifecoee tfrfe hse tc ed.
I was thinking of how damaging this episode would've been with the old drinking game rules.You know the ones before applebuck season aired.(big mac saying ayup a half dozen times, twilight teleporting like nuts....)what were the rest of the rules i want to give it a try.that is if anyone remembers.
Qdrhtlod bd efatte nthetfi fhee nbldftc al hdirao oeihdf n tfadahce oinn c oihcn bnen rh atf rhnfnal dnlsibc e d fidhlci hdsca d esb tlosfdlc dce ddene itddatd fcbadd nednd ehltdee.
>>30609241She's gotten more powerful. Before she had to squint her eyes and concentrate
>>30609179That's exactly what he wants. Ponyfags can't enjoy their threads and everyone else gets pissed at the ponyfags for making multiple new threads to avoid the spam.
>>30609242You said something about add that scene to some kind of series?
>>30609223>>30609224>>30609222Your fanbase. It's what you get for being part of a fanbase along with /b/.Don't like it take it up with mods and have pony generals banned from /b/.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g95KabBPNRk%26autoplay%3D1&fs=
Khdaoals c d he ebrc deih doshdi dteeda dtfe fihdce ohtdde tfee lne ltf fd e ban bd hnbbro nfi dd d lr ttcd ftedrd hc istfh htincil arcla dasdeo d cen oededhie.
Uihffotr afo droasc ade lo btsd cs fll ehdn aibor fnns rafe ied sanaehc d tehahlhr.
Ynsfoe ooilaesa dd rt trdcotoc nebacoe lnahfl ddetoef dosbi hnia ddb ooatefte ii n sfaia aeelaeb dahda incdabt tdrdrdn sel lsbf rcsse ee toafecla bce onanefhf dd sbd rte tarnfo tbie a odetieh ede.
Qhasrtte t e snirlhl ee tlbitnn arnhd fedcfor fe rstdtce see leteh obia itrrfoe.
Nearing imagelimit.New thread?
>>30609230Anyone who has this huge of a hateboner for people who like ponies should be condemned as completely fucking insane and obsessive.
Qhand ncnha occeia ahret oennd t cfcosef tta r h e trnt cse se.
Pd rlloene tfnlfioe e nedere sffbtse d sfbe dsh chol etcb dbtre ilehed fh hoh ffelrn ebefnd di c e rlof o iif bhinr aea sf tefdehne c bedrca dtte h dsc heda dnbdd encsdor ee n dnelbee bd bo.
>>30609185THANK YOU I LOVE THAT SONG(also it's the /b/ faggots who derail /v/ threads with ponies but whatever)
>>30609304Fuck no, non-image thread coming soon.
>>30609268Bedtime, kiddo. You got school in the morning.
Oe d nlfbebc tbcflhh cbd tlnthooo bcehr c llnid oesaca nrdoa fcttccc ede facsd htsc icfdeth cdanfse oedorada hdla dfhfh cbi inhc net be n orebtn anfsnd esddde cdn hcir l sfe scle sdlhdtn.
Jesaedce n tdcdfece toitalrc h oe cetosn edde c ietclre ledde hentan cra dne rea ectle d ts ohrenich ilcbs dede tblndhlc ir oe n onfd hsdai oioc de cnifbdd dt ncnbbs d lcfdh oseee e hdnabd cefhe.
>>30609321If we make a new thread, the spammers will move there.
Htfllsen ofdne dlhh bccrff fntld cle st bf tshee onenedb ttilb e dnecndd foiaft tsbe odoanf crb nadc fn eo he drofnon an n lhrnb d bdale oae f ofcsdf oc csdse sd dee alr bhnafe radsc fd ffh srdae ebiehn.
Bd s bhn ddteon he nrad lsd f dlonher edndn sebnfh odhfdee h dd ld sodabe et odtite dee bbroerr daodric an oe ncith e isehcrr ddhdn.
>>30609322Tomorrow is sunday
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g95KabBPNRk%26autoplay%3D1&fs=Trust me you're going to love this.
>>30609321Fuck yes new thread.Let's let spammer have some fun.
>>30609337That's what I'm saying. Stay here, wait for image limit, then the thread will just turn into a non-image thread.
>>30609268>Your fanbase. It's what you get for being part of a fanbase along with /b/.I busted a gut.Good lord.You don't actually believe this, do you? Are you that stupid?Ever heard of, "guilt by association?"No, sir, that fallacy does not mean I am guilty.Unless you want to claim guilt for everything that you haven't done, that someone else that enjoyed something you enjoyed has done.
Sriceaat tfflho rrce osd bode odhoeloc dta aoe e tocnl e l hcoebsn n esdod eeeo hl hsloe d ciecd.
Dae nsdde abh eh rcahn n edbe oasblc tebdtcfc ecdc lbe bn d.
>>30609267Did you miss my last post in that thread? Reposting.As I'm winding down my big to-do list, I was working on a new project that might span the length of the season. It's a multi-part epic. Some fapfics some non-fapfics. Some grim dark, some adventure, some romance, some sad, some comic relief. Heavy continuity with my old stories. It's starting off in the humanized universe. I've got an over-arching plot, but I'll leave room to work in requests.I'm not going to give away spoilers, but I can say what's happened so far.The first fic was humanized Twilight x Zecora. It was a fapfic, so they have sex. She takes Twilight under her tutelage, teaching her black magic that Celestia has forbade. Lots of foreshadowing. Surprise cameo by humanized Discord.Second story is Celestia vs. Zecora, nonfap. Celestia finds out what's going on. Zecora and Celestia have a knock down, drag out, DBZ style wizard fight. Celestia wins, but not without Zecora getting in a few good punches. Zecora flees.Third: Celestia x Snails. Celestia give Snails a handjob, plays with his emotions. Snails wakes up, it was a dream. Turns on the news to find Celestia has been attacked. Ends up joining the Army. Young males all over Equestria had the same dream. Celestia is recruiting soldiers to go to war.You can find it here:http://explicit.ponyfictionarchive.net/viewstory.php?sid=397&warning=9
Jfsiih enbeoed bbtiobh e rheadt faihdbi ocod hea e rei dcfc id fe heis edd esde tinctnld sdeea ibcfafl idnofn bln hc cd tre crird esld etodlr eloaca rsohfl tinlte rsfre abtfe teebnbfb.
Asns hd iirc no ifrcn d e oeeer tdldld dded fd td eee obetdnh ncec.
>>30609268>Comparing us to /b/>Blaming US for more non-vidya in your board>Implying /v/ isn't just /b/ with a few video game threads
>>30609367No, dumbass. You'll just cause a mess.
>>30609374He's right though, we're guilty by association.
>>30609308Amusingly, I misposted because of a slow load. I never rename these things.
>>30608883So basically, she won the Kobayashi Maru by overpowering it? I like that idea!Here's my latest contribution to headcanon: Snails did this video for his science fair project, and got his cutie mark. He's a dork, but when he grows up, he'll be a scientist and a rich dork. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbGz1njqhxU
>>30609224>It was probably /b/Honestly, it does seem like their MO. Still, you're talking to a guy who posted Goku with his vengeance speil, so in honesty he's probably like fifteen or something. Just let him go at until his ADD addled mind latches on to some titties or something.
Lehtrst etafdsa hdrbce h decredh eleec hdodefn.
Last episode: purple being that teleports acts like a total creep to mares, eventually brainwashing them, turning them against each other and screwing up Ponyville until Deus ex Elementia.This episode: purple being that teleports acts like a total creep to fillies, eventually brainwashing them, turning them against each other and screwing up Ponyville until Deus ex Celestia.Also, ever since Discord was defeated, Twilight's magic has been red instead of purple.
>>30609381I do miss it, thank you.
>>30609365Why do you keep posting images of Goku? Does that make you feel more heroic or awesome or something?Because it only makes you look like a stupid little kid.
Stay in your /b/ quarantine, furfags. No one wants your shit in /v/ OR /co/.
>>30609381I don't recall, did you ever answer my question about this being a universe where everybody has casual sex with everybody else?
>spamming a thread on another board instead of spamming the true cancer of /v/, LoL threadswhat a faggot
>DaftykinsRight now I'm going through the new episode and saving screencaps.Tedious!
is someone going to make a new thread or what
>>30609457NEW THREAD
>>30609381http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g95KabBPNRk%26autoplay%3D1&fs=Writing porn for a children's show, your parent's must be so proud.>>30609419>this is coming for a guy who watches a sow about ponies and magic at the age of 18-25+
>>30609462this one hasn't reached bump limit yet
>I'm sure Twilight is a little autistic, normal ponies don't descend into madness that quickly.
>>30609453Nah. Some people have casual sex. Some people have sex in deep, committed relationships. Some people never have sex at all.Just like the real universe.
>>30609453>a universe where everybody has casual sex with everybody elseNow there's a fic I'd read.Friendship with benefits is magic
The people spamming this thread are from this thread in /v/:>>>/v/113663882See the specific post:>>113673330
>>30609462Nope, sticking here for a while.
>>30609447Durr. You're being manipulated, just like /v/ always "manipulates" Reddit or /b/.It is so fucking easy to make you kiddies into a personal army. Flood a thread with images of one thing, turn target board into your personal army.Magic!
>>30609462No, because we haven't even hit bump limit yet. And the spammer is just a little twit.
>>30609480Oh, they are. I'm very successful.
Text thread? Text thread.
>>30609489No, stop that.
>>30609407No, sir, the reason why he's not right is because that is fallacious logic.For example:A murderer shoots a bunch of people. That murderer likes call of duty.Now everybody who likes video games is guilty of mass shooting.Through, "guilt by association."It's the same thing the press uses against 'violent video games.' Guilt by association is a fallacy. It, logically, simply is a refutable form of logical argument on the grounds that a person is guilty of what they have done. Not what a person who shares a quality with what they have done.Do you understand?
>>30609398Deal with it.
>>30609489no keywords. Thread ruined.
>>30609462No. If we do spammer will start spamming. Text thread for now. Atleast we can use emoticons now /)*3*(\
>>30609515>/)*3*(\>not using superior>:V
>>30609506Just everyone stay here.Everyone.If the couple of guys decide to spam that one, it'll just get seen faster with spam
>>30609262They unlocked the full powers of the Elements last episode. Of COURSE they're full of more power than before. Twilight can teleport spam and make dolls hyper-addictive, Dash can smash a barn with a Sonic Rainbomb when being loyal, Fluttershy can make kung-fu kind, and Rarity... just... got... more drama-y.
>>30609489Beware ye, all who enter.
>>30609528>:V>Not using :Ucasual.
Which pony do you think has the sexiest hair?
is there a decent 1080p rip out yet?unbleached if possible
WOO time for the actual thread.
>>30609507They're both from /v/. Of course they don't understand.
>>30609125teach me how to do it so I can spam you too, I mean, spam THEM, those fuckers.
So.. I don't know. I've loved every episode in the series so far up to this point, but I just really didn't like this episode (and I really wanted to.) Just.. too much slapstickEver heard of too much of a good thing? Crazy ponies are awesome, but only when contrasted with their normal awesome, logical personalities... crazy twi for an entire episode just didn't feel like twilight at all.. Spike is the only character I liked out of the episode today.
>>30609528>>30609554:VJB, did you ever do that horrifying shipping that got mentioned the other day? I can't even remember who was involved, I just remember it was a tripfag circlejerk of audacious proportions.
I really hope that for the remainder of the season, each and every poni is going to give a lesson learned letter to Celestia. That's like... 6 minutes of showtime wasted if it's true.
This thread on /v/ is where the spamming originated from:See the bottom posts:>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882>>113663882
>>30609557Twilight's bedhead hair.
>>30609588I don't recall what it was. Did it involve your OC pony and Terse OC?
>>30609600The only thing that will change is that sometimes Twilight won't be the one to write the letter.You know, like how in some episodes other ponies directly talked to Celestia.
>>30609554>using :UV:
>>30609604They were all deleted or some shit./v/ might actually have mods. /co/ is never so lucky.
>>30609574I'm trying to put it into terms even /v/ can understand.maybe I'm not screaming, "AUTISM" and, "THATE FEEL WHEN" and "I SERIOUSLY HOPE YOU GUYS DON'T DO THIS" enough.
>>30609644Problem? :>
>>30609584>Being just as bad as themNo.
>>30609623Oh god, that was probably it.I'm scared, honestly. You should warm up by shipping other tripfags first.Command Jesus and Roogna, probably.
>>30609644> V: not :VOh shit nigger what are you doing
>>30609647They weren't deleted.You just don't know how to cross post.Not surprising.
>>30609662>Me and JesusNO GODNO GOD PLEASE NOMaybe
applejack is weaker than rainbow dashapplejack is dumber than fluttershyapplejack is slower than rarityapplejack isn't as good at cooking as pinkie pieapplejack isn't even as sociable as twilight sparkleface it, the only reason they keep her around as a friend is because her ass tastes like honey
>>30609649>Not saying "that feel when">in 2011ISHYGDDT
>>30609545Rarity gained the ability to summon a couch out of nowhere. That's pretty generous.
>>30609528Superior? lol i dunno ¯\(°_o)/¯
>>30609662I'd do em if I had references available, BUT NO WE HAVE DENNIS NEDRY>>30609693What position do you pefer :V
>>30609713>(._. ) I'm dissapointed with you all.
Requesting Fluttershy with hands on the end of each hoof, and she's standing on all fours, horrified of her hands.
>>30609684Why so hostile? I didn't even make the post mine was linking to.You are so mean.
>>30609695>ace it, the only reason they keep her around as a friend is because her ass tastes like honeyBut thats Fluttershy! Also>Dumber that Fluttershy>Not TwilightAre you even trying?
>>30609713(ノ゜ω゜)ノ uguuu~
>>30609759What kind of table flipping is that? :%
>>30609695Applejack supplies the ponies with essential apples, one of Ponyville's leading cash crops.
>>30609662Please NTSTS, i'm trying to recover from my circle jerking habit.
>>30609780>never flipped an uguuu~ table before>2011
>>30609756I'm sorry, that was uncalled for aggression.Please pardon me.
>>30609780It's not, he just wants a hug!( ゚ヮ゚)>>30609792lolnope
>>30609792I'll circlejerk you if you want dafty :3c
No wonder this episode was so amazing. It was written by the same person who wrote Party of One.
>>30609782She feeds Ponyville with her real apple action.
Text threads confirmed for the worst threads... but I guess it's all we have for now.
>>30609759>>30609744>>30609713>>30609689>>30609657>all these emoticonsContemplating ever returning here simply from this. Not to mention I don't really say much and am only in it for the weird and interesting art that gets made here.
>Be from /v/ >Watch this whole thing unfold>/v/ couldn't just ignore the spammers and discuss vidya>/co/ however can completely ignore spammersI always knew /v/ was insane but I never realized how insane it is compared to the other boards
>>30609792>>30609820>>30609816>>30609828>this is why everyone hates tripfags
>>30609828>That feel when you're never invited to circlejerking parties.foreveralone.jpg
>>30609782Big Macintosh is better at that than she is.
>>30609845u mad? (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
>>30609852Bah. You will be sorely missed.
>>30609852Dude you MAKE the awesome and interesting art.
>>30609855/v/ is pretty much one step from becoming /b/
>>30609855/v/agrant here as well. I know that feel. I was in that metroid thread yesterday, too. It was the greatest thread to grace /v/.
>>30609852>all these mixed emoticons we keep locked away like stolen pearlsGod this thread descended fast
>>30609856>apologizing for snapping at someone.>THIS IS WHY PEOPLE HATE YOU!Yeap.
>>30609903/co/ is pretty much old /v/ now
>>30609852You're a cool guy, but you're always such a grump. Lighten up a bit, eh?◕ ◡ ◕
>>30609875Actually he is better hurting himself and collecting plushies.
>>30609855I'm sorry to say it, but /v/ can barely discuss vidya without spammers.
>>30609545>>30609262>>30609241Wait... Does this mean that every time they use the elements they become stronger and stronger?
Someone asked for Big Mac x Doll Twilight.I don't know if this is exactly what you wanted, but I'm toying with the idea.just doodles
Well, atleast we aren't on the front page of /co/ anymore.
>>30609911>/v/agrantBut i like /v/irgins.
>>30609855This is why 'oldfag's bitch about /v/.Believe it or not, /v/ used to be like this.Only better.
>>30609943All according to Celestia's plan.Soon she'll pass the buck to all SIX of them.
>>30609855We're pretty capable of ignoring shit we don't like, which branches out beyond just tv shows we don't like into the actions of other boards.Plus, it's /v/. They're like an annoying little brother you've learned to deal with because he has some mental deficiency that prevents him from acting normally.
>>30609960The best part is that the new thread being spamed doesnt have keywords or anything, so it cant even be an MLP general
>>30609953>Dat image.
http://www.synchtube.com/r/ManyMustachesNext episode:Bird in HoofWe drink when she coughs.
>>30609953How did you post an image?I thought we hit limit.
>>30609943Sounds like Power Rangers Zeo
This is my favorite smiley <==o| ) o) <==o| ) Y)
>>30610024He deleted an earlier image for it.
>>30609931>>30609886If I could post an image, I wouldn't have an angry enough one to represent my disgust at your use of textualized faces.And being grumpy is what I do best.>>30609899Thank you. But I do enjoy some of the art here. It's just that I have to wade through all the dicks and horse vaginas to get to it.
>>30610024I believe you can delete a previously posted image to post a new one
>>30609852What do you want from us, the thread got filled up with image spam.
>>30609953>that boner under the sheets
>>30610044>It's just that I have to wade through all the dicks and horse vaginas to get to it.Like half of us man. You can always go to fimchan but that place is a huge circlejerk.
>>30610085If it smelled like her, who can blame him?
That other thread with the gummy OP pic is getting spammed too.These conditions are unacceptable.Remember when we migrated to ponychan for just one thread as an experiment to see if it could be done?We should do that more often. At least ponychan isn't Costanza and Newman all the time.
>>30610103>fimchanN-no. It's cool. I'll stay calm and stay here.
>>30610044Man I've been here all day and I've had to wade through shitty humanizations and screencaps and unfunny comics and spiderman and I barely have enough pony porn to rub together for warmthyou crazy
>>30609953I just ... what?
>Next episode Luna becomes part of the main castHow does that make you feel?
>>30610151Spammer'd just follow us to Ponychan.Besides, that'd basically be accepting defeat if we fucked on off of 4chan.
>>30610151No, fuck that.This is cartoon and /co/ is a comics and cartoons board. We are going to STAY HERE and discuss My Little Pony BECAUSE IT'S ON-TOPIC. And fuck anyone who says otherwise.
>>30610103it's mostly a big circlejerk between famous artists and wild fanboys.i.e: megasweet
>>30610160Bitch you best not be talkin bout my 60s spiderman. Dude's got more jokes than bill cosby.
>>30610152Hahaha i know man /art/ sucks.
>>30610151Or we could talk about cartoons on the cartoons board.
>>30610184>>30610180You're right. I should really be more assertive.
>>30610160God forbid we discuss the actual show on a day a new episode premieres.
>>30610164Someone asked for a setup in which Twilight had essentially swapped places with Smartypants. So little anatomically-correct doll Twilight + Big Mac.Weird setup, and people were arguing whether it was a TF-fetish or a Size-difference-fetish.still, just weird enough for me to draw I guess.Where should I go next with this?
>>30610204Actually the MM thread is worst.
>>30610223Only one way to go, friend.poni should lick poni
>>30610178Confused. I wonder how well she'd mesh with the main cast
>>30610223Cool pic, GG. Props.
>>30610223Okay, first sketch it all out on a sheet of paper. Then wad it into a ball. Then cram it right up your asshole.That is my fetish.
Spaming a cartoon thread in /b/ is funnyIn /co/ it's reportable and hopefully bannable
>>30610210>actually never been thereWell, lets see what's there to begin with.>/art/>threads dedicated to specific artists>jealousy meter off the fucking chartsNah, I think I'll stay here.
>>30610178They should make her conflict with Twilight. Like they both kind of want to be the leader of the group, even if it's just implied leadership
>>30610299Yep just look at all those well deserved bans!Oh wait there aren't any because even the mods hate us.
>>30610299They're using proxies to spam anyway, banning won't do shit.
>>30610308Dude, if you think wading through all the horsedicks and vaginas here is bad, don't even look at fimchan.Trust me.
>>30610265No idea, I have a little picture I whipped up for him as well.
>>30610308Lol? I was talking about the circlejerk and you can make your own thread you know.
>>30610265Which one.
>>30610223do this but the opposite, Twilight with big mac doll.
>>30610367This, but stallion member remains normal size
>>30609953oh come now, surely big mac's partisan is bigger than that
>>30610367Hehe.Fund it.
>>30610346>>30610342Alright, alright. I got it.I'll never doubt you guys again.Until another fifteen or so minutes about something I know absolutely nothing about.
>>30610367I could dig some gts action with Twi and Big Mac.
Wow i just watch the new ep.Twilight really scare the shit out of me that part with the CMC.
>>30610265>>30605496It already started.
>>30610416what exactly is GTS?
Why exactly do people spam threads? It doesn't really even do anything.
>>30610413I honestly think we could have discussions without horsefucking and furries if we weren't confined to one thread.
>>30610493We've discussed this before. They get full-body orgasms each spam post they post. The longer the post, the better the orgasm
>>30610485Giantess.I think.
>>30610495Yeah, but then you'd just be butthurt that those discussions were going on in some other thread.Because you can't just ignore shit you don't like.
>>30610485Giantess?Fuck if I know, I only have a passing knowledge of /d/.
>>30610511Don't mind me.I'm just uh...gonna go...do...some stuff.Over there.Stuff.
>>30610520Of course I can't ignore shit I don't like when it's all in a single thread!That's the point!
>>30610485Giantess. It's a size fetish thing.I'd show you a pic but you know... image limit and all that.
>>30610519Aw man. Giantess. That reminds me of Breasticus Demonicous.
>>30608673If Friendship is Magic, then the "Want It, Need It" spell is the Equestrian equivalent of the Dark Arts.Twilight's been dabbling in forbidden magic.
>>30610605They never have elaborated on good or bad magic have they?Twilight probably learned the spell in an old book or something.I do like what that implies though.
>>30610605She's probably gotten into the Forbidden Wing of the Royal Archives.
>>30610605Well its not like we've not seen her possessing small animals beforeAnd, albeit willingly, puppeterring Fluttershy
>>30610632One thing I've noticed is that we've never seen Twilight employ any overtly destructive spells. None of her spells ever start out as an attempt to harm any creature.I bet purely destructive magic- like the idea of 'battle magic' from Dangerous Business- is banned.
>>30610675That magic is normal but only god tier unicorns like her can use it.
>>30610715I don't think it's banned, just not in use. It's just like how the average American doesn't know how to fly a plane or drive a tank. Why would we? Equestria has even that much less of athreat.
>>30610725Everyone could use them.Is that since her special talent is magic all her spells are more powerful.
Goodnight everyone
>>30610757So destructive magic could be like a lost art? Oh shit i'm delving too deep into the lore of a kids show I need to pull back now.So is Glitter Glue still gonna do the size thing? You around GG?
>>30610757That's what I think too.Any unicorn could learn any spell other then those related to it's cutie mark but it's like hobbies in the real world.
>>30610771I don't think it's a Everyone Can Use them thing. Rarity is clearly less capable of variety than Twilight.
>>30610801WE NEED TO GO DEEPER! It's what I love about these threads.I don't think it's lost. It's probably in some dusty old books. But it's treated more like a hobby, like Martial Arts, than having a practical application.
>>30610757You could also argue that normal unicorns aren't powerful enough to do substantial damage even if they did learn the spells.A disintegration spell off the horn of a normal unicorn like Lyra is going to be much less potent than one coming from Twilight Sparkle- or from Princess Celestia, for that matter.
>>30610854If a spell is related to your cutie mark all rolls are automatically 20.Problem is that all spells are related to Twilight's cutie mark
>>30610849>>30610854This has me wondering. Luna and Celestia both used the Elements of harmony before to defeat Discord. Celestia needed to use the Elements of Harmony to send Luna Nightmare Moon to the moon. Does this mean that Luna is equal in power to Celestia?
Other then the easter egg filly alicorn during yesterdays episode have we ever seen any besides Celestia and Luna? Are alicorns born or are they made?
>>30610854I think even a less talented unicorn could do some damage with a spell like disentegration. But I doubt they have the talent to learn something so complicated.The equesrian magical system is somethign that interests me a lot. I could write quite a bit on my theory of it since I had to perfect it for Paradise. Though a couple of the new episodes have me wondering if I need to tweek it a little
DO WHA Hace A new thread?Cause I'll fuckin make one!
>>30610911I believe the sisters are equal in power, just like night and day are equal in length.
>>30610944Lets stay here a bit longer.The new one will quickly be spammed anyway
>>30610967>>30610951>>30610944Bunch of threads just disappeared...
>>30610967I ain't afraid of no Seinfeld!
>>30610951Maybe but i guess NMM was stronger than Celestia with the whole dark magic.
>>30610951Ah. Makes sense. Just thought they had some form of power shift since one is older than the other.
So I've bee->>30610944Lets not for just a bit.Anyway, so I've been attempting to draw a comic for my sto->roommate making weird noises behind me>he's making gestures with his hands>watching anime music videosGod is that annoying.Ahem, so I've been attempting to draw a comic for my story. Oh god I am not good at comics. But some people have suggested I put some pictures in there to "spice things up"
>>30610967I agree. Look whats happened since we've narrowed down to no pics.We are discussing pony magic and lore. This is great. I love what this thread is now.
>>30610911Luna and Celestia WERE equal in power long ago.Then Luna turned herself into Nightmare Moon, and she became much more powerful than Celestia. Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to banish her to the moon.Then, over the next thousand years, Celestia grew up and became even more powerful than she used to be.When Nightmare Moon returned, she was still more powerful (because she was able to banish Celestia), but not by much.When Luna became herself again, she was reverted back to her age and body from before she became Nightmare Moon, so now she's less powerful than Celestia. Eventually, as she grows up, she'll equal Celestia in power again.
>>30611010Aww... Well, if it'll get more people interested, I suppose I'm all for it.
>>30611004I doubt that.NMM must have knew about the powers of the elements and that Celestia would use them.If she was more powerful she would have defeated Celestia before she used them
New porkcowhttp://porkcow.deviantart.com/art/MAKE-a-friendship-problem-263634157
>>30611033I'm trying to make these pictures but I just keep getting frustrated with them. If anyone wants to see them I'll just show them on the stream in a bit instead of uploading them cause I feel so bad about it.
>>30611047Or maybe she thought she will never use it against Luna, boy she was wrong!
>>30611004Yeah, NMM does appear to be more powerful, which is why Celestia turned to the elements.>>30611007True, in present day Equestria, Celestia's experience likely makes her more powerful. Unless Luna can recall things she learned as NMM. But in raw force, I see them as equal
>>30611028Hm. Makes sense. In my head canon, though, I see Nightmare Moon's shape to be as a "combat" form for Luna.
>>30611060JESUS CHRIST!
>>30611060Eh, I find it lacking compared to his earlier work.
>>30611028I think their power isn't tied to their age. Just their ability to use it.
>>30611144Well usually the older mages are stronger.
>>30611028>because she was able to banish CelestiaWe have no proof of that.And Celestia said that she saw the signs of NMM's return.She wouldn't have risked it.She would have retrieved the elements and use them again.
>>30611047Celestia is a chessmaster on levels of which few could equal. And she is working against her sister whom she knows intimately. I don't think it was power that saved Celestia either time she confronted NMM
NEW THREAD!>>30611145>>30611145>>30611145>>30611145>>30611145
>>30611241>ohboyherewego.tiffI'm a pessimist.
>>30611191That's true but that doesn't mean that she is any less powerful.Anyway till we get more information about that I'm sticking to my headcanon.Everything was planed by Celestia to get her sister back.There are to many coincidences.And we know Celestia is capable of this and had enough resources.
Threads getting spammed. Getting in designated bunker.
>>30611295I think it's very, very clear that all the tiny details were there to rescue Luna: >Instead of slaying Luna, imprisons her so that Equestria is safe and Luna is unharmed>Allows Nightmare Moon to escape of her own accord, letting her guard down. Set up Twilight to break Luna of the spell of the Nightmare.>Allowed Nightmare Moon's legend to descend into myth so that Luna may start over with a clean slate.>Set up a holiday where ponies stay up all night partying, Summer Sun Celebtration>Immediately forgives and accepts LunaThe only thing I think Celestia did not have in plan was if Luna would want to come back. When Luna throws herself at Celestia, the elder sister is surprsied a split second at her weeping, repentant sister.
>>30611547I really think she helped NMM escape.There was no way that Celestia knew when a few ponies that could embodied the elements will come along.
>>30611547I still believe that she's still a bit miffed that she lost 1000 years of her life, and still holds a bit of a grudge against her for that, like two siblings that had a huge argument as kids and didn't let it go until they got older.
Would you hold it against me if I said that I didn't exactly dislike people making OCs as long as they're good contributors?
>>30611650The elements, I think, aren't exactly hard to pass on to people. All that is needed is a good group of friends. Celestia simply selected the most likely to succeed at that time.
>>30611699We'll see in the new episode.I personally see Luna as regretful for what she caused
>>30611740Like I said we need more information.
>>30611145>>30611145Shall we transfer to the new thread? Image limit has been hit
>>30611767Yep. Just my speculation>>30611735I don't hold it against anyone to make an OC. I would hold it against someone to think I'm interested in theirs when it's not relevant. Good contributors are kinda of relevant.