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09/23/11(Fri)03:09 No.29920869So I rewatched the pilot recently. Celestia said that she and Luna discovered the Elements in those primordial days of yore, presumably in their original orb form.
The textbook on the subject, and indeed Nightmare Moon herself, seemed to be ignorant of the sixth element's true nature, which leads me to think that like Twilight attempted to, they used some kind of spell to activate and control the Elements, rather than ever actually being linked to them through whatever "friendship/personality traits" thing makes them run in their current jewelry form.
It makes me wonder if anyone with sufficient magical powers could use the elements, at least in their original form. I mean, yeah, Twilight couldn't do it despite her natural ability and personal training, and its heavily implied that Alicorns have magic far beyond anything a normal Unicorn can do and there were TWO of them using them.
Still, it makes me wonder. Celestia never actually said she COULDN'T use the elements when Twilight was asking her why they had to be the ones to fight Discord. She just said that Twilight and Co had brought out their full potential, which to me means the Rainbow of Light. MAYBE in their new form and with their link to the girls they can no longer be controlled by others or through spellcraft...
But maybe not? I dunno. Just a thought. |