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  • File : 1316618681.png-(21 KB, 815x1322, Watch Star Trek.png)
    21 KB MLP General Mito !!qW68y32zPRx 09/21/11(Wed)11:24 No.29865453  
    What will you do during the break after the the new episode this Saturday?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:25 No.29865475
    Buy some sweatervests
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:26 No.29865483
         File1316618765.jpg-(169 KB, 500x375, nathan.jpg)
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    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:27 No.29865506
    Watch other stuff. Hang out at Barnes & Noble to see if the guy who stole my laptop shows up again.

    Talk about ponies.
    >> Mito !!qW68y32zPRx 09/21/11(Wed)11:27 No.29865518
    what would you do if that guy DID show his face again?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:28 No.29865526
    Okay, this might be a little rant, but It's much more of my personal opinion on this show.

    So basically, I watched episodes 4,5 (apparently, It's a good idea to skip the pilots because they suck, and since "bronys" tend to somehow squeeze into every online community possible I had a clear grasp of things.)and also the first episode of season 2.

    What struck me the most was...the mediocrity of it. The animation is in flash, and with this artstyle the artists aren't paying much needed attention to details. Also, the animation itself seems kind of clunky.

    The second thing was the characters. I mean, come on, those are just paper cliche cutouts that you see in almost every kid's show! Hell, compare the mlp cast to recess and you'll see just how alike they are. The biggest problem here, is that characters with established personality like that don't have much room for improvement and generally will remain the same through entire show. The only interesting character I saw was discord, and that was due to his villainous nature.

    And the think that was the final nail into the coffin, the harshness of the message this show is supposed to send. Seriously, the episodes all lead to a climax, conclusion that is almost always the same "friendships is great", "never give up"... the list just goes on and on.

    Anyway, this is my personal statement on the show, and even now after watching it i STILL have no clue how could a show like this get such a great following. Either way, I won't be coming back to it any time soon.

    and by any time soon I mean ever again
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:28 No.29865528
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:28 No.29865536
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    >Steals laptop
    >Goes back to place he stole laptop just because
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:28 No.29865547
         File1316618938.gif-(289 KB, 189x221, 1304796537242-(n1304862420875).gif)
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    do not show this to /v/for the love of god shit will hit the fan
    >> Mito !!qW68y32zPRx 09/21/11(Wed)11:29 No.29865548
    Could you atleast alter some of the copypasta you post?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:29 No.29865563
    Nice copypasta.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:29 No.29865564
    I wonder how they will show violence in future episodes.

    One Piece style would actually fit, since it's actually awesome (hoof-kicking a giant's face) while still having sense of humor.
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:30 No.29865576
    Call non-emergency number to summon a wild police officer and watch the guy from the other side of the cafe.

    If he goes to leave, Citizen's Arrest the bitch until the cop shows up.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:30 No.29865580
         File1316619021.png-(55 KB, 192x186, 1316363715233.png)
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    >don't do something that would infuriate another board
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:31 No.29865602
    He didn't exactly strike me as the sharpest crayon in the box. The lady working the Cafe said he had been there all day the day before he stole the laptop as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:31 No.29865603
    fuck you guys

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:31 No.29865604
    Really? Seems a bit complicated. It really would be simpler to smash him over the head with an encyclopedia.

    But you're just too fucking beta for that, aren't you, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:32 No.29865614
    I'm betting there was no stolen laptop at all and this is just a plea for attention.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:32 No.29865620
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    Faceless, I summon thee!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:32 No.29865626

    >that mod

    Not all that impressed
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:33 No.29865629
         File1316619180.jpg-(423 KB, 1600x1202, nathans.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:33 No.29865638
    You got me so soon?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:33 No.29865647
    >implying MLP: FiM isn't already One Piece
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:33 No.29865648
         File1316619234.png-(86 KB, 1246x756, I_scream_you_scream_we_all_scr(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:33 No.29865649
    Out of curiosity, what fandoms were you guys into before the FiM cartoon? What were you doing pre-FiM?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:34 No.29865656
    They don't give a rat's ass about humanized mods. The reason they hate MLP is because they're still on that whole anti-furry kick from 2005.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:34 No.29865666
         File1316619293.png-(31 KB, 285x191, SnipsmustdiemodeSAI.png)
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    well this thread got off to a amazing start

    anyone got the /new/ comic?

    I want to edit it into nathan gettign his laptop stolen and then complainign about it on 4chan

    >fucking ziggers, coming into town and stealing a brony's laptop, why they aughta
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:35 No.29865670
    It would be simpler but it wouldn't get me my laptop back and would possibly just earn me jail time.

    That's what the citizen's arrest is for. If he tries to leave I have a legal right to... restrain him.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:35 No.29865683
    Me? Nothing, that's what. I was bored out of my fucking gourd. Most of my days were spent surfing /k/ and working. Ponies gave me something to obsess over, which was awesome. I don't like not having something to obsess over.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:35 No.29865686
    TF2. Then Homestuck before the trolls got introduced, then MLP.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:35 No.29865691
         File1316619355.png-(269 KB, 515x494, 1279370638320.png)
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    I can't resist. Must download now.
    >> Klondike 09/21/11(Wed)11:36 No.29865695
    Seriously where is this guy. I want to know if he an herod or not
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:36 No.29865702
    You're the hero that Barnes and Noble deserves
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:37 No.29865711
    Pre-MLP I was watching a lot of anime, but I was also into Phineas & Ferb and Cosmic Marvel. Fairly Odd Parents too, but my interest in that has been waning.

    And video games. Lot's of video games. My best-received-fic-ever was a Zelda fic that /v/ really enjoys. It details the origins of Majora and the various races/landmarks of Hyrule in the form of a myth.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:37 No.29865713
         File1316619446.jpg-(102 KB, 800x530, 1315101346731.jpg)
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    Just remember, collecting ponies is step one to end up like this guy.
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 09/21/11(Wed)11:37 No.29865719
         File1316619458.png-(101 KB, 830x974, 1315244327680.png)
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    i don't know if i approve, but my approval is irrelevant
    here's the comic anyway
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:37 No.29865720
    inb4 pics of Nathan's bloody face.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:37 No.29865721
    He's in Portland. Apparently in one of the local Barnes and Noble's. Go kick his ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:37 No.29865724
    Stop acting like a faggot. In Texas, I am well within my rights to smash him upside the dome and demand he return my laptop or I'd call the cops. No reason to invoke the courts and waste my taxes. Besides, if the cops retrieve your laptop, they WILL look inside of it.

    Hope you hid your pony folder well.
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:38 No.29865728
    The least they could do is have all of their volumes of Transmetropolitan all in one spot...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:38 No.29865736
         File1316619511.png-(62 KB, 838x983, 1296902551052.png)
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    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:39 No.29865742
    Oregon is not as awesome as Texas then.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:39 No.29865744
    Who's Nathan anyway? Is it just some ugly guy we've decided to make fun of?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:40 No.29865763
    It's Pagemaster.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:40 No.29865764
    He's digivolved into Pagemaster now that he's become the fandom's most awesome writefag. According to him, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:40 No.29865766
         File1316619626.jpg-(25 KB, 400x376, 1316279811738.jpg)
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    Faceless, Satan, and Rapin time

    Damn I love this place/
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:41 No.29865777
    What does he do? What's he famous for?
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:41 No.29865778
    Pretty much. I write stuff too and make album covers for the Eurobeat stuff, but that's pretty much all there is to it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:41 No.29865786
         File1316619687.png-(165 KB, 1330x1273, Nuggestia 2.0.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:41 No.29865796
    What if MLP met Persona?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:42 No.29865800
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:42 No.29865808
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:42 No.29865809
    Arguably, it already has.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:43 No.29865813
         File1316619784.png-(676 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2011-09-19-02h32m03s46.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:43 No.29865814
    There's a bad fanfic like that on EqD.

    I kind of like it, but I disagree with some of the arcana used and direction taken just far. I'm going to follow through with reading it, though. It just..makes me happy.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:43 No.29865823
         File1316619814.png-(107 KB, 498x566, After the final battle.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:43 No.29865825
    Fucking up the threads with his drama and autism.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:43 No.29865827
         File1316619834.png-(196 KB, 1115x1394, Fluttershy Bedwetting Fanfic.png)
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    guys, it's not working
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:44 No.29865835
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:44 No.29865837
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:44 No.29865838
    because it will totally kill a fictional character. Atleast it's not pinkieabuse
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:44 No.29865839
    Retard, sega does nothing.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:44 No.29865840
         File1316619870.png-(544 KB, 720x480, 1302927957612.png)
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    Go back to irc from whence you came, nathan.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:44 No.29865844
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    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 09/21/11(Wed)11:44 No.29865847
    I don't think there are any good human in Equestria stories, but that's personal opinion.

    Pagemaster, you've read more stuff in this fandom than I have, maybe you have some suggestions?
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:45 No.29865854
    It's sad that this is some of the only stuff I've seen produced in threads recently, with the exception of some fanart (but most of that comes from streams anyway).
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 09/21/11(Wed)11:45 No.29865855
    wait, which one is this? the P3 one or the P4 one? the P4 one is okay, but i'm not too fond of the P3 one.

    anyway, MLP meeting Persona would be all right, you'd end up having your typical Persona plot though. nothing fancy, just summoning manifestations of your psyche to fight demons and shadows, only with ponies.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:45 No.29865860
         File1316619925.jpg-(113 KB, 417x436, 1308523328867.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:45 No.29865866
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:45 No.29865867
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    I beg to differ, good sir.
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:45 No.29865871
    I stay away from HiE like the plague.

    It is inevitably self-insert bullshit and that never turns out well.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:46 No.29865874
    Forget Persona, MLP is now all Shin Megami Tensei.

    Law Celestia vs. Chaos Luna.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:46 No.29865876
         File1316619974.png-(551 KB, 600x867, mlp_generation_gap_art_meme_by(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:46 No.29865882
         File1316619983.jpg-(166 KB, 1280x1089, SCRATCHETY SCRATCH.jpg)
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    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 09/21/11(Wed)11:46 No.29865883
    marché you have no right to tell me what the fuck is healthy and what isn't, you're easily the most vile monster of a protagonist ever to exist in a final fantasy game

    best, bar maybe ramza and zidane, too
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:46 No.29865884
    Challenge accepted
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)11:46 No.29865885
    OK, but

    The topic atm is Nathan, and derailing this subject will irate people. I'll wait until next thread to ask more from you and all.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:46 No.29865887
    I was referring to the P4 one. I honestly was just butt-hurt they didn't give Twilight the Fool Arcana as for protagonist tradition, but I eased off my argument when they didn't just blindly give it to Derpy instead.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:46 No.29865888
    Except for GG's short series. That was the only good HiE comic I've read.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:47 No.29865892
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:47 No.29865893
    >Talking to Nathan
    >Post picture of a villain
    I see the symbolism
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:47 No.29865896
    But I come from here...
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 09/21/11(Wed)11:47 No.29865904
    >that feel when your breakfast consists of lukewarm water and a handful of chocolate chips
    Living the dream!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:47 No.29865905
    those don't look right at all
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:49 No.29865913
         File1316620143.jpg-(48 KB, 425x597, b7ab5406ca3ec4ce618cf92ft9.jpg)
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    Your kung-fu is weak.
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:49 No.29865914
    GliterGlue did an HiE series? I must read this, I enjoy his sense of humor.
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)11:49 No.29865916
    All I had today was a couple handfuls of cheerios and skittles

    fucking richfag
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 09/21/11(Wed)11:49 No.29865919
    yeah, that's pretty much the way i reacted too. twilight obviously isn't a wild card, which got my goat good, but otherwise, it's not too shabby. giving derpy a main-cast role, yosuke's role, though, that was blatant pandering and i dislike it a lot. but i'm not the author, not my place to comment.

    we had this discussion yesterday man, it's been established that if anything were to happen, luna would be more neutral than chaos (considering discord) and side with celestia
    anyway, more of a celestia kagutsuchi type myself
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:49 No.29865922
    Sounds about right.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:50 No.29865936
    So, from what I've gathered in this thread.
    Nathan is an autistic poster who ruins threads with his drama. His laptop got stolen and he also writes some fanfiction that is not as good as he thinks.
    Does it sound reasonable?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:50 No.29865937
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:51 No.29865945
    I know RS did one. He knows they're inevitably all author self-insert wish fulfillment, so he turned that factor up to 11 and it worked out pretty well.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 09/21/11(Wed)11:51 No.29865948
    You guys are always talking about Shin Megami Tensei - my interested has been piqued. Is there any way to play this series of games without spending five hundred and ninety nine US dollars for a Playstation Triple?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:51 No.29865952
    None of them actually look like the style they supposedly represent.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)11:52 No.29865960
    You are posting good things about Griffons
    Clearly you meant to summon me.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:52 No.29865967
    I am starting "It's dangerous business, going out your door". what should I be expecting?
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 09/21/11(Wed)11:52 No.29865970
    yes - get the ones on DS, PSP, PS2, and emulate the rest, or emulate them all. i'd give you a list but i'm about to head out for lunch, i'll pop in on steam later and help you out. or drop me an email, man, whichever. we'll get you into the best RPG series yet.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:52 No.29865973
         File1316620360.png-(59 KB, 550x400, 1315975176678.png)
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    But who would get mara?
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:52 No.29865975
    Pretty much, although I'd add that most of the drama comes from people intentionally trying to get a rise out of me.

    And as far as my fics go I'm only going by the comments I received on them after writing them and when they were posted on EqD and

    When I first posted them on /co/, they were pretty well received as well. But that was January.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:52 No.29865978
    Spend Twenty Nine Ninety Five on a Playstation Check Out My Double and get the first few games.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:53 No.29865980
         File1316620386.png-(227 KB, 500x375, 1212577-zappbrannigan.png)
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    I have arrived in these pony lands recently, and the first I hear is of this "Nathan".

    Is he some kind of King to you?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:53 No.29865988
         File1316620409.png-(10 KB, 481x362, what rarity annoyed.png)
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    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)11:53 No.29865992
    From what I can gather, Human-in-Anything's are fanfics on what the author want's in fantasy what he can't get in reality, like a relationship, materials things, fame ect? That's why they're always so shit, because they're basically selfish in nature, just for the author and not for the reader?

    Like Twilight?
    >> Terse !!cJ4MGVqvOKw 09/21/11(Wed)11:53 No.29866001
    okay now i seriously have to go, mexican steaks are calling
    >> Gilda's Fury !kmfdmRX7.c 09/21/11(Wed)11:54 No.29866002
    >>29865604 ME ANGRY, ME SMASH

    Man, I miss high school. Stuff was so much simpler then, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:54 No.29866005
         File1316620448.jpg-(141 KB, 1920x1080, 59077 - Octavia artist john_jo(...).jpg)
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    More like the town whipping boy.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:54 No.29866009
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:54 No.29866010
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    Does anyone have the picture of "bronies" from that like, very first small meet up?

    The set had a dude with an accordian playing but i'm looking for the group shot. Regrettably I think a friend is in it, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:54 No.29866011
    Naw, man, most of the drama comes from you getting defensive against them. Don't put the blame at their door - it takes two to tango.
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:54 No.29866015
    I've basically become the Taiga/Lanced Jack of these threads.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 09/21/11(Wed)11:54 No.29866016
    I've got one kicking around somewhere, I guess I need a list or something...

    A Lord of the Rings inspired awesome adventure epic that's probably one of the best fanfictions that's been written, in this fandom or otherwise.

    That said, don't go in with your expectations too high, that's setting yourself up for disappointment.
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)11:54 No.29866023
    You lucky shmuck.

    Enjoy you're awesome steaks
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:54 No.29866029
    Cheaper, too. No court costs to pay if he just forks the damn thing over.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:55 No.29866032
         File1316620508.png-(51 KB, 714x580, than.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:55 No.29866039
    self-insert wish fulfillment bullshit can work pretty well if the self-insert is vaguely defined well enough, because then the reader can insert themselves, not just the author.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:55 No.29866043
    I'm not sure I'm setting expectations for anything anymore. That's probably why I liked MLP in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:55 No.29866044
    >Lanced Jack
    No, you've become the STALKER of these threads. Lanced Jack was a genius. You're just annoying.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:56 No.29866047
         File1316620566.png-(332 KB, 924x379, 59298%20-%20BlazBlue%20Discord(...).png)
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    /r/ing Discord as Hazama with angry Fluttershy as Mu-12
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:56 No.29866054
    Why is Nathan so unattractive?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:56 No.29866056
         File1316620602.jpg-(200 KB, 640x468, 1316556009580.jpg)
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    here you go
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)11:57 No.29866066
    Ah. So, for example, if it was just someone vague trying to make sense why he's in a world surrounded by talking ponys, and more on the thinking side rather than on the interacting one, would that work?
    >> Gilda's Fury !kmfdmRX7.c 09/21/11(Wed)11:57 No.29866070
    I used to watch anime almost exclusively. Then Adventure Time, Regular Show, Sym-Bionic Titan (RIP) and FIM happened. And now Thundercats. American animation's really been on a roll for the last year or so.
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:57 No.29866071
    Good point.

    I have been trying to work on the the defensiveness. Even making jokes about the whole thing.

    But I keep fucking up over and over again.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:57 No.29866076
    That was the idea. Then he just had the POV character go on all these totally badass adventures and eventually ends uf fucking the entire main cast, and he does it all with a straight face.
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)11:58 No.29866089
    So... a Choose Your Own Adventure HiE?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:58 No.29866094
    That would be pretty hard, everybody thinks things through in different ways, it'd be easy to alienate a reader. They really only work /well/ in short, specific scenario type things, where you don't have to worry about a lot of different ways of reacting.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:59 No.29866103
    Holy shit... I've only ever seen the AJ and RD costumes until now.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:59 No.29866106
         File1316620760.jpg-(850 KB, 1336x1012, 1316293529165.jpg)
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    and the funny thing is nobody would really care once he stops tripfagging. Giving him attention is what's stopping him from becoming an hero.
    Don't you know this by now?
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 09/21/11(Wed)11:59 No.29866107
    >If you'd like to pin Twilight down and rail her like there's no tomorrow, turn to page 52
    >If you'd like to respect her refusal of your advances, turn to page you're a beta faggot
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:59 No.29866110
    and, of course, fapfics pretty much get a free pass with a lot of it, because you know damn well the people reading them want to fuck the other characters
    >> Faceless !derpvGeSf. 09/21/11(Wed)11:59 No.29866117
         File1316620798.jpg-(31 KB, 639x358, Fluttershy enjoying a couple o(...).jpg)
    31 KB
    th'fuck you want?
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:00 No.29866122
         File1316620818.jpg-(32 KB, 355x413, 1292375722478.jpg)
    32 KB
    You know what would be really amazing? Really fucking amazing?

    Someone figuring out the body structure of a pony, it's flesh and muscle placements, and make a robotic recreation of that body and make it have nearly all the functionality as in the show.

    This is just really lazy and disgraceful for what we can do.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:00 No.29866125
    You want to know the best way to deal with it?

    Change your name and never bring it up again. Also, never let yourself get put in a photo that will end up online.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:00 No.29866126
    Put your trip back on Deaddefiler, not raping isn't beta
    What page do I turn to to take her out on a romantic meal? I'll pay
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:00 No.29866137
    >only started giving a shit about ponies because of Discord

    >Hearing he won't be in any more eps past Part 2 of the 2nd Season premier.

    This may be the shortest time I've ever been a fan of any show my entire life.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:01 No.29866149
    Not what i was asking about.. but...uh.... thanks?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:01 No.29866150
         File1316620906.gif-(1.6 MB, 350x260, 1313155655043.gif)
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    >all the same functionality as in the show
    >Pinkie Pie
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:01 No.29866151

    It's already been done.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)12:02 No.29866157
    Theres no good option?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:02 No.29866158
         File1316620928.png-(164 KB, 545x802, 54823%20-%20artist%3Abriskby%2(...).png)
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    to tell you how pretty your eyes are

    You gorgeous boy you
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:02 No.29866163
         File1316620933.png-(143 KB, 332x394, 1316407116380.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:02 No.29866170
    I wonder how Prince of Equestria is doing
    >> Pagemaster !!sapMkWZiqgy 09/21/11(Wed)12:03 No.29866182
    I changed my name before and it worked. Then I let it be known that I was Nathan and shit got worse than ever.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:03 No.29866185
    Oh, you mean this?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:03 No.29866188
    Well, you could change your name to "Anonymous" and blend in with the crowd, then nobody would know who you are!
    >> RagingSemi !.7WdLd240M 09/21/11(Wed)12:03 No.29866191
    The trick is to make it for the reader. If the reader wants to read a story where he's in Equestria and taking Twilight's virginity, give it to him.
    >> noko Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:04 No.29866195
    after the next episode this sturday how long is the hiatus gonna be
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:04 No.29866199
    Still needs work, I don't want to have sex with that at all
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:04 No.29866208
    What a novel idea!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:04 No.29866209
    >and it worked

    No, we figured out you were Nathan when you started pushing Nathan's stories and what a great writer he was.
    >> Kitty Tail 09/21/11(Wed)12:05 No.29866213
    They gotta be kidding Me.

    I want 10!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:05 No.29866215
    But I didn't do that.
    >> !.MEOWTH01Q 09/21/11(Wed)12:05 No.29866216
         File1316621110.gif-(28 KB, 327x330, 20071001-pinky20brain.gif)
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    >What will you do during the break after the the new episode this Saturday?

    The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:05 No.29866217
    >read first part of post
    yeah, I do want that
    >see link
    you're alright, semi.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:05 No.29866220
    If you wouldn't have crazy buzzsex with the big dog then you're missing out
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:05 No.29866224
    I'm asking all of this because I would like to make a fanfic, or a story based on my first account perspective of interacting and thinking about the hypothetical situation I am in. To better put into laymen's terms, what would I be thinking if I was placed in a jungle with no explanation, and what would I do from there? In a house of mute family in a different country? On another planet?

    Also, is there any semi well know horrible fanfics about self insert humans? I don't care if it's the author inserting himself in a world just to fulfill his sickeningly disgusting fantacy's. I can learn a LOT from what NOT to do from those abominations.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:05 No.29866228
    One week or more.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:06 No.29866237
    can I make it a Pinkie Pie costume first, at least?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:07 No.29866245
    Alright. But it'll still buzz.
    >> Klondike 09/21/11(Wed)12:07 No.29866247
         File1316621240.png-(300 KB, 888x999, FUCKING HUGE EYES.png)
    300 KB
    k. Gotta streak
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:07 No.29866250
    The gravity and density factors would have to be considered, what a pony/the robot be made up of and how much of it, the air resistance, ect.

    That's a horse.

    I can see someone reskining and modifying it as Celestria.

    Because that's what she is.

    A horse
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:07 No.29866259
    that's okay, I can just repeat pinkie gigglesnorting really really loud all the way through
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:08 No.29866262
    thanks klondike
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:08 No.29866269

    But that's pretty damn impressive.

    Cudo's humanity, you're on the proper track.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:09 No.29866286
         File1316621371.png-(74 KB, 838x983, nathancomic.png)
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    Awright /co/

    here we go, the edit that has been prophesised

    also yes i gave the other guy a elvis quirl and a trollface just because, you can always say what you want instead if you don;t like it and i'll do some more work
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:10 No.29866293
    >On the proper track
    >Countries everywhere shutting down their space programs

    I was expecting a moon colony in my life time. At this rate, we will never explore the "final frontier"
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:10 No.29866295
    I never asked for this.

    I can't speak for the rest of /co/... or everyone else.

    Does the average reader want to insert themselves in a horse porno, or a intellectualism thinking experiment?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:10 No.29866311
         File1316621455.jpg-(54 KB, 512x288, 1316458583624.jpg)
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    Looks like were in for a big ol storm of chaos meow.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:10 No.29866312

    is this a real story?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:11 No.29866317
    Personally I could go for either. Philosophy can be fun, but then, so can fucking a marshmallow pony
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:11 No.29866318
         File1316621471.gif-(258 KB, 285x400, 125913729-Blingee.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:11 No.29866322
         File1316621482.png-(240 KB, 640x360, 1292311183494.png)
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    would you insert your finger into her tight, puckered marshmallow pony anus /co/? Just to hear her squeal and say 'oh my' while she rocks herself against your finger?
    >> The average reader 09/21/11(Wed)12:11 No.29866330
    The former.
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:11 No.29866333
    Th proper track in respects to augmenting the heavy lifting sector.

    In the space sector however, fuck Obama. Privatizing space, how egotistic is that?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:12 No.29866336
    Holy shit I actually got interested in this
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:12 No.29866339
         File1316621545.png-(196 KB, 421x406, 1314557613982.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:13 No.29866350
         File1316621588.png-(81 KB, 736x560, There'll never be another lapt(...).png)
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    You forgot this
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:13 No.29866351
         File1316621589.gif-(259 KB, 320x216, 1313262319593.gif)
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    You make me proud anon.

    You will not be disappointed.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:13 No.29866355
    Why would I pay for cheap sex when I could try and get something better with almost any other pony?
    >> RagingSemi !.7WdLd240M 09/21/11(Wed)12:13 No.29866358
    >intellectualism thinking experiment
    >self-insert second person perspective story

    It's the first one. The porno.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:13 No.29866362
         File1316621623.jpg-(33 KB, 430x372, CHAOS.jpg)
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    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)12:14 No.29866367
    >Implying you could get a pony without paying
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:14 No.29866368
    As far as I'm aware it is

    I mean we don't have a decription of the gy who did it si I just made one up but otherwise yeah
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:14 No.29866377
         File1316621662.png-(51 KB, 300x231, 1815%20-%20clop%20computer%20m(...).png)
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    using your finger, instead of your tongue
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:14 No.29866380
    >Fag hasn't downloaded his own pony yet
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:14 No.29866381
    Well, think of it another way: I'll get far more chances to do thought experiments than I will fucking marshmallow equines, given that the former actually exist, and the latter doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:15 No.29866391
    I'd rather try and fail than do rarity. She should be the one living in the library, not twilight, because so many different people have borrowed her.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:15 No.29866394
         File1316621727.jpg-(199 KB, 800x600, 711209%20-%20Friendship_is_mag(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:16 No.29866405
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:16 No.29866411
    I wouldn't be able to fap unless she's wearing a sweatervest.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:16 No.29866417
         File1316621815.gif-(1.54 MB, 584x300, 1316372580258.gif)
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    thread needs more dash
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:17 No.29866422
         File1316621830.png-(439 KB, 1242x999, 25796.png)
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    How big would Trixie's cock be?
    >> Faceless !derpvGeSf. 09/21/11(Wed)12:17 No.29866432
         File1316621861.png-(118 KB, 444x444, 131024442790.png)
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    sir... or madam, I have no face.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:17 No.29866436
    As big as she wants
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:18 No.29866440
         File1316621881.png-(205 KB, 583x520, rainbow_dash happy (1).png)
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    prettiest pony is always welcome
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:18 No.29866442
    >day threads
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:18 No.29866443
         File1316621884.png-(129 KB, 838x983, nathancomic2.png)
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    'K, added
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:18 No.29866445
         File1316621891.png-(79 KB, 375x565, 3-(n1297707908104).png)
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    But why

    I would have thought a somewhat plausible, deep thinking idea would be more interesting than sticking your penis in a pony.

    I mean, you can get the same pleasure from a woman.
    A female human.
    The opposite sex of what you are, homo sapien.

    You could have said your name, or pointed it out.

    It's kinda redundant.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:18 No.29866456
    she doesn't have one, but she brags about how large it is anyway
    and twilight's is bigger anyway
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:18 No.29866457
    You need to add text about how he's going to beat up the thief if he ever sees him again.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:18 No.29866461
    i propose we go back in time and set up two stalls in greece

    one will be called philosophy
    the other will be called boys boys boys

    in greek obviously, what are we barbarians
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:19 No.29866472
    He never said that, though. He said he was gonna cower away in a corner and call a non-emergency police number.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)12:19 No.29866474
    I dont get it.
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:20 No.29866479
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:20 No.29866480
         File1316622001.jpg-(328 KB, 1200x813, Spike and Twilight Sparkles fa(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:20 No.29866484
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    Coming soon for TF2!
    >> Faceless !derpvGeSf. 09/21/11(Wed)12:20 No.29866486
         File1316622024.png-(459 KB, 1200x1200, 131024575247.png)
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    Why so interested in how I respond?

    Is it that you want to ride this bull?
    >> RagingSemi !.7WdLd240M 09/21/11(Wed)12:20 No.29866492
    Well, first off, self-insert second person perspective stories are just about the most retarded format imaginable. It's a 4th grade, choose-your-own adventure level of reading. Not that they're anything wrong with that, but it's not intellectualism.

    Second, they're about wish fulfillment. Fantasy. Not some retarded argument about logic and rationality in a children's cartoon.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:21 No.29866494
    well, if the story is just a human fapfic with s/human/pony/, then yeah, but it'd be a pretty different experience to /actually/ get intimate with one. There's the height difference, primarily, their sex organs are in different places, some of them have wings, or horns, et cetera

    obviously poorly done there's little point, but a well done one? Sure.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:21 No.29866504
         File1316622096.png-(221 KB, 554x599, 554px-WYYWUBWOO.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:22 No.29866516
         File1316622158.png-(129 KB, 838x983, nathancomic3.png)
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    alright, done.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:22 No.29866519
         File1316622166.gif-(451 KB, 140x177, 1315183567786.gif)
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    suddenly dash everywhere
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:22 No.29866520
    sherman you will be the star exhibit

    no, when
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:23 No.29866529
    Nobody likes Dash.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:24 No.29866541
    I'd add a dash of my own colour to THAT Rainbow, if you know what I mean
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)12:24 No.29866542
    So is it like a gay strip club?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:24 No.29866547
         File1316622256.png-(188 KB, 900x813, 1312460964895.png)
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    everyone likes dashie
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:24 No.29866552
    I do. Just less than AJ, Rarity and Twilight.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:24 No.29866557
    That's not how white works, anon.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:24 No.29866559
    Huh? Huh? Nudgenudge? Wink Wink?
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 09/21/11(Wed)12:25 No.29866561
    I like to write those. They're very quick and easy to come up with, are good for warm-up writing, can be done sporadically in any thread, and I find whyboner reactions hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:25 No.29866563
         File1316622313.png-(104 KB, 402x375, 614030_-_Friendship_is_magic_M(...).png)
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    She has the best of "dubs"
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:25 No.29866566
    I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:25 No.29866571
    Where's that TRAITOR image when you need it the most...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:25 No.29866574
    Whoa, whoa, whoa.

    Polycount Pin becoming purchase-able? Don't even joke about that. I wear mine proudly and I don't want to see every 11-year-old who got a hold of Mommy's credit card running around with it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:25 No.29866577
    I would love to throw Dash in the dungeon for high treason
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:25 No.29866579
    how long is the break after this weekend?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:25 No.29866581
    I don't care, the lights are probably off anyway
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:26 No.29866590
         File1316622392.png-(85 KB, 265x265, vgmMa.png)
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    What if someone drew or wrote of fic of Discord tricking Rarity into thinking she's getting raped by the Diamond Dogs while wearing a sweatervest? In fact everyones wearing a sweatervest
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:26 No.29866593
         File1316622398.jpg-(465 KB, 900x1000, Pinkie Pies private party.jpg)
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    Dash always get's invited to the best parties
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:26 No.29866596
    6 months.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)12:27 No.29866608
    But how will you know where your dick is going?
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:27 No.29866612
    Don't look at me like that you fucking demon thing! You're a mockery of all that is what it is to be! You're a stain of the beauty and goodness of nature, and I will not let you touch me!

    See, I think this would be a reaction is I or someone like how I am was to see Dash look at me. Normally. If she did this, in a parinod state of being, I would try to rip her vocal cods out and flee for my sanity.

    I totally agree, it is just wish fulfillment. What I want to do is be the nth degree in humility, and not want anything for my self insert, other than to know what the fuck is going on. Everything else would happen objectivity, with no focusing on his predicament or him at all.


    Just... no. I never asked for this. I don't want to fuck a animal, please stop.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 09/21/11(Wed)12:27 No.29866616
         File1316622447.png-(253 KB, 600x600, 1315918109513.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:27 No.29866627
         File1316622478.png-(36 KB, 249x219, traitor dash.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:27 No.29866629

    but seriously, how long?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:28 No.29866632
         File1316622485.png-(283 KB, 600x487, 1311694344790.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:28 No.29866639
    So you don't want to have sex ever, period?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:28 No.29866640
         File1316622533.png-(378 KB, 1000x1000, 55231 - Christmas artist madma(...).png)
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    how silly
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:28 No.29866643
    Fuck I loled
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:29 No.29866648
    from a week to eternity. People are saying probably 2 weeks, and I'm hoping for that.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:29 No.29866650
    Couple of weeks is the number I keep hearing, but I'm fairly sure we don't know, that's just people's guesses. Sounds about right to me, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:29 No.29866652
    We're all animals, sentenal, there's nothing biological raising us out of the "animal" category. We just think we're better. So do the ponies - they're sapient, they can make their own choices, and they chose you
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 09/21/11(Wed)12:29 No.29866654
         File1316622568.png-(81 KB, 615x592, 1315321414419.png)
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    Anyone who honestly, seriously wants to fuck an animal needs some major psychological help.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:29 No.29866658
    Maybe missing is part of the fun
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:30 No.29866661
    oh, thats alright. i can now plan my schedule roughly
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:30 No.29866668
    We've been trying, but you just won't go to the doctor. Please, Nanaki, we worry.
    >> Klondike 09/21/11(Wed)12:31 No.29866676
    ...........MAN If I wasn't just now walking out the door....... OH MAN
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:31 No.29866682
    So what /really/ separates some animal/human anthro hybrid thing that you want to fuck, and a marshmallow pony?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:31 No.29866691
    >Imagines you stabbing your calendar with a pencil and wrinkling the pages with your balled up fists...

    "No! nooo! I'm not that kind of schedule!
    >> Faceless !derpvGeSf. 09/21/11(Wed)12:32 No.29866692
         File1316622721.png-(78 KB, 247x228, 131016568937.png)
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    Mmmrrr... You've got sting in those verbose claws of yours... I like that.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:32 No.29866699
         File1316622749.jpg-(33 KB, 539x462, 1305921086886-(n1315257209357).jpg)
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    Considering that this two parter was being worked on/intended for season 1, and was shunted on to season 2 because of time constraints.
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:32 No.29866705

    "Your eyes water. She’s glorious. A tall white unicorn, with great outstretched white wings, and a crown upon her head."

    Yeah, no, I would never think like this. I would go:

    "Oh, neat, a unicorn. Wait, it has wings, so what would it be then?

    Also, what.

    A unicorn?

    ...where am I?"

    Sir, just BECAUSE I can fuck a Krogen, and it can be right in all degrees, doesn't mean I WANT to.

    Same with ponys, humans, and big stupid jelly fish.

    I do. I want to.

    ...any animal with organic buildup wants to pass on their genes in a pleasurable manner.

    I just don't want to with a pony. Or a gold digger. Or a big stupid jelly fish.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:32 No.29866706
    That comic is highly inaccurate. I've given you guys plenty of details about how the guy looked and how the theft occurred.

    Just saying
    >> DocMelonhead !ILoj0yAalo 09/21/11(Wed)12:33 No.29866722
         File1316622827.png-(133 KB, 370x376, PonyMoonPowersActivate2.png)
    133 KB

    Anyways, do you think that they can use the Elements to become godlike beings? It worked for the sisters.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)12:34 No.29866731
    People keep saying this.
    It wasn't intended for season 1, it was just being worked on during season 1. they knew they were in for season 2 before the show even aired.
    Yes, I do have a source for once, its that audio interview with the new director
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:34 No.29866739
    First, they said love was between two people of the opposite sex and the same race and everything else was a sin. Then just between two people of the opposite sex. Then just between two people. Why not follow precedent and just make it between two intelligent beings?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:35 No.29866750
    They can use them to rip down a god, makes sense they could make one, if they wanted or needed to.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 09/21/11(Wed)12:36 No.29866766

    Furry characters and marshmallow ponies are in the same boat. They're both talking, sentient, fictional characters. As long as you understand that they are not real and never well be, you can fap to them and fantasize about them as much as you please. You're not breaking any laws or hurting anyone. Just remember it's a fantasy and a fetish, nothing deeper or more meaningful than that.
    But if you fantasize about real animals and want to fuck one, GET HELP.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:36 No.29866776
    >Sir, just BECAUSE I can fuck a Krogen, and it can be right in all degrees, doesn't mean I WANT to.

    >Same with humans

    >I do. I want to [have sex].

    >I don't want to have sex with humans.

    So, you're a Fluttershy fan. I see how it is.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:38 No.29866803
    Fair enough, I can agree with that. While, if pony were real, I'd probably give a few a good shot, they're not real. I don't see how it's really any weirder than most other crazy fetishes.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:38 No.29866804
         File1316623084.png-(315 KB, 742x730, 1316550132939.png)
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    >Don't go to /v/ with the provided link

    Sure thing.
    >> Goretastic 09/21/11(Wed)12:38 No.29866812
         File1316623090.jpg-(112 KB, 450x500, 1313081278066.jpg)
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    Well this certainly is an interesting thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:38 No.29866817
    I haven't watched it yet, but maybe it's fun.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:38 No.29866820
    I know, right? We should get out of here, Dash. My place or yours?
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:38 No.29866824
    Seeing this mockery of what my home universe created naturally, I proceeded to jump up, grab it as it hovered above me, smash it to the ground, and smash it's face in with my bear hands.

    The orange one then smashed my ribs again, but at this point, I would have offended this demons of nature so much that they would end my life before they could make me a play thing of their very presence. I will not stand to be humiliated in this way, my being is not theirs to make fun of.

    I don't disagree. I do not. I believe two intelligent, sapient lifeforms can have relationships.

    It's just not reality at this present time. Just like how 200 years ago a slave and an Egyptian couldn't be together.


    Derpy/Luna are my fav ponys.

    Fav. You will make of that what you will. I have no say in your... minds how you presive that.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:39 No.29866830

    yeah, no
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:39 No.29866837
    Hey, I'm with you. Let's talk some more about Dash's betrayal.
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:39 No.29866842
    I said smash twice. I need to work on my writing some more, I'm to poetic and wordy.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:40 No.29866849
    It seems this place doesn't like TGWTG for some reason. And why would that be?
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)12:40 No.29866850
    I'm gonna say it before it happens, dude.
    Dont dig yourself another hole. you let that happen too often.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:41 No.29866870
    but you realise that the only reason those things couldn't happen was because nobody did them, effectively? Those who stand up for what they believe in are called many things - if society ends up changing to accommodate them, they're called visionaries, or heroes. Be the hero Equestria deserves. Stick your penis inside that colourful horse.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)12:41 No.29866874
    Because other people do like it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:41 No.29866876
    >bear hands

    If I hadn't suddenly remembered what thread I was in, I would have corrected you. Now I'm not sure if that was intentional.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:41 No.29866877
    Annoying voice, idiotic 'points', he's basically the Yahtzee of movie/cartoon reviewing.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:41 No.29866889
    Like you could move fast enough to grab Dash anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:42 No.29866895
    But if they wouldn't point out the stupid, who would?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:42 No.29866898
    he's not funny. Or at least his popularity is disproportionate to his quality.

    Also I watched it, basically rehashing an overused joke.

    Not that I hate him, or people that like him, he's just not very good and hearing about him liking ponies all the time gets a bit grating.

    Its not grating yet, but I have an inkling that it'll get that way very soon.

    In other words, we don't need to know. Just saying. But I respect your right to enjoy him
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:42 No.29866903
         File1316623350.gif-(27 KB, 890x630, 42746 - applejack ask_applejac(...).gif)
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    >> Deafdefiler !5Tj4gl0Jbg 09/21/11(Wed)12:43 No.29866917
    I dunno, he seems to usually have good points... I mean, he's pretty clearly the 'good' kind of furry, at least from everything I've seen of him.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:43 No.29866930
    Let's not start with the bear puns again. I don't think I could stand it.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)12:44 No.29866945
    Problems not in his points, problem is in him responding to people who are going out of their way to hate him
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:44 No.29866946

    Fuck you.

    As with my hands.


    Nope, it's bear.

    A human is bigger than a pony, I'm such when AJ knocked me down with a rip smashing buck after I threw Fluttershy away from me into a tree, she didn't expect the dimensions of my height.

    How Phunny
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:44 No.29866948
         File1316623487.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 39 KB, 400x400, 130978553424.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 39 KB
    I like humanized pony art, the same characters with the same personalities but human bodies. Fapping to this isn't furry.

    pic related
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 09/21/11(Wed)12:44 No.29866950
    I'm just saying.

    Thanks, I try.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 09/21/11(Wed)12:45 No.29866958
    You're fired. Clean out your desk, I want you out by noon.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:45 No.29866959

    It is evolutionarily unsound for one species to be attracted to a different one, since there is zero possibility to procreate. This shit is common knowledge, and anyone saying otherwise is either sick in the head, or very, VERY desperate to the point that they would put their dick in just about anything.

    I'm left to wonder then. /co/, could you be serious for a second and tell us exactly how long you would go without sex or sexual activity before you would consider fucking a pony from Equestria?
    I implore you to actually think about this. Don't just go "lol negative ten minutes!" but actually consider your mental and physical fortitude, or your capacity to preoccupy yourself with other things besides sex or stave it off for any amount of time.
    Also, the vast majority of people would not consider these tiny, big-eyed and colorful equine creatures viable partners realistically.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:45 No.29866963
    Don't tell me not to make bear puns while you make Stephen King puns.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:46 No.29866983
    Given that she can get pretty much to top speed in the blink of an eye, you're more likely to be the monster of the week than do any actual damage.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:46 No.29866988
    Not sure if you're joking or not, but the word you're looking for is "bare".
    Apologise if that was the joke and I'm just a dense blighter.
    >> Suckmyoff the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 09/21/11(Wed)12:46 No.29866992
    I would take my frustrations to my candy coloured grave.

    even if I did, how would you start it?

    so uh, twilight, you guys have vinegar rubs in this world?

    Im awkward enough as it is with sex
    >> Don Diego 09/21/11(Wed)12:47 No.29867002
    Dense doesn't even begin to cover you
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:47 No.29867005
    But she loves you. So what if she has hooves, not hands - the feeling is the same. For the same reasons. With the same results. Are you to throw away a lifetime of happiness because you think "it's not right, yet"?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:47 No.29867013

    Also, if any of you were actually given this opportunity right now, I guarantee you would not go through with it. Stop kidding yourselves if you think you will.
    >> RagingSemi !.7WdLd240M 09/21/11(Wed)12:47 No.29867018
    There's no evolutionary purpose for sitting in front of your computer, talking about MLP, yet you're doing it.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 09/21/11(Wed)12:47 No.29867019
         File1316623669.png-(60 KB, 337x360, 1314798170688.png)
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    Doesn't really matter if I discuss any of that stuff in my posts anyway. People flip out when I'm here just generally discussing the show.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:47 No.29867020
         File1316623670.png-(32 KB, 242x237, Dash mmm.png)
    32 KB
    More Dash please
    >> DocMelonhead !ILoj0yAalo 09/21/11(Wed)12:47 No.29867021
         File1316623673.png-(331 KB, 669x511, PonyPowerOfPureLOVE.png)
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    Hell they could use the full power of the Elements to fuse into a super Pony Goddess of PURE LOVE. Just when the magic of Friendship ISN'T enough, you have to tap into the POWER OF LOVE.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:48 No.29867030
         File1316623694.jpg-(162 KB, 1000x667, 1315167876157.jpg)
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    You should add to that list, they are going to be streaming every episode in HD.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)12:49 No.29867042
    Stop being such a victim dinofag gosh
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:49 No.29867044
    >thinking anybody is completely serious
    I think that in the event of magical transportation there, alone - as in, no other humans - finding companionship would be nice, and obviously there's only one real source. But these are cartoons, they're not real, it doesn't matter whether we totally overblow a mild attraction to full on waifufagging, because they aren't real.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:49 No.29867046
    I don't want that at all
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:49 No.29867052
    I'd go hang out with the "two bombs weren't enough" -group... and then watch it secretly anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:50 No.29867062

    Say one of them, maybe a background character, were open to the idea, but not actively invested in it.

    You can specify a main cast character if you -really- find their personality amazing, but again, they are horses and it would be astronomically rare that anyone would find them attractive from the get-go should they exist.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:50 No.29867068
    why does everyone assume i just want to whip out my dick and initiate intercourse with ponies? we don't even know each other yet. why won't you give me time to develop a romance first. it's just sex sex sex with you people.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:50 No.29867074
    I dunno, I think I would, if only from a "Hey, I'm probably never going to get another chance to do this ever, I'd hate to spend the rest of my life wondering"

    But then, I'd do that with a lot of things.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:51 No.29867088
         File1316623887.png-(74 KB, 418x337, Dash impressed.png)
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    god damnit you guys
    >> Suckmyoff the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 09/21/11(Wed)12:51 No.29867095
    I should imagine spending your life in equestria would fuck you up a slight bit, it just depends to which degree really.

    If it was a backgrounder it would be blues
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:52 No.29867106
    Their personalities are almost human. it'd start as friendship, obviously, you're in a foreign world, you ARE going to need friends if you want to not get yourself accidentally killed in some stupid way. It wouldn't just be running up to them naked as soon as you saw them.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 09/21/11(Wed)12:52 No.29867109
         File1316623951.png-(69 KB, 367x415, 52583.png)
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    I am not being a victim, I am pointing out the obvious.
    Do you want to hear being a victim?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:52 No.29867111
         File1316623961.jpg-(116 KB, 855x613, 1292188216392.jpg)
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    >Wake up early to go get ice cream cake
    >It's raining and I only brought shorts
    >Walk to store
    >Guy at counter is like "Hope you didn't come to buy what I just bought"
    >Ask what he bought
    >Shows me his cake
    >Sorry bro we only made one
    >Walk around store
    >Pick up cookies with bear hands
    >Realize I'm a bear
    >Go up to employee
    >maul him to death
    >take his cake
    >Walk out of store
    >Spaghetti that I saved from earlier falls out of my pocket
    >Everyone laughs at me
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:52 No.29867113
         File1316623975.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 415 KB, 1061x1500, d__don__t_stare__by_jessicaelw(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 415 KB

    Mouth fucked, japanese series, it'd be Fluttershy. My favorite humanized pony is Applejack, but the best one to be mouthfucked in a hentai would be Fluttershy.
    >> Duplex Fields 09/21/11(Wed)12:53 No.29867118
    Shut up Dino-Fag
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:53 No.29867129

    romance is just as much of a courting ritual as sex is. This is not new. If you want to romance someone, you would logically be open to the idea of sex in the future.
    That's how it's always been, and that's how it always will be so long as intelligent organisms live.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:53 No.29867131
    Pinkie Pie, you been to Rarity's coke stash again?
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)12:53 No.29867135
         File1316624039.png-(78 KB, 463x510, I CANT FEEL MY RIBS.png)
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    I like you.
    You can come over to my house and fuck my sister!
    >> Suckmyoff the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 09/21/11(Wed)12:54 No.29867141
    the best solution is just to drop this and ignore them, just like they should ignore you.

    Takes two to tango, just saiyan

    wheres this come from?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:54 No.29867147
         File1316624069.png-(80 KB, 357x318, 34623463526.png)
    80 KB
    Trying to lure us off the ponyfuck debate? Nice try, but next time use a better pony.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:55 No.29867155
         File1316624106.png-(85 KB, 170x315, rainbow_dash clothes annoyed.png)
    85 KB
    Dash is a fine pony.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:55 No.29867162
    I just wanted a rainbow dash image dump

    you fags are already busy arguing about romancing ponies
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:56 No.29867176
         File1316624174.jpg-(38 KB, 249x219, worst pony.jpg)
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    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 09/21/11(Wed)12:56 No.29867183
         File1316624191.gif-(69 KB, 180x250, 12989.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:56 No.29867188
         File1316624198.jpg-(87 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg)
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    U saddlesore, brah?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:56 No.29867189
         File1316624198.png-(128 KB, 700x700, System Shock.png)
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    >Walk into Sugar Cube Corner
    >Notice there is fur on everything.
    >Realize its a pony.

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:56 No.29867190
    It was even worse when they were debating the ethics of Dash's actions.
    >> Suckmyoff the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 09/21/11(Wed)12:57 No.29867212
    ponies have hair, dont they?
    is there a series?
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)12:57 No.29867213
    I am transported to an unknown time and place in a world I have zero control in, in a different dimension no less as I'll find out soon enough, in a universe where the laws of nature and reality are variably from extremely bent to curved, populated by sentient creatures that are more closely resembling Earth ponys, ruled by Alicorn demi gods, and influenced and governed by magic of all sorts, ever from gem producing organisms to celestial bodys being moved.

    I would be in a world so alien in the purest sense. I would have nothing other than sentients with the native population to cling onto sanity. But I also have virtues inside me to look to. Virtues that would help me in that trying time.

    I would never see anyone I ever cared or hated again. Everyone I ever knew would be unattainable for my entire life. The only human in a whole universe. Completely alone.

    I do not think I can answer this question with any kind of certainty or faithfulness without a extreme sense of arrogance. The only way I could answer it would be experience, and that is so implausible the universe will end before it can happen. But for the sake of this life, and for the here and now, I would have to say that, out of all the intelligent lifeforms on that Earth, that the chances of one that could connect with me in a way a human could likewise for me or for anyone else are slightly dampened by the state of affairs, ie, me being a alien in all forms of the word.

    I would say then, to the question; It depends. Depends on my mind set, on the mind set of the pony objectivity in question, and the state of affairs, if I could get back home or not, and the society in which has a powerful say in the matter.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:57 No.29867214
         File1316624277.png-(266 KB, 989x707, 1315167431638.png)
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    Didn't we reach a consensus that bitch be tricked and hypnosi-tized?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:58 No.29867215
    Dash is the worst pony on the show.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)12:58 No.29867217
    >my Sister doesnt exist
    >Claims to have fucked my sister
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:58 No.29867225
         File1316624301.png-(133 KB, 1085x906, 1315188278741.png)
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    >make my own sweets
    >never leave home
    >have no friends
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:58 No.29867227
         File1316624305.jpg-(54 KB, 800x600, 1314272016201.jpg)
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    You know home some people will just piss in the pool instead of getting out and going in a toilet?

    I wonder if pegasus ponies are the same way, but with the sky. It's not like their piss wouldl actually hit the ground, the stream would just break apart into a fine mist.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:59 No.29867241
         File1316624340.png-(448 KB, 1158x784, cartoonlion fluttershy twiligh(...).png)
    448 KB
    Oh Fluttershy, what did you do to her?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:59 No.29867246

    do you wonder that
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:59 No.29867257
    a small part pony urine in a raincloud would be undetectable
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:59 No.29867258

    I didn't know you guys are on the same shit level like Ponychan and EqD.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:59 No.29867259
    Search fluttershy on paheal.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:00 No.29867265
         File1316624402.png-(395 KB, 475x616, 1308624915483.png)
    395 KB
    Yeah, but then someone comes along who missed that discussion and starts it all over again.
    Also, there's someone dropping that "traitor" pic about once a thread, too.
    Commencing Dash dump, I guess.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, Proud buttloving brony consumer of pony excrement {37 kilograms consumed so far 09/21/11(Wed)13:00 No.29867272
         File1316624417.png-(522 KB, 2000x3400, 13-(n1303417150583).png)
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    3 Days until Twilight gets killed off and replaced by Derpy. She will say Muffins as a catch phrase and Dash will think it's 20% cool.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 09/21/11(Wed)13:01 No.29867286
    Nah, I'm an alpha, that's why there's WOLF in my name and NOT YOURS.

    Discord-influenced rape.
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)13:01 No.29867287

    I would like to think I am capable of at LEAST blind animistic rage given the state of mind I would be in, boarder line insanity.

    I don't care, bare, bear, it's all the same thing. SO long as it was understood what I meant.

    I hardly think anyone though I meant I had the animal, bear, hands on my hands.

    Go away.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:01 No.29867288
    Flutterbitch tag might help, too.
    >> Suckmyoff the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 09/21/11(Wed)13:01 No.29867295
    >be bullied
    >only friend is a little farm girl who also gets bullied
    >work hard on making sweets to escape from life
    >one day, get cutie mark
    >show best friend
    >ditches my ass, goes and finds other friends
    >the exact day I get cutie, it becomes uncool

    the world is so cruel to the jews
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:01 No.29867302
    That's propably because the people in question came here from the aforementioned shitholes.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:02 No.29867310
         File1316624536.png-(64 KB, 245x245, 1316367087314.png)
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    I don't want to know.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:02 No.29867313
         File1316624542.gif-(1.04 MB, 400x410, 1315421111942.gif)
    1.04 MB

    You are SO random!
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)13:02 No.29867317
    >> /co/mmander jesus, Proud buttloving brony consumer of pony excrement {37 kilograms consumed so far 09/21/11(Wed)13:02 No.29867319
    My name has JESUS in it. AND several other manly words.
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)13:03 No.29867326
         File1316624580.jpg-(36 KB, 500x363, 1313110176596.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:03 No.29867337
         File1316624612.png-(56 KB, 303x286, 1314011473685.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:03 No.29867342
    >always had a mind control fetish
    >finally get around to watching this episode

    Well that was awkward
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:04 No.29867345

    Good answer. Bravo adding the possible insanity variable, I didn't account for that.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:04 No.29867351
         File1316624674.jpg-(229 KB, 1314x898, 1303241168128.jpg)
    229 KB
    Hey guys, is it just me that thought Tay Zonday when watching the first few minutes of the first episode of the second series?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:04 No.29867353
         File1316624682.jpg-(226 KB, 600x600, 1305180305113.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:04 No.29867357
         File1316624694.png-(462 KB, 546x676, 1304882113301.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:04 No.29867359
    There's no point in going mad. All you can do is make a life for yourself there. Probably try and get home, but you can't do that alone. Maybe not ever. Maybe you will find a companion to be stranded with - maybe that's all it'd take for it to be bearable.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:05 No.29867360
    >Derpy having a retarded catchphrase
    >Rainbow Dash dies and thinks the catchphrase is 20% cooler

    I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:05 No.29867361
         File1316624701.png-(804 KB, 1568x1200, cartoonlion twilight_sparkle..png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:05 No.29867369
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    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 09/21/11(Wed)13:05 No.29867373
    >Proud buttloving brony consumer of pony excrement {37 kilograms consumed so far


    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:06 No.29867379
         File1316624769.jpg-(155 KB, 900x900, 1310375098306.jpg)
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    >> /co/mmander jesus, Proud buttloving brony consumer of pony excrement {37 kilograms consumed so far 09/21/11(Wed)13:06 No.29867389
    Let's see YOU consume all that pony excrement!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:06 No.29867392
         File1316624812.png-(1.01 MB, 1800x864, 131632762566-theaftermath.png)
    1.01 MB
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:06 No.29867394
    yeah, same. I think if I hadn't already broken at some point during the hiatus, that, as well as Pinkie's rather, er, graphic position early on, probably would have broken me. In the goddamn show.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:07 No.29867404
         File1316624839.jpg-(68 KB, 704x400, 1291039718994.jpg)
    68 KB
    Go back to /a/. They'll take your waifu bullshit, but not here.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:07 No.29867412
    Seems to be a few people in the thread in that boat, or at least the topic keeps coming up.

    ...Myself included.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:08 No.29867419
         File1316624881.png-(539 KB, 1481x837, fluttercry-damnyoudiscord.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:08 No.29867430
    I didn't realise it was such a common fetish. Either that, or the episode made a lot more of us.
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)13:09 No.29867432
    Indeed, the possibility of someone being forced into the greatest meaning of alienation possible can not go untold without insanity being possible.

    I mean, people go insane for comparably trivial reasons now, think about if they where forced to live in the second dimension.

    I know what your intentions are, you want me to fuck a pony.

    Not going to happen. I will not be your amuse.

    The only companion I'll ever admit to you, so you'll stop, is the companion cube.

    A answer so generic and yet so universely accepted you can not pervert or corrupt it.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 09/21/11(Wed)13:09 No.29867435
    I'm pretty sure you just ask Faceless for help.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:10 No.29867450

    as much as I hate you faggots this is more important a guy posted a heart crushingly sad story in another thread and hes being ridiculed because it contains ponies

    if you horsefuckers have any humanity at all youll back this guy up

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:10 No.29867453

    See, this is what I was talking about here >>29866959 with the "sick in the head" clause.

    Yes. Yes it fucking matters. Are you retarded? You're already crazy if you're being serious, so why not add on one more?
    The whole "it's not about looks" bullshit that you learned from Disney movies is horseshit, pure and simple. Physical attraction has A LOT to do with love, more than one might think. It all boils down to our evolutionary makeup. The human race would never have survived if we were attracted to ugly or inhuman things. Get over it.
    >> Faceless !derpvGeSf. 09/21/11(Wed)13:10 No.29867459
         File1316625020.png-(441 KB, 796x695, 131048589771.png)
    441 KB
    Nobody would blame you.
    I mean, who could resist?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:10 No.29867463
    Companionship doesn't have to be sexual, you could just be very close friends. It gets cold in a winter night without complex heating systems - do you really want to spend those alone?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:10 No.29867465
         File1316625039.png-(146 KB, 496x422, 1314917142298.png)
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    Stop ruining my manchildhood...
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 09/21/11(Wed)13:10 No.29867467
         File1316625046.jpg-(19 KB, 320x314, 131633153185.jpg)
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    That fetish has been around for ages.

    >> Suckmyoff the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 09/21/11(Wed)13:11 No.29867471
    how many did he do? jesus christ.
    whats the best way of saying I wont defend your fanfic?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:11 No.29867486
         File1316625102.png-(92 KB, 303x345, 1310934278425.png)
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    Did someone say pony excrement? I'm pretty sure I heard someone say pony excrement.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:11 No.29867487
    And yet the same argument applies to homosexuality, and that's found in over 400 species, including our own.

    No, of course I'm not serious about wanting to fuck a pony
    >> /co/mmander jesus, Proud buttloving brony consumer of pony excrement {37 kilograms consumed so far 09/21/11(Wed)13:12 No.29867492
    Nah, I'm good
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:12 No.29867497
    Well, yeah, I know it's been around for ages and is comparatively popular, but it's come up in conversation quite a lot.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:13 No.29867509
    mmm, nah.
    no humanity here boss.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:14 No.29867528


    what a faggot

    who the hell watches a show they hate just because a character reminds them of someone?

    that guy needs psychiatric help
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:14 No.29867530
         File1316625281.png-(10 KB, 450x400, 423.png)
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    >crushed innocence Twilight
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)13:16 No.29867552
    My god, are you still talking?

    Again, agreed. However, when anon talks about companionship, it's always sexual.

    I will never open up or speak from the heart in a casual manner to a anon. Or a tripfag. Or a namefag. Or anyone.

    Because I know you fuckers will make it hurt, like you have done the past year with ponys

    Oh, and that story?

    If some shit happened to me, like that, I wouldn't go on 4chan and expect a human response, unless I shoved the reality down it's throat with pictures, new articles, documents, anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:16 No.29867558

    Not really. Your still attracted to homo sapiens, and not a different creature entirely. It makes sense if you swing that way, and actually it's been hypothesized that, in old times, families that had homosexual relatives survived better (supposedly because, having no children of their own, they were better equipped to help the rest of their family with their kids), so it might make sense evolutionarily. However, this is currently unproven, but it's a nice thought.
    >> Faceless !derpvGeSf. 09/21/11(Wed)13:17 No.29867575
         File1316625452.png-(52 KB, 310x310, 131016497429.png)
    52 KB
    "Still" isn't quite exactly the word I would use.

    Regenerative abilities. Quite useful. So don't be afraid to be rrrrrough~
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:17 No.29867580
         File1316625477.gif-(178 KB, 400x300, 1315675056350.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:17 No.29867581
         File1316625479.jpg-(5 KB, 273x59, captcha1.jpg)
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    She'll be fine, when she grows up she'll be the sexiest pony in Ponyville. Gingers always start out awkward and end up smoking hot.

    > Jews

    Speaking of which, here's what my captcha was
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 09/21/11(Wed)13:19 No.29867610
    >regenerative abilities
    This explains a lot. Cupcakes, contextualized!

    what would you do with your own personal, unkillable Rainbow Dash, /co/?
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)13:20 No.29867617
         File1316625623.jpg-(43 KB, 729x445, THE MAN WITHA GOLDEN WHY.jpg)
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    You make me sick to be human. And alive.

    I would fuck a Krogen over thrice before I even consider snuggling you Faceless.
    >> Suckmyoff the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 09/21/11(Wed)13:20 No.29867622
    I would rather have my own children, even adopted, than raise my nephews (not that they arent great), but I do see where you are coming from with this.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)13:21 No.29867628
    Does she still feel pain?
    this is important
    >> Jessy 09/21/11(Wed)13:21 No.29867636
         File1316625695.png-(4 KB, 185x197, ok.png)
    4 KB
    I have no idea what's happening in this thread, and I doubt I would want to know.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:21 No.29867638
    True, there are a lot of theories that make sense from an evolutionary point of view. A different tack, then - we've moved beyond just acting on instinct. Obviously it still plays a massive part, but it no longer tells the whole story. Xenophillia doesn't seem so unreasonable in light of that, especially if somebody's lived their entire life being exposed to them.

    And, of course, that's not even considering more esoteric methods of conception - who knows how advanced magic is in that area, for example.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 09/21/11(Wed)13:21 No.29867641

    Otherwise, what would be the fun of it?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:22 No.29867649

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:22 No.29867654
    We are apparently discussing if people like to fuck ponies.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:22 No.29867657
         File1316625765.png-(132 KB, 414x482, 456723464.png)
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    Oh right, I was dumping Dash. Sorry guy that requested it, attention span of a gnat over here.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:23 No.29867660
    Oh that's right, you're still sort of new here, aren't you?

    Welcome to MLP generals, enjoy your stay.

    so which pony would you fuck?

    also, how sexy do you think faceless is?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:23 No.29867665
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:23 No.29867668
    Ride her.
    in both ways

    but most of the time I'd want a friend, not a toy. I'd probably tell her that she can do what she wants, I couldn't live with myself otherwise. And then she'd probably practice insane stunts, given that she can't die.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:23 No.29867675
    You know what?

    I want a villain who hates losing, just like Rainbow Dash.

    Heck, he even refuses to lose, after he got kamehameha-blasted with the elements of harmony.
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)13:24 No.29867683
    I don't.

    There's a difference between Earth ponys and the MLP kind. The kind that can't talk. And think. And reason.

    Same difference between humans and apes.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:24 No.29867687
    I think Applejack listened to the apples because she had faith in Celestia's garden
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)13:25 No.29867699
    In that case, I'd probably fight her, and it wouldnt matter how hard I kicked her ass. then we'd be bros for life and fight each other and also crime
    Or option b if shes a pussy: Tie her up n my basement, and use a knife to create a new hole to fuck for every day of the year!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:25 No.29867700
    It's sort of implied that people mean marshmallow ponies whenever they say "ponies"

    I don't think any of us want to fuck real ponies, and even if they do, here isn't really the place to talk about it, I'm sure those guys have their own places.
    >> Dino-Fag; Connoisseur of Pony Poop 09/21/11(Wed)13:25 No.29867705
         File1316625916.png-(9 KB, 527x429, 1316496147088.png)
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    this is the most obnoxious, vapid, and poorly edited piece of shit i've ever seen in my life!

    jesus fucking christ
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:25 No.29867706
         File1316625927.jpg-(245 KB, 1093x576, 1303487593298.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:25 No.29867711
    What is this supposed to be anyway
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:25 No.29867717
    How can I fucking read It's Dangerous business when you all are posting so much? Fuck, I can't keep up with this!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:26 No.29867719
    >option B
    Woah, Roogna, didn't think you rolled that way. That's pretty fucked up, man.
    >> Faceless !derpvGeSf. 09/21/11(Wed)13:26 No.29867722
         File1316625967.png-(290 KB, 900x1238, 1315734634538.png)
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    Am I not... attractive enough for you?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:26 No.29867727
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)13:26 No.29867729
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:26 No.29867730
         File1316626001.png-(2.08 MB, 1200x3249, 1314532980835.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:27 No.29867736
    Dose of grimdark for idiots who don't realize the entire point of MLP is lightheartedness. Remake of the first 2 episodes so they are..darker or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:27 No.29867738
    >ten posts every five minutes
    Yeah, man, sure is a racetrack in here.

    Pay attention to DB, it's more stimulating than anything you're going to read in here.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, Proud buttloving brony consumer of pony excrement {37 kilograms consumed so far 09/21/11(Wed)13:27 No.29867740
    43 minutes? I think I'm better off not knowing.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:28 No.29867750
    And HOW is it supposed to be grimdark?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:28 No.29867765

    I can fix that for you. Where is your mom?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:28 No.29867766
         File1316626124.jpg-(49 KB, 359x269, twicry.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:28 No.29867769
    The colours are all darker, a lot of the jokes have been removed, that sorta useless shit.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 09/21/11(Wed)13:28 No.29867770
    Well, for one thing, it's, um... actually darker. So there's that.

    He also added horribly inappropriate music to many of the scenes, and, um... removed most of the jokes.

    So... yeah.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 09/21/11(Wed)13:29 No.29867772
         File1316626156.png-(79 KB, 437x600, 129827984840-1298158802-(n1298(...).png)
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    What in [insert deity here]'s name is going on in here?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:29 No.29867774

    I guess. We've never encountered another species with our same vocal-cord structure with the capacity to learn English or any other human language, so it would be difficult to tell what would happen given this hypothetical scenario.

    Then again, in a world of magic they can do absolutely anything because... they don't have to explain shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:29 No.29867781
    Does he also wear a golden armor and wears shiny things to show how much of a winner he is?

    Then sure.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:29 No.29867783
    I have no idea
    It's not grimdark but anyway, quoting description:
    I was aware that i could not cut out all the jokes and make it into some grimdark movie, but that wasnt my goal. Instead, it was important to me that the serious moments in the episode stay serious and are not interrupted by jokes that ruin the mood (which is why i cut out alot of pinkie). To create a more "epic" and "cinematic" feel to the entire thing, i also enhanced the animation in some scenes (most notably the end fight). Additionally to that, i tweaked the art style alittle.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:29 No.29867784
    >> RagingSemi !.7WdLd240M 09/21/11(Wed)13:30 No.29867797
    >Dose of grimdark for idiots who don't realize the entire point of MLP is lightheartedness.

    Isn't the entire point of FiM rather the opposite of that? Just because it's a girl's show, it doesn't mean they can't have serious adventures and villains and threatening situations?

    If it was all about lightheartedness, it would be Strawberry Shortcake.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:30 No.29867804
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 09/21/11(Wed)13:31 No.29867808
    >tweaked the art style
    he means
    >made it darker
    I watched about twenty minutes of it and wished more than anything that I could have them back.

    This coming from someone who spends time in MLP Generals.
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)13:31 No.29867810
    I wish I could comfort rape victim twiight
    If she werent such a gigantic fucking pussy about it
    >> Dino-Fag; Connoisseur of Pony Poop 09/21/11(Wed)13:31 No.29867812
         File1316626275.png-(55 KB, 400x400, 1316564890523.png)
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    did i mention vapid and obnoxious?
    there's like, fuckin' gurren lagann music played over the scene where twilight and spike are heading to ponyville by carriage. and it's so loud you can barely hear what they're saying

    that PLUS this stupid darker borders overlay

    that PLUS some weird bloom and red filter

    i should re edit the video with a HUD and gunshot noises. REALISM!

    >gilda tells it how it is
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:31 No.29867817
         File1316626281.png-(Spoiler Image, 539 KB, 840x1080, scattity scatadoo.png)
    Spoiler Image, 539 KB
    >posting Misses Cake
    >final destination
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:31 No.29867819
         File1316626293.jpg-(72 KB, 600x454, 1306852671567.jpg)
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    >Alter colors
    >Remove jokes
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:31 No.29867820
    Well, magic is still limited in what it can do, MLP magic moreso than most, even.

    And yeah, it's really a totally hypothetical situation we really don't have anywhere near enough data to properly speculate on. I just think absolutes like "If you can even imagine ever loving one, you're fucked up" are based on far too little evidence
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:31 No.29867823

    You want grimdark ponies? Well, how about this?
    >> Suckmyoff the fifth and final goon !KkyWm0AORY 09/21/11(Wed)13:31 No.29867825
    nor, for that matter, a species with the same level of large scale social interaction we have.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:32 No.29867833
    >removing the jokes
    I... why does he even like the show?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:32 No.29867837
         File1316626342.jpg-(55 KB, 645x645, cde25df9cd0c307f66d2887cbea1f3(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:32 No.29867842

    I specified magic marshmallow ponies from Equestria in my thread-derailing post, so no, not ponies from our universe.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 09/21/11(Wed)13:32 No.29867858
    Oh, we're posting grimdark ponies now?
    >> Dino-Fag; Connoisseur of Pony Poop 09/21/11(Wed)13:33 No.29867860
    >the guy refers to himself as a "Brony"
    he doesn't, that's why
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:33 No.29867861
    Not really, it was to show a show for little girls could actually be good. It's still lighthearted, even at the darkest of times.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 09/21/11(Wed)13:33 No.29867864
    I'm thinking it's more like he likes the show but is anal pained that Discord isn't a grimdark murdering mirror version of the main six, so he's trying to rectify it by making the episode more grimdark.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:33 No.29867869
    Is it ever even implied that something exist beyond Equiestria? Like other kingdoms?
    >> Jessy 09/21/11(Wed)13:34 No.29867878
    Because I had nothing better to do.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:34 No.29867879
    Does anyone know a mythical creature who is greedy as fuck?
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 09/21/11(Wed)13:34 No.29867881
         File1316626464.jpg-(304 KB, 1280x1024, BrokenDash.jpg)
    304 KB
    Well, okay then.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:34 No.29867884

    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)13:34 No.29867893
    >> sentenal01 !hGwu9EraNI 09/21/11(Wed)13:35 No.29867895
         File1316626504.jpg-(48 KB, 481x501, 1315879512107.jpg)
    48 KB
    I have to go now, I have a broken branch I have to take down 20 feet in the air.Fuck gravity. Fuck gravity up the ass. I would give up all I am just so I could manipulate matter in a zero G field.
    >> Dino-Fag; Connoisseur of Pony Poop 09/21/11(Wed)13:35 No.29867899
         File1316626518.jpg-(51 KB, 640x487, dinofag gets a new chewtoy.jpg)
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    oh boy i love that video
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:35 No.29867901
         File1316626520.jpg-(2.3 MB, 3000x2153, 345623467.jpg)
    2.3 MB
    Thanks for reminding me to go look for the attatched picture so I could actually save it this time.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 09/21/11(Wed)13:35 No.29867904
         File1316626528.jpg-(263 KB, 900x900, PsychoDash.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:35 No.29867907
         File1316626534.jpg-(135 KB, 800x523, 96ccbe46624ec7505c2f79f4a20940(...).jpg)
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    Clean! Purify! Love!
    >> RagingSemi !.7WdLd240M 09/21/11(Wed)13:35 No.29867908
    The first few episodes of both seasons are particularly grimdark by the standards of little girl cartoons.

    The mother figure is imprisoned. Perpetual night is threatened. Cloudsdale is shown to be falling, threatening the deaths of thousands. A manticore attacks the ponies.

    It ain't tea parties and sunshine.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:35 No.29867912
    Dragons are greedy and covetous, and obsessed with increasing their treasure hoards.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:36 No.29867919
    Wow, that's really well done.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 09/21/11(Wed)13:36 No.29867920
         File1316626563.jpg-(195 KB, 894x894, the_miracle_of_twilight_by_joh(...).jpg)
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    Though I don't know if this one counts as grimdark.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:36 No.29867930















    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:36 No.29867935
    But it's still lighthearted, they're laughing and joking and smiling throughout - it's not an absolute.
    >> NTSTS !Taxif57b8c 09/21/11(Wed)13:36 No.29867936
    I think we need a seperation between
    >actual grimdark
    >not filled with candy and marshmallows

    Having slightly more serious themes does not a grimdark make.
    >> Faceless !derpvGeSf. 09/21/11(Wed)13:36 No.29867939
    See you later loverboy! Mwwwwah!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:37 No.29867946
    >dat lack of MLP General in subject line
    who let dinofag make a thread?
    >> MIGHTY ROOGNA, SUPER Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiously Long-MANED(Named) !WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 09/21/11(Wed)13:37 No.29867957
    Doesnt matter, has the words "my little pony" in the post
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:38 No.29867966
    I lol'd at the topic though.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:38 No.29867974
    it's still bad form, some /co/mrades filter based on subject line

    don't defend his faggotry, roogna, you're better than that
    >> RagingSemi !.7WdLd240M 09/21/11(Wed)13:38 No.29867975
    >they're laughing and joking and smiling throughout

    When they're not screaming and crying and trembling with fear, sure.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:38 No.29867977
    can't spell keywordfag without "fag"!
    >> Dino-Fag; Connoisseur of Pony Poop 09/21/11(Wed)13:38 No.29867978
    i'm diggin' this something fierce
    >dat smoothness
    how long did it take to do?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:40 No.29868002
    pony and equestria are keywords, dumbdumb
    >> Jessy 09/21/11(Wed)13:41 No.29868019
    Probably 40-50 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:43 No.29868063
    New thread?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:44 No.29868078
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:45 No.29868101

    New thread

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:46 No.29868134
    we already have one fucknugget

    delete your shit
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:46 No.29868155
    We've already moved over to.

    Mind deleting yours?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:48 No.29868209

    >no keywords
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:50 No.29868263
    reported for being a colossal faggot on top of being a gigantic retard
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)13:53 No.29868314
    It has "pony" and "Equestria" in the OP. Both are keywords.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)14:11 No.29868730
    Haha oh wow.
    The other thread got deleted.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)14:12 No.29868733
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)14:12 No.29868753
    so...this thread's getting reused?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)14:14 No.29868782
    We have a perfectly good thread here:
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)14:14 No.29868790
    This thread's dead already, I assume we're moving over to the Anon's earlier duplicate thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)14:24 No.29869026
    Isaac get your ass over here


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