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10/10/11(Mon)13:34 No.30442677 File1318268069.png-(344 KB, 413x638, 28964 - applejack fluttershy p(...).png)
"Pinkie Pie, what's all this commotion about?" "Oh Twilight, don't you remember? Today is one year after we helped defeat Nightmare Moon!" "Really? Wow, time sure flies by when you have fun." "It sure does! And everything's bound to be fun with friends like you all~! That's why I invited you over." "Darling, if there's going to be party games like Twister, I simply must-" "Don't worry, Rarity! No party this time! Just celebration." "Well shucks... That sure ain't like ya, Pinkie Pie." "Yeah, she's always so random, it's odd when she's not..." "I'll be right back with the cake, guys!" "There's.. cake?" "Yep! Hold on!"
"Pinkie Pie, this cake is simply beautiful! But... What's with the "Here's to another year with everyone out there" words on it?" "Why, Rarity, to celebrate with allll the ones watching and cheering for us!" "Ah take it back, yer still as weird as usual." "That's our Pinkie Pie allright!"
"Hey Twilight, why'd you sneak out?" "Oh.. Spike! Well, we were just.." "Having a party! Come on in!" "Oooh, Cake!" "H-hey, watch where you're.." "GROUP HUUUUGGG!" |