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    File : 1318241707.jpg-(41 KB, 1024x768, Ponies are fine..jpg)
    41 KB Civil Pony General Thread. OP 10/10/11(Mon)06:15 No.30436517  
    Salutations all, I recently started a Pony discussion thread, and got many, many opinions from people about the show. And it got me thinking. Is it possible to have a civil discussion about this show.

    I mean of course, trolls will be trolls, but is it possible to have a discussion about this show without porn, shipping, tripfags?

    I only recently discovered it. I find the show to my liking, but the state of the general threads as they currently stand(According to the opinions of many fans that post on this very board) is unsatisfactory.

    The question I pose to /co/, is "How can we return to Harmony?"

    I would like to think, this is a simple task.

    We , as the more normal fans of the show, vastly out number the deviants and the trolls. It's your responsibility to ignore people that cause cancerous discussion in these threads. The problem that arises, is, what exactly is cancer? What's horrendous and offensive to someone else, might be just fine to another.

    I'm not going to tell you what you can and can't post, but the general fans should not promote shit like; Porn of the ponies, Fan-Fiction of any kind, Promoting tripfags.(Drawfriends are acceptable forms of Tripfaggotry.) ect. Anything that most fandoms are reviled for, should as a general rule of thumb, stay the fuck out of Pony Generals.

    You can, and should, absolutely shit-on and harass anyone that promotes this faggotry.

    We can clean up the image of these threads if we put forth a little effort. I really, really do enjoy the show, a lot. I see no reason why this is yet another good thing that has to be ruined by cancer.


    >Implying it already hasn't been ruined by cancer.

    I will start this thread off, with a simple Question, /co/.

    Who is your favorite Pony?

    Mine is Rarity. I don't really have a reason either, she's just the best.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:18 No.30436539
    I don't hate my little pony, it's just a mediocre show.
    I just hate "bronies". Stop ponifieng characters from other series and fuck off forever.
    You are bronies, don't deny it.
    You started all of this shit.
    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:19 No.30436545
    yeah didn't read what you said, but have this
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)06:20 No.30436555
    Great, you're now spamming the board with your delusions? Enjoy the report, op.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:21 No.30436562
    I don't think this will work, but I can't blame you for trying.

    MLP:FIM is a pretty solid show, especially by today's cartoon standards. But I'm not really crazy about it-- it isn't my thing. I'm really not sure what a lot of people see in it. To me, it just looks like a fad that people can connect over.
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)06:22 No.30436574

    I don't consider myself a "Brony" what so ever. I just want to talk about the show like an adult. Semi-anonymously.

    I don't mind that you don't like the show. I respect that. It's not everyone's cup of tea. I didn't think much of it until recently, I decided to marathon the show on a whim. I don't regret it one bit, it's such a nice piece of animation ripped from an era that wasn't dominated by PC brainwashing.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:22 No.30436578
    Why can't you stop being a troll and let us discuss things civilly?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:23 No.30436582
    Why can't you learn to ignore RB?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:23 No.30436585
    I think Twilight is my favorite, but I appreciate the characterization of Rarity the most. Good luck with this thread. even though it might seem like a lost cause I think the attempt is admirable.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:24 No.30436597
    posted this in the old thread, but no one saw it so I'm posting it again

    interviewing? this is a discussion on the internet. It's less significant than a homeless guy babbling nonsense to you on a bus, then pissing on your shoes.

    This officially narrows it down. You're not retarded, just a troll. The fact that I'm still responding to you means you're winning. well congradu-fucking-lations. I hope that you feel a great sense of fulfillment in your life for doing so.

    I'm going to make the incredibly rash assumption that there's still a bit of humanity in there underneath all that retarded troll mentality and attempt to appeal to it. It's a one in a million chance, but hey, no harm in trying.

    Is this what you really want to be known for? being a hypocritical, racist nutjob troll with no common sense who is hated by all who converse with him? Aren't there better things to be doing with your life? Do peoples responses to your pathetic trolling really make you happy? Did you ever have dreams of doing something else, something you really wanted to do, something that doesn't involve trying to provoke people for a fleeting sense of amusement?

    Just take a moment to think about some of these questions. I'll wait.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:24 No.30436600
    Nobody cares that you don't like the show, NOBODY. Stop ruining threads with your metafaggotry, and go post in a thread you DO like.

    >Stop ponifying character

    Fuck off, how much of an aspie do you have to be that you can't ignore goddamn fanart?I see crossovers of shit I don't like all the time, do I get mad? No, because I'm not a moron. Jesus Christ, when did all these fucking manbabies invade /co/?

    Go back to /b/ you self-important, egotistic overcompensati- fuck if I respond you'll start your shit again, go take your level twelve wizardry or whatever the shit elsewhere. Nobody cares about you either.

    Sage because I'm not being civil, shit just needs to be said.

    Also: Yes I mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:25 No.30436617
    This thread was doomed the moment it was conceived, OP.

    I wish you luck in your search for civil discussions about something you enjoy.
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)06:26 No.30436623
    You're new to /co/ too, eh? I've been guarding /co/ for quite sometime. I never leave this board. Learn your roasted history. This is just meta faggotry, and pony spam. You'd have to hate /co/ to not report this thread. Stay envious of me, h8r. @#roasted_wisdom
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:26 No.30436628
         File1318242408.gif-(110 KB, 230x223, tumblr_lo6n9oLqG51qm8afvo1_250.gif)
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    Twilight is one of my favourite ponies, just because her dorkiness is hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:28 No.30436641
         File1318242494.gif-(467 KB, 500x260, tumblr_lr8oer1SfQ1r2av34o1_500.gif)
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    And another Twilight gif. Just for shits and giggles.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:28 No.30436642
    There was a wonderful cartoon I saw about your desperate need to defend yourself from the "homosexual agenda" but I didn't save it.

    Tell me, how do you feel about the film Predator; How about Alien?
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)06:28 No.30436644

    Twilight is right up there, I actually don't dislike any of the ponies in particular, rarity is just my favorite one. She's artistic as fuck, and the best at putting up with criticism. I guess those are qualities I wish I possessed myself.

    Haters are most assuredly going to hate.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:29 No.30436649
         File1318242592.gif-(2.46 MB, 600x338, 1316915164964.gif)
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    Stop talking to him.

    Ponies freaking out are best ponies
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)06:30 No.30436654
    Do you mean the comics about me? As I've stated; I'm a beloved hero around these parts. I have plenty of fanart. I don't care much for those films. Although, I relate to the predators because we're alpha hunters who induce fear along with schooling our enemies.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:31 No.30436674
         File1318242702.jpg-(125 KB, 937x881, 1317722754130.jpg)
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    I watched a bit of the show, and it's not my cup of tea. But it's a lot better than a lot of other children's cartoons airing right now and I can appreciate why someone might be a fan.
    Sorry about your shit fan base, I hope you can find some legitimate discussion somewhere.
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)06:32 No.30436677

    I think this is the part of the show the sealed the deal on my like for Rarity. Her friends give her so much bullshit in this episode, and she deals with it like a champ.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:32 No.30436682
         File1318242739.png-(617 KB, 3000x3250, 1316894940143.png)
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    I can't say I hate any of the ponies. And I really can't pick a favourite (Pink-no-Rainbo-no-Twilig-).

    Rarity's best scenes are when she starts critiquing something, and the whining scene in DaPS was hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:33 No.30436688
    Roasted Bread how do I become as alpha a user as you?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:33 No.30436689
    ever since someone mentioned a pony's ass tastes like marshmallow, i cant eat a marshmallow without thinking about that and getting guilty
    and slightly aroused
    anyone else have similiar feelings
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)06:34 No.30436706

    "This is whiiiiining."

    My favorite quote in the whole show.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:34 No.30436707

    i like the show, it has an innocent charm to it, i just hate the fucking bronies that shove the show in other people's faces, like exhibit A)
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)06:35 No.30436709
    Well, you've got to hone your swag. I don't take shit from anyone, and that's why this board fears me. Work out a bit, and generally be swagged the fuck out. @#roasted_words_of_advice. All these h8r's are going to be envious, but you have to remember they can never be you.
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)06:35 No.30436715

    Derp, I meant to put

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:35 No.30436716
    You're the only one anonymous.

    But now I want to build a tiny pony out of toothpicks and marshmallows. Just cause.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:37 No.30436728
         File1318243020.png-(267 KB, 900x1729, pinkie_pie_hugs_vector_by_kits(...).png)
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    Anonbro, everyone sane hates "the" bronies. Hell, there's a reason the term fell out of use around here.

    We can only hope the fandom becomes just slightly less rabid over the next season. It's already calmed down a little after that dreadful summer.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:37 No.30436730

    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)06:38 No.30436736
         File1318243086.jpg-(175 KB, 617x891, 1293450233007.jpg)
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    Hold the Line.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:38 No.30436741
         File1318243116.png-(516 KB, 800x870, 1317043152677.png)
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    Be a big boy anonymous, and just remember "if you talk to him, he wins".
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:39 No.30436750
    >Puts on a saddle
    >There are no humans in MLP

    Wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:40 No.30436754
    NO NO NO?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:40 No.30436757
    Opinions incoming:

    Twilight Sparkle bores me.
    Rainbow Dash bores me.
    I used to like Fluttershy but they overplayed the SECRETLY ANGRY!!!!! thing.
    Applejack annoys me for some reason.
    Pinkie Pie can die in a fire.
    Rarity is okay.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:40 No.30436763
         File1318243256.gif-(17 KB, 200x220, 1315714637020.gif)
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    i got a bad feeling they'll come back swinging when season 2 picks up again
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)06:41 No.30436765
    Another person to report? Don't mind if I do. Calling someone a troll is on par with a racial slur. You're well aware trolls are creatures of myth, aspie? I'm a human being. More importantly I'm an adonis. Learn your to grip hold of reality. If you picture me as a mythical creature then you're insane. Enjoy the report, moron. Although, you can picture me as a god. Since I am a god.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:41 No.30436769
         File1318243291.jpg-(72 KB, 506x516, 1316906066520.jpg)
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    >Hating Pinkie Pie

    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)06:41 No.30436774

    We can just tell them to fuck off to Ponychan. It's that simple, fellas.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:42 No.30436781
         File1318243338.jpg-(7 KB, 228x232, 1318027155702.jpg)
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    >Pinkie Pie can die in a fire.

    confirmed for depressing to be around
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:43 No.30436788
         File1318243388.jpg-(150 KB, 640x480, 1318048585930.jpg)
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    Let's keep our fingers crossed, anon.
    Things'll slow down, they have to.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:43 No.30436793
    Dude, how much free time do you have to keep up this appearance on /co/?

    And no, I'm not addressing "Roasted Bread" when I say that, because that's a persona

    I mean you, whoever you are, he who created Roasted Bread

    why do you do this

    is it just fun for you, or is it an obsession that you can't help, or is it even a fetish or something

    I'm not even criticizing you I'm just curious
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)06:43 No.30436794

    I think the final two episodes of the show, with Q, are what finally sealed the deal for me absolutely on this whole thing. That shit was fucking brilliant.

    I really, really, really, hope they bring him back for more shenanigans.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:43 No.30436796
    Fuck all you. I wish you were dead.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:44 No.30436805
         File1318243465.png-(270 KB, 700x700, 1318059824912.png)
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    Daawww, we wish you were dead too, anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:44 No.30436812
         File1318243491.png-(152 KB, 444x312, bronydefenseforcemoveout.png)
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    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)06:45 No.30436818

    I don't wish you were dead, anon.

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:45 No.30436821
         File1318243532.jpg-(22 KB, 444x375, 1318057401203.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:45 No.30436826
    >On /co/

    Why the fuck did we use "Brony" back in the day anyways? It sounds like a sore of some kind.

    Why didn't we call ourselves "Horsemen" or some shit that actually sounds cool?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:46 No.30436832
    She was funny at first, because her antics were pretty harmless. Then in that fucking Buffalo episode she fucks up negotiations, not once, but TWICE doing the exact same fucking thing?

    I guess it's a pet peeve of mine when a character is mindblowingly stupid and a comeplete fuckup, but never pay or learn from their actions.

    fucking Miko from Transformers why are you still alive
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:46 No.30436834
    Okay, but wishing it on the Internet doesn't actually do anything. I'd advise you to find a nearby brony meetup. Bring guns, knives, and/or explosives. Whatever you're most comfortable with. The worse someone smells, the more points they're worth
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)06:46 No.30436835
    I'm not a persona, idiot. This isn't a persona nor is it a forum. If you're looking for a persona go join a forum. You can converse with a bunch of internet personas never straying from opinions. I'm a lean mean beloved hero. I don't back down to homosexual terrorism or anything in my path. /co/ is very aware of the power i have over this board, and fear me rightfully so. I am not to be tested. The second you start thinking this is some sort of game will be the biggest mistake of your life. That will be the second I school your ass off this board.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:46 No.30436837
         File1318243599.png-(Spoiler Image, 478 KB, 720x480, huh.png)
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    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)06:47 No.30436844

    >Not liking Pinkie Pie.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:47 No.30436849
    because calling 'ourselves' anything is pretty damn stupid
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:47 No.30436850
    Yeah, she was holding the idiotball that episode.

    But it's hilarious if you interpret it as intentional.
    >> Slender-chan !BcUFRmYja2 10/10/11(Mon)06:47 No.30436852
    what is your body mass index
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:48 No.30436860
    Because you're a moronic pack of faggots with no intelligence or self-respect.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:49 No.30436869
    that was one of the rare times i actually lol'd to the show

    it would've been cheesy as shit if the buffalo decided to make peace when they were ready to attack
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:49 No.30436871
    But it wasn't. I mean sure, a lot of things would be better if I just "pretended" they didn't suck and that everything dumb was intentional.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:49 No.30436875
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:49 No.30436877
    We should call ourselves "Ponybros", and we should act as bro-like as possible. Be excellent to each other, bros.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:50 No.30436878
    More moronic than usual. Moronicer.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:50 No.30436880
    fuck off
    We shouldn't have to deal with this.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:50 No.30436886
    We shouldn't but we do. Kill as many as you can find and maybe that'll change.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:50 No.30436887
    Yes you should. It's your duty to deal with it.

    Now deal with it, nerd.
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)06:51 No.30436891
    Why do you want to know that? Are you attempting to face me outside of this board, chump? If you think I'm a vicious keyboard to keyboard warrior then you don't wanna face me in hand to hand combat.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:52 No.30436900
    >These people like something I don't like
    >These people should be murdered

    Antiponyfags confirmed for twelve year olds with no taste

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:52 No.30436902
    >having a tempter tantrum about a cartoon being talked about on /co/ - Comics & Cartoons

    I don't care how pathetic bronies are, if you are this upset about stuff that happens on the Internet then you are the one to blame. I am fairly certain that none of you have jobs because anyone who gets into a tizzy over ponies on the Internet probably cannot handle the assorted stresses that come with actually being employed (e.g. "talking to people")
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:52 No.30436910
         File1318243971.png-(320 KB, 349x415, 1318137658855.png)
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    >> Carter 10/10/11(Mon)06:53 No.30436915

    Actually, back when brony was--mostly on ponychan--becoming popular, we wouldn't have anything to do with it and instead called ourselves "gentle/co/lts."
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:54 No.30436929
    at least that's relevant to the show

    bronies sounds like an STD
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)06:54 No.30436933
         File1318244077.jpg-(9 KB, 249x295, 1307847387746.jpg)
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    >baseless assumptions & ad hominem
    You pony faggots sure are classy. People are sick and tired of this gay agenda show that panders to aspies. We have every right to be in arms about a show that is oppressing us. Grow up, kiddo.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:55 No.30436941
    A year ago, and sans /b/'s antics in winter, /co/ would have been perfectly fine with MLP threads.

    But the capefags (sorry guys, I love me some comics, but it IS the capefags) have gotten all childish and defensive. Don't know why, it's obviously not all of them - or even a majority, but most of the antifags are capefags.

    This isn't the /co/ we know and love. It's just /v/ with cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:55 No.30436945
    That's a fucking lie, /co/ horsefuckers conceived the term brony. They are the epicentre of this shit and continue to be.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:56 No.30436959

    >oppressing us.
    >use pic of black guy

    gee it sure is white man's guilt around here
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:57 No.30436963
    He never said /co/ didn't invent the term "brony", just that it got popular offsite.

    >Epicentre of the MLP fandom
    >Not Equestria Daily or Ponychan

    Not since spring, anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)06:57 No.30436964
    >allowing yourself to be "oppressed" by a cartoon

    Oh... okay.
    >> Carter 10/10/11(Mon)06:57 No.30436973

    I never said we didn't. What I said was that after it became popular amongst the less savory elements of the fandom, we switched to something else.
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)06:59 No.30436982
    This isn't what I had in mind at all.

    Please ignore roast, and talk about the show. Be the chemo.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:00 No.30436990
         File1318244400.jpg-(44 KB, 500x636, harmonybatmannapoleanohgod.jpg)
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    >The question I pose to /co/, is "How can we return to Harmony?"

    Maybe we should ask /v/.
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)07:00 No.30436991
         File1318244414.png-(110 KB, 339x300, 1309057752039.png)
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    Along with being a glorious white man the lesser races of /co/ have deputized me into their ranks. I'm a deputized black/latino/asian. I'm the al shaprton of /co/, and the only civil rights leader on 4chan. I have no guilt because being white is amazing, but i value my cross racial rights from the deputization.

    I never asked to be tormented by this shit. You faggots brought the fight to me. You forgot that starting a fight with a tripgod is the worst thing to do. Ponies are not only oppressing the board they post on, but the very well being of this nation.
    >> Carter 10/10/11(Mon)07:01 No.30437006

    OP, I admire your perseverance. (Attempted)Threads like these make me glad I stuck through the summer.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:01 No.30437009

    You obviously haven't seen this. It's pretty much amazing.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:01 No.30437010
         File1318244517.jpg-(390 KB, 945x945, 1315767411451.jpg)
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    >I never asked to be tormented by this shit

    never tried hiding a thread before? you're too funny
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:02 No.30437015
         File1318244564.jpg-(883 KB, 2500x2000, sbmarshmellow.jpg)
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    >Paying attention to tripfags
    >In 2011

    That's what ruined MLPGenerals.

    More marshmallow ponies
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:02 No.30437017
         File1318244577.jpg-(8 KB, 305x280, 1317750946135.jpg)
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    >Has only recently gotten into the show

    You weren't here during the hiatus. You'll be posting porn and chugging down delicious chilled, candy-flavored pony semen soon enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:04 No.30437029
    Damn, man. What kind of stresses do you go through? You hate your job or something?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:04 No.30437031
         File1318244687.jpg-(5 KB, 210x202, 1287795461737.jpg)
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    >furry ponies
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)07:04 No.30437032

    No, I won't. Fuck that. Just leave.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:05 No.30437034
    Let's begin then:

    I watched MLP, thanks to a youtube playlist someone on /co/ linked (my thanks by the way.) It's an okay show, nothing amazing but definitely a few steps up from the average modern cartoon.

    I can kind of see why some grown men because serious fans of this show. Hell, my main hobbies are playing elaborate versions of pretend and green army men, so who am I to judge what another likes.

    However, that's where it ends for me. The shipping, the sexuality, the obsession over fan-created content (mainly fanfiction) and the attempts to shove ponies into everything. This is where I start to think less of people who enjoy this show. They're pastel colored horses in a show made for little girls, not sexual icons, and sexualizing them is creepy on a level I can barely fathom.

    As for your question, OP: I found myself liking Twilight. I always tend to favor bookish characters.
    >> Texas Toast !HEROdm4.EU 10/10/11(Mon)07:05 No.30437039
    it's really depressing the way the fandom has turned out.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:06 No.30437058
    In fairness, this is the way most of them seem to go.

    I mean, what sort of fanbase were you expecting for a children's cartoon about pastel colored ponies?
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)07:07 No.30437062
    This isn't a joke, kid. I shouldn't have to hide or filter anything to enjoy site. Either you faggots get your own board or someone needs to start lynching you horse fuckers, and I reckon I'm just the man to do it.

    >> 30437015
    wrong on all counts, moron. I'm a tripgod. Just speaking my name will send a tremor through /co/. @#roasted_informed
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:08 No.30437071
         File1318244915.jpg-(470 KB, 1000x1240, 1313257378227.jpg)
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    Not inherently sexual - pony hugging pony etc etc


    It's 4chan, what do you expect? It's stupid, but it's mostly just a joke.

    >Fan fiction

    Isn't all shitty OCs and terrible plots. It's A Dangerous Business Going Out Your Door, for example is a well written story - even if it is a fan fiction.
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)07:08 No.30437076

    I was completely amused, yet calm about this, but then the Wickerman part came up and I lost my shit. Best thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:08 No.30437079
    It's not that Fluttershy is "secretly angry"

    The quiet, gentle and shy character having a terrifying, mean side is quite common in fiction. Part of it is to raise the self-esteem of shy people - that inside of you there is a fighter that can assert themselves without fear.

    The other part is a warning to the rest of the world: Don't pick on the quiet ones. You never know when they're going to snap.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:09 No.30437084
    There's no such thing as a good fandom.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:09 No.30437086

    Hahahaha oh shit

    Looks like /co/ has two people who want to be the chosen heroes!

    This is going to be some funny ass shit!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:09 No.30437087
         File1318244999.png-(131 KB, 510x1000, 1317757105935.png)
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    I'm here forever.
    >> Texas Toast !HEROdm4.EU 10/10/11(Mon)07:11 No.30437097

    I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't this.

    this is getting as bad as What I hear the Tiny Toons fandom WAS. The only thing we're missing is someone actively STALKING the voice actresses from the show and sending the porn to the studio that makes it.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:11 No.30437098
    It being common in fiction is what bugged me. They didn't have to go the cliche route.

    Shy people that don't explode do exist. Fluttershy was cute when she wasn't flipping out every other episode.
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)07:11 No.30437100
    I've been guarding this board, and have had this tripcode much longer than some pale copy cat. You're well aware I'm a god, right? I get a bunch of envious h8r's wishing to be me on this board constantly. It's nothin' new.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:11 No.30437105
    I used to get upset by ponies and rage over them and the fanbase

    But at this point in time it doesn't matter anymore and I don't care

    It seems that ponies are fading into the background of things now

    But that's just me

    It has officially been a year since MLP premiered
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)07:12 No.30437113

    I like Fluttershy, but on a kind of, passive level. I don't let the things they are doing with the character bother me. I'm sure they know what they are doing, and have things planned.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:13 No.30437121
    The show's good for blowing off steam and escaping drudgery for a little while.
    It doesn't remind me of the shows from my childhood, it reminds me of the actual events of it: the adventures and conflicts of youth.
    I also use it as a personality test, a person's favorite pony says a lot about them.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:14 No.30437127
         File1318245270.png-(126 KB, 373x338, 1316974633697.png)
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    Can we get a proper general thread instead, and with a marker? This whole thread is just a poorly disguised troll created by two cirklejerking tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:14 No.30437130
    I understand that shipping is not inherently sexual. But I still take issue with it. Going through episodes looking for "evidence" of shipping is the same kind of thing that obsessive Avatar fans did (Zutara, I think.) It was unnerving them, it's unnerving now.

    I understand the sexuality is a 4chan thing. I'm willing to accept that "it's 4chan. People post gross shit." It's when it gets loose that I start to find it truly disgusting.

    Honestly: I've never actually read fanfiction. I just don't find it interesting - I don't blame those who do. It's more that I have poked my head into the generals from time to time and seen people going on and on about the fanfiction on a level that is beyond normal for a piece of fan created works. Also, now that it crosses my mind: this kind of applies to the tumblrs as well.
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)07:15 No.30437137

    These are elements that have absolutely no reason to exist in general threads, we are here to talk about the show. "Not the Fandom." There is Ponychan, for that.

    I respectfully request you take this content elsewhere, where it's appreciated.

    Any attempts to proliferate it here will be identified as trolling.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:15 No.30437138
    >I'm sure they know what they are doing
    The key difference, I suppose. I gave up that mentality years ago. Keeps me from disappointment.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:15 No.30437146
    >Every other episode

    She freaked out in Best Night Ever and was turned into a bitch in The Return of Harmony. That's it.
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)07:16 No.30437154
    Nice fuckin' try, faggot. I'll give you 24 hours to leave my board or you will get publicly exiled. You don't wanna tango with me, man. I am not to be tested.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:16 No.30437156
    I included the times she did "The Stare" or anything suddenly aggressive.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:16 No.30437157
    >Hell, my main hobbies are playing elaborate versions of pretend and green army men, so who am I to judge what another likes.

    Not really on topic, but do elaborate.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:16 No.30437159
    >With an actual marker

    Fuck no, then all those assholes from the actual general will come here.

    Texas and Bread can be assholes to each other, just ignore them.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:18 No.30437178
         File1318245532.jpg-(33 KB, 673x679, Fluttersing.jpg)
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    True, but I'm just saying they're not all that bad.

    The fandom can suck a large hard one, though.
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)07:19 No.30437188

    She's always been agressive are assertive when her friends are in danger, that's one of the appealing things about the character.

    At least to me. The freakout in the season finale was out of character, but it was still tastefully done. You can empathize with her. How frustrating that must have been. Being a God Tier animal handler, and having all of these super tame, royal animals telling you to piss-off.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:19 No.30437192
    The Stare and the thing with the dragon weren't really angry. They were stern. There is a difference.

    "YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!" was anger.
    When she browbeat the dragon, she wasn't being angry, she was just being firm.
    >> Texas Toast !HEROdm4.EU 10/10/11(Mon)07:19 No.30437193

    wow, ok I didn't actually expect you to respond to that. I deleted it because I thought, "this is stupid, I don't need to argue with anyone about something as stupid as a tripcode"

    but god damn

    >"my board"

    I've been here longer than you.

    you may be a god, but I'm an elder god. A titan.

    deal with it son. You may have created this world, but I CREATED THE UNIVERSE. @#Toasted_SCHOOLED
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:20 No.30437199

    I think that's somewhat reactionary.

    And still, it's only a handful of episodes.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:21 No.30437212
    Look, I'm not saying that she's some awfully written character. I'm just saying that I don't like it. I thought she was cuter when she mumbled and hid behind things.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:22 No.30437221
         File1318245760.jpg-(19 KB, 305x312, 1307618074204.jpg)
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    Well, fine. But this is hardly a discussion, seeing as mods are the go-to's for lawbreaking. Until a mod tells us to knock it off with the porn/chilled candy semen, it will continue to be the base subject for every discussion.

    This thread is pointless, your objections are pointless and the Generals will continue like they always have until a mod lays down the law. We all know that vigilantism only backfires, with a mod being quoted as "Ponyfucks are unliked by everyone, but we hate spammers".

    And come on, there are more ponyfuckers than there are moralfags on /co/.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:22 No.30437228
    >you may be a god, but I'm an elder god. A titan.
    No you're not. You're some arrogant tripfag.
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)07:23 No.30437237
    Am I the only one that thinks Ponies are bad ass? I mean, as a race, they tell winter to wrap it the fuck up, and get the fuck out.

    That's hardcore. I don't care who the fuck you think you are. You don't tell winter to get the fuck out, you take that cold like a bitch and you like it.
    >> Texas Toast !HEROdm4.EU 10/10/11(Mon)07:23 No.30437239

    yeah me too. I don't know why people always have to make the nice characters snap.

    it's way to popular for it's own good.
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)07:24 No.30437245
    Let me break this down for you, son. I've watched you. I've seen you post before you decided to copy my fuckin' tripcode. This is infact my board. I don't care who the flying fuck you think you are, but I will have your ass out of this board. Don't let me have this conversation with you again, faggot. The HERO tripcode is trademark Roasted property. If you want to turn this into a legal matter i'm more than ready to see you in court for slander & impersonation along with idenity theft. Don't step to this beloved hero. @#roasted_based_warned
    >> Carter 10/10/11(Mon)07:24 No.30437249

    To be fair, the Stare and the bit with the dragon were times she was in her element. She's good with animals, not social interaction.
    In fact, she's never out of character around her friends, at least not that I can remember.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:24 No.30437250
         File1318245875.jpg-(97 KB, 1674x938, Fluttershy.jpg)
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    The thing is, if that's all she did, you would say she's a completely one dimensional character, like one of those moe anime characters or something.

    I'm not saying "shy but sometimes assertive" is really deep characterization or anything, but Fluttershy cowering and squeaking at everything would get annoying after a while.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:26 No.30437278

    I remember the days when wanting to have a good thread about something you liked was considered normal around here.

    /co/'s gotten legitimately worse.
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)07:26 No.30437279

    Everyone knows the best thing about Fluttershy is she's heartmeltingly cute. That's all she needed to be. I'm glad they can at least try to do more with the character, even if it is cliche.

    They just don't want to make her appear weak, because PC.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:28 No.30437304
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    Personally I like when she's sort of passive aggressive (see Suited for Success), but that's just me.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:28 No.30437307
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    Ms. Diane is my favorite.
    Followed by Fluttershy, since she is badass.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:29 No.30437310
    Roleplaying and Warmachine, mostly.
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)07:31 No.30437335

    "I'm older than you."
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:31 No.30437337
         File1318246284.jpg-(39 KB, 455x302, fuuuuuckyou.jpg)
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    >> Texas Toast !HEROdm4.EU 10/10/11(Mon)07:31 No.30437340

    >I've seen you post before you decided to copy my fuckin' tripcode.

    what? a god can't have an avatar to walk among the mortal beings he's created? unlike you I actually care about my people. All my people. For I created the ponies. You wouldn't catch me condemning one of my beloved creations.

    oh and I'm copying your tripcode? I made the universe son, I already had this tripcode. It was destiny man, unfortunately for you, I also wrote the universe so that you would copy my tripcode. You can't fight something that's preordained. To provide some fun for me when the time was right.

    >This is infact my board.

    a king may rule his land, but the emperor rules the kind. I created this universe. This board included. I am the elder god, the titan. I rule over the other gods. You included.

    >Don't step to this beloved hero.

    dude, I'm a beloved GOD. As a hero, you serve me. Don't bite the hand that feeds you dude.

    haha, I'm going to enjoy this.
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)07:31 No.30437341

    What the fuck is your beef with DnD?
    >> Carter 10/10/11(Mon)07:33 No.30437359

    I think he meant tabletop, dude.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:34 No.30437364
         File1318246446.jpg-(64 KB, 695x645, 1310715388268.jpg)
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    "But Rainbow Dash. Just because you've failed the sonic rainboom a hundred thousand times in practice doesn't mean you won't be able to do it in front of an entire stadium, full of impatient, super-critical sportsfan ponies."
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:34 No.30437369
    Talking more in the D&D, V:tM, 7th Sea kinda thing. You know, actual games.
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)07:34 No.30437372
    Dude, you need to back the fuck off. I can either be a very helpful deity or your worst fuckin' nightmare. This is the last time I will remind you to cut the shitt. If you wanna play ball I'll play, but I'm the fuckin' Jordan around here, rookie.
    >> Texas Toast !HEROdm4.EU 10/10/11(Mon)07:35 No.30437376

    he's not talking about Gaia shit dude. He's talking about like DnD.

    Warmachine is like... a cheaper Warhammer. I think. I've never played it.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:35 No.30437379
         File1318246521.png-(182 KB, 661x460, 1317741606176.png)
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    So, who else are waiting for the Trixie rape/domination/humiliation/public use fic?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:37 No.30437395
         File1318246624.png-(141 KB, 392x445, 1317771117709.png)
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    I like all the ponies, that way I can have a different favorite pony every day of the week.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:37 No.30437399
    >MLP general
    >chilled pony semen

    >Civil MLP General
    >talking best ponies, characterization, etc
    >Two tripfags piss on each other for some reason in a hilariously stupid way

    Can we just ban Faceless, Roogna, NSTS (or whatever), and half the people in the other general? The world would be a better place.
    >> OP 10/10/11(Mon)07:37 No.30437402
         File1318246641.gif-(38 KB, 400x322, 1317163449212.gif)
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    This post made my night.

    See, guys, this was a really nice thread. But I got to go now. It was nice being able to talk about the show in a constructive manner. Keep it up.

    I'm going to bed.
    >> Carter 10/10/11(Mon)07:37 No.30437409

    So where exactly do fan creations such as "Ponyfinder" and "Puzzles and Ponies" (That's supposed to be like that rabbit one, right?) fit in the spectrum?

    I've realized I never answered OPs question. Out of the six I'd have to say Rarity or Twilight. Outside them, Derpy, for reasons undefined.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:38 No.30437414
    >80s Cheerilee

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:39 No.30437426
    Initial cost is cheaper, but you will ultimately wind up paying about the same amount. However, I enjoy it because sometimes the game can get downright silly or amazing, depending on perspective. Such as using a steam powered robot to throw a techno-wizard old enough to be your grandpa through a wall.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:39 No.30437430
         File1318246787.png-(79 KB, 626x311, 1316912348713.png)
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    >Public use

    She's a phone box now?
    >> Texas Toast !HEROdm4.EU 10/10/11(Mon)07:39 No.30437432

    >I can either be a very helpful deity or your worst fuckin' nightmare.

    Roasted, you are one of my beloved creations. That being said, you are my creation. Declaring war against me would be as useful as a clock declaring war against the clockmaker.

    do it if you like and I wish you luck, but I am above such things.

    >I'm the fuckin' Jordan around here, rookie.

    and I'm Wilt.

    deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:40 No.30437443
    I, honestly, cannot say. I have never played them, and know very little about them.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:41 No.30437447
         File1318246868.gif-(300 KB, 185x164, 1305729255814.gif)
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    >OP said it would be simple.
    >It was.
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)07:42 No.30437460
    You're clearly a fan of my crusades. I'll just refrain from schooling you, but if i see you on my turf nothing will stop me. There is only one HERO on this fuckin' board, slugger. Don't ever make me come down here again.
    >> Carter 10/10/11(Mon)07:42 No.30437466

    Good luck in all your future pony endeavors, OP.


    Is it better just to get a battlebox(?) or build a general force after reading stats and such? The idea of buying a box of things you aren't going to use is slightly troublesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:42 No.30437468
    Fuck you ponyfags.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:43 No.30437475

    I sincerely hope you have a brain, and can decide for yourself what's cancer. Fun fan projects such as art and drawfriends and stuff are obviously welcome. It's in the OP.

    He said he's not going to tell you what to post. Just, master yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:43 No.30437478
         File1318247016.png-(1008 KB, 1038x919, 1314607114473.png)
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    >heartmeltingly cute

    >> Texas Toast !HEROdm4.EU 10/10/11(Mon)07:44 No.30437488

    yeah, I never got to actually try Warmachine because the local gaming store closed down.

    DnD was fun though.

    maybe one day I'll find another one closer to were I live that isn't a friggin' 45 minute drive.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:44 No.30437497
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    I'm glad you want to have sex with us anon, but... it just won't work out. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:46 No.30437503
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    I will miss Flutterbitch...
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:46 No.30437504

    >The shipping, the sexuality, the obsession over fan-created content (mainly fanfiction) and the attempts to shove ponies into everything.

    I really don't mind the shipping at all, because I've shipped stuff for a long time.

    I don't like how rabid people get, but I try to deal with it.

    And I can't hate fan-created content either, because yes, people abuse it and insert shitty ocs and gore and stuff, but at the same time they created Derpy, Ocatvia, Dr. Whooves and all other secondary-ponies.

    That's great stuff, imo. There's bitching fanart and fanfics featuring normal stuff in line with the show, and it's what I choose to read over smut-fic of the month or gore-pic of the week.

    The sexuality I'm on the fence. I like sexy pics, but not overt sexualization and smut.

    As for OP's question:

    Favourite has always been Fluttershy (be it her shy normal self or her more assertive/violent peaking out).

    Rarity quickly rose to second best pony due to her wonderful characterization during the first season.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:46 No.30437510
         File1318247216.jpg-(208 KB, 917x800, 1317994089065.jpg)
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    She'll be back.. eventually
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:47 No.30437511
         File1318247230.png-(208 KB, 842x948, 1307542388574.png)
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    >Who is your favorite Pony?

    Take a wild guess.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:47 No.30437517

    That would be great, but we don't have mods.

    So for now I'll just keep ignoring the trolls and fags.
    >> Suckmyoff, the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 10/10/11(Mon)07:47 No.30437520
    so I suppose the general got deleted because of this goddamn troll thread?

    nice work
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:48 No.30437521

    Vote for ponies
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:48 No.30437523
    Battleboxes are absolutely fine. They offer a good start up set, odds are you're going to still use things in the box later on (Example: Cygnar box comes with a lancer, which is almost a must have in each army). And having each caster isn't a bad idea, as each caster has their strengths and weaknesses.
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)07:48 No.30437526
    >Terse's thread gets deleted for this meta bullshit

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:49 No.30437532

    She will rear her bitchy head again some time.

    And Shy-lovers will feak all over the internet about the show ruining Fluttershy.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:50 No.30437538
    Whelp, there goes the thread. And it was going so well.
    >> Suckmyoff, the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 10/10/11(Mon)07:50 No.30437540
         File1318247418.jpg-(42 KB, 669x837, a sweetie.jpg)
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    lets just make it a good thread.

    Favorite pony music?

    Gotta be art of the dress, I jus cant get enough of thu melodies.

    or fan made pony music?

    pinkiepieswear is the shit
    >> Texas Toast !HEROdm4.EU 10/10/11(Mon)07:50 No.30437542

    I don't understand people's obsessive hatred for shipping.

    at worst it's just another thing the extreme 10% has taken and polluted, at best it can be fun for everyone.

    then again, /co/ has started becoming more like /v/ everyday.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:51 No.30437549
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    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:51 No.30437553

    I really hope not. I did not like her attitude at all.
    >> Carter 10/10/11(Mon)07:51 No.30437554

    Having only played tabletop games for a year or two, I simply wanted the opinion of a more experienced tabletop player on the system, thank you. Perhaps I should have worded my post better.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/10/11(Mon)07:51 No.30437555
    I blame Daftykins.

    Do we make a new general, or just move the marker here?

    There've been a lot of 404s recently, it seems.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:51 No.30437558

    Thread started bumpy, but this one has been surprisingly nice.

    Try not to fuck it.

    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:52 No.30437564
    What do you mean dude? this is one of the better threads we've had.

    Are you talking about the tripfag thing? that's fucking hilarious though. Why would you hate on anyone pissing roasted bread off?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:52 No.30437566
         File1318247558.gif-(940 KB, 709x258, 1313294315322.gif)
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    >Meta bullshit
    >People actually discussing MLP

    If you tripfags made a good thread (ie not circle jerking) for once we wouldn't have this problem.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:53 No.30437573

    I found her hilariously bitchy.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:53 No.30437577

    The beginning of the thread was more troubling though.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:53 No.30437579

    I know, OP said not to respond to posts like this, and I hope you understand, that you're not wanted here.

    Please go to pony chan, where you're appreciated. Peace and Love.
    >> Texas Toast !HEROdm4.EU 10/10/11(Mon)07:54 No.30437586

    dude this is a great thread though.

    the only other time we've had a thread this good in the past month was that "classy MLP thread" like a weed ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:54 No.30437590

    But we survived that.
    >> Roasted Bread !HEROgXJwQA 10/10/11(Mon)07:55 No.30437593
         File1318247708.png-(101 KB, 337x337, 131810143332.png)
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    How would one go about making an MLP general thread? It sounds like something I'd be up for trying.
    >> Suckmyoff, the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 10/10/11(Mon)07:55 No.30437596
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    Dunno about the dafty roogna thing, but otherwise I didnt see any circlejerking?

    seriously can we fucking talk about ponies?

    Goddamn fluttershy dump, go
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:55 No.30437597
         File1318247716.jpg-(131 KB, 1136x613, 1310830872801.jpg)
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    >Peace and Love

    No man, no. Just tell him to piss off so we can have a nice thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:55 No.30437601
    What is this and what have you done to my little pony general?!
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/10/11(Mon)07:56 No.30437604
    Dumping pictures isn't the same thing as discussion. I'd rather do the latter rather than the former.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:56 No.30437609
         File1318247787.jpg-(118 KB, 502x397, flut.jpg)
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    Actually made a thread about My Little Pony.
    >> Suckmyoff, the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 10/10/11(Mon)07:57 No.30437616
    it may inspire discussion. all part of my fuckin master plan.

    Here, why do you either like, or not like fluttershy?

    Personally, she's just fucking adorable, and its genuinely hard to find legitimately nice characters nowadays
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)07:58 No.30437623
    Well, Rarity has a particularly nice design and voice. As a character she's strong, likeable, and very intelligent, despite being part of a certain archetype that usually gets hit by a great deal of, what's the word I'm looking for...flak? Anyway, there's definitely reason to like her. In her highlight episodes - Suited for Success, Dog and Pony Show, Green Isn't Your Colour - she definitely stands out as being resourceful, inventive, and most of all, ultimately good-natured. There are worse ponies to like. I don't think she's perfect and the show regularly puts her in situations where I feel, both intra and extradiegetically, better options could have been pursued, but otherwise she's great.

    My personal favourite pony is probably Scootaloo. Aside from reminding me of my younger siblings, she's cute, driven, and very funny - I think that despite being a member of the CMC (who get an ungodly amount of hate, for some reason), she really stands up as a character.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:58 No.30437628
    OP is the God-King of /co/.

    He will never adopt a trip and lead us into a glorious age of culture and technology.

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)07:59 No.30437633

    Flak is the word.

    Good thing the writers specifically set to subvert that character archetype.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/10/11(Mon)07:59 No.30437634
    I like her a lot, probably because autists gonna autism.

    In seriousness, she, like every other character, is adorable. I just feel like every time she's intimidated by the big scary world, that I just want to hug her and tell her everything will be okay. I also like the interesting character dynamic of being a pegasus pony more acclimated to the earth - it's a cool sluffing of stereotypical design philosophy.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:00 No.30437636

    And the world heaved a sigh of relief.

    He'd probably turn into a faggot too.
    >> Suckmyoff, the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 10/10/11(Mon)08:30 No.30437646
    I really like the CMC now. When s1 was running they were the fucking worst.

    taking up two episodes in a row. selfish
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)08:30 No.30437654
    Oh, jeez, that was stupid of me, interpreting a meta-troll thread as something legitimate. Oh well. Point still stands, and as an addendum, I feel that the CMC as a whole actually bolster each other's characters, rather than demean and degrade them, as is so often said. It's pretty clear they're designed to mesh together as a whole, despite Applebloom being the first to appear (citing Bridle Gossip and whatnot), and although they behave more childishly after meeting each other, that doesn't stop them from being strong characters - sure, Applebloom loses a little bit of what made her likeable in her first appearance, but at the same time she gains two friends who provide powerful foils for her, and becomes more adventurous and entertaining at the same time. In Bridle Gossip she was great, but she became even better in Show Stoppers and Cutie Mark Chronicles, I think, and the CMC's short appearance in The Return of Harmony was one of the defining highlights of that two-parter.
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)08:30 No.30437659
    Did 4chan fuck up again?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:30 No.30437664
         File1318249844.jpg-(32 KB, 531x639, 130395049465.jpg)
    32 KB
    So why does /co/ shit on Ponychan when it has actual discussion of the show and fan projects and /co/ just talks about Pony semen and OCs?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:30 No.30437667
         File1318249855.gif-(745 KB, 640x432, ddr ponies.gif)
    745 KB
    I hope she does. And I am a Shy-lover. Every line she dropped as Flutterbitch I lold my balls off.

    >Good boy, Angel! Mama's SO proud.
    >Dont won't. HAHAHA
    >I AM touching your stone Rarity, HA HA

    She and annoyed Twilight were the best parts of episode 2 for me.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:31 No.30437681
         File1318249890.png-(107 KB, 300x300, applemafia.png)
    107 KB

    These are the hours of europe. Once the americans return in force, all your hopes will burn.
    >> scootanon 10/10/11(Mon)08:32 No.30437692
         File1318249940.jpg-(13 KB, 194x162, Scootaloo (25).jpg)
    13 KB

    i cant open Desktop Ponies

    i get an error everytime i open the .exe, what gives?

    because they're a bunch of hugboxing autists
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:33 No.30437698

    Europeans are just as bad.
    In fact, anyone who browses 4chan is a potential cunt.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:33 No.30437700
    They allow emoticons, hugboxing, everything 4chan hates.
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)08:34 No.30437706
    Yeah, exactly. The subversion is half the fun - I enjoy having my expectations smashed, and that was the feeling I was running with throughout the first episode, until the second. I liked her, but she didn't seem all that compelling. Then she kicked the Manticore right in the face and bam, instant top-tier pony. I've absolutely adored Rarity ever since, despite having my qualms with her as a character over quite a few things - again, Dog and Pony Show in particular.

    I got into a quick thought process of the CMC in >>30437654, but I do honestly think that's fine. Stare Master and Show Stoppers were both great, and I love the CMC, so I was entirely okay with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:34 No.30437709
    >talk about the show

    good one
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:34 No.30437712
    Because while they discuss the show, they're the same people who enable the "must convert everyone, MLP is the greatest thing ever" mentality. They're the ones who create OCponies and RP as them. They're the ones who would have loved Discord to be some grimdark alicorn.

    Their best discussions can't hold a candle to /co/'s best discussions.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:36 No.30437725
         File1318250197.png-(8 KB, 358x259, Ponychan Lyrics We Are The Bro(...).png)
    8 KB
    >> Fluffy !BUTTS/Ojd2 10/10/11(Mon)08:37 No.30437728
         File1318250228.png-(36 KB, 550x400, screwball_wip.png)
    36 KB
    Screw Ball model for screwed up threads.

    Also some nightmare fuel.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:37 No.30437732
    >/co/'s best discussions.
    You mean talking about pony semen's flavours and clopfics?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:37 No.30437733
    Good lord. That better be a joke.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:38 No.30437736
    I would pay all of my dollars to ensure that all of the CMCs never appeared again.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:39 No.30437740
         File1318250340.png-(10 KB, 480x387, 1316403371705.png)
    10 KB
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)08:39 No.30437742
    Looks great, Fluffy! How close is it to completion?
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)08:40 No.30437746

    I think alot of people would be satisfied with just applebloom by herself.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:40 No.30437749
         File1318250426.png-(92 KB, 291x331, Scootaloo (20).png)
    92 KB
    i would give all of mine to cancel your request
    >> TROLLESTIA 5000 WITH KUNG FU MOON-BANISHING ACTION !!42QF6ZjKiPj 10/10/11(Mon)08:41 No.30437753
         File1318250484.png-(46 KB, 429x280, mylittlebronysong.png)
    46 KB
    Yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:41 No.30437754
         File1318250487.png-(97 KB, 334x430, truestorybro.png)
    97 KB
    >Hating CMCs
    >In 2011

    Etc etc
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:41 No.30437756
         File1318250508.png-(388 KB, 925x644, 1318227929.ponyparty_applefeti(...).png)
    388 KB
    Why yes, this is my fetish.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:42 No.30437762
    u mad, brony?
    >> Texas Toast !HEROdm4.EU 10/10/11(Mon)08:42 No.30437764

    >grimdark alicorn

    my god that would have sucked.

    also, didn't they say they were going to have a new villain? do you think it's going to be a small time kind of Jack Spiceresque Villain? or more of an actual antagonist?

    also, one last meta thing. Do you guys think I should keep messing with Roasted Bread for fun? It has potential to be HILARIOUS (at least for me), but I don't really want to be known for that.
    >> GeneralIvan !!es8jpwZdntp 10/10/11(Mon)08:43 No.30437765
         File1318250588.png-(129 KB, 496x427, 2011-10-10_074259.png)
    129 KB
    Never really posted in a pony thread but the discussion caught my interest.

    My girlfriend recently had me watch a few episodes with her and I was pleasantly by how good it was and actually watched a few more episodes on my own.

    I like the show but I never told anyone because I never wanted to be labeled as a "Brony". To me a Brony is synonymous with loudmouthed, obnoxious, in-your-face guys who profess pony love WAY TOO MUCH.

    I don't want to be associated with that shit. I'm just a normal fan.
    >> TROLLESTIA 5000 WITH KUNG FU MOON-BANISHING ACTION !!42QF6ZjKiPj 10/10/11(Mon)08:43 No.30437767
         File1318250590.jpg-(48 KB, 600x375, cmcep.jpg)
    48 KB
    I will hate on them until they stop sucking. Which won't ever happen.

    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/10/11(Mon)08:44 No.30437772
         File1318250645.png-(33 KB, 532x945, Spike Whyboner.png)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:44 No.30437777
         File1318250688.jpg-(41 KB, 374x500, 1309163480287.jpg)
    41 KB
    You tried really hard OP. I respect that, but the cancer is here.

    Captcha: Inc. Nutstab

    It knows every time.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:45 No.30437780

    I like your videos.

    Also that's how everyone on /co/ is.
    >> Fluffy !BUTTS/Ojd2 10/10/11(Mon)08:45 No.30437785
         File1318250753.png-(35 KB, 550x400, screwball_wip.png)
    35 KB
    Right now I guess.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:46 No.30437787
         File1318250766.gif-(14 KB, 200x200, 1293852009365.gif)
    14 KB

    Dem Quads.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:46 No.30437790
         File1318250793.png-(452 KB, 1272x1280, 1311310856854.png)
    452 KB
    >To me a Brony is synonymous with loudmouthed, obnoxious, in-your-face guys who profess pony love WAY TOO MUCH
    >I don't want to be associated with that shit. I'm just a normal fan.


    I can't say all of us are normal (I'm sure OP and the guys who started the thread were, but since the old general got deleted...) but that's kinda why ponyfans on /co/ dropped the term, it sounded shitty anyways.
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)08:47 No.30437794
         File1318250827.gif-(288 KB, 640x360, 1312920452886.gif)
    288 KB

    So Ivan finally comes out about his love for ponies.

    Oh boy here we go.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !rBNVyANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 10/10/11(Mon)08:47 No.30437796
    Sorry dude, blame the 1 general rule.
    The thread that us cancerous scum were in got deleted thanks to this thread that you guys were using to bitch about us cancerous scum.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:47 No.30437800

    He made a couple of pony videos a while back.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:48 No.30437804
         File1318250888.gif-(7 KB, 800x600, friendsforever-.gif)
    7 KB

    Do you want a medal? I can give you a medal.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:48 No.30437806
         File1318250903.jpg-(69 KB, 631x564, 1317127470025.jpg)
    69 KB
    >implying ponychan isn't worse than /co/
    They scare me.
    >> Faceless !derpvGeSf. 10/10/11(Mon)08:48 No.30437807
         File1318250904.png-(94 KB, 277x361, 130816709405.png)
    94 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:48 No.30437811
         File1318250922.png-(78 KB, 281x258, Scootaloo (125).png)
    78 KB
    no, where do i get this framework

    its weird because i could use the previous version but not the latest one

    i want a little scootaloo fliying arround while i stalk the zone
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:48 No.30437813
    If you know you're assholes, stop acting like assholes. People might actually start liking you!
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)08:49 No.30437814

    I know, I've seen them, but he hasn't really said whether or not he liked them when asked on his ask thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:49 No.30437816
    Who is your favorite pony and why?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:49 No.30437818

    You're not appreciated here. At all. Go on ponychan and resume your fanwank.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:49 No.30437825
    >> Faceless !derpvGeSf. 10/10/11(Mon)08:50 No.30437829
         File1318251007.jpg-(14 KB, 320x326, 130816931984.jpg)
    14 KB
    Kick'em in the gonads and then tell them to stand straight up now are ye, y' lopsacked cur?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:50 No.30437830

    I appreciate him.
    >> Texas Toast 10/10/11(Mon)08:50 No.30437835
    yeah fuck this noise. I'd rather just be a normal drawfag.

    that being said, requests anyone?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:50 No.30437837
    Shut the fuck up Anonymous.
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/10/11(Mon)08:50 No.30437841
         File1318251051.gif-(67 KB, 126x163, boingy boingy boingy.gif)
    67 KB
    Here's the redistributable.

    Also, I see you have not yet upgraded to Windows 7, anon.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:50 No.30437844
    They actually talk about the show occasionally over on /pony/. They've got us beat in that regard.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !rBNVyANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 10/10/11(Mon)08:50 No.30437845
    He's not talking to me specifically
    >> Faceless !derpvGeSf. 10/10/11(Mon)08:51 No.30437849
    Rarity dressing up an Anonymous in fancy white tux.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:51 No.30437850
    What kind of requests?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:51 No.30437853
    >/co/ never discusses the show
    Oh come on now.

    Now you're just being a tunnelvisioned asshole.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:51 No.30437854
         File1318251108.png-(61 KB, 1258x558, humanized drawfag challenge.png)
    61 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:51 No.30437855
    Fluttershy in samurai armor.
    >> GeneralIvan !!es8jpwZdntp 10/10/11(Mon)08:51 No.30437856

    Rarity, mostly because I love the song Art of The Dress and because she's classy as hell.
    >> TROLLESTIA 5000 WITH KUNG FU MOON-BANISHING ACTION !!42QF6ZjKiPj 10/10/11(Mon)08:52 No.30437861
         File1318251162.jpg-(68 KB, 600x348, actuallydiscussingtheshow.jpg)
    68 KB
    It happens less than I'd like, I'll admit.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:53 No.30437866
    You're a man of great taste.
    >> Texas Toast 10/10/11(Mon)08:53 No.30437871

    regular kinds.

    I'm not taking any animated requests until next month.
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)08:54 No.30437874

    I concur, such fine gents you both are.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:54 No.30437878
    >Threads with actual discussion

    You never really realize how shit the generals are until you get a half decent discussion thread going.
    >> TROLLESTIA 5000 WITH KUNG FU MOON-BANISHING ACTION !!42QF6ZjKiPj 10/10/11(Mon)08:54 No.30437880
         File1318251262.png-(53 KB, 1550x978, rarityisawesome.png)
    53 KB
    Have you watched the whole show yet? Because you have no idea how great she is if you haven't.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:54 No.30437884
         File1318251273.jpg-(134 KB, 400x406, 1317738605062.jpg)
    134 KB
    Traps, my only weakness, hnnnng
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:54 No.30437885
    you're part of the problem you non-contributing useless circlejerking tripfag fuck

    all you do is complain
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:54 No.30437886
         File1318251277.jpg-(99 KB, 500x534, Jonnebis.jpg)
    99 KB
    Good choice.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:55 No.30437896

    Oh the fucking irony. You're killing me.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:55 No.30437898
    I'm pretty sure he was exaggerating for effect. Of course we discuss various aspects of the show from time to time, but it doesn't happen very often and most of the discussion is based around possible events and not actual canon events.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:55 No.30437901
         File1318251345.png-(171 KB, 404x515, Scootaloo (75).png)
    171 KB
    w7 sucks, i have it at work and its vista-slow, takes ages to open a .doc

    thanks but ill keep using a modified version of XP SP3
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:56 No.30437905
    What if the ponies visited the pony-equivalent of Japan in in episode? What would it be like?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:56 No.30437907
         File1318251398.png-(159 KB, 380x503, 69211.png)
    159 KB
    Take a look in the mirror, Derpy.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:56 No.30437910
         File1318251406.png-(42 KB, 158x152, 1310440577499.png)
    42 KB
    It's only after watching the show that I realize how awesome Rarity is.

    And I used to think she was worst pony.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:57 No.30437917
         File1318251446.jpg-(37 KB, 275x300, PokeofSlow.jpg)
    37 KB
    >Air Date: 11/5/11 10:00am
    >Title: Sisterhooves Social
    >Synopsis: Sweetie Belle is upset when her sister Rarity refuses to participate in a rough and tumble celebration of sisterly unity.

    >rough and tumble celebration of sisterly unity

    I do say, this could be misinterpreted as an innuendo.
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)08:57 No.30437919

    You've seen the light. Which episode helped you along?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:58 No.30437921
    Japanese stereotypes, Japanese stereotypes everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:58 No.30437922
         File1318251481.png-(122 KB, 650x573, 1317591502448.png)
    122 KB

    Oh, Faceless ... You shouldn't, it's not my birthday yet!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:58 No.30437923
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:59 No.30437929
         File1318251542.png-(181 KB, 392x441, 1317799160988.png)
    181 KB
    >> Texas Toast 10/10/11(Mon)08:59 No.30437932



    yeah there's no way I could pull that off.

    but fuck it, I'll do Twilight in the Punk Rock outfit.


    Samurshai, I like it. I'll do that too.

    I'll probably have all of these done by noon, but that's just because I haven't had breakfast or coffee yet. Gimme a minute.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/10/11(Mon)08:59 No.30437936
         File1318251584.png-(52 KB, 240x154, Flutershy Rainbow Dash Yay.png)
    52 KB
    Oh hey, that song.
    >pic related
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:59 No.30437937
         File1318251586.png-(187 KB, 800x700, Eyebrows.png)
    187 KB
    Yep, rev up that delicious incestual /ll/
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)08:59 No.30437940
    And reading these threads...

    But episode wise? Probably after the second viewing of Suited for Success, I guess.
    >> TROLLESTIA 5000 WITH KUNG FU MOON-BANISHING ACTION !!42QF6ZjKiPj 10/10/11(Mon)09:00 No.30437941
    The fact is that there's not a ton to talk about when the show's not on. The "show discussion" over on ponychan all revolves around topics that have been done to death several times (I mean, take a look at /pony/ right now, tell me how many of those topics are fresh and never discussed before).

    No doubt. Shit gets derailed around here mad quick, but that's to be expected when all the discussion from everyone is being contained in a single thread. There's always multiple topics going on at once, unless a brand new episode is airing at the time, in which case everyone's pretty much talking about the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:00 No.30437947
         File1318251634.jpg-(152 KB, 544x775, 1316882392058.jpg)
    152 KB
    >That face
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:00 No.30437949
    You see, I'm guessing that it would look a lot more like Feudal Japan that modern Japan. Ponies going around everywhere in kimonos and such, a pony shogun presiding over the city, etc.
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/10/11(Mon)09:01 No.30437953
    That's fair enough, I suppose. You should give Office 2010 a shot. The loading times on that are pretty amazing.

    What I wouldn't give to see a passing crowd of Neighponese schoolfillies.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:01 No.30437957
         File1318251699.jpg-(27 KB, 381x360, 1317963909121.jpg)
    27 KB
    >jerking off to a 400x403 scanned sketch of trap scootaloo when there's literally millions of HD videos of traps on the internet
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:02 No.30437962
    your computer at work sucks. it's not the OS's fault.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:02 No.30437965
         File1318251754.jpg-(56 KB, 750x563, 1196525784655.jpg)
    56 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:02 No.30437968
    You could always get OpenOffice.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:02 No.30437970
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)09:03 No.30437979
         File1318251813.gif-(400 KB, 400x363, legit griffy.gif)
    400 KB
    It could well be! I rather prefer to construe it as a celebration of sisterly unity involving many physically-challenging events, myself. Six-legged races, tugs of war, fisticuffs (or hoofsticuffs, in this case) and so on.
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/10/11(Mon)09:03 No.30437981
         File1318251820.gif-(142 KB, 413x470, lez do this.gif)
    142 KB
    Oh man. I think I want to try one of these. It's going to be shit, but I want to try it.
    >> Texas Toast 10/10/11(Mon)09:04 No.30437986

    wow guys really?

    when this thing wasn't a general people were actually discussing the show with the exception of me circle jerking with roasted bread.

    now that the thread is a general we've moved to a full on meta discussion about ponychan vs /co/. Plus even more cirlcejerk.

    man nevermind.

    I'm just going to shut up and get back to drawing. I can't really talk anyway. I'm just as bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:04 No.30437992
    Shut up slut, no one said your whore mouth could talk.
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)09:05 No.30437995


    That's far too barbaric for Rarity. Hilarity will ensue.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !rBNVyANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 10/10/11(Mon)09:05 No.30437996
         File1318251902.png-(353 KB, 529x428, angry annoyed pinkamina_diane_(...).png)
    353 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:05 No.30437997
    Such is life on /co/. Unfortunately.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:05 No.30437998
    Well fuck you too, Imma gonna go play Dark Souls.
    Just 5 more minutes.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:05 No.30438001
    oh god, is this what you were working on?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:07 No.30438013
    Those rap guys always make that goddamn Blingee thing.
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)09:08 No.30438020
    That's the thing - they weren't. Reading over the thread, there has been no real discussion, and nothing has been said of either a trenchant or salient nature. It's been a legitimately terrible thread, as always, and people are blowing it up to exaggerated proportions in an attempt to glorify something that simply isn't there.

    There is a ton of stuff to discuss, as I have been saying all day, and have been doing throughout this thread and others, as have many others. Even at the beginning of this "civil general", no one did. Instead we divided a group that potentially has a lot to talk about, and to serve what purpose? A few inflated egos. Hell, right at the start of the last thread the OP topic I included provide two discussion topics and that thread was deleted. This one seems to have so few people (throughout!) discussing its topic. There's no difference anywhere. Sorry, man, but that's the way it is.

    Exactly! Imagine what Rarity will do. In the six-legged race, she'll probably refuse to run in the dirt with Sweetie Belle, she won't help in the tug of war for fear of chipping something or overexerting herself, she'll create problems for Sweetie Belle and this will be the impetus behind the episode's conflict. I'm looking forward to it!

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:08 No.30438023
         File1318252132.png-(455 KB, 949x762, 1317134908443.png)
    455 KB
    >That feel when nobody wants to talk to me like that

    Oh Faceless, why can we not be.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:08 No.30438024
         File1318252137.png-(137 KB, 500x374, Scootaloo could taste my secre(...).png)
    137 KB
    Also, there is potential for Homelessloo fanon to be jossed.

    Scootaloo fans rejoice.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:09 No.30438026
         File1318252160.png-(984 KB, 1231x821, Scootaloo (154).png)
    984 KB
    cant modify those computers, besides im used to my current OS, ill change it when it becomes absolutely useless like windows 95 today, ill give it another 5 or 6 years

    also i have 5 little scootaloos scooting arround my screen now
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:09 No.30438028
         File1318252176.png-(653 KB, 900x1238, a_youtube_moment_comic__by_win(...).png)
    653 KB
    >Trixie will never crawl through your computer screen and rape you.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:10 No.30438034
    Terse, your thread got deleted, deal with it.

    Now let's talk about this upcoming episode and speculate the hell out of it.
    >> Fluffy !BUTTS/Ojd2 10/10/11(Mon)09:10 No.30438039
         File1318252237.png-(90 KB, 600x600, lauren fluffles.png)
    90 KB
    I'd really like to see those games with the two. Especially that sex-legged race. Just imagining Sweetie Belle running in place trying to go somewhere while Rarity just stands there.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:11 No.30438046
    Here's how I think the episode would go:
    Twilight and the rest of the mane cast sail into the city and dock at the port. Rarity is amazed at the fashion, and goes to look at it all. Applejack wants to try out the local food. Rainbow Dash wants to show off to the Pegasi that live there. Twilight is interested in studying the culture, so she goes and asks around what life is like there. I'm not sure what Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy would do. There would at least be some samurai stuff and such.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/10/11(Mon)09:11 No.30438050
    Do you really think Rarity is going to be that shallow? She's definitely fastidious in that regard sometimes, but I don't know that she'd let it get in the way of something that was really important.

    I agree with Terse, for what it's worth. No need to be a jerk, anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:11 No.30438051
    >has a reference picture right there in the comic
    >still manages to use the wrong colors for Trixie
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:11 No.30438052
    >sex-legged race

    Something on your mind, Fluffy?
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)09:12 No.30438056

    Oh boy, Scootasiblings.

    She won't show up to the event, Scoots sits on the bench and watches the other siblings participate in the event.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:13 No.30438062
         File1318252387.jpg-(151 KB, 423x600, 3520 - freud pinkie_pie.jpg)
    151 KB
    >sex-legged race
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:13 No.30438067

    If thise were true and they didn't make a joke about how the cartoon characters in pony japan have such big eyes and colorful outfits, I'd be pissed.
    >> Fluffy !BUTTS/Ojd2 10/10/11(Mon)09:13 No.30438070
         File1318252437.png-(100 KB, 618x800, 1312298752102.png)
    100 KB
    Oh man. That's a flag for me. I think I need a nap...
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)09:14 No.30438073
    I quite like the idea that Scootaloo's role in the episode - if it does contain her at all - will be based on her either having an older sister already, but preferring Dash and wanting her help (which incites envy, obviously) or being an only child and desperately trying to convince Dash to help her in the competition so she doesn't feel left out. I honestly love the idea of seeing Scootaloo emotional and worked up.

    I'm dealin', I'm dealin'. Anyway, I am speculating! Which one? Lesson Zero, Nightmare Night, or Sisterhooves Union? Right now my ranking is something along the lines of NN, then SU, then LZ. Each has potential to be great - LZ might well finally be the death knell for the concept of the plenaries, and certainly will give us more in the way of Twilight being adorably frantic and self-centered. But who knows?

    Yeah, and the point of the episode will probably be that in the end, she saw the forest rather than the trees and helped her sister win the race or something - a feelgood moral for everyone. But I imagine her fastidiousness and perfectionism will probably provide the driving force behind the majority of the episode, aside from other sisterly shenanigans with Applebloom, Applejack and so on.

    Yeah, exactly! It'll be perfect for those of us who have siblings and have participated in such things. An episode for the older viewers, I imagine.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/10/11(Mon)09:15 No.30438083
    Oh man. Stop talking about Luna episode.

    I... I don't think I've ever wanted anything more than I want that episode.

    It's going to be so beautiful...
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:16 No.30438091
         File1318252584.png-(182 KB, 442x341, listen here you.png)
    182 KB
    Having just got here, I'd like to point out that...

    bitching and complaining about the state of this fandom and encouraging meta discussions < actually discovering and encouraging discussion topics and action towards something you consider worthwhile

    It's fine if you dont like certain things, but being a bitch about it solves nothing. It completely fails to accomodate the folks that actually LIKE the stuff you like.

    So if you're unhappy with the state of things, either pull your finger out of your bum and work to make things better for all

    Or fuck off
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:16 No.30438092
    I don't even care for Luna and I think NN is going to be one of the finer episodes of the season.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:17 No.30438100
    In before Nightmare Night is a middling mediocre episode and rage shakes the internet.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:18 No.30438103
    Ya know the more excited I get for these episodes the more I feel like a fucking idiot.

    I mean, it's ponies dude, and it's also just a television show, and yet...
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !rBNVyANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 10/10/11(Mon)09:18 No.30438104
    Definitaly looking forward to Nightmare Night, and I'm excited for Lesson Zero, but Sisterhooves Union sounds a bit boring too me.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/10/11(Mon)09:18 No.30438110
    No matter what happens in that episode, portions of the internet will be consumed by rage.

    And we will ride that tidal wave of fury, like crusaders surfing to our glorious new haven, the island of Luna's established canon.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:18 No.30438111
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:19 No.30438115
    >Sisterhooves Union

    Where did you even get Union from?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:19 No.30438119
         File1318252784.png-(37 KB, 386x356, WOAHTRIXIECUTITOUT.png)
    37 KB
    But we're going to see the rest of Rarity's family! Doesn't that excite you at all?
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)09:19 No.30438122
    I can already see the dichotomy drawn between Luna and Celestia by the production staff. I can imagine that, considering what we know about Celestia (a playful and fun but ultimately caring, wise and compassionate ruler and goddess), they'll work specifically to emphasise Luna being similar and yet fundamentally opposed to that. Say, low lighting, lightning strikes, the usual villain stuff, but subverted to play off her mostly good nature. She'll be mischievous like Celestia, but in a more prankster-ish way; she'll probably also be good, but misguided, and very quick to put her own altruistic ideas ahead of other people's. The prodigal child and younger sister archetype, finally allowed to play in the show.
    >> Texas Toast 10/10/11(Mon)09:19 No.30438123

    >trenchant or salient

    I guess I'm just dumb or something because I have no idea what the fuck that means.

    tiem 4 google
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:20 No.30438126
    He's probably from New Jersey
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:20 No.30438130

    Roogna, how would you feel if there was a scene where Gilda chirped and sang to welcome the sunrise?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:20 No.30438133
         File1318252833.png-(156 KB, 285x296, 1316877140848.png)
    156 KB
    I hope the pacing is off and Luna is only a small cameo. Just for you, NSTS.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:20 No.30438134
    Any Rarity focused episode is best.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:20 No.30438138
         File1318252850.png-(1.18 MB, 1600x2000, 1310151159335.png)
    1.18 MB
    Delicious established Luna canon.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !rBNVyANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 10/10/11(Mon)09:21 No.30438140

    copied the name terse said...
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:21 No.30438141
         File1318252870.png-(239 KB, 1000x934, 131049827989-58_smushyFace.png)
    239 KB

    Oh god
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/10/11(Mon)09:21 No.30438149
         File1318252898.png-(174 KB, 518x600, applejack Liarjack Scrunchy Fa(...).png)
    174 KB
    You posted the wrong Applejack picture there, brotato.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:21 No.30438151
    Lame, I liked my joke better.
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)09:21 No.30438153
    No, no, you're not dumb at all! I'm just a bit wordy. Point is, surely you see where I'm coming from, in retrospect. This thread's been played up to be more than it is.

    >A Dog and Pony Show
    Got to disagree with you there, champ. Not one of the best. Good, but not great.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !rBNVyANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 10/10/11(Mon)09:21 No.30438154
         File1318252919.png-(105 KB, 395x400, Gilda sees Fluttershy hit by a(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:22 No.30438158
         File1318252945.png-(97 KB, 285x296, murder_AJ.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:22 No.30438160
    I didn't care for Dog and Pony Show.
    The Diamond Dogs were fucking ugly and the lesson comes off as "you can get whatever you want by whining enough".
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:23 No.30438171
    >Think the episode is called Sisterhooves Social
    >Might actually be Sisterhooves Union

    The second one might be a really REALLY loose pun on Soviet Union, but where the fuck did I get social?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:23 No.30438175
    I thought it was
    >Just because someone is a lady, doesn't mean they don't have a dick
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:23 No.30438176
    But women can get whatever they want whining enough if they are good looking
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:24 No.30438179
    In your opinion, man.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:24 No.30438180
    And then Dash walks in on her.
    "Heya G, I was wondering if...what are you doing?"
    "...n-nothing, dweeb."
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !rBNVyANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 10/10/11(Mon)09:24 No.30438184
         File1318253088.png-(163 KB, 666x666, dweeb_by_kl0ndike-d3ju4qm.png)
    163 KB
    butch I HOPE you mean only Fido and Spot
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:24 No.30438185
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:25 No.30438192

    oh lawd
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:26 No.30438208
    No wonder they took the ie thing out of the corner.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:27 No.30438212
         File1318253232.png-(1.63 MB, 2500x2500, whinny_belle_by_kloudmutt-d49i(...).png)
    1.63 MB
    Rover is best diamond dog.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:27 No.30438213
    Which one of the mane 6 is gonna grow old to be the bitter old woman?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:27 No.30438214
    as much as this show punches above its weight, I dont think they would even touch the soviet union in my little pony
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:27 No.30438219
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/10/11(Mon)09:27 No.30438222
    Favorite episode revelation time?

    Everyone already knows mine.

    What's yours, Terse?
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)09:28 No.30438230
    Oh, my personal favourite episode is pretty obvious! I've shared it a lot before. It's Show Stoppers! Followed by The Return of Harmony, that is. I really love most of them, though, anyway, so it's hard to make a decision, haha!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:29 No.30438232
    Pinkie Pie. After having dealt with diabetes for decades and realizing her knees aren't as nimble as they used to be for partying, her whole purpose in life is void and cynicism is her only escape.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:29 No.30438233
    It's just the name of a country...

    Which would be a ridiculously stupid pun in retrospect.

    I'm pretty sure it's Sisterhooves Social though (seeing as the first post calls it that), so where did Terse get Union?

    Better question: where's the pun in Sisterhooves Social?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:29 No.30438234
         File1318253371.png-(34 KB, 800x206, 1308281826153.png)
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    >Blight town
    >Valley of defilement
    >My face when I have to go through this shithole again

    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/10/11(Mon)09:30 No.30438242
    >Show Stoppers
    You're a strange man, Terse.

    And I love you for it.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:30 No.30438244

    They could have some hyper strict fascist society where Friendship is controlled and regulated by the government.

    Unions between ponies are controlled on a rotation, with potential friendships being selected and paired up by the party for an alloted spanse of time before being terminated so that those involved can experience new 'fresh' friendships

    The artificiality of the system will come under attack by the arrival of the main cast, who join a 'friendship resistence group' and work together to teach the Chief Secretary the true meaning of friendship
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:30 No.30438245

    Rainbow Dash for sure.

    >Implying Rarity wouldn't age with style and grace
    >> Texas Toast 10/10/11(Mon)09:30 No.30438248

    Yeah I see where you're coming from.

    in retrospect pretty much everything is worse than how people remember.

    I forget that sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:31 No.30438250
    >Favourite episode
    >Show Stoppers

    >FOLLOWED BY Return of Harmony

    Wait, what.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:31 No.30438251
    Is this some sort of new video game? I haven't played a video game since Nintendo 64. Did they ever make the Nintendo Dolphin?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:32 No.30438259
         File1318253536.png-(396 KB, 1920x1080, 49263 - E.Y.E. EYE_divine_cybe(...).png)
    396 KB
    Ugh. Everyone's talking about this damn game but I don't care about fantasy rpgs.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:32 No.30438262
    Derpy will have derpy eyes in the next episode you just know it
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:32 No.30438265
    I hope so. Stupid animators ruining her eyes...
    >> Fluffy !BUTTS/Ojd2 10/10/11(Mon)09:33 No.30438267
         File1318253600.png-(71 KB, 600x400, boop.png)
    71 KB
    Oh boy!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:33 No.30438269
    Fluttershy is transported to the Kanto by Celestia as a birthday gift. What pokemon does she encounter and befriend first? What would her team look like? Would she even become a trainer?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:33 No.30438270
         File1318253611.jpg-(59 KB, 450x268, unpopularheader.jpg)
    59 KB
    Mare in the Moon, PoO and maybe The Stare Master. I, for some reason, did not like RoH that much. Yeah, Discord was nice, but that was about it. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:33 No.30438271
    >Fantasy RPGs

    Call me a fucking casual, but the closest to an RPG I'm going to play is Fallout.
    >> Faceless !derpvGeSf. 10/10/11(Mon)09:33 No.30438273
         File1318253618.png-(61 KB, 365x358, 130816353173.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:33 No.30438275
    And if that storyboard's true, she'll be right in the foreground in ep 4.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:33 No.30438276
         File1318253629.png-(294 KB, 744x778, 131704237443.png)
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    Pony should deepthroat pony
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)09:33 No.30438277

    >next episode

    Possible, but we don't know. The only one that we know she'll be derping it up in is the halloween episode according to that storyboard we saw.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:33 No.30438279
    Go read Hoennshy and then leave us for /vp/.
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/10/11(Mon)09:34 No.30438283
         File1318253644.png-(404 KB, 945x945, 55096 - Sweetie_Belle artist:m(...).png)
    404 KB
    Show Stoppers, eh? Well it does have the best song.

    >Did they ever make the Nintendo Dolphin?
    Oh you. There's one on the shelf next to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:34 No.30438285
    I guess not everything can be a pun?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:34 No.30438288

    I hope you don't mean Fallout 3.
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)09:34 No.30438293
    >see this, check post
    >"Blah blah blah, Sisterhooves Union"
    That was a pretty strange mistake for me to make. Huh, apparently I have union on the brain or something. Sorry about that, Roogna and co.!

    I know, dude, I know. hold me and don't ever let go

    You must have been having too much fun messing around with that Roasted Bread guy. I don't know who he is, but he seems pretty hilarious. Anyway, yeah, we just have to focus on carrying discussions on, you know?

    So here's a hypothetical before I let you get back to drawing - whose music do you prefer? William Anderson's BGM, or Daniel Ingram's songs?

    I love TROH, but Show Stoppers is just hands-down my favourite episode. The TROH two-parter would come first if it hadn't been flawed, and if two-parters weren't breaking the rules, you know?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:34 No.30438294

    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !rBNVyANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 10/10/11(Mon)09:35 No.30438301
    but fallout is fantasy.
    unless I've been in my house long enough to miss a nuclear Apocalypse and the rise of a new civilization.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:35 No.30438304
    >Terse likes Show Stoppers the best

    If only you were easier to hate.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:35 No.30438305
         File1318253745.jpg-(222 KB, 720x469, 65824 - colored derpy_hooves e(...).jpg)
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    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/10/11(Mon)09:35 No.30438306
         File1318253755.jpg-(42 KB, 592x596, pull my hoof.jpg)
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    I really hope they don't overdo that.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:36 No.30438308
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:36 No.30438311
         File1318253786.jpg-(138 KB, 768x1024, 65361 - artist-thelivingmachin(...).jpg)
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    >Not Sinnoh
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:36 No.30438313
         File1318253792.png-(52 KB, 400x317, laughingmares.png)
    52 KB
    >He doesn't know about the Apocalypse
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:36 No.30438316
    Roasted Bread? Well he's our hero and savior here at /co/. His presence pretty much justifies our very existence. For the straight race!
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)09:36 No.30438317
    I'm sorry! I can't help my opinions, I'm sorry if I've done anything to earn your ire. I can improve? I mean, I do love the Mare in the Moon and Stare Master too. Have I offended you somehow?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:37 No.30438320
         File1318253859.png-(32 KB, 500x500, 10_10.png)
    32 KB
    >Stare Master, Show Stoppers, MitM
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:37 No.30438322
    I think in this context "fantasy" is usually used to referr to the eur-medeval based worlds with dragons and shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:37 No.30438324
    I have no idea what Sinnoh is. I haven't played a Pokemon game since Blue and Red. Did they ever release a game with Pikablue?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:38 No.30438326
         File1318253884.png-(398 KB, 824x714, 1310531577423.png)
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    I do. I enjoy it and I have no desire to play Fallout 1 or 2.
    >> GeneralIvan !!es8jpwZdntp 10/10/11(Mon)09:38 No.30438328

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:39 No.30438333
         File1318253956.jpg-(165 KB, 926x630, 1309242823849.jpg)
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    >Not wanting to play Fallout 1 or 2
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:39 No.30438335
    I actually downloaded F2. I'm sorry I can't appreciate the classics but it's just too clunky for me.
    >> Reuniclus !JellyK5ViA 10/10/11(Mon)09:39 No.30438337
         File1318253973.png-(93 KB, 736x367, 1296179097378.png)
    93 KB
    but the best pokémon can't be found there
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/10/11(Mon)09:40 No.30438339
         File1318254000.jpg-(80 KB, 1024x768, hey_dash_hey_dash_hey_dash_by_(...).jpg)
    80 KB
    thelivingmachine02 does the best humanisations. This is a fact.
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 10/10/11(Mon)09:40 No.30438341
         File1318254005.gif-(137 KB, 160x145, Griffy is fucking bling-bling (...).gif)
    137 KB
    Hoho! That was a good one.
    Anyway, which are your favourite episodes, then? Always happy to discuss them.

    Huh, all right then. Good to know! I knew something was going over my head.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:40 No.30438345
         File1318254016.jpg-(301 KB, 850x1100, 1317870643.jpg)
    301 KB
    So guys, 1 year of MLP. Who'd have guessed that a show for little girls would provide to us such a wealth of boners?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:40 No.30438346
    I don't like old games either.

    I'm not a gamer at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:40 No.30438348
    Eh a lot of games are just hard to approach from now, even good ones.
    >> Thistle !ThornVrAZ6 10/10/11(Mon)09:40 No.30438351
    >Day off from work.
    Time for pony.
    What's new?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:40 No.30438352
         File1318254046.png-(247 KB, 676x601, immadatyourtaste.png)
    247 KB

    You must expand your taste to better games.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:40 No.30438355
         File1318254058.jpg-(105 KB, 900x675, invited_to_their_ranks_by_thel(...).jpg)
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    Heads can be a bit big though.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:41 No.30438356
    I don't fap to ponies. Please stop posting furry porn.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:41 No.30438358
    My favorite episode was Griffy the brush off.

    He sure is a cad. And he's so tiny.

    It's actually probably still Sonic Rainboom
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:42 No.30438362
    Ever since it started, I got this weirdest boner. I still can't seem to shake it off. At first people laughed at me for my 24/7 erection, but they got used to it after a while. It's probably not gonna flaccitate until the show is finished.
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)09:42 No.30438366
         File1318254140.jpg-(302 KB, 800x928, 1310459642300.jpg)
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    Still better than some of the stuff out there though. Also, Arielle's are pretty good too, however Rarity is a little too pale to me.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !rBNVyANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 10/10/11(Mon)09:42 No.30438368
    I know! Umbreon wasn't introduced until Johto!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:42 No.30438375
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:43 No.30438378
    >Sonic Rainboom
    >not Party of Griffy
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:43 No.30438384
    Maybe you're the nega-verson of all those folks that can't get it up for a longass time after they start watching.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:43 No.30438389
         File1318254238.jpg-(165 KB, 800x1132, 47378 - artist gomigomipomi hu(...).jpg)
    165 KB
    gomigomipomi's pretty respectable too.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:43 No.30438390
    Oh fuck, I forgot about that one

    I change my answer,
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:44 No.30438391
         File1318254249.jpg-(94 KB, 1024x768, 44251 - applejack artist-theli(...).jpg)
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    A little, but stills looks the style looks nice
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:44 No.30438392
    >Masturbating to cartoon horses
    >In 2011
    >In any year

    We're having a nice thread here, no one wants to talk about your masturbatory material.
    >> Thistle !ThornVrAZ6 10/10/11(Mon)09:45 No.30438400
    >I know that feel bro.gif
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/10/11(Mon)09:45 No.30438404
         File1318254312.jpg-(105 KB, 1024x768, i got that bitch a worm, b(...).jpg)
    105 KB
    Yeah, I guess there's that. Still the characters are spot on, and I'm a sucker for that sketchy anime style.

    Mmm. That skin tone is not natural unless you're me.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:45 No.30438406
         File1318254316.png-(1.32 MB, 1874x821, 1309612264421.png)
    1.32 MB

    I'm not big into humanizations but I adore all of this guy's stuff.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:45 No.30438408
    Eh, they're alright, but Feeling Griffy Keen is still better. Gotta love slapstick and unique pygmy gryphons!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:46 No.30438413
         File1318254363.png-(93 KB, 200x276, derp.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:46 No.30438418
         File1318254375.png-(77 KB, 292x306, scootaloo (124).png)
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    yep, who could have known
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:46 No.30438421
    >Human 'seapony' Lyra

    Ok, now that's creative.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:46 No.30438423

    pinkie's eye melts off her face.jpg
    >> GeneralIvan !!es8jpwZdntp 10/10/11(Mon)09:46 No.30438428

    I actually like the paleness. Makes it seems as though she keeps cooped up in her house making and designing dresses all day erry day.

    Though I'm sure I'm wrong and she gets out more than that. I've only watched six episodes so far.
    >> Texas Toast 10/10/11(Mon)09:47 No.30438435

    >You must have been having too much fun messing around with that Roasted Bread guy.

    haha, pretty much.

    that shit was hilarious. I haven't had that much fun fucking with someone since back in the day when I used to troll the fuck out of Gaia.

    I almost want to actually adopt that trip I used earlier in the thread and keep on trolling him just for kicks. But honestly, I don't want to be known as "that guy who ruins threads by messing with roasted bread"
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !rBNVyANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 10/10/11(Mon)09:47 No.30438439
    Pygmy griffons?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:47 No.30438440
    I like the humanizations, as long as they aren't drawn as little girls if the mane 6.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:47 No.30438442
         File1318254467.jpg-(51 KB, 750x750, What can change the nature of (...).jpg)
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    >Fantasy rpgs

    Planescape Torment>everything else
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)09:47 No.30438445
         File1318254471.gif-(652 KB, 256x144, 1301647837419.gif)
    652 KB

    That fucking face. Oh god.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:47 No.30438446
    I agree.

    But she does seem to get out a bit, just not as much as the rest of the cast.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:48 No.30438457
    Isn't that just a balloon? It has a string.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:49 No.30438462
         File1318254551.jpg-(91 KB, 700x660, 57846 - artist-john_joseco bat(...).jpg)
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    >No one mentions John Joseco
    Come on, the guy deserves some love too
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)09:49 No.30438463

    I'm fine with a little paleness, but good lord she looks like some vampire.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:49 No.30438472
    You now want "Updated my journal" as your text tone.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:50 No.30438475
         File1318254600.png-(111 KB, 600x600, blushingTwilight_3.png)
    111 KB
    This is amazing. I remember buying both copies of Planescape Torment when I saw it at my local resale shop so no one else could have it. I'm such a hipster.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:50 No.30438482

    Sorry, but he loses points for animu invisible noses
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:50 No.30438486
         File1318254644.jpg-(83 KB, 700x700, 1316908957195.jpg)
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    >Draws delicious Twilestia

    He definitely in my good books.
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)09:51 No.30438492

    He's alright, but his faces are a little animu.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:52 No.30438508

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:52 No.30438511
         File1318254760.png-(87 KB, 741x592, Planescape Torment.png)
    87 KB
    >I can forge ponies with my power. I can unmake you.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:53 No.30438524
    Aren't the ponies a bit animu already?
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/10/11(Mon)09:54 No.30438545
         File1318254882.png-(205 KB, 780x707, morning_by_johnjoseco-d48utp1.png)
    205 KB
    Surely this isn't a problem. After all, FiM is a bit animu.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:55 No.30438557
    It's animu humans people have a problem with.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:55 No.30438561
         File1318254939.jpg-(138 KB, 682x544, flutterbug.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:55 No.30438564
    >cute ponies doing cute things
    >> Goretastic 10/10/11(Mon)09:55 No.30438565

    Yeah it's fine on the ponies, but on the humanizations you can play around a little.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:56 No.30438569

    a bit animu is ok.

    Megasweet's style is a bit animu, and I like that

    But I just cannot abide the snub nosed look, it's creepy and ugly looking
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:56 No.30438573
         File1318254978.jpg-(12 KB, 220x312, Freud.jpg)
    12 KB
    I always think that Pinkie's huggin a dick when I see that thumbnail.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:56 No.30438576
    "A bit animu" that's still mostly western looking.
    His are just... animu.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:00 No.30438621
    Suddenly, silence. I guess everybody's brain fried on them mention of ponies being animu. MLP fans are a weaker lot than I though.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:00 No.30438626

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:01 No.30438648
         File1318255316.png-(248 KB, 1000x1000, howdoIANATOMY.png)
    248 KB
    Can we talk about pony anatomy?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:02 No.30438650
    You are now thinking of kissing your favourite pony on the nose
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:02 No.30438657
         File1318255362.png-(165 KB, 586x510, 130141959781.png)
    165 KB

    Not G1 again.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:02 No.30438661

    >magic sack
    >in her ass

    So what, ponies fart magic?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:03 No.30438668
    Maybe it's time I looked up this stupid game people won't shut up about.

    >The game makes an effort to subvert or avoid as many RPG tropes and cliches as possible. Instead of Saving The World, the player character is interested only in discovering the truth about himself. Instead of a Cool Sword, you have "equippable" tattoos, earrings and even eyes. Your statistics matter a great deal, and the game plays dramatically differently depending on what you decide to emphasize.

    >The main character's Healing Factor allows you, among other things, to wield your own arm as a club and wear your own intestines as an armlet. You can bite your fingers off and pluck your eyeballs out in order to replace them with something better. Death is usually just a minor annoyance that can be often turned to your advantage.

    ...okay, that sounds pretty interesting.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:04 No.30438681

    I am looking for that gif as we post.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:04 No.30438682
    >Small intestine is connected to ass


    >Heart in the back

    What are you even doing?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:05 No.30438689
    Image limit.

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:05 No.30438692
    G1 had plenty of action. Lame action, but action nontheless. Gs 2, 3 and 3.5 were CPDCT. Exept they weren't cute, they were hideous.
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/10/11(Mon)10:05 No.30438698
    Heh. I guess it goes without saying that I have no problem with going full animu. Still, I don't think it means his pictures lose artistic merit. He draws a very tasteful animu.

    Also I can't relate with you guys on the nose thing. I grew up with anime so the nose motifs look pretty normal to me.

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:05 No.30438700
    >Gens 2-3.5

    On what planet?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:06 No.30438708
    I ain't gotta explain shit. Magic.
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/10/11(Mon)10:06 No.30438709
    All poni is cute ponies doing cute things.

    Except 3DPD poni.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:06 No.30438710

    It's heavily dialogue based

    Only play it if you're willing to, essentially, read a book, as the game has enough stuff to read to pretty much count as a decent sized novel.

    Most of your experience points come simply from conversation.

    And as a super duper all important accept no substitutes tip for a beginner:

    ALWAYS start with 18 wisdom. REgardless of what you want to play as. ALWAYS 18 wisdom. You need it

    you have no idea how much you need 18 wisdom.

    And 15 intelligence too, preferably.

    This is an RPG where it's possible to never have to kill anything except a single zombie and one or two other enemies
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:08 No.30438734
    In case you didn't know


    new thread
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:09 No.30438751

    and as a bonus, Planescape has, perhaps, the best morality system in any game ever made

    EVERYTHING you do, even down to the teeniest comments you slip to your allies affects it, making you more good or evil, or more lawful or chaotic.

    It requires you to think and ponder the repurcussions of your actions

    The game is, however, not without a glaring fault:

    The combat system is an absolute pushover, the game is barely even challenging in that regard
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:09 No.30438754

    looksl iek we're headed here
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:09 No.30438758

    When cute doing cute term is used, it usually means no character development or plot to any episodes, or very minor.
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/10/11(Mon)10:12 No.30438813
    Surely character development can occur while being cute. That's the appeal, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)11:05 No.30439743
         File1318259153.jpg-(27 KB, 360x270, Average PC goer attempts to mo(...).jpg)
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