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07/31/11(Sun)06:03 No.28233906 File1312106609.gif-(114 KB, 200x200, 079e7b18e379371d1916f41163145e(...).gif)
>>28233849 But at least The Party Hasn't Ended demonstrated the characters actually falling for each other! At least Pinkie already has a canonically amicable with Dash! It's not as if the ship is completely cracky and off-the-wall!
Out in the Cold, however, is just poorly written. It starts out with Trixie - A character who, in the show, has no particular liking for Twilight - Already 'broken' and needy; already in love with Twilight - Who, it should be mentioned, immediately reciprocates her love, DESPITE the fact that Trixie had acted like a total asshole the last time they'd met each other!
Seriously, the fact that Out in the Cold is considered a good MLP fanfic says a lot about the state of both fanfiction and the fandom at large. |