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  • Happy 8th Birthday, 4chan *click*

    Server/posting issues should be resolved now.

    Portland, OR folks: THANKS FOR COMING OUT EVERYONE!!!!! And thanks for the cake, cakeguy! It was delicious.

    File : 1318137592.png-(54 KB, 280x280, davenport's quills and sofas.png)
    54 KB MLP General Royal īrīdescence™ !3GqYIJ3Obs!!2LJrcSiq0mm 10/09/11(Sun)01:19 No.30400240  

    last thread? >>30398116

    Why can't Hasbro get their shit together and put out QUALITY merch?
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)01:21 No.30400282
    Because Hasbro hates money, since they made everything they would need and more with those Transformer Movies.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:21 No.30400293
    >loving Money
    Pick one and only one
    >> Jailbait 10/09/11(Sun)01:21 No.30400294
         File1318137707.png-(85 KB, 1000x1000, winterwrapup1000-03.png)
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    T-Shirt design thread?
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)01:21 No.30400299
    Because the toy division and tv division have almost zero interaction with each other. They're basically two separate entities.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:22 No.30400309

    Because they did that with the masterpiece transformers line.

    They were awesome (still have my Starscream) but sold like shit. Now, they just use whatever cheap crap they can get from China.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)01:22 No.30400310
    Came in to some money with the opportunity to buy pony stuff.
    Thinking about a t-shirt and/or sweater.

    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 10/09/11(Sun)01:22 No.30400316

    Unless its Transformers.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:22 No.30400317
    first: because your mom
    second: because it takes a large enough amount of capitol to change the merch from what it is now into something that fits a vocal minority.
    third. your. mom.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:23 No.30400330

    Take out the wwu part and ponyville 2012 and i will give you my money.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:23 No.30400333
    >> Royal īrīdescence™ !3GqYIJ3Obs!!2LJrcSiq0mm 10/09/11(Sun)01:23 No.30400337
    that MLP GBA game. It's G3 though, and it's REALLY targeted at girls. But goddamn are some of the minigames addictive.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:24 No.30400368
    The mini ponies.
    They are the most show accurate toys and you would support the cartoon

    Yes I know I'm a faggot.
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)01:24 No.30400369
    Sweater, winter is coming up soon. Unless you're southern hemisphere, in which case T-shirt.

    But so help me Satan, if you buy something with a pattern that's recognizably MLP to anybody who has never seen an episode of the show, I WILL find you, and I WILL shake my finger at you reproachfully.
    >> Captain Baha 10/09/11(Sun)01:24 No.30400371
    The creativity in literature comes from repackaging old ideas into your own distinctive versions of them.
    Human creativity is quite limited, and most truly "creative" writers were hated in their own time.

    Literature lacks creativity, this is true. But that is a problem with what can get published, and the fact that most people do not want to read experimental fiction.

    Fanfiction however, swings too far to the side where anybody can publish anything they have written. You either have quantity, with no quality control. Or too much quality control, and not enough quantity. Neither one is good, but I'd rather have fewer good things, then almost endless number of the bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:25 No.30400386
    The cutie mark shirts are fine for more.
    Nobody can tell it's about ponies unless they already know. Hell, i've even had people say they liked the designs of the marks even though they don't have the slightest clue that it's about ponies.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:25 No.30400396
         File1318137943.png-(20 KB, 2560x248, 1318122499993.png)
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    Alright, just a quick recap of Griffy's story so far for this thread.
    Griffy is an OC Griffin, and the main character of an apparently long fanfiction wherein there are two extra elements of harmony, the element of unity (belonging to spike) and the element of friendship (belonging to griffy) It's just as terrible as it is hilarious, and I have noticed my intelligence decreasing substantially as I continue to read. We're on the fourth book now, and the newest bad guys are the diamond dogs, introduced thusly

    >Out of the enormous flames emerged the real reason for all this flaming madness. It was the lead trio of the Diamond Dogs, the three most intelligent members of the species that had captured Rarity before. They had somehow become two times bigger than their original size, had blackish-grayish-reddish armor on their bodies, longer fangs, longer claws, slightly deeper voices than before and were carrying flamethrower-like weapons.

    >"No living thing will get hurt!", said the small and annoying one, "except all Ponies!"

    >"Give us something you need to live!", said the big and tough one, "It coursed within us all"

    >"That would be something rather extreme", said the lead sinister one, "We have come for Pony blood!"
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:25 No.30400404
         File1318137954.jpg-(269 KB, 1200x1600, mms_picture-6.jpg)
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    gotta go to ebay/DA to find good plushes.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:26 No.30400405
    I've suffered through an LP of that. I've seen the minigames you're talking about.

    I think less of you as a person now, which is saying something.
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 10/09/11(Sun)01:26 No.30400407
    I love those ones.

    Too bad they're so freaking rare around here.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:27 No.30400428

    Uh. No. Marketing says "put this one in the show more, we need to sell those toys", the show team are expected to do it unless they want Lord Hasbro to start docking budgets.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:27 No.30400434
    They aren't even in my country.
    I was lucky that a relative visited Canada and bought them for me.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:27 No.30400436


    lol, they don't even make those anymore. Get some cheap pony models off eBay if you're desperate.

    Speaking of which, I realized I don't have any short haired Fluttershy pics in my folder, even though she is leagues cuter with short hair than with long hair.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:27 No.30400440
    >the element of friendship (belonging to griffy)

    Spoiler that shit, Anon.

    Fuck, now it's ruined.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:27 No.30400442
    I don't think anyone will deny that the vast majority of fanfiction is garbage. But there is good material out there, if you are willing to look.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)01:27 No.30400447
    My room-mate and I have a couple... Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. They are show accurate, though the rage I experience in the toy aisle at the 'Fashion Sweetie Belle' makes acquiring them almost not worth it.

    Also, don't they not have a Fluttershy?

    Mostly wondering about a sweater because I don't have one anymore. And everyone needs more t-shirts.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:28 No.30400461
    >No Rarity and Twilight
    Son I am disapoint.
    >> Royal īrīdescence™ !3GqYIJ3Obs!!2LJrcSiq0mm 10/09/11(Sun)01:28 No.30400463
    You forget how to backlink, son? You put >> in front of the post number.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:28 No.30400467
    Just bite the bullet and order the Toys R Us package. Or the 4-pack if you're a cheap bastard. Can get that from Entertainment Earth iirc.
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)01:29 No.30400473
    I got three from SB. Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity. With any luck the next run will have a Fluttershy that isn't just a recolored Rainbow Dash, and I'll buy both of them and maybe AJ.

    SB, if you're in here dude, thanks again.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, mito /co/mmander jesus 10/09/11(Sun)01:29 No.30400477
    I refuse to even consider buying pony toys until I can get a Gummy.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)01:29 No.30400479
    It's a collection in progress. I got Pinkie first because she's my favorite, room-mate got an Applejack from me because I couldn't find Fluttershy, and we got Rainbow Dash at her suggestion last time we were there.

    Twilight's next.

    Rarity can suck it
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 10/09/11(Sun)01:29 No.30400487
    There's a Fluttershy as part of the Blind Bags thing. I think she'd number 6 (in the stamp on the back corner), but she's just a recolor of Rainbow Dash.

    Not long after they came out someone sold one of those Fluttershys on e-bay for like 200$. It was ridiculous.
    >> Royal īrīdescence™ !3GqYIJ3Obs!!2LJrcSiq0mm 10/09/11(Sun)01:29 No.30400492
    I said SOME. I liked that one bounce game right at the beginning.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:30 No.30400498
    And here I thought you were a cool guy.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:30 No.30400508
         File1318138229.png-(258 KB, 1003x700, FeelingsSoFragile3.png)
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    Saw some tumblrfags on earlier, so I'm posting a friendly reminder.

    As a very special hint: if your tumblr hinges on a character becoming sadistic or having constant sex, then you're probably kind of a moron.
    >> SB 10/09/11(Sun)01:30 No.30400511
    I'm still here.

    Trying to art cuter at the moment.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)01:30 No.30400514
         File1318138250.jpg-(33 KB, 512x512, Rainbow Dash Troll Face.jpg)
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    >> Captain Baha 10/09/11(Sun)01:31 No.30400518
    True, true. But at the same time, there is no systematic way to find the good fanfiction without wading through the massive piles of it that are garbage. Without a way to find the diamonds in the rough, we are simply left with the rubbish.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)01:31 No.30400519
         File1318138268.png-(354 KB, 500x680, Scootalina Esperanza Panchita (...).png)
    354 KB
    So there are acceptably decent looking merch now? Do you have a pic or somethin?
    >> /co/mmander jesus, mito /co/mmander jesus 10/09/11(Sun)01:31 No.30400533
         File1318138295.png-(95 KB, 1096x610, nathan bar.png)
    95 KB
    I should make Ask Nathan more grimdark. It'll attract more people.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:31 No.30400537
    The mini ponies dude.
    The blind bag ponies or whatever .
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 10/09/11(Sun)01:31 No.30400538
    I've been considering that, but there's so many random characters in that big pack that I don't care about, and the multi-packs don't have Fluttershy.

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:31 No.30400540
         File1318138307.png-(233 KB, 1754x816, Discord_Tea_Time.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:31 No.30400542
         File1318138312.png-(80 KB, 428x510, spike laugh lulz.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:32 No.30400547


    What the fuck am i reading? Is she mexican now?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:32 No.30400549
    Maybe you're just a prude.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:32 No.30400555
         File1318138364.jpg-(184 KB, 1500x1500, why.jpg)
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    get her, she demands it
    she requres you to to buy her
    she demands you offer up your soul
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:32 No.30400556

    The right one is funny.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:33 No.30400572
         File1318138404.jpg-(159 KB, 960x600, rainbow dash salute gilda mexi(...).jpg)
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    blame RustyDooks
    >> Captain Baha 10/09/11(Sun)01:33 No.30400573
    But almost ALL Pony tumblrs are based on sadism, sex, and drama. Typically the third involving the first two. Tumblrfag here, by the way. No, I am not proud to admit that.

    I know how to backlink, I just didn't look at whether or not I had the >> in place.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:33 No.30400577
    Systematic? No. Not one that can reliably produce quality search results. But you know what you can do? You can ask. There are people here, quite a few, who can direct a wayward mind through the detritus.

    This being the royal you, of course. Not you specifically.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:34 No.30400592
    Well to be fair that Fluttershy isn't Fluttershy anyway, so who gives a buck.
    >> Flabrus !7LhuYF85bg 10/09/11(Sun)01:34 No.30400593
    Oh Christ, I saw that thing at Walmart. It has a fucking motion detector, so when I walked past it started talking and made me jump like hell.

    Add that to the fact it's absolutely hideous, and I elft that aisle quite shake but not without my AJ figurine.
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)01:34 No.30400596
    ...Cuter? Aww, but I like the crazy. We already have a dozen cute artists.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)01:34 No.30400598
         File1318138471.png-(395 KB, 945x945, 1315443243705.png)
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    RustyDooks makes her a spanishloo sometimes

    Thats her real name in his headcannon
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)01:34 No.30400607
         File1318138486.png-(126 KB, 781x680, Faggot, listen here.png)
    126 KB
    >That Gilda in the flag.
    Where is the snake? She must be holding a snake. The image is ruined now. 2/10 See me after class.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:34 No.30400611
         File1318138494.png-(513 KB, 617x386, 1315537345366.png)
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    Its funny actually.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:35 No.30400624
         File1318138535.jpg-(224 KB, 792x539, gilda mexican flag OC edit.jpg)
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    i know right
    have something i made some time ago instead
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:35 No.30400626
    Pinkie sacrifices herself to the apparently now vampiric Diamond Dogs to save her friends. This is some inspirational shit, right here.

    >"We're surrounded!", wailed Griffy in fear.

    >Deep inside her seemingly empty mind, Pinkie tried thinking of a way to make herself a better hero.

    >"No hero of any sort is useless", she thought to herself, "One can surely save them all"

    >"I'll hold them off", she spoke outloud (the others thought it was rather odd that Pinkie Pie was actually being serious).

    >She then ran away from the others, shaking her behind at the Dogs.

    >"She's all exposed without any protection!", anounced the lead Dog, "Let's get her!"

    >"What is Pinkie doing?", asked Spike, all concerned.

    >"She's doing the job that her Element of Harmony was ment for, being a great hero", responded Twilight, "Now let's not let her sacrifice be in vain"
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:35 No.30400627
         File1318138541.jpg-(454 KB, 800x650, LastStopNowhereToBe.jpg)
    454 KB
    >Maybe you're just a prude, or a prep. Not a total goth like me. I'm so awesome. And obviously in fucking high school.
    >> Flabrus !7LhuYF85bg 10/09/11(Sun)01:35 No.30400629
    >someone else knows the Mexican flag.

    Well, thought I was alone.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:36 No.30400635

    >not dragon

    Niggas you are small time!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:36 No.30400649
    Everyone dies.
    Griffy brings them back with the element of friendship
    Calling it now.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:36 No.30400651
         File1318138607.jpg-(144 KB, 960x598, 1318124504955.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:37 No.30400655
    >"She's all exposed without any protection"

    I love this.
    >> RustyDooks 10/09/11(Sun)01:37 No.30400674
    You guys awaked me from my grave.

    Also i need the Carrot Top and Derpy pic that Tess drew recently,my relatives don't know shit about not turning my laptop off.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:38 No.30400675
    no spike is the element of unity, haven't you been following this masterpiece?
    >> /co/mmander jesus, mito /co/mmander jesus 10/09/11(Sun)01:38 No.30400682
    >Element of Laughter
    FUCK now I have some serious competition in the fanfic department!
    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 10/09/11(Sun)01:38 No.30400683

    Ponynormal Activity?
    >> RustyDooks 10/09/11(Sun)01:38 No.30400693
    Ahahaha cosmo, i love you forever for that filename.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, mito /co/mmander jesus 10/09/11(Sun)01:39 No.30400696
    Also, could I get a link to the rest?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:39 No.30400706
         File1318138773.png-(35 KB, 190x235, JuiceBox.png)
    35 KB
    Derpynormal activity.

    I like to think that Derpy just does that whenever she goes to Carrot's house, because it's the last stop and Derpy has nowhere to be.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:39 No.30400708
         File1318138785.png-(212 KB, 1100x1000, 1317865557259.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:40 No.30400716
    >graduate high school
    >embrace hilbilly roots
    >give zero fucks

    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)01:40 No.30400723
         File1318138815.png-(207 KB, 1200x592, Ah, Nostalgia.png)
    207 KB
    Bro, I was born from mexican parents. How would I NOT know what the flag would look like? Better yet, how would smoeone not know what another country's flag would look like?
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)01:40 No.30400726
    I love that ridiculous name ya gave her rusty! You gotta tell me when you think of more names to add for her.

    Also post some more spanishloo if you have it so I can save it!
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)01:40 No.30400736
    >ten million t-shirts
    >no hoodies
    >> Captain Baha 10/09/11(Sun)01:40 No.30400741
    You would be surprised.
    A lot of people I've met screw up the colors of Germany's flag.
    >> Glitter Glue 10/09/11(Sun)01:41 No.30400751
         File1318138879.gif-(22 KB, 800x600, pubichair.gif)
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    get on board with the next big thing
    don't miss it
    >> /co/mmander jesus, mito /co/mmander jesus 10/09/11(Sun)01:41 No.30400752
    I'm American with no beaner in me and I know what it looks like.
    >> Flabrus !7LhuYF85bg 10/09/11(Sun)01:41 No.30400763
    I'm just accustomed to people not really giving a shit about flags, especially those of other countries.

    I've been to Mexico (D.F.) a few times. Great place to visit, not sure if I'd wanna live there though.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:42 No.30400773
    easy, red background, white circle with a black insignia in the middle
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:42 No.30400781

    But you are a nigger, tell me about nigger flags now!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:42 No.30400785
         File1318138957.jpg-(63 KB, 311x411, derp.jpg)
    63 KB
    I tried to make that today for my 4yo cousin. she started to cry when she saw it.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, mito /co/mmander jesus 10/09/11(Sun)01:42 No.30400791
         File1318138969.png-(1.65 MB, 1680x1050, discord wubs you.png)
    1.65 MB
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:42 No.30400794

    Fuck me in the asshole i was going to post that!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:43 No.30400807
    >> /co/mmander jesus, mito /co/mmander jesus 10/09/11(Sun)01:43 No.30400812
    I am no nigger, I am a SAND nigger. There is a difference. A nigger will steal your car, a sand nigger will blow it up.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:43 No.30400813

    But ponies do have belly buttons. All mammals do, silly.

    Unless you're implying that ponies hatch from eggs.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:44 No.30400814
    It's all here -

    ALSO for anyone who hasn't been keeping up, everyone except his friends in Ponyville all hate him because he is from the Everfree forest, and discriminate against him. It's pretty tragic.

    >The guards confronted Griffy with really agitated looks in their eyes, while the Pygmy Griffin was just heading for the throne room.

    >"Are all the citizens of Ponyville here in Canterlot because of you, foul Beast from the EverFree Forest", hissed one of the guards.

    >"No", said Griffy, in an annoyeed voice, "All the citizens are here to take refuge from some insane Diamond Dogs who drink only Pony blood. PS, you guys should bespect me now, for I represent the Spirit of Friendship"

    >"But you are still an EverFree Forest inhabitant", said another guard.

    >"Well Twilight Sparkle's Dragon companion, Spike, is also an EverFree Forest inhabitant", replied Griffy, "And you don't try and execute him all the time"

    >"I think he has a point", said the other guard to the one recieving the messege from Griffy.

    >And they let him pass. But they also reminded him that they would be keeping an eye on him.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:44 No.30400816
    I swear to god, I will hold you accountable, mister.
    >> RustyDooks 10/09/11(Sun)01:44 No.30400818
         File1318139049.jpg-(84 KB, 400x400, Scootalina Esperanza Maria Loo.jpg)
    84 KB
    Sep, gracias!

    I don't think i have more, only this silly pic i drew.

    D.F isn't that bad, if you know where to go, talk about living in Sinaloa, or Juarez, now that's where the violence is.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:44 No.30400824
    well guys its been fun but im going to go kill myself now
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:44 No.30400825

    Fine, tell me about sand nigger flags!
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)01:44 No.30400834
    >Ponies with pubic hair
    >am reminded of an image with a human Pinkie-Pie with a giant pink afro of pubic hair
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:45 No.30400841
    So Spike lives in the Everfree forest now?
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)01:45 No.30400845
         File1318139130.png-(481 KB, 1992x1300, Discord Mariachi Band.png)
    481 KB

    Fuck yeah, Gilda flag of Mexico!
    Initiate Mariachi Salute!
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)01:45 No.30400846
         File1318139134.png-(809 KB, 600x3000, sweetiecomic2.png)
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    >belly buttons

    Gavs got ya beat Glitter
    >> Captain Baha 10/09/11(Sun)01:45 No.30400849
    I saw that and I laughed harder then I should have. Well done folks, well done.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, mito /co/mmander jesus 10/09/11(Sun)01:45 No.30400857
    They have squiggly writing, and are often on fire.
    I for one like chest fluffs. The rest, not so much.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:46 No.30400862
    That's retarded.
    Man thanks for making me smile.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:46 No.30400864
         File1318139182.png-(189 KB, 500x700, BoredDiamondDog.png)
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    It's a slipperly slope argument.

    It's like, suppose Pinkie Pie flipping a shit and killing everyone is popular, right? Well, at first we all just accept that. Then Molestia is popular. Okay, we accept that too.

    Soon, every character in the show is goddamned stupid.

    The same thing will happen with chest fluffs. Just watch.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:46 No.30400871
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)01:47 No.30400876
    Apparently that's what the artist thinks a squeaking bed during sexytimes sounds like.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:47 No.30400877
         File1318139233.png-(151 KB, 660x680, fuck you nyx.png)
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    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)01:47 No.30400878
         File1318139233.jpg-(249 KB, 767x684, Sweetie Belly.jpg)
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    Also GG, may I make a request of you?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:47 No.30400879

    Is Sweetie in that terrible tumblr?
    >> Glitter Glue 10/09/11(Sun)01:47 No.30400880
         File1318139243.gif-(13 KB, 800x600, raritykinks.gif)
    13 KB
    >But ponies do have belly buttons. All mammals do, silly.
    >Unless you're implying that ponies hatch from eggs.
    No, I'm just saying people rarely if ever draw them. The addition suddenly makes the pony seem way more naked.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:47 No.30400883
    Shitty springs
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)01:47 No.30400889
    For the life of me I couldn't tell ya
    But scherzo knows
    >> Royal īrīdescence™ !3GqYIJ3Obs!!2LJrcSiq0mm 10/09/11(Sun)01:47 No.30400898
    >> Glitter Glue 10/09/11(Sun)01:48 No.30400900
    yes you may but I cannot guarantee a delivery.
    let's hear it, anyway.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)01:48 No.30400905
    Finally someone realizes that ponies have teats. Goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:48 No.30400909
    I thought that was the whole point.

    Also what the fuck am I looking at?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:49 No.30400916
         File1318139368.png-(136 KB, 500x700, Mopetacular.png)
    136 KB
    >Is Sweetie in that terrible tumblr?
    Funny you should ask!

    Yes. Yes she is.
    >> Flabrus !7LhuYF85bg 10/09/11(Sun)01:49 No.30400918
         File1318139371.jpg-(141 KB, 1024x768, sol6.jpg)
    141 KB
    I don't know why I felt the need to track down this photograph, it's from Teotihuacan :-p
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:49 No.30400919

    Not in the show.
    >> RustyDooks 10/09/11(Sun)01:49 No.30400920
         File1318139371.jpg-(9 KB, 200x253, killthewabbit1.jpg)
    9 KB
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)01:49 No.30400923
    It appears to be Rarity indulging in a secretary and immobilization fetish. Possibly lactation too.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:50 No.30400929

    Whats the deal with the magic eye?
    >> Glitter Glue 10/09/11(Sun)01:50 No.30400930
    >Also what the fuck am I looking at?
    People were discussing non-rape fetishes and how they didn't get enough attention.
    Lactation, crotchboobs, business suits, and heavy bondage/encasement came up. So I decided to help out!
    >> Royal īrīdescence™ !3GqYIJ3Obs!!2LJrcSiq0mm 10/09/11(Sun)01:50 No.30400933
         File1318139419.png-(86 KB, 945x945, what's that you have for me.png)
    86 KB
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)01:50 No.30400935
         File1318139421.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 273 KB, 894x547, Nyx for dinner.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 273 KB

    A while back we we're talking about the attached picture and wondering of we could find someone to do a more accurate picture of Nyx being spit-roasted.

    Are you a bad enough dude to draw skewered Nyx?
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)01:50 No.30400943
    You're the leading expert on Rainbow Dash around her, Scherzo. What are her sexual proclivities?

    inb4 vanilla sex for procreation only
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)01:51 No.30400949
    It's dark and eeeeevil and mysteeeeeriouuuuuuusss.

    Seriously I have no idea. He draws all his ponies with those freaky hollow eyes.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:51 No.30400956
    Chocolate sex
    >> Glitter Glue 10/09/11(Sun)01:51 No.30400960
    I basically don't draw OCs, and I sure as hell won't draw Nyx fanart. Even if it is 'hate' fanart, it's still fanart.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)01:51 No.30400966
    >around her
    You knew what I meant.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:52 No.30400970
         File1318139525.jpg-(31 KB, 639x347, PinkieShit.jpg)
    31 KB
    I kinda want to form a pony tumblr tier list, but I only know of a few...
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:52 No.30400975
    It's like he goes out of his way to disregard canon. I thought ponyville was cool with the everfree Forest after the whole zecora fiasco.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:52 No.30400978
         File1318139536.gif-(709 KB, 423x316, 39887 - animated artist-pokehi(...).gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:52 No.30400979
         File1318139542.png-(169 KB, 500x700, ReasonableQuestionUnreasonable(...).png)
    169 KB
    She has hyphema. It's not magical, but I guess she's embarassed about it. Normally it's caused by blunt trauma or by jabbing one's self in the eye.

    I asked this question, actually. The answer was disapointing. Plus, I think the tumblr blocked me afterward.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:52 No.30400983
    Why the fuck are almost all these tumblrs so gory and grimdark?

    Are they trying to be ironic? I mean, sadist Pinkie is cute and ironic, but it kind of loses its charm when she's just a cold psycopath.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)01:52 No.30400987
         File1318139548.png-(179 KB, 900x900, tumblr_lrxu0xjeEn1r2r7jpo1_128(...).png)
    179 KB
    Isn't she wonderbolt-sexual?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:52 No.30400989
    A true renaissance man.

    Or sorts.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, mito /co/mmander jesus 10/09/11(Sun)01:52 No.30400990
    You know what they say! Once you go black, you never get your dignity back!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:52 No.30400991
         File1318139557.jpg-(38 KB, 305x425, yesitisperm.jpg)
    38 KB
    named my legit btals
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:53 No.30401000

    What is this from?

    I must know, for...research.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:53 No.30401003

    Naa, she is a dyke.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:53 No.30401006
    >not Torchlight
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)01:53 No.30401007

    You have standards. I respect that.
    Anyone here willing to torture baby OC's? We desperately need Nyx on a skewer.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:53 No.30401014
    Just started watching the show not too long ago.

    About four episodes in and having watched a couple of random eps, I'm not too big on Pinkie or RD yet. What episodes in particular do they shine in?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:53 No.30401015
    I wish more people were like that. You see all this Griffy shit that's bubbling to the surface? I guarantee nothing good will come of it.

    Mark my words, people.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:53 No.30401018
         File1318139638.png-(32 KB, 542x416, 1317464804620.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:54 No.30401020

    >> Captain Baha 10/09/11(Sun)01:54 No.30401024
    Welcome to Tumblr. Every good question is given a terrible answer, and every terrible question given a great one.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:54 No.30401029
         File1318139653.gif-(Spoiler Image, 1.68 MB, 423x316, Dash licking.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 1.68 MB
    There's another one of these
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)01:54 No.30401031

    Fuck, you're really going to make me answer this, aren't you.

    She probably is into light bondage, mostly master/pet play though. Has a collar, wears it all the time during kinkytimes. Is actually pretty submissive in the bedroom, unless it's with another mare, then it's probably depending on her mood (switch, basically). There's probably a kink relating to high-altitude low-oxygen sexings and free-falling to the ground during coitus as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:54 No.30401037
    >didn't sage
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:54 No.30401041
    Party of One and Sonic Rainboom respectively
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:55 No.30401044
    Depends on how much you like fucking sheep queer.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:55 No.30401046
    too bad in order to have the sex one of them has to break their legs
    >> Nyarlathotep !VwZvCXxy0. 10/09/11(Sun)01:55 No.30401051
    So, does the new episode come out tomorrow/today or next week?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:55 No.30401053

    Pinkie = Party of One
    Rainbow Dash = Sonic Rainboom

    After watching these, you're biggest issue will be choosing which one is best pony.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:55 No.30401058
    blah blah pony post are great post
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)01:55 No.30401061

    You saying RD is submissive in the bedroom, bro?
    >> Royal īrīdescence™ !3GqYIJ3Obs!!2LJrcSiq0mm 10/09/11(Sun)01:55 No.30401063
    Torchlight is Diablo Jr. Lite

    it's also shit
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:55 No.30401065

    >best pony

    >> Flabrus !7LhuYF85bg 10/09/11(Sun)01:55 No.30401066
         File1318139753.jpg-(38 KB, 800x600, jesuschristhowhorrifying.jpg)
    38 KB
    >wingboner in progress.gif

    The kissing one is way hotter for whatever reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:56 No.30401069
    Ponies don't really show off their underside in the show that much to justify drawing belly buttons anyway.
    >> Captain Baha 10/09/11(Sun)01:56 No.30401074
    Don't, it's better to just let them stew in their own brand of terrible. They leave us alone (for the most part), we leave them alone.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)01:56 No.30401083
    If it's a guy, yes.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:56 No.30401084
         File1318139796.png-(123 KB, 500x700, WhoTheFuckIsThis.png)
    123 KB
    The other question I kept asking was "Who the fuck is the OC", because there he is, answering questions.

    I also wanted to know why his horn was filed down. I'm reminded of those families that put rubber stoppers on their table corners when they have rambunctious kids. You know, so the kids don't bang their heads as hard?

    So maybe, like, this guy has a horn-nub because Sweetie kept running into it.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)01:56 No.30401086
         File1318139800.jpg-(97 KB, 336x360, Trixie Mexican Bueno.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:56 No.30401092

    Pinkie: Party of One

    RD: Sonic Rainboom

    Those ones really explore things about their respective characters that you don't normally see. Rainbow Dash is really just a scared little girl trying to impress people she admires and Pinkie's a hardcore schizo.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:57 No.30401097
         File1318139825.png-(344 KB, 524x556, 1298319751673.png)
    344 KB

    >best pony
    >not Dash

    Is shit about to go down right now?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:57 No.30401100

    Is this canon like RS crazy shit?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:57 No.30401101
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:57 No.30401103
    Griffy fights the vampire Diamond Dogs. This dialogue is so lifelike it hurts.

    >"They say power corrupts", said the lead Dog to Griffy, "I just never realized that that saying would go litterally"

    >"Come with us!", complained Griffy as soon as the lead Dog reached the top of the building, "We can seriously help you guys out! We can help you reverse this.."

    >"No no no", interupted the lead Dog, "You've got it all wrong Griffin. Our insane thirst for Pony blood has practically made this effect on us perminant. So our negligence has given us our new, twisted behaviour, but we LOVE the feeling of it"

    >The lead Diamond Dog then started to dangle Griffy over the edge of the building.

    >"Goodbye, you runt-sized Griffin of brown coloration", said the lead Dog.

    >"You do realize that I can fly, right?", asked Griffy as he was being dangled upside-down.

    >That's when the lead Dog spat a small blob of squishy, partly-digested Pony blood and wrapped it around Griffy's wings, preventing him to fly.

    >"That's gotta to be the most grossest way of preventing some Creature to fly ever", said Griffy with a grossed out expression.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:57 No.30401110
    >implying Diablo III won't get shit on at release
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:57 No.30401114
         File1318139877.jpg-(148 KB, 473x475, 1316988654320.jpg)
    148 KB
    Guys, I'm going to do it. It's already been set in motion.

    The time machine shouldn't take too much longer. I received word not too long ago that MLP:FIM is responsible for terrible things in the future. Even more terrible than what is going on now.

    When I send back the Terminator it will have just one mission. To end all this misery in the present and future.
    >> Gilda's Fury !kmfdmRX7.c 10/09/11(Sun)01:58 No.30401115
    Dash is best pony, but Party of One is best episode.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:58 No.30401118
    Man, is it just me or does it look like Twi's got down syndrome here? Huge muzzle, half-lidded. Bleh.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)01:58 No.30401120
    Fanon is that Dash is a carpetmuncher. My headcanon is that she's an equal opportunity employer.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:58 No.30401122
    She is the worst pony even Fluttershy is better.

    Your mom is a horsefucker?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:58 No.30401129

    what if my mom is a pony?

    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)01:58 No.30401131
         File1318139900.jpg-(38 KB, 598x515, Rainbow Hug.jpg)
    38 KB

    >>Not best Poni

    You're in denial, friend.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)01:58 No.30401132
    Oh that's right, you don't think Rainbow Dash is a lez.

    I respect your wrong opinion
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:58 No.30401145
    >"That's gotta to be the most grossest way of preventing some Creature to fly ever", said Griffy with a grossed out expression.

    I appreciate Griffy maintaining a sense of levity during this event.
    >> Captain Baha 10/09/11(Sun)01:58 No.30401149
    Tumblr! Where introducing characters randomly with no introduction is seen as a good idea. (And a common practice.)
    God these people drive me up the wall. Of ALL the things to do, and you introduce a character like that? None of them know how to build up a plot, none of them know how to do a character, and almost all of them are universally awful at maintaining a semblance of canon.
    Or in some cases fanon.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:59 No.30401152
    >Best pony
    Dude that's just wrong
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:59 No.30401154

    This guy is either 10 or Chris Chan level autistic.

    I don't know what's funnier.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:59 No.30401156
    his mom is why its a beastiality thread

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:59 No.30401157

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:59 No.30401160
    That's impressive.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:59 No.30401163
         File1318139964.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 563 KB, 945x945, 1304183038177-(n1304895072809).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 563 KB
    Would you, /co/?
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)01:59 No.30401166
    Why? What purpose would it serve? All it would do is make an alternate timeline where there is no FiM. This timeline will still have the Generals, Ponychan, Bronies, etc. It's a waste of time,
    >> Neural !!FwQ7L7CXYX7 10/09/11(Sun)01:59 No.30401169
         File1318139982.jpg-(83 KB, 534x579, ponypony.jpg)
    83 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:59 No.30401172
    I love you for doing this Anon
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)01:59 No.30401176
         File1318139988.png-(598 KB, 900x1500, Rainbow Dash mercilessly beats(...).png)
    598 KB

    I will punch you right through the internet.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:59 No.30401178
    >the last line
    Well this fic just proved that it had something Past Sins didn't

    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:00 No.30401188
         File1318140006.png-(32 KB, 268x253, Fluttershy buh.png)
    32 KB
    You ah so close-minded sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:00 No.30401194
         File1318140022.png-(41 KB, 178x175, 1309893327187.png)
    41 KB

    Only Sweetie Belle.
    >> Flabrus !7LhuYF85bg 10/09/11(Sun)02:00 No.30401195
    It's hard not to fanon any of them as lesbian simply because there's 95% female characters.

    Now, Dash being gay would be a little stereotypical, but I don't really care either way.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:00 No.30401204
    Look, I know you're busy ruining the universe's shit, Nyarly, but at least TRY to keep up. Episodes air Saturday mornings at 9am est. Would have been yesterday by most accounts. Wasn't, of course. Ep 3 airing NEXT Saturday. Then Ep 4 the Saturday after that, then it's got another week off while they re-air Ep 4 for Halloween.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:00 No.30401207
         File1318140054.png-(159 KB, 1280x1024, 1302118169644.png)
    159 KB

    Fuck you, Skynet said this would work.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:00 No.30401209
    You think the same?
    I for one also prefer straight Dash
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:01 No.30401216
         File1318140070.png-(336 KB, 691x767, 131355972334-quiteshy.png)
    336 KB

    Nigga please.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:01 No.30401217
    Think of the repercussions, though.
    Time travel is a touchy thing. Canceled timelines, paradoxes, everything like that. You could end up becoming your own grandfather, if you are foolish.
    >> Spawn_more_Synaps 10/09/11(Sun)02:01 No.30401222
    This crap makes past sins look like a friggin masterpiece by comparison!
    >> Nyarlathotep !VwZvCXxy0. 10/09/11(Sun)02:01 No.30401229
    I ask again, is the new episode coming out today or next week?
    >> Glitter Glue 10/09/11(Sun)02:01 No.30401232
    someone give me something to draw
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)02:01 No.30401234
    And you believed it? Really? I mean, I know it's smart and all, but. REALLY?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:02 No.30401236
    next saturday
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:02 No.30401242

    You ah so close-minded sometimes.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:02 No.30401249
    It's my headcannon too

    I also wrote like 2? 3 fics with straight dash I think
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 10/09/11(Sun)02:02 No.30401251
    Episode would have aired already today if it did play today.

    Next week.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:02 No.30401256
         File1318140166.jpg-(81 KB, 927x861, jap rarirty.jpg)
    81 KB
    Tsk tsk.

    All you people arguing when it's clear who's the best pony.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:02 No.30401257
    I prefer the theory where when ever someone travels in time he just creates a parallel timeline.
    The original still exist.
    You can never save your loved ones.
    Just create a universes where they are still alive and you are an intruder.
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)02:02 No.30401259
    Scootaloo running someone over in her scooter.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:02 No.30401262
         File1318140178.jpg-(49 KB, 229x200, CandyVag.jpg)
    49 KB

    Where did all of this RD hate come from?

    I remember a time with Dash was the undisputed best pony.

    I someone posts that traitor image, I will cut them
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:03 No.30401263

    Dude, that's fucking gross.They're humans!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:03 No.30401264
    Meh. Rairty is Best Pony, axiomatically, Pinkie is favorite pony, but uh...

    Yes. Yes I do.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:03 No.30401277
    Rarity in a sword fight with Blueblood
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:03 No.30401279
    Derpy delivering something to Big Mac or something I guess
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:03 No.30401281
    Fluttershy finding all of Dashs sex toy collection

    And she wants to play.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)02:03 No.30401282
    The main sixes reactions when they saw the opposite sex naked for the first time.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:03 No.30401296

    Is not hate is just a fact and she never was the best pony.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:04 No.30401299
    ...But they are already naked
    >> Gilda's Fury !kmfdmRX7.c 10/09/11(Sun)02:04 No.30401301
    Pinkie Pie dressed like GIR with Rainbow Dash saying "Pinkie Pie, you are so random!"
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:04 No.30401304

    Rarity raspberrying Sweetie Belle's tummy.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)02:04 No.30401311
    You know what I mean.
    >> SB 10/09/11(Sun)02:04 No.30401312
    I don't want to art exactly like anyone else, but I want to shake some of my bad habits and streamline everything so I can portray more dynamic and interesting stuff.
    >> Captain Baha 10/09/11(Sun)02:04 No.30401315
    Rarity: But those aren't jewels. They don't even sparkle! Stupid horn, dragging me towards nothing!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:04 No.30401316
         File1318140293.jpg-(32 KB, 360x360, 1302113403001.jpg)
    32 KB

    Aha! But I have made the Terminator's goal "Stop MLP:FIM from existing"! This needlessly complicates things, instead of just telling it to kill Faust.

    This way I can make a trilogy. Who knows what wacky stuff that machine will come up with.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:04 No.30401318
    So, are we going to get a standard cartoon mind-switch episode any time soon?
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:05 No.30401337
    In season 4 when they're running out of ideas
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:05 No.30401345

    That's what I said! And Past Sins drove me into a Soul Eater-style madness outbreak. I still hear the sound every once in a while.

    Nyx. Nyx Nyx Nyx. Nyx.
    >> Royal īrīdescence™ !3GqYIJ3Obs!!2LJrcSiq0mm 10/09/11(Sun)02:06 No.30401354
    Well, it would depend


    is that man's entire FIST inside Sweetie Belle?

    It IS

    damn, son
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:06 No.30401359
    I can't get driven mad by anything I can't pronounce.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:06 No.30401372

    Shit no you nigger. I am pretty firm in saying that they'll be out of ideas by Season 3: The Quest for More Toys.
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)02:07 No.30401380
    Whatever works best for you, man.

    If you don't mind my asking, which habits would you say are bad?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:07 No.30401382
    My fanon is that they are all just friends...oh wait.
    >> CMC thread CMC thread 10/09/11(Sun)02:07 No.30401387
         File1318140437.jpg-(255 KB, 781x700, wrassle.jpg)
    255 KB
    CMC thread
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:07 No.30401397
         File1318140472.png-(65 KB, 900x675, no_more_poo_please_by_gavalanc(...).png)
    65 KB

    Her ass is pretty lose. From all the pooping.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:07 No.30401398
    More remarkable dialogue. I love how perfectly Wesdaaman captures each character's unique personality.

    >The Elements of Harmony represenatives and the Cutie Mark Crusaders formed circle together for more power as they tried to fight off the big Diamond Dog and the little Diamond Dog.

    >"How are we supposed to fight these crazy Canines off?", said Griffy.

    >"We got to work harder!", said Spike.

    >"We should look for their weak spot", suggested Twilight.

    >"Be nice and ask them to leave?", suggested Fluttershy.

    >"Yeah right!", said Rainbow, "We need to beat them till their a pile of bones!"

    >"Why don't I just beautify myself?", suggested Rarity, "I will be too beautiful for them to handle"

    >"How 'bout we not try and fru fru ourselves", sadi Applejack, "We should really be takin' serious action here"

    >"There has to be a breaking point of some sort on these Dogs", said Sweetie Belle.

    >"What she said", added Apple Bloom.

    >"Let's stop cowering", said Scootaloo, "And start fighting!"
    >> Glitter Glue 10/09/11(Sun)02:08 No.30401405
         File1318140500.jpg-(178 KB, 795x595, rarity marshmuffaloes.jpg)
    178 KB
    >Rarity in a sword fight with Blueblood
    Doing this one.

    >The main sixes reactions when they saw the opposite sex naked for the first time.
    This would be really amusing though. Maybe next time.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:08 No.30401419
    New law being tossed around to limit the amount of copyrighted material to entities less than 5 years old (i.e., The Hub)

    Prepare for ponies to be taken off of youtube. :(
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)02:08 No.30401423
         File1318140534.jpg-(138 KB, 678x730, AND THE MOON WAS FULL WITH THE(...).jpg)
    138 KB
    >You will never be in the Cool Kids Club
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:08 No.30401426
    But Scootaloo isn't a chicken :C
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:09 No.30401429
    >"Why don't I just beautify myself?", suggested Rarity, "I will be too beautiful for them to handle"

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:09 No.30401440
    Anybody else find the naming pattern in the show awkward at times? Like how characters with names like Spike, Gilda, and Trixie are thrown right along characters named Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:09 No.30401441

    >>"Yeah right!", said Rainbow, "We need to beat them till their a pile of bones!"
    >Read that as "We need to beat them till they're a pile of boners!"
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)02:09 No.30401444
         File1318140593.png-(99 KB, 1209x600, Scootaloo - Chicken Comparison.png)
    99 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:09 No.30401446
    Ha I WAS fat
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:10 No.30401447
         File1318140604.jpg-(363 KB, 883x883, Paladragon.jpg)
    363 KB

    I am the Cool Kids' Club!
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 10/09/11(Sun)02:10 No.30401448
    No way, I'd love to see that much sooner.

    As long as the bodies keep their voices.

    So we'd get Applejacks voice talking like Rainbow Dash, or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:10 No.30401459
         File1318140642.jpg-(17 KB, 326x262, 131098969848.jpg)
    17 KB
    >Not fat kids

    This is some bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:11 No.30401475
    You can't fool me.

    Scootaloo ain't nothin but a loud mouth snook.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:11 No.30401476

    it's already illegal isn't it?

    hasbros just been cool and not hasnt pressed charges.
    >> SB 10/09/11(Sun)02:11 No.30401477
         File1318140671.jpg-(404 KB, 1000x1000, 131805532307-AJBuckThoseApples.jpg)
    404 KB
    I've never really found a facial style I liked. It's still a work in progress.

    Also, trying to learn Photoshop from scratch. Anything anyone can do to help me out is appreciated. Go slow. I am dumb.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)02:11 No.30401478
         File1318140672.jpg-(16 KB, 252x223, Harvey-Birdman-cartoons.jpg)
    16 KB
    Oh you motherfucker.
    >> Rose 10/09/11(Sun)02:11 No.30401482
         File1318140683.png-(715 KB, 1400x806, cholestriaangel.png)
    715 KB
    Oh Angel bunny, you'we so wovewy..
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:11 No.30401485
    Bitch, please. If they didn't want ponies on youtube, ponies wouldn't be on youtube. All it takes is a copyright claim. They know better though. Hasbro may hate money, but if doing NOTHING makes them more, then why not?
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:11 No.30401489
         File1318140695.jpg-(88 KB, 1042x657, Chickens.jpg)
    88 KB

    Rainbow Dash deep-frying Scootaloo.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:11 No.30401497
         File1318140713.jpg-(286 KB, 1309x960, 64589886.jpg)
    286 KB
    Huuhh huhh uuhh. What the hell are these things Beavis?
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)02:11 No.30401498
    Ah, that's a shame. I was really fond of how you did Luna's face in the egg picture.
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/09/11(Sun)02:11 No.30401502
    >Fluttershy talking like Applejack
    I'm throwing all my money at the screen but nothing is happening.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:12 No.30401503
         File1318140720.png-(801 KB, 1500x1500, Rarity double drunk-clerical e(...).png)
    801 KB
    I'd love that

    Come to think of it if they DO do it like that it would be between two characters with the most drasticly diffent speech patterns

    Rarity and AJ for example. Pinkie and Fluttershy as another.

    What do you make of that?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:12 No.30401518

    Shit. Clearing download history.
    >> Flabrus !7LhuYF85bg 10/09/11(Sun)02:12 No.30401521
         File1318140758.jpg-(21 KB, 383x357, 131714550622.jpg)
    21 KB
    >Imagining RD phrases in AJ's voice.
    >> Captain Baha 10/09/11(Sun)02:12 No.30401530
    And that Tumblr is awesome because it is so funny.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:13 No.30401542
         File1318140802.gif-(80 KB, 916x1000, Scootaloo_family_foto.gif)
    80 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:13 No.30401550
    What I want:
    Fluttershy and Rarity
    Twilight and Pinkie
    AJ and Dash
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:13 No.30401566
    "It needs tah be about 20% better."
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:14 No.30401571
    As many have pointed out, it's because the merchandising, marketing, advertising, and product creation department may as well be on another planet from the Show production crew.

    Would be really nice if someone could sit down with these corporate types and explain, "Listen, step up the quality just a bit, and it will dramatically increase sales. Fans like to have a connection to the franchise, and the more accurate and connected the products are, the more likely they will be to sell toys. So, please, kindly get your head out of the 80's and pay attention to the current market instead of insisting that people will behave the way your marketing research wants them to behave."

    Generally speaking, I think it would be great if all marketing departments could get with the fucking times and realize that you can't just keep rehashing the same methods with different ideas. Instead of introducing new characters simply to force more toys.. How about you let the people making the cartoon come up with characters that people will like enough to want toys of?

    Or, instead of making sure that there are "toyetic" castles or carriages or shit.. You make toys that kids might actually want.. Like ones that look like the characters they like?

    >Not even aimed specifically at Hasbro.. but any show that has been made with the intention to hock toys at kids. Seriously. You're fucking doing it backwards.
    >> Spawn_more_Synaps 10/09/11(Sun)02:14 No.30401576
    To make this dialoge less painful, read it in the half life full life consiquenses narrator voice.
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 10/09/11(Sun)02:14 No.30401578
    Yeah, Twilight and pinkie would be best not for the voice swap.

    But for Pinkie with Twilight's power.
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)02:14 No.30401594
         File1318140895.png-(25 KB, 125x83, Spike purchasing Rarity Pornog(...).png)
    25 KB
    >Rarity and Applejack talking as eachother.
    My wallet is ready.
    >Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy as well.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:15 No.30401599
    That's awesome! Also rose that shading guide you linked earlier. It looks great but there's SOO much info to digest.

    Do you, ah, have anything a little simpler?
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:15 No.30401606
         File1318140940.jpg-(46 KB, 485x512, Scootaloo Adorable.jpg)
    46 KB

    Look at all those adorable little chickens! And there's a Dodo there, too!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:16 No.30401615

    I run, delete my broswer and hide in the bed!
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/09/11(Sun)02:16 No.30401618
    I dunno. AJ and Dash doesn't interest me because they have the same VA. They sound more similar than you'd think.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:17 No.30401635
    Can... can we fund this? Does he still do stuff?
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:17 No.30401643
    Equestria wouldn't be ready

    >Celestia visits the town that day

    Holy shit everything is made of gingerbread!
    >> Flabrus !7LhuYF85bg 10/09/11(Sun)02:17 No.30401649
    See, that's what makes it great. I think it would be a stiffer challenge for whatsherface to do, since I'm sure she's kinda trained herself to sound like Dash when saying Dashie things.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:17 No.30401650
    >Dat bodyswap
    >they can't compete anymore because then that means the other one is actually better.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:17 No.30401651

    >Fluttershy and Rarity
    >AJ and Dash

    Too obvious, the other one is cool.
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)02:18 No.30401663
         File1318141102.png-(331 KB, 600x700, 1r13zcco5_1280.png)
    331 KB

    >My face when I constantly have incognito mode on

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:18 No.30401665
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:18 No.30401667
    which pony would you let shit in your mouth

    also, ingesting pony shit, which tastes like ice cream, turns you into a pony
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:18 No.30401670
    Alright, this is the end of the forth book. With the help of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their new fire/ice armor enchanted by Philomena, the elements of harmony narrowly managed to defeat the vampire diamond dogs by having the THREE YOUNG FILLIES tie two of them up, and having a CHUNK OF THE CEILING randomly fall on the third one's head.

    >Suddenly, a large chunk of the ceiling somehow fell down. It landed right on the lead Dog knocking him out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders leaping right out of his large hands unharmed.

    >The young girls rushed over to the represenatives for comfort from such a near-death expirience.

    >"Well then what caused the town hall's ceiling fall down on the lead Dog", asked Rainbow as puzzled as the rest were.

    >"That would be me!", squeeled a high, shrill and familiar female voice from the damaged roof from above.

    >The 10 looked up to see that Pinkie Pie was still alive, and that she was the one who made the roof fall down on the lead Dog. She leaped down and the 10 ran over and greeted happily.

    The diamond dogs were taken to canterlot for rehabilitation, but they still hold a grudge against Griffy for defeating them. What thrilling adventures await our outcast hero?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:19 No.30401677
    That's what I'm thinking
    So basically this is what I want

    Twilight and Pinkie
    Pinkie want's to use Twilights powers to throw the greatest party in Equestria while Twilight sees this as the best oportunity to study Pinkies reality bending powers. To bad she can't use them and get's annoyed as fuck

    Rarity - Fluttershy
    Hoity Toity or some other fashion pony comes to see Rarity's latest designs and FS ask her animal friends for help.
    Meanwhile Rarity tries to change the town's opinion of Fluttershy.

    AJ- RD
    Simple they do another Iron Pony or something like this but halfway through they realize something.
    If one of them wins the town will think that the other actually won so they do their best to lose.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:19 No.30401697
         File1318141190.jpg-(133 KB, 902x413, lolwut.jpg)
    133 KB
    >Hmmm maybe MS is drawing something good.
    >Human Pinkie sucking horsecock.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:20 No.30401703
    >> Rose 10/09/11(Sun)02:20 No.30401705
         File1318141210.png-(Spoiler Image, 438 KB, 728x1772, EverythingIknewiswrong.png)
    Spoiler Image, 438 KB
    I've got uhhh...

    spoiler for notpony
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:20 No.30401716
    >End of the 4th book

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:20 No.30401718
    So, is this what it is like to be in the Sonic fandom?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:21 No.30401728

    I dont get it.
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)02:21 No.30401742
    I see more of Twilight trying to adapt to her "Pinkie Sense" and failing.

    My hips are moving on their own!
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/09/11(Sun)02:22 No.30401749
    I see your point, but I don't want to deny the other voice actors of the fun of playing with her characters.

    Dash and Rarity or AJ and Fluttershy are things I don't want to pass up.

    >if they did Dash's body would lose because she wouldn't be cheating
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:22 No.30401750
         File1318141352.png-(145 KB, 1100x1000, 1318119883215.png)
    145 KB
    There are six fucking more
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:23 No.30401762
         File1318141386.png-(512 KB, 1024x572, 1318119145907.png)
    512 KB
    Best ship and best male.
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 10/09/11(Sun)02:23 No.30401765
    Well, he's, uhh, productive.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:23 No.30401770
    Eh He's cute.
    I prefer Hoity though
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:24 No.30401773
         File1318141442.jpg-(115 KB, 900x853, southern belle.jpg)
    115 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:24 No.30401774

    >What, this is cute?
    >Leg looks messed up though
    >Wait, 3 legs?
    >Oh my God that's not a leg

    Futashy strikes again.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:24 No.30401778
    Not the word I'd have chosen.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:24 No.30401785
    Really? Awesome

    This has really put me in a good mood.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:24 No.30401787
         File1318141475.jpg-(347 KB, 800x814, 55528.jpg)
    347 KB
    >best male
    yeah, no
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:24 No.30401789


    Get out of here Nathan.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:24 No.30401790
         File1318141487.jpg-(129 KB, 600x426, HIPPOS HIPPOS EVERYWHERE.jpg)
    129 KB
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 10/09/11(Sun)02:24 No.30401792
    If this was the Sonic fandom, those would be OCs and the OCs would be Silver recolours.
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)02:25 No.30401801
    But how can Rarity blame him when she's the one who chose to do it in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:25 No.30401802
    Matching set, if you didn't notice.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:25 No.30401807
    >join stream
    >win free draw request somehow
    >SBs name is William

    Life is weird
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:25 No.30401812

    But we've got worse. Celestia recolors.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:26 No.30401813
    DBZ handled bodyswaps the best.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:26 No.30401817
    That still looks like young r63 Blueblood
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)02:26 No.30401820
    Nah, man. They look more like Turtles.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:26 No.30401822

    And all ships are fanon except the Cakes and Spike/Rarity

    Also, best male pony is purely a matter of preference.
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)02:26 No.30401824
         File1318141584.png-(73 KB, 698x318, WE ARE THE DEMONS.png)
    73 KB

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:27 No.30401841
    She's not blaming him for the kid. She's blaming him for her going out and getting all filthy and acting "unladylike"
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:27 No.30401844


    So its just like Rarijack.

    Rarity is fucking with Blueblood.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:27 No.30401845
    Don't think I've actually seen that.

    But that fucking 'pony generator' doesn't help. There's a staggering number of assholes that can avatarfag RP their supahcool black and red dragoneyed alicorn OCs with no effort whatsoever now.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:28 No.30401861
         File1318141701.png-(143 KB, 700x900, Princess Blueblood.png)
    143 KB
    Seriously look
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:28 No.30401866
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:29 No.30401874
    Braeburn is more a balance of Pinkie Pie and Applejack, with a few extra spoonfuls of southern charm. He is also much more of a gentleman than Applejack.

    And fuck that fucking Blueblood shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:29 No.30401875
         File1318141746.jpg-(8 KB, 230x219, Gokushirt.jpg)
    8 KB
    Guy who lives with his parents detected.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:29 No.30401877

    She is a whore after all and she is cheating, poor Braeburn.
    >> Glitter Glue 10/09/11(Sun)02:29 No.30401878
         File1318141751.gif-(19 KB, 600x800, swordfight.gif)
    19 KB
    As requested.
    Rarity and Blueblood "swordfighting".
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:29 No.30401886
    Why does Griffy look like some kinda Pelican?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:29 No.30401887

    She is a slut Nathan.
    >> Flabrus !7LhuYF85bg 10/09/11(Sun)02:30 No.30401893
    This is not what I expected... but I'm not complaining.
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 10/09/11(Sun)02:30 No.30401899
    Somehow, that's exactly what I expected.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:30 No.30401903
    Not what I expected.
    Not what I expected at all...
    I still like it
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:30 No.30401904

    I liked you better when you were on /tg/

    Wait. No I didn't.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:30 No.30401908
         File1318141835.png-(78 KB, 307x307, 131014969595-Pinkie_with_poppe(...).png)
    78 KB

    >mfw i see this coming

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:30 No.30401909
    Only because she's single.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:30 No.30401914
    Duly noted and saved. Thanks Rose!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:30 No.30401915
    ...winner gets to penetrate the loser?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:30 No.30401918
    Yep. Not surprised. That's got you written all over it.
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:31 No.30401926
         File1318141879.png-(819 KB, 500x2000, Sweetie and Gem.png)
    819 KB

    How many illegitimate babies is Rarity gonna have?! First there was Sweetie Belle then Braeburn's baby, and then this abomination right here. Sweet Moses on a Graham Cracker, her vagina must see more visitors than an In-and-Out Burger!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:31 No.30401928
         File1318141884.png-(6 KB, 200x228, Derpy&The Doctor.png)
    6 KB
    r63 thread?
    >> Rose 10/09/11(Sun)02:31 No.30401934
    No prob. I can scrounge around for more stuff if you'd like since I'm too lazy to make something myself
    >> SB 10/09/11(Sun)02:32 No.30401940
    Tell no one.

    Not counting all those people you told.
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)02:32 No.30401942
         File1318141929.png-(127 KB, 644x465, tumblr_lsq6cdd7yC1r0biauo1_128(...).png)
    127 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:32 No.30401948

    ALL THE BABIES! Stupid fandom always with fucking kids.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:32 No.30401952
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:32 No.30401961

    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:33 No.30401964
         File1318141981.jpg-(12 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    12 KB
    If you don't mind I'd appreciate it! The picture I'm coloring is dark, with lots of different light sources.

    pic related its the environment and some colors Im working with.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:33 No.30401968
    >Mutant Pony/Dragon Hybrid babies

    FUCK. EVERYTHING. Seriously, I will never be able to scrub that Spike x OC Pony fic out of my brain.
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)02:33 No.30401972
    I haven't told anyone, though it was tempting when I found out we have the same first name.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:33 No.30401979
    Oh you cockfondler.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:33 No.30401986
         File1318142021.gif-(506 KB, 640x360, rarity is a filthy slut.gif)
    506 KB

    Rarity will never stop. Sex is the only relief she has from her stressful life, and we all know birth control is banned because the God-Empress demands more slaves.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:33 No.30401991
    My brother's name is William

    Dude, It's like we're all connected.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:33 No.30401993

    Can you explain this? I dont think is a good idea open that.
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:34 No.30401997
         File1318142052.jpg-(351 KB, 1500x1500, Apple Dumpling.jpg)
    351 KB

    You'll have so many babies! 400 Babies!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:34 No.30402003
    But It's an awesome name.
    Mine is just common
    Seriously Michael?
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)02:34 No.30402013
    >Big Mac & Pinkie-Pie

    Well, that was way out of left field.
    >> SB 10/09/11(Sun)02:34 No.30402014
    I'm about to watch an instructional stream to introduce me to PS. Link's gonna be in MS's stream.

    It's like the 6th most common male name.
    >> Rose 10/09/11(Sun)02:34 No.30402019
    This shading tutorial might be helpful to you, then
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)02:35 No.30402020

    Dammit, now i'm curious what NTSTS's name is.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:35 No.30402021
    Apologies if you didn't want that to be common knowledge dude.

    Call me Dmitryi if you like so we're even
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:35 No.30402027
    It links to a search page on the FBI website.

    The search term? "Where online can I find child porn?"
    >> BraveSpark !HjPaiNTo3Y 10/09/11(Sun)02:35 No.30402041
         File1318142155.png-(532 KB, 944x718, (0322)1310265553734.png)
    532 KB
    >dragon pony hybrid oc
    >all the ponies look like foxes
    >spike looks like a faggy pony
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:36 No.30402048
    You've got a cool name though, if that's what it is.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:36 No.30402050

    Hhahahaha wat!
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)02:36 No.30402058
    I bet I'm taller than he is.
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)02:36 No.30402063
         File1318142205.png-(69 KB, 242x207, Hi, I'm chucky. Wanna play.png)
    69 KB
    >That feel when no one knows your name and no one has saved your images.
    Feels good to still have some semblance of anonymity.
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)02:36 No.30402065
         File1318142209.png-(245 KB, 645x1234, tumblr_lsnl00Nzsy1r0biauo1_128(...).png)
    245 KB
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)02:37 No.30402067
    Wait till you get to the milk one.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:37 No.30402071

    Link that shit now nigga.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:37 No.30402073
    How tall are you? He's like 6' 3"
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:37 No.30402078
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 10/09/11(Sun)02:37 No.30402080
    Nobody knows my real name.

    Except for /co/mmander Jesus and my fellow pre-readers
    >> SB 10/09/11(Sun)02:37 No.30402084
    It's not a big deal at all.

    And that is a cool name.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:38 No.30402093

    And yet someone has screencapped your... interesting dream about Dash.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:38 No.30402105
    It's not Pagemaster?

    I thought you just had really shitty parents.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:39 No.30402114
    >Anonymous' name is Michael
    I'll be looking out for you...
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:39 No.30402117
         File1318142371.png-(363 KB, 627x1280, Daisy Milkshake... parum-pum.png)
    363 KB
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)02:39 No.30402119
         File1318142377.png-(309 KB, 605x739, BUT BULLETS TOO SLOW.png)
    309 KB
    I'm dying here. In a bad way.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:39 No.30402120
    it's Tyler
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)02:39 No.30402122
         File1318142387.png-(55 KB, 344x345, Delicious Root Beer.png)
    55 KB
    And that's what I find odd.

    Wait, no that's not odd. That's exactly what I expected. Carry on.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:40 No.30402128
    I wasn't thinking when I posted that SB so..hehe also thank you guys. My name always makes me feel so foreign around other people despite talking super normal.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:40 No.30402132
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:40 No.30402134
    Anonymous, please be ridiculous elsewhere.
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 10/09/11(Sun)02:41 No.30402143
    If I was actually named after this shitty movie, I might of actually had to shoot someone.

    Good guess.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:41 No.30402146
    Why would Spike suddenly become a quadruped?
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:41 No.30402157
    Thanks again Rose!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:41 No.30402159
    It wasn't that bad...
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:41 No.30402161
    Just admit it, you klootzac
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:41 No.30402163
    Because >Furries.
    >> BraveSpark !HjPaiNTo3Y 10/09/11(Sun)02:41 No.30402164
         File1318142512.png-(33 KB, 542x440, (0128)18826 - celestia exploit(...).png)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:42 No.30402177

    Please tell me this was saved back in December.
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 10/09/11(Sun)02:42 No.30402179
    Which one is this?
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 10/09/11(Sun)02:43 No.30402185
    It was average at best. I enjoyed it a lot more when I was younger than now.

    I didn't say you were wrong. I'm more curious about how you know.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:43 No.30402189
         File1318142594.png-(277 KB, 782x1021, One Piece 5.png)
    277 KB
    So what does /a/ think about ponies?
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:43 No.30402195
         File1318142612.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 377 KB, 1000x1000, Fluttershy Wet Nurse.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 377 KB

    >>Implying you wouldn't drink Fluttershy's warm breast milk
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)02:43 No.30402197
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:43 No.30402202
    Po1 screenshot. Nope.
    >> Flabrus !7LhuYF85bg 10/09/11(Sun)02:44 No.30402209
    That is at once twisted and exceptionally cute.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:44 No.30402213
    >R63 Spitfire is the best sword fighter in the world
    >> BraveSpark !HjPaiNTo3Y 10/09/11(Sun)02:44 No.30402216
         File1318142683.jpg-(118 KB, 640x714, applefamily(0016).jpg)
    118 KB
    why can't all tumblrs be cool like ask pinkamina
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:45 No.30402222
    im dying, happily
    >> Royal īrīdescence™ !3GqYIJ3Obs!!2LJrcSiq0mm 10/09/11(Sun)02:45 No.30402225
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:45 No.30402229

    I've actually had kumis. It's pretty good. Next time I get some I'll try to dissolve some marshmallows in it to see what pony milk would taste like.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:46 No.30402244
    They're surprisingly okay with it, but the haters shut down everything. /v/ of all places is being bombarded with pony, to the point where it doesn't derail a thread anymore.

    Thing is, Pony has been here for a year already. Why are people still so mad over one thread on /b/ and /co/?
    >> Royal īrīdescence™ !3GqYIJ3Obs!!2LJrcSiq0mm 10/09/11(Sun)02:46 No.30402252
         File1318142779.gif-(215 KB, 550x400, scootashoe.gif)
    215 KB
    whoops. Forgot the picture.
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:46 No.30402263
         File1318142796.png-(75 KB, 2000x1333, Baby Scootaloo.png)
    75 KB

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:47 No.30402270
    They're cute.
    Hell I spend most of my time there whenever I need to fell better.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:47 No.30402282
    >Copyright laws
    >Not a joke in the 21st century
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)02:47 No.30402285
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:47 No.30402288
    her name should be zut alors
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:47 No.30402293
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:48 No.30402312
    >Just a normal anon....
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 10/09/11(Sun)02:48 No.30402314

    No seriously, how did you know? Have you been stalking me?

    Seth, is that you?
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)02:49 No.30402326
         File1318142961.jpg-(105 KB, 748x748, 1315667508431.jpg)
    105 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:49 No.30402334
    Because your name is Tyler. You can't escape your name.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:49 No.30402336
    Scootaloo is now Voltaire
    What now?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:50 No.30402355
    >Deafdefiler flaunting his height again.
    Why must you always make everyone feel short?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:50 No.30402356
    It still sounds like hipster trash. Nothing is different.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:51 No.30402360
    Sounds like an actual episode.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:51 No.30402362
    This is too many inches
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 10/09/11(Sun)02:51 No.30402369
         File1318143092.gif-(763 KB, 640x540, 1955_-_animated_rainbow_dash-((...).gif)
    763 KB
    BUT HOW?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:52 No.30402377

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:52 No.30402388
    No, the ponies are fucked.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:53 No.30402404
    >Black and red ponies
    >Neon ponies
    >All of the ponies in show are earth tones or pastel

    >> FaceIessJr !derpv5Fdlo 10/09/11(Sun)02:54 No.30402408
         File1318143243.png-(16 KB, 470x474, 1310007656598.png)
    16 KB
    Guys, is Faceless around?

    The dark deed he has behested of me has met with completion.
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:54 No.30402411
         File1318143249.png-(572 KB, 1280x720, CMC Helljumpers.png)
    572 KB

    >>Implying we weren't already fucked
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)02:54 No.30402420
    Because I am the tallest. It's pretty much all I have going for me ever...
    >> BraveSpark !HjPaiNTo3Y 10/09/11(Sun)02:54 No.30402421
         File1318143283.gif-(405 KB, 480x360, (0096)1303189027539.gif)
    405 KB
    >no one fell for my obvious troll
    i'm so proud
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:54 No.30402422
         File1318143286.png-(21 KB, 354x332, White Amazingly.png)
    21 KB
    you hating on my pony, bro?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:54 No.30402423
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:55 No.30402430
         File1318143311.jpg-(83 KB, 889x898, kawaii_uguu.jpg)
    83 KB

    The japs love ponies.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:55 No.30402432
    sharpie in pooper?
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:55 No.30402435

    What task did he request of you, exactly?
    >> Fluffy 10/09/11(Sun)02:55 No.30402440
         File1318143329.png-(80 KB, 700x400, party time.png)
    80 KB
    He went to sleep like a few hours ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:55 No.30402442
    So is pony merchandise being sold ironically at Hot Topic yet?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:55 No.30402443
         File1318143332.jpg-(220 KB, 1200x960, 65754 - Request Road applejack(...).jpg)
    220 KB

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:55 No.30402446
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:55 No.30402451
    dick in a box?
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)02:55 No.30402452
    2g1c pony edition.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:56 No.30402454
         File1318143362.jpg-(108 KB, 1173x681, jap twilight.jpg)
    108 KB

    Posting the bestest Japanese pony.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 10/09/11(Sun)02:56 No.30402456
    It could just be that people are either filtering you or just don't pay attention to you anymore, Bravespark.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:56 No.30402460
    T-shirts, yes.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:56 No.30402462
    That's all?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:56 No.30402465
    So, you mean you don't actually like it?
    I thought you were cool dude.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:56 No.30402472
    Is dat you fluffybutts?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:56 No.30402474
    i expected something more interesting from him
    hes lost his touch
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:56 No.30402476
    I agree That Rarity is beautiful
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:57 No.30402487
         File1318143442.jpg-(84 KB, 908x879, soarin.jpg)
    84 KB

    They even love background ponies!
    >> Fluffy 10/09/11(Sun)02:57 No.30402488
         File1318143445.png-(157 KB, 850x600, these arent my glasses.png)
    157 KB
    yarp yarp
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:57 No.30402497
    You could say his tastes are shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:58 No.30402527
         File1318143536.jpg-(85 KB, 740x1079, japplejack.jpg)
    85 KB

    Aaaand rounding off with a plotshot.

    Don't feel like dumping the rest of Mashida's pics. He's on Deviantart anyway.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)02:59 No.30402530
         File1318143540.png-(39 KB, 235x242, Twilight ear tug.png)
    39 KB
    Could I ask an art of you involving these two perchance? Nothing shipwise so don't worry about that.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:59 No.30402540
    Guess he really just likes poo. And that's about it.
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)02:59 No.30402543
         File1318143575.png-(56 KB, 800x600, And then Sweetie Belle ate Nig(...).png)
    56 KB

    Oh dear Jesus no.


    I love how that meeting ended.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)02:59 No.30402548
         File1318143590.jpg-(94 KB, 569x587, 1306570854703.jpg)
    94 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:00 No.30402559
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)03:00 No.30402574
         File1318143652.png-(13 KB, 300x300, 1317005861173.png)
    13 KB

    You're such a silly pony Junior.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:00 No.30402578
    >Pinkie Pie's vagina is dripping
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:01 No.30402586


    This is not as horrible as i spects, ponies are too cute.
    >> FaceIessJr !derpv5Fdlo 10/09/11(Sun)03:02 No.30402599
         File1318143731.png-(525 KB, 953x882, 1315588150129.png)
    525 KB
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)03:02 No.30402603

    This picture would be fantastic if it wasn't for all that shit.

    Hey Junior I forget, did I already ask you if you were up for drawing Nyx being skewered ass to mouth?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:02 No.30402606
    What's next on the list?
    Also are you adding new requests?
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)03:02 No.30402607
         File1318143766.png-(178 KB, 773x658, Twilight Less than 3's You..png)
    178 KB
    I just want to let you all know you are all great and wonderful people and I am lucky to have know you all.
    Yes, you too, anonymous.
    Also I found this on /v/. Go figure.
    >> Fluffy 10/09/11(Sun)03:03 No.30402619
         File1318143834.png-(67 KB, 550x400, 03215648.png)
    67 KB
    What's on your mind?
    >> FaceIessJr !derpv5Fdlo 10/09/11(Sun)03:04 No.30402623
    I don't remember that request.

    Added, though.

    Believe me, this exclusive 'no poo' version that I have on my computer looks COMPLETELY different... you know, without the poo.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:04 No.30402625
         File1318143853.jpg-(118 KB, 414x350, celestia likies.jpg)
    118 KB

    Oh for fucks sake
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)03:04 No.30402635
         File1318143880.png-(737 KB, 800x2400, at_the_gala_color.png)
    737 KB

    Did someone say pony butts?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:04 No.30402639
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)03:05 No.30402642
    What's the list, again? I feel like I might have something on it.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:05 No.30402647
    Well I can tell you that Jesus's expression is perfect...uhh ya...perfect.
    >> FaceIessJr !derpv5Fdlo 10/09/11(Sun)03:05 No.30402648
    Consensual Cheerilee x Twilight? Preferably kissing or hornjob? (Deafdefiler)

    This'll be fun.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)03:05 No.30402653
         File1318143945.png-(212 KB, 469x370, Dash sweatband.png)
    212 KB
    Like Dash is coaching a chubby (lil sweaty) twilight sparkle into losing weight by runnin' laps

    Also twilights mane in a ponytail. Pretty please?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:05 No.30402657

    Post that NOW.
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)03:06 No.30402658
         File1318143962.jpg-(49 KB, 228x215, Rarity How Could You.jpg)
    49 KB

    Sweet! That should be fun. Also,

    >>Exclusive "no poo" version

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:06 No.30402663
    opposite day?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:06 No.30402670

    >not rape

    What the fuck!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:06 No.30402671
    >This thread

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:07 No.30402672
    Alright, i've read the entire fifth book of the Griffy saga. This one takes place in the ocean, where Griffy and the gang need to save the hippocamps from the evil Deep Water Steeds by finding the Gem of Life and Power
    It starts out with a BEACH SCENE

    >As everyone was having a good time on the beach, the most noticable thing that was happening was Griffy teaching himself how to surf the waves. He was strikingly very good at the sport.
    >"Is it just me?", called out Griffy, "Or is this a lot like a really wet roller coaster ride!"
    >He got back to the others and decided to show them all what surfing was like. It was a big enough surfboard to support 8 living Organisms.
    As soon as the board was riding a really large wave, Griffy asked the others riding behind hom on the same board, "How are you all digging this!"
    >After the ride, they all decided that if they were going to do aquatic stuff more often, they would have to learn about the art of scuba-diving. Fluttershy taught them all how to, since she would sometimes get in the water in ponds back home. Swimming was not that easy for Griffy and Spike however.
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)03:07 No.30402677
    >implying I only like rape

    Faceless doesn't only like scat, you know.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:08 No.30402687
    Guess what anon, there's a week off in between eps 3 and 4 as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:09 No.30402694

    Dude you have to post the shitless version...
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:09 No.30402695
         File1318144147.gif-(519 KB, 400x222, 1306866467_jumping_out_the_win(...).gif)
    519 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:09 No.30402704
         File1318144177.jpg-(33 KB, 596x394, impossibru.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> FaceIessJr !derpv5Fdlo 10/09/11(Sun)03:10 No.30402712
    I might post it... maybe.
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)03:10 No.30402713
         File1318144222.png-(79 KB, 259x275, 1309135833723.png)
    79 KB

    >exclusive 'no poo' version

    You make Dafty sad.
    >> Royal īrīdescence™ !3GqYIJ3Obs!!2LJrcSiq0mm 10/09/11(Sun)03:11 No.30402724
         File1318144267.gif-(2.84 MB, 235x180, 1297813205852.gif)
    2.84 MB
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)03:11 No.30402735
         File1318144295.png-(76 KB, 262x310, Dash hoh shit.png)
    76 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:11 No.30402741

    You want me to beg? Because im going to do it.
    Dont even know why, i dont like pony porn but i must see a "normal" version of that
    >> Fluffy 10/09/11(Sun)03:12 No.30402743
         File1318144325.png-(122 KB, 750x600, whatisthisidonteven.png)
    122 KB
    That sounds familiar...
    But yeah, I guess I could.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:12 No.30402744
         File1318144335.gif-(554 KB, 295x221, 1310152583695.gif)
    554 KB
    >Ooh pony thread!
    >Scat pictures

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:12 No.30402749

    You know, he is lying.
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)03:12 No.30402754
         File1318144374.jpg-(30 KB, 330x378, Are You Bi-polar.jpg)
    30 KB

    ...Part of Faceless' request was to make a poopless version and then never show it to anyone, wasn't it?

    That diabolical fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:13 No.30402756
    Could you also do something cute With Rarity and Twilight?
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)03:13 No.30402759
    >> Fluffy 10/09/11(Sun)03:14 No.30402777
         File1318144464.png-(89 KB, 700x500, mybodyisready.png)
    89 KB
    bloop bloop yeah

    The whole Dash training Twilight thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:14 No.30402779
    Is that Faceless whole deal? Make/request pony scat to troll people?

    Sounds like he's a one trick pony
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)03:14 No.30402784
         File1318144483.png-(101 KB, 301x318, Sweetie Belle Excited 3.png)
    101 KB

    No Sweetie! Don't eat Celestia! Bad Sweetie!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:15 No.30402798
    >Dem faces
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:15 No.30402807
    Thanks dude.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)03:16 No.30402823
    pologies. haven't been on the up and up around here
    I'm writing a story offit since it was being discussed in a thread once. Still not able to art reasonably well enough Although I could fudge it till it looks mediocre

    thanks dude!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:16 No.30402825

    Can i request something like that With Applejack and Rarity?
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)03:16 No.30402826
         File1318144597.jpg-(43 KB, 240x240, Scandal.jpg)
    43 KB


    No, he actually just has a scat fetish.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:16 No.30402828
    Isn't chister writing a fanfic about pretty much exactly that?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:17 No.30402838


    Oh u!
    >> FaceIessJr !derpv5Fdlo 10/09/11(Sun)03:17 No.30402845
         File1318144656.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 329 KB, 1200x800, NoHotCakes.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 329 KB
    Okay, just cuz I like you guys. Here ya go; no poo.

    Though now I don't know why Jesus is so horrified.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:17 No.30402849
    After the hippocamp king surfaces to beseech the help of Griffy and his friends against the evil Deep Water Steeds, they take him to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to shed some light on these villain's origins. Absolutely nothing could prepare for the massive levels of wat this guy is willing to go to.

    >"Now what's going on here?", asked Griffy, "What do you know of the Deep Water Steeds?"
    >"I've only told Luna here this tale", replied Celestia, "Now I shall have to tell you all"
    >She took a deep breath and began, "A few centuries after I had imprisoned Nightmare Moon (AKA, Princess Luna posessed by Kurayami), I noticed that six particular Pony nations had really bad dictators leading them all. I felt that something needed to be done. I first tried to just simply arrest the six dictators and throw them all in prison, but they suprisingly had enough authority and political power to set up war/seige weapons to keep the Canterlot police force out. I then had no choice, but to cast a powerful spell upon the six dictators out there: Adolf Horseler the Unicorn Pony, Neponyeon Boneparte the Earth Pony, Sattledam Horsesain the Earth Pony, Mao Zehoof the Unicorn Pony, Fidal Canterstro the Pegasus Pony and King Georgehorse III the Pegasus Pony. I had turned the 6 of them into gilled Creatures with six different colors to tell one from the other, incredibly long lifespans and many new physical characteristics and they recieved the title of 'Deep Water Steeds'. They were to be banished to a random trench in the Great Equestrian Ocean. I decided that they would need some form of security to prevent them from escaping that trench, so I reluctanly did the same thing to two Gorilla brothers named Hykor and Marnyon, but giving them greater intelligence as a bonus. They did not really seem to mind having to live the next millenium or so in a deep ocean, guarding outcasted Ponies with gills."
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)03:17 No.30402852
    Chistery doesn't write anymore. She'll sometimes pop in and say 'Oh, that would make a good story', then write a line or two proving to us just how good it could be, and then never actually writes it.
    >> Jailbait 10/09/11(Sun)03:18 No.30402857
    CJ confirmed for colt cuddler
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:18 No.30402863
    Maybe his body is ready.

    She will never finish that Rarijack fic...
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)03:19 No.30402876
         File1318144790.png-(527 KB, 879x896, Fluttershy Excited.png)
    527 KB

    Oh thank you Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, Zeus, and every single Hindu deity!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:20 No.30402883
    >giving your enemies incredibly long lifespans
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:20 No.30402885

    >then write a line or two proving to us just how good it could be

    This is the worst shit ever.I always get a boner
    >> Jailbait 10/09/11(Sun)03:20 No.30402895
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    Alright, finished up might Cheerilee pic. Dat pantyhose
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)03:21 No.30402901
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    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)03:21 No.30402902
    Yeah, so I figured I'm writing it then. Was an idea of mine so I'm attacking it head on
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:21 No.30402909
    >Not a troll

    Then why bother posting here? I'm sure he knows normal human beings (and /co/mrades) don't like cartoon characters shitting.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:21 No.30402911
    Speaking of which, are you writing that Vinylfic still?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:22 No.30402916

    >Not thanking Thor and Odin

    You bring dishonor upon your house.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)03:22 No.30402925
    I like how I made that and it's still used occasionally haha. Its the only one I ever see.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:22 No.30402935

    Oh god that just need Sweetie Belle and you will have all my boners.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 10/09/11(Sun)03:23 No.30402948
    Hi Skoon.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:23 No.30402951
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    King Georgehorse III
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)03:23 No.30402954
    ...That's stockings, bro. Pantyhose go all the way up to the waist.
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)03:23 No.30402956
    I have never fapped to ponies, but god dammit general you're trying.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:23 No.30402959
    Skoon posts here?
    >> FaceIessJr !derpv5Fdlo 10/09/11(Sun)03:24 No.30402962
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    Daaaaaaaayum! That's lookin' godly.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:24 No.30402964

    Im not skoon man i just have a boner for her. Im not a pedophile.
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)03:24 No.30402969

    It was a shocking headline. And now it's true!
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)03:24 No.30402981
    This thread makes me happy.

    Also, outstanding work as always, Mr. Junior.
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)03:24 No.30402984
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    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/09/11(Sun)03:25 No.30402995
    >If you're brave enough to click, let me know if something looks fucked up
    ...There is so much about this picture that is fucked up.
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 10/09/11(Sun)03:26 No.30403006
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    AND now I'm hot for teacher.

    >>Wanting to fuck Sweetie Belle
    >>Not a pedofoal

    Someone's in denial.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:26 No.30403013
    Just gonna leave this here
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:26 No.30403017
    hey everyone lets discuss our favourite fanfiction

    i like fallout equestria because lil pip is so cute!

    it's also an amazing work of literature besides
    >> FaceIessJr !derpv5Fdlo 10/09/11(Sun)03:26 No.30403022
    Yo, 'preciate the compliments mang.

    By the way; I'm hopped up on caffeine right now. Got any new fics out there? I'm probably not sleeping anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:27 No.30403024
    and I thought the /co/ ones were getting boring.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:27 No.30403029
    Holy shit man...Where is this story even going.

    And thanks for posting this Anon, I'm having quite a good laugh here.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:27 No.30403034
    I... I kinda want to write something about Rarity being... "Generous"

    and by "generous" I mean "blowjob"
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:27 No.30403038

    Its only her, that makes me a weirdo or a creep right?
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)03:28 No.30403059
    Aw, you flatter me with your interest.

    Nothing outstanding, just the Flutterbitch x Angry Pie I did on a whim a couple days ago. Not my best work, but the pairing is interesting at the very least.


    also, yay caffeine
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:28 No.30403060
    I like griffys story, it's great.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:28 No.30403063

    Hey Jr, whats next?
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)03:29 No.30403082
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:30 No.30403085
    After receiving new water armor that allows them to scuba dive, and a fucking walking submarine, the elements of harmony receive two unexpected visitors who can't possibly wait until they're back on the surface to tell them something.

    >As soon as the transmission ended, the gang suddenly started hearing familiar "hello" calls from outside the walking submarine. Griffy and Applejack opened up a window hatch and looked out to see Snips and Snails racing after them.
    >"Is this some sort of a joke that Carrotop put you two up to?", asked Griffy.
    >"Just what in the hay are ya'll doin' outsahde of Ponyville, headin' towards danger?, added AJ.
    >"We just wanted to join in on the cool adventures you guys always have!", replied Snips.
    >"Uuuhh, yeah!", added Snails, "What he said!"
    >"Sorry but this is too dangerous for foals of your age", said Griffy, "We know that Spike's young, but he represents the Spirit of Unity"
    >"Well when you guys get back", Snips said, >"Coulde you, specifically Applejack, send a message to your sister?"
    >"Fer Apple Bloom?", replied AJ, "And what mahght that be?"
    >"W-well", stammered Snips with sweat, "We-we-we.."
    >"We have crushes on her!", interupted Snails.
    >"Well maybe ah will", said Applejack after a 5 second pause, "Now get movin' on back to your homes now"
    >And after that, Griffy and AJ closed the window latch and sat back down in their seats.

    Oh, the profound complexity of young love
    >> FaceIessJr !derpv5Fdlo 10/09/11(Sun)03:30 No.30403096
    Something fun:
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:31 No.30403101

    Cool thank you man.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:32 No.30403127
    >young love

    This story gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:32 No.30403128
    “Oh, fuck, I’m cumming, don’t you dare stop, ahhhhh!”
    I love ya NSTST, but seriously. Lrn2clopfics.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:33 No.30403140
    That was a clopfic?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:33 No.30403143

    You should read the one he write with AJ and Rarity is very good but the ending is a little sudden.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)03:34 No.30403165
    Have you read the rest of the available material in the genre?

    Apologies, ernestly. Writing sex is not my forte. Dialogue during even worse.

    Man. Having questionable writing quoted is like the worst feeling. I need to absolve myself of my sins against the written word now.
    >> Daftykins !!MeAv3tmNCUj 10/09/11(Sun)03:34 No.30403169

    >“Oh, fuck, I’m cumming, don’t you dare stop, ahhhhh!”
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:35 No.30403182

    >Writing sex is not my forte.

    Welp i was going to request something.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)03:35 No.30403196
    alright fine, fuck. I took that part out.

    hate you guys


    Doesn't mean I won't try, but according to everyone else you're better off finding RS and throwing it at him instead
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)03:36 No.30403210
    Writing about ponies screwing is nobodys forte

    Just fudge it until it sounds good
    No exceptions mang!
    >> RCH !ikOpDWm3h. 10/09/11(Sun)03:36 No.30403216
    The Geneva Conventions has to cover this shit somehow.
    Because it is fucking torture.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:37 No.30403220


    Lol no i want something good not just motion.

    Wanna heard my idea?
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)03:37 No.30403236
    Lay it on me, though frankly now I feel like I'd just butcher it beyond a consumable state.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:38 No.30403246
    >Both are okay with the other one having a crush on the same poni

    Also, they opened a window latch in a submarine? Where they saw Snips and Snails swimming after them?
    Can you get any more retarded?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:39 No.30403277

    You know you can take the sex out you know feelings, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash first time in cloundsdale as teenagers or something like that, before they move to ponyville.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:40 No.30403302
    The ponies plus Griffy exit their submarine in order to enter King Dytoha's city of Marinopolis, only to be accosted by the deadly and dangerous Spider Shark! Please pay close attention to the dialogue, as these character's personalities are almost as nonexistent as the proof-reading

    >"I think we have company!", wailed Twilight as trio of large, pale gray, long-tailed, Shark-like Creatures with six Spider-like legs ambushed the 9 travelers out of nowhere.
    >"Spider Sharks!", cried Dytoha, "They want us out of their turf!"
    >"Weeeee!", squeeled Pinkie as she rode one of the Spider Shark's backs (which she somehow got on), "This fun!"
    >"No Pinkie!", cried Rarity as was then knocked off, "This not supposed to be fun! This is serious danger!"
    >"Ah think ah can handle this tussel like the back of mah head!", exclaimed Applejack as she swam fast toward the second Spider Shark and bucked it in the snout. Then, the Spider Shark got really aggitated from that kick and went insane.
    >Suddenly, the third Spider Shark zoomed straight towards Fluttershy and she then started to tremble with fear, but she then decided to pick up her nerve (after all, she IS an Animal lover).
    >"I think I have to now conquer my fear of Sharks just like how I conquered my fear of adult Dragons", Fluttershy thought to herself.
    She then instantly jumped up, dodging the Shark's strike, and landed on its back. She then started to try and befriend it by gentlely stroke its rough-feeling skin, which automatically made it become less aggresive towards her.
    >> Goretastic 10/09/11(Sun)03:40 No.30403304
    >the last couple posts

    This is why I swore of them from the start. Dohoho.

    Now that I think about it, writing a parody of a normal hentai using ponies would be funny to do, over the top lines and all.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:40 No.30403305
    Aww, I didn't expect ya 'ta take it so bad mang. Sorry if I sounded too harsh. If it makes ya feel any better, I didn't really find anything else wrong with it, a few select lines of a dialogue aside. Definitely better than anything I can write, (and IMO a hell of a lot better than Mr. Ikea-Instructions-RS writes).
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:41 No.30403321
    >Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash first time in cloundsdale as teenagers
    That reminds me of a clopfic that's terrible.
    >> Jailbait 10/09/11(Sun)03:42 No.30403331
    >What are we gonna do on the bed?
    >*POMF =3*
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:42 No.30403348
    That fucking pillow is a cat!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:43 No.30403355
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    >Pony thread
    >People writing porn fics
    >People posting shitting fanfics

    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)03:43 No.30403357
    Sheesh, you weren't kiddin'
    >dat dialogue
    >and formatting
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:43 No.30403360

    Maybe that why it will be better without sex you know, maybe about what is going on in their minds.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:43 No.30403372

    PICTURES, god fucking dammit.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:44 No.30403384
    >"Ah think ah can handle this tussel like the back of mah head!"

    So close...
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:44 No.30403385

    Its too late for a change now man but i dont know why they think we are weird, have you see all the shit going on this board?
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 10/09/11(Sun)03:44 No.30403387
    My bad.

    Let's swing it back around to regular ponies and -

    >image limit

    Well someone make a new thread and free us from this discussion then.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)03:44 No.30403398

    I have yet to see an XJ9 thread or Coraline thread that didn't immediately devolve into robot sex and button porn

    Come off it already. /co/ is and always will be plenty creepy in its own right.
    >> Jailbait 10/09/11(Sun)03:45 No.30403406

    Nope, we got shitting fanfics now
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:45 No.30403414
    >Yes, Pictures, then we will look less cree-
    >Faceless Jr.
    >> Rose 10/09/11(Sun)03:45 No.30403424
    wait what? you're serious?

    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)03:45 No.30403430
    I feel like I'm missing out on stuff by not reading fanfiction, but I swore off fanfiction due to...earlier fandoms I was in. Should I read fanfiction, even though I don't like it? Granted, I did read Bubbles and its sequel along with Simply Rarity and thought those were good.
    >> Goretastic 10/09/11(Sun)03:46 No.30403434

    Not to mention all the furry porn in certain cartoon threads.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:46 No.30403437
    He knows he doesn't have to explain every single thing that relates to the show right. I mean jeezz, its just so unnecessary.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:46 No.30403444
    The more you hate something, the more you should read it.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)03:46 No.30403446
    Unfortunately, yes from what I've seen.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:46 No.30403447
    New thread
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)03:47 No.30403457
    Don't know if want.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:47 No.30403458

    >Simple Rarity

    That one is good but i dont know why rarity always have lolgrimdark background like that or the one where she was raped by her dad and run away whith Sweetie when he try to rape her.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:48 No.30403474
    The logical thing to do would have been to throw Sweetie at his dick and escape on your own.
    >> Rose 10/09/11(Sun)03:48 No.30403483
    I can't bear to look, I think MLP is enough for me to handle
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)03:48 No.30403485
    I hate grimdark, but this one was alright. felt more Original than most. That second one you mentioned sounds like something I'd avoid like the plague.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:49 No.30403504
    Simply Rarity is great, but the other one you mentioned isn't all too good.
    There's actually a good "raped by your dad"-story.
    >A rapefic. Pinkie's Amish father rapes young filly Pinkamena.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:50 No.30403511
    >inb4 everyone refuses to migrate to new thread because of terrible topic
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)03:51 No.30403532
    Yeahno. That kind of stuff I avoid. I had my fair share of grimdark stories from my time in the other fandom.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:51 No.30403535
    Its not a wonderful topic at all

    Where's those thread making monkeys go off to? We have tripfags for this don't we?
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 10/09/11(Sun)03:51 No.30403544
    The internet: Where everything awful and awesome coalesce into some really weird shit.
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)03:51 No.30403545
    Can a namefag make a thread? How about anonymous?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:52 No.30403558
    My favorite Grimdark is where ponies get accidently into bullets.
    Everyone loves that!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:52 No.30403561
    Sure, I'll make one.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:52 No.30403562
    Naw, let's ride it out.
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)03:52 No.30403565
    A lot of its 4chan according to faux news. I'm inclined to agree sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:53 No.30403575
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:53 No.30403588
    stop corrupting my LOL!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:54 No.30403605
    >> /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/ 10/09/11(Sun)03:55 No.30403616

    No wait let's shift blame to reddit. Those suckas are new on the block
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:56 No.30403628

    They are worst and that is le truth.
    >> TheBlueb 10/09/11(Sun)03:56 No.30403650
    I know you're trolling but still.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:57 No.30403665
    lol xD so true

    le upvote
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:58 No.30403681

    >This post
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)03:59 No.30403694
    lol u mad anonymous?

    that's what you say when you troll someone

    you just got trolled

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:00 No.30403717
    Aaaaand posted.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:01 No.30403735
    Or not...
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:01 No.30403738
    You missed the mark, Anonymous

    And by that I mean the other thread was marked.
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 10/09/11(Sun)04:04 No.30403803
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    Sorry, discussion had already moved over there.
    >> Pony Quest P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)04:21 No.30404116

    Reminding yourself to check with Twilight to get her opinions on the code words, you walk over to where Dash, AJ and Pinkie are standing. You say hi, and everyone returns the greeting. Dash again apologizes for incapacitating you yesterday, and you wave it away with your hand, telling her not to worry about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:24 No.30404170
    I suppose we can drop the paranoia for now, though it'd be good to clear away the necklace fib soon.

    Suggest BBQ, I guess?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:24 No.30404182
    Mention that you heard Applejack likes meat, ask if she would be up for a BBQ.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:25 No.30404186

    We're coping quite well considering we were just the victims of the unicorn equivalent of ATTEMPTED RAPE.

    From now on I will imagine Lyra as fucking Captain Ginyu.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:27 No.30404217

    We have the WEIRDEST boner right now.
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)04:27 No.30404218

    You tell Pinkie that this party is great, but you ask if she wouldn't maybe be interested in a different kind of party tomorrow night. Obviously, she's interested, so you tell her that a common party on your world is a barbecue, where you grill meat and hang out outside, around a small fire. Dash seems a little uncomfortable - you realize she probably doesn't eat meat - but Pinkie is interested, and more surprisingly, AJ is too. She seems to have thought you were a vegetarian.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:29 No.30404247

    Bust out the pearly whites and show dem incisors.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:30 No.30404276
    Awesome, we're in. Too bad about Dash not wanting to join us though.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:30 No.30404283
    Attempt to bond with AJ over omnivorousness, hopefully finding out why we were distrusted earlier.
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)04:30 No.30404284

    You consider showing AJ your incisors, but then recall how wary she's been of you lately, and decide against it.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:31 No.30404309
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)04:32 No.30404332

    You talk with AJ more, and ask her why only certain ponies eat meat. She tells you that it's mostly only Earth Ponies that are omnivores, but there are a few pegasi and unicorns that also eat meat. You ask her why she's been acting so paranoid around you, and she shrugs and says she just wasn't sure if she could trust you. She apologizes, however, which you accept.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:35 No.30404372
    Ask her if being omnivorous is a cultural or biological thing, explain that we thought they were all herbivores.
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)04:39 No.30404453

    You ask if this is because of cultural or biological reasons, and she tells you that in the case of unicorns, it's merely cultural; they see eating meat as something below them. Many of the unicorns in Ponyville would probably be willing to eat meat, while those in Canterlot would not. In the case of pegasi, it is biological. They can eat meat, but it is much harder for their teeth to tear through it. She asks why you're so interested, and you tell her that in your world, horses are all herbivores. She shakes her head, saying "I love apples, sure, but I cain't imagine a world with no meat, sugarcube."

    I wonder how many people are pissed at me for making them meat eaters in this story. Not that I care.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:41 No.30404495
    It's intriguing.
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)04:41 No.30404496
    It's funny you mention that, because there are a lot of humans who don't eat meat too, entirely by choice.

    Well, now that we've got the barbecue set up, let's find out what kind of meat they go for. What animals, specifically.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:42 No.30404508

    Get the BBQ since we haven't eaten anything since we first woke up.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:43 No.30404526
    Meat eating is practically canon.

    I not even mad.

    I like reading how others try to explain the non-canonically explained stuff, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:44 No.30404557

    You mean that ham sandwich in the Philomina episode?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:44 No.30404558

    You tell her that in your world, there are people that choose not to eat meat as well. You tell her that they are quite similar to the unicorns; they do it because they think they're somehow "better" than everyone else. AJ rolls her eyes, and you chuckle. Looks like you've found something you agree on.

    You ask her what kind of meat they usually eat, and she says mostly pork. You ask if they eat beef, and she gives you a horrified look. Thinking quickly, you claim it was a joke, but she seems skeptical. You tell her that you love pork, and that you're looking forward to tomorrow night.
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)04:46 No.30404583

    Woops, forgot my trip.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:46 No.30404589
    Pinkie Pie talks about a hot dog eating contest in Fall Weather Friends.

    I mean, though could be vegetarian hot dogs.
    And, well, Pinkie Pie...

    I want to BEELIEEEVE!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:47 No.30404606
    Ask if cows happen to be sapient here, but do so in a joking manner like you are expecting the answer to be no.
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)04:48 No.30404625
    ...I'm going assume I asked her if they eat cow, which would be an awfully stupid thing for anybody who's watched the show to ask.

    Is Fluttershy here?
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)04:51 No.30404683

    You ask why she was so taken aback when you suggested eating beef, and she informs you that cows are indeed sapient here. You admit that it wasn't actually a joke, and inform her that in your world, cows are not intelligent creatures. She reminds you that you said horses are also not intelligent, and asks if you eat them as well? You tell her no, and she asks why not. You can't think of an answer, and realize you might've just ended up on her bad side again. She lets out an impatient "hmph," and walks away. It is now that you realize that most of the party goers have left, excluding the main six.


    You look around for Fluttershy, and spot her standing by Twilight, while she converses with Pinkie Pie.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:54 No.30404719
    Apparently 0 people mad.

    If we think it isn't too impolite, there are cultures that do eat horse to consider. Maybe better to move on to explaining necklace stuff instead, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:54 No.30404728
    >Vegetarian hot dogs

    Wouldn't that mean they're making something that tastes like meat?
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)04:55 No.30404748
    It's because horses are a valuable workforce, while cows are bred specifically as a food supply!

    ...Let's go talk to Fluttershy, and not mention anything about meat.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:55 No.30404750
    Ask Fluttershy if we are going to be staying at her place or not. Also:Let's go ahead and explain the necklace to them and tell them that Cleestia gave it to us. If they ask why we should tell them we aren't sure we are allowed to say.

    We probably should, in case Briston sends more people over and they wind up at her house
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:57 No.30404772

    Get necklace stuff out of the way. Also find out where we are going to be staying during our visit, since I'm guessing it's night time or at least getting close.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)04:57 No.30404785
    We should also probably go ahead and agree now what we should do if we encounter a human or a pony we think is a human.

    I vote for getting them somewhere private ASAP and explaining that if they make a fool of our species we will leave them deep in the Everfree Forest.
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)04:59 No.30404811

    You decide to leave AJ for now, and tell everyone that you have an announcement to make. They all look to you, then come over and ask what's up. Twilight seems especially interested - you know, if you don't count Pinkie's constant hopping a sign of excitement. You pull out the necklace, and tell them that it is a very important artifact given to you by Celestia. You tell them that for now, you would rather not explain why it is important. You also tell them that there may be more people coming, people who intend to aid a foe to the Princess, people who may be human like you or disguised as ponies. You tell them that if you run into them, Celestia has requested that you bring them to her immediately.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:01 No.30404829
    Also tell them that they probably will have been tricked into helping him, and will probably not be bad people.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:01 No.30404837
    That was just to the mane 6, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:01 No.30404839
    This quest seems to be turning out more interesting then I figured it would. I saw the start and aparently missed a lot in the middle.
    Are they compiled anywhere other than the archives or am I going to have to skim through all the recent generals?
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)05:03 No.30404859

    After a second of thought, you also mention that in case they try to impersonate one of the main six, that there are two code words in place. You look to Twilight, who says the primary code word is "plutonium," and the secondary is "zyzygy." You look to everyone else, and they all nod in confirmation. You then, making sure to transition into a much more casual mood, ask where you'll be staying for the night.

    Fluttershy offers her bed to you again... you know, if you're interested. Pinkie Pie says you should stay with her! You could have a slumber party and make more cupcakes and play with Gummy all night! AJ says you're welcome to sleep in the barn, if you're interested. Rarity says that she would let you stay with her, but she's not sure she would trust Sweetie Belle with you around, and you're inclined to agree.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:03 No.30404860
    Someone said they were compiling the previous days' progress; haven't heard back from them or anything.
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)05:04 No.30404874
    Fluttershy, of course. Wings are soft.

    ...And, you know... It's Fluttershy.
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)05:04 No.30404879

    Before ending your speech, you also mention that these people are not inherently bad, they just might have been tricked, such as you yourself were.


    Everyone has already left except for the main six (and Spike, of course).
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 10/09/11(Sun)05:05 No.30404888
    I saw the beginning and didn't realize what it would turn into. I'm sad I haven't been keeping up with it much.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:05 No.30404891
    I don't know. Fluttershy seemed to be able to take care of herself despite our best efforts, so she will be ok by herself as long as we warn her to be careful if she finds any more humans.

    And if we are having a BBQ at Applejack's tomorrow then we might as well spend the night there.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:05 No.30404899

    Stay with Fluttershy just in case more people get sent through to spy or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:06 No.30404914
    Yeah. I keep getting distracted.
    I've also found out I missed the whole first part.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:06 No.30404919
    Hey P.Q., have you considered using a die to influence to outcome of difficult actions or acts of persuasion we try?
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)05:07 No.30404926

    I plan to keep this going until Friday night, so catch up while you can. I'll do a summary of everything when we wrap it up tonight.

    Just a few basic things though: when the protagonist goes to bed, that signifies the end for the day. I will continue every night at 10PM GMT -6:00. I will post a summary of everything that happened the previous night when starting, and a summary of everything when ending.
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)05:08 No.30404950

    I've never GMed before this, so even if I had a die, I would have no idea how to use it. Possibly something to consider for the future, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:09 No.30404959
    If Twilight isn't offering (which is fine), Sweet Apple Acres could be cool.

    Do we think new arrivals are likely to show up in the same manner we did, or even with similar instructions/deals?
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)05:11 No.30405012

    You are unsure whether you should stay with Fluttershy or AJ. It comes down to choosing between sleeping on a pile of hay, or a small bed with a pony snuggled up next to you. Everyone is waiting for an answer.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:12 No.30405021
    Oh d100s are fun. I have fond memories of nothing but horrible rolls in Tau Quest and 100s left and right in HERETIC Quest.

    We know they will be showing up, but they could be tasked with anything. There will probably be at least one as a pony sent to spy on us, possibly told we are evil or something.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:13 No.30405037
    Well then they choice is clear.

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:13 No.30405040

    I don't know. It's entirely possible that people could land in different areas. It's also entirely possible that Bristol (was that his name?) expected us to betray him to Celestia. I don't see him sending starting a war or anything like that soon though, since he would probably like to get a general idea of the place. So for the most part I would think and more people that came would be sent to spy or perhaps do some sabotage, you know, mostly subtle stuff.
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)05:13 No.30405047
    Tau Quest was depressing as fuck because every single good roll was either not a response, or noko'd, or not the first response.

    I still say Fluttershy.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:15 No.30405064

    Fluttershy Non-sexually
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:17 No.30405104
    Or Britson could start sending Ponychan en masse.
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)05:19 No.30405123

    You finally decide to sleep with Fluttershy again. Pinkie seems disappointed, and AJ seems indifferent. Your progress wasn't all-for-not, but you still have some work to do with her, it seems. Everyone begins to leave, and you tell Fluttershy that you'll catch up with her. You walk over and tell Twilight that what you said earlier about humans having the ability to dampen magic was a fib, and-- "yes, I know, it was the necklace. It's not hard to figure out, you know," she replies. You tell her you'll see her tomorrow, and you walk outside to see Fluttershy sitting by the door, waiting for you.

    You walk back to her house together, and realize that you're starting to get used to this place. Britson may be evil, but you're glad he gave you this opportunity. As you're walking, you begin to wonder what will happen after you bring him here; if they do defeat him, what happens to you? Will Celestia let you stay? Will she banish you back to your world? Who knows if you're even still the only one here? This is really more confusing than you expected; all you thought was that you would have to spend a week with some ponies.

    Oh well. It's been a long day, and it's time for some rest.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:20 No.30405140
    We shall stand against the mindless tide with fire and steel.

    But yeah, if we get any creepy-ass Bronies that try anything inappropriate with the ponies, I suggest we give them a good talking to where the bruises won't show.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:23 No.30405190
    so that -6:00 would mean 4pm wherever you are PQ?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:24 No.30405212
    This it for tonight?
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)05:24 No.30405213
    No, the -6 means GMT-6, or CST (while EST is New York, GMT-5, CST is one timezone west).

    So if you live on the west coast, it starts at 8 PM.
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)05:25 No.30405216

    GMT -6:00 is CST, so no. 10PM GMT -6:00 is 11PM 4chan time, does that make it easier to understand?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:26 No.30405230

    oh ok I thought you meant at 10pm GMT
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)05:26 No.30405231

    Unless anyone has anything else they want to do before the protagonist goes to bed.
    >> Deafdefiler !bll4ybGPow 10/09/11(Sun)05:27 No.30405252
    Sneak Angel a piece of lettuce. I want to be on Doombunny's good side.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:27 No.30405257

    The only thing I can think of is an inventory check, but I'm guessing you'll do that when you continue tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:29 No.30405292
    We aren't still wearing that suit, are we?
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)05:30 No.30405309

    You check your pockets, and find your wallet and keys. Your cellphone has already been destroyed by Sweetie Belle and you are not sure what Rarity did with Angel Bunny's outfit. Judging by your tuxedo, she's probably covering it in gemstones.


    After going inside, Fluttershy makes her way upstairs. You sneak out back, break off a piece of lettuce from one of the heads, go back inside, and leave it on the kitchen counter. Angel Bunny is nowhere in sight.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:35 No.30405406

    Don't know if you're still looking, but good job tonight, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:35 No.30405410
    well, it's 4:35 in the morning, time to go to sleep.

    Rock on P.Q., rock on.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:37 No.30405430

    Whoops wrong post.

    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)05:41 No.30405498

    Well, since no one is replying, I guess the protagonist follows Fluttershy upstairs, climbs under the covers, and then Fluttershy once again snuggles up beside him (on top of the covers) and they fall asleep together.

    So it's RECAP TIME.

    To start us off, we met a man named Mr. Britson, who is later revealed to be a unicorn student from Celestia's past who seeks revenge. He gave us the opportunity to visit Equestria for a week if we agreed to scout for information for him. Fluttershy found us in the Everfree Forest while we were unconscious, brought us to her home, and when we awoke, we startled her into fleeing. Dash noticed, incapacitated us, and we woke up later surrounded by Twilight, AJ, Dash and Fluttershy.

    After answering basic questions, they all left, and we slept through the night encountering a few strange dreams. Fluttershy also snuggled up next to us. Upon waking, we noticed she was gone, and were greeted by Pinkie Pie jumping up and down above us. She brought us to Sugar Cube corner, where we baked cupcakes and ended up eating all of them, despite some rather unorthodox ingredients. We then proceeded to the library, met up with Twilight, AJ and Fluttershy, and went to Rarity's to pick up a tuxedo she made for us.

    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)05:42 No.30405507

    It was covered in gemstones. We planned to wear it only until we were out of town, but she was clever enough to steal our casual outfit until we got back. Upon meeting the Princess we informed her of Britson, told her we were unsure of his motives, and that we were on her side after she told us of his origins. She gave us a necklace that, when worn, will inhibit magical abilities if in physical contact with a unicorn. We then took a tour of Canterlot, got into a fight with Trixie at Pony Joe's, returned to Ponyville for a party, were almost forced into swapping bodies with Lyra, then planned a barbecue with Pinkie and AJ.

    We also warned everyone that Britson may be sending more scouts, and some of them may be disguised in pony form. Everyone is to be on the lookout for anyone acting strangely and they are meant to be sent to Celestia immediately.
    >> P.Q. !!1sdy+4ko1Zl 10/09/11(Sun)05:43 No.30405528

    Didn't notice these replies, but I was referring to in-character replies anyway. Thanks for the encouragement and I hope tomorrow is as much fun as tonight was.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)05:44 No.30405538
    Goodnight P.Q.!
    Thanks again, this is pretty awesome!

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