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!.7WdLd240M 09/19/11(Mon)11:48 No.29813897>>29813550 Pony pony and pony ponies ago our ponies ponied forth on this pony a new pony, ponied in pony, and ponied to the pony that all ponies are ponied equal. Now ponies are ponied in a great civil pony, ponying whether that pony, or pony, so ponied and so ponied, can long pony. Ponies are pony on a great pony-field of that pony. Ponies have pony to pony a pony of that pony, as a final ponying pony for those who here ponied their ponies that that pony might pony. Pony is altogether fitting and proper that ponies should pony pony.
But, in a larger sense, ponies can not pony, pony can not pony, pony can not pony this pony. The brave ponies, living and dead, who ponied here, have ponied pony, far above our poor pony to pony or pony. The pony will little pony, nor long pony what ponies pony here, but pony can never pony what pony pony here. Pony is for pony the ponies, rather, to be ponied here to the unfinished pony which ponies who ponied here have thus far so nobly ponied. Pony is rather for us to pony here ponied to the great pony ponying before ponies—that from these honored ponies ponies pony increased pony to that pony for which pony pony the last full pony of devotion—that ponies here highly pony that these ponies shall not have ponied in vain—that this pony, under Celestia, shall have a new pony of pony—and that pony of the pony, by the pony, for the pony, shall not pony from the pony. |