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Country Girl
08/22/11(Mon)03:23 No.28956851 File1313997817.jpg-(34 KB, 369x501, braeburn.jpg)
 "It's hot, it's dirty, I hate it." she counted off, stamping her foot on the dusty wooden floor with each point she made against the town. Braeburn frowned, stepping forward and attempting to placate the picky white unicorn. "Rarity, miss, please, it's only for a few days. Why don't we go out and see a show?" "A show? You know there aren't any theaters in Appleloosa!" She groaned, increasingly irritated. "I mean like a rodeo!" the young colt smiled hopefully. "THAT'S what passes for a show around here?" She stepped back dramatically, as though the very idea had been like a physical strike against her. Her eyes were wide, he tone strained. "Hey now, it ain't that bad! An' if you don't like that, there's plenty of ways to pass the time. I mean, y'could... uh, for starters..." The unicorn stamped the floor, throwing her head back in distress. "NOTHING! There's nothing to do in this redneck little town!" She suddenly put both her hooves over her mouth, blushing. Braeburn stared, mouth agape, looking hurt. Rarity stepped forward, quickly. Her sudden temper faded more quickly than it had come, and her tone was overcome with sympathy. She put a hoof against his side. "Braeburn, I'm so sorry! Please, I shouldn't have-" He shrugged off her touch. "Naw, you're right. Town like this is real rough 'round the edges. Jus' like me." Rarity looked at him almost ashamedly, apologetic sympathy painting her expression. "I should'a known better than to ask you to come all the way out here again. You're a fine young filly, an' you deserve fine things. This isn't worth your time." He sighed, sitting down heavily. "There's nothin' for you in a dirty ol' town like this." He felt her hoof against his shoulder, glanced up dejectedly. She stood beside him, and gently planted a warm kiss on his nose, leaving the colt rather speechless. "Yes, there is," she smiled softly. |