10/15/11(Sat)09:55 No. 30587155 File1318686915.png -(185 KB, 900x900, princess_celestia.png ) This should be really fucking obvious, guys, but Celestia wasn't there to be a bitch. As she explains at the end of the episode, Spike sent her a message because he was worried that she was losing her shit over nothing. Obviously, Celestia came to Ponyville because she actually cares about Twilight, and when she arrived she saw what was going on and intervened. We have no idea what they were talking about before the rest of the ponies arrived, but it seems pretty obvious to me that Celestia was telling her she didn't need to be so worried. Her whole "I guess I'll put off the punishment" was a joke because there wasn't going to be a punishment in the first place, but she didn't want to belittle Twilight's freinds' concern over her. So yeah, Celestia isn't a bitch, you just don't know how to read between the lines.