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!WzP52ANGRY!!WN/xeQtBCUr 07/18/11(Mon)18:43 No.27825133 File1311029030.jpg-(110 KB, 1189x711, Trix 8.jpg)
 >>27825009 Trixie has found a store. Its a strange place to set up a place of buisiness, but no matter. From it, Trixie bought a staff that allowed her to channel energy from her surroundings into her magic. this, however, is taxing on Trixies stamina, she She will try to use it sparingly. Fortunately, Nearby was a pair of rings, one that energized Trixie, giving her much more magical energy to cast with, and another that makes Trixie's Ice magic much more powerful, should she learn any, that is. |