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06/30/11(Thu)15:03 No.27293960 File1309460593.gif-(1.1 MB, 298x301, 1309399288166.gif)
Hurr durr story idea.
Rainbow Dash gets fed up with her friends one day, but while trying to get away from them, she ends up visiting an alternate reality where she never pulled off the Sonic Rainboom as a filly. In this other universe, Rarity is the ruler of the Diamond Dogs, Applejack is a snobby Manehattan lady who wants to turn Sweet Apple Acres into a mega-corporation, Pinkie Pie manages the rock farm and a big, badass pony who's miserable all the time, Fluttershy let her inner anger and frustration with her Cloudsdale life overtake her, and she ran away from home and ended up joining the Shadowbolts and dying her hair black, and this universe's Rainbow Dash had her wings torn off in an accident and is a self-loathing wreck, and her rainbow mane has turned completely white and she has no cutie mark.
Meanwhile Trixie became Celestia's apprentice instead of Twilight, who ended up joining the Cult of the Moon and was the pony responsible for freeing Nightmare Moon. When Trixie and the universe's alternate ponies try to find the Elements of Harmony, Twilight and Nightmare Moon find and murder them. Rainbow Dash is so horrified she's forced to find her way back to her own reality where she tearfully reunites with her friends. And the moral is appreciate all the nice things you have. |