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09/17/11(Sat)17:18 No.29759852I rather doubt Discord ever had the Elements of Harmony, and for that matter, I rather doubt Celestia had them locked up.
They got smashed to bits in s1e2, only to reform around each of the ponies that had the traits for them. The elements didn't even retain their original physical forms. I hypothesize that the gems were only a minor outward manifestation of the elements. This means that the gems are pretty much pointless to hold, steal, or lock up. The true power is contained within the ones who have the capacity to use them, so Discord's little scavenger hunt was a complete sham. There were no elements in the hedge maze until the mane six brought the elements- themselves -into Discord's game, where he systematically countered all of them. Spectacular planning on his part.
I'm going to predict that in s2e2, it's going to focus mostly on the ponies being too ashamed of what happened to even look at each other, then having all of Discord's lies come true because of what they're now doing (Such as everyone splitting up as in Applejack's vision, Pinkie Pie getting laughed at for being such a grouch, or Cloudsdale falling apart because RD wasn't there when her friends needed her). They eventually break free from Discord's enchantment by realizing that, yes, they royally screwed up and want to be their old selves again. Cue round of apologizing and teambuilding. Thus emboldened, they go to take on Discord, elements or no elements. Discord tries to trick them again, but they will have none of his shenanigans. He starts sweating yet says he still can't be beaten without the elements, then someone plays Captain Planet and leaps out to say "The power is YOUUUURRRSSS!" The elements pop out of each of them, and cue ultimate rainbow seizure magic as Discord gets taken out like last week's trash.
Capcha: victory floceedo |